New Rider: Myhealthplus Option A-Ii and Option C-Ii: Product Information

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Product Information

MyHealthPlus is a rider to MyShield that provides complementary protection on top of what MyShield covers,
specifically to meet your needs to reduce the uncertainty of out-of-pocket expenses in your MyShield policy.

Benefits Schedule in SG Dollars

Plan 1 Plan 2 Plan 3
Hospital ward type Any standard ward Any standard ward Any 4-bed (B1) standard
of a private of a restructured ward of a restructured
hospital hospital hospital
Option A-II Benefits
(a) Co-insurance benefit Covers 50% of MyShield co-insurance
S$3,000 per policy year1
(Panel specialist in a private hospital (with certificate of pre-authorisation
(b) Maximum co-insurance
or pre-arranged appointment), restructured hospital, community hospital,
(payable by policyholder)
subsidised centre for kidney dialysis, panel private dialysis centres or
panel overseas hospital)
(c) Critical illness – related benefit
S$10,000 per lifetime
(i) Critical illness benefit2
(only applies if the life assured has crossed his first birthday and
is not older than 65 years old age next birthday)
(ii) Additional critical illness benefit for kidney failure3 if kidney dialysis is received at:
Panel private dialysis centre4 N.A.
per lifetime
Restructured hospital S$3,000
S$2,000 per lifetime
per lifetime
Subsidised centre4
(d) Hospital-related benefits5
Covers 50% of MyShield annual deductible after policyholder
(i) Ward downgrade benefit
pays MyHealthPlus annual deductible
(ii) Ambulance fees or
S$80 per injury or illness
transport to hospital6
(iii) Accommodation charges
S$80 per day S$65 per day S$50 per day
for parent/guardian of child
up to 10 days up to 10 days up to 5 days
life assured7
(iv) Post-hospital follow-up S$50 per visit up to 180 days after discharge
TCM treatment8 (for inpatient admission due to an accident)
(e) Free cover for child(ren)9 Yes N.A.

Aviva Ltd 4 Shenton Way #01-01 SGX Centre 2 Singapore 068807 Tel: (65) 6827 7988 Fax: (65) 6827 7900
Company Reg. No.: 196900499K GST Reg. No: MR-8500166-8 Page 1 of 9
Benefits Schedule in SG Dollars
Plan 1 Plan 2 Plan 3
Hospital ward type Any standard ward Any standard ward Any 4-bed (B1) standard
of a private of a restructured ward of a restructured
hospital hospital hospital
Option A-II Benefits
(f) Accidental cover for child
S$1,000 per lifetime
(g) Advanced benefits under MyShield
(i) Inpatient congenital
anomalies (after a waiting As charged
period of 12 months)
(ii) Post-hospital treatment11 As charged up to 180 days after discharge
Extended Post-hospital As charged up to 365 days after discharge
(Panel specialist11 in a private hospital (with certificate of pre-authorisation
treatment11 or pre-arranged appointment), restructured hospital
or community hospital)
(iii) Stay in a community hospital As charged up to 60 days per policy year
(iv) Accident inpatient dental
As charged up to 31 days following the accident
(v) Waiver of pro-ration factor12 As charged
benefit for outpatient kidney N.A. (if kidney dialysis is received at a panel
dialysis private dialysis centre3)
(h) Global treatment for six covered S$1,250,000
illnesses and medical per policy year
procedures13: and
- cancer treatment
per lifetime
- coronary artery by-pass (Panel overseas
surgery hospital with
- heart valve replacement or certificate of pre-
repair authorisation)
- inter-cranial and specific
spinal cord surgery MyShield annual
deductible and
- live-donor organ transplant
MyShield co-
- bone marrow transplant insurance

Option C-II Benefits

(a) All benefits under Option A-II
according to the life assured’s
plan excluding free cover for Covered
child(ren) and ward downgrade
(b) Preferred rate for child(ren)14 Yes N.A.
Covers MyShield annual deductible after policyholder pays
(c) Deductible benefit
MyHealthPlus annual deductible

Aviva Ltd 4 Shenton Way #01-01 SGX Centre 2 Singapore 068807 Tel: (65) 6827 7988 Fax: (65) 6827 7900
Company Reg. No.: 196900499K GST Reg. No: MR-8500166-8 Page 2 of 9
Benefits Schedule in SG Dollars
Plan 1 Plan 2 Plan 3
Hospital ward type Any standard ward Any standard ward Any 4-bed (B1) standard
of a private of a restructured ward of a restructured
hospital hospital hospital
MyHealthPlus annual deductible
Class C ward S$120
Class B2 / B2+ ward S$150
Class B1 ward S$200
Class A ward S$300
Subsidised short stay ward S$150
Unsubsidised short stay ward S$300
Hospital outside Singapore
Non-panel specialist in a private S$2,000
Panel specialist in a private S$1,000
hospital / panel overseas hospital (with certificate of pre-authorisation or pre-arranged appointment)
Panel specialist in a private S$2,000
hospital (without certificate of pre-authorisation or pre-arranged appointment)
Restructured hospital /
Community hospital
Hospital outside
Non-panel specialist in a
private hospital
Panel specialist in a
private hospital / panel
(with certificate of pre-authorisation or pre-arranged appointment)
overseas hospital
Panel specialist in a S$1,000
private hospital (without certificate of pre-authorisation or pre-arranged appointment)

1 The maximum co-insurance is accumulated across panel specialist in a private hospital (with certificate of pre-authorisation
or pre-arranged appointment), panel private dialysis centre, subsidised centre for kidney dialysis, panel overseas hospital,
restructured hospital and community hospital and does not include the co-insurance accumulated under panel specialist in a
private hospital (without certificate of pre-authorisation or pre-arranged appointment).
2 If the critical illness diagnosed is Major Cancers, Coronary Artery By-pass Surgery, Angioplasty & Other Invasive Treatment
for Coronary Artery, Other Serious Coronary Artery Disease and/or Heart Attack of Specified Severity, the critical illness
benefit is payable only if diagnosis is made after a waiting period of 90 days from the cover start date or last reinstatement
date, whichever is later.
Additional critical illness benefit for kidney failure will be covered based on the type of centre or hospital at which the life
assured receives the dialysis.
4The approved list of panel private kidney dialysis centres and subsidised centres can be found at
5 As long as we make a payment for a claim under MyShield (other than MediShield Life) and/or deductible benefit of
6 We pay this benefit as long as the life assured is admitted as an inpatient within 24 hours of arrival at the hospital, for
treatment of an illness or injury covered under MyShield.
7 Child life assured refers to the life assured who is below 19 years old at age next birthday.
8 TCM treatment includes the cost of consultation, acupuncture, scrapping, cupping and tui na, but not the cost of medication.
The inpatient admission before the post-hospital follow-up TCM treatment must be the result of an accident. We will not pay
for any post-hospital follow-up TCM treatment following an inpatient treatment in community hospital.
9 Based on benefits under Option A-II Plan 2, up to 20 years old at age next birthday, provided both parents are covered
under either MyShield Plan 1 or Plan 2 and covered under either MyHealthPlus Option A or Option C or Option A-II or

Aviva Ltd 4 Shenton Way #01-01 SGX Centre 2 Singapore 068807 Tel: (65) 6827 7988 Fax: (65) 6827 7900
Company Reg. No.: 196900499K GST Reg. No: MR-8500166-8 Page 3 of 9
Option C-II, whichever is applicable.
10We will pay this benefit in cash if the life assured (below 19 years old at the time of the accident) sustains a fracture to the
skull, spine, pelvis, femur or hip as a result of an accident. We will only pay this benefit once during the lifetime of the life
assured no matter how many fractures are sustained.
11Post-hospitaltreatment will be covered based on the type of specialist and hospital at the date of the life assured’s
admission to hospital. The approved list of panel specialist can be found at
12Pro-ration factor is the applicable percentage as shown in MyShield benefits schedule.
13Details on this benefit and treatment arrangements can be found at
14Child(ren)covered under Option C-II benefits will pay a preferred rate under Option C-II plan 2, up to 20 years old at age
next birthday, provided both parents are covered under either MyShield plan 1 or plan 2 and covered under either
MyHealthPlus Option A or Option C or Option A-II or Option C-II, whichever is applicable.

Premium Rates

This policy is not a Medisave-approved policy and you may not use Medisave to pay the premium for this policy.

The premium payable is based on the life assured’s age next birthday at the cover start date and will increase
when he/she enters into the next age band. The plan chosen must be the same as MyShield and premium must
be paid by cash. In the event that the life assured’s plan is wrongly selected and found to be different from his
MyShield plan, and the premium paid is insufficient, we will collect any shortfall in premium in cash or deduct
the shortfall from any claim amount payable under your policy. Premium rates are not guaranteed and may
increase at policy renewal at our full discretion.

MyHealthPlus Option A-II – ANNUAL PREMIUM

Annual Premium per person in Singapore Dollars (Inclusive of 7% GST)
Age Next Age Next
Plan 1 Plan 2 Plan 3 Plan 1 Plan 2 Plan 3
Birthday Birthday
1 to 20 84.00 46.00 31.00 76 to 78* 1,021.00 770.00 598.00
21 to 30 136.00 48.00 37.00 79 to 80* 1,055.00 786.00 610.00
31 to 40 155.00 61.00 43.00 81 to 83* 1,073.00 802.00 628.00
41 to 45 164.00 108.00 86.00 84 to 85* 1,090.00 810.00 641.00
46 to 50 179.00 123.00 106.00 86 to 88* 1,108.00 825.00 653.00
51 to 55 254.00 165.00 139.00 89 to 90* 1,177.00 848.00 659.00
56 to 60 410.00 275.00 236.00 91 to 93* 1,274.00 959.00 688.00
61 to 65 661.00 491.00 428.00 94 to 95* 1,511.00 1,186.00 786.00
66 to 70 891.00 670.00 521.00 96 to 98* 1,685.00 1,329.00 859.00
71 to 73 972.00 739.00 586.00 99 and up * 1,946.00 1,422.00 919.00
74 to 75 1,004.00 747.00 598.00

MyHealthPlus Option C-II – ANNUAL PREMIUM

Annual Premium per person in Singapore Dollars (Inclusive of 7% GST)
Age Next Age Next
Plan 1 Plan 2 Plan 3 Plan 1 Plan 2 Plan 3
Birthday Birthday
1 to 20^ 168.00
1 to 20 730.00 214.00 176.00 76 to 78* 3,481.00 1,751.00 1,338.00
21 to 30 787.00 248.00 196.00 79 to 80* 3,534.00 1,768.00 1,366.00
31 to 40 912.00 264.00 211.00 81 to 83* 3,725.00 1,785.00 1,393.00
41 to 45 1,044.00 350.00 271.00 84 to 85* 3,852.00 1,819.00 1,406.00
46 to 50 1,185.00 382.00 313.00 86 to 88* 3,980.00 1,846.00 1,433.00
51 to 55 1,370.00 434.00 348.00 89 to 90* 4,195.00 1,872.00 1,447.00
56 to 60 1,868.00 581.00 450.00 91 to 93* 4,476.00 2,038.00 1,623.00
61 to 65 2,574.00 925.00 728.00 94 to 95* 4,928.00 2,365.00 1,884.00
66 to 70 3,104.00 1,376.00 1,105.00 96 to 98* 5,299.00 2,689.00 2,143.00
71 to 73 3,344.00 1,585.00 1,297.00 99 and up * 5,808.00 2,885.00 2,299.00
74 to 75 3,440.00 1,725.00 1,325.00
^ Preferred Rates for Child(ren)
* for renewal only

Aviva Ltd 4 Shenton Way #01-01 SGX Centre 2 Singapore 068807 Tel: (65) 6827 7988 Fax: (65) 6827 7900
Company Reg. No.: 196900499K GST Reg. No: MR-8500166-8 Page 4 of 9
The total distribution cost of this product is 20% to 41% of premiums for the first year and 2.5% to 5% of
premiums for renewal years.


To be eligible for MyHealthPlus, the life assured must be:

 75 years old or below at age next birthday at the cover start date; and
 the life assured of a MyShield policy.

A new-born is eligible for cover 15 days after birth or after discharge from hospital, whichever is later.

Coverage Options

Besides choosing the appropriate MyHealthPlus Plan based on the desired hospital/ward type (the plan chosen
must be the same as MyShield), you may also choose one of the following benefits for the life assured:
(a) Option A-II only; or
(b) Option C-II only.

Key Product Provisions

The following are some key provisions found in the policy contract of this plan. This is only a brief summary and
you are advised to refer to the actual terms and conditions in the policy contract. Please consult your financial
adviser representative should you require further explanation.

1. Covered Benefits

Our liability is limited to the coverage as provided for in the policy contract.

Option A-II Benefits

(i) Co-insurance Benefit

We cover the co-insurance benefit which you have to pay in respect of a claim under your MyShield
policy as long as:
 the claim is first payable under MyShield. We will not pay the co-insurance benefit if your claim is
not payable under MyShield even if it is payable under Medishield Life; and
 the claim is less than or up to the maximum claim limits shown in the benefits schedule of your
MyShield policy.

We will not pay the co-insurance amount on any excess above the maximum claim limits shown in the
benefits schedule of your MyShield policy.

(ii) Maximum Co-insurance

The maximum co-insurance you have to pay is up to the maximum aggregate sum per policy year as
shown in the benefits schedule.

(iii) Critical Illness-Related Benefits

(a) Critical Illness Benefit
To be eligible for the Critical Illness Benefit under this policy, the life assured must be aged
between one year old and 65 years old at age next birthday. Any life assured below one year old
will only be eligible for Critical Illness Benefit when he attains the age of one.

A lump sum benefit will be paid upon your first diagnosis of any one of the following 37 Critical
Illnesses. The list of 37 Critical Illnesses includes Major Cancers, Heart Attack of Specified
Severity, Stroke, Coronary Artery By-pass Surgery, Kidney Failure, Aplastic Anaemia, End Stage
Lung Disease, End Stage Liver Failure, Coma, Deafness (Loss of Hearing), Heart Valve Surgery,
Loss of Speech, Major Burns, Major Organ/Bone Marrow Transplantation, Multiple Sclerosis,
Muscular Dystrophy, Parkinson’s Disease, Surgery to Aorta, Alzheimer's Disease/Severe
Dementia, Fulminant Hepatitis, Motor Neurone Disease, Primary Pulmonary Hypertension, HIV
Due to Blood Transfusion and Occupationally Acquired HIV, Benign Brain Tumour, Viral
Encephalitis, Bacterial Meningitis, Angioplasty & Other Invasive Treatment For Coronary Artery,

Aviva Ltd 4 Shenton Way #01-01 SGX Centre 2 Singapore 068807 Tel: (65) 6827 7988 Fax: (65) 6827 7900
Company Reg. No.: 196900499K GST Reg. No: MR-8500166-8 Page 5 of 9
Blindness (Loss of Sight), Major Head Trauma, Paralysis (Loss of Use of Limbs), Terminal Illness,
Progressive Scleroderma, Apallic Syndrome, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus With Lupus
Nephritis, Other Serious Coronary Artery Disease, Poliomyelitis and Loss of Independent

Benefit for Angioplasty & Other Invasive Treatment for Coronary Artery is limited to 10% of the
amount for Critical Illness Benefit shown in the benefits schedule. This benefit is payable once
only and shall be deducted from the Critical Illness Benefit, thereby reducing the remaining
amount of the Critical Illness Benefit which may be payable herein.

If the Critical Illness diagnosed is Major Cancers, Coronary Artery By-pass Surgery, Angioplasty &
Other Invasive Treatment for Coronary Artery, Other Serious Coronary Artery Disease and/or
Heart Attack of Specified Severity, the Critical Illness Benefit is payable only if diagnosis is made
after a waiting period of 90 days from the cover start date or last reinstatement date, whichever is

The Critical Illness Benefit will be payable after the end of the period of 30 days from the date on
which the life assured is diagnosed as suffering from a critical illness.

(b) Additional Critical Illness Benefit for Kidney Failure

If the life assured is diagnosed with kidney failure and requires kidney dialysis, we pay this benefit
as shown in the benefits schedule as long as:
 the dialysis is ordered by the attending doctor;
 the life assured receives dialysis at a panel private dialysis centre, subsidised centre or
restructured hospital; and
 we admit the outpatient kidney dialysis claim under MyHealthPlus.

(iv) Hospital-Related Benefits

As long as we make payment for a claim under MyShield (other than what is payable under
Medishield Life) and/ or the deductible benefit, we will pay the following hospital-related benefits:

(a) Ward Downgrade Benefit

If the life assured is an inpatient at a Singapore restructured hospital, we pay this benefit as shown
in the benefits schedule as long as:
 the admission as an inpatient is recommended by a doctor as necessary medical treatment;
 the life assured stays in the following wards lower than his/her chosen plan:
- For plan 1, any standard ward of a restructured hospital;
- For plan 2, a 4 bed (B1) standard ward or below of a restructured hospital; or
- For plan 3, a 6-bed (B2) standard ward or below of a restructured hospital.

We do not pay the ward downgrade benefit for day surgery, admission as an inpatient in a
community hospital, admission as an inpatient in a private hospital, or if there is no hospital stay

(b) Ambulance Fees or Transport to Hospital

One-way land transport for the life assured by either ambulance, taxi or private hire car to a
hospital within Singapore. We pay this benefit as long as the life assured is admitted as an
inpatient within 24 hours of arrival at the hospital, for treatment of an illness or injury covered under

(c) Accommodation Charges for Parent/ Guardian of Child Life Assured

If one parent or guardian is sharing the hospital room of a life assured who is below 19 years old at
age next birthday, we will pay for the accommodation charges incurred by the parent or guardian
provided the life assured is hospitalised for treatment of an illness or injury covered under

(d) Post-Hospital Follow-up TCM Treatment

As result of an accident, if the life assured is referred by the attending doctor from the hospital
where the life assured received inpatient treatment, we will pay for the post-hospital follow-up TCM
treatment by a registered TCM practitioner up to 180 days after hospital discharge. The TCM
treatment must be for the same injury or illness for which the life assured was hospitalised and the
injury or illness must be covered by your policy.

Aviva Ltd 4 Shenton Way #01-01 SGX Centre 2 Singapore 068807 Tel: (65) 6827 7988 Fax: (65) 6827 7900
Company Reg. No.: 196900499K GST Reg. No: MR-8500166-8 Page 6 of 9
We will not pay for any post-hospital follow-up TCM treatment following an inpatient treatment in
community hospital.

TCM treatment includes the cost of consultation, acupuncture, scrapping, cupping and tui na, but
not the cost of medication.

TCM Practitioner means a person who is legally qualified to provide the prescribed practice of
traditional Chinese medicine by the TCM Practitioners Board of Singapore.

(v) Free Cover for Child(ren)

Your dependant child who is eligible for family discount for child(ren) or free cover for child(ren) under
MyShield, is also eligible for free cover under Option A-II plan 2 of MyHealthPlus until he reaches 20
years old age next birthday if both parents are covered under either MyShield plan 1 or plan 2 and
also covered under either MyHealthPlus:
 Option A or Option C; or
 Option A-II or Option C-II;
whichever is applicable.

The child enjoys the same benefits as provided for under Option A-II plan 2 of the benefits schedule.

If the child life assured ceases to enjoy family discount for child(ren) or free cover for child(ren) under
MyShield, this benefit will also cease for the child life assured under your policy.

This benefit will continue even if one or both parents of the child life assured dies before this benefit

(vi) Accidental Cover for Child Benefit

If the life assured sustains a fracture to the skull, spine, pelvis, femur or hip as a result of an accident,
we will pay this benefit in cash as long as:
 the life assured is below 19 years old at the time of the accident;
 the life assured is hospitalised due to the accident; and
 no prior claim under this benefit has been made.

We will only pay this benefit once during the lifetime of the life assured no matter how many fractures
are sustained by the life assured.

(vii) Advanced Benefits under MyShield

We will extend the following benefits of your MyShield policy up to the limits shown in the benefits
 the waiting period for inpatient congenital anomalies will be reduced to 12 months;
 cover for post-hospital treatment under MyShield will be extended to 180 days after the life
assured is discharged as an inpatient for:
- treatment by a non-panel specialist in a private hospital; or
- treatment by a panel specialist in a private hospital after the life assured is discharged as an
inpatient if:
 the life assured does not have a certificate of pre-authorisation issued by us before the start
of that inpatient admission; or
 the life assured’s appointment with the panel specialist is not made through the panel’s
appointment portal or us within 90 days before an inpatient admission for the same injury or
illness for which the life assured was hospitalised;
 cover for post-hospital treatment under MyShield will be extended to 365 days after the life
assured is discharged as an inpatient for:
- treatment by a panel specialist in a private hospital if:
 the life assured has requested for pre-authorisation at least five working days before an
inpatient admission for treatment and has obtained a certificate of pre-authorisation issued
by us for the hospitalisation or surgery by a panel specialist before the start of that inpatient
admission; or

Aviva Ltd 4 Shenton Way #01-01 SGX Centre 2 Singapore 068807 Tel: (65) 6827 7988 Fax: (65) 6827 7900
Company Reg. No.: 196900499K GST Reg. No: MR-8500166-8 Page 7 of 9
 the life assured’s appointment with the panel specialist is made through the panel’s
appointment portal or us within 90 days before an inpatient admission for the same injury or
illness for which the life assured was hospitalised;
- treatment received in a restructured hospital; or
- treatment received in a community hospital;
 cover for stay in a community hospital will be extended to 60 days per policy year;
 cover for accident inpatient dental treatment will be extended to 31 days following the accident;
 the pro-ration factor shown in Myshield benefits schedule will not apply if the life assured incurs
eligible expenses for outpatient kidney dialysis in a panel private dialysis centre under MyShield.

We will pay these advanced benefits as long as we pay the deductible benefit or a claim under
MyShield (other than what is payable under Medishield Life). We will apply the terms and conditions
under “What Your Policy Covers” in MyShield, the pro-ration factor under MyShield, MyShield annual
deductible, co-insurance and other terms and conditions shown in your policy before we pay this

(viii) Global treatment for six covered illnesses and medical procedures

We pay medical expenses for treatment at a panel overseas hospital up to the limits shown in the
benefits schedule if the life assured requires treatment for any of the following six covered illnesses
and medical procedures if treatment has been pre-approved by us and the life assured has obtained a
certificate of pre-authorisation issued by us:
 Cancer treatment
 Coronary artery by-pass surgery
 Heart valve replacement or repair
 Inter-cranial and specific spinal cord surgery
 Live-donor organ Transplant
 Bone Marrow Transplant

Subject to your eligibility, we will arrange and pay for the following non-medical expenses during
treatment abroad in accordance with our prevailing terms and conditions, and the details shown in the
benefits schedule:
 expenses for travel and accommodation arranged and made by us for the life assured, the
living donor (in the case of transplant) and the travelling companion (up to two companions
when the child life assured is receiving treatment), if such expenses have been pre-approved
by us and the life assured has obtained a certificate of pre-authorisation issued by us; and
 expenses for repatriation approved, arranged and made by us for the life assured and the living
donor (in the case of transplant).

A daily payment of S$125 to cover daily expenses incurred abroad will be payable for each day of
hospitalisation up to 60 days per claim for treatment arranged by us.

The life assured will be entitled to request once, for a second medical opinion service to confirm the
diagnosis of a covered illness or medical procedure and the assessment of the optimal treatment plan
under this benefit.

We pay for pre-hospital treatment and post-hospital treatment in Singapore under your MyShield
policy before and after inpatient global treatment respectively, and any associated consultation fees,
examinations and laboratory tests under your MyShield policy before outpatient global treatment, if we
pay your claim for global treatment.

We will apply MyShield annual deductible and MyShield co-insurance to the global treatment
benefit. The deductible benefit and co-insurance benefit payable will be aggregated to the global
treatment benefit limits shown in the benefits schedule.

Aviva Ltd 4 Shenton Way #01-01 SGX Centre 2 Singapore 068807 Tel: (65) 6827 7988 Fax: (65) 6827 7900
Company Reg. No.: 196900499K GST Reg. No: MR-8500166-8 Page 8 of 9
Details on this benefit and treatment arrangements can be found at You are
advised to download and keep a copy for your reference. We may update the details on the website
from time to time, you should check the website regularly for the prevailing details.

Option C-II Benefits

Option C-II benefits include the following:

(i) Option A-II Benefits (excluding free cover for children and ward downgrade benefit)
All benefits under Option A-II according to the life assured’s plan excluding free cover for child(ren)
and ward downgrade benefit.

(ii) Preferred Rate for Child(ren)

Your dependant child who is eligible for family discount for child(ren) or free cover for child(ren) under
MyShield, is also eligible for Preferred Rate for Child(ren) under Option C-II plan 2 of MyHealthPlus
until he reaches 20 years old age next birthday if both parents are covered under either MyShield plan
1 or plan 2 and also covered under either MyHealthPlus:
 Option A or Option C; or
 Option A-II or Option C-II;
whichever is applicable.

If the child life assured ceases to enjoy family discount for child(ren) or free cover for child(ren) under
MyShield, this benefit will also cease for the child life assured under your policy.

This benefit will continue even if one or both parents of the child life assured dies before this benefit

(iii) Deductible Benefit

We will cover your MyShield annual deductible which you have to pay in respect of a covered claim
under your MyShield policy, after you pay MyHealthPlus annual deductible.


The above is merely a summary of the plan offered. The precise terms and conditions of the plan are set out in
the policy contract.

You may wish to seek advice from a Financial Adviser Representative before making a commitment to
purchase the plan. In the event that You choose not to seek advice from a financial adviser representative, You
should consider whether the plan in question is suitable for You. Buying health insurance products that are not
suitable for You may impact Your ability to finance Your future healthcare needs.

Policy Owners’ Protection Scheme

Your policy is protected under the Policy Owners’ Protection Scheme, and is administered by the Singapore
Deposit Insurance Corporation (SDIC). Cover for your policy is automatic and no further action is required from
you. For more information on the types of benefits that are covered under the scheme as well as the limits of
cover, where applicable, please contact us or visit the LIA or SDIC websites ( or

Note: This is only product information provided by us. Full details of the terms, conditions and exceptions of this
insurance are provided in the MyHealthPlus policy contract and will be sent to you upon acceptance by Aviva
Ltd. You have a "Free Look" period of 21 days from the date you received your policy to decide if you want to
continue with your policy. If you do not want to continue with your policy, you may write to us to cancel it. As
long as you have not made any claim under your policy, we will cancel your policy from its cover start date and
refund all premiums paid, without interest. You are assumed to have received the policy within seven days after
we have sent it by post.

MyHealthPlus is governed by and interpreted according to the law of Singapore. The Singapore courts have
non-exclusive jurisdiction.

Aviva Ltd 4 Shenton Way #01-01 SGX Centre 2 Singapore 068807 Tel: (65) 6827 7988 Fax: (65) 6827 7900
Company Reg. No.: 196900499K GST Reg. No: MR-8500166-8 Page 9 of 9

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