ITABIA Rapport 2008 Eng

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Ministero dell ’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare


Report2008 1.
The Systemic


Good Practices


Moving Towards
Action Plan


Italian Biomass Association
Italian Biomass Association GOALS OF BIOENERGY IN ITALY

Index Report
PRESENTATION 1 2.2.4 - Some conclusive 29 CHAPTER 4 - Susteinability/ 71
remarks on the choice of Guarantees
FOREWARD 1 supply chain 4.1 - The debate on 71
sustainability criteria
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 2 > Addenda Chapter 2 30 4.1.1 - The GBEP debate 71
A2.1 - Current use of residues 30 4.1.2 - The EU debate 72
CHAPTER 1 - The Systemic 3 from agricultural crops and 4.1.3 - Some remarks on Italy 72
Framework related industries 4.1.4 - Remarks on the key 73
1.1. The national situation 3 A2.2 - Yield by hectare of some 30 elements of the debate
1.2. Biomass: driving forces 3 agro-energy crops 4.2 -Methodologies 74
and critical issues A2.3 - Technologies for biomass 31 4.2.1 - Certification criteria 74
1.3. Initiatives and the current 4 collection, pre-treatment and 4.2.2 - Monitoring plans 75
debate transport 4.2.3 - Conclusions 77
1.4. The future of bioenergy in 7 A2.4 - Definitions of biomass, 33
Italy: strengths and biomass for fuel and biofuels Addendum Chapter 4 78
weaknesses A4.1 - Cogeneration energy 78
1.5. The italian Government 9 CHAPTER 3 - Market/Good 35 balance
Position Paper (September Practices
2007) 3.1 -Criteria for pinpointing 35 CHAPTER 5 - Moving towards a 80
good practices new bioenergyv Action Plan
> Addenda Chapter 1 11 3.1.1 - Solid biofuels plants 35 5.1 - General remarks 80
A1.1 - The GBEP Work 11 3.1.2 - Biogas and biofuel 39 5.2 - Strategic directions 80
Programme plants 5.3 - Investments 81
A1.2 - Content analysis of the 12 3.2 - Economic assessment 44
European RES Directive 3.3 - Remarks on main 48 USEFUL INFORMATION 83
A1.3 - Remarks on recent 14 development opportunities Itabia 83
Financial Laws 3.3.1 - Thermal energy 49 The Measure units 83
A1.4 - An energy revolution 15 3.3.2 - Electricity 50 Web Sites 85
in Italy 3.3.3 - Biofuels for transport 51
A1.5 - The Italian Government 16 3.3.4 - Conclusion 51
Position Paper
> Addenda Chapter 3 52
CHAPTER 2 - Resources/ 17 A3.1 - Parameters for assessing 52
Efficiency the degree of success
2.1 - Raw material resources 17 of biomass plants
and efficiency in collection and A3.2 - Biomass discrict heating 54
supply plants
2.1.1 - The availability of 17 A3.3 - Biomass power plants in 57
biomass and competition Italy
2.1.2 - Collection and supply 20 A3.4 - Main Biomass plants in 58
of biomass Europe
2.1.3 - Biofuels sustainability 20 A3.5 - MSW and RDF 59
towards the 2020 targets thermovalorization plants
2.2. - Energy conversion 21 A3.6 - Biogas Plants distribuition 62
technologies and efficiency A3.7 - Biogas plants fuelled with 63
of use animal waste, organic residues
2.2.1 - Thermal supply chains 22 and energy crops
2.2.2 - Electricity supply 23 A3.8 - Biomass boilers 69
chains, cogeneration and investment cost
trigeneration A3.9 - Climatic zones 70
2.2.3 - Biofuel supply chains 27 in Italy

Ministero dell ’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare

Italian Biomass Association GOALS OF BIOENERGY IN ITALY

iomass and bioenergy, will play tion of bioenergy can help protect our This campaign, launched in 2005

B an increasingly important role

for Italy’s energy sector and for
the protection of its environment. The
territory, contribute to better soil
management and encourage the con-
servation and enhancement of mar-
and coordinated by the Commission
( at European
level and by MATTM at national level
correct use of bioenergy clearly re- ginal areas. Energy crops can in fact (, is aimed
flects the implementation of sustai- contribute largely in the fight against at raising awareness on sustainable
nability principles, which can bring environmental degradation and hy- energy across the civil society. To
key advantages to the environment, drogeological damage. date, more than 100 partnerships
the economy and also society, throu- By drafting this Report, the Italian have been set up in Italy and over one
gh the diversification of energy sour- Ministry for the Environment, Land third of these directly or indirectly
ces, the reduction of Italy’s energy de- and Sea (MATTM) intends to continue work in the bioenergy sector in its var-
pendence and the enhancement of its work in improving knowledge ious forms: demonstrative projects
local resources. about the sector. It is through indica- on solid biomass; feasibility studies
A near-zero balance of greenhouse tions provided by these studies that for the promotion of biofuels; analysis
gas emissions achieved through the the barriers hindering the full devel- and studies on bioenergy in Italy; pro-
sustainable production and use of opment of bioenergy in Italy today motion and dissemination of informa-
bioenergy entails that its enhancement can be removed more easily. The Min- tion. The common goal of these initia-
can be the cornerstone of Italy’s nation- istry’s cooperation with ITABIA over tives, including ITABIA’s initiative, is to
al strategy for the reduction of green- the past few years has been con- raise awareness on the advantages
house gas emissions, particularly of firmed and strengthened by the role bioenergy can bring to our Country.
carbon dioxide emissions, in light of the of official partner taken on by ITABIA CORRADO CLINI
new European 2020 emission targets. in the Sustainable Energy for Europe GENERAL DIRECTOR
Moreover, the sustainable produc- 2005-2008 (SEE) campaign. MINISTRY FOR THE ENVIRONMENT, LAND AND SEA

PURPOSE OF THE REPORT ropean and global directives and with the sector’s potential
n 2004 ITABIA drafted, on behalf of the Italian Ministry for in Italy, using original research instruments, and to exam-

I the Environment, Land and Sea (MATTM), a comprehen-

sive report on “Biomass for Energy Production and the
Environment”, which not only provided statistical data on
ine the gap between current situation and objectives for the
next decade, suggesting which political and technical tools
may be adopted to fill the gap. A general overview on bio-
biomass energy, but also outlined the principles, concepts, mass and its application in the energy sector, agriculture,
perspectives and directions of the sector, with a systemic forestry, industry and environment is provided in the previ-
and holistic view of bioenergy. ous report.
Other scientific and institutional organizations followed
suit and processed statistical data on biomass production THE STRUCTURE
and use, which helped consolidate and clarify the state of he 2008 Report includes 5 Chapters: the first chapter
the sector. National, European and international documents
were also drawn up, requiring a thorough analysis and as-
sessment of congruence.
T outlines the general bioenergy framework and the
features of the system; the three following chapters
analyse the strong and weak points of the national bioener-
In the framework of the campaign for environmental and gy system focusing on three pairs of key elements: re-
energy sustainability “Sustainable Energy for Europe 2005- sources/efficiency; market/good practices; sustainabili-
2008 (SEE)”, MATTM commissioned ITABIA to draw up a re- ty/guarantees; the fifth chapter provides some suggestions
port updated to 2008. The leitmotiv of the 2008 Report is to as to the way forward for developing a new National Bioen-
assess whether national objectives are congruent with Eu- ergy Action Plan.

Ministero dell ’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare 1

Italian Biomass Association GOALS OF BIOENERGY IN ITALY

ITABIA would like to express its deep General of ITABIA, and two other THE ENGLISH VERSION OF THE
gratitude to all those who have contri- founding partners of ITABIA, Carlo REPORT WAS TRASLATED BY:
buted, in various ways, to this Report Baldelli and Francesco Alfani, who Sarah Tripepi Winteringham
commissioned by MATTM. Firstly, the have all passed away prematurely in
unanimous support given by the recent years, for their valuable contri- DESIGNED BY:
Board of Managers of ITABIA to the ini- bution to outlining the Association’s Giorgia Monni
tiative has been decisive and a sub- principles, concepts and guidelines.
stantial contribution in collecting data What thirty years ago seemed to be HTML PROCESSING:
and information, developing and draf- the dreams of idealist youngsters - Antonio Scimone
ting the text has been provided by An- such as sustainable development,
drea Scarpini, Vice President, Matteo biomass, land protection, social co-
Monni, Secretary General and by the hesion - have become universally
Board Members Aldo Abenavoli, Wal- recognised concepts that are shared
ter Merzagora, Marcello Ortenzi, Ser- by the majority of the political, scien-
gio Piccinini and Filippo Stirpe. tific, industrial and social communi-
Special thanks go to Antonio Lumi- ties.
cisi of the Directorate General for En- Here, we wish to gratefully re-
vironmental Research and Develop- member them all.
ment of MATTM for his contribution in GIUSEPPE CASERTA
the planning of the report and in re- ITABIA President
viewing some of its chapters. Special
thanks also go to Michela Morese,
from the Global Bioenergy Partner-
ship (GBEP), for the information she
has provided and for the precious co-
operation that she has fostered with
ITABIA since the GBEP preparatory
We are also grateful to Marino
Berton, AIEL President, Walter Righi-
ni, FIPER President and Pietro Giorgio
Director of SEA, for the data they have
provided and for the latest debates
they have taken part in at the Bioen-
ergy Network kick-off meeting. The
network has been set up to strength-
en relations between private organi-
zations in this important sector of re-
newable energy sources.
Finally, it is only right and proper
that we remember Vittorio Bartolelli,
former Vice-President and Secretary


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Italian Biomass Association GOALS OF BIOENERGY IN ITALY

1] The systemic framework

es and products.
THE NATIONAL SITUATION The rise in environmental emergen-
BIOMASS: DRIVING FORCES AND CRITICAL ISSUES cies, the pressure and directives of
INITIATIVES AND THE CURRENT DEBATE supranational communities, the
costs of a balanced socio-economic
THE ITALIAN GOVERNMENT POSITION PAPER (SEPTEMBER 2007) national programmes and the cre-
ADDENDA ation of a new energy policy, which in-
tegrates, in one single set of rules,
the energy, environmental, industrial,
t is increasingly recognised and 2012 period). However, under the Ky- agricultural, forestry and social is-

I acknowledged that bioenergy is a

complex system that is deeply in-
terconnected with other production,
oto protocol, countries are to reduce
their emissions to 519 Mt of CO2 by
2012. Emissions thus need to be re-
sues of the RES and Biomass sector.


environmental and socio-economic duced by about 100 Mt of CO2 /year. AND CRITICAL ISSUES
sectors. Thus, the sector should be c) Has much abandoned agricultural he renewable source that today
approached with a “systemic” per-
land, including farm houses that were
abandoned 20-30 years ago due to
lack of revenue, which are at risk of
T largely contributes to energy
and environment budgets is bio-
mass in its various forms, transforma-
1.1) THE NATIONAL SITUATION degradation due to negligence (hy- tion technologies and end uses.
he search for and use of eco- drogeological changes, fire, etc.). The term biomass generally refers to

T compatible resources that can

improve the quality of life in in-
dustrialised nations and, at the same
Even cultivated agricultural land,
where man’s presence is remarkable,
are at risk due to considerable loss of
any type of material directly or indi-
rectly originating from living organi-
sms and, in particular, from chlo-
time, ensure progress in emerging biodiversity and of the soil’s organic rophyll photosynthesis. Biomass
countries and poor regions of the substance, and due to wrong agro- may be defined as an atypical source
world, are priority goals of the third mil- nomic practices that are often the of energy having the following featu-
lennium. The key sectors for environ- cause of net greenhouse gas emis- res:
mental protection and better human sions. Moreover, Italy’s forests cover › multiple current and potential ener-
cohesion are: energy, greenhouse gas- almost 35% of the national territory, gy options;
es, the territory. Italy, just like the oth- but woods are old and badly man- › strong embeddedness in the
er countries, thus needs to take up the aged. There are not enough infra- ecosystem;
challenges posed by these sectors, structures, businesses and forest en- › multiple non-energy uses
using the available scientific and tech- terprises for a proper productive › wide social implications
nological knowledge and tools. management and maintenance of The energy use of biomass requires a
Italy today: forests and for the supply of cost-ef- “systemic" approach that integrates
a) Continues to be largely dependent fective wood. the above-mentioned aspects.
on foreign energy supplies. This de- d) Has enough primary Renewable The approach, with its multiple appli-
pendence account for over 80% of the Energy Sources (RES) - from the sun cations, can have a beneficial impact -
total Italian demand of 195 Mtoe. The to biomass - to solve many adverse with varying intensity - on the above-
contribution of renewable energy problems affecting the energy sector mentioned key sectors and in partic-
sources (including hydroelectric and the environment. ular on the following:
power) to the last years national en- e) Can rely on an industrial and entre- ENERGY, by contributing to a remark-
ergy budget amounted to about 9%, preneurial structure that has strong able reduction of energy imports;
of which 1/3 came from biomass. technological and engineering knowl- CLIMATE, by reducing greenhouse gas
b) Is committed to mitigating the edge also in the RES sector - as emissions (CO2, CH4, NOx, etc.) and
greenhouse gas effect by reducing demonstrated by the various plants volatile toxic substances (VOCs, ben-
gas emissions. In 1990, greenhouse that have been constructed across zene, particulate matter, etc.);
gas levels in Italy amounted to 550 Mt Italy - but is not fully supported by CORRELATED AGRICULTURAL AND IN-
of CO2 . Current trends will lead to 622 clear and far-sighted energy policies DUSTRIAL ACTIVITIES, by improving
Mt by 2010 (as a mean of the 2008- and innovative research on process- agronomic techniques and exploiting

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Italian Biomass Association GOALS OF BIOENERGY IN ITALY

{ 1. The systemic

agro-industrial patents; thus causing unavoidable repercus- that can offer both immediate re-
MARKET DIVERSIFICATION, by giving sions on the environment and partic- sponse and further technological de-
particular attention to agricultural ularly on CO 2 emissions which are velopments in relatively short periods
products of developing countries. projected to rise by 57% over the of time. The use of bioenergy is cur-
Besides these positive effects, there same period. rently driven by four main factors: a)
are however some "critical issues" This projection is in line with the worst instability of fossil fuel prices; b) di-
that need to be carefully assessed, scenarios outlined in the IV Report on versification of energy sources and
such as: Climate by the Intergovernmental energy supply areas; c) the need to
COMPETITION between biofuels and Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), reduce greenhouse gas emissions
food production or other industrial which calls for a reduction by 30-50% causing climate change; d) the oppor-
use, between biofuels for transport in global emissions between 2030 tunity to boost the development of
and biofuels for generation of heating and 2050 in order to achieve a safe rural areas by ensuring access to en-
and electricity. stabilisation of CO2 concentration lev- ergy and creating jobs.
SUSTAINABILITY from various view- els (450-550 ppm) within the end of
points: environmental (regarding, for the century and thus avoid irre- GLOBAL BIOENERGY PARTNERSHIP:
instance, biodiversity, deforestation, versible climate changes. AN ITALIAN INITIATIVE*
etc), social (the acceptability of a The IEA also repor ts that over n this global scenario, bioenergy is
plant installation), economic (chain
profitability), political (national and
local development plans), technical
20,000 billion US dollars will be in-
vested in the next 25 years for oil and
gas exploration, and for the construc-
I set to play an increasingly impor-
tant role for our society and it is in-
deed in this global context that Italy
(maturity of technologies and tion of electrical plants and infra- proposed to set up a Global Bioenergy
processes). structures needed to meet the grow- Partnership (GBEP) in the G8 frame-
THE MARKET, which is influenced by ing energy demand. A marginal work. The Heads of State and Govern-
the import/export structure (support amount will be allocated to the devel- ment of the G8 + 5 countries (China,
to EU economies for free market and opment of renewable sources and Brazil, India, Mexico and South Africa)
internal potential); intra/inter EU legal bioenergy (in 2008, federal mea- met in Gleneagles in July 2005 where
harmonisation. sures in support of renewable energy they agreed to launch the Global
An environmentally-friendly sys- have amounted to approx. 13 billion Bioenergy Partnership to “promote a
tem can be developed only if there dollars). wider and more efficient use of bio-
will be a balance between driving fac- Considering the average lifespan of en- mass and biofuels, particularly in de-
tors and critical issues both at global ergy plants and infrastructures (from veloping Countries where the use of
and local levels. That is why a lively in- 30 to over 50 years), these invest- biomass prevails ”.
ternational debate between public ments will influence the energy and After a process of consultation
and private institutes is underway, as environmental future of our planet. among the G8 + 5 countries, interna-
explained hereinafter. The global energy trend can be re- tional organizations and private asso-
versed towards lower “carbon intensi- ciations, the Italian Ministry for the
1.3) INITIATIVES AND ty” if alternative energy sources to Environment, Land and Sea, drafted a
THE CURRENT DEBATE fossil fuels and highly efficient tech- “White Paper” on bioenergy, in coop-
orld energy demand is in- nologies are used and developed by eration with ITABIA and the Imperial

W creasing rapidly. According

to the most recent 2007
World Energy Outlook by the Interna-
2030. To this end, urgent and global
measures need to be adopted to:
> “divert” a significant part of invest-
College of London, to outline interna-
tional ongoing activities on the issue
and guide the Partnership in its work.
tional Energy Agency (IEA), economic ments towards increasing renew- The Partnership, officially launched
growth and the increase in the global ables, nuclear power and bioenergy in in New York on 11 May 2006 during
population will cause world energy the energy portfolio; the ministerial segment of the Com-
consumption to rise by 55% between > promote energy efficiency in all uses; mission on Sustainable Development
2000 and 2030, with demand peaks > change taxing and benefit systems (CSD14), is a forum that promotes the
in developing countries that are pro- in the energy field, favouring low-car- implementation of efficient policies
jected to contribute two-thirds of this bon sources. through the identification of methods
increase. According to IEA, 85% of this Bioenergies, and particularly biofu- and tools that support investments
demand will be met with fossil fuels, els, are an already available option and the abolition of barriers hindering

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Italian Biomass Association GOALS OF BIOENERGY IN ITALY

{ 1. The systemic

the implementation of development rector General of the Italian Ministry ing Agreements of the international
cooperation projects. The GBEP also for the Environment, Land and Sea, in Energy Agency.
focuses its actions on three strategic cooperation with the GBEP Secretari- The very intense and articulate work
pillars: Energy Safety - Food Safety - at, which is located at the FAO offices programme is described in Addendum
Sustainable Development. in Rome, and with Italy’s financial A1.1 of this chapter (also visit the web-
After its first year of activity, the support. site
at the G8 summit of Heiligendamm (7 The GBEP provides its Partners with a (GBEP)
June 2007): “We invite the Global mechanism to organize, coordinate
Bioenergy Partnership (GBEP) to con- and raise international standards of THE EU “ENERGY AND CLIMATE”
tinue to work on the most significant research , development, commercial PACKAGE
experiences in the field of biofuels application and marketing for the pro- n the 23 January 2008 the Eu-
and to move towards the sustainable
and successful development of
bioenergy ”.
duction, conversion and use of bio-
mass for energy purposes, paying
particular attention to developing
O ropean Commission adopted a
new Energy and Climate Pack-
age, encompassing a draft proposal
The GBEP brings together policy- Countries. for a Directive on the promotion and
makers, private and public stakehold- The Partnership’s main objectives are: use of energy from renewable
ers, as well as international agencies > to develop a high-level political dia- sources. The Directives sets out bind-
and experts of bioenergy. logue on bioenergy, support national ing objectives for Member States in
The Partnership’s current members and regional policies and promote order to achieve 20% of energy con-
are: Brazil, Canada, China, France, them on the market, enhance inter- sumption from renewable sources by
Germany, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Rus- national cooperation; 2020. Projections by the Renewable
sia, The Netherlands, United King- > to favour an efficient and sustain- Road Map of January 2007 showed
dom, United States of America, the able use of biomass and develop prac- that biomass would contribute signif-
United Nations Food and Agriculture tical projects in the bioenergy sector; icantly in achieving the 20% target.
Organization (FAO), the United Na- > to encourage the exchange of tech- Moreover, the European Council docu-
tions Conference on Trade and Devel- nical and technological information ment of March 2007 on integrated cli-
opment (UNCTAD), The United Na- and knowledge through identification mate and energy policy and the sub-
tions Department of Economic and and promotion of potential bilateral sequent, ongoing European debate on
Social Affairs (UNDESA), the United and multilateral cooperation sectors; the New Directive on Renewable Ener-
Nations Development Programme > to facilitate the integration of bioen- gy Sources, give particular impor-
(UNDP), the United Nations Environ- ergy in the energy markets, by ana- tance to three key issues:
ment Programme (UNEP), the United lyzing and overcoming existing barri- › defining the 2020 objectives on the
Nations Industrial Development Orga- ers hindering its develop met; basis of national perspectives and ex-
nization (UNIDO), the International > to act in a transversal and synergic pectations;
Energy Agency (IEA), the United Na- way with other relevant activities, to › supporting biomass and bioenergy
tions Foundation, the World Council avoid duplication. trade;
for Renewable Energy (WCRE) and The GBEP works in synergy with › providing clear and transparent cer-
the European Biomass Industry As- other relevant international initia- tification of chains.
sociation (EUBIA). tives, namely: FAO’s International A lively debate on this Directive is un-
Members with observer status are: Bioenergy Platform (IBEP); Interna- derway, prior to its possible approval
Austria, India, Indonesia, Israel, tional Biofuels Forum (IBF); Interna- in 2010.
Kenya, Morocco, Mozambique, South tional Partnership for the Hydrogen This proposal for a Directive by the
Africa, Sweden, Tanzania, Tunisia, the Economy (IPHE); Mediterranean Re- Commission changes the reference
European Environment Agency (EEA), newable Energy Programme framework because it only lays down
the European Commission and the (MEDREP); Methane to Markets; Re- the objective of saving energy for
World Bank. newable Energy Policy Network for transport, electricity and heating,
Italy has been given the task to pre- the 21st Century (REN21); Renew- leaving to Member States the freedom
side over the partnership, with the able Energy and Energy Efficiency to use the measures they deem most
support of Mexico as co-chair. The Partnership (REEEP); UNCTAD BioFu- suitable to achieve the goal. In this re-
GBEP is chaired by Corrado Clini, Di- els Initiative, Bioenergy Implement- spect, the following issues need to be

Ministero dell ’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare 5

Italian Biomass Association GOALS OF BIOENERGY IN ITALY

{ 1. The systemic

taken into account: duction. Particular attention is paid to 2008 (called Biofuels Italia) whose
> the Directive shall be transposed in- energy efficiency on end use energy, mission is to “contribute, through
to Members States national legisla- sustainability criteria and National Ac- guidelines, system studies, promo-
tions by 31 March 2010; tion Plans. On 17 December 2008 the tion of research, dissemination and
> each State shall adopt a National European Parliament approved the evidence, to the development of
Plan to make its measures opera- Package by a large majority. chains for the production and use of
tional; biofuels for transport, agricultural
> regulations shall be adopted to BIOFUEL PLATFORMS machines and motorboats that are
streamline administrative proce- he Directorate-General for Re- competitive, environmentally-friend-
LOWING (see a synthesis in Adden-
T search of the European Com-
mission, launched the Euro-
pean Biofuels Technology Platform
ly and capable of creating a sustain-
able biofuels market”.
The Italian Platform shall assess and
dum A1.2): (EBTP) in June 2006 - formally recog- answer a series of questions on strat-
• Objectives and scope of application nized in April 2007 - after a document egy, competition, research. Namely:
(Art. 1) on analyses and projections was STRATEGIES
• Definitions (Art. 2) drafted by the Biofuels Research Ad- • Is the biofuel industry strategic in
• RES Targets and National Action visory Council (BIOFRAC). The EBTP Italy?
Plans (Art. 3, 4) objective was to identify and promote • Which would be the advantages for
• Calculation of the share of energy the necessary research, develop- agriculture?
from RES (Art. 5) ment and evidence that the Biofuel • What is the estimated available land
• Criteria for setting the guarantees of chain can cost-effectively supply 25% that can be used for energy purposes
origin of biomass (Art. 6, 10) of the energy for road transport in an in Italy?
• Administrative procedures (Art. 12) economically and environmentally • What type of land is potentially
• Information and training (Art. 13) sustainable way. most suitable for biofuels?
• Access to the electricity grid (Art. 14) Development concerns both raw • Which agronomic techniques
• Sustainability criteria for biofuels material production and conversion should be used in the various crop
(Art. 15, 16) technologies, with the involvement of growing situations?
• Calculation of the greenhouse gas public and private stakeholders. The • Which are the main drivers in the Ital-
impact of biofuels (Art. 17) sectors of interest are: ian economic system for biofuel use?
• Reports by the Members States and BIODIESEL CHAIN - transesterified • Which are the mechanisms that can
Monitoring by the EC (Art. 19, 25) vegetable oils produced from oilseed encourage Italian productions?
The Directive paves the way for very or proteoleaginous plants; • Is a free market always beneficial?
interesting developments to be pur- ETHANOL CHAIN - alcohols from fer- COMPETITION
sued: mentescible carbohydrate originated • To what extent and under which
• A quality step forward in the devel- from sugary and starchy plants, as conditions can Italian agriculture con-
opment of RES; well as residues of agriculture, agroin- tribute to the production of biofuels?
• The creation of a legal framework in- dustry and other sources of organic • Will this contribution affect Italy’s
cluding thermal energy production; origin; capability to produce quality food?
• Improvement and streamlining of SECOND GENERATION FUELS - pro- • What are the relations between use
the general legal framework. duced from lignocellulosic source. of land for biofuels and for other non-
An important agreement on the Di- The chains mainly have environmen- food-related uses?
rective was reached (8 December tal needs: capture of CO2 and less air RESEARCH
2008) between the EU Parliament, pollution in the transport sector. • Relation between first and second
Council (27 Members States) and Other 16 Members States subse- generation technologies, that is de-
Commission, during the Climate Con- quently formed National Platforms velopment of the former to pave the
ference in Poznan. The agreement is and Mirror Groups to maintain rela- way for the latter.
intended to support all the sectors tions with the European Platform and • Recovery and protection of activi-
that deal with the energy use of bio- the single National Platforms. ties - started back in the 80s/90s - on
mass, including second generation In line with European Platforms, second generation biofuels in line
biofuels, biogas and the technologi- Italy too formed the Italian Biofuels with 7th European Commission
cal chains for thermal energy pro- Technological Platform in January Framework Programme (CE/FP).

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Italian Biomass Association GOALS OF BIOENERGY IN ITALY

{ 1. The systemic

• Creation of support structures for grants to the most worthy projects) in level as other European and non-Eu-
monitoring activities, legal proposals, their respective categories. ropean nations.
training, communication, technical Italian stakeholders have mainly fo- The ongoing developments, particu-
assistance, promotion of studies, re- cused on the bioenergy sector: Local larly in the use of biomass for heating
search and experiments. Authorities, Specialised Research and electricity, reveal Italy’s strong in-
• Large-scale validation of results ob- Centres, Associations, Businesses dustrial background and great resear-
tained. and local Energy Agencies have in ch potential. Nonetheless, bioenergy is
fact promoted many bioenergy-relat- not yet used in many market applica-
THE SUSTAINABLE ENERGY ed initiatives, which have led to the tions and its potential has not yet been
EUROPE CAMPAIGN* formation of strategic partnerships. It fully developed.
ignificant importance in this con- is worth mentioning the partnership This is due to a number of factors and

S text is attached to the campaign

aimed to spread good practices -
with particular focus on environmen-
with ITABIA that has led to the plan-
ning and drafting of the 2008 Report
“Bioenergy Goals in Italy - Key Ele-
obstacles, which, still today, delay its
development. Very briefly, the weak-
nesses of Italy’s biomass system can
tally-friendly initiatives - , which is sup- ments for 2020 objectives”. be summarized as follows.
ported by the European Project “Sus- In the SEE framework, the Covenant Little attention to successful chains
tainable Energy Europe (SEE)” and of Mayors plays the very important (district heating, district cooling, co-
where Italy is actively involved. role of involving European cities di- combustion, co-generation, biofuels)
The SEE Campaign was launched by rectly in the achievement of the EU both in terms of energy conversion ef-
the European Commission in 2005 in 2020 targets. Since 50% of energy in ficiency and in terms of social accep-
order to raise awareness on energy Europe is on average consumed in tability;
issues. The campaign also aims at the cities, their involvement in the reduc- Weak systemic approach of the
sustainable use and production of en- tion of greenhouse gas emissions projects (few connections with agri-
ergy by the various European energy and in the promotion of the bioenergy culture and forestry).
stakeholders (public sector, private sector is of strategic relevance. The Unreliable basins of biomass produc-
sector, citizens, organisations, etc.). Ministry for Environment will coordi- tion (little attention to the condition
One of the key features of the Cam- nate these activities in Italy, together of agricultural and forestry soil).
paign is the creation of sustainable with the European Commission, with Difficulty in developing multiannual
energy partnerships for renewables, the aim of involving the highest num- supply chain agreements among sec-
energy efficiency and energy saving ber of cities. tor operators (shortage of company
that involve and develop a wide spec- More information on the SEE cam- consortia or associations encompas-
trum of projects and programmes in paign in Italy, the list of Italian part- sing agricultural and industrial produ-
various strategic areas, such as the ners and initiatives, and information cers and companies dealing with sup-
Regions, Cities, Transport and Con- on how to join the “Covenant of May- ply, first biomass conversion, plant
struction. In a nutshell, the SEE cam- ors” can be found on the website management and maintenance and,
paign provides support for reaching finally, distribution of electricity
the European Union 2020 targets. *CONTRIBUTION BY ANTONIO LUMICISI and/or heating produced).
In Italy, the Ministry for the Envi- (MATTM) Existence of numerous and unrela-
ronment, Land and Sea is the national ted legal and technical norms (there
“focal point” of the SEE campaign and 1.4) THE FUTURE OF BIOENERGY are about 100 norms in Italy without
to date over 100 partnerships have IN ITALY: STRENGTHS AND WEAK- including regional provisions).
been formed, achieving the best per- NESSES Little involvement of local populations
formance of all EU Members States. (little perception by the population of
Along with a high number of partner- WEAKNESSES IN THE SYSTEM direct benefits related to the use of bio-
ships, Italy has submitted top quality taly’s growing interest in the use of mass as a source of energy).
proposals and projects. Indeed, 6 Ital-
ian partnerships were among the 26
best European partnerships that
I biomass as an energy resource
and the almost unanimous ack-
nowledgment of the advantages that
It must be borne in mind that bio-
mass is the only renewable source
that needs to be produced before it
were selected by the European Com- can be gained from the proliferation of can be collected and used; its chain,
mission and 3 of them won SEE 2008 bioenergy in the Italian economy, are that stretches from production to fi-
Awards (which the Commission strengths that place Italy at the same nal use, needs to be considered as a

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Italian Biomass Association GOALS OF BIOENERGY IN ITALY

{ 1. The systemic

whole and planned in terms of effi- Often, legal and promising provi- regulations on RES.
ciency, according to size and exten- sions have not come into force due to During the term of office of the pre-
sion of supply basins and in a way a lack of implementation regulations vious Government (though short), a
that it is compatible with the local ter- (or due to delayed issuing thereof), quality step forward was made with
ritorial and socio-economic context. due to continuous changes in legal regard to incentives for RES, through
and technical norms over time, and the new regime of Green Certificates,
THE PILLARS due to long and tiring authorisation by raising the goals for incorporating
The pillars on which the future of bioe- procedures. Even the transposal of biofuels in fossil fuels and by improv-
nergy will be built in Italy - as well as European Directives has been affect- ing energy efficiency laws. The above-
in other world regions - are: Policy, En- ed, by being delayed and partial. mentioned proposed provisions are
trepreneurship, Research. Drafting a Single Document encom- aimed at making further progress.
passing all the norms that have been This is certainly a good approach, but
» POLICY passed over the years seems to be an policy-makers need to pay much at-
The policies currently in force in Italy impossible task, but streamlining tention to avoid a useless duplication
are fragmentary and inconsistent. and merging some essential strands of regulations.
NATIONAL STRATEGIC DOCUMENTS is not impossible, rather, it is desir- Positive provisions include the de-
The first national strategic docu- able. Once the European Directive on velopment of a national agro-energy
ments date back to 1998 when the RES is approved, Member States may plan (although reference to a com-
then Ministry for Agriculture and develop one single transposal Leg- prehensive bioenergy plan would be
Forestry Policies (MIPAAF) launched islative Decree where current RES more appropriate) and the promotion
the National Biomass Renewable En- norms can be put together. of agro- and bio-energy districts,
ergy Programme (Programma chain agreements with traceability
Nazionale Energia Rinnovabile da CURRENT DRAFT LAWS (2008) and framework contracts.
Biomasse, PNERB) and the National The Italian Parliament is discussing 5 With regard to biofuels, the pro-
Plan for the Enhancement of Agricul- main draft laws that directly or indi- posed laws confirm concerns over
tural and Forest Biomass (Program- rectly regard bioenergy: the use of crops for food or for energy.
ma Nazionale per la Valorizzazione C. 337: Provisions to encourage the It is worth remembering that these
delle Biomasse Agricole e Forestali, production and use of biofuels produ- concerns affect Italy only marginally
PNVBAF), in compliance with CIPE (In- ced from biomass; compared to other countries.
ter-ministerial Economic Planning C. 357 Provisions to develop and pro- The shared intention is to favour:
Committee - Comitato Interministeri- mote agro-energy production; › The short agriculture chain, even if it
ale per la Programmazione Economi- C. 983: Provisions to promote re- is the agro-industrial chain (as long as
ca) decision n. 137 of 19/11/98 newable energy of agricultural origin; it is environmentally sustainable) be-
“Guidelines for national policies and C. 1139: Provisions to promote the reco- cause it can help significantly in achie-
measures on reduction of green- very of biomass and the production and ving the 10% incorporation target.
house gas emissions”. use of biofuels of agricultural origin. › Second generation biofuels.
Unfortunately, since 1998 no new C. 1699: Provisions about agro- A widespread debate on some as-
National Plan has been developed to energy and biofuel utilization. pects of the provisions under discus-
adapt activities to the new situations. The above-mentioned proposed sion has developed among sector
Moreover, the plans for the rationali- laws should not only be aimed at re- stakeholders, leading to the formation
sation of legislation on RES have fall- specting the Kyoto objectives, but also of cooperation networks, such as the
en through due to the difficult situa- at transposing into national law the Eu- Steering Committee, created on the ini-
tion that has developed in the Italian ropean Directive on RES. Although the tiative of ISES Italia, which encompass-
Parliament over the past years. Fi- Directive has not come into force yet, es numerous private organizations in-
nancial Laws have been the only use- its aims and structure have already volved in RES promotion and develop-
ful instruments for bringing innova- been set out. It may thus be reason- ment. The Commitee’s purpose is to
tion (even though the current Govern- able to start considering the guidelines urge political and institutional deci-
ment in office seems to have decided that shall be followed. With this in sion-makers to give a further boost to
not to use this instrument). Some re- mind, the above-mentioned proposals the sector, in light of the ambitious, but
marks on the 2008 Financial Law are could be the opportunity for the Gov- real, 2020 targets. Addendum A1.4
reported in Addendum A1.3. ernment to rationalise and streamline shows one of the first documents

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Italian Biomass Association GOALS OF BIOENERGY IN ITALY

{ 1. The systemic

signed by Committee members “An en- nies of power stations using only wood (PRISCA);
ergy revolution in Italy”. biomass of agricultural and/or indu- The Agro-biochemical Research Cen-
strial origin, or a mixture of biomass tre (CRA) performing experiments on
» ENTREPRENEURSHIP and waste fuel, to the production and numerous varieties of Topinambur;
Italy has a solid industrial structure transfer of the electricity produced to SES (FIAT Group): gasification of wood
capable of managing mature tech- the state-onwed company Gestore dei biomass to power small cogeneration
nologies for the production of heating Servizi Elettrici (the “Electrical Servi- units (TOTEM – Total Energy Modulus);
and electricity - even through cogen- ces Operator”, known as GSE)”. ENEL - CRAM: experiments on bio-
eration - as well as biodiesel and The first category is mainly repre- mass ground crops for electricity pro-
bioethanol for transport. Despite un- sented by Fiper, the Italian Federation duction
certain credit benefits and unclear of Energy Producers from Renewable Some of these research activities
authorization procedures, to date nu- Energy Sources, encompassing 20 have continued, even if on a smaller
merous plants have been opened in businesses, and the Alto Adige Bio- scale and without adequate funding,
three large agro-energy districts of mass Consortium, which encompass- namely:
Northern Italy and in some regions of es 38 public and private companies. • Synthesis biofuels (CREAR).
Central Italy: around 130 district heat- The second category is instead rep- • Algae (University of Genoa, Asso-
ing plants with an overall power out- resented by a more complex and costieri).
put of just under 400 MW thermal and slightly inhomogeneous network of • Second generation Ethanol (M&G
about 500 small, medium and large private Companies that have devel- Group).
plants - with over 400 being powered oped their initiatives thanks to grants • Hydrogen from biomass bacterial
by biogas - that can generate electric- for current expenses that were once metabolism (EniTecnologie).
ity with an estimated overall installed given through CIP 6 and are now • Algae and euphorbiaceae as a new
power of 1300 MWel. Many of these awarded in compliance with the way for sustainable biofuel produc-
plants are examples of excellence for Green Certificates. tion (Department of Mechanics and
their organization, high social con- This category is represented by nu- Aviation, CIRPS, University of Rome ‘La
senus and remarkable success. merous private groups, such as Falck, Sapienza’).
Italy’s biofuel production capacity through the company Actelios; Sicet, Renewed impulse needs to be given
amounts to about 2,000,000 t/ year the Marseglia and Saviola groups; the to basic and technological research,
(only 25% of it exploited in 2007), companies of the rice groups Curti, even through a national R&D re-
which comes mostly from plants pro- Scotti and Ticino; the group of distil- search programme.
ducing biodiesel. leries Caviro, Biomasse Italia, and the
The main Italian businesses en- companies of the Bioenergie group. 1.5) THE ITALIAN GOVERNMENT POSI-
gaged in the use of wood biomass for TION PAPER (SEPTEMBER 2007)
energy are companies having plants of » RESEARCH The latest official reference docu-
varying size and structure and differ- In the 1990s, Italy was at the fore- ment on the national situation and
ent end consumers that use the heat front of R&D, forestalling the EU’s cur- perspectives of biomass and bioener-
and electricity they produce. The busi- rent orientation. Below is a list of gy is the Government’s Position Paper
nesses have different legal status and some of the activities that were start- on “Energy: issues and challenges for
can be Joint Stock Companies, Cooper- ed in the 1900s. Europe and for Italy” (10 September
ative Companies, Company Consortia ENEA Trisaia: biorefinery of biomass, 2007), submitted to the European
or No-profit associations. second generation biofuels, gasifica- Commission. This document sets the
In Italy, the stakeholders that use tion, energy crops; ground for future material. An excerpt
biomass of different origin to produce Università dell’Aquila: enzyme hy- on biomass is reported below.
heating and / or electricity can be di- drolysis of cellulose to produce etha- A general principle reported in the
vided into two categories: nol, innovative gasificaiton; document is: “The community objec-
› Owned and/or management compa- Università di Bologna, Perugia, Tu- tive requires a careful and detailed
nies of district heating stations using scia, Genova, Firenze: research stu- assessment of the national potential
virgin wood biomass to produce and dies on energy crops; and a clear definition of the role of re-
distribute domestic heating (District MIPAAF’s experimental institutes newable energy imports taking ac-
Heating). (now known as CRA, Research Cen- count of different situations that
› Owned and/or management compa- tres) performing research Projects characterise Member States, namely

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{ 1. The systemic

land, climate, available natural re- ELECTRICITY 3.0 Mtoe* on and processing partial data from
sources, technological develop- HEAT 9.3 Mtoe various sources. Results have shown
ment”. And it continues to say: “The BIOFUELS 4.2 Mtoe that primary energy consumption for
commitment towards one single ob- TOTAL 16.5 Mtoe heating was about 4 Mtoe, instead of
jective ought to be based on credible *14,50TWh 1.88 Mtoe, amounting to a total sup-
consumption scenarios, taking ac- ply of primary energy of about 5.65
count of energy efficiency commit- The route to be followed to achieve Mtoe in 2005.
ments and the scenarios presented 16.5 Mtoe by 2020 can be chosen af- To achieve the 2020 objectives,
by the Member States” . Moreover, ter analysing the current situation. Italy will need to double its current
“the choice between consuming end- The report provides the following bio- biogenic raw material consumption.
use energy or primary energy is rele- mass primary energy consumption That is why the following ought to be
vant when setting the target: trans- for 2005 : examined:
formation losses, for example, would › if sufficient raw materials and effi-
not be taken into account if end-use ELECTRICITY 1.35 Mtoe cient technologies are available
energy were chosen”. Finally: “bio- HEAT 1.88 Mtoe (Chapter 2 - Resources/Efficiency);
mass trade among EU Countries BIOFUELS 0.30 Mtoe › if current, ongoing activities are con-
should be encouraged, in order to TOTAL 3.53 Mtoe sistent and well structured (Charter 3
benefit from the opportunities creat- - Market/Good Practices);
ed by the different situations”. As a matter of fact, these data do not › if there is awareness and there are
The above-mentioned document include biomass that is self-produced the instruments to guarantee sustai-
estimates the national potential of and self-consumed outside commer- nable initiatives (Chapter 4 - Sustai-
biomass, expressed in primary ener- cial circuits, namely for domestic nability);

be laid down (Chapter 5). n

gy, that can be used in 2020 (see al- heating. ITABIA has carried out an in- › if an overall development plan can
so Addendum A1.5): depth study on this use by drawing

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Italian Biomass Association GOALS OF BIOENERGY IN ITALY

1] Addenda
A1.1) THE GBEP WORK PROGRAMME energy security, climate change and cooperation on practical bioenergy
n line with the Par tnership’s rural development. The Report under- projects.

I “Terms of Reference” and with the

current state of the international
debate on bioenergy, the GBEP part-
lines that safety of energy supply and
climate change are essential for G8 +
5 Countries. Rural development too is
On the basis of the GBEP Report and in
light of the G8 2005 and 2007 man-
dates, the Partnership is assessing
ners have selected the following prio- important, but it has greater rele- the way forward to favour bioenergy
rity areas in their programme of work: vance in the +5 Countries where sustainable development and facili-
1. Draw up a Report on bioenergy greater attention is addressed to the tate cooperation on practical projects.
development in G8 + 5 Countries. The reduction of poverty. The GBEP, led by Great Britain, estab-
GBEP Report “A Review of the Current The Report also points out that the lished a Task Force for Sustainability
State of Bioenergy Development in G8 bioenergy market is strongly depen- to develop voluntary international
+5 Countries” was published on 13 dent on support measures, because sustainbility criteria. The reference
November 2007 and represents a mi- production is not yet sufficiently framework shall be used by all bioen-
lestone for the future work of GBEP. competitive compared to fossil fuel ergy stakeholders and for defining
2. Favour the sustainable deve- prices. The most common form of in- national policies and international co-
lopment of bioenergy and facilitate centive used is the feed-in tariff. In operation programmes.
cooperation on practical bioenergy the G8 Countries, voluntary quota
projects. systems are common too, while 3) Harmonizing methodologies to
3. Harmonize methodologies to blending mandates are becoming in- measure greenhouse gases (GHGs)
measure the reduction of greenhouse creasingly utilized in +5 Countries. produced by biofuels for transport
gases produced by biofuels for tran- The Report also underlines some and solid biomass.
sport and solid biomass. critical issues that hinder the devel- Another GBEP priority activity,
4. Deal with communication and opment of bioenergy. Firstly, there is through the Task Force, is to harmo-
dissemination of information concer- recognition that bioenergy, despite nize methodologies to measure GHGs
ning bioenergy. being potentially “green”, is not al- produced by biofuels for transport
ways produced in a sustainable and solid biomass for the production
1) The GBEP Report “A Review of the manner. In order to overcome these of heating and/or electricity. This ref-
Current State of Bioenergy Develop- difficulties, bioenergy sustainability erence methodological framework
ment in G8 +5 Countries”. criteria are being set (see on the may be used by policy-makers of
The Report, drawn up under the su- matter the proposed Directive of the both developed and developing Coun-
pervision of FAO and the GBEP Secre- European Commission). However, tries, when defining policies on ener-
tariat, provides an overview of the the lack of an international sustain- gy and climate change mitigation at
current bioenergy development in G8 able framework for sustainability is national and international level. The
+ 5 Countries, and offers guidance on one of the main barriers hindering Task Force, led by the United States, is
how to tackle critical issues of bioen- bioenergy development on interna- developing guidelines with a series of
ergy promotion in order to enhance tional markets. Moreover, adequate questions that will help governments
market development. efforts are needed to ensure that the and institutions calculate the savings
Bioenergy accounts for about 10% development of sustainability crite- made with bioenergy.
of world primary energy supplies. ria and certification systems con- The Task Force shall draw up a draft
Production is mainly local and it is tribute to achieving environmental reference framework by the end of
the +5 Countries which resort main- targets with no hindrance to interna- 2008 and a final version shall be
ly to this source for energy purposes tional trade, particularly with regard available by Spring 2009.
(first China, followed by India, USA to exports from developing Coun-
and Brazil). However, the percentage tries. Finally, commercial barriers 4) Communication and dissemination
of bioenergy used compared to over- need to be lifted and trade-distorting of information concerning bioenergy.
all energy consumption is also in- subsidies are to be gradually re- Any communication activity promot-
creasing in the G8 Countries, mainly moved in order to help build a fair ed by GBEP is aimed at raising aware-
in Germany, Italy and the United competitive market. ness and disseminating information
Kingdom. on bioenergy. GBEP’s communication
This growth is related to four fac- 2) Favouring the sustainable deve- strategy focuses on:
tors: instability of fossil fuel prices, lopment of bioenergy and facilitating A. creation and update of the web-

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Italian Biomass Association GOALS OF BIOENERGY IN ITALY

{ Addenda
to Chapter 1


gurated in May 2007, the website pro- This article provides the definitions (ART. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)
vides information on bioenergy and for renewable energy, biomass, final In order to give more flexibility to
outlines the Partnership’s activities; energy consumption, bioliquids, bio- member states the system of non-
B. creation and dissemination of fuels, district heating and cooling, obligatory trading of certificates has
information on the Partnership; guarantees of origin, support scheme been established in the proposal of
C. participation in various interna- and renewable energy obligation. the Directive. This means that Mem-
tional conferences and meetings on Most of these definitions were al- ber States will be able to buy guaran-
bioenergy, as well as organisation of ready included in the renewable elec- tees of origin (cer tificates
specific events; tricity directive 2003/77/EC. providing/indicating the renewable
D. organisation of a communica- origin of energy) from other Member
tion campaign on printed material RENEWABLE ENERGY TARGETS AND NA- States if they fail to reach the national
and web sites at national and interna- TIONAL ACTION PLANS (ARTICLES 3, 4) target. Guarantees of origin will be is-
tional level. This article sets national renewable sued (upon producer’s request) to re-
energy targets for all 27 member newable heating and cooling and
A1.2) CONTENT ANALYSIS OF THE RES states of the EU (for Italy 17% of the fi- electricity plants, the production ca-
DIRECTIVE (CONTRIBUTION BY EDITA nal energy consumption) as well as pacity of which is of at least 5 MWth. A
VAGONITE, AEBIOM, EUROPEAN BIO- interim renewable energy targets guarantee of origin will be of the stan-
MASS ASSOCIATION) (Annex IB). The member states will dard size of 1MWh.
The European Commission on 23 Jan- have to adopt national renewable en-
uary 2008 proposed a Directive on ergy action plans with binding targets ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES
Renewable Energy Sources. This pro- for heating and cooling, electricity (ARTICLE 12)
posal was analyzed by the European and transport biofuels from renew- The proposal states that Member
Parliament and will be adopted by ables by 31 March 2010 at the latest. States will have to modify their exist-
both - the European Parliament and It is up to member states, however, to ing national rules on administrative
the Council, hopefully still in 2009. decide on the mix of contributions procedures (authorization, certifica-
from these sectors to reach their na- tion and licensing of renewable ener-
SCOPE AND BACKGROUND (ARTICLE 1) tional targets, choosing the means gy production plants) in order to elim-
The package contains proposals to that best suit their national circum- inate regulatory and non-regulatory
implement the decisions agreed by stances. Nevertheless, each Member barriers. Member states will have to
EU leaders in March 2007, including: State will have to achieve at least a choose by 30 June 2011 whether to
• 20 % of total EU energy con- 10% share of renewable energy (pri- establish a single administrative
sumption to come from renewa- marily biofuels) in the transport sec- body responsible for authorization,
bles by 2020, tor by 2020. certification and licensing applica-
• 20% increase in energy effi- tions, or to provide an automatic ap-
ciency, CALCULATION OF RENEWABLE TARGET proval of planning and permit applica-
• 10% of transport biofuels target, (ARTICLE 5) tions if the authorizing body has not
• 20% reduction in EU greenhouse For calculation of renewable energy responded within the set time limit.
gas emissions by 2020. target, the proposal takes into account
In order to reach the targets (and to final energy consumption (energy HEATING AND COOLING SECTOR
implement decisions) agreed by the commodities delivered for energy pur- (ART. 12, 13)
Council, the Commission proposes poses to final consumer) rather than This proposal creates - for the first
the following tools: mandatory renew- primary energy use (used in various time - an EU-wide legislative frame-
able energy and transport biofuels previous Commission documents work for market development of re-
targets for all member states, rules such as the White Paper on renewable newable heating and cooling tech-
for guarantees of origins establishing energy, Biomass Action Plan, Biofuels nologies.
the trade between member states, Directive etc). The counting of final en- Beside the obligation to include the
administrative procedures (remov- ergy for the biomass sector means heating and cooling sector in national
ing barriers), electricity grid connec- that bioenergy producers will consider RES action plans, the renewable heat-
tions and sustainability criteria for the conversion efficiency from prima- ing will strongly benefit from the in-
transport biofuels. ry to final energy. troduction of minimum requirements

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{ Addenda
to Chapter 1

of renewable energy use in new and new producers feeding electricity mit a report (to the European Parlia-
refurbished buildings. Member States produced from renewable energy ment and the Council) regarding the
will have to require local authorities to sources into the interconnected grid. need of sustainability scheme for oth-
consider the installation of renewable er types of biomass by 31 December
heating, cooling and electricity equip- SUSTAINABILITY CRITERIA 2010 at the latest.
ment and systems, as well as district (ART. 15, 16, 17)
heating and cooling, when planning, Biofuels and other bioliquids that do TRANSPORT BIOFUELS (ARTICLE 18).
designing, building and refurbishing not fulfil the environmental sustain- The Directive states that biodiesel
industrial or residential areas. The ability criteria in Article 15 shall not be share is obligatory from 2015. Mem-
proposal foresees cer tification taken into account. ber States will have to ensure that
schemes for installers of renewables The sustainability criteria are estab- diesel fuel comprises from 5 to 10%
systems, including small-scale bio- lished not only for Biofuels for trans- biodiesel and complies with other fu-
mass boilers and stoves. This certifi- port but also for bioliquids (liquid fu- el specifications set out in the Direc-
cation scheme will have to be recog- els from biomass for cogeneration tive. Such fuel will have to be made
nized by other Member States. Mem- and heating purposes). First criterion available in all filling stations that sell
ber States are required to promote the is that greenhouse gas emissions diesel by 31 December 2014. For a pe-
use of renewable energy heating and saving from the use of biofuels and bi- riod 2010 - 2015, the Directive pro-
cooling systems and equipment that oliquids should be at least 35%. The vides an obligation for biodiesel share
achieve a significant reduction of en- GHG savings are calculated on a life- from 0 to 7% for 2010.
ergy consumption. Provisions for bet- cycle basis and compared to the con- The biofuels produced from wastes,
ter information and training on re- ventional fuels that the biofuels go to residues, non-food cellulosic materi-
newable energy for architects, plan- replace. The proposal indicates green- al, and ligno-cellulosic material will
ners and accreditation of installers house gas saving values for all type of count double comparing to other bio-
will also play a key role in the devel- biofuels as well as the rules of calcu- fuels. When designing their support
opment of renewable heating and lation. Second criterion requires that systems, Member States may en-
cooling and electricity sectors. biofuels and bioliquids shall not be courage the use of biofuels which
Furthermore, in the case of biomass made from raw material obtained give additional benefits - including
for heat, Member States will have to from land with high biodiversity value the benefits of diversification offered
promote conversion technologies (land that had this status in January by biofuels made from wastes,
that achieve a conversion efficiency 2008) such as areas designated for residues, non-food cellulosic materi-
of at least 85% for residential and nature protection purposes, forest al, and ligno-cellulosic material - by
commercial applications and at least undisturbed by human activity and taking due account of the different
70% for industrial applications. highly biodiverse grassland. The pro- costs of producing energy from tradi-
duction of biofuels is also forbidden tional biofuels on the one hand and
ELECTRICITY (ARTICLE 14) on the land with high carbon stock from biofuels which give additional
According to the proposal, Member (land that had this status in January benefits on the other hand.
States must take the necessary steps 2008) such as wetlands and continu-
to develop grid infrastructure in order ously forested areas. POZNAN CONFERENCE (8 December
to further develop the use of electrici- The biofuels and bioliquids will have 2008): Final Agreement on Renew-
ty from renewables. Member States to meet the standards set in the able Energy Directive
shall provide for priority access to the Council regulation (1782/2003) and In Poznan there was reached a final
grid system of electricity produced in accordance with the minimum re- agreement on renewables Directive.
from renewable energy sources. The quirements for good agricultural and The below article includes the major
Commission proposes that Member environmental conditions. points of the directive relevant to bio-
States require transmission system These criteria will be a subject of fur- mass sector.
operators and distribution system ther improvement. The Commission “The final agreement on renewables
operators to set up and publish their will report in 2010 and 2012 to the Eu- Directive was made at the negotia-
standard rules on costs of technical ropean Parliament and the Council on tion session between the European
adaptations, such as grid connec- sustainability criteria and if neces- Parliament, Council (27 EU Member
tions and grid reinforcements, which sary propose corrective actions. States), and the Commission. The di-
are necessary in order to integrate The Commission will also have to sub- rective will boost all biomass sectors

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{ Addenda
to Chapter 1

including second generation biofuels, nal agreement rejects the EP will to est land with of more than 1 hectare
biogas but especially the heating and get rid of peat as a non-renewable en- with trees higher than 5 metres and a
cooling technologies. ergy. However, there are restrictions canopy cover of more than 30%, peat-
According to this Directive, Member for peatlands within the sustainabili- land (unless it is proven that the cul-
States (MS) will have binding national ty criteria. tivation and harvesting of this raw
targets and will have to clearly indi- material does not involve drainage of
cate how they will meet those targets BIOFUELS AND SUSTAINABILITY previously undrained soil). Further to
through detailed national action CRITERIA that there are other restrictions relat-
plans. The EU Commission will moni- As for biofuels, 10% binding target ed to indirect land change, soil, water
tor these plans and launch infringe- was kept but electricity and second and air protection.
ment procedures against member generation biofuels will receive more Also a review will be made in 2014 on
states who failed to implement the Di- support that other RES for transport. biofuels focusing on the minimum
rective. The consumption of electricity in greenhouse gas emission saving, in-
The Commission will adopt by 30 June transport shall be considered to be direct land use changes, social im-
2009 a template for the national action 2,5 times the energy content of the pacts, biodiversity, availability of
plans. Member States will have to sub- renewable electricity input. The con- electricity or hydrogen from renew-
mit these plans by 30 June 2010. tribution made by biofuels produced able sources.
National support schemes and the from wastes, residues, non-food cel-
20% renewables targets will not be af- lulosic material, and ligno-cellulosic A1.3) REMARKS ON RECENT
fected by the review in 2014. material shall be considered to be FINANCIAL LAWS
The Directive brings major changes twice that made by other biofuels. Law n. 244 of 24 December 2007 (Fi-
for heating and cooling sector by re- Furthermore, sustainability require- nancial Law for 2008) sets forth the
quiring MS to introduce measures in ments for this type of biofuels are benefit scheme for the use of renew-
order to increase the use of renew- less strict. able energy in the production of elec-
able energy sources (RES) in the As regards to CO2 emissions reduc- tricity based on a mixed system of
buildings sector. Member States will tion, the agreement indicates that the “feed in tariffs” and incentives grant-
have to establish the minimum levels greenhouse gas savings from the use ed through Green Certificates.
of renewable energy to be used in of biomass fuels in transport should be The new scheme establishes that elec-
new buildings as well as in existing 35% until 2017 and 50% from 2017 (60% tricity production plants using renew-
buildings. These levels will have to be for the installations built after 2017). able energy that become operational in
applied from 2015 at the latest. Mem- The sustainability criteria remain ap- 2008 can benefit from the Green Cer-
ber States will permit these minimum plicable only to transport biofuels and tificate (GC) incentive for 15 years. GCs
levels to be fulfilled inter alia through bioliquids for the moment. However, are issued by the GSE for each recog-
district heating and cooling produced the Commission will report on re- nised plant according to the net pro-
using a significant share of renew- quirements for a sustainability duction of electricity from RES multi-
able energy sources. scheme for energy uses of biomass, plied by the coefficient of the type of
Energy efficiency is highlighted to- other than biofuels and bioliquids, by source used (reported in Table 2 an-
gether with the use of RES. In order to 31 December 2009 at the latest. The nexed to the law). Alternatively, plants
achieve a better energy efficiency, fi- final agreement also indicates that with a power output below 1 MW can
nal energy will be counted towards re- the criteria should be applicable for benefit from discounted tariffs that are
newables target and MS will have to both European and imported biofuels. set by the Authority for electricity and
implement additional measures to The sustainability criteria states that gas. The previous law is instead applied
promote cogeneration, passive, low the biofuels should not be made from to all the plants that became opera-
or zero energy buildings. raw material obtained from land with tional before 2008.
As for biomass definition, the high biodiversity value such as pri- Legal Decree n. 159 of 1 October 2007,
agreement wipes out the “separated mary forest and other wooded land, that was passed as Law n. 222 of 29
biodegradable fraction of waste” from highly biodiverse grassland, areas November 2007 (Related to the Fi-
the biomass definition which means designated for nature protection pur- nancial Law) projected a change in
that a significant part of unseparated poses etc. The sustainability criteria the GC scheme by setting forth the in-
biodegradable waste, would be count- includes the restriction for high car- teresting perspective of producing
ed towards renewables target. The fi- bon stock land such as wetlands, for- electricity from agricultural biomass,

Ministero dell ’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare 14

Italian Biomass Association GOALS OF BIOENERGY IN ITALY

{ Addenda
to Chapter 1

both from dedicated crops and sub- cording to supply chain agreements. Consequently:
products in a supply chain or radius of The resolution underlines the need 1. Incentives to renewable energy
70 kilometres. In this hypothesis, the for a rapid definition of the implemen- sources are not to be seen as costs,
value of GCs is increased with coeffi- tation provisions mentioned in the but rather as a form of funding to te-
cient 1.8 and their duration extended 2008 financial law in order to set, on chnological innovation and as invest-
to 15 years. As an alternative to green a permanent basis, the all-inclusive ments with a strategic economic and
certificates, an all-inclusive tariff of tariff of minimum 0.28 Euro/kWh el. employment impact. Implementing
Euro 0.30 per KWh over 15 years is That is produced in “small” plants that the European package on renewables
applied for plants with a capacity be- use biomass, biogas and, in particu- in Italy would lead to more jobs (about
low 1 MW. lar, pure vegetable oils. Specific mea- 150,000) for qualified staff, as well as
After some demur from the European sures also need to be taken to sup- wage increases. In the wind sector,
Commission Services, the scheme port the agro-energy sector in the over 50,000 new units are projected
conceived for the short supply chain, production of biomethane. to be employed. Importantly, a share
particularly the all-inclusive tariff for The legal decree on agriculture, of these jobs will be secured in slow
plants with a capacity below 1MW, which has not yet been presented to developing areas of the Country. We
may be changed. Parliament, also explains that plants thus urge for the immediate enact-
In the meantime, the Ministry for Eco- owned by agricultural, agro-food, ment of the implementation decrees.
nomic Development passed a Minis- breeding and forest businesses us- 2. Investments in efficient final
terial Decree outlining the rules for ing biomass and biogas can combine energy uses have great potential va-
implementing the new Green Certifi- the tariff and other public incentives lue both with regard to electricity and
cate system, while the system for the as capital gains or interest subsidy heating. The 20% saving in electricity
short supply chain shall be estab- with advance capitalization that does use by 2020, to be achieved with effi-
lished in a decree to be passed by the not exceed 40% of investment cost. cient lighting systems and industrial
Ministry for Agricultural Policies, engines, cooling systems and hou-
which will have to take account of the A1.4) AN ENERGY REVOLUTION IN sehold appliances (technologies pro-
mentioned changes. ITALY (ROME, 10 DECEMBER 2008) duced by Italy), could have a net em-
One of the weaknesses of the finan- The climate-energy package and the ployment impact of around 50,000
cial law is that it lays down that GCs 2020 targets mark an important turn- new jobs in the manufacturing sector.
are to be issued only for the produc- ing point in the Italian energy
tion of electricity from RES without sector and an avant-garde
establishing any incentive whatsoev- stance is of the essence. The
er for cogeneration. Given the binding recent norms abolishing the
commitments of the European Direc- compulsory energy certifica-
tive (that will soon come into force) tion of buildings and tax al-
and the possible limited availability of lowances for energy-saving
resources, it would be reasonable to renovation run in the oppo-
ensure a rationalisation of resources, site direction to what is need-
both upon implementation of the fi- ed. They also reduce the de-
nancial law and in future provisions. mand for the related goods
A recent resolution of the XIII Per- and services, bringing effects
manent Commission on Agriculture of that are contrary to those
the Chamber of Deputies commits the needed to pull out of the cur-
government to maintaining the exist- rent economic recession. Re-
ing laws on the production and incen- newable sources and greater
tives for the use of renewable energy energy efficiency are the
sources of agricultural origin. Refer- choices made by important
ence is made in particular to what is industrialized Countries and
set forth in the 2007 financial law on play an important role in the
the production of electricity in “small” proposals of economic and
plants (up to 1 MW) from biomass social rebirth made by the
that is available locally or supplied ac- new US President.

Ministero dell ’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare 15

Italian Biomass Association GOALS OF BIOENERGY IN ITALY

{ Addenda
to Chapter 1

With regard to heating, investments new US presidency. providing high incentives. The overall
in the building sector could create AIEL Italian Association for Agro-Fore- potental by 2020 would be of 14.50
employment both in the insolation of st Energy TWh, compared to 6.16 TWh in 2005.
buildings and replacement of installa- ANAB National Association for Bioeco-
tions. We therefore ask Parliament to logical Architecture RESIDUE BIOMASS. The use of 5% of all
withdraw the provision currently ANEV National Association for Wind untreated waste potentially available
being discussed. Energy in the country for residential heating
3. The potential of solar energy APER Association of Energy Produ- is expected and an average efficiency
should not be exploited solely for the cers from Renweable Sources of 50% is estimated. Supposing that
development of the photovoltaic sec- ASSOLTERM Italian Association of So- 50% of the new installed power is co-
tor (which is booming in Italy), but it lar Thermal Energy generated and the average yield is of
should also be used for low, medium ASSOSOLARE Association of Solar 70%, we estimate a potential of
and high temperature heating purpo- Photovoltaic Industry 389,933 TJ, or 9.32 MToe.
ses. By using solar energy for heating FEDERPERN Federation of RES Produ-
systems and in the industrial sector - cers BIOFUELS. Given the growth in trans-
which is being developed today - Italy FIPER Italian Association of Energy port fuel consumption, around 40 mil-
can and must take part in the solar Producers from Renewable Sources lion tons of fuel may be used by 2020.
energy sector, which is still lagging GIFI Group of Italian Photovoltaic Com- In order to produce 5.5 million tons of
behind. However, the recent positive panies fuels needed to cover 10% of equivalent
steps forward may be may be accom- GREENPEACE Italia energy from biofuels (supposing the
panied by backward steps if substan- GSES Group for the History of Solar use of second generation biofuels), 5
tial incentives are no longer offered. Energy million hectares of agricultural land
4. With a strong commitment in ISES ITALIA Italian section of the Inter- would be needed, which corresponds to
the renewable sector, Italy could play national Solar Energy Society 16.7% of the country’s territory and to
a role in the Mediterranean area by ITABIA Italian Biomass Association 60% of the currently crop growing land.
promoting technological and environ- KYOTO CLUB It is thus necessary to resort to imports
mental cooperation with the Coun- LEGAMBIENTE Environment group if we wish to achieve such an ambitious
tries to the South, thus boosting the WWF Italia target. Italy could produce maximum
industrial sector and relations with 800,000 - 1,000,000 tons a years, us-
those countries. A1.5) THE ITALIAN GOVERNMENT ing 600,000 hectares of agricultural
5. In the transport sector, more ef- POSITION PAPER (SEPTEMBER 2007) land, an not the current 260,000. This
ficient vehicles, support systems to The main paragraphs on bioenergy in corresponds to 25,600 TJ, or 0,61 MToe.
local and national public transport, Italy are reported in the following ex- The remaining tons needed to achieve
the development of second genera- cerpts. the 10% target of 46 Mton of fuel con-
tion biorefineries - as well as environ- sumption, are to be imported. The pos-
mental conditions - can help reduce BIOMASS. The achievable potential sible negative impacts this approach
Italy’s dependence on oil products si- has been estimated to be around 5 could have on food chains, due to the
gnificantly, turning part of the deficit TWh/year, mainly through the use of reduction of agricultural land used for
in the energy budget into added va- industrial residues. Electricity effi- their needs, should be analysed. When
lued within the Country. ciency has been projected to be of analysing demand, the possible evolu-
The challenge of climate change can 25%, assuming that the biodegrad- tion of the road transport sector ought
and must be tackled by focusing on able fraction is 40% of solid urban to be taken into account, favouring the
existing clean and efficient solutions, waste. The value is given by a poten- use of increasingly efficient engines
which are an opportunity for develop- tial of 1.7 TWh/year given by the use and promoting policies for more com-
ment and employment, and by pro- of gas from controlled anaerobic fer- petitive public transport services.
moting research on and development mentation, which adds to a potential These two factors may reduce the fuel
of new technological options. The of about 1.5 TWh/year mainly from demand and thus the demand for im-
strategic value of investments in effi- landfill gas. The goal is to improve gas ported biofuels. As for heating/cooling
ciency and renewables goes beyond capture, although these waste treat- and biofuels, the maximum theoretical

12.01 MToe. n
environmental objectives, as stated ment systems are expected to disap- national potential is estimated to be
by great European Countries and the pear. The goal can be achieved only by

Ministero dell ’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare 16

Italian Biomass Association GOALS OF BIOENERGY IN ITALY

2] Resources/Efficiency
AND SUPPLY many existing variables. That is why
New Technologies, Energy and the
ADDENDA Environment) is developing a “Bio-
mass Atlas”, which will be a web-ac-
cessible interactive geodatabase. The
database will contain information on
ioenergy is made up of three ernising the non-food agricultural sec- the annual quantity of biomass avail-

B main supply chains: the heat

chain for centralized or de-cen-
tralized production of heat and/or cool-
tor, the forest sector and by re-settling
marginal land that can still be cultivat-
ed with species that require low ener-
able in each Italian province. The col-
lected data shall be georeferenced
and associated with local factors that
ing; the power chain for the production gy input and little crop maintenance. influence the management of bioen-
of electricity and cogeneration in small Brief mention will thus be made here ergy supply chains (transport infra-
power plants, and the biofuels chain on this topic, since the order of magni- structures, geomorphology, adminis-
replacing fossil fuels with fuels of bio- tude of estimates is fairly realistic and trative limits, environmental con-
logical origin in the transport sector. As more precise data can hardly be ob- straints etc.). This tool, thanks to its
reported in Chapter 1, the 2007 Italian tained, due to the high dispersion and structure and regular updates, will
Government Position Paper already fragmentation of these materials in the help to identify the districts that en-
set forth some objectives for the three country. The total quantity of organic courage energy production from bio-
supply chains to be reached by 2020, residues and by-products produced in mass. Since this highly detailed and
which were then confirmed by the Pro- Italy every year amounts to several reliable mapping system is not yet
posal of European Directive on Renew- million tons; only a share of it can be available, a more general overview
able Energy Sources (RES) that was used today due to: can be obtained by referring to a re-
approved by the European Council and 1) Competition with the non-energy cent survey carried out by ITABIA. The
Parliament in December 2008 and uses of the biogenic matter; survey focused on organic waste de-
which will soon (end 2010) enter into 2) Problems with collection of materi- riving from the five most relevant
force. In order to assess Italy’s capabil- als and subsequent supply to the en- sectors: agriculture, forestry, agro-in-
ity to achieve these goals, the avail- ergy conversion plant. dustry, wood industry and urban
ability of raw materials and technolo- waste. The data obtained result from
gies for their collection, treatment, 2.1.1) THE AVAILABILITY OF estimates that do not take into ac-
supply and conversion in the country BIOMASS AND COMPETITION count significant quantities of bio-
needs to be analysed by focusing on The formulation of estimates on the mass, which is today inaccessible
efficiency of use. availability of energy biomass can due to economic, logistical or market
give an overview of the sector’s po- reasons. The estimated annual quan-
2.1) RAW MATERIAL RESOURCES tential, but it also leaves some room tity of residue biomass amounts to
ver the past few years, public

and private organisations have
carried out comprehensive or 900
partial studies to assess the availabil- 4,500
ity of various biomass sources, main-
Agriculture 3,900
ly from agricultural and forest 6,500
residues, firewood, and the Forestry
biodegradable fraction of urban and Agroindustry
industrial waste, to be used for ener- Wood industry
gy purposes. They have also consid-
ered that more quantities of raw ma- Urban waste
terials could be produced by remod-

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Italian Biomass Association GOALS OF BIOENERGY IN ITALY

{ 2. Resources/

more than 25 million tons of dry mat- AVAILABILITY OF MAIN HERBACEOUS AND WOODY CROPS
ter (see graph page 17).
This quantity of available biomass, SECTOR TYPE OF WASTE QUANTITY (KT/YEAR OF D.M.)
with also animal manure and potential AGRICOLTURA
energy crops, can be summarized with
good approximation in the values of SOFT WHEAT Straw 500
the table below, that are expressed in HARD WHEAT Straw 1,600
millions of equivalent tons of oil BARLEY Straw 380
(Mtoe/year), so that they can be com- OATS Straw 120
pared with the figures reported in the
RICE Straw 550
Position Paper mentioned in Chapter 1.
MAIZE Stalks/Cops 3,100
Mtoe/Year TOBACCO Stalks 10
OLIVE TREE Wood, branches, fronds 800
PEAR TREE Branches 50
PEACH TREE Branches 150
CITRUS TREE Branches 480
4. TOTAL 24-30
ALMOND TREE Branches 95
This potential availability also needs to HAZEL TREE Branches 85
be weighted further due to technical ACTINIDIA Shoots 25
and economic problems in the supply APRICOT, CHERRY, PLUM TREE Branches 35
of raw material in the form of “biofuel” TOTAL Straw, stalks, stems, leaves, etc. 9,300
to the conversion plant (e.g. collection
and transport costs, storage and pre- or in some way enter the local market novative mechanization, would help
treatment costs, etc.). (paper industry and other) as report- exploit significant quantities of bio-
ed in Addendum A2.1. mass (branches, tops) that today are
BIOMASS FROM The estimated quantity of available left unused in the woods.
AGRICULTURAL RESIDUES waste (excluding the share of exist- The woody mass derived from cop-
All lignocellulosic waste (straw, ing but unusable residues) amounts pice woodlands is mainly used for en-
stalks, prunings, etc.) derived from to approximately 9.3Mt/ year of dry ergy purposes (firewood).
herbaceous and woody plants that matter. The figure 1 shows its production per-
grow in Italy has been taken into ac- centages.
count. Assessments have been made FOREST BIOMASS An optimal management purely for
by analysing the main, recent studies Estimates on the quantity of forest energy purposes, based on the use of
performed on more or less extensive biomass that can be used for energy suitable working methodologies and
portions of land and on some bio- have been made by analyzing current mechanization, may significantly in-
mass sources. This procedure has en- firewood production and by identifying crease the amount of wood for energy
abled ITABIA to assess the degree of possible and useful measures of for- as outlined in the figure 2.
approximation of the coefficients of est maintenance and enhancement. On the other hand, high forests are
residues biomass availability that Coppice woodlands are not exploited forest formations which produce the
have been used per surface unit to their full potential today and there- highest quality wood that is common-
and/or per main product. fore an increase of woodlands from ly used by the wood industry and the
The said residues are often used by 2% to 5% has been considered. More- cellulose paste sector. The figure 3
the companies that produce them for over, a more rational organization of shows the percentage of woody mass
various purposes (such as animal forest yards, both for high forests and that can be obtained by cutting high
bedding, animal feeds, planting, etc.) coppice woodlands, supported by in- forests, enhancing the use of bio-

Ministero dell ’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare 18

Italian Biomass Association GOALS OF BIOENERGY IN ITALY

{ 2. Resources/

FIGURE 1 COPPICE amounts to approximately 2.2. heat) and partly used in other market
WOODY MASS Mt/year of dry matter (4.5 million segments as second raw materials
tons per year of wet matter) and fire- (animal feeds, soil amendments, fi-
wood is used almost exclusively by a bres for chipboard panels or MDF, etc.)
consolidated market of small con- and partly disposed of as waste. Even
FIREWOOD SMALL RESIDUES sumers for their commercial activi- though these residues are already
60% AND LOST MATERIAL ties (pizzerias, wood ovens, etc.) or, employed in some way, they need to
20% on a larger scale, for household heat- be taken into account because they
BRUSHWOOD ing. A significant increase in re- may be used for the production of en-
sources (4.3 Mt/year in d.m.) for the ergy. Over the past years, the wide-
FIGURE 2 COPPICE wood-energy supply chain would be spread development of biomass dis-
WOODY MASS obtained in order to reach the calcu- trict heating, particularly in Northern
100% lated 6.5 Mt/year from today’s pro- Italy, has created intense competition
duction. Another resource could be with compressed wood or MDF panel
SMALL RESIDUES biomass obtained from improved producers for the supply of sawmill
AND LOST MATERIAL management and maintenance of waste. This competition has become
20% riverbeds, wind barriers, rows and even sharper due to the recent eco-
WOOD FOR ENERGY hedges, which would also be benefi- nomic crisis which has led to a drop in
80% cial for the environment. business for first and second wood
conversion companies. Moreover, the
FIGURE 3 HIGH FORESTS BIOMASS FROM increased demand for agro-industrial
WOODY MASS INDUSTRIAL RESIDUES waste for biogas production, due to
100% The availability of residues from the the ease of supply from production
agro-industry and wood industry is plants, has meant that production
SMALL RESIDUES significant in terms of energy content. companies have applied the cost of up
INDUSTRIAL TIMBER AND LOST MATERIAL These residues today are partly re-in-
50% 20%
to 10-15 Euro/t for something that, up
troduced into the production cycles of to some years ago, was supplied for
BRANCHES AND TOPS the companies that produce them free. Recent estimates by ITABIA have
30% (secondary products and process shown that the overall availability of
WOODLAND (kt/year d.m.) Kt/year (d.m.)
HIGH FORESTS (broad Branches, tops and AGRO-INDUSTRY
-leaved trees, conifers) small residues 1,800 SUGAR REFINERY Molasses, dry pulp, sludge 1,570
COPPICE WOODLANDS Whole plant 4,700 TOMATOES Peels and seeds 135
(simple, compound) CITRUS FRUIT Pulp and peel 210
TOTAL 6,500
mass (30% is made up of branches PASTA INDUSTRY Part breaking off 60
and tops) for energy purposes. These RICE INDUSTRY Husk, chaff, starch, green grains, broken parts 520
observations have led to estimate OIL Virgin residues, exhausted residues 750
that the annual quantity of material WINE Virgin pomace, exhausted pomace, grape stalks 300
that can be used for energy purposes TOTAL 3,900
would amount to around 13 million WOOD INDUSTRY
tons of wet matter, without reducing PRIMARY WOOD PROCESSING Barks, wane, etc. 2,500
forest consistency which corre- SECONDARY WOOD PROCESSING Sawdust, woodchips, etc 1,700
sponds to about 6.5 millions of tons PAPER INDUSTRY Pulp-paper, pulper 300
expressed in dry matter. TOTAL 4,500
Firewood production in Italy today OVERALL TOTAL 8,400

Ministero dell ’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare 19

Italian Biomass Association GOALS OF BIOENERGY IN ITALY

{ 2. Resources/

industrial residues, expressed as dry liquid waste stock exchange where have little ability in organising com-
matter, amounts to around 8.4 trading rates range from 1.5 Euro/t pany consortia or associations bring-
Mt/year, of which 3.9 Mt come from within 5 km from the producing farm ing together agricultural producers,
agro-industry and 4.5 Mt/year from to up to 5 Euro/t beyond 5 km. industrial businesses and services
the wood industry. companies for the collection and sup-
DEDICATED CROPS ply of these materials to the energy
BIOMASS OF URBAN ORIGIN Are in competition with crops planted conversion plant. A brief description
Urban waste, just like industrial for food or industrial purposes and of the technical and economic fea-
waste, increasingly undergoes treat- are limited to a few thousand tures of the supply chain is provided
ment to separate the recyclable frac- hectares of sunflower, soy and rape- in Addendum A2.3.
tion. There is thus uncertainty over seed for biodiesel and a few thousand On the other hand, it is easier to re-
the percentage that can be used to hectares of rapid growth poplars trieve other materials, such as for ex-
produce energy in the future. Today, (Short Rotation Forestry, SRF) in ample organic liquid waste and
only 8%-10% of the waste mass is Northern Italy. An analysis of territory residues; it is indeed easy to develop,
used as fuel, in compliance with Leg- has led us to estimate that approxi- in the short-range, a network chan-
islative decree 152/06. In fact: mately 500,000 600,000 ha of neling liquid waste to the conversion
> Recycling produces almost 0.9 arable land may be used to grow en- plant or organize the collection of or-
Mt/year of wet matter, which means ergy crops for biodiesel and first gen- ganic residues in the long-range,
about 100,000 t/year of dry matter. eration bioethanol, and that about which is also related to the need to
> The maintenance of public greener- 100,000 ha of marginal land may be deal with their final disposal.
ies yields over 9 Mt/year of wet mat- used to grow low input energy crops Given these factors, ITABIA has esti-
ter, which mean about 380,000 that are ideal for both producing lig- mated that the actual availability of
t/year of dry matter. nocellulosic biomass and biofuels biomass, regardless of collection and
The organic fraction of urban solid (Addendum A2.2 reports the yields supply problems, is about 80% of po-
waste (FORSU) that can be obtained per ha of some crops). Overall veg- tential availability (as seen in para-
from waste treatment plants (exist- etable production (lignocellulosic, graph 2.1.1) , thus corresponding to
ing ones and plants under construc- oleoplants, sugary plants, etc.) can 19-24 Mtoe/year.
tion) amounts to about 2 Mt/year, be estimated to be about 16,000,000
which corresponds to about 400,000 t/year (as it is), corresponding to 5 2.1.3) BIOFUELS SUSTAINABILITY
t/year of dry matter. This value may Mtoe/year of primary energy. TOWARDS THE 2020 TARGETS
also quadruple if plants treating all The mentioned quantities mean that
national waste were developed. 2.1.2) COLLECTION bioenergy can play a role of primary
AND SUPPLY OF BIOMASS importance in meeting the national
ANIMAL MANURE The collection, pretreatment and target which is projected to be 17% of
Is a good source of substrata for bio- transport of agro-forest biomass re- renewable energy by 2020 over an
gas production through anaerobic di- lies on techniques that have been overall demand that today amounts
gestion. Biogas would be an interme- widely tested to ensure improved effi- to about 150 Mtoe/year of gross final
diate fuel that is suitable for produc- ciency and safety of highly sophisti- energy consumption.
ing heat and/or electricity and should cated machines. Today’s levels of effi- Should this last figure remain unvar-
be given greater consideration by ciency have been achieved owing to ied, by virtue of the energy saving and
public and private stakeholders. Ital- the joint commitment of Italian Re- efficiency measures set forth in the
ian animal breeding produces about search Institutions (CNR-IVALSA, CRA- 2008 EU Draft Directive, the RES con-
330 million tons of liquid waste every ISMA) and National Associations of tribution shall be around 26 Mtoe/
year, but only a part of it is used for agro-forest mechanization (UNACO- year for the electricity, thermal and
anaerobic digestion. Except for the MA, ENAMA, UNIMA). Nonetheless, transportation sectors. With refer-
limited share of liquid waste that can biomass supply to biomass-fuelled ence to the present situation and to
be spread on the fields, there are no plants is strongly hindered by the the foreseen uptake for the other RES
other alternative uses that compete high dispersion of these resources on (solar, wind, hydro, etc.), bioenergy
with their energy uses. In Germany the territory, particularly with regard contribution should be of about 16-18
and The Netherlands, where the sec- to woody biomass or lignocellulosic Mtoe/year, available from the nation-
tor is very well developed, there is a residues. Italy has in fact shown to al biomass resources.

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Italian Biomass Association GOALS OF BIOENERGY IN ITALY

{ 2. Resources/

Even though the share of bioenergy if the related technology were to be- The outlined picture shows that in
needed to meet the 2020 target may come technically mature, cost-effec- the future it may be convenient, for
be obtained according to raw material tive and sustainable by 2020. instance, to produce bioethanol from
availability, the criteria for sustain- Moreover, the use of quality biofuels the bacterial degradation of sugars
able biofuel production set forth in is fundamental particularly for large contained in woody biomass in the
the draft RES directive ought to be re- plants. It is thus necessary to set the form of cellulose and hemicellulose,
spected. standards for these biofuels (See or (which is already being done) gen-
From this viewpoint, the sector of bio- Chapter 4), so as to prevent uncertain erate electricity from vegetable oil
fuels for transport is in a critical situ- interpretations of existing laws and combustion, etc.
ation, since biofuels are to give the avoid “administrative misunderstand- The activation of any kind of supply
greatest contribution by replacing ings” in the path to achieving the am- chain for biomass energy production
fossil fuels by 10% by 2020. The Posi- bitious EU objectives and the project- requires an in-depth study of the lo-
tion Paper (Chapter 1) estimates the ed “macroscopic” developments in the cal context where the chain is to op-
use of 4.2 Mtoe of biofuels, which can bioenergy sector. erate. The features of the biomass
only be obtained by importing raw Today’s projections clearly show supply chain system determine the
materials and by granting incentives that a predominant role shall be choices to be made for the correct
and significant support measures for played by “solid biofuels” not only for management and integration of the
research (second generation biofu- heat production (firewood, chipped entire production process, which
els). ITABIA has indeed estimated wood and pellets) and electricity/co- ranges from biomass supply (cultiva-
that, by respecting the Directive’s generation (chipped wood), but also tion and/or harvesting, transport,
new criteria, first generation biofuels for the production of “second “ gener- storage), to transformation (chipped
(if produced from national crops) ation biofuels (chipped wood). wood, pellet, vegetable oil, biodiesel,
would help produce maximum 2 Definitions, production features and bioethanol, biogas, etc.) up to energy
Mtoe, but demand in 2020 will be (re- technical specifications of solid “bio- conversion (heat, electricity, trans-
alistically) above 5 Mtoe, due to the fuels” are provided in detail in Adden- port, etc.).
need to incorporate 10% of biofuels in dum A2.4. A distinct feature of bioenergy sup-
fossil fuel consumption. ply chains is their degree of complex-
The sector of solid, liquid and 2.2) ENERGY CONVERSION TECH- ity. There are the so-called “farm sup-
gaseous biocombustibles for the pro- NOLOGIES AND EFFICIENCY OF USE ply chains” and “industry supply
duction of heat and electricity is not in wide range of technically and chains”.
such a critical situation, because no
strict sustainability criteria are to be
met. However, biomass supply sys-
A economically mature technolo-
gies for biomass conversion into
energy is available in Italy today. Some
The farm supply chains can be devel-
oped in the agro-forest sector, at farm
or small district level. Today’s most
tems and energy conversion efficien- of these technologies produce heat developed farm supply chains (which
cy need to be improved by reducing and electricity independently or are easier to set up because they re-
the radius of supply (less emission for through co- and trigeneration; others quire smaller investments) are those
transport) and resorting to high-yield produce intermediate energy carriers based on small- and medium-scale
technologies (cogeneration). Nowa- mainly for transport. Innovative tech- production of electricity, heating or
days, a significant share of primary nologies with the same end use are at biofuels by agricultural companies.
energy contained in lignocellulosic an advanced stage of development. This means that a step further be-
biomass used for household heating is Brief mention is made hereinafter of yond traditional agro-forest produc-
dispersed due to the use of obsolete the conversion technologies used in tions has been made by developing
and low-yield technologies (30%- Italy; for a detailed description of the agro-energy companies that can sup-
35%). By replacing these technologies said technologies reference can be ply heat, produce electricity, etc. Ow-
with high-efficiency equipment (70%- made to specialised publications. How- ing to the deep interest that these
80%), further primary bioenergy re- ever, efficiency of use can be assessed chains have raised, the following
sources, estimated to amount to 2 by taking account of the entire supply technologies have reached high lev-
million equivalent tons of oil (2 Mtoe), chains, rather than single technolo- els of maturity:
may become available in 2020. Such gies. Biomass types and their conver- > small domestic heating boilers
resources may be used for the pro- sion processes can be summarised as from solid biofuels;
duction of second generation biofuels, reported in the figure (page 22). > district heating from solid biofuels;

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Italian Biomass Association GOALS OF BIOENERGY IN ITALY

{ 2. Resources/

They are the most common supply
TYPE BIOMASS CONVERSION PRODUCT USAGE chains and are usually considered as
PROCESS “farm supply chains”. They are mainly
related to solid biofuels (firewood,
and dry fraction of Combustion Heat Heating pruning, chipped wood, pellet), and
urban solid waste Electricity marginally use gaseous biofuels (bio-
H2 O<35% gas) and liquid biofuels (vegetable
C/N>30 oils). Biogas and vegetable oils are to-
LIQUID WASTE day more suitably developed (due to
and wet fraction of Anaerobic biogas their many energy options) through
municipal solid waste digestion 60% methane Heating combined energy generation (cogen-
H2 O>35% Electricity eration) and for the mechanical ener-
20<C/N <30 gy sector (transport). This concept
SUGARY, STARCHY can be further clarified by saying that
and cellulosic materials Fermentation of Bioethanol Petrol-fuelled the “added value” biogas and veg-
urban solid waste sugars in and by-products engines etable oils acquire during their con-
15<H2 O<90% ethylic alcohol version processes from biomass
ANY C/N ratio qualifies them for more noble uses,
OLEOPLANTS such as electricity and/or mechanical
H2 O>35% Oil biodiesel Diesel-fuelled (transport) production. Hence, this
estherification engines added value should not be “wasted”
for mere heat production. That is why
this paragraph shall not deal with
> electricity from solid biofuels; en by the quantity of biodiesel that is supply chains producing heat from
> electricity from liquid and exempt from the excise tax: the quo- biogas and vegetable oils, even
gaseous biofuels; ta changes every year according to though their use for heating purposes
> electricity and co-generation from the financial law that is passed, thus is in some cases cost-effective, such
solid biofuels ; hindering the industrial production as in the case of biogas plants an-
> electricity and co-generation from of a biofuel that is technically ma- nexed to cheese factories.
liquid and gaseous biofuels; ture for the market. Despite the Despite the already widespread de-
> trigeneration from solid biofuels; mentioned difficulties, the main velopment of wood and pellet fuelled
> trigeneration from liquid and agro-industrial supply chains in Italy heating equipment, it is very impor-
gaseous biofuels. today focus on: tant to underline their efficiency.
Industry supply chains are, on the > industrial-scale production of Woody biomass is an endless energy
other hand, based on a close relation electricity from solid and liquid bio- resource that needs to be exploited in
between the agriculture/forest sec- fuels; the best way possible. It has also
tor and the industrial sector and re- > production of biodiesel; been noticed that its cost is in some
quire greater levels of organisation, > production of bioethanol. way related to fossil fuel prices. Its
and also the strong involvement of Second and third generation biofuels “cost-effective” use thus requires
administrations. These chains, may become available in the near fu- maximum “supply chain” efficiency
which are wanted by policymakers ture: from biomass growth, collection and
and stakeholders, often fail to devel- > ethanol from lignocellulosic bio- transport to end use (plant yield, final
op because of the lack (up to the pre- mass; user management).
sent day) of practical, widespread > biomass hydrogen; With regard to the efficiency of use,
national energy planning. These sup- > BTL (Biomass to Liquid); the heating sector (household, indus-
ply chains can hardly grow or devel- > BTG (Biomass to Gas). trial and district heating systems) is
op if they are not supported by sig- The assessment of the efficiency of the most heterogeneous sector not
nificant and reliable financial aid, at use of supply chains leads to the con- only for the widespread distribution
least in the kick-off phase. A clear ex- siderations that are reported here- network across the country, but also
ample of the current situation is giv- inafter. for their good yields and reliability.

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Italian Biomass Association GOALS OF BIOENERGY IN ITALY

{ 2. Resources/

Clearly, small systems, despite being conditions under which it is used. temperatures (steam or diathermic
significant in terms of quantity, have The actual energy yield differs from oil boilers) but can be powered by
on average relatively low yields (30- the nominal yield if the boiler output standard hot water boilers.
35%). Such values clash with the ad- is significantly lower than the nomi- Hot water temperatures in the ab-
vanced technological development of nal yield for long periods of time, or if sorption cycle in fact ranges between
modern inverse flame boilers, chipped the fuel used is not homogeneous 75°C and 95°C.
wood and pellet fuelled boilers that and/or has a relative moisture con- The refrigerated water produced from
have very high yields (up to 90%). tent above 50%. The actual (annual the evaporator has a temperature of
Nonetheless, in Italy there are about average) yield must not be lower than 7°C, which is particularly suitable for
6 million low-efficiency or even obso- 60-70%. air cooling processes.
lete heating devices (old stoves, fire Automatic feed biomass boilers (pellet Lithium bromide refrigerating absorp-
places, cheap kitchens, etc), with an or chipped wood) for household/dis- tion machines available on the mar-
overall installed power of about trict heating/production (thermal out- ket vary in size and output, ranging
30,000 MW th (Source: ITABIA, Euro- put up to several MW). from a minimum output of 20 kW to
pean Project K4 RES-Heat). Automatic feed boilers today can be up to 200 kW (greater outputs are
The installation of modern biomass guaranteed by the manufacturer for a usually achieved by installing more
boilers should be strongly promoted nominal yield that is not lower than machines in parallel , powered by one
also through incentives for replacing 85-90%. centralized biomass boiler).
old wood-fired boilers, which today Boilers with an output above 100 kWt These machines work correctly if
give the highest contribution in terms are usually fed automatically using coupled with a biomass boiler with a
of primary energy (approx. 4 Mtoe) chipped wood that is obtained from heating output that is 1.6 times high-
over the total consumption of primary the mechanical grinding of wood er. The overall actual efficiency of the
energy in Italy (approx. 200 Mtoe). residues that have to be stored indoor heating/cooling system depends on
Biomass district heating installa- for better drying. The actual (annual the number of operation hours in
tions, on the other hand, are made up average) yield of these boilers should summer and winter: if the system
of highly technological and innova- not be lower than 80-85%. runs for the same number of hours in
tive systems that offer high energy The overall actual yield of district summer and in winter, its annual actu-
yields and remarkable savings both heating systems (boiler + network) al efficiency is about 15% lower than
for the cost of the raw material used should not be lower than 75%-80%, on the efficiency of a boiler that is solely
and for the management and mainte- account of the heat that may be lost used for heating. This is due to the
nance of the system. along the heat distribution network. heat loss that occurs in the absorption
To date, district heating systems have machine’s refrigerating tower.
been installed mainly in Northern HEATING AND COOLING The ratio between the refrigerating out-
Italy, but interest on these systems Manual or automatic feed biomass put produced by the machine and the
has recently started to grow in Cen- boilers and absorption machine for heat input from the boiler quantifies
tral and Southern Italy. domestic heating/cooling (output the machine’s performance: the effi-
The following paragraphs provide an from 35 kW up to several MW). ciency value, known as COP (Coeffi-
outline on the efficiency of technolo- A heating and cooling system using cient of Performance) is usually 0.7
gies used in heat supply chains. solid biomass is made up of two main and indicates that 1.43 kWh of heat are
components: needed to produce 1 kWh of cool air.
HEATING > Hot water boiler.
Manual feed biomass boilers (fire- > Lithium bromide refrigerating 2.2.2) ELECTRICITY SUPPLY
wood, pellet) for household heating absorption machine. CHAINS, COGENERATION
(thermal output up to 100 kW) The biomass boiler that is used for AND TRIGENERATION
Small biomass boilers today are guar- heating in winter is turned on in sum- While thermal supply chains are al-
anteed by the manufacturer for a mer to power the refrigerating absorp- most all considered as “farm chains,
nominal efficiency value (heating tion machine. electricity and/or cogeneration sup-
yield) of up to 80%- 90%. The reason why lithium bromide ma- ply chains are “farm chains” for small
The actual energy yield (annual aver- chines are mentioned (rather than plants (electricity output <1 MW) and
age) depends on several factors, ammonia machines) is because their “industry-based chains” for plants
such as correct boiler size and the process cycle does not require high with greater output capacities. Effi-

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{ 2. Resources/

ciency of conversion processes and The production of electricity from sol- nological resources. This process is
supply chains is as important in the id biofuels is based on two consolidat- used by the main power plants (from
production of electricity as it is in ed technologies: 1 MWe up to 40 MWe) where the si-
thermal production. Combined ther- > Boiler for steam production. multaneous application of cogenera-
mal and electricity production is > Turbine coupled with alternator. tion rarely occurs, because there is
preferable, because it favours an opti- Steam production occurs through two not a sufficient number of users who
mal use of biomass, it is eco-friendly main conversion processes that vary would make use of the significant
and cost-effective, despite the higher according to plant size. quantities of residual heat that is
initial investment costs. » Small plants (< 1 MWe): diathermic wasted from the electricity produc-
With regard to the supply of electrici- oil boiler using ORC cycle (Organic tion process.
ty, the larger plants (>1 MW), most of Rankine Cycle) The cycle’s electrical efficiency is much
which were set up in line with provi- Today’s preferred technology for the higher than that of ORC plants and giv-
sion CIP 6/92, favoured the produc- production of electricity in en that plants are larger in size, re-
tion of electricity alone and achieved small/medium-sized plants is the markable economies of scale can be
a primary energy conversion efficien- one offered by the Italian company achieved on investment unit costs.
cy of no more than 20-25%, based on Turboden which combines a diather- Economic profitability strictly de-
Rankine cycle technologies (water mic oil boiler with an organic fluid tur- pends on the cost of the biofuel
steam). The average biomass (rela- bogenerator. The output capacity (which is not always available local-
tive moisture 35-45%) consumption available on the market ranges be- ly) and national incentives.
of these plants amounts to approxi- tween 200 kWe and 2000 kWe. The most common combustion tech-
mately 1.3-1.5 t for produced MWhe . In the ORC, the turbogenerator uses nology used today in water steam
Following the expiry of CIP6 and the the hot diathermic oil to pre-heat and generators (boilers) is the mobile
introduction of Green Certificates, the vaporise an organic fluid that acti- grid, which, compared to fluidized
“rush” towards the exclusive produc- vates the turbine, which is coupled bed boilers, is more reliable in terms
tion of electricity has waned and with the electrical alternator. of operation, but is less efficient in
awareness of the potential offered by The electrical efficiency of these sys- terms of combustion and emission
cogeneration has been growing, also tems ranges between 15% and 18%, control (NOx, CO, etc.).
with a view to improve the cost-effec- depending on size. These systems, if These plants need to achieve maxi-
tiveness of initiatives. not operated in cogeneration, can on- mum net electricity yields, due to
The use of cogeneration should be ly be cost-effective and thermody- their high investment costs and the
pursued with resolve, in order to in- namically efficient if installed in de- use of large quantities of biomass
crease the amount of useful final en- centralised areas, that are close to (they operate on a continuous all-
ergy (electricity + heat) and overall the national electricity grid and where year-round production cycle). Since
conversion efficiency: this would large quantities of biomass are avail- fuels are never completely homoge-
mean respecting the principle that able. Given the high, initial invest- neous, balanced process solutions
biomass is not an endless resource ment costs of these plants, it is im- (e.g. steam at 450°C and 50 bars)
and must therefore be used as effi- portant to rely on the state incentives need to be implemented, so that
ciently as possible. granted per kWhe produced (GC or all- plants can even work for 8000
The following paragraphs report on inclusive tariff), in order to achieve an hours/year with a 25% electricity
the technological resources of the economic return. yield, and biomass types other than
electricity/cogeneration supply There are also other technological re- chipped wood (e.g. olive residues,
chain and the various conversion sources, which are still being devel- grapeseed flour, husk, etc.) can be
processes. oped, for small electricity production used, without posing any risk to plant
plants (< 200 kWe): they are based on operation. More “extreme” process
ELECTRICITY Stirling engines and on the gasification parameters (e.g. steam at 520 °C and
This paragraph takes account of the of solid biofuels whereby gas combus- 90 bars) provide higher yields (up to
supply chains for the production of tion occurs in micro-gasturbines. 30%) but also entail greater risks, be-
electricity from solid, liquid and » Medium and large plants (> 1 cause plant operation may have to be
gaseous biofuels. MWe) : Water steam boilers. stopped to perform maintenance
Generation of electricity from solid Medium and large electrical power work due to corrosion or excessive
biofuels plants exploit long-established tech- fouling.

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Italian Biomass Association GOALS OF BIOENERGY IN ITALY

{ 2. Resources/

Generation of electricity from liquid lows, in relation to their size range: heat production. ESI expresses the per-
and gaseous biofuels From 50 kWe to 350 kWe 32% centage of energy saving that is
A plant producing electricity from liq- From 350 kWe to 1 MWe 36% achieved by producing the same
uid biofuels (vegetable oils) or From 1 Mwe to 10 MWe 40% amounts of useful electricity and heat
gaseous biofuels (biogas) is made up >10 MWe 45% using one single process (cogenera-
of the following main components: These supply chains are also cost-ef- tion) instead of two distinct processes.
> Internal combustion engine. fective not only because they have a The said norms state that a new
> Alternator. higher electricity yield, but also be- thermal-electrical plant, fed by fossil
Depending on plant size, power out- cause their plant unit investment fuels, can benefit from the advan-
puts range between 50 kWe to about cost (per kWe of installed power) is tages granted to cogeneration if:
20 MWe. Small output plants usually definitely lower. However, the cost of > LT > 30%
work at high speeds (1,500 vegetable oils used to fuel the engine > IRE > 10%
spins/min), while bigger output plants is about three times higher (in terms There are, as yet, no similar rules for
work at average-low speeds. Flue-gas of primary energy content) than the biomass cogeneration plants, but it
contain high NOx and CO levels. Howev- cost of solid biofuels (chipped wood). would be reasonable to develop future
er, according to current laws, the flue- bioenergy incentives in line with the
gas emitted by engines with an output COGENERATION above-mentioned parameters.
of <1 MWt (350 kWe) are not signifi- Decision AEEG 42/02 and legislative It is important to point out that the TL
cant, whilst treatment processes need decree 20/2007 set the parameters and ESI parameters do not concern the
to be implemented when bigger en- of fossil fuel “cogeneration” plants: overall energy efficiency of conversion
gines are used, so as to prevent emis- > Thermal Limit (TL) - the ratio be- processes, but are useful in determin-
sions from exceeding allowed limits tween useful thermal energy pro- ing whether a cogeneration or trigener-
(legislative decree 152/2006). duced and the sum of useful thermal ation process can be considered as
Small and medium plant supply chains and electrical production. It express- such and can thus benefit from finan-
are interesting and their main features es the amount of useful thermal ener- cial incentives. The most common co-
are: gy produced over total useful produc- generation supply chains concern sol-
• integration of both field and farm ac- tion (electricity + heat). id, liquid and gaseous biofuels.
tivities; > Energy Saving Index (ESI) - the ratio
• proximity to the electricity grid and between total primary energy con- Cogeneration from solid biofuels
to users who have significant and var- sumed and the sum of specific primary An electricity plant fuelled by solid
ied electricity demands, and constant energies related to useful electricity and biofuels is composed of three main
improvements aimed to enhance dis-
trict energy self-sufficiency and, in
general, rationalize energy supply EXAMPLE: PLANT WITH 5 MW PRIMARY ENERGY (ORC TURBOGENERATOR - 20%
• availability of land (used or usable in
the short term) for dedicated crop FEATURES:
growth. 1 MWe available output (electrical power) for grid connection.
Generally, these plants produce elec- 3 MWt available output (thermal power) for heat users.
tricity using their own “home-pro- 1 MW (losses and self-consumption).
duced” biofuels. For the plants, this On-grid electricity production with yearly operation of 7,500 hours: 7,500
means developing other interesting ac- MWhe.
tivities which can be mainly carried out Potential heat production with yearly operation of 7,500 hours: 22,500 MWht
during period of low field work (cold Hypothesis of actual annual production of useful thermal energy for 1100
seasons) and help improve the use of hours: 3,300 MWht.
farm resources. TL = 3,300/(7,500 + 3,300) = 30.5%
These supply chains are efficient and ESI = 10%
their electricity efficiency is definitely Clearly, even a limited thermal exploitation of 1,100 hours/year has a TL > 30%.
higher than that of solid biofuel supply If all potential thermal energy was exploited, the TL would be 70% and ESI 43%,
chains. which are the maximum values of both parameters that can be achieved with ORC.
Their yield can be summarized as fol-

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Italian Biomass Association GOALS OF BIOENERGY IN ITALY

{ 2. Resources/

components: > Internal combustion engine (Diesel Energy Saving Index (ESI) and overall
> Steam boiler. cycle). efficiency of trigeneration plants are
> Turbine coupled > Alternator. by far better than those achieved with
with alternator . > Heat recovery circuit cogeneration only.
> Heat recovery circuit. from exhaust gases Trigeneration overall efficiency and
from the turbine condenser. and cooling water. cost-effectiveness increases (com-
A biomass-fuelled cogeneration plant The overall efficiency of cogenera- pared to cogeneration) with the in-
is made up of the same elements of a tion using a Diesel cycle, strictly de- crease in the number of operation
plant producing only electricity , plus pends on the number of annual hours hours of the absorption machine dur-
the heat recovery circuit which is, in in which useful thermal energy is ing the summer months .
practical terms, a second boiler. used, and can range between a mini- The largest plant size is 5MW primary
Hereinafter is an analysis of the TL mum of 50% and a maximum of 85%. power: it is relatively easy to find
and ESI values of a cogeneration plant The reason why TL and ESI values users that require this power output
that has an all-year-round continuous obtained with the Diesel cycle are of thermal/cooling energy that is ob-
electricity production. lower is due to a higher electrical yield tained after the plant’s production of
The overall efficiency of ORC cogener- and a lower amount of residual heat. electricity, which is in any case sup-
ation strictly depends on the number plied to the national grid.
of annual hours in which useful ther- TRIGENERATION Using the heat/cold produced is a very
mal energy is used, and can range be- The supply chains for the combined important eco-friendly move, because
tween a minimum of 30% and a maxi- production of electricity, heat and it allows to make the most of the ener-
mum of 70%. cooling from solid, liquid and gaseous gy content of the biomass used for the
biofuels are not as yet very common, same amount of emitted C02.
Cogeneration from liquid and but the technology is consolidated.
gaseous biofuels The installation of a trigeneration Trigeneration from solid biofuels
An electricity plant using liquid biofu- plant is an excellent solution to meet This type of plant comprises:
els (vegetable oils) and/or gas biofu- the strong demand of thermal energy > Steam boiler.
els (biogas) comprises the following both in winter (heat) and in summer > Turbine coupled with
main components: (cooling). The Thermal Limit (TL), the alternator.
> Heat recovery circuit from the tur-
bine condenser.
NATOR) This type of plant has the same com-
FEATURES: ponents that are found in a cogenera-
2 MWe available electrical power output for grid connection. tion plant, plus a refrigerating absorp-
2,5 MWt available thermal power output for heat users. tion machine. The considerations
0,5 MW (losses and self-consumption). made in the paragraph on “Heating and
On-grid electricity production with yearly operation of 7,500 hours: 15,000 cooling" (2.1.1) also apply to this tech-
MWhe. nology, for the output range available
Potential heat production with yearly operation of 7,500 hours: 18,750 MWht. on the market (from minimum 20 kW
Hypothesis of actual annual production of useful thermal energy for 1,100 to up to about 200 kW) and for their
hours: 2,750 MWht correct operation which requires the
TL = 2,750 / (15,000 + 2,750) = 15.5% use of a co-generator (turbine coupled
ESI = 8% with alternator) with an available ther-
It is worth remarking that cogeneration plants operating with liquid/gaseous bio- mal power output that is at least 1.6
fuels ((Diesel cycle) and having the same cogeneration structure (installed times the nominal refrigerating power
power and annual hours of useful heat production), obtain a TL value of 15.5% as of the absorption machine.
opposed to 30% achieved with solid biofuel cogeneration, and an ESI value of 8% In this case too, overall efficiency of
against 10% of solid biofuels. If all the potential thermal energy was exploited, the the heating/cooling system depends
achieved TL would be 55% and ESI 40%, which are the maximum values of both on operation hours in summer com-
parameters that can be achieved with a Diesel cycle. pared to winter: with the same work-
ing hours in summer and winter the

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Italian Biomass Association GOALS OF BIOENERGY IN ITALY

{ 2. Resources/

about 15% less,, due to the heat loss
that occurs at the refrigerating tower BOILER
during the summer months.
primary heat
Trigeneration from liquid
and gaseous biofuels residual
The main components of this type of ABSORPTION heat
plant are:
> Internal combustion engine.
> Alternator.
> Heat recovery circuit from exhaust HEATING ENERGY
gases and cooling water.
> Absorption machine.
This type of plant is made up of the
same components that are found in BIOETHANOL grapes, excess wine, fruit and vegeta-
a cogeneration plant from liquid and Ethanol can be produced by chemical bles that have been withdrawn from the
gaseous biofuels, plus a refrigera- synthesis from a fossil source or by market.
ting absorption machine. The latter fermentation from biomass materials. In the absence of a real market for de-
has the same features outlined in The latter process leads to the pro- dicated crops, other types of crops
the paragraph above, both with re- duction of the so-called bioethanol. such as beet, sugary sorghum and to-
gard to machine size available and The raw materials used for ethanol pinambur have been tested with inte-
their correct operation, which requi- production belong to the following ca- resting results.
res the use of a co-generator (turbi- tegories: Many expectations in terms of cost-
ne coupled with alternator) with an > Agricultural crop residues. effectiveness and energy-efficiency
available thermal power that is at > Forest residues. are placed on the production of se-
least 1.6 times the nominal refrige- > Temporary and occasional agricul- cond-generation bioethanol from li-
rating power of the absorption ma- tural excess. gnocellulosic materials, which would
chine. In this case too, overall effi- > Processing residues from agro-in- reduce the cost of the raw material to
ciency of the heating/cooling sy- dustry and agro-food industries. 20-30% over the total process cost,
stem depends on operation hours in > Dedicated crops. compared to the 60-70% that is achie-
summer compared to winter, as de- > Urban waste. ved with the other materials. Moreo-
scribed above for solid biofuel trige- Depending on their nature, the raw ver, agricultural, forest and agro-indu-
neration. materials can be classified into three stry residues, together with the hi-
separate groups: ghly productive yields of lignocellulo-
2.2.3) BIOFUEL SUPPLY CHAIN > Sugary materials: substances rich sic crops, would require the exploita-
The main biofuels that can also be in saccharose, such as sugar cane, tion of remarkably lower portions of
used in the transport sector, as laid beet, sugary sorghum, fruits, etc. agricultural land, thus avoiding any
down in Directive 2003/30/CE, are: > Starchy materials: substances ri- competition between food and
> Bioethanol and bio-ETBE ch in starch such as wheat, maize, energy crops.
> Biomethanol and bio-MTBE barley, grain sorghum, potato, etc. The use of these raw materials is not
> Biodiesel > Lignocellulosic materials: substan- yet widespread, because complex and
> Biogas ces rich in cellulose, such as straw, expensive technologies are needed. In
> Biohydrogen maize stalks, woody residues, etc. fact, bioethanol production from these
Recent studies and analyses have The most widely tested and used dedi- materials is more complex than that
shown that bioethanol for ETBE pro- cated crops are sugar cane (see the bra- obtained from sugary materials. The
duction and biodiesel are the biofuels zilian experience), wheat and maize. substances containing lignin, cellulo-
that rely on the most mature produc- The raw materials that are currently se and hemicellulose need to be pre-
tion technology for their industrial used in Italy for bioethanol production treated before fermentation and this
and market exploitation in the short- (only occasionally addressed to the can be achieved through different pro-
medium term. energy market) are dregs of pressed cesses: a chemical process (basic or

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Italian Biomass Association GOALS OF BIOENERGY IN ITALY

{ 2. Resources/

acid hydrolysis) or a microbiological production can be divided into two land would be needed if cultivated with
process. Detoxification is the next step main categories: Arundo donax (common cane) for bio-
which removes the hemicellulose, or- a) Oils from widespread crops with high fuels that can be obtained via innovati-
ganic acids and phenolic compounds content of oleic and/or erucic acid (e.g. ve “biomass to liquid” processes. Algae
that are produced during the previous soy oil, rapeseed oil, sunflower oil, palm are another highly promising material:
phase. The final phase is hydrolysis, oil, coconut oil and castor oil); experiments have shown that their oil
which separates the complex lignocel- b) Exhausted vegetable oils and/or yield can be of about 50% of the bio-
lulosic structure into monosacchari- other waste or recovered fatty mate- mass of origin and they can have a po-
des that provide a good substrate for rials. tential annual production capacity that
alcoholic fermentation, which is fol- The category b) materials are not cur- is 10 to 20 times higher than that of
lowed by distillation and finally rently being used on an industrial scale, traditional oleoplants.
bioethanol is obtained. but some experimental or demonstrati-
The efficiency and economic conve- ve applications are being tested. BIOGAS
nience of the process described The main raw material used worldwi- Over the past ten years anaerobic di-
needs to be improved and the indu- de is rapeseed oil. This is due to seve- gestion has become one of the most
strial sector is focusing its attention ral reasons: other raw materials are extensively treatments used in many
on this. Many large companies (espe- more expensive and have limited European Countries, including Italy,
cially in the USA) are working on ex- availability; diesel engine manufactu- to produce renewable energy in the
perimental projects. The European rers are sceptical about the use of form of biogas. The main raw mate-
Commission has projected that by biodiesel produced from vegetable oil rials used in biogas production are:
2020 about 30% of biofuels will be se- with high iodine content and from > Animal manure.
cond-generation biofuels. exhausted and fatty oils. > Agricultural residues.
This situation has been “ratified” by the > Agro-industry waste.
BIODIESEL standards set by the European Com- > Dedicated crops.
Biodiesel is a methyl ester of fatty mittee for Standardization. To meet su- > Organic fraction of urban solid wa-
acids of vegetable and/or animal oils, ch standards, biodiesel producers mu- ste (FORSU).
produced via transesterification, st use rapeseed oil or a blend of oils > Sewage sludges.
whereby vegetable oils react with ex- containing at least 50-60% in weight of In the agricultural sector, anaerobic di-
cess methyl alcohol, in the presence rapeseed oil. The simplified mass ba- gestion is particularly important in the
of an alkaline catalyst. lance equation of the whole process is treatment of animal manure because
The final product is a mixture of so- as follows: 1,000 kg of refined oil and it reduces odour emissions and achie-
me (6-7) methyl esters, which does 100 kg of methanol produce 1,000 kg ves a balanced nitrogen load in the bio-
not contain sulphur and aromatic of biodiesel and 100 kg of glycerine. mass, prior to its agronomic use. To-
compounds, but contains large Since a high rate of conversion into day, perspectives for the agricultural
quantities of oxygen (no less than methyl ester is generally obtained (if world have become broader, because
10%) and can be used as fuel for possible above 97%), phospholipids biogas can also be conveniently pro-
transport and heating, either alone and mucilage need to be eliminated duced from vegetable biomass that is
or mixed with diesel fuel. and oil acidity levels need to be kept cultivated for this purpose.
Biodiesel mixed with diesel can be used as low as possible. The recovered biogas has a lower ca-
in diesel engines in volumes compri- Efficient biodiesel supply chains (just lorific value ranging between 4,000
sed between 2 and 30% , without the like bioethanol) focus greatly on inno- and 6,000 kcal/Nm3 and can be used
need to modify the engines. vative technologies, also with the aim for several purposes:
Pure biodiesel used as fuel for tran- of limiting the portions of agricultural > Production of electricity and/or
sport may require engine modifica- land to be dedicated to the cultivation heating, both for self-consumption
tion, due to its lower calorific value. of energy crops. Europe would need 24 and distribution, generally using in-
The by-product of the transesterifica- million hectares of land cultivated with ternal combustion engines, fed by
tion process is glycerol (commonly rapeseed, or 18 million hectares culti- biogas and coupled with electrical al-
known as glycerine), which, once re- vated with sunflower, to be able to pro- ternators and heat recovery circuits.
fined, is sold to pharmaceutical and duce the quantity of biodiesel needed > Use in gas-fuelled engines for tran-
cosmetic industries. to replace 10% of diesel fuel used for sport, after purification and upgra-
The raw materials used for biodiesel transport. Only 4 million hectares of ding to biomethane.

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Italian Biomass Association GOALS OF BIOENERGY IN ITALY

{ 2. Resources/

> Use of synthesis and/or hydrogen market where biomethane is widely > availability of biomass and thus
gases, through catalyzed processes used in the transport sector and co- agricultural and forest production
similar to those used for methane sts vary between 0.65 and 0.75 €/l (affected by orography, climate,
(partial catalytic oxidation). excluding tax. The unitary production soil, water availability, average size
In Italy, the first category is extensi- cost amounts to 0.47-0.57 €/litre of of farms, etc.);
vely widespread, whereas the other diesel equivalent, compared to a fos- > harvesting, transport and storage
two are at a testing or demonstration sil diesel cost of 0.75 €/litre (exclu- costs (which vary according to con-
stage. ding tax). Taxes on bimoethane are version plant size, level of mechani-
The use of biogas upgraded to puri- lower than traditional fuels, so its use zation, degree of third-party con-
fied methane (95-98%), which is bio- can be cost-effective. Nonetheless, tractorship, existing infrastructu-
methane, is widely used in many Eu- biomethane vehicles are still more res, etc);
ropean countries in the transport expensive than conventional vehi- > existence of heating and/or elec-
sector to fuel vehicles that run on cles, but prices are expected to drop tricity users and their annual de-
natural gas or fossil methane. Bio- with their expansion on the market. mand (load curves);
methane is an energy-efficient fuel > factors affecting energy conver-
that burns in engines in an efficient 2.2.4) SOME CONCLUSIVE REMARKS sion (yields, size and type of plant,
way, reducing direct CO2 emissions ON THE CHOICE OF SUPPLY CHAIN etc.);
by 20% compared to petrol and by 5% Briefly, the efficiency of biomass to > factors influencing emission con-
compared to diesel. energy conversion can be summari- trol and management (climate, bio-
However, the beneficial environ- zed as in table below. In most cases, it mass type, conversion process, te-
mental impact of biomethane on is difficult to say a priori which is the chnologies for flue gases treatment,
greenhouse gas emissions needs to best supply chain to be used for a spe- ashes, etc.).
be assessed over the entire lifecycle cific kind of energy conversion. It is The next chapter will outline the si-
of biomethane. Firstly, it is a renewa- much easier to do it if the plant site, tuation of operational bioenergy
ble fuel and secondly its CO 2 emis- geoclimatic area and district in which plants in Italy today, providing an in-
sions over its lifecycle are very low; fi- the supply chain has to be operated dication of economic estimates and

trends. n
nally, it eliminates methane disper- are known. These aspects are mainly some remarks on possible future
sion due to natural decomposition, related to the following variables:
since it derives from organic matter.
These effects, combined together, fa- EFFICIENCY OF BIOMASS TO ENERGY CONVERSION
vour a more than 100%-reduction of
CO2 equivalent compounds. Depen- Single heating households 70-85 %
ding on the basic substrate that is District heating 75-90%
used for biomethane production, the Heating and cooling 55-70%
reduction of CO2eq emissions ranges Bioelectricity from solid biofuels 15-30%
between 75 and 200%. Biomethane Bioelectricity from liquid and gaseous biofuels 32-45%
emissions meet air quality standards. Co-generation from solid biofuels 30-70%
Biomethane combustion produces Co-generation from liquid and gaseous biofuels 50-85%
low particulate levels and its NOx le- Tri-generation from solid biofuels 15-55%
vels are also acceptable if flue gases Tri-generations from liquid and gaseous biofuels 35-70%
are treated with specific devices. Bio-
methane vehicles generally meet the
strictest European legal emission li-
mits (Euro V and EEV for Bi-Fuel vehi-
cles, Euro IV for dual-fuel vehicles).
Recent technological developments
are expected to bring better environ-
mental performances.
Economically speaking, the most
reliable data regarding the cost of bio-
methane come from the Swedish

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Italian Biomass Association GOALS OF BIOENERGY IN ITALY

2] Addenda
HARD AND Straw > Animal bedding 40-50 %
SOFT WHEAT > Animal food 5-10 %
> Paper industry and other 5-10 %
> Burnt in the field 30-40 %
BARLEY Straw > Animal bedding 40-50 %
> Burnt in the field 50-60 %
OATS Straw > Animal food 40-60 %
> Burnt in the field 40-60 %
RICE Straw > Animal bedding 20-30 %
> Burnt in the field 70-80%
GRAIN MAIZE Stalks (stems); > Animal bedding (stalks) 40-50 %
Cobs (ear axes) > Animal food (stalks) 10-20 %
> Ploughing (cobs) 70-80 %
SUGAR BEETROOT Leaves > Animal food 10-20 %
> Ploughing 90-80%
TOBACCO Stalks > Ploughing 100%
SUNFLOWER Stalks > Ploughing 100%
VINE Shoots (Branches) > Ploughing 30-40 %
for wine and grapefruit > Burnt in the field 30-40 %
> Fascine da ardere 20-40 %
OLIVE TREES Wood, branches, > Energy (wood); 90-100 %
fronds > Burnt in the field (branches) 90-100 %
FRUIT TREES Branches > Ploughed (on lowland) 10-20 %
(apple, pear, peach trees, etc.) > Burnt in the field 80-90%
CITRUS TREES Branches > Burnt in the field 90-100 %
(orange, lemon trees, etc.)
NUT TREES Branches > Burnt in the field 90-100 %
(almond, hazel, walnut trees)


Current In 5/10 years time
MAIZE 5-8 8-12 Irrigated lowland Food competition
WHEAT 4-7 7-10 Dry lowland/hills Food competition
SUGARY SORGHUM 7-12 12-20 Irrigated lowland Short harvesting period
BEET 5-10 10-15 Irrigated lowland Short harvesting period, costs
TOPINAMBUR 5-8 8-15 Dry hills Difficult rotation

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{ Addenda
to Chapter 2


Current In 5/10 years time
SUNFLOWER 0,8-1,2 1,2-1,8 Clayey soils Choice of varieties
RAPE 0,6-0,9 0,8-1,5 Centre-north Adaptation, choice of varieties
SAFFLOWER 0,5-0,8 1,0-1,6 Centre-south Adaptation, mechanization
Source: ITABIA elaboration from INEA data


Fibre sorghum 15-20 20-30 Soil exploitation
Arundo donax 20-22 30-35 Limited tests
Miscanthus 15-20 20-30 Limited tests
Broom 6-8 8-12 Harvesting
Cynara card. 10-12 12-20 Variable yields
SRF 10-16 15-25 Tehcniques to be developed, transplantation costs
Source: ITABIA elaboration from INEA data

A2.3) TECHNOLOGIES FOR BIOMASS processed, chipping is the main ope- wood for energy can be obtained as a
COLLECTION, PRE-TREATMENT AND ration in both cases , which is done process by-product .
TRANSPORT with either a chipper or a grinder. The The former category comprises
Woody biomass can be obtained from main difference between the two ma- young woods, mainly coppices and
different sources, such as residues chines is the chipping device, which young plantations, where a correct fo-
from first conversion wood industry are sharp blades (knives) in the chip- rest management requires their thin-
(sawmills, furniture factories and joi- pers and non-sharp rounded tools ning in order to ensure good develop-
neries), woods, agricultural crop resi- (hammers) in the grinders. Chippers ment and more resistance to adverse
dues and dedicated woody crops. produce higher quality material and conditions. This practice can be
consume less energy, but their bla- performed in different ways, accor-
COLLECTION AND PRE-TREATMENT** des are very sensitive to stones, me- ding to available working conditions.
Industrial waste collection is the sim- tal and soil particles. If the wood to be Short-wood operations involve the
plest way of collecting residues, be- chipped contains these elements, it is cutting of trees, their conversion into
cause waste simply needs to be chip- best to opt for a grinder, despite the logs and successive transportation to
ped and transported to the energy lower quality end product. the truck road. These operations can
conversion plant. These two opera- Collecting residues from woods is a be carried out either by hand with
tions can also be performed in rever- much more complex operation, be- chain saws and tractors or by some
sed order, that is by transporting cause working conditions can vary mechanized processor such as har-
wood to the conversion plant where it greatly and woods also offer a very vesters and forwarders. On the other
is then chipped. The latter operation is vast array of materials - firewood and hand, whole-tree operations log trees
often carried out in special interme- chipped wood - with highly different on the truck road, which means who-
diate transfer stations, so the mate- features and costs. With regard to the le trees are to be transported to the
rial is transported twice: in bulk from supply of wood for energy, woods can road. The transportation can be done
the site of origin to the transfer sta- be divided into two great categories: using different types of machines,
tions and in the form of chips from the those directly producing wood for the most mechanized being fellers
transfer stations to the plant. Regard- energy and those producing other and skidders. Advanced machines
less of the place where the material is wooden primary products from which are available in different sizes and

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Italian Biomass Association GOALS OF BIOENERGY IN ITALY

{ Addenda
to Chapter 2

are not necessarily big and heavy. the wood factory, the latter is chipped in Italy. There are two systems for
There are mini-fellers and mini-pro- and transported to the energy con- the collection of these crops. One sy-
cessors that rely on the best techno- version plant. Integrated collection is stem is based on the biomass being
logy from Scandinavia or North-Ame- a cost-effective operation and it is of- cut, collected, chipped in continuous
rica and are very light and cheap. ten the only way to obtain the resi- succession: the whole operation is
Their weight and cost are less than dues from mountain woods, where it carried out by one machine and the
half of those of the most common would be too complicated and expen- material is unloaded on the edge of
commercial models. sive to transport out of the woods the field in the form of chips. The
In woods with greater value (higth branches and tops separately. The in- other system is based on separated
forests), that is those exploited for tegrated system is becoming wide- cutting, collection and chipping pha-
hardwood log production, there are spread in the Alps, because opera- ses, which can be performed with
large quantities of residues, such as tions are mechanized through a pro- different machines and at different
branches and tops, that are left over cessor. In this way, the cost of wood times. The first system is generally
from tree cutting and can be a sour- for industry is reduced by 30% and at more productive and simpler to orga-
ce of energy biomass. Residue col- the same time large quantities of bio- nize, but it does not offer great flexi-
lection is usually carried out in two mass can be recovered, which will bility and may rely on the use of
phases: firstly, trees are cut into bring further gains. cumbersome machines. The second
logs which are then transported out Agricultural residues are another system is more flexible, it can be
of the woodland; secondly, the bran- important source of woody biomass: performed using conventional
ches and tops left over on the ground fruit tree and vine pruning produces equipment and the cutting operation
are collected. During the second between 1 and 3 tons of dry matter can be “delayed” until stem moisture
phase, the material is chipped either per hectare every year, which are to reaches optimal levels. Both sy-
on site or on the banking ground. On- be multiplied by the enormous stret- stems and the related equipment
site chipping requires the use of a ches of land that are cultivated with are known in Italy, but the one-step
self-propelled chipper, which may these crops. After pruning, residues collection is the most common sy-
have an built-in container or may be are first collected and chipped and stem that is carried out with very
flanked by a tractor with a large con- then packed. For the first operations, powerful harvesters. They are equip-
tainer with high sides. When the con- the material can be heaped in the ped with special collection spikes
tainer is full, the machine returns to headland using a front-bladed trac- and their hourly productivity can be
the banking ground and unloads the tor, and then chipped using a grinder. over 40 tons/hour. Similar collection
material on the ground or in a truck There are also some machines that spikes are used to equip tractors,
road container. The reverse order is carry out the operation in one step but their performance and reliability
followed when the branches are loa- only: they are shoot cutters carrying are lower than harvesters.
ded on a container and carried to the a container where the cuttings are In summary, the sector is vast and
banking ground to be chipped and collected. These machines are avai- articulate and offer very interesting
then loaded directly onto a truck. A lable in various versions, there are li- opportunities for those who work in
third option consists in compressing ght and industrial models, the latter the agricultural and forest sectors.
and tying the branches in cylindrical being heavier and more expensive, One must not take fright of the sec-
packages, which have similar sha- but also more productive. As an al- tor’s complexity, because Italy has
pes and sizes than the logs. This ternative, various balers can be used the knowledge and equipment to deal
operation allows to transport resi- to form bales of various shapes and with any type of work: this informa-
dues with the same machines used sizes. Bales are easier to handle tion has been widely provided at Bio-
to transport logs, without having to than cuttings, but they require a masseEima 2008, where UNACOMA,
use too many machines. double processing because the bale ITABIA and CNR have informed the pu-
Residues can also be collected in has to be cut up before being tran- blic, through info-points, workshops
another way, that is by hauling whole sported to the boiler. and practical demonstrations, in clo-
trees and cutting them on the Agriculture can also contribute to se cooperation with the main manu-
banking ground, where the wood for biomass production with the cultiva- facturers of agricultural and forest
industry and residues for energy pur- tion of dedicated crops - mainly po- machines.
poses are separated - the former is plars and locust trees - which are **Contribution by Raffaele Spinelli
loaded onto trucks and transported to now also being successfully planted (CNR-IVALSA)

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Italian Biomass Association GOALS OF BIOENERGY IN ITALY

{ Addenda
to Chapter 2

TRANSPORT before drawing down to zero the CO2 mentation of directive 2001/77/CE on
The supply of biomass or “final bio- balance between fossil transport the promotion of electricity produced
fuels” to the energy conversion plants emissions and transported biomass. from renewable energy sources in the
is a critical issue because of the need If the same consideration is made internal electricity market ", as:
to reduce supply costs and fossil CO2 for sea transport, one can say that the “The biodegradable part of products,
emissions during the transport pha- advantages in terms of savings on waste and residues from agriculture
se. That is why, efficient means need fossil fuels and reduced C0 2 emis- (including vegetable and animal sub-
to be used at all times and there sions are even greater, bearing in stances), forestry and related indu-
should always be a correct ratio mind, however, that biomass would stries, as well as the biodegradable
between quantity of transported bio- have to be transported to the port of fraction of industrial and municipal
mass and the distance to be run. Ex- departure and from the port of arrival. waste”.
cessive CO2 emissions resulting from What has been stated above is not
badly managed transport would ad- intended to encourage transatlantic THE DEFINITION OF “BIOMASS FOR
versely affect the carbon-neutral ba- or long-distance transport, but rather FUEL”
lance that biomass combustion is to underline that even the efficiency According to Legislative Decree
known to produce. This adverse effect of supply systems needs to be asses- 152/2006 (Part V, Annexe X, part II,
however is not relevant if distances sed because it can greatly affect en- section 4, n. 1), the following mate-
are short or if long distances are co- vironmental sustainability and effi- rials are defined as “biomass for fuel”:
vered by transporting large quanti- ciency of the entire supply chain. a) Vegetable material produced from
ties of biomass (ship transport). ITA- dedicated crops.
BIA has calculated that even long-di- A2.4) DEFINITIONS OF BIOMASS, b) Vegetable material exclusively pro-
stance road transport (up to 1,000 BIOMASS FOR FUEL AND BIOFUELS duced from the mechanical treat-
km) with 25t lorries and/or lorries The biomass types mentioned at the ment of non-dedicated agricultural
with trailer has a negative effect on beginning of the chapter need to be crops.
the carbon balance of only up to 10%. further clarified by providing a defini- c) Vegetable material from forest acti-
With regard to environmental tran- tion of “biomass as a renewable vities, management and pruning.
sport costs, ITABIA has estimated that energy source”, “biomass for fuel” d) Vegetable material exclusively pro-
the average fuel consumption of and “biofuels”. duced from the mechanical proces-
small trucks that are suitable for local “Biomass” is a heterogeneous group sing of virgin wood, including bark,
biomass transport (3.5 gross t, 1.5 of organic and renewable materials sawdust, shavings, chips, virgin wood
net t) amounts to about 0.125 l/km, and is an atypical energy source cha- wane and rounds, virgin wood granu-
that is a fossil CO2 emission of 0.33 racterised by: les and waste, virgin cork granules
kg/km, which corresponds to 0.22 > Multiple energy options. and waste, rounds, that are not con-
kg/km of CO2 every t of transported > Strong embeddedness in the eco- taminated by pollutants.
biomass. system. e) Vegetable material exclusively pro-
The unit fuel consumption of large lor- > Multiple extra-energy uses. duced from mechanical processing of
ries (40 gross t, 27 net t) amounts to > Wide social implications. agricultural products.
0.42 l/km, that is a fossil CO2 emis- That is why biomass can be defined in f) Oil-free olive residues ...(omissis).
sion of 1 kg/km, which corresponds a number of ways and it is difficult to g) Black liquor obtained in paper fac-
to 0.037 kg/km of CO2 every t of tran- find one single definition that is both tories during leaching of wood and
sported biomass. brief and comprehensive. For ease of evaporated in order to increase the
This shows that a 50 km trip on a 3.5 comprehension, reference can be solid residue ...(omissis).
t small truck corresponds to 300 km made to what has been established The energy products from “biomass for
trip on a 27 t lorry in terms of fuel con- by some European Directives that ha- fuel” can be used in a variety of ways as
sumption and CO2 emissions. ve been transposed into Italian laws . solid, liquid and gaseous biofuels.
By absurdity and before talking of
biomass, it can be easily calculated A RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCE” Biofuels derive from the transforma-
that a 1.5 t small truck could travel for Biomass for energy can be defined as tion of “biomass for fuel” and they
about 5500 km, while a 27 t lorry reported below, in line with Legislati- shall have to meet well established
could travel for about 36000 km, ve Decree 29/12/03, n. 387 - "Imple- product features and comply with

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Italian Biomass Association GOALS OF BIOENERGY IN ITALY

{ Addenda
to Chapter 2


> Woody (SRF, woodland management, urban greeneries)
> Herbaceous (beetroot, sugar cane, potato, wheat, maize,
> Seeds and fruits (sunflower, rape, soy)
> Blends and mixtures of the above
> Firewood
> Pellets
> Chipped wood
Cutting of trunks and branches
Sawdust pelletting LIQUID BIOFUELS
Chipping of trunks, branches and faggots > Vegetable oil
Cold mechanical pressing of oilseeds > Biodiesel
Esterification of vegetable oils with methyl alcohol > Bioethanol
Fermentation of starchy and sugary biomass
Anaerobic fermentation of animal manure, GAS BIOFUELS
silage and vegetable waste > Biogas

specific national and international te- The technologies available for the va-
chnical and certification norms (UNI, rious final energy conversion proces- NORMS ON BIOMASS
CEN, etc.). ses require the biofuels used to meet > CTIR 03/1 Recommendation -
In “biofuel” production a major role is set quality standards, that is why Solid Biofuels - Technical
played by the mechanical transfor- scores, standards and technical specifications and classification
mation of original woody biomass in- norms are currently being developed > CTIR 04/5 Recommendation -
to firewood, pellets and chipped wood for all types of biofuels , taking into Solid Biofuels - Pellet
(solid fuels), the pressing of oilseed account the specific conversion characterization for energy
biomass into vegetable oil (liquid plants and their end use. purposes
fuels), the fermentation of starchy- This activity is very important not > Norms of CEN/TC 335 - Solid
sugary biomass into ethanol (liquid only to censure energy and environ- biofuels
fuels) and anaerobic digestion of li- mental efficiency, but also to widen > Norms of CENTC 343 - Solid
quid animal manure and moist herba- their use on the market, control their Recovered Fuels
ceous productions into biogas (ga- quality, certify their origin and pro- > National CTI documents on
seous fuels). tect the final consumer. pellets, oils, dregs of pressed
Thus, “biofuel” is not the raw material Follow a brief list of the norms on “bio- grapes
it originates from, but rather the spe- fuels” that are being promoted: > CEN’s activity on biomass
cific end product that is obtained, With regard to liquid biofuels, the “EU plants:
which has to be technically suitable Directive on Fuel Quality” has been re- stoves, fireplaces, barbeques,
for the demands of final conversion cently approved, which provides a de- wood and pellet- fuelled boilers
technologies (boilers, endothermal tailed technical description of the fea- > UNI Norms of BIOEDIESEL, OILS

market of transport fuels. n

engines to generate electricity or for tures fuels need to have to enter the AND FAT
transport, etc.).

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Italian Biomass Association GOALS OF BIOENERGY IN ITALY

3] Market/Good practices
CRITERIA FOR PINPOINTING GOOD PRACTICES been said in the previous chapter.
ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT District heating plants
REMARKS ON MAIN DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES The 2008 survey has brought to light
ADDENDA the existence of about 130 district
heating plants using virgin biomass in
Italy, supplying heat to a number of
users over the territory, which are
managed by a variety of operators,
he biomass market is based on sport biofuel and have also partly namely firms providing municipal

T the equilibrium between de-

mand, offer and compatibility
with the local environment. Singling
been used (at the end of 2008) in so-
me of Italy’s biomass plants: the sur-
vey plan has been useful to pinpoint,
services, cooperatives or private
companies and also by some non-
profit associations.
out the successful supply chains by amongst the cases analysed, those Obviously, the survey did not take ac-
choosing the ones that adopt “good that are considered examples of “good count of the boilers used by single
practices”, helps the market, favou- practices” for their technology and households, such as private blocks of
ring the increase and marketability of plant system as well as for their ma- flats or detached houses, that use
resources, technology, as well as eco- nagement and financial organisation. biomass fuel but do not have any col-
logically and socially-economically lective heat distribution network.
sustainable products. 3.1.1) SOLID BIOFUEL PLANTS The capacity of the surveyed plants
At present the operators and plants reaches altogether about 370 MWt;
3.1) CRITERIA FOR PINPOINTING that use solid biomass of different ori- they have 172 boilers that supply a
GOOD PRACTICES gin as fuel to produce thermal energy network covering 700 km and a
n Italy today there are numerous and/or electricity can be subdivided number of consumers that is over

I initiatives that enhance the use of

biomass for energy purposes. It
has been remarked that when these
into three large categories:
a) Small household systems (using
wood chunks, pellets and chips) whi-
14,000 units.
The total consumption of biomass, ac-
cording to available data, is about
are planned with a correct supply ch have been, up until now, the lea- 300,000 t/year; this data is however
chain approach, they are effective ding sector in national bioenergy . an underestimation as final data on
and long-lasting, reaching the expec- b)District heating plants using woody the 2007-2008 winter season were
ted energy, economic and environ- virgin biomass (chipped wood) not collected from many plants.
mental objectives. mainly for the production and distri- The surveyed plants are mainly si-
With the aim of cataloguing and as- bution of thermal energy for hou- tuated in the north of Italy for obvious
sessing the characteristics and qua- sehold use (district heating) and of- climatic reasons and they are espe-
lity of such initiatives, ITABIA has de- ten combined with cogeneration. cially concentrated in the following
veloped an original survey plan struc- c) Thermoelectric power plants fuel- regions: Valle D’Aosta and Piedmont
tured in three “macro” areas (techni- led only by wood biomass of agricul- (13 plants), Lombardy (12 plants)
cal, legal and economic) containing tural, and / or industrial origin (wood and Trentino-Alto Adige (73 plants)
various “survey keys” (concerning chips) or a mix of biomass and fuel and Friuli -Venezia Giulia (15 plants),
energy conversion process, collec- coming from RDF (Refuse Derived while the remaining 15 plants are lo-
tion-storage-transport, agricultural Fuel) for the exclusive production and cated in the Regions of Veneto, Ligu-
practices, etc.) and many other eva- transfer of produced electricity to the ria, Emilia Romagna, Tuscany, Mar-
luation parameters (performance of national electrical grid. che, Campania and Basilicata. In par-
conversion process, supply chain Small household systems ticular, 35 district heating plants in
energy assessment, CO2 balance, re- This first category is of great impor- the Alto Adige area belong to the Alto
peatibility, etc.). An example of this tance for the potentiality it currently Adige Biomass Fuel Consortium, whi-
survey plan is described in Addendum has in terms of use and future deve- le another 12 plants are operational
A3.1. The analysis criteria of the plan lopment. However, it will not be dealt in provincial areas, according to the
have already been used in the Euro- with in this report, as it would be dif- latest data updated to September
pean project Bites, coordinated by ITA- ficult to classify it in a survey. The- 2008. Addendum A3.2 reports a list
BIA, for supply chains producing tran- refore, please refer back to what has of all the plants included in the sur-

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Italian Biomass Association GOALS OF BIOENERGY IN ITALY

{ 3. Market/
Good practices

vey as well as information on their lo- re than seventy units with 73 working > 3 town councils supplied by the
cation and the names of the mana- plants having 102 boilers with a total network distributing energy and
ging companies, their thermal poten- thermal capacity of 220 MW. water for sanitary use.
tial, number of boilers installed, the Worthy of a special mention for > Over 50 km of distribution
size of their heat distribution their high level of success, are the network.
networks, the number of consumers two plants in Brunico e Dobbiaco-San > Over 1,000 consumers
connected to the system, the quan- Candido, respectively managed by connected to the system, the
tity of thermal energy produced and, Azienda Pubblisevizi and the FTI Coo- equivalent of 15,000 inhabitants.
lastly, the quantity of biomass used perative, which are the leading plants
(websites can be accessed to gain in Val Pusteria and, together with the PIEMONTESE-VALDOSTANO
more knowledge on the technical - other 33 plants, are characterised by DISTRICT
management aspects of the 128 di- the following technical and operatio- The third Italian district, in order of im-
strict heating plants which are opera- nal data: portance for its biomass district hea-
ting regularly and continually at the > Management body: Consorzio ting plants, comprises several units
present moment). Biomasse Alto Adige that were installed in Piedmont and
The data collected have pinpointed the (Biomasseverband Südtirol). Valle d’Aosta in early 2000, and by the
existence of some “energy districts” > 35 plants with 53 boilers with the end of 2008 had more than ten units
where eco-friendly, energy-efficient capacity of 217 MWt, equal to with 13 working plants with 21 boilers
and cost-effective systems/plants 58.6% of the total installed with a total energy capacity of over 50
are able to satisfy the energy needs of capacity. MW.
the public and private buildings of a > 35 town councils supplied by the Worthy of a mention for their level of
whole town which is supplied with network distributing energy and success are the three plants of Mor-
household heating and hot water for water for sanitary use. gex, Pollein and Pré -Saint-Didier loca-
hygienic/ sanitary usage. > About 500 km of distribution ted in Val D'Aosta and managed by
The leading “energy districts” are network. SEA Srl: they are the leading plants in
from Alto Adige-Trentino, Lombardy- > Over 6,500 consumers the Val d’Aosta region and are cha-
Valtellina and Piedmont - Val D’Aosta. connected to the system, the racterised by the following technical
They are all characterised by an ex- equivalent of 19,000 inhabitants. and operational data:
cellent level of organisation, a high le- > Management body: SEA Srl
vel of social approval and noteworthy LOMBARDO-VALTELLINESE (Società Energetica Aostana).
level of success, as shown by the da- DISTRICT > 3 plants with 6 boilers with the
ta collected through a questionnaire This is the second Italian district in or- capacity of 16. 1 MWt, equal to
that was elaborated by ITABIA and fil- der of importance for biomass district 4.3% of the total installed capacity.
led in by the main FIPER companies heating plants that were built in Lom- > 3 town councils supplied by the
(Fiper is the Federation of Renewable bardy as from the end of the nineties. network distributing energy and
Energy Producers). By 2008 the district had more than water for sanitary use.
The questionnaires used for the sur- 10 units with 12 working plants ha- > About 20 km of distribution
vey have been elaborated by the com- ving 17 boilers with a total heating ca- network.
panies SEA of Aosta, TCVVV of Tirano pacity of over 75MW. > Over 300 consumers connected
and Azienda Pubbliservizi Brunico Worthy of a mention for their high le- to the system, equivalent to 2,300
and the cooperative FTI of Dobbiaco - vel of success are the three plants in inhabitants.
San Candido. Tirano, Sondalo and Santa Caterina Besides the three energy districts de-
The main operational data of the th- Valfurva by the company Teleriscal- scribed above, the biomass district
ree energy areas are summarised in damento Cogenerazione Valtellina heating plants in Friuli - Venezia Giulia
the following paragraphs. Valchiavenna Valcamonica SpA, which must also be mentioned: in 2004 and
are characterised by the following te- 2005 over 15 collective district hea-
ALTOATESINO-TRENTINO chnical and operational data: ting plants and over 50 biomass indi-
DISTRICT > Management body: TCVVV SpA. vidual boilers supplying private hou-
This district was created by the Alto- > Plants with 7 boilers with the seholds were installed, which, as al-
Adige - Trentino Region in the mid ni- capacity of 42 MWt, equal to 11.3% ready mentioned, have not been
neties and by the end of 2008 had mo- of the total installed capacity. taken into account in this survey.In

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{ 3. Market/
Good practices

the other Italian regions, there are only and the ability to get through all the roughout 2007, producing in one year
a few scattered collective district hea- complicated administrative pa- about 190,000 MWht used to supply
ting plants, some of which have only perwork which enables the company the city’s district heating.
recently become operational, such as: to get authorisation. In several cases A close examination of the 25 functio-
the plants in Treviso, Ponte San Nicola the plants have been created by re- ning plants, contained in the above
(PD), Valdastico (VI), the plant in Vidi- converting existing abandoned indu- mentioned Table, showed the following
ciatico in the town council of Lizzano in strial sites and using the already exi- technical and operational data:
Belvedere (BO), the plants in Campo Li- sting logistic infrastructure (such as a. Technologies adopted:
gure and Rossiglione in the Province of access roads, storage areas, auxiliary 14 combustion chambers with mo-
Genoa; the plants in Tuscany at Cam- services etc). bile grid;
porgiano (LU), Castel San Niccolò and ITABIA’s survey has identified some 6 combustion chambers with flui-
Loro Ciuffenna both in the Province of examples of “excellence” among whi- dized bed;
Arezzo, the plants in Casole d’Elsa and ch it is worth to mention the plant in 4 combustion chambers with vibra-
Monticano in the province of Siena; the Ospitale di Cadore (SICET) and particu- ting grid;
plant in Apiro in the province of Mace- larly the plants in Crotone (20 MWe) 1 combustion chamber with fixed
rata (which opened in March 2008); and Strongoli (40 MWe) owned by the grill.
the plant at Eboli in the Province of Sa- company BiomasseItalia, which recei- b. Treatment Capacity: about
lerno and lastly the plant in Calvello in ved a special mention in 2008 for the 3,000,000 t/ year of various biomass
the Province of Potenza. Eco-Friendly Company Award for being types.
“an excellent example of a sustainable C. Net Power transferable to GSE:
Thermo-electric power plants Company developed in a disadvanta- 285.8 MWe.
The biomass thermoelectric power ged territory, having a good environ- The operational data reported herein
plants that have been taken into ac- mental management system and a ca- have been collected according to
count and surveyed as at 30th Sep- pacity to employ a specialised treatment capacity and production of
tember 2008, are those that mostly workforce in a province like Crotone net electricity transferable to the na-
deal with the production of electricity which has been going through a phase tional grid and are to be intended as
which is fed into the national network. of rapid de-industrialisation.” referring to maximum potentiality;
There are 25 such plants in Italy to- The Eco-friendly Company Award they are not the result of a final an-
day, mainly producing electricity, of was promoted by the Italian Ministry nual statement, which can vary ac-
which 19 are exclusively electricity for the Environment, Land and Sea, cording to particular technical situa-
producers, while the other 6 plants the Economic Development Ministry, tions or programming (break-downs,
are cogeneration plants offering a Unioncamere (Union of Chambers of accidents, interruption of operation
combined production of electricity Commerce) and the Chambers of due to maintenance work, etc.) or for
and steam, the latter being used in in- Commerce of Rome and Milan. market reasons related to the supply
dustry and in district heating plants. ITABIA has directly acknowledged that of biomass or RDF, when the latter has
The above-mentioned plants are fuel- BiomasseItalia is engaged in creating been authorised for co-combustion
led only by biomass of agricultural local infrastructures for the cultivation with biomass.
and/or industrial origin or by a mixture and harvesting of raw materials ne- With the aim of supplying a referen-
of biomass and quality RDF; besides cessary for producing biofuel to be ce framework at a European level, we
the previously mentioned plants two used in the plants (about 800,000 consider it useful to convey the most
other biomass thermoelectric plants t/year between the plant in Crotone significant experiences of energy
are at an advanced stage of construc- and the one in Strongoli). usage of biomass that have been wi-
tion and other projects are being deve- Addendum A 3.3 lists the 25 plants, despread in the countries of Northern
loped by multi-service companies and their location, their management com- Europe such a Sweden, Germany,
private energy supply companies. panies, their electrical potential, the Denmark, The Netherlands and Au-
The functioning plants have plants quantity of useable biomass, the com- stria as well as Spain.
with a potential output ranging from bustion technology they adopt and the Addendum A3.4 contains the list of
2.5 to 40 MWe, which have been built type of energy recovery. The list also the major thermo-electric plants in
in different parts of Italy depending includes the third line of the MSW wa- Europe, their location, their manage-
on the availability of biogenic resour- ste- to-energy plant in Brescia, which ment companies, their useable bio-
ces, the consent of the local people treated 289,000 tons of biomass th- mass capacity, their electricity po-

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Italian Biomass Association GOALS OF BIOENERGY IN ITALY

{ 3. Market/
Good practices

tential and the combustion techno- state that converts the largest quan- ste recycling (25.8% of total munici-
logy adopted. All the plants listed tity of waste into energy (about 12 pal waste production, against 24.2%
adopt a cogenerative system for the million tons every year) with 58 ope- of 2005).
production of electricity and thermal rational plants. There are however Eu- The use of other forms of waste ma-
energy for town district heating as ropean states like Austria, Spain, En- nagement seemed to remain fairly
well as industrial use. gland, Finland, Ireland and Greece steady: compared to 10.1% in 2006,
that make a limited use or no use at combustion processes increasingly
Municipal solid waste all of their refuse. exploited the potential of incinerated
plants (MSW) As far as Italy is concerned, waste- waste, which rose to about 20% of the
This paragraph shall deal with solid to-energy management has developed urban refuse produced at national le-
municipal waste and waste-to energy between 1960 and 1970, undergoing vel, due to the construction of new
plants. a rapid slowdown during the 1970s plants.
The waste-to-energy process should and 80s. Since the mid 1990s, there Based on the APAT data, there were 50
be intended as the final phase of an have been weak but continuous signs waste-to-energy plants in Italy in
integrated system of waste manage- of revival, owing to technological deve- 2006, of which 48 were fully opera-
ment, which allows us to exploit its lopments in this sector and changes in tional; about 60% of these were loca-
calorific potential and transform the the laws governing the environment, ted in the North of Italy (29) and over
heat produced by its combustion into which have led to acknowledge the vi- 70% of the plants located in the
electricity and/or thermal energy. tal role played by energy recovery in northern regions were situated in just
These types of plant are therefore the implementation of an integrated two regions: Lombardy (13) and Emi-
to be considered proper thermo-elec- waste management system. lia Romagna (8).
tric power plants that use municipal The national situation has therefore In central Italy there were 13 opera-
solid waste as fuel, adequately pre- slowly gained ground through a con- tional plants, of which 8 were located
treated and / or left over from recy- stant increase in the number of ope- in Tuscany; in the South of Italy there
cling, and/or RDF as fuels that can re- rational plants, first of all in the were fewer plants (only 8): 2 in Apu-
place fossil sources. Northern regions of Italy and only in lia, 2 in Basilicata, 1 in Calabria, 1 in Si-
In particular, European Union policies the last few years has there been an cily and 2 in Sardinia.
no longer view dumps as the main increase also in the Central-Southern The total number of waste incinera-
means to deal with waste disposal, and areas of the country, which however ting plants indicated in the report in-
rather aim at the re-use of secondary are still lagging behind. At the same ti- cluded also the plant in Potenza, even
materials and the energy recovery of me, the annual quantities of treated though it was in a testing phase, and
otherwise unrecyclable residues. refuse has grown from about 1.6 mil- the plant near Taranto, at Statte, whi-
At present there are in fact over 400 lion tons in 1996 to about 6 million ch however was operational only for a
waste-to-energy plants in Europe tons in 2007. short period of time.
(another hundred will be started-up With regard to energy recovery, over On the other hand, 8 plants are opera-
by 2012), which every year treat the years there has been a considera- ted with cogeneration cycles produ-
about 50 million tons of municipal so- ble reduction in the number of plants cing both electricity and thermal
lid waste; this type of waste manage- with no energy recovery system, in fa- energy (Bolzano, Cremona, Milan, Bre-
ment is widespread even outside Eu- vour of those with energy (mainly elec- scia, Ferrara, Reggio Emilia, Granarolo
rope, in countries like USA, Canada, tricity) production systems. dell’Emilia and Forlì), which had trea-
Japan and South-East Asia. The 2007 Waste Report by APAT ted 1.7 million tons of waste, recove-
The “most virtuous “ European Coun- (Agency for Environmental Protection ring 1.3 million MWh of electricity and
tries are France and Germany, but al- and Technical Services) describes 689,000 MWh of thermal energy.
so Sweden, Denmark and The Nether- clearly the Italian situation in 2007; Finally, the remaining 38 plants relied
lands are among the leading coun- the data published in the Report show on systems for the sole recovery of
tries with waste-to-energy plants that dumps were still the most com- electricity and had treated over 2.7 mil-
(between 55% and 60% of the waste mon form of municipal waste mana- lion tons of municipal waste and RDF,
they produce). gement (47.9%), in spite of a growing recovering 1.6 million MWh of electri-
France has the highest number of wa- national production of municipal wa- city; in total about 2.9 million MWh of
ste-to-energy plants, namely 123. ste (32.5 million tons in 2006, 2.7% electricity and 689,000 MWh of ther-
Germany is, on the other hand, the more than 2005) and widespread wa- mal energy were recovered in 2006.

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Italian Biomass Association GOALS OF BIOENERGY IN ITALY

{ 3. Market/
Good practices

Moreover, according to the APAT Re- ternet websites of the Italian plants pania, encompassing 5 lines each ha-
port, waste treated in plants dedica- can be found in Addendum A3.5 - List ving a treatment capacity of 650
ted to municipal solid waste treat- of waste-to-energy plants with tons/day, has brought about several
ment, amounted to about 4.5 million energy recovery, both operational environmental crises, which have
tons, divided as follows: 3.3 million and under construction, as at 31 Oc- been denounced by the general pu-
tons of municipal waste, 687,000 tober 2008. blic and by the press, and which final-
tons of RDF, 500,000 tons of other In conclusion, the Italian integrated ly led to the well-known serious hy-
special refuse and 52,000 tons of sa- municipal solid waste treatment sy- giene-health emergency.
nitary refuse. stem still appears to be inadequate Even in Sicily the building of 4 wa-
Treated hazardous waste amounted and insufficient; in particular, waste ste-to-energy plants (in Augusta, Si-
to more than 72,000 tons, and was incinerating plants in many regions of racusa, Palermo and Catania) is being
mainly made up of refuse from the sa- Central and Southern Italy are obsole- delayed. They are designed to have a
nitary and hospital sector. te; even large cities such as Genoa, total of 11 combustion lines that will
Considering the territorial distribution Florence, Rome, Naples, Bari, Palermo be capable of treating about 500 tons
of the plants, the largest amount of and Catania are still without these es- of municipal solid waste per day.
waste was treated in the northern re- sential structures, which are neces- As for 2009, the Lazio region has
gions of Italy in 2006: the Lombardy sary for the efficient management of planned to start the bureaucratic pro-
region (39%) ranked first for the the whole process of municipal solid cedure required for authorising the
energy recovery of municipal solid waste management, from recycling installation of an adequate and mo-
waste, in relation to its regional pro- to disposal through energy recovery dern waste-to-energy plant in Rome,
duction, followed by the Regions of of the remaining fractions. and to upgrade the plant at S.Vittore
Friuli-Venezia Giulia (22.7%), Emilia The reason for this imbalance mi- del Lazio by installing a second line.
Romagna (22.2 %), Sardinia (18.3 %), ght lie in sociological rather than te- By 2009, the plant at Valmadrera in
Trentino-Alto Adige 13.2%), Calabria chnical causes. Nonetheless, the si- the province of Lecco shall be upgra-
(12.5 % ), Basilicata (11.6%) and Ve- tuation is at a deadlock and in a state ded with a third line and the “famous”
neto (6.7%). of permanent environmental emer- waste incinerating plant at Acerra in
An update of the data, through infor- gency, even in the Regions of Campa- Campania should be completed and
mation gathered during 2008 and as nia, Apulia and Sicily, where contracts become operational.
at the date of this report, shows that were awarded by the Special Com- Finally, the bid for the building of a
in Italy there are 54 waste-to-energy missioners for Environmental Poli- new waste incinerating plant in Turin,
(MSW, RDF and biomass) plants whi- cies for the construction of an inte- serving the area south of the city and
ch are either operational, or under- grated municipal waste-to-energy its province, was awarded on 11th
going renovation and/or testing or un- processing and management. March 2009 to the firm TRM of Turin.
der construction. Overall, they have These contracts, each being of a dif-
102 lines of combustion having a ferent nature, were based on the de-
treatment capacity of about 22,000 velopment and management of a sy- 3.1.2) BIOGAS AND BIOFUEL PLANTS
tons per day and a total energy reco- stem made up of several plants for Biogas
very system of over 800 MWe (in- the mechanical pre-treatment (more The biogas sector in Italy is evolving
stalled power). or less advanced) of non-recycled rapidly: new plants are being con-
However, such a treatment capacity municipal solid waste or of the remai- structed, new businesses are being
does not represent the quantity of wa- ning fractions of recycled municipal set up and also new business sectors
ste that can be actually treated every solid waste, and also by several wa- are developing for the construction of
day by the above-mentioned 54 plants, ste-to-energy plants capable of ab- plants and/or components.
as the operational activity of each sorbing as much product as such The zootechnical sector can become
plant may vary according to seasonal plants can take in the form of the so- the driving force for the large-scale
variations in the quality and quantity called RDF, and finally by a series of development of anaerobic digestion,
of collected municipal solid waste and controlled dumps for collecting resi- like in Germany, Denmark, Sweden
if plants are undergoing maintenance dual products, such as pre-treatment and Austria. The many incentives that
and thus are not operational. residues and ashes waste. can motivate are: improvement of li-
The geographical position, the main The significant delay in building two vestock “environmental sustainabi-
technical characteristics and the In- large waste-to-energy plants in Cam- lity”, additional income “from green

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Italian Biomass Association GOALS OF BIOENERGY IN ITALY

{ 3. Market/
Good practices

energy”, reduction of environmental 1 8 154 plants: Animal

problems related to emissions in the 3 manure + organic waste
atmosphere and odours, a better 48 34 11 2 + energy crops
agronomic use of fertilizing elements 2 1 12 121 plants: Sewage
that are found in liquid manure. 2 3 17 sludge
According to estimates by EurOb- 21 6 1 3 9 plants: Organic
serv’ER, Italy’s biogas production in 1 30 Fraction of Municipal
2007 amounted to about 406.2 ktep 5 7 Solid Waste
(about 4.7 TWh); of which over 85% 22 plants: Agro-
derives from urban waste dumps. The 10 industrial residues
1 7
GSE (Gestore Sistema Elettrico, natio-
nal public responsible of the electrical 1 2 1
grid) reported for 2007 a gross pro- 1 2
duction of electricity from biogas of
5 1
1.45 TWh, of which about 86% is ob- 1
tained from biogas from municipal 1
waste dumps. 11
A more detailed national scenario is 5 3 1
given by the survey that was perfor- 7 2
med by CRPA on behalf of the Emilia-
Romagna Region on anaerobic dige-
1 1
stion plants operating in the animal 1
and agro-industrial sector.
At the beginning of 2008, there we- 1
re about 306 small-medium sized
plants (see Addendum A3.6) inclu- Number of biogas plants, both
ding: operational and/or under
>154 plants fuelled with animal construction, by Region (306) as at 1
manure + organic waste + energy October 2007, exclusive of plants
crops; recovering biogas from municipal
>121 plants fuelled with sewage waste dumps.
> 9 plants fuelled with the organic tion of animal farms. Some plants are that is lower than 100 kWe, while 14
fraction of municipal solid waste; being built in areas where there are si- have (each) an electricity capacity
> 22 plants fuelled with agro- gnificant quantities of organic waste that is higher than 1 MWe. The total in-
industrial residues. and by-products deriving from the agro- stalled capacity amounts to about 50
There are also about 140 plants that industrial sector, which can be used in MWe (see Addendum A3.7). Out of the
recover biogas from municipal solid the co-digestion process. These plants 154 plants, 115 use (almost exclusi-
waste dumps (about 210 MWe instal- offer a solution to the recovery and ma- vely) animal manure. Compared to a
led capacity) which to date represent nagement of these types of waste. 1999 survey, the number of these
the main source of biogas obtained There are many plants in the Province plants has increased by 43 units
from biomass. of Bolzano, owing to its proximity with (+60%) and by 78 units (+108%) if
The overall potential of biogas-fuelled Austria and Germany and to the incen- plants under construction are also
electrical generators is estimates to tives granted by the Province’s admini- taken into account. These data confirm
amount to about 250-300 MWe instal- stration. The number of operational the intensive development of anaero-
led capacity. plants is by far lower in Central and bic digestion in Italy. The end use of the
The survey has demonstrated that al- Southern Italy. biogas produced in these plants is the
most all of these plants are located in Most of the 154 plants, which treat ani- combined generation of electricity and
Northern Italy, mainly in the regions of mal manure, agricultural and agro-in- heat. Only a few plants, especially tho-
Lombardy, Emilia-Romagna and Vene- dustrial waste and energy crops, have se that are annexed to cheese facto-
to, where there is a greater concentra- (each) an installed electrical capacity ries, use biogas for process heat by

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Italian Biomass Association GOALS OF BIOENERGY IN ITALY

{ 3. Market/
Good practices

burning it directly in boilers. PRODUCTION 2007 PRODUCTION CAPACITY 2008COUNTRY

The 121 anaerobic digestion plants
treating civil and industrial sewage Kt COUNTRY Kt
sludge are mainly located inside large GERMANY 2,890 GERMANY 5,302
urban plants for the depuration of ci- FRANCE 872 FRANCE 1,980
vil and industrial wastewater. ITALY 469 ITALY 1,916
Among the 9 plants that treat the pre- AUSTRIA 267 SPAIN 1,267
selected organic fraction of recycled PORTUGAL 175 UNITED KINGDOM 726
waste (Organic Fraction of Municipal SPAIN 168 BELGIUM 665
Solid Waste), some do so by mixing BELGIUM 166 THE NETHERLANDS 571
the fractions with sewage sludge. UNITED KINGDOM 150 GREECE 565
Four of the plants using animal resi- GREECE 100 AUSTRIA 485
dues, treat the organic fraction of mu- THE NETHERLANDS 85 POLAND 450
nicipal solid waste together with li- DENMARK 85 PORTUGAL 406
quid residues, chicken manure, agro- POLAND 80 BULGARIA 215
industrial sludge and energy crops. SWEDEN 63 SWEDEN 212
CRPA is now updating this survey and CZECH REPUBLIC 61 SLOVAKIA 206
preliminary data show the intense evo- SLOVAKIA 46 CZECH REPUBLIC 203
lution of the biogas sector in Italy: only FINLAND 39 HUNGARY 186
one year later (December 2008) the ROMANIA 36 FINLAND 170
number of plants has risen to 237 LITHUANIA 26 LITHUANIA 147
(against the previous 185) that operate
on animal residues, energy crops, orga-
nic residues, agro-industrial waste and
organic fraction of municipal waste.
Biodiesel and vegetable oils * IRELAND 3 IRELAND 80
In 2007, almost 6 million tons of bio- CYPRUS 1 SLOVENIA 67
diesel were produced in Europe, de- MALTA 1 MALTA 8
spite an estimated production capa- ESTONIA 0 CYPRUS 6
city as at 2008 of almost 17 million LUXEMBOURG 0 LUXEMBROUG 0
tons. About 80% of the biodiesel pro- TOTAL 5,819 TOTAL 16,949
duced derives from rapeseed cultiva- Most of these plants are located in the in line with the productive capacity of
ted in Central-Northern Europe, the Lombardy Region and they have an plants across Italy, which clearly ex-
remainder derives from oleoplants overall production capacity of port a good share of their production
(mainly sunflower and soy) that grow 670,000 t/year, which corresponds to to Germany, France and Austria.
more in southern countries. 33% of total national production. In Italy there are 7 large oil producing
Italy, with its production capacity of Biodiesel trade in Italy is regulated by plants (table 2, page 43); six of them
about 470,000 tons per year, is the Decree of the Ministry of Economy are members of Assitol (Associazione
third European biodiesel producer af- and Finance n. 256 of 25 July 2003 Italiana dell’Industria Olearia, Italian
ter Germany (2,890,000 t) and Fran- that sets the quota of reduced excise Association of Oil Industry). Other
ce (872,000 t). Germany alone pro- duty, which is reviewed every year small sized oil producing plants sup-
duces about 50% of European biodie- according to the Financial law, and ply local markets and show little inte-
sel and is the first world producer. lays down how biodiesel is to be used rest in supplying the biofuel market
In Italy today there are 15 plants with a (blends with up to 5% of biodiesel can with raw material.
production capacity of about be used for consumption on and off Oil producing plants are mainly loca-
2,250,000 t/year of biofuel, which are fuel service network; blends with up ted in Central and Northern Italy, with
members of the Union of Biodiesel Pro- to 25% of biodiesel can be used for the larger number being concentrated
ducers of Assocostieri. Another 4 consumption by off-network users; in the regions of Emilia Romagna and
plants are under construction (table 1, blends above 25% are not regulated Veneto (figure 1). Among the mentio-
page 42). by law). Quantities set in this way are ned plants, those more adequate

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Italian Biomass Association GOALS OF BIOENERGY IN ITALY

{ 3. Market/
Good practices

towards biodiesel production are

plants 1, 2 and 3,in the figure, which
have their own esterification system.
Besides industries producing seed oil,
there are industries in Italy that only
deal with refining and/or packaging Location of oil producing
and/or distribution (table 3, page 43). plants (black) and
The only strong feature in the supply biodiesel producing
chain in Italy today is the biodiesel plants (red)
production phase. Most of the raw
material used is in fact imported from
both European countries (France,
Spain, Germany) and non-European
countries (Argentina, Brazil, South
America and Canada). Sixty percent of
the biodiesel that is produced is ex-
ported to European countries. The
esterification by-product, glycerine,
is in part exported to Asian countries.
Italian biodiesel producers resort to
“foreign oil” because biofuel produc-
tion costs depend on the cost of the
raw material, which is high in Italy. If,
for example, we take a blend of Italian


BIO-VE-OIL OLIMPO SRL* Corato (BA) 100,000
CAFFARO BIOFUEL SRL Torviscosa (UD) 60,000
CAFFARO BIOFUEL SRL* Torviscosa (UD) 100,000 raw oil made up of 30% of soy and 70%
CEREAL DOCKS SPA Vicenza (VI) 150,000 of rape, respectively costing 565 €/t
COMLUBE SRL Castenedolo (BS) 120,000 and 665 €/t, and we assume refining
DP LUBRIFICANTI SRL Aprilia (LT) 155,520 and esterification cost 50 €/t and
ECOIL* Priolo (SR) 200,000 100 €/t respectively, the final biodie-
F.A.R. Spa Divisione Polioli Cologno Monzese (MI) 100,000 sel production cost would amount to
FOREDBIO SPA Nola Marigliano (NA) 70,000 785 €/t. Clearly, the cost of the raw
ECO FOX SRL Vasto (CH) 131,370 material has a strong impact (80%) on
ITAL BI OIL SRL Monopoli (BA) 190,300 the final biodiesel production cost
ITAL GREEN OIL SRL San Pietro di Morubio (VR) 365,000 (Assocostieri 2007). Moreover, 60% of
GDR BIOCARBURANTI Cernusco sul Naviglio (MI) 50,000 biodiesel is marketed outside Italy be-
MYTHEN SPA Ferrandina (MT) 200,000 cause in Italy, as already said, there
NOVAOL SRL Livorno (LI) 250,000 are many constraints, especially of a
NOVAOL SRL* Ravenna (RA) 200,000 legal nature, that hinder its wide-
OIL.B SRL Solbiate Olona (VA) 200,000 spread use: limited annual conces-
OXEM S.p.A. Mezzana Bigli (PV) 200,000 sions on excise duties; limit of 5% of
TOTAL 2,257,190** biodiesel in the blend for on- fuel-
* Plants to be built network sale; “compulsory” blending
* * The total does not include the plants to be built of traditional fuels for producers/tra- (2009) ders with sanctions having been only

Ministero dell ’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare 42

Italian Biomass Association GOALS OF BIOENERGY IN ITALY

{ 3. Market/
Good practices

Politechnic University of Marche

PRODUCING PLANT The development of the bioethanol
1 San Pietro di Morubio (BA) Soy Pressing, refining , supply chain for the energy market in
Sunflower packaging Italy has only been based on demon-
2 Camisano Vicentino (VI) Soy Pressing strative and experimental projects
3 Porto Marghera (VE) Rape, sunflower Pressing, refining , which have, up to now, mainly used
Porto Corsini (RA) Soy, maize packaging, ethanol deriving from the compulsory
Porto di Ancona (AN) Peanut (no pressing) distribution distillation of wine and other excess
4 Castelfiorentino (FI) Sunflower Pressing vegetable and fruit products. About
5 Fontanelle (TV) Soy, grapeseed, Pressing, refining , 150 Italian firms produce ethyl al-
maize, rape (no pressing) packaging, cohol from agricultural products or re-
Sunflower (no pressing) distribution sidues. Most of them are small distil-
Peanut (no pressing) leries or wine producing firms, but
6 Cisterna di Latina (LT) Sunflower, rape, soy Pressing, refining there are also some modern plants
7 Faenza (FC) Sunflower, high oleic Pressing, refining, with high production capacity such as
Grapeseed, maize distribution IMA of the Bertolino Group (Trapani),
(tankers or ships) Caviro Sca (Faenza), Alc.Este. SpA
(Ferrara), Sedamyl of the Amylum
TAB. 3 - MAIN OIL REFINING INDUSTRIES IN ITALY Group - Tate & Lyle (Saluzzo) and Sil-
PRODUCING PLANT ned companies, which are among the
main alcohol producers in Europe, are
8 Silea (TV) Refining, packaging Maize, soy,
members of the Italian Bioethanol So-
Distribution sunflower
ciety (Società Italiana BioEtanolo, Si-
9 Viareggio (LU) Refining, packaging Rape, sunflower, soy,
be) and thus share a common stra-
Distribution grapeseed, maize, peanut
tegy for the production of ethyl al-
10 Inveruno Refining, packaging Rape, sunflower, soy,
cohol for biofuel. Italian distilleries
Distribution grapeseed, maize, peanut
are versatile in their use of various
fermentable raw materials. In 2007,
recently introduced. the opportunity to agricultural firms the agricultural alcohol produced de-
In conclusion, existing laws in Italy to develop their businesses beyond rived from molasses (5%), wine
show that the development of the food production. (34%), vinous material (36%), cereals
whole supply chain across Italy may * Contribution by V. Scrosta and R. (23%) fruit (2%), for an amount of
depend on the last link of the chain, Cerioni - Sistemi Innovativi Biomasse 117.5 million litres of pure alcohol
that is on the fossil fuel companies Energetiche - Spin-off of the (1,175,000 hn).
who should respect the obligation of
blending traditional fuels with biodie- ALCOHOL PRODUCED AND RAW MATERIALS USED (YEAR 2007)
sel. This would increase the biodiesel
demand made to biodiesel producers, RAW MATERIAL TONS USED ALCOHOL
who can today benefit from special OF ORIGIN PRODUCED (in hn)
concessions for the share of raw ma-
terial coming from local supply MOLASSES 19,000 61,000
chains, developed through agree- WINE* 360,000 400,000
ments among the various stakehol- VINOUS MATERIALS 975,000 421,000
ders. The aim of these agreements is FRUIT 50,000 22,000
to create a direct connection between CEREALS 66,000 271,000
the first and last link of the chain, im- TOTAL 1,470,000 1,175,000
proving logistics and benefits of the * 1,000 litres
whole production chain and giving Source: AssoDistil

Ministero dell ’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare 43

Italian Biomass Association GOALS OF BIOENERGY IN ITALY

{ 3. Market/
Good practices

This ethanol of agricultural origin is The new prospects that have been contain provisions that will favour the
mainly produced for uses other than opened up by the reduction of aroma- birth of a national biofuel market.
energy, such as for the alcoholic tic compounds in petrol triple the Clearly, Industrial distillers are the
drinks market, the food and pharma- market share that will be available in ones who are mainly interested in the
ceutical industries, etc., while the short term: the use of a minimum tax relief set out in the Financial Law,
bioethanol as fuel is not marketed at amount of 5% of ETBE in all the petrol since a litre of ethanol still costs two-
all in Italy. The compulsory distillation consumed in Italy would require three times more than petrol. Tax re-
of wines and other excess vegetable about 800 kt/year of bioethanol (af- lief on bioethanol production means
and fruit products has generated si- ter all, today’s MTBE market amounts that the potential of bioethanol pro-
gnificant stores of agricultural ethyl to around 430-450 kt/year). duction could exceed the potential ET-
alcohol, that are estimated to be mil- For years, the development of this BE market in Italy (and also the ETBE
lions of hectanydres. The new wine market has been conditioned by production capacity of Italian indu-
CMO (august 2008) sets out that the muddled and incomplete legal pro- stries) and this could cause further
distillation of by-products (lees and cesses for the definition of support amounts of bioethanol stocks, unless
pomace) and unsold wine (crisis di- measures for bioethanol to be used exports are increased.
stillation) should be maintained, but as biofuel (tax exemption, usage con- With regard to ETBE production, in
under certain conditions that differ straints, etc.). However, in line with fact, the only plant in Italy is an MTBE-
completely from the old 1493/99 re- law 81/2006, the 2007 Financial Law producing plant owned by Ecofuel in
gulation: there will no longer be the set out the following usage obliga- Ravenna (ENI); their technology
imposed minimum price, the aid to tions: 1% in 2006, 2% in 2007 and pro- (SNAMPROGETTI/ECOFUEL) allows to
transformation and transport will be vides a non-binding objective of alternate the production of MTBE and
maintained, alcohol will no longer ha- 5.75% for 2010. The same law con- ETBE through slight changes to the
ve to be stored or purchased through firms the annual financial support of plant configuration. This alternation
intervention bodies. Alcohol will thus Euro 73 million for the partial tax relief between MTBE and ETBE production
be managed by the distiller, who will of excise duties on bioethanol for the can be decided depending on the
be the sole person in charge of marke- 2007-2010 period. This financial sup- availability and price of ehtanol.
ting it exclusively for industrial / port had already been introduced In the near future new plants could be
energy uses. with the Financial laws of 2001 and realized in other italian refineries.
The national situation for ETBE is 2005, but was never put into practice. In the meantime, supply agreements
different: Italy’s short-term national Finally, in April 2008 two decrees, have been reached among the main
production capacity amount to 300 setting out application obligations, companies producing bioethanol and
kt/year of ETBE (that is slightly less were published (n.100 of 23 April Ecofuel for the production of some
than 150 kt/year of ethanol). 2008 - n.110 of 29 April 2008): they tenths of thousands tons of ETBE. un-
der the National Program on Bioetha-
nol /ETBE In accordance with the
QUANTITIES (2008-2010 - IN HECTANYDRES) 2008-2010, Assodistil has estimated
the potential Italian market for
13,445,000 bioethanol/ ETBE and projected that
petrol shall be replaced by 2% in
TAX RELIEF 2008, 3% in 2009 and 5.75% in 2010.
he economic assessment of

1,022,000 1,022,000 1,022,000

T bioenergy supply chains is as
fundamental as the asses-
sment of their environmental and so-
cial sustainability, in order to forecast
their developments in view of achie-
ving the 2020 targets. The economic
2008 2009 2010 assessment should obviously take

Ministero dell ’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare 44

Italian Biomass Association GOALS OF BIOENERGY IN ITALY

{ 3. Market/
Good practices

into account the respective BAT (Best important: the higher the number, the technologies according to type, quan-
Available Technologies) for each sup- better the payback. The “escalator” tity and cost of available biomass. The
ply chain, in terms of energy conver- factor is also equally important for all median data and parameters calcula-
sion efficiency and technical reliabi- the chains: investment costs on ted by this programme for 2008 (e.g.
lity of plants. That is why the remarks plants (per unit of installed power) cost of fossil fuels, cost and rates of
contained in this chapter concern ex- decrease as plant size increases. electricity, interest rates, incentives,
clusively those technologies that ha- Any economic assessment of the etc.) have shown some interesting
ve already achieved technical, econo- bioenergy sector needs to be compa- “economic” peculiarities regarding the
mical and market effectiveness. Brie- red with reference parameters on the IRR of the various technological supply
fly, they are: cost of fossil energy: it is in fact the chains, which we report hereafter. This
• Thermal energy production (hea- use of biofuels (rather than fossil calculation takes into account the sup-
ting, cooling and district heating for fuels) that offers savings and thus a ply chains that have greater potential
domestic use and/or heat / cooling for payback (over either a short or long for development in Italy.
process uses). period of time) of the greater invest-
• Electricity production. ment costs that need to be made to SMALL BOILERS FOR DOMESTIC HEA-
• Thermal and electricity cogenera- build bioenergy conversion plants. TING FROM SOLID BIOFUELS
tion/trigeneration (heating, cooling and In summary, the main data and refe- The main driver for their economic as-
district heating for domestic use rence parameters to be used for a sessment is the location of users and
and/or heat/ cooling for process uses). correct economic assessment need the duration of daily and annual ope-
• Supply chain for biofuel for transport . to take the following into account: ration as set out in Decree of the Pre-
This chapter will briefly describe • Cost of fossil fuels (price of oil). sident of the Republic (D.P.R.) 412/93.
the main technologies and plants • Cost and rates of electricity The main climatic zones of the Italian
available for these supply chains and • Cost of currency (interest rates). Provinces are reported in Addendum
their cost-effectiveness in order to • National and local incentives (GC- A3.9.
show their potential to enter the na- Green Certificates, TEE-Energy Effi- For example, the payback for a chip-
tional market. ciency Titles, tax relief measures). fuelled boiler (wood chips at the cost
First, it is important to state that the The indexes that are usually em- of 70 €/t) supplying heat to users with
economic assessment of any bioe- ployed to perform the economic as- the same specific structural features (
nergy supply chain cannot be deter- sessment are the amount of time volume, type of construction, etc.) will
mined univocally, but it is dependent needed to equal investment costs vary remarkably according to the cli-
upon specific local situations (in (Payback) and the Internal Rate of Re- matic zone where the boiler is instal-
terms of available resources, climatic turn (IRR). led. The table below shows that the
conditions, proximity of users requi- Payback estimates the numbers of amount of time needed to recover in-
ring heat and electricity, local support years required to cover the invested vestment costs decreases as we move
and incentives, number of operatio- capital with the net gains generated from warmer to colder zones, in spite
nal hours per year, etc.). by the investment. of the higher cost of boilers where mo-
With regard to incentives, some sup- The IRR is the interest rate that should re thermal power is needed.
ply chains in Italy, especially those be obtained by investing that capital
providing domestic heating and di- in the bank throughout the lifespan of LOCATION PAYBACK
strict heating from solid biofuels, are the initiative (usually 15 years). Climatic Zone A 13 years
already economically sustainable The assessment of initial investment Climatic Zone B 7 years
and do not require state aid. However, costs and subsequent annual net Climatic Zone C 5 years
for many other supply chains, incen- gains are the starting point of any Climatic Zone D 2.5 years
tives (such as in the case of produc- economic assessment. Climatic Zone E 1.5 years
tion of electricity only) or tax relief Some general data on investment co- Climatic Zone F 1 year
measures (such as for the production sts for biomass boilers are briefly re-
of biofuels) are extremely important ported in Addendum A3.8. Calculations do not include the eco-
and necessary for their development. ITABIA has recently developed, in coo- nomic incentives (mainly tax relief
For all bioenergy supply chains, peration with UNACOMA, a program- measures) granted by national law,
however, the number of annual opera- me that calculates which are the mo- which are nonetheless inadequate in
tional hours of each plant is equally st cost-effective energy conversion regulating thermal renewable energy.

Ministero dell ’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare 45

Italian Biomass Association GOALS OF BIOENERGY IN ITALY

{ 3. Market/
Good practices

This strong payback variation shows

CLIMATIC ZONE PERIOD OF USE ALLOWED HOURS OF USE the importance of incentives for the fu-
ture development of this technology.
Investment costs for these small
A 1 December - 15 March 6 hours daily electricity plants fuelled with solid
B 1 December - 31 March 8 hours daily biofuels amount to about € 5,000 per
C 15 November - 31 March 10 hours daily kW of gross electric installed power.
D 1 November - 15 April 12 hours daily
F 15 October r - 15 April 14 hours daily ELECTRICITY (< 1MWe)
G No limitation No limitation FROM LIQUID AND GASEOUS BIOFUELS
The economic assessment of plants
These assessments apply to both tion and features of various users are producing electricity from liquid bio-
small automatic-feed boilers (chips) the main reference parameters used fuels (vegetable oils) differs from the
and manual-feed boilers (pellet and/or for their economic assessment, in elec- economic assessment of electricity
firewood): their payback is similar be- tricity supply chains the exclusive user production from gaseous biofuels
cause for manual-feed boilers the cost is the national public grid which is obli- (biogas). Production costs vary grea-
of the biofuel used is higher, but their in- ged, by law, to buy renewable electri- tly and, therefore, different approa-
vestment costs are lower, since these city produced by IAFR (RES Plants) ches are required for their prelimi-
small boilers do not have all the expen- qualified plants at incentivated rates. nary economic assessment.
sive components that are needed in au- The two main drivers for their asses- Interestingly, the costs of investing in
tomatic-feed boilers. sment are: technologies converting energy from
> the cost of the biofuel used (wood liquid biofuels are 5 times lower than
DISTRICT HEATING FROM chips), investments on technologies exploi-
SOLID BIOFUELS > the incentive granted per kWh of ting solid biofuels. However, the unit
The same remarks made above on cli- electricity produced. cost of vegetable oil is 10 times hi-
matic zones apply to district heating. Due to the high investment costs, gher than chip wood, even though its
Compared to small individual boilers, these thermo-electric plants are em- energy content is only 3 times higher.
the payback of district heating sy- ployed for the maximum number of In this case too, the main drivers for
stems is “slowed down” by the cost of annual operational hours (excluding their economic assessment are:
the heat distribution network. Howe- interruptions for planned maintenan- > the cost of the vegetable oil used,
ver, installations are bigger and this ce work), in order to achieve a more > the incentive granted per kWh of
can have a positive effect on both in- rapid payback. electricity produced.
vestment and operation costs. The incentive that is taken into ac- The incentive that is taken into ac-
The following payback values are ob- count per kWh produced amounts to count per kWh produced amounts to
tained when supplying heat to the sa- 0.30 €/kWh, as set out in Financial 0.30 €/kWh, as set out in Financial
me type of users having similar volu- Law 2008. Law 2008.
mes, using similar distribution The incidence of fuel cost (wood chi- The incidence of fuel (vegetable oil)
networks and a biofuel that has the ps) is reported in the table below: cost is reported in the table below:
same cost (wood chips at 70 €/t): COST OF PAYBACK
Climatic Zone A 14 years 40 6 years €/t
Climatic Zone B 8 years 70 8 years 600 2.8 years
Climatic Zone C 6 years Interestingly, payback values would 800 4.0 years
Climatic Zone D 3 years change if the incentive per kWh pro-
Climatic Zone E 2 years duced was lowered to 0.20 €/kWh: Interestingly, payback values would
Climatic Zone F 1.5 years COST OF PAYBACK change if the incentive per kWh pro-
BIOFUEL duced was lowered to 0.20 €/kWh:
Unlike heat supply chains, where loca- 70 >100 years

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Italian Biomass Association GOALS OF BIOENERGY IN ITALY

{ 3. Market/
Good practices

COST OF PAYBACK roughout the year and recovery is si- ELECTRICITY (< 1MWe) AND COGENE-
BIOFUEL multaneous and proportional to the RATION FROM LIQUID AND GASEOUS
€/t production of electricity. This exploi- BIOFUELS
600 15 years tation can only occur through indu- The same remarks made on the cost-
800 never strial processes and if the demand of effectiveness of cogeneration from
low temperature heat is constant, and solid biofuels apply to this type of co-
Investment costs for these small elec- not only seasonal. This case, howe- generation.
tricity plants fuelled with liquid biofuels ver, is not so diffused in Italy. Compared to solid biofuels, liquid bio-
amount to about € 1,500 per kW of That is why the economic asses- fuels are more cost-effective for the
gross electric installed power. sment is here limited to the most production of electricity and thus for
The final conversion of biogas into elec- common users, that is domestic hou- cogeneration. The climatic zone whe-
tricity exploits the same process used seholds and their seasonal heating re the plant is installed always affects
for vegetable oils (combustion in en- demand. outcomes. The table below shows the
dothermic engine) and the payback For cogeneration too, the climatic zo- influence of climatic zones on TL and
mainly depends on investment and nes are of upmost importance, as ex- payback for electricity supplied to the
management costs for biogas produc- plained above for domestic heating same type of users, having the same
tion, which, however, vary remarkably and district heating. volume, using similar distribution
and can hardly be estimated. The table below shows the most inte- grids and by estimating the cost of
Investment costs for small biogas resting climatic zones in terms of re- vegetable oil to be 600 €/t.
plants for electricity may be estimated sidential cogeneration applications,
to stand in a variable range between € where the heating installation is likely CLIMATIC THERMAL PAYBACK
2,500 and 5,000 per kW of gross elec- to be operational under the conditions ZONE LIMIT
tric installed power, depending on plant and at the times set out in the above- C 16% 2.5 years
size, complexity and efficiency. mentioned Decree of the President of D 27% 2.3 years
Their economic assessment not only the Republic (D.P.R.) 412. E 35% 2.0 years
depends on investment costs, but also The incentive that is taken into ac-
on type and cost of the substrate that is count per kWh produced amounts to Interestingly, the Thermal Limit (TL)
supplied to the anaerobic digester and 0.30 €/kWh, as set out in Financial andpayback values reached with coge-
on the number of plant operational Law 2008. neration from liquid biofuels improve
hours. The following payback values have remarkably in colder zones: the impro-
The incentive that is taken into account been calculated for supplying heat to vement is however less marked com-
per kWh produced for biogas of agro- users having similar features (same pared to cogeneration from solid bio-
animal origin amounts to 0.30 €/kWh, volume and type of construction), fuels, due to the higher electrical yield
as set out in Financial Law 2008: with using similar distribution networks and the subsequent lower quantity of
an incentive of this kind, payback and a biofuel that has the same cost residual heat available for heating.
would be achieved within 3 to 6 years. (wood chips at 70 €/t):
Important opportunities related to ELECTRICITY (< 1 MWe) AND TRIGE-
if licensing procedures are streamlined ZONE LIMIT Contrary to cogeneration, the econo-
and made clearer than existing proce- C 17% 6.7 years mic assessment of trigeneration is
dures, in particular with regard to plant D 28% 5.6 years strictly dependent upon the projected
construction, connection to national E 41% 4.4 years number of hours of air conditioning
electricity grid, handling and storage of during the summer months: no law
the various matrices that can be used Interstingly, the Thermal Limit (TL) whatsoever regulates this number of
for its production as by-products and and payback values improve re- hours (while D.P.R. 412 regulates win-
not as waste. markaby as we move towards colder ter heating) and the economic asses-
zones. Moreover, the payback achie- sment is therefore highly hypotheti-
ELECTRICITY (< 1 MWe) AND COGE- ved is more interesting than the pay- cal. Climatic zones do not play an
NERATION FROM SOLID BIOFUELS back that is reached with the produc- equally important part, simply becau-
Cogeneration is highly cost-effective tion of electricity only, even if the co- se the hotter the climatic zone, the
when residual heat is recovered th- st of the biofuel used is the same. less the air conditioning needed in

Ministero dell ’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare 47

Italian Biomass Association GOALS OF BIOENERGY IN ITALY

{ 3. Market/
Good practices

summer, and viceversa. The indepen- and cost of biofuel used (vegetable zations.
dence of trigeneration from climatic oil at 600 €/t) also apply to trigene- The main drivers for their economic
zones in terms of cost-effectiveness ration from liquid biofuels: assessment are: cost of biofuel and
is confirmed by the table below, whi- incentive per kWh produced.
ch has been developed by hypothi- CLIMATIC THERMAL PAYBACK Due to the high initial investment
zing different numbers of cooling ZONE LIMIT costs, plants are likely to work for the
hours in the summer months for each C 29% 3.5 years maximum number of operational
climatic zone: D 32% 3.3 years hours per year, excluding any inter-
E 37% 3.0 years ruptions for planned maintenance
ZONE CONDITIONING System effectiveness lies in the high The incentive granted per kWh produ-
C 1.000 hours TL value and the subsequent energy ced is based on the mechanism of
D 700 hours and environmental efficiency of the Green Certificates, as set out in 2008
E 400 hours entire system. With regard to pay- Financial Law, for plants with an in-
back, the same remarks made for tri- stalled electrical capacity > 1 MWe.
The same hypotheses applied to co- generation from solid biofuels apply. The following payback values are ob-
generation have been applied to trige- tained with “short” or local supply
neration in terms of volume and type PRODUCTION OF ELECTRICITY FROM chains (supply of biomass within 70
of users, features of distribution grid SOLID, LIQUID AND GASEOUS BIOFUELS km from the power plant):
and cost of biofuel used (chipped (INDUSTRAL PLANTS)
wood at 70 €/t): The pros of this production are that COST OF PAYBACK
large plants are cost-effective, be BIOFUEL
CLIMATIC THERMAL PAYBACK them fuelled with solid or liquid or ga- 40 4 years
ZONE LIMIT seous biofuels: 70 6 years
C 37% 7.0 years > The unit investment cost is lower
D 39% 6.3 years than that of plants with an electrical This assessment is however influen-
E 43% 5.6 years capacity < 1 MWe, thanks to the ced by dependence on the market va-
“escalator” effect, and can be estima- lue of Green Certificates and the lack
The table above shows that the effecti- ted to range between 3 and 4 Meuro / of clear legislation on the so-called
veness of trigeneration lies mainly in MW for solid biofuels and 1 Meuro / “short” supply chain.
the high LT value, which in turn means MW for liquid biofuels.
greater energy and environmental effi- > The biofuel usually costs less (be- 3.3) REMARKS ON MAIN
ciency of the entire system. cause large quantities are purchased DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES
The payback of trigeneration provided in the framework of multi-annual mo- n light of the above-mentioned
to the same users and for the number
of hours in summer mentioned above,
does not improve the cogeneration
re favourable supply contracts).
> Fixed operation costs in €/kWh
(management, maintenance, finan-
I considerations and in order to
achieve the targets of the Euro-
pean Directive on RES, projections of
payback, due to the high additional in- cial costs, etc.) are lower because possible development scenarios can
vestment cost sustained to install they are spread over a large number be made for the various bioenergy
the absorption machine. A significant of kWh that are produced during the supply chains. As stated in Chapter 2,
increase in the number of operational lifespan of the plant. the quantity of bioenergy to be used
hours in summer would entail a better The cons are: to cover final gross consumption
payback. > Low electrical efficiency (25%) of should amount to about 16-18 Mtoe
plants fuelled with solid biofuels. by 2020, in order to reach the Directi-
ELECTRICITY (< 1 MWe) AND TRIGENE- > Difficulty in finding users for the lar- ve’s targets.
RATION FROM LIQUID AND GASEOUS ge quantities of residual heat. These projections also take into ac-
BIOFUELS > Dependence on the market value of count the hypotheses put forward by
The same remarks and the same hy- Green Certificates and temporal in- the Position Paper (see Chapter 1) whi-
potheses concerning hours of opera- stability of legislation on the matter. ch sets forth that, in line with the men-
tion in summer, volume and type of > Difficulty of investors in obtaining tioned Directive, the following quanti-
users, features of the distribution grid the necessary licenses and authori- ties of primary fossil energy are to be

Ministero dell ’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare 48

Italian Biomass Association GOALS OF BIOENERGY IN ITALY

{ 3. Market/
Good practices

BIOENERGY: TREND OF GROSS FINAL CONSUMPTION Paper, particularly with regard to inve-
stment costs that will have to be ma-
Mtoe de by 2020.
16 Producing 80 TWh/year of thermal
14 energy from biomass (2007 Position
Paper) means that by 2020 Italy
12 should have an overall installed capa-
10 city of about 50,000 MW, hypothizing
8 an average operation time of 2000
hours a year (including both civil and
6 industrial users).
4 Today’s national installed capacity of
2 biomass fed equipment is of 16000
MW thermal for civil users and 5000
MW thermal for industrial users (see
ITABIA - K4 RES Heating EU Project). Mo-
2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 st of the boilers installed in Italy are ob-
Years solete, and those used in households
have very low efficiency outputs. The-
replaced with bioenergy by 2020: nergy final consumption is represen- refore, they need to be replaced by
HEAT: 9.3 Mtoe, which will lead to a use- ted in the figure below. 2020, which means that at least
ful heat production of 80 TWh, with an More detailed trend curves for the 40,000 MW of the 50,000 MW needed
average actual heat yield (70%). single technologies can only be deve- will have to be replaced through new in-
ELECTRICITY: 2.9 Mtoe which, with a loped when the National Action Plan stallations that need to be built. A signi-
conventional average electrical yield has been issued. However, some mo- ficant part of thermal energy can,
(50%), equal a production of 14.5 re general considerations can be ma- however, be supplied by cogeneration
TWh, and a corresponding consump- de today on the basis of the Position plants which may have a residual, use-
tion of primary bioenergy of 6 Mtoe,
energy yield of biomass to electricity
conversion (25%). MWth
BIOFUELS: 0.6 Mtoe (against the 4.2
Mtoe needed by 2020 to fulfil the obli- 50,000
gation to cover 10% of fuel consump-
tion for transport). 40,000
The Position Paper, which was drawn
up in 2007, could not foresee the objec-
tives that were later set by the Directi- 30,000
ve on RES (2008). It will be thus ne-
cessary to await the enactment of the 20,000
National “Action Plans” to be issued by
Member States by 2010, in order to tra- 10,000
ce detailed trend curves.
Annex 1 to the Directive provides the
indicative trajectories to be followed,
in order to monitor whether National 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020
targets are actually being achieved. Years
Italy’s indicative trajectory for bioe-

Ministero dell ’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare 49

Italian Biomass Association GOALS OF BIOENERGY IN ITALY

{ 3. Market/
Good practices

ful thermal capacity of at least 3000

37,000 MW the thermal capacity nee-
ded, through the construction of new MWel
plants, by 2020.
A first estimate of the necessary inve-
stment costs is based on the fact that
the new capacity will be mainly made 1,500
up of small household boilers, even if
district heating has recently started to 1,000
develop and is expected to grow, owing
to its cost-effectiveness and favoura-
ble environmental and social impact. It 500
can be estimated that the unit invest-
ment cost of new boilers will amount to
€ 400/kW, inclusive of new district 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020
heating networks: the total invest-
ment needed by 2020 can be so far Years
estimated to be about Euro 15 billion.
The expected development trend for
biomass heating systems can be hy-
pothesized to be as shown in the fi-
gure below.
Statistics do not include an additional
14,000 MW thermal capacity supplied
by very small systems which have a
power output that is lower than 10 kW
, namely fireplaces, thermo-firepla-
ces, stoves, hobs, etc. Estimates by
the Italian Pellets Association show
that in Italy there about 740,000 mo-
dern stoves fuelled with wood pellets.

Producing 14.5 TWh/year from bio-
mass (2007 Position Paper) means
using (average electricity yield
amounts to 25%) about 6 Mtoe/year
of primary bioenergy and having by
2020 an installed electrical capacity
of about 2,000 MWe (estimating an modernisation. units can be estimated to be ?
average operational hours of 7,000 This assessment brings the electrical 3,000/kWe (average). The overall in-
hours/year). capacity of new plants to be installed vestment needed from now until 2020
The current installed electricity capa- by 2020 to 1,800 MWe. can thus be estimated to amount to
city (including the contribution given Investment costs can be estimated by around 5 billion euros.
by urban solid waste) is of about taking into account that this new capa- By installing cogeneration systems in
1,300 MWe, but at least 80% of these city will be mainly produced by these new plants, a significant amount
plants are likely to be closed (becau- small/medium-sized cogeneration of thermal capacity (at least 3,000
se they are obsolete, or because the electricity plants (<1MWe) fuelled MW) will be available, favouring a re-
CIP6 and other national incentives with solid, liquid and gaseous biofuels. duction of investment costs needed to
are near to expire) and be subject to Investment costs for each of these install new boilers, as explained in the

Ministero dell ’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare 50

Italian Biomass Association GOALS OF BIOENERGY IN ITALY

{ 3. Market/
Good practices

previous paragraph on thermal energy.

electrical production and cogenera-
tion from solid, liquid and gaseous Mtoe
biofuels (see excellent payback of
plants) suggest the trend projection 4
that is reported in the table below.
By 2020, to fulfil the requirement to in- 2
clude 10% of biofuels in fuel consump-
tion for transport , 4.2 renewable Mtoe
will be necessary. This amount corre- 1
sponds to about 5.5 million tons of bio-
fuels, most of which produced by se-
cond-generation technologies. No- 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020
netheless, in any case, Italy will have to
resort to imports. Years
Recent studies and analyses have
shown that the biofuels market will
invest over Euro 20 billion by 2020, in the targets to be achieved in terms of Electro-technical Centre) in the plan-
order to comply with the targets of the quantity of energy source and regio- ning and spreading of information for
EU Directive. These analyses exclude nal distribution: the national target basic research (and also applied re-
investments on first and second ge- must be the result of the sum of the search) in the renewable sector.
neration plants for the production of realistic regional targets. 6. Full implementation of laws
biofuels, which cannot be easily esti- 2. Setting of mechanisms of awards 222/07 and 244/07 through applica-
mated yet. and sanctions for the achievement of tive decrees to be enacted by the
regional targets, by applying “flexible competent Ministries, in coordination

city and gas.” n

3.3.4) CONCLUSION mechanisms” so as to guarantee with the AEEG - Authority for electri-
The supply of solid, liquid and ga- economic returns for “virtuous” Re-
seous biofuels to the various techno- gions.
logical conversion plants will amount 3. Definition of clear licensing and
to approximately Euro 10 billion. authorizing criteria that are reliable
The above-mentioned National Action over time and non-discriminatory,
Plans, to be enacted by 2010, will al- that favour the harmonization of re-
low to analyse the market projections gional regulations and the elimina-
that are being presented in this chap- tion of possible local hostilities.
ter. In the meantime, while waiting for 4. Establishing a body with executive
the National Plans issue, it is impor- powers to monitor the achievement
tant to acknowledge that there are so- of RES targets in Italy, also by
me difficulties in achieving the Direc- strengthening the role of the National
tive’s targets and the necessary ac- Observatory for Renewable Sources
tions to overcome such difficulties and energy efficiency, set up under
need to be immediately envisaged. Legislative Decree 387/03, whose
These actions are summarized in a duties and tasks should be further
document by APER (Association of implemented.
Producers of Renewable Energy) and 5. Strengthening and developing the
hereafter we report an excerpt: role of CNR (National Research Cen-
tre), ENEA (National Agency for New
“1. Definition, to be agreed between Technologies, Energy and the Envi-
National Government and Regions, of ronment), CESI (Italian Experimental

Ministero dell ’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare 51

Italian Biomass Association GOALS OF BIOENERGY IN ITALY

3] Addenda
COMPANY: Azienda Pubbliservizi Brunico - Stadtwerke Bruneck
REGION/CITY: TN-AA, 39031 Brunico (BZ)
BIOMASS USED: Chipped wood, bark, forest wood shaving


1.1 Dedicated crops and/or Cultivated and/or harvested species larch, fir
biomass sources of origin Method of cultivation and/or harvesting n.a.
Productivity rates in terms of ton/ha n.a.
Unit cost of harvesting (euro/ha) n.a.
Geographical sources of origin direct suppliers: approx. 75 km
Suppliers sawmills, woods owners
Type of supply contract m3 steres
1.2 Supply, transport and Ways and means of transport trucks / lorries
storage of biomass Type of transport contract included in the price of biomass
Storage facilities open-air outdoor facility
Duration of storage 6 months
1.3 Plant management Process of energy conversion biomass boilers
Type of energy recovery boilers: exhaust fumes (950°C)
hot water (95°C)
Quantity of biomass used (ton/year) 43,320
Output capacity of installed thermal 73,6
power (MWt)
energy yields (% kJin/kJout) 85%
Technology for electrostatic filters and
cutting emissions condensation systems
1.4 End uses of energy Population and users served approx. 13,000 inhabitants -
produced (N. of inhabitants and N. of buildings) approx. 2,200 buildings
Heated volume (m3) n.a.
Energy produced (kJ/year) 129 MWh - 467 TJ
Distributed energy (kJ/year) 109 MWh
Pro-capita energy/inhabitant ratio (kJ/person) n. disp.
1.5 Energy and Saved fossil fuels (ton/year) 11,000
environmental Saved CO2 emissions (ton/year) 27,000
sustainability Avoided HCl, NOx, and other emissions (ton/year) n.a.
1.6 Residues produced Waste and/or recovered material (ton/year)
Process ashes (ton/year) 140
Destination of waste and ashes dump

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{ Addenda
to Chapter 3


2.1 Dedicated crops and/or Regional and/or national legal requirements
biomass sources of origin Stability and duration of legal requirements
Other information:
2.2 Supply, transport Regional and/or national legal requirements V.I.A. - Provincial Association
and storage of biomass for Crafts (APA) in Bolzano
Stability and duration of legal requirements
2.3 Plant management Operation licences and their duration Autonomous Province of Bolzano
Office for Air and Noise (rip. 29.2)
Rules for plant operators
2.4 End uses of energy Regional and/or national requirements and/or
produced constraints to transfer of energy produced
Regional and/or national contracts for transfer of energy produced
2.5 Energy and Legal requirements/limitations Autonomous Province of Bolzano
environmental sustainability to energy production Office for Air and Noise (rip. 29.2)
Legal requirements/limitations Autonomous Province of Bolzano
to emissions into the atmosphere Office for Air and Noise (rip. 29.2)
2.5 Residues produced Legal requirements/limitations Legislative decree 22/1997,
to residue disposal Ministerial Decree 145/1998,
Decision 27.07.1984


3.1 Dedicated crops and/or Regional and/or national economic-financial incentives

biomass sources of origin Stability and duration of economic-financial incentives
Support measures for farmers/producers Woods owners:
market price + 40%
Specific economic assessments (ROI, PBT, etc.)
Effects and advantages for employment
Political and/or social acceptance Very high
3.2 Supply, transport Supply and transport costs(€/ton) not defined (included in the
and storage of biomass price of biomass - carriage paid)
Storage costs (€/ton) n.a.
3.3 Plant management Specific economic assessment (ROI, PBT, etc.)
Types of support measures provincial capital account
(ex-CIP 6, green certificates, etc.) contribution (LP 4/1993)
Unit management costs (€/ton)
Unit investment costs (M€/ton)
3.4 End uses of Contracts of energy transfer Yes
energy produced Unit energy enhancement (€/kJ) 0.095 / kWh
3.5 Energy and Economic savings of fossil fuels (€/year)
environmental sustainability Energy savings in TEP (Tep/year)
3.6 Residues produced Cost of residue disposal (€/ton)
Cost of disposal of ashes (€/ton) approx. 130 €/t
Alternatives to disposal and/or recovery of residues

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Italian Biomass Association GOALS OF BIOENERGY IN ITALY

{ Addenda
to Chapter 3


Municipality, Province MWt-MWe N° Km N° production consumption
and Company MWh/year t/year
1 Pollein (AO) S.E.A. Srl 5 2 2.5 21 2,600 1,800
2 Morgex (AO) Le Brasier Srl 7 2 10 200 8,500 5,700
3 Pré-Saint-Didier S.E.A. Srl 4.1- 0.205 2 5 80 9,500 5,500
4 Leinì (TO) Provana Calore Srl 10 2 10 67 14,790 6,788
5 Castellamonte (TO) A.S.A. Srl 9 2 13.75 152 12,729 8,600
6 Chivasso (TO) Comune di Chivasso 1.2 1 n.a. 240 Recent start-up
7 Vico Canavese (TO) Vico Energia Srl 3.5 2 3 78 Recent start-up
8 Vinovo (TO) Comune di Vinovo 1.65 1 n.a. 5 Recent start-up
9 Verzuolo (CN) ETS Srl 5.8 2 3.8 31 7,755 2,995
10 Ormea (CN) Calore Verde Srl 3.9 2 5.5 152 4,520 3,240
11 Arquata Scrivia (AL) B.E.A. Scarl 1 1 n.a. n.a. 1,220 567
12 Serravalle Scrivia (AL) B.E.A. Scarl 1 1 0.55 4 2,130 1,054
13 Casale Monferrato (AL) Comune 0.2 1 n.a. 3 Recent start-up
1 Collio (BS) F.R. Alta Val Trompia Srl 12.5 1 18 320 n.a. n.a.
2 Corte Franca (BS) IS.PA.RO. Onlus 0.25 1 0.07 3 Self consumption
3 Ospitaletto (BS) Fraternità Agricola Onlus 0.9 1 0.5 2 772 98
4 Piancogno (BS) Integra Srl 5.5 2 12.5 200 n.a. n.a.
5 Sellero Novelle (BS) T.S.N. Srl 12.9 1 14 415 n.a. n.a.
6 Sondalo (SO) T.C.V.V.V. SpA 10 2 17.3 339 28,982 8,600
7 Tirano (SO) T.C.V.V.V. SpA 20 3 30.4 641 66,882 25,500
8 S. Caterina Valfurva (SO) T.C.V.V.V. SpA 12 2 3.6 38 Start-up 2007
9 Marchirolo (VA) Energia Legno Varese Srl 1 1 0.36 8 Start-up 2008
10 Gerosa (BG) Wood factory 0.65 1 n.a. 4 Recent start-up n.a.
11 Peghera di Taleggio (BG) Wood factory 0.5 1 n.a. 4 Recent start-up n.a.
12 Gargnano (BS) Hotel 0.65 1 n.a. 3 Recent start-up n.a.
1 Cavalese Bioenergia Fiemme SpA 8 2 20 475 24.609 10,125
2 Fiera di Primiero Ecotermica S. Martino Srl 8 2 12.6 218 n.a. n.a.
3 Fondo Bioenergy Anaunia SpA 5 2 6,5 144 5,932 7,285
4 Pieve di Ledro Foletto Snc 0.55 1 0.08 6 Start-up 2007
5 Predazzo Eneco Energia Ecologica Srl 2.32 1 16 40 6,700 2,160
6 S. Martino di Castrozza n.a. 8.8 2 13 230 23,952 9,140
7 Malosco n.a. 0.9 1 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
8 Tres n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
9 Grumes n.a. 0.6 1 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
10 Cloz n.a. 0.8 1 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
11 Coredo n.a. 6 1 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
12 Pellizzano n.a. n.a. 1 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
1 Resia Bioenergia Resia Scrl 1.6 1 5 31 n.a. n.a.
2 Slingia Bioenergiegenossenschaft Scrl 0.3 1 n.a. 15 n.a. n.a.
3 San Valentino alla Muta Bioenergie Scrl 1.6 1 n.a. 81 460 n.a.

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Italian Biomass Association GOALS OF BIOENERGY IN ITALY

{ Addenda
to Chapter 3


Municipality, Province MWt-MWe N° Km N° production consumption
and Company MWh/year t/year

4 Siusi Bio Heizwerk Srl 0.85 1 n.a. 15 680 n.a.

5 San Pietro-Funes Azienda Elettrica Scrl 1,1 1 n.a. 90 n.a. n.a.
6 Laces Energetica Laces Scrl 8,4 2 n.a. 373 n.a. n.a.
7 Solda Coop. di Energia Solda Scrl 4 2 17.1 111 9,847 6,070
8 Vandoies Energiegenoss. Vintl Scrl 2.5 1 9.4 145 6,772 n.a.
9 Valles Fonti Energetiche Valles Scrl 4 2 8.2 132 6,306 3,610
10 Obereggen Energia e Teler. Scrl 2.65 2 1.8 12 4.000 n.a.
11 Varna-Bressanone Ener-Team Srl 0,7 2 n.a. 7 440 830
12 Prato allo Stelvio Az. Energetica Scrl 2.8 2 17 347 7,416 3,495
13 Lutago-Lutago di Sopra-Gisse 2.95 3 5 162 4,881 1.840
Feichter Holz Sas
14 Dobbiaco-San Candido FTI Scrl 18-1,5 (ORC) 3 87 680 44,096 34,430
15 Colle Isarco Teleriscald. Colle Isarco Scrl 3.5 1 n.a. 117 3,499 n.a.
16 Racines di Dentro teleris. Racines Srl 1.2 1 n.a. 29 n.a. n.d
17 Chiusa Teleriscaldamento Chiusa Srl 3 1 n.a. 450 n.a. n.a.
18 Lazfons Teleriscaldamento Chiusa Srl 1 1 n.a. 94 1,528 n.a.
19 Valdaora di Sot. Mez. e Sop. Centr. Teleris. 8 2 19 488 17,106 13,350
20 Sorafurcia Centr. Teleris. Valdaora SpA 1.1 1 n.a. 22 n.a. n.a.
21 Sesto Teleriscaldamento Sesto Srl 9 2 17.4 335 17,520 n.a.
22 Verano Termocentrale Verano Scrl 1.6 2 5 90 1,929 1,050
23 Monguelfo-Villabassa Telerisc. Scrl 6 2 23.5 430 19,578 8,180
24 Prato alla Drava Telerisc. Rainer Srl 0.55 1 0.58 18 706 n.a.
25 Tiso-Funes Teleriscaldamento Tiso Scrl 0.85 1 n.a. 51 302 n.a.
26 San Nicolò Coop. Prom. Ultimo Scrl 0.7 1 n.a. 26 1,171 n.a.
27 San Pancrazio Coop. Prom. Ultimo Scrl 0.7 1 n.a. 49 1,866 n.a.
28 S. Valpurga-Pracupola Coop. Prom. Ult. 1.4 1 n.a. 130 5,147 n.a.
29 San Giovanni-Riepe Com. Valle Aurina 0.55 1 n.a. 16 182 n.a.
30 Laion Comune di Laion 1.3 1 n.a. 110 3,165 n.a.
31 Luson Comune di Luson 1.4 1 n.a. 94 n.a. n.a.
32 Malles Comune di Malles 1.2 1 n.a. 49 2,648 n.a.
33 Martello Comune di Martello 0.55 1 n.a. 5 437 n.a.
34 Naturno Comune di Naturno 1,4 1 1.05 10 2,608 n.a.
35 Terento Comune di Terento 1 1 n.a. 68 3,015 n.a.
36 Terlano Comune di Terlano 1.2 1 n.a. 15 n.a. n.a.
37 Velturno Centrale Termica Velturno Scrl 2.1 1 n.a. 120 3,229 n.a.
38 Sarentino-Villa Telerisc. Sarentino Scrl 3 1 n.a. 199 6,794 3,400
39 Nova Ponente Holz & Ko Srl 0.84 1 0.96 12 791 1,050
40 Lasa-Oris Laser Eyrser Energie. Scrl 6.2 2 23 470 15,262 6,420
Laser Eyrser Energie. Scrl
41 La Villa-Funtanacia Ligna Calor SpA 5 2 17 264 12,640 6,780
42 Plan, Moso in Passiria 1.2 1 1.7 42 1,456 675
Pfelderer Genossenschaft Scrl
43 Prato allo Stelvio 3.2 2 n.a. 15 2,228 n.a.
Polyfaser Srl e Az. En. Prato Scrl
44 Sluderno-Glorenza 4.5 2 19.4 447 11,369 10,270
Schluderns Glurns Energieg. Scrl

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Italian Biomass Association GOALS OF BIOENERGY IN ITALY

{ Addenda
to Chapter 3


Municipality, Province MWt-MWe N° Km N° production consumption
and Company MWh/year t/year
45 Malles Impianti Sportivi Malles SpA 2.45 2 n.a. 64 4,323 n.a.
46 Brunico-Perca Az. Pubbliser. Brunico 20-4.5 3 110 1,884 109,429 43,320
47 Versciaco Sulzenbacher Otto & Co. Snc 1.1 1 n.a. 45 2,266 n.a.
48 San Pietro-Laion Telfholz Srl 0.55 1 n.a. 16 319 n.a.
49 Antermoia Termo Antermoia Scrl 1.2 1 2.4 50 1,445 n.a.
50 Vipiteno-Prati-Casateia 17.3 2 66.4 584 31,000 15,740
Thermo Wipptal SpA
51 Burgusio Wood factory Telser Snc 1.2 2 n.a. 50 477 n.a.
52 S. Giovanni-Cadipietra 1.6 1 n.a. 122 n.a. n.a.
S. Giacomo-Valle Aurina Wärme und Energie. Ahrntal Scrl
53 Anterselva di Mezzo Termocen. Scrl 3.4 2 n.a. 127 3,447 n.a.
54 Rasun Wärmewerke Rasen SpA 5 2 16 306 9,574 5,770
55 Lappago Az. Elet. Selva dei Mulini SpA 0.35 1 n.a. 24 n.a. n.a.
56 Selva dei Mulini Az. Elettrica SpA 1.4 1 n.a. 90 2,110 275
57 San Martino-Sarentino 0.37 2 0.9 10 1,058 n.a.
Cons. Centr. F.lli Gruber
58 Castelrotto Private company n.a. 1 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
59 Lana Comune di Lana 0.65 1 n.a. 82 n.a. n.a.
60 Lana Comune di Lana 0.30 1 n.a. 4 n.a. n.a.
61 S. Martino in Passiria Comune 0.19 1 n.a. 4 n.a. n.a.
1 Ponte S. Nicolò (PD) Biomasse Europa Srl 0.58 1 0.3 3 n.a. n.a.
2 Treviso Comune di Treviso 1.3 2 n.a. 8 Recent start-up n.a.
3 Valdastico (VI) Industria agroalimentare 0.3 1 n.a. 3 Recent start-up n.a.
1 Buttrio, Caminetto (UD) private company 0.17 1 n.a. 1 204 25
2 Capriva del Friuli (GO)civil buildings 0.11 1 n.a. 1 132 n.a.
3 Chiusaforte (UD) private company 0.20 2 n.a. 3 300 180
4 Cividale del Friuli (UD) Farm solida 0.10 1 n.a. 3 120 80
5 Forni di Sopra (UD) private company 0.54 1 n.a. 3 810 400
6 Malborghetto Valbruna Ugovizza (UD) 0.15 1 n.a. 2 225 150
civil buildings
7 Ovaro (UD) Hotel and civil buildings 0.50 1 0.22 4 750 290
8 Pontebba (UD) private company 0.68 1 n.a. 1 1.020 n.a.
9 Romans d’Isonzo private company 0.465 1 n.a. 1 558 n.a.
10 San Giorgio della Richinvelda, 0.70 1 n.a. 3 840 300
Rauscedo (PN) Azienda sperimentale
11 San Giorgio di Nogaro (UD) civil buildings 0.40 1 n.a. 1 480 400
12 Sgonico (TS) Farm solida and civil buildings 0.10 1 n.a. 4 149 50
13 Treppo Carnico (UD) C. M. della Carnia 0.55 1 0.7 17 1,069 n.a.
14 Villa Santina (UD) Hotel and civil buildings 0.10 1 n.a. 1 150 55
15 Villa Vicentina (UD) public administration 0.30 1 n.a. 3 360 n.a.
1 Campo Ligure (GE) C. M. Valli Stura e Orba 0.7 1 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
2 Rossiglione (GE) C. M. Valli Stura e Orba 1.2 1 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
3 Carcare (SV) n.a. 1 1 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.

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Italian Biomass Association GOALS OF BIOENERGY IN ITALY

{ Addenda
to Chapter 3


Municipality, Province MWt-MWe N° Km N° production consumption
and Company MWh/year t/year
1 Lizzano in Belvedere, Vidiciatico (BO) 3 1 20 235 3,868 1,840
Warmwood Srl
1 Camporgiano (LU) Comune 0.54 1 0.3 3 n.a. 150
2 Castel San Niccolò (AR) C. M. del Casentino 0.35 1 0.6 17 n.a. 220
3 Loro Ciuffenna (AR) Comune 0.5 1 0.3 6 n.a. 266
4 Casole d’Elsa (SI) Comune 0.54 1 0.1 4 n.a. 211
5 Monticiano (SI) Comune 0.50 1 0.1 2 n.a. 50
1 Apiro (MC) Comune 1.2 1 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
1 Eboli (SA) Azienda Improsta 0.29 1 0.1 5 110 60
1 Calvello (PZ) Centro Polifunzionale 0.22 1 0.1 3 85 120
TOTAL 128 Plants 370 172 716 14,388 620,000 280,000

Source: Segreteria Generale Itabia, Segreteria Nazionale Fiper, Consorzio Biomassa Alto Adige, Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano e Provin-
cia Autonoma di Trento - Agenzia provinciale per l’energia.



Municipality, Province MWe consumpt. generation
and Company (t/year)
Airasca (TO) STC - ATEL Srl 14.6 120,000 Mobile grid Cogeneration
Crova (VC) Idroblins Srl 6.7 64,000 Mobile grid Electricity n.a.
Verzuolo (CN) Cartiere Burgo SpA 5.5 95,000 Fluidized bed Cogeneration
Brescia ASM (III linea) 20.0 289,000 Mobile grid Cogeneration
Sustinente (MN) Gruppo Saviola 8.0 110,000 Mobile grid Electricity
Pavia Riso Scotti Energia Srl 7,6 80,000 Mobile grid Cogeneration
Valle Lomellina (PV) Curti Riso SpA 4.5 42,000 Mobile grid Electricity
Lomello (PV) Riso Ticino Scrl 3.6 2,000 Fixed grid Electricity
Castiraga Vidardo (LO) Ecowatt Srl 3.6 40,000 Mobile grid Electricity
Ospitale di Cadore (BL) SICET Srl 20.0 200,000 Fluidized bed Electricity
Castellavazzo (BL) CEB SpA 5.0 39,000 Mobile grid Electricity
Manzano (UD) Nuova Romano Bolzicco 2.5 21,000 Mobile grid Cogeneration premioinnovazione.
Bando d’Argenta (FE) 20.0 280,000 Vibrating grid Electricity
S. Marco Bioenergie SpA

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Italian Biomass Association GOALS OF BIOENERGY IN ITALY

{ Addenda
to Chapter 3


Municipality, Province MWe consumpt. generation
and Company (t/year)
Faenza (RA) Cavino Energia Scrl 3.2 33,000 Mobile grid Cogeneration
Scarlino (GR) Scarlino Energia Srl 19.5 120,000 Fluidized bed Electricity
Terni ENA Srl 10.0 90,000 Mobile grid Electricity
Termoli (CB) Ecoenergy Srl 14.6 120,000 Mobile grid Electricity
Pozzilli (IS) Energonut Srl 11.4 85,000 Mobile grid Electricity
Monopoli (BA) Ital Green Energy Srl 12.0 110,000 Mobile grid Electricity
Maglie (LE) CoperSalento SpA 3.0 18,000 Mobile grid Electricity
Strongoli (KR) Biomasse Italia SpA 40.0 400,000 Fluidized bed Electricity
Crotone Biomasse Italia SpA 20.0 250,000 Vibrating grid Electricity
Cutro (KR) E.T.A. SpA 14.0 190,000 Fluidized bed Electricity
Rende (CS) Ecosesto SpA 12.3 150,000 Vibrating grid Electricity
Rossano Calabro (CS) 4.2 36,000 Vibrating grid Electricity
Rossano Energia Srl
TOTAL 25 285.8 3,009,000 14 Mobile grid 19 Electricity
4 Vibrating grid 6 Cogeneration
1 Fixed grid
6 Fluidized bed



Örebro Örebro Energi AB 260,000 165 MWt Fluidized bed CFB
Västeras Mälarenergi AB 250,000 60 MWe Fluidized bed CFB
Perstorp Perstorp AB 90,000 55 MWt Fluidized bed CFB
Lidköping Lidköping Värmeverk AB 50,000 30 MWt Fluidized bed BFB
Sala Heby Energi AB 50,000 30 MWt Fluidized bed BFB
Norrsundet Norrsundet Bruk AB 45,000 27 MWt Gassificatore BFB
Lahti Kymijärvi Power Station 80,000 50 MWt Gassificatore CFB
Pietarsaari Oy Wisaforest AB 55,000 35 MWt Gassificatore BFB
Pieksämäki Pieksämäki D. H. AB 35,000 20 MWt Fluidized bed BFB
Bertenrath n.a. 240,000 150 MWt Gassificatore HTW
Rüdersdorfer Rüdersdorfer Zement AG 160,000 100 MWt Gassificatore CFB
Schwedt Haindl Papier GmbH 55,000 34 MWt Fluidized bed BFB

Ministero dell ’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare 58

Italian Biomass Association GOALS OF BIOENERGY IN ITALY

{ Addenda
to Chapter 3



Køge Junckers Industrier AS 105,000 65 MWt Vibrating grid
Rudkøbing Rudkøbing Kraftvarm AS 25,000 16 MWt Vibrating grid
EVZ AV 135,000 84 MWt Gassificatore CFB
Sankt Veit Funder GmbH 50,000 32 MWt Fluidized bed FICB
Villanuevadel Arzobispo Energia de la Loma SA 150,000 16 MWe Mobile grid


Municipality capacity technology treatment power
(Province) (n. lines x t/d) technology (MW)
Mergozzo (VB) 2 x 60 MSW ACG - Fonsar (I) DeNOx + CR + BF + WET 5
Vercelli (VC) 3 x 75 MSW ACG - DBA (D) BF + WET 4
Torino, Gerbido 3 x 540 MSW A/WCG - Von Roll (CH) DeNOx + ESP + BF 65
Bergamo (BG) 1 x 200 RDF BFB - EPI (USA) 1BF + CR + 2BF + DeNOx 11,5
Brescia (BS) 3 x 750 MSW + Biomas. ACG - Martin (D) CR + BF 84,4
Busto Arsizio (VA) 2 x 200 MSW ACG - W+E (CH) DeNOx + BF + WET 9,2
Como, loc. 1x120 + 1x150 MSW ACG - De Bartolomeis (I) ESP+CR+BF+DeNOx+WET 6
La Guzza (CO) (revamping)
Corteolona (PV) 1 x 180 RDF BFB - Kvaerner (S) DeNOx + CR + BF 8,7
Cremona (CR) 2 x 125 MSW ACG - Steinmüeller (D) CR + BF + WET 6
Dalmine (BG) 2 x 200 RDF WCG - NoyVallesina (I) ESP + CR + BF + DeNOx 15,6
Desio (MI) 2 x 120 MSW ACG - De Bartolomeis (I) DeNOx + ESP + CR + BF 5,7
Parona 1x 620 + 1x580 RDF CFB - Foster Wheeler (USA) DeNOx + CR + BF 38
Lomellina (PV)
Milano, Silla 2 3 x 485 MSW A/WCG - ABB W+E (CH) ESP + BF + DeNOx 59
Sesto San Giovanni (MI) 3 x 80 MSW ACG - De Bartolomeis (I) DeNOx + ESP + WET + BF 5,5
Trezzo sull’Adda (MI) 2 x 300 MSW WCG - Von Roll (CH) DeNOx + CR + BF + WET 20,2
Valmadrera (LC) 1x120 + 1x160 MSW ACG - TM.E. (I) DeNOx + CR + BF + WET 10,5
Bolzano 1x150 + 1x200 MSW ACG - DBA/Lentjes (D) BF + WET + DeNOx 6.05
Trieste 3 x 204 MSW A/WCG - W+E (CH) DeNOx + CR + BF + WET 14.9
Padova 2 x 150 MSW ACG - Von Roll (I) DeNOx + CR + BF + WET 6.6
(third line: construction) 1 x 300 MSW WCG - Martin (D) 1 BF + CR + 2 BF + DeNOx 7
Schio (VI) 1 x 36+60+100 MSW ACG - DBA (D) DeNOx + ESP + CR + BF 6.9

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Italian Biomass Association GOALS OF BIOENERGY IN ITALY

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to Chapter 3


Municipality capacity technology treatment power
(Province) (n. lines x t/d) technology (MW)

Venezia, loc. Fusina 1 x 150 MSW ACG - W+E (CH) DeNOx + CR + BF + WET 2.15
Verona 2 x 180 RDF BFB - Thyssen (D) DeNOx + CR + BF 21.8
Granarolo dell’Emilia (BO) 2 x 300 MSW A/WCG - Von Roll (CH) CR + BF + WET + DeNOx 22
Coriano (RN) 2 x 280 MSW ACG - Von Roll (CH) ESP + CR + BF + DeNOx 15.7
Ferrara, loc. Canal Bianco 2 x 215 MSW ACG - De Bartolomeis (I) CR + BF + DeNOx 12.9
Forlì 1 x 380 MSW ACG - Von Roll (CH) CR + BF + DeNOx 10.6
Modena 2 x 140+1x 250 MSW ACG - Von Roll (CH) ESP + BF + DeNOx 32
Piacenza 2 x 180 MSW ACG - Martin (D) DeNOx + ESP + BF 11.6
Ravenna 1 x 150 RDF BFB - EPI (USA) DeNOx + BF + WET 6.5
Reggio nell’Emilia 2 x 100 MSW ACG - De Bartolomeis (I) DeNOx + ESP + BF 4.3
Arezzo, loc. San Zeno 1 x 120 MSW ACG - Volund (DK) DeNOx + CR + BF 2.9
Castelnuovo di G. (LU) 1 x 36 MSW ACG - Fonsar (I) CR + BF 0.5
Livorno 2 x 90 MSW WCG - Nöell (D) DeNOx + CR + BF 6.7
Montale (PT) 2 x 75 MSW RK - Tecnitalia (I) DeNOx + ESP + CR + BF 4.8
Pisa, loc. Ospedaletto 2 x 100 MSW ACG - De Bartolomeis (I) DeNOx + CR + BF + WET 4.5
Pietrasanta (LU) 2 x 120 RDF BFB - Kvaerner (S) DeNOx + CR + BF + WET 5.7
Poggibonsi (SI) 2 x 30 MSW ACG - De Bartolomeis (I) DeNOx + CR + BF -
(third line: construction)1 x 170 MSW WCG - De Bartolomeis (I) CR + BF + DeNOx 8.4
Rufina (FI) 1 x 30 MSW ACG - n.a. DeNOx + CR + BF n.a.
Scarlino (GR) 1 x 96+2 x 144 RDF + Biomas. BFB - Ex-Dorr Oliver (USA) DeNOx+WET1+ESP+WET2 19.5
Tolentino (MC) 1 x 70 MSW ACG - DBA (D) CR + ESP + BF + WET 1.2
Terni 2 x 75 MSW ACG - Von Roll (CH) CR + BF + WET 2.5
Colleferro, 1 x 300 RDF WCG - Lurgi (D) CR + BF + DeNOx 13.5
Mobilservice (Roma)
Colleferro, 1 x 300 RDF WCG - Lurgi (D) CR + BF + DeNOx 13.5
E.P. Sistemi (Roma)
San Vittore del Lazio (FR) 1 x 300 RDF WCG - Lurgi (D) CR + BF + DeNOx 13.5
Acerra (NA) costruction 3 x 650 RDF (Downgrad. to FSC) WCG - DBA (D) CR + 1 BF + 2 BF + DeNOx 106
Taranto, Com. di Statte 2 x 100 MSW ACG - Von Roll (CH) DeNOx + ESP + BF + WET 3.5
Massafra (TA) 1 x 300 RDF BFB - EPI (USA) DeNOx + CR + BF 12.25
Modugno (BA) 1 x 300 RDF BFB - EPI (USA) DeNOx + CR + BF 12.25
(under costruction)
Melfi (PZ) 1 x 100 MSW ACG - DBA (D) CR + BF + WET + DeNOx 4.0
Potenza 2 x 50 MSW ACG - De Bartolomeis (I) DeNOx + WET + CR + BF 1.2

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Italian Biomass Association GOALS OF BIOENERGY IN ITALY

{ Addenda
to Chapter 3


Municipality capacity technology treatment power
(Province) (n. lines x t/d) technology (MW)

Gioia Tauro (RC) 2 x 190 RDF BFB - Kvaerner (S) CR + BF + DeNOx 17
Messina, loc. Pace 2 x 100 MSW ACG - Fonsar (I) CR + BF + WET n.a.
Cagliari, loc. Capoterra 2 x 160 MSW ACG - W+E (CH) DeNOx + CR + BF 9.4
1 x 180 MSW ACG - Kawasaki (J) CR + BF + DeNOx 4.5
Macomer, loc. Tossilo (NU) 2 x 72 RDF BFB - Ebara (J) CR + BF + DeNOx 2

Total Total 37 MSW Plants: ACG: 34 plants (63%) Total installed
Plants:54 treatment capacity: 15,034 t/d WCG: 9 plants (16.5%) power (MWe):
22,272 t/d (67.5%) BFB: 9 plants (16.5%) 804.6
6,960,000 t/y 17 RDF Plants: CFB: 1 plant (2%)
(average 7,238 t/d (32.5%) RK: 1 plant (2%)
7,500 h/year)
ACG = Air Cooled Grate WET = Scrubber
WCG = Water Cooled Grate ESP = Electrostatic Precipitator
BFB = Boiling Fluidized Bed BF = Bag Filter
CFB= Circulating Fluidized Bed CR = Chemical Reactor
RK = Rotary Kiln DeNOx = NH3 o SCR


Mergozzo (VB) Bolzano
Vercelli (VC) FRIULI
Torino, gerbido Trieste
Bergamo (BG) Padova
Brescia (BS) Schio (VI)
Busto Arsizio (VA) Venezia, loc. Fusina
Como, loc. La Guzza (CO) Verona,
Cremona (CR) Granarolo dell’Emilia (BO)
Dalmine (BG) Coriano (RN)
Desio (MI) Ferrara, loc. Canal Bianco
Parona Lomellina (PV) Forlì
Milano, Silla 2 Modena
Sesto San Giovanni (MI) Piacenza
Trezzo sull’Adda (MI) Ravenna
Valmadrera (LC) Reggio nell’Emilia

Ministero dell ’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare 61

Italian Biomass Association GOALS OF BIOENERGY IN ITALY

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to Chapter 3

TOSCANA ColleferroSan Vittore del Lazio (FR)

Arezzo, loc. San Zeno CAMPANIA
Castelnuovo di G. (LU) Acerra (NA)
Livorno PUGLIA
Montale (PT) Taranto, Comune di Statte
Pisa, loc. Ospedaletto Massafra (TA)
Pietrasanta,loc.Falascaia (LU) Modugno (BA)
Poggibonsi (SI) BASILICATA
Rufina (FI) Melfi (PZ)
Scarlino (GR) Potenza
Tolentino (MC) Gioia Tauro (RC)
Terni Messina, loc. Pace
Colleferro, Mobilservice (Roma) Cagliari, loc. Capoterra Macomer, loc. Tossilo (NU)


+ organic residues SLUDGES** effluents SLUDGES
energy crops*
LOMBARDIA 48 12 2 1 63
EMILIA-ROMAGNA 30 21 7 1 59
VENETO 17 11 3 3 34
PIEMONTE 6 21 0 1 28
TOSCANA 1 10 1 1 13
PUGLIA 0 11 1 0 12
CAMPANIA 1 5 3 0 9
SARDEGNA 7 0 0 1 8
MARCHE 0 7 1 0 8
LAZIO 0 5 1 0 6
LIGURIA 0 5 0 0 5
UMBRIA 2 2 0 0 4
BASILICATA 2 0 1 0 3
ABRUZZO 1 0 1 0 2
VALLE D’AOSTA 2 0 0 0 2
CALABRIA 1 0 0 0 1
SICILIA 0 0 1 0 1
TOTAL 154 121 22 9 306

Source C.R.P.A. Reggio Emilia *Organic residues: agroindustrial residues and MSW organic fraction
**Source Gerli A., Merzagora W. (2000).

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Italian Biomass Association GOALS OF BIOENERGY IN ITALY

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to Chapter 3



MUNICIPALITY SUBSTRATE digestor (*) [m3] kWe
1 Bagnolo S. Vito (MN) Swine manure 78 4,000 (1) -
2 Pegognaga (MN) Swine manure 80 4,500 (1) -
3 Cavriana (MN) Swine manure 65 1,300 (1) -
4 Fossato di Rodigo (MN) Biomass - - 955
5 Bagnolo S. Vito (MN) Swine manure 105 2,100 (1) 30
6 Poggio Rusco (MN) (A) Silomais 82 7,200 (2) 1,500
7 San Benedetto Po (MN) (A) Silomais 82 7,200 (2) 1,500
8 Persico Dosimo (CR) Swine manure - 1,340 (2) 180
9 Castelleone (CR) (A) Silomais 28 15,000 (6) 750
Swine manure
10 Vescovato (CR) Swine manure - - 90
11 Cumignano sul Naviglio (CR) Swine manure 70 1,400 (2) 270
12 Formigara (CR) Swine manure 14 3,500 (2) 1,200
13 Castelleone (CR) Bovine manure 44 4,820 (4) 500
Silomais 24
14 Trigolo (CR) Swine manure 85 1,700 (2) 60
15 Pandino (CR) Bovine manure 50 1,000 (1) 125
16 Pizzighettone (CR) Swine manure 70 7,060 (4) 1.000
Energy crops 57
17 Rivolta d'Adda (CR) Silomais 17,3 2,000 (2) 400
Località San Giorgio
18 Moscazzano (CR) (C) Swine manure - (1) 370
19 Castelleone (CR) (C) MSW, bovine and swine manure, 55 7,200 (4) 1.600
silomais, agroindustrial residues
20 Faverzano di Offlaga (BS) Swine manure 40 800 (1) 15
21 Gambara (BS) Swine manure 40 801 (1) 30
22 Lograto (BS) Swine manure 45 900 (2) 30
23 Montichiari (BS) Swine manure 20 400 30
24 Visano (BS) Swine manure 100 2,000 (1) -
25 Lonato (BS) Swine manure 325 6,500 (1) -
26 Chiari (BS) Swine manure 27,5 550 (1) 15
27 Orzinuovi (BS) Swine manure 40 800 (2) 75
28 Sacca di Esine (BS) Swine manure 12,5 250 (1) -
29 Manerbio (BS) Swine manure 35 700 (2) 30
30 Poncarale (BS) Swine manure 22,5 450 (1) -
31 Castegnato (BS) Swine manure flottato - (1) -
32 Manerbio (BS) Swine manure 140 2,800 (2) 60
33 Orzinuovi (BS) Swine manure e biomass - - 330
34 Darfo Boario Terme (BS) Swine manure 17,5 350 (1) 15
35 Faverzano di Offlaga (BS) Bovine manure 65 1,300 (1) 30
36 Artogne (BS) Swine manure 35 2,250 (2) 75
37 Martinengo (BG) Swine manure flottato - (1) -

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to Chapter 3


MUNICIPALITY SUBSTRATE digestor (*) [m3] kWe

38 Treviglio (BG) Swine manure 85 1,700 (2) 100

39 Torre Pallavicina (BG) Swine manure 95 1,900 (1) 165
40 Corbetta (MI) Swine manure 90 - -
Energy crops 28
41 Maleo (LO) Swine and bovine manure 70 4,790 (2) 955
Energy crops
42 Borgo San Giovanni (LO) Swine manure - - 955
43 Villanova Sillaro (LO) Swine and bovine manure 75 1,500 (1) 15
44 Villanova Sillaro (LO) Swine and bovine manure 80 4,800 850
45 Tavezzano (LO) (C) Swine manure 100 2,798 (2) 125
46 Costa de’ Nobili (PV) Swine manure - - 1,689
Biomass -
Agrofood industry residues -
47 Gambarana (PV) (C) Biomass - - 350
48 Mezzana Bigli (PV) Swine manure 125 2,500 (1) 30


49 Spilamberto (MO) Swine manure 247 (2) 600
Agroindustrial residues 69
50 Piumazzo Castelfranco (MO) Bovine manure 39 1,700 (1) 150
51 Forlimpopoli (FC) (A) Rabbit and poultry manure 41 (2) 225
Energy crops
52 Mercato Saraceno (FC) Swine manure 58 (2) -
53 Meldola (FC) Swine manure - (1) -
54 Fratta di Bertinoro (FC) Swine manure - (1) -
55 Sogliano al Rubicone (FC) Swine manure - (1) 190
56 Bagno di Romagna (FC) Swine manure - (1) 60
57 Basilicagoiano (PR) Swine manure 60 1,200 (2) 50
58 Basilicanova-Montechiarugolo (PR) Bovine manure 30 648 (1) 60
59 Fontanellato – Località Albereto (PR) Bovine manure 15 1,260 (1) 75
60 Casalbaroncolo (PR) (A) Swine manure 11,4 1,530 (1) 200
Bovine manure 9
Energy crops 9,3
61 Busseto (PR) (A) Bovine manure 9 5,800 (3) 1,131
Energy crops 51
62 Bosco Camillo - Sorbolo (PR) (A) Silomais - - 1000
63 Neviano degli Arduini (PR) (C) Bovine manure - 700 (1) 20
64 Neviano degli Arduini (PR) (C) Bovine manure - 600 (1) 20
65 Tizzano val Parma (PR) (C) Bovine manure - 400 (1) 20
66 Tizzano val Parma (PR) Bovine manure - 600 (1) 20
67 San Pietro in Casale (BO) (A) Poultry manure, - 2,500 (5) 190
silomais, MSW
68 Castenaso (BO) Bovine manure 11,5 2,400 (2) 360
Energy crops 2
agroindustry residues 15

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to Chapter 3


MUNICIPALITY SUBSTRATE digestor (*) [m3] kWe

69 Medicina - Frazione Ganzanigo (BO) (C) Silomais 82 5,860 (2) 1,416

Grains residues
Yellow grease, vegetable oils
70 Medicina (BO) (A) Animal manure - - 1,064
Vegetable biomass -
71 San Giovanni in Persiceto (BO) Animal manure, bedding - - 990
for livestock, agoind. residues 1,4
Energy crops 60
72 Podenzano-Località Gariga (PC) (A) Bovine manure 12,6 1,230 (1) 100
Silomais -
73 Castel San Giovanni (PC) (C) Swine manure 110 2,799 (2) 180
Silomais 4
74 Gragnano Trebbiense Bovine manure 60 1,399 (1) 120
Loc. Copremoldo di sopra (PC)
75 Besenzone - Casa Bianca (PC) (C) Swine manure + bovino 58 1,500 (1) 90
76 San Pietro in Campiano (RA) Bovine manure 15 5,000 (3) 845
Sorghum ensilaged 30
Agroindustrial residues 20
77 Bondeno (FE) (A) Bovine manure 11 23,200 (12) 4,248
Energy crops 208
78 Argenta (FE) (A) Bovine manure 10 6,855 (3) 1,065
Sorghum triticale 41
Agroindustrial residues 30


79 S. Maria di Zevio (VR) (A) Silomais 13,7 1,900 (1) -
80 Nogarole Rocca (VR) Swine manure 22,5 450 (1) 15
81 Valeggio sul Mincio (VR) Swine manure 90 14,800 (2) 200
82 Minerbe (VR) Bovine manure 22 5,200 (3) 845
Insilato mais 41
Poultry manure -
Agroindustrial residues -
83 Isola Rizza (VR) Poultry manure ovaiole - 5,000 (4) 920
Rabbit manure -
Silomais -
84 Casaleone - Silomais 82 7,200 (2) 1500
Località Muraiola (VR) (A)
85 Sandrigo (VI) Bovine manure 43 1,920 (1) 110
Energy crops -
86 Villaga (VI) Animal manure 9 670 (1) 90
Silomais and powder mais 2,3
Whey 3,3
87 San Liberale di Marcon (VE) Bovine manure 9 1,323 (1) 346
Poultry manure 5
Energy crops 3
88 Teglio Veneto (VE) Bovine manure 10 5,200 (4) 1,064
Poultry manure 15

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to Chapter 3


MUNICIPALITY SUBSTRATE digestor (*) [m3] kWe

Energy crops 18
89 San Stino di Livenza (VE) (C) Bovine manure - - 1,500
Silomais -
90 Lozzo Atesino (PD) Bovine manure 500 5,000 (1) -
Msw drainage
Agroindustrial sludges
91 Limena (PD) Bovine manure - - 1,000
Silomais -
92 Camposanpiero (PD) Animal manure - 3,300 (1) -
Msw and sludges -
93 Abano Terme (PD) Bovine manure - 720 (1) 70
94 Zero Branco (TV) Swine manure 105 2,100 (1) 30
95 Treviso (TV) Animal manure - - -
Depuration sludge -


96 Terento (BZ) Bovine manure - - 380
Biomass -
97 Campo Tures (BZ) Bovine manure - - 940
Biomass -
98 Val Sarentino (BZ) Bovine manure - 780 37
Biomass -
99 Terento (BZ) Bovine manure - - 37
100 S. Cassiano (BZ) Bovine manure - - 65
101 Terento (BZ) Bovine manure - 250 50
102 Campo Tures (BZ) Bovine manure - 4,528 18
103 Campo di Trens (BZ) Bovine manure 10 950 (2) 50
Milkey residues 0,5
104 Casies (BZ) Bovine manure 8 500 (1) 25
Kitchen vaste 0,5
105 Dobbiaco (BZ) Bovine manure 2,5 450 (1) 15
Kitchen vaste 0,5
106 Rodengo (BZ) Bovine manure 8 950 (2) 30
Kitchen vaste 0,5
107 San Cassiano (BZ) Bovine manure 8 500 (1) 50
Kitchen vaste 1
108 Prato allo Stelvio (BZ) Bovine manure - 1,470 (2) -
Organic residues
109 Valle Caseis (BZ) Bovine manure - 500 -
110 Campo Tures (BZ) Bovine manure - 150 -
111 Terento (BZ) Bovine manure - 700 -
112 Valle Caseis (BZ) Bovine manure - 140 -
113 Valle Caseis (BZ) Bovine manure - 65 -
114 Brunico (BZ) Bovine manure - 48 -
115 Luson (BZ) Bovine manure - 150 -

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to Chapter 3


MUNICIPALITY SUBSTRATE digestor (*) [m3] kWe

116 Verano (BZ) Bovine manure - - -

117 San Candido (BZ) Bovine manure - 78 -
118 Valle Caseis (BZ) Bovine manure - 400 -
119 Renon (BZ) Bovine manure - 120 -
120 Valle Caseis (BZ) Bovine manure - 100 -
121 Malles (BZ) Bovine manure - - -
122 Valle Aurina (BZ) Bovine manure - - -
123 Fiè (BZ) Bovine manure - 200 -
124 Aldino (BZ) Bovine manure - - -
125 Dobbiaco (BZ) (C) Bovine manure - - -
126 Sluderno (BZ) (C) Bovine manure - - -
127 Senales (BZ) Bovine manure - - -
128 Malles (BZ) (C) Bovine manure - - -
129 Marebbe (BZ) (C) Bovine manure - - -


130 Pozzolo di Formigara (AL) (C) Bovine manure - - 500
Biomass -
131 Alessandria (A) Bovine manure 220 2,2437 (9) 2,130
132 Carrù (CN) (C) Bovine and swine manure 400 6,700 (3) 1,000
Silomais 40
133 Bra (CN) Swine manure 70 3,400 (1) 342
Silomais 15
134 Villastellone (TO) Bovine manure 18 1,100 (1) 116
Silomais 3
Whey 3
135 Val Bormida (C) Bovine manure - - 50


136 Salerno (A) Animal manure + biomass - - 1,000


139 Lanusei (NU) Swine manure 20 400 (1) -
140 Loceri (NU) Swine manure 30 600 (1)
141 Bottidda (NU) Swine manure + bovino 50 1,000 (2) 125
142 San Gavino Monreale (VS) Swine manure 86 1,890 (1) 330
143 San Gavino Monreale (VS) Swine manure 120 (2) -
144 Isili (CA) Swine manure - - -
145 Paulilatino (OR)) Swine manure 400 400 -

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to Chapter 3


MUNICIPALITY SUBSTRATE digestor (*) [m3] kWe


146 Agromonte Magnano (PZ) Swine manure - - -
147 S. Chirico Raparo (PZ) Swine manure - (1) -
148 Campagnatico (GR) (A) Bovine manure 60 5,715 (3) 836
149 Montalto Uffugo (CS) Animal manure - - 100
150 Spilimbergo (UD) (C) Animal manure + biomass - - 250
151 Pordenone (PN) (C) Animal manure - - 30
152 Nus (AO) Bovine manure - - 50
Agroindustrial residues -
153 Ayas (AO) Swine and bovine manure 55 - 1,000
154 Capitignano (AQ) (C) Swine manure 50 4,735 (1) 100

(C) Plant under construction Source C.R.P.A. Reggio Emilia

(A) Plant under authorization
– Not available datum
(*) Number of reactors of the plant

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to Chapter 3


The following figures give the investment cost range for PLANT COST RANGE WITH REFERENCE TO THE BOILER
small, medium and large biomass boilers. THERMAL POWER
The indicated values take into account the following con- 60
1) Costs are valid for grass-root plants

Costs (k€)
2) Costs are all-inclusive (with exception of storage si- 40
los and boiler housing) 30
3) Maximum and minimum cost values for the same boi- 20
ler size depend on equipment quality 10
4) Costs of same size fossil fuel boilers (gasoil, methane, 0
GPL) can be evaluated around 30% of biomass boilers. MIN 30 50 70 90
MAX Power (kW)


Costs (k€)

100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1.000
MIN Power (kW)


Costs (k€)

1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800 2,000 2,200 2,400 2,600 2,800 3,000
MIN Power (kW)

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Italian Biomass Association GOALS OF BIOENERGY IN ITALY

{ Addenda
to Chapter 3


ABRUZZO L’Aquila ET Milano E
Chieti D Pavia E
Pescara D Sondrio E
Teramo D Varese E
Ferrara E Firenze D
Forlì D Grosseto D
Modena E Livorno D
Piacenza E Lucca D
Parma E Massa D
Ravenna E Pisa D
Reggio Emilia E Pistoia D
Rimini E Siena D
Potenza E Trento F
MOLISE Campobasso E PIEMONTE Alessandria E
Isernia D Asti E
CALABRIA Catanzaro C Biella E
Cosenza C Cuneo F
Crotone B Novara E
Reggio Calabria B Torino E
Vibo valentia D Verbania E
CAMPANIA Avellino D Vercelli E
Benevento C PUGLIA Bari C
Caserta C Brindisi C
Napoli C Foggia D
Salerno C Lecce C
Pordenone E SARDEGNA Cagliari C
Trieste E Nuoro D
Udine E Oristano C
LAZIO Frosinone E Sassari C
Latina C SICILIA Agrigento B
Rieti E Caltanisetta D
Roma D Catania B
Viterbo D Enna E
MARCHE Ancona D Messina B
Ascoli Piceno D Palermo B
Macerata D Siracusa B
Pesaro/Urbino D/E Trapani B
Imperia C Terni D
La Spezia D AOSTA Aosta E
Savona D VENETO Belluno F
LOMBARDIA Bergamo E Padova E
Brescia E Rovigo E
Como E Treviso E
Cremona E Venezia E
Lecco E Verona E
Lodi E Vicenza E
Mantova E

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Italian Biomass Association GOALS OF BIOENERGY IN ITALY

4] Sustainability/Guarrantees
THE DEBATE ON SUSTAINABILITY CRITERIA is also a flexible and effective tool for
METHODOLOGIES progressively correcting and adap-
ADDENDA ting the actions undertaken. The mo-
nitoring plan is mainly aimed at con-
firming and strengthening the envi-
ronmental and economic advantages
he sustainability of a bioenergy ecosystems, flexibility in meeting the of biomass use, as an alternative

T project - in technical, environ-

mental, social and economic
terms - is at the heart of the ongoing
needs of local populations.
The concept of sustainability, and the
criteria for a coherent definition of this
source to fossil energy. Its second
goal is to further improve technolo-
gies, by adopting changes and impro-
lively debate on the future of bioe- important principle, are interpreted vements that may be detected and
nergy in Italy and across the world. and discussed in very different ways. suggested by the monitoring activity.
The core issue is the need to strike a Sustainability requires supply chain These three concepts - sustainabi-
balance between driving forces and certifications and monitoring plans. lity, certification and monitoring -
critical points, by finding the condi- Certification ought to take into ac- should be dealt with in more detail in
tions to maximise the former and re- count that there are: a separate document. This report
duce the latter. Chapter 4 of the pre- > a great variety of biomass; shall only present some major issues
vious ITABIA Report “Biomass for > a great variety of workers in the that are being debated at global, Euro-
Energy and the Environment” outli- agricultural, forestry and industrial pean and national level, while more
ned in detail the “Current and pro- sectors; detailed information can be obtained
spective environmental benefits of > a real risk of environmental da- from other related documents.
bioenergy supply chains”, as well as mage for import/export of large
the fundamental principles and basic quantities of biomass to and from 4.1.1) THE GBEP DEBATE
concepts of sustainability of the very distant places. A wide debate is taking place within the
energy use of biomass. Such princi- Today, public and private stakehol- GBEP’s “Task Force on Sustainability”.
ples are still valid today and, therefo- ders are focusing their attention on Its conclusions are not yet available.
re, they shall not be repeated in this biofuels for transportation. The certi- However, the division of sustainability
report. Emphasis will be placed, in- fication of biofuels, and of the whole criteria into 4 main baskets is believed
stead, on the ongoing debate regar- biomass system, is certainly an ade- to be a well-founded objective. The ba-
ding the criteria and methods for im- quate way of guaranteeing the sustai- skets include a series of indicators
plementing the above-mentioned nable production of bioenergy. Howe- which are hereafter summarized.
principles, and stress will be placed ver, as AEBIOM (European Biomass Environmental Basket: includes,
on the need for clear certification and Association) declared, this certifica- amongst other things, assessments
plans for constantly monitoring initia- tion should also be extended to com- on greenhouse gas emissions, the
tives and related operations. peting food products having the sa- fertility of land used to produce new
me geographical origin and to equiva- crops, the carbon balance on the use
4.1) THE DEBATE ON lent fossil fuels, so as to prevent un- of land for new crops, air and water
SUSTAINABILITY CRITERIA balances in production areas quality, biodiversity and ecosystem
ustainable development rests between energy and food uses of the conservation.

S upon three main pillars: eco-

nomy, society and the environ-
ment. Any actions and initiatives that
same raw material (for example: the
use of palm oil “disputed” between
food and biofuels).
Economic Basket: concerns the effi-
cient use of resources, rural, social
and economic development, support
are based on these three pillars need The monitoring plan plays a funda- policies.
to be integrated one with the other in mental role, since it provides central Social Basket: assesses the social
order to achieve the goal of a sustai- and local administrations with objec- advantages of commercial policies,
nable society. Biomass sources can tive assessment tools which, through food safety, access to natural resour-
contribute to reaching this goal, as efficiency indicators for each under- ces (water, territory, etc.), creation of
long as they are effectively made re- taken action, help analyse the results new employment, rural development,
newable, through correct territory obtained in relation to set objectives. co-participation of local populations
and soil management, safeguard of It is useful in intervention plans and it in the use of the territory, creation of

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{ 4. Sustainability/

revenue, social health and wellbeing. Council’s parameters. group within the Scientific Committee
Energy Security Basket: refers The second criteria establishes that dealing with environmental and su-
mainly to the contribution of bioe- biofuels and liquid biofuels must not stainability problems. The Bioenergy
nergy in mitigating the import of fos- be obtained from crops produced in Network that has been recently esta-
sil energy at national and local level, high biodiversity territories, natural blished by ITABIA, Fiper and Aiel, has
particularly in rural environments, th- protected areas, uncontaminated fo- pointed out the need for a sustainable
rough diversification of energy re- rests, pastures or areas with high car- approach for biofuels and has contri-
sources, energy efficiency and deve- bon store functions. buted to developing a questionnaire
lopment of innovative energy techno- Biofuels and assimilated products on heat and electricity supply chains.
logies with low environmental impact. also need to meet the standards con- The latter supply chains are believed
tained in Regulation 1782/2003, re- to require a new sustainability sche-
4.1.2) THE EU DEBATE garding the support schemes and the me, because in some Member States
The latest developments of the Euro- criteria for good agricultural and envi- the biodegradable fraction of Munici-
pean debate regard the European Di- ronmental practices. pal Solid Waste (MSW) and Industrial
rective on Renewable Energy Sources The open question is whether a new Solid Waste (ISW) is often used to-
(RES-Directive) and, specifically, arti- sustainability scheme may also be ne- gether with other types of biomass, in
cles 15, 16 and 17 of the basic text. cessary for biomass heat and electri- compliance with the current EU gene-
Two large on-line consultations have city supply chains, whether such sche- ral definition of “biomass”. There is
been organized and promoted by the me ought to be binding for Member thus the risk that this biomass mix is
European Commission: one on bio- States, whether it should be applied re- not adequately managed, causing
fuels and the other on the sector’s gardless of plant size or if a certain out- conflicts and opposition by the local
heat and electricity supply chains. put capacity should be required, and, populations. Moreover, a certain
Particular attention is rightly paid to lastly, whether the fulfillment of su- quantity of residue biomass, particu-
biofuels for transportation and liquid stainability conditions should be larly the moist fraction, could be used
biofuels, which are the most critical clearly indicated by plant and service to restore and preserve the organic
and controversial supply chains in suppliers. Stances on these issues matter in soils that are particularly
terms of environmental protection. The vary greatly. A new sustainbility sche- poor in humus, instead of generating
Directive lays down that these pro- me is viewed as superfluous by AE- heat or electricity. The European su-
ducts cannot be taken into account in BIOM, at least in the preliminary kick- stainability scheme needs to be ba-
future energy and environmental ba- off phase. Nonetheless, the binding sed on a systemic view of the bio-
lance statements, unless the Directi- nature of Directives for Member States mass sector, even if some degree of
ve’s sustainability criteria are met. is positively viewed as a guarantee for flexibility should be given to Member
The first criteria regards the amount local users and populations, it has in States. A new sustainability scheme
of greenhouse gas emissions that is fact obtained wide consensus and has is thus necessary for the heat and
reduced by the use of biofuels. The sa- prevented contrasts. It ought to be re- electricity supply chains.
ving, calculated on the life cycle, must membered that Parliament deems it The most challenging 2020 target of
be of at least 35% if compared with the necessary to extend the sustainability the EU Directive may be the 10% of bio-
replaced fossil fuels. The RES-Directi- criteria - including air and groundwater fuels in final transport consumption.
ve provided the values of saved pollution, deterioration of the quality of With reference to this issue, men-
greenhouse gases and the calculation soils, exploitation of children’s labour, tion should be made of vegetable oils:
rules. The European Council and Par- etc. - to all biomass sources, and not to not only can vegetable oils be used in
liament subsequently set further biofuels only. Moreover, these criteria second generation production, but
goals. The Council, for example, set ought to concern not only biomass they are also the only potential sour-
out the following target for CO2 saving: that is cultivated in Europe, but also ce for replacing diesel (either if pro-
35% until 2017 and 50% from 2017. The biomass that can be retrieved from duced in Italy or imported). Their use
Parliament, instead, laid down that by outside Europe. for electricity production, which today
using biofuels, greenhouse gases are is highly promoted and cost-effecti-
saved by 45% until 2015 and by 60% 4.1.3) SOME REMARKS ON ITALY ve, may heavily interfere with their
after that date. An agreement between In Italy, the debate is not well organi- availability and use in the transport
the two positions was finally reached sed. The Italian Biofuels Technological sector: national laws and Action Plans
at the end of 2008 and mirrors the Platform has set up an ad hoc working need to carefully assess this aspect.

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{ 4. Sustainability/

4.1.4) REMARKS ON THE KEY ELE- tant to promote energy crops that can ITABIA has calculated that long-di-
MENTS OF THE DEBATE offer new business opportunities to stance road transport (up to 1000
The issues above underline that there agriculture. However, the biomass km) on 25 t lorries has only a 10% ne-
are 5 key elements which need to be then needs to be collected, pre-trea- gative impact on the CO2 balance.
briefly discussed: ted, transported, converted through a
A) Geographical cover of the biomass variety of machines which certainly C) OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES:
resource. do not encourage a neutral CO2 balan- PROTECTION OF SOIL AND
B) The CO2 balance. ce. There are many different types of GROUNDWATER
C) Defence of soil and groundwater. machines that are usually employed The growth of dedicated energy crops
D) Energy balances. for biomass collection and first tran- can be useful to protect the soil both
E) Social,economic benefits. sformation, which range from simple in highly exploited areas and margi-
motor saws to complex tractors and nal areas. In fact, these crops require
A) GEOGRAPHICAL COVER OF THE BIO- chippers. The engines of these machi- less care and energy inputs than food
MASS RESOURCE nes are generally fuelled by traditio- crops and can, in general, reduce the
The search for new energy resources nal fuels, having a subsequent im- impact on soils where farming is in-
from different geographical areas, pact on air quality and CO2 balance. tensive (occupied areas) and also im-
that are also delocalised and reprodu- The monitoring activity should help prove land management in abando-
cible is fundamental action that all assess the emission factors of each ned areas (marginal non-occupied
national, continental and global poli- and every fuel handling and treat- areas). The effects of dedicated crops
cies need to take. Biomass is availa- ment operation: for example, it may on these two different types of soil
ble in large world regions (excpet for help see how much NOx or CO2 is emit- need to be monitored using distinct
the Middle East). Its really exploitable ted on average per weight unit of fuel methodologies.
potential amounts to about 2000 handled and fuelled to the boiler, both Exploited areas
Mtoe (today, it amounts to about 800 for already chipped fuel and for fuel In these areas, where soil exploitation
Mtoe against a primary energy de- that is supplied to the plant in the form is high, the greatest risk that is run is
mand of over 8000 Mtoe) and is of trunks, chunks or branches. With the loss of soil fertility and the subse-
equally divided between North Ameri- regard to the CO2 balance, the monito- quent use of support energy produc-
ca, South America, Africa, Asia and Eu- ring activity will help assess the inci- tions, such as excessive cultivation
rope. The resource is thus available in dence of fossil CO2, over the “good” and high impact fertilization. To moni-
large areas across the world, as well CO2, contained in the fuel before hand- tor the effects of dedicated energy
as seas and oceans. ling and chipping operations. crops on fertile level land, that are
Interestingly, the absolute value of planted instead of food crops (e.g.
B) THE CO2 BALANCE emissions will be directly proportional two-year rotation of sunflower /hard
The CO2 balance is particularly impor- to machine size, while larger machines wheat), can be monitored by either
tant during the phases of production, will have better “emission factors”. making simple quality and quantity
transformation and use of energy bio- The emissions produced by the ma- considerations or by carrying out mo-
mass. chines used strongly depend on a se- re complicated analyses.
As it is known, vegetable species ries of factors, such as: Non exploited areas
grow through photosynthesis, which > type of engine fuel used, These areas need to be monitored for
subtracts CO2 from the atmosphere > engine power, protection from hydrogeological da-
that is then stored in the biomass (for > its adjustment, mage, such as slope stability, water
every ton of dry biomass, the carbon > its state of wear, channeling, soil conservation, etc,
content amounts to about 0.5 t due to > usage conditions, which cause certain visible effects on
the absorption of about 1.2 t of atmo- > etc. the landscape. Monitoring the effects
spheric CO2). Having access to preci- Fossil CO 2 emissions produced by of crop cultivation in a marginal, de-
se data on the quantity of biomass transport also negatively affect the graded area may require complex and
produced by a plant of dedicated ar- CO2 balance. This impact is not signifi- expensive studies to be carried out on
boreous and herbaceous crops and cant if travelled distances are short, the territory, or may be limited to the
assessing its environmental impact or if long distances are covered by collection of data focused on the envi-
in terms of capture and storage of at- transporting large quantities of bio- ronmental recovery favoured by the
mospheric carbon dioxide is impor- mass (transport on lorries or ships). cultivation activity.

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{ 4. Sustainability/

D) ENERGY BALANCES Negative effects. One of the main pro- 2. The assimilation of biomass into
AND PRODUCTIVITY blems hindering the development of waste and its incineration are critici-
In order to set up a plant of dedicated renewable energy sources today is sed for the potential risk of toxic
arboreous or herbaceous energy crops their social acceptance. This lack of emissions (particularly dioxins). In
(Short Rotation Forestry or oilseed and acceptance concerns nearly all the some cases, biomass plants fuelled
starchy crops), numerous agronomic RES, from wind to geothermal heat, with forest residues are not welcome
operations need to be carried out, whi- from hydroelectricity to biomass. It is because it is feared that they may be
ch require the use of specialised now widely recognised that the low the “Trojan horse” for reaching the
workforce and mechanized processes. public acceptance of the latter source real objective (that of incinerating ur-
These operations can be divided into th- has been the main cause of initiatives ban waste). Unfortunately, Institu-
ree phases: the first one is the nursery being unsuccessful, even for plants tions do very little to differentiate
phase for scion production , the second producing electricity from virgin bio- between waste and biomass. To give
one is the planting in the field and the mass. one example only: most of commu-
third one regards the crops harvesting. This attitude towards RES, though it is nity and national statistics on energy
Monitoring a plant of dedicated cro- much less hostile than in the past, provide general data including both
ps can help to estimate economic and still exists today. Paradoxically, re- biomass and waste (which, as a mat-
energy costs of the operations nee- newables are set aside mainly for en- ter of fact, an assimilation).
ded as well as to find solutions to im- vironmental reasons, even though 3. Biomass is the renewable source
prove yields and reduce costs (also they are promoted for their environ- that, more than any other, is closely
on the basis of experiences made el- mental benefits. integrated in the territory, which is
sewhere). The first step consists in Some remarks may be useful to un- another reason why local populations
the planning of the timescale of ope- derstand the complexity of the pro- are concerned with the potential ef-
rations and in the evaluation of the re- blem with regard to plants producing fects that the use of biomass may ha-
levant consumption of machines, fol- energy from renewable sources and, ve not only on the environment, but
lowed by an assessment of economic particularly, from biomass. also on the economic activities.
and energy costs. Amongst all the renewable sources, Opinion polls have shown that RES
biomass seems to be the most pena- are more accepted in those areas
E) SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC IMPACT lized of all for three main reasons: where plants fuelled by renewables
Positive effects. Positive social and 1. Final energy conversion always are already in operation. One can thus
economic effects are expected in those takes place through the combustion draw to the conclusion that many of
areas where short rotation forestry is process (boilers, endothermic engi- the prejudices when energy plants
going to be significantly implemented. nes, etc.), which emits potential pol- are proposed, disappear once the citi-
Short rotation forestry is in fact intro- lutants. Combustion is perceived as a zens can see for themselves the be-
duced in farms through the creation of negative process, due to the “chim- nefits they bring.
new and articulate businesses which ney effect”, and it is often used as a
on the one hand employ highly specia- synonym for "air pollution”: this ex- 4.2) METHODOLOGIES
lised staff and on the other can help plains why some environmental or- he principles, concepts and crite-
boost production processes in margi-
nal areas, where land may be left aban-
doned by the population. The develop-
ganisation in the USA have proposed
that all energy sources based on
combustion should not be conside-
T ria described above, which may
or may not be shared, need to be
further studied with a view to develop
ment of new forms of businesses and red as renewable energy sources. an international comprehensive “cor-
new end uses of the rural environment Moreover, for people residing near pus” of criteria and methods. Meanwhi-
have some positive effects on employ- and around the chosen site, the im- le, national methodologies are to be de-
ment mainly in relation to the following: pact caused by construction of the veloped by establishing certification
> introduction of new products on plant may be more severe than that criteria and monitoring plans, in line
the market; of plant operation. The construction with licensing laws, in order to ensure
> use of innovative technologies; phase can in fact last for many the correct development of all the futu-
> hiring of specialised and profes- months (noise, dust from the yard, re bioenergy initiatives.
sional staff; noise and dust from the vehicles, soil
> increase in business staff; pollution from bentonite, oil, light 4.2.1) CERTIFICATION CRITERIA
> use of public funding. pollution, etc.). Detailed and comprehensive certifi-

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{ 4. Sustainability/

cation criteria for biomass energy se cases, a certification on the origin of 3. Nominal energy yield before and
transformation are an essential tool biomass and its subsequent conver- after fossil fuels consumption
for Public Administrations (State, Re- sions and treatments is fundamental. (i.e.:operations of biofuel pre-treat-
gions Provinces, Municipalities, etc.) • Degree of actual energy benefit of ment).
that make the laws on the matter. biomass use: and electricity produc- 4. Actual energy yield and CO2 balance
In view of the future enactment of the tion and in increasing the percentage (annual average) before and after
proposed Directive on RES and of na- of energy produced from renewable fossil fuels consumption.
tional implementation decrees deri- energy, but often it is unclear when 5. Compliance with current technical
ving thereof, the lawmakers need to and how such environmental compa- norms.
have precise tools at hand to establi- tibility and energy/economic sustai- > ECONOMIC PARAMETERS:
sh whether new plants and new sup- nability can be guaranteed. It has not 1. Investment costs (according to in-
ply chains that will become operatio- been univocally defined how much of stalled capacity).
nal today until 2020 can access in- the energy costs sustained for pro- 2. Operation costs (fuel, workforce,
centives and licensing procedures. duction/collection, treatment, stora- maintenance, financial costs and
The strong expected development of ge and distribution of agricultural amortization).
the Energy biomass market, at indu- and forest residue biomass or bio- 3. Annual economic saving “versus”
strial and domestic level, raises some mass from dedicated crops is subse- use of fossil sources.
problems, which are clearly outlined quently paid back by the energy use 4. Pay-Back assessment.
in a study on the certification of bioe- of the material .
nergy supply chains carried out by the These problems underline an issue 4.2.2) MONITORING PLANS
AGREEN Consortium (Agriconsultig, that is shared by all the experts in the It is particularly difficult to define the
CRA, ITABIA) for the Sicily Region in the sector: even though the driving force monitoring plan for an action aimed at
framework of the MiPAAF National Bio- of the supply chain is the demand in the energy production from biomass,
fuels Programme (PROBIO). An ex- fuel, the critical point was and still is due to the intrinsic nature of this
cerpt of the study is reported below: today the supply of biomass and the energy source: the following considera-
• Safeguarding the endogenous natu- ability to favour industrial invest- tions regard some basic elements.
re of biomass: large quantities of this ments in the territory by using local Contrary to the other renewable energy
material are imported due to the in- biomass in compliance with sustai- sources, biomass needs to follow a se-
creased use by large industries (bio- nable development. ries of steps before it can reach the
mass power plants), which import shi- plant, that is why it is highly important
ps of chipped wood from overseas, The certification criteria of the va- to analyse the whole fuel cycle.
and by pellet producers who import rious bioenergy supply chains will ha- Setting fuel supply strategies is, in
sawdust and forest residues. This ve to deal with the following main pa- fact, very important both for econo-
trend, which is rightful from a merely rameters: mic and environmental reasons. Eco-
commercial viewpoint, limits greatly > TECHNICAL PARAMETERS: nomically, such strategies would help
the environmental and economic be- 1. Tracing of biofuel supply. reduce fuel costs by acting on the nu-
nefits that the endogenous nature of 2. Correct plant size. merous and articolate variables of the
biomass can guarantee. The use of
biomass in areas that are very remote
from fuel production areas reduce con- THE FUEL SUPPLY CHAIN
siderably the environmental benefits
associated with renewable sources PRODUCTION COLLECTION CONDITIONING
and the Kyoto Protocol.
• Tracing the material: this need de-
pends on the energy use of biomass.
Biomass, in fact, is no longer only used
in medium and large heat/electricity STORAGE
producing plants, but it is also increa-
singly employed in households hea-
ting (pellet stoves, briquets, etc.) and
for food in wood-fuelled ovens. In the-

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{ 4. Sustainability/

system. Environmentally, they would ps in marginal hilly areas bring to soil that it can follow up the various initia-
minimize the potentially negative ef- erosion; tives, by providing indications on how
fects on ecosystems and optimize d. there are more than one methods to authorise, start up and manage ac-
positive effects. for assessing the environmental im- tions that are expected to have a po-
The Figure above shows a simplified pact:the most common among the sitive and effective economic, envi-
chain. The system is actually much mo- methods used is the EIA (Environ- ronmental and social impact on the
re complex, and it is made up of a series mental Impact Assessment) which territory.
of forward and backward paths among focuses on localized impacts derived General features of the
the various components. from “large plants”. Another monitoring plan
The system for energy production method,the LCA (Life Cycle Analysis) The supply chains for the production
from biomass is even more complex if , has a wider scope and effectively as- of biomass energy are made up of nu-
we analyse it from an environmental sesses the chain impacts, but it is merous phases which can deal with
point of view. Its environmental im- structured so as to define the “envi- so many different sectors. It is thus
pacts differ not only from that of con- ronmental content “ of goods or pro- necessary to define the scope, esta-
ventional energy sources but also ducts. blishing:
from other renewables for a series of It is worth of note that in this case the 1. Which phases are to be conside-
reasons that can be summarised as system is made up of different sub- red.
follows: systems: 2. Which actions make up these
a. impacts are not localized in one 1. agricultural phases.
area only, but are divided along the 2. forestry 3. What is the environmental, eco-
chain, from production, to transport, 3. industrial nomic, energy and social impact of
to storage, to energy conversion, to fi- 4. energy production the various actions.
4. Which impacts need to be moni-
These sub-systems, each having its tored, which impacts need to be
specific features, often clash with ea- simply mentioned or briefly descri-
ch other. There are in fact, for exam- bed and which ones can be over-
ple, many norms regulating conver- looked.
sion plants that need to comply with 1. Below we report the main phases of
the norms of the industrial sector and the wood-to-energy supply chain:
there are many norms regarding the a. Biofuel production (firewood,
fuel that need to comply with the ru- chipped wood, pellet).
les of the agricultural sector. b. Biofuel supply.
Such a varied situation has a signifi- c. Energy conversion (various tech-
cant impact on the choice of quality nological plants).
and quantity indicators.
Social indicators play a particularly 2. The various actions of each phase
important role for bioenergy, due to the are:
close interaction with the territory. It is a. Biofuel production
for example important to evaluate pu- > Planting and management of new
blic opinion and the interest shown by dedicated crops.
potential users in district heating > Cutting and collection (residue
nal use; plants, rather than the acceptance by biomass and/or new crops).
b. they concern more than one pro- the local community for a large electri- > On-site pre-treatment (packa-
ductive system: for example, biofuel city production plant. Furthermore it is ging, chipping, temporary storing,
production involves the agricultural also important to assess the overall etc.).
sector (fuel production and supply) impact the installation of energy b. Biofuel supply
and the industrial sector (transfor- plants has on employment. > Transporting the raw material.
mation and use); In conclusion, it is believed that, in > Handling and final treatment of
c. some impacts can be hardly quan- light of the ambitious targets setted the biofuel.
tified, such as for example the bene- by the RES Directive, the Monitoring > Stocking and supplying the bio-
fits that the cultivation of energy cro- Plan should be structured in a way fuel to the plant.

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{ 4. Sustainability/

c. Energy conversion plants

> Production, distribution and end
uses of heat and/ or electricity.
> Disposal of ashes.

3. These phases have beneficial ef-

fects on the environment, energy, so-
ciety and economy:
a. The main positive effects on the
environment regard:
> Atmosphere
> Noise and vibrations
> Traffic
> Other: territory protection, defence
of soils, use of fertilizers and phyto-
sanitary product, hydrogeology, li-
quid effluents, ash disposal, etc.
b. Effects on energy: energy balan-
ces of supply chain processes.
c. Effects on society and economy:
direct and indirect employment.
In the frame work of the PROBIO
Project, ITABIA has recently set up the the “Energy balance of solid fuel co- ciety (acceptability of installation of
monitoring schemes for detecting the generation plants (chipped wood)”. new plant), economy (supply chain
following data: 4.2.3) CONCLUSIONS activities), politics (local and National
A) Cycle of biofuel production and The future of bioenergy largely de- development plans), technology
supply pends on the ability to find sustaina- (maturity of technologies and pro-
> CO2 absorption of new crops. bility criteria that can guarantee the cesses).
> Defense of soil and groundwater. development of the various supply The approval of results regards four
> Energy balance of new crops. chains. To this end, the efficiency of main areas:
> Effects on employment. activities needs to be monitored in or- a) Better diffusion of research on
> Emissions of machines and CO2 der to fulfil the set of local and natio- bioenergy supply chains.
balance. nal objectives. A monitoring plan can b) Establishing useful tools to lay
> Noise of machines and plants. also play a fundamental role in the ac- down national and local laws.
> Energy balance of cutting, collec- tivation of new plants in the fra- c) Development of cooperation
tion and chipping of raw material. mework of certified supply chains. between Member States in the bioe-
> Energy balance and CO2 balance From a practical point of view, it will be nergy sector.
of raw material transportation. important to define the elements nee- d) Development of the bioenergy
> Assessment of heavy traffic. ded to guarantee the sustainability of market in Europe, through greater

development potentials. n
> Energy content of biofuel. initiatives to be activated in various knowledge on economic models and
contexts (urban, rural, etc.), and to
B) Energy conversion plants lay down the legal measures needed
> Plant emissions and CO2 balance. to comply with strategic objectives, to
> Ahses: quantity and disposal. increase resources and tools, moni-
> Energy balance of heat production. tor and estimate the impact of mea-
> Energy balance of heat and coo- sures adopted within Europe and
ling production. within Member States.
>Energy balance of pellet production. The concept of sustainability ought
> Cogeneration energy balance. to be approached by taking into ac-
Addendum A4.1 provides an example count: the environment (for example,
of the monitoring scheme used for biodiversity, deforestation, etc.), so-

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Italian Biomass Association GOALS OF BIOENERGY IN ITALY

4] Addenda
A4.1) COGENERATION ENERGY to the heat transferred to the turbine. This method can be applied to any
BALANCE • Thermal limit of the cogeneration plant of any size and to any range of
GENERAL REMARKS plant - T.L.: ratio between useful thermal operational temperature (the tempe-
Monitoring cogeneration plants (com- energy recovered and total useful ther- rature is higher in diathermic oil boi-
bined production of electricity and mal and electrical energy produced. lers for fuelling ORC turbines).
heat) is important to assess the eco- • Index of Energy Saving - IES: The correct monitoring of cogenera-
nomic feasibility of this technology, percentage of energy saving by pro- tion plants should follow the following
mainly because investment costs are ducing the same quantities of useful indications.
slightly higher than those necessary electricity and heat through cogene- Devices: Installation of on-line calo-
for a heat producing plant. ration that would otherwise be produ- ries counter, internal and external
Obtaining valid, cost-effective energy ced with two separate processes. thermometers, system measuring
results, which are to be assessed th- Assessments are carried out throu- fuel flow, system measuring flue gas
rough a careful monitoring activity, is gh measuring devices that are instal- flow, electricity readers.
the main condition for cogeneration led on the plant and detect the capa- Primary energy input measurement:
plants to become increasingly popu- city and temperature of the various double-weight Mahler calories counter
lar throughout the territory, bringing thermal flows both in the primary cir- Frequency of measurement: Every
benefits not only to the environment, cuit (input and output from the boi- two months.
but also to the energy balance which ler), and the secondary circuit (input Duration of measurement: 5 hours
is directly proportional to the econo- and output from heat recovery Recommendations:
mic outcome of the initiative. network), and through meters for rea- > Measurements must be made du-
Assessments need to consider the ding electrical productions before and ring constant plant operation, when
following: after self and auxiliary consumptions. operation capacity is in a range close
• Thermal yield of the boiler: When measuring the quantity of fuel to the maximum output.
useful heat transferred to the turbine entering the plant during the monito- > The position of the measuring devi-
for the production of electricity, com- ring phase, the test should be perfor- ces must be indicated in the drawing
pared to the primary energy of the med disposing of a certain amount of of the plant’s flow scheme
fuelled biofuel. fuel, which has been weighed befo-
• Electric yield of the turbine: rehand and already analysed for its
useful electricity produced, compared energy content.

Differential Differential
calorie counter calorie counter Internal External
BOILER Cd1 Cd2 temperature Ti Temperature T


Prec: recording of flow of fuelled biomass
BIOMASS Cd1: differential calories counter at boiler entry-exit
Cd2: differential calories counter at entry-exit of thermal recovery network
C3el: differential electricity reader at alternator entry-exit
T: thermometer recording external temperature
Prec biomass Ti: thermometer recording internal temperature
flow T1: thermometer recording flue gas temperature
P1: system measuring flue gas flow

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Italian Biomass Association GOALS OF BIOENERGY IN ITALY

{ Addenda
to Chapter 4


The scheme below is an example for
the collection and recording of detec- Place: Municipality:
ted data: Data of mesurement: Duration (hr):
Instruments used:
Type of plant:
Type of fuel:
Consumption (kg/h): Moisture (%): icv (kcal/kg):
Average annual : Power output (kWh):
Biomass (t) Prec:
Input heat (Kcal)
Boiler output useful energy (Kcal) Cd1
Heating useful energy (Kcal) Cd2
Produced electricity (kWh) C3EI
Fumes capacity (m3/h) P1
Fumes T (°C) T1
External T (°C) T

Boiler yield (%)

Electricity yield (%)
Global yield (%)

Completed by:

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Italian Biomass Association GOALS OF BIOENERGY IN ITALY

5] Mowing towards
a new Bioenergy Action Plan
GENERAL REMARKS h) Spread good practices and suc-
cess cases.
STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS i) Develop demonstrative projects,
INVESTMENTS NEEDED particularly small and medium scale
In order to rationalize the entire sy-
stem and develop an Action Plan that
is compatible with the national terri-
rticle 4 of the European RES Di- > regions and local Institutions must tory and its social and economic si-

A rective sets forth that each

Member States must adopt a
national Action Plan to meet the 2020
use all the available spaces to promo-
te the start up of supply chains in
their territories and give a boost to
tuation, the three pairs of key ele-
ments that are described in this Re-
port need to be taken into account.
targets and submit it to the Commis- agricultural and industrial entrepre- They are the architraves of the natio-
sion by 31 March 2010. Member Sta- neurship; nal bioenergy system:
tes must establish the measures > activities of research, experimenta- > Resources/efficiencies
they intend to adopt to achieve those tion and development, that are finan- > Market/good practices
targets. Fines and sanctions shall be ced with public and private funds and > Sustainability/
applied in case of non-fulfilment. adequately coordinated, need to be guarantees
5.1) GENERAL REMARKS > Italy must show the European insti- 5.2) STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS
n view of the obligations Italy will tutions its willingness to promote and

I have to comply with in the near fu-

ture, it may be useful to explain so-
sustain the sector through far-rea-
ching perspectives and programmes.
or bioenergy to have an adequa-
me of the directions the national Ac-
tion Plan needs to follow in the bio-
mass sector.
Italy must also strengthen its partici-
pation in international and commu-
nity programmes in order to increase
F te weight in future energy balan-
ces, public and private stakehol-
ders need to focus their attention on
The previous chapters have underli- the exchange of experiences and the following issues:
ned the following: strengthen its research capacity on > development of a system of incenti-
> biomass of agricultural, forest, ani- applicable innovations, both in the ves (administrative, economic, tax,
mal origin to be used for energy pur- short and long term. etc.), which can help overcome the
poses is a fundamental resource for Therefore, Italy needs to do the fol- current fragmentation of norms, whi-
the actual diversification of energy lowing in the short run: ch is dynamic enough to adapt to the
sources and reduction of the environ- a) Re-define a framework Programme evolution of the whole sector and its
mental impact of the consumption in line with European Union directions. segments and rewards technological
system; b) Streamline and simplify licensing innovation and the constant improve-
> Italy can and must reach some im- norms and procedures. ment of efficiency;
portant targets over the next decade, c) Re-define its approach with the Eu- > promotion of supply chain integra-
such as using various types of bio- ropean Commission in the procedu- tion, through specific financial tools
mass of various origin to produce ap- res of approval of national laws. for the creation of interprofessional
proximately: 3 Mtoe of electricity, 9- d) Promote integrated initiatives that structures, also through direct inve-
10 Mtoe of heat, 4-5 Mtoe of biofuels bring significant benefits to the terri- stment of public capital in strategic
for a total amount of replaced fossil tory, identifying solutions that fit in initiatives;
energy of 16-18 Mtoe; the community framework. > activation of demand both through
> public resources must be sufficient e) Develop consultations at national an adequate information and promo-
to give a substantial boost to supply level and with each regional Admini- tion campaign, and through the intro-
chains, create low environmental im- stration. duction of environmental constraints
pact energy, prevent an unsustainable f) Develop information campaigns favouring the use of biomass or impo-
use of budgets, and ensure an equal and qualified training programmes. sing, if and where necessary, the use
division of the added value across all g) Draft local projects that can beco- of biomass as raw material;
the supply chain components; me operational. > standardisation of end products

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Italian Biomass Association GOALS OF BIOENERGY IN ITALY

{ 5. Moving towards
a new Bioenergy Action Plan

(with particular reference to solid and

liquid biofuels) so as to give stability
to the market and adequate guaran-
tees to consumers. Issues related to
products, as well as environmental
impact, energy balance, etc. need to
be considered;
> re-definition of constraints on the
thermal use and/or use of agricultural
and forest biomass due to its incohe-
rent classification within waste, by
enhancing its “environmental con-
tent”, where possible;
> promotion of the recovery of vege-
table oils used and other secondary
materials that need to be disposed of
and are ideal in energy conversion
processes (biodiesel, biogas, etc.);
> promotion of significant projects whi-
ch, by enhancing ongoing initiatives,
can practically start up the sector and cultivated). Using these areas again
be the testing ground for subsequent for energy purposes could be the op- COMPLEMENTARY ACTIONS
technological improvements. portunity to assess the actual poten- The above-mentioned key actions
tial energy contribution of renewable must be flanked by complementary
ENVIRONMENT DIRECTIONS sources, prevent the further degrada- actions, namely:
In order to fully exploit the potential of tion of land and provide new forms of > integration of research, develop-
biomass in offsetting the greenhouse employment. ment and demonstration activities, in
gas effect, the following need to be order to direct public and private
done: TERRITORY DIRECTIONS stakeholders towards priority objecti-
> improvement of forest manage- Actions must concern: ves and make the best use of availa-
ment techniques aimed at territory > Improvement of quality of agricultu- ble resources;
protections, absorption of CO2 from ral land, through gradual re-establish- > information and communication to
atmosphere, maintenance and crea- ment of standard levels of organic be provided at school level, in order to
tion of productive activities and rela- matter that can strengthen the biolo- develop a better basic culture, which
ted employment. gical capacities of vegetable species may allow to shift deadlines accor-
> use of liquid biofuels in areas at risk, and reduce external inputs; ding to environmental problems;
such as historical centres of artistic ci- > Identify species and/or vegetable >strengthen international coopera-
ties, navigable inland waterways, etc. varieties that can maximise producti- tion for the exchange of information,
Moreover, a study that was performed ve efficiency in terms of usable bio- experiences, study and research.
by ENEA some time ago and then con- mass, by developing production rules
tinued by ITABIA, showed that in cen- and crop rotations favouring their in- 5.3) INVESTMENTS NEEDED
tral-southern Italy, including the troduction and widespread use; t is rather difficult to foresee the in-
islands, about 2 million hectares of
conventional farm land are abando-
ned due to the lack of agricultural re-
> Contribute to safeguarding biodi-
versity, through a wider use of all the
range of native vegetable species
I vestment costs Italy will incur in by
2020 in the bioenergy sector to
achieve the targets set by the RES Di-
venue. This corresponds to an overall (even those that are not currently rective. Specific programmes and ex-
abandoned area of 6.7% of the natio- being cultivated), and by increasing pense projections for the targets
nal territory. These lands are mainly the areas were forest varieties are achievement on all “renewable” may
located in plain or hill piedmont areas, grown; be developed and made only after the
which can all be easily reached (they > Development of dedicated or national Action Plan has been defined.
were in fact farmland that was once energy-oriented crops. It is however important to identify,

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Italian Biomass Association GOALS OF BIOENERGY IN ITALY

{ 5. Moving towards
a new Bioenergy Action Plan

at least for the bioenergy sector, the Italy will spend about Euro 42 billion duced by agricultural businesses, fo-
main cost items and provide approxi- for incentives and tax exemptions for restation and new energy crops. This
mate projections. the RES Package. A significant portion data, calculated according to the Ita-
of that amount (Euro 15-20 billion) lian GDP, means that Italy will be
1. BUILDING AND REVAMPING OF will concern bioenergy, with particu- spending about Euro 20 billion by
ENERGY CONVERSION PLANTS lar regard to incentives on electricity 2020.
As already mentioned in Chapter 3.3, (Green Certificates) and tax exemp-
ITABIA has made some projections ba- tion measures for biofuels. CONCLUSION ON BIOENERGY
sed on the 2007 Position Paper of the 3. SCIENTIFIC AND INVESTMENT COSTS
Italian Government (which were TECHNOLOGICAL RESEARCH The above-mentioned projections
coherent with those of the RES Direc- According to the criteria of the UNFCCC show that adapting to the RES Directi-
tive) estimating investments for study and the national GDP, national ve for the bioenergy sector will cost
about Euro 15 billion by 2020 for heat investments on research and deve- Italy about Euro 80 billion by 2020.
production plants and for about Euro lopment of new technologies shall This figure, however, does not take
5 billion for electricity plants. amount to about 15 billion euros. A si- into account the remarkable econo-
Such projections are based on the ac- gnificant amount of these funds (8- mic savings that would result from re-
tual bioenergy quantities to be provi- 10 billion Euros ) will be used for bioe- duced fuel imports, construction of
ded to meet the final gross consump- nergy (energy efficiency and second new traditional plants, and, in particu-
tion and on the subsequent need to generation biofuels). lar, reduction of environmental costs
build new plants (grass-root or re- 4. AGRO-FOREST SECTOR: REFORESTA- caused by air pollution.
vamping and/or replacement of old TION AND ENERGY CROPS The figures provided above are the
plants). According to the UNFCCC, the projec- most expensive investment projections
It was not possible to make an equal- ted annual spending of the agro-fore- for Italy where Italy does not resort to
ly realistic projection for biofuels, due st sector at international level the flexibility mechanisms set forth in

credits with other Countries. n

to a series of technological and legal amounts to about Euro 50 billion for the RES Directive on the exchange of
variables. the reduction of fossil emissions pro-
However, a recent study by UNFCCC
(United Nations Framework Conven-
tion on Climate Changes), linking in-
vestment costs of the whole
20/20/20 Package to the world’s GDP,
has shown that the creation of plants
for second generation biofuels in Italy
may have an investment cost of
about Euro 6 billion. These remarks
show that the total national invest-
ment cost for bioenergy conversion
plants may amount on average to
about 26 billion from today to 2020,
which correspond to about 1% of na-
tional GDP.


Projections cannot be easily made on
the cost of the support measures
Italy will adopt, particularly due to the
unstable national legislation on tax
exemption for biofuels for transport.
The IT portal of AGIENERGIA reports
that, according to ENEA assessments,

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Italian Biomass Association GOALS OF BIOENERGY IN ITALY

Useful Information
coming from scientific institutions, pu- by the European Commission - to-
blic bodies and industries with special gether with different stakeholders in
interest in biomass sector. order to face the problems from diffe-
ITABIA has the capacity of establi- rent point of view. Actually ITABIA is
shing and of co-ordinating national collaborating with the Italian Ministry
ITABIA (Italian Biomass Association) is teams having the task of defining for Agriculture and Forest Policy and
a not for profit Association founded in strategies, and implementing action with the Ministry for the Environment
1985 with the aim of promoting the plans. From the operational point of and Territory for implementing Natio-
diffusion of efficient and environmen- view, ITABIA usually organises semi- nal Programmes and Action Plans for
tally-sound biomass production and nars, workshops, meetings where all the deployment of biomass energy.
conversion systems for energy and in- the results attained by other part- ITABIA promoted the foundation of
dustrial purposes. Most of ITABIA’s ac- ners, as well as information coming the European Association for Biomass
tivities concerns the transfer of know- from other sources, are dissemina- (AEBIOM).
ledge to public and private bodies, re- ted. Special means are currently utili-
search centres, manufacturers, agro- sed like, ITABI@NET (newsletter for
forestry entrepreneurs, etc. ITABIA’s members) and the WEB site. ADDRESS
ITABIA has established an efficient net ITABIA’s experience covers a wide ran- Via Acireale 19 - 00182 Roma
of key persons and bodies able to sup- ge of topics from biomass production, tel. +39 06 7021118
port the actions and giving help for the to biomass recovery and utilisation. fax +39 06 70304833
achievement of expected results. In Itabia has been actively participating
fact, ITABIA’s membership is compo- in several international networks - Web site:
sed of about one hundred specialists most of them promoted and financed E-mail:

The Measure Unit

he measure units used in the As far as wood is concerned, great im- MULTIPLES SYMBOLS:

T report are mainly referred to

the International System of
Measure Units (I.S), as shown in the
portance must be given to the rele-
vant moisture content, as shown in
the following table: KILO
following table:
The energy content of a substance is TERA T 1012
normally expressed with its own spe-
cific heating value, and it is measured
in kcal/kg (solid and liquid substan- UNIT
ces), in kcal/l for liquid substances, in NAME SYMBOL
kcal/m3 for gaseous substances; in LENGHT metre m
this last case the symbol Nm3 is pre- WEIGHT kilogram kg
ferred to indicate the equivalent cubic
metre at a pressure of 1 atmosphere. TIME second s
The specific heating value of some ELECTRIC CURRENT ampére A
combustible substances is shown in
the following table: TEMPERATURE kelvin °K

Ministero dell ’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare 83

Italian Biomass Association GOALS OF BIOENERGY IN ITALY

{ Useful Information
The Measure Unit


AREA m2 2 square metre – WOOD 2500 - 4500
km square kilometre 1064 m22 PEAT 3000 - 4500
ha hectare 10 m COAL WOOD 7500
VOLUME m3 cubic metre – LIGNITE 4000 - 6200
mst stere metre ANTRACYTE 8000 - 8500
WEIGHT kg kilogram 1036 g COKE 7000
t ton 10 g FUEL OIL 9800
l liter
KERO 10400
CAPACITY J joule 1W.s GASOIL 10200
ENERGY cal calory 4,185J
POWER W watt 1J/s


kJ kcal kWh toe
1 kJ 1 0,239 0.278x10-3 23.9x10-9
1 kcal 4 .1868 1 1.163x10-3 0.1x10-6
1 kWh 3,600 860 1 86x10-6
1 tep 41.9x106 10x106 11.63x103 1

Ministero dell ’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare 84

Italian Biomass Association GOALS OF BIOENERGY IN ITALY

{ Useful Information
Web site

WEB SITES Fotovoltaica):

ATLANTE EOLICO DELL’ITALIA: FIRE Italia (Federazione Italiana per
For more information and a better un- l'Uso Razionale dell'Energia):
derstanding, the websites reffered to ANEV (Associazione Nazionale
are suggested. Energia dal Vento): Fondazione
BIOFUELS ITALIA (Piattaforma per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile:
AEBIOM (European Biomass Tecnologica Italiana Biocarburanti): www.fondazionesvilupposostenibile.
Association): org CEAR (Consorzio Energia Alternativa GBEP (Global Bioenergy
AGROENERGIA: per il Riscaldamento): Partnership):
AIIA (Associazione Italiana
di Ingegneria Agraria): CETA (Centro di Ecologia Teorica e GSE (Gestore dei Servizi Elettrici):
AIEL (Associazione Italiana Energie Applicata):
Agroforestali): GIFI (Gruppo Imprese Fotovoltaiche
AIEE (Associazione Italiana degli CNER (Consorzio Nazionale Energie Italiane):
Economisti dell’Energia): Rinnovabili agricole): IEA (International Energy Agency): CTI (Comitato Termotecnico Italiano):
AMBIENTE ITALIA (Istituto di ITABIA - Italian Biomass Association:
ricerche): CNR-IVALSA (Istituto per la Valorizzazione del Legno ISES Italia (International Solar Energy
tm e delle Specie Arboree): Society):
APER (Associazione Produttori di KYOTO CLUB:
Energia da fonti Rinnovabili): CRPA (Centro Ricerche Produzioni LEGAMBIENTE: Animali): www.fonti-
Italiana Produttori di Biodiesel): Centro ricerche Casaccia: Ministero dell'Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio
ASSOCOSTIERI (Associazione ENEA e del Mare:
Nazionale Depositi Costieri Olii Centro Ricerche Trisaia: Ministero delle Politiche Agricole,
Minerali): Alimentari
ASSODISTIL (Associaz. Naz.le ETA - Energie Rinnovabili: e Forestali:
Industriali Distillatori di Alcoli e di RENAEL (Rete delle Agenzie
Acquaviti): EUBIA (European Biomass Industry Energetiche Locali, c/o Rete di Punti
ASSOLTERM (Associazione Italiana Association): Energia):
Solare Termico): FIPER (Federazione SEE (Sustainable Energy Europe):
ASSOSOLARE (Associazione Italiana Produttori Energie
Nazionale dell’Industria Rinnovabili):

Ministero dell ’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare 85

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