The Utilisation of E-Learning Facilities in The Educational Delivery System of Nigeria: A Study of M-University
The Utilisation of E-Learning Facilities in The Educational Delivery System of Nigeria: A Study of M-University
The Utilisation of E-Learning Facilities in The Educational Delivery System of Nigeria: A Study of M-University
* Correspondence: sundayeze2010@ Abstract
Department of Business
Administration, Landmark University, In spite of the constant innovative approaches adopted by teachers in western
Omu-Aran, Kwara PMB 1001, Nigeria world, traditional approaches to teaching and assessments in Nigeria tertiary
Department of Business institutions have constantly been practiced. Most institutions are not able to fully
Administration, Landmark University,
P.M.B 1001 Omu-Aran, Kwara State, utilize e-learning or get full advantages of it. This failure has hindered most teachers
Nigeria in using innovative teaching methodologies in delivering their lectures, and
Full list of author information is undertake rigorous research works. The study examines adoption and utilisation of e-
available at the end of the article
learning facilities by lecturers in Nigerian private tertiary institution. The study
adopted qualitative approach to investigate the adoption and utilisation of e-
learning facilities by lecturers in a Nigerian private tertiary institution using 15 semi-
structured interviews from the academic staff of M-University. Raw data gathered
were analysed using data driven thematic approach (a similar approach to grounded
theory).The findings reveal that M-University’s e-learning facilities are adequate and
accessible to users, and most teachers are comfortable with utilisation of various
facilities during classes compared to most public tertiary institutions although, the
utilisation has not been maximised. However, attitude of users, inadequate internet
facility, inadequate training of users affect the successful adoption. The study
recommends that e-learning facilities should be constantly upgraded, and that M-
University should train their staff continuously to meet the constant advancements
of the e-Learning facilities in order to maximize usage.
Keywords: E-learning adoption, E-learning facilities, Private universities, Nigeria,
Thematic analysis, Education
The emergence of information and communication technologies (ICTs) and the ubi-
quitous connectivity of internet and networks improve man’s ingenuity and opportun-
ities given that societies consciously depend on real-time information to be proactive
and to discount the effects of environmental changes (Zhang et al., 2010; Bates and
Jenkins, 2007; Al-Gahtani, 2016; Eze and Chinedu-Eze, 2018). Entities attempt to cope
with disruptive technologies; they make huge investment in the state of the art ICT
platforms owing to the need to build competitive advantage amidst decreasing cost of
technologies in the contemporary information systems (IS) market (Chuang et al.
2009; Bhuasiri et al., 2012; Maldonado et al., 2011; Eze et al., 2013; Awa et al., 2011).
ICT is an agent of socio-economic changes (Al-Gahtani, 2016) and a force for creative
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Eze et al. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education (2018) 15:34 Page 2 of 20
destruction in human existence (Wang, 2009; Kotler, 1984), especially in the educa-
tional milieu, where the academia and consultants progressed from providing simple
teaching aids to interactive learning environments. Higher education institutions (HEIs)
have embarked on rigorous programs that promote the use of ICTs for effective contact
and online teaching and learning and for developing cognate skills needed to make
socio-economic contributions in the knowledge world. Scholars (Hu and Hui, 2012;
Bhuasiri et al., 2012; Naqvi, 2007) opine that the IT-based innovations (e.g.,
e-commerce, e-learning, e-payment, e-service, or e-procurement) revolutionize the
HEIs’ competitive landscape and reflect the dramatic evolution from fairly predictable
brick-and mortar affairs to rapidly changing and often more unpredictable environ-
ment. E-learning is one of the most significant educational innovations driven by
expanding array of technology enabled platforms that offer potential learners an alter-
native and innovative learning environment compared with traditional learning and,
thus, represents IT-based innovation in education (Bates, 2007; Wang, 2009).
While some use e-learning to refer to pieces of content packaged using technical in-
frastructures, others consider it an on-line self-study, and yet others see it as encom-
passing on-going learning and joint effort. E-learning or computer-based learning is a
learning process that involves the connection of digitally conveyed content,
system-based administrations and mentoring bolster (Zhang et al., 2010; Markus and
Robey, 1998). With Tom Friedman’s mantra of the world is flat driven by ICT plat-
forms, e-learning salvages HEIs given that they can rarely assemble trainees and stu-
dents at a single location and get them trained on new systems, products or processes.
Further, studies (Keramati et al., 2011; Bhuasiri et al., 2012; Chen and Tseng, 2012;
Ahmed, 2010; Hu and Hui, 2012) show that e-learning adoption by vast number of
HEIs, professional organizations and learners is motivated by geographical and savvy
remote reach, separate learning environment, juicy paybacks/returns, continuous up-
grades of skills within a short time, learners’ control in terms of adaptability, flexibility
and convenience, and cost effectiveness in course/programme delivery and manage-
ment. In the developing countries, HEIs are facing poor funding and dearth of qualified
staff, resources and access to educational materials (Ahmed, 2010; Al-Gahtani, 2016;
Eze et al., 2012) compared to those in the developed economies and they perceive that
e-learning, with all its potentials, pools resources and develops quality materials to alle-
viate the shortcomings of their traditional education strategies and make the HEIs more
competitive since instructors are empowered to exchange their ideas with students de-
void of restrictions on space, time or facilities (Bhuasiri et al., 2012; Bates, 2007; Fu et
al., 2007). However, in spite of the obvious advantages of e-learning adoption in the de-
veloping economies, its adoption is rather too low because of the high illiteracy rate
and poor educational funding by the federal and state government.
Problem statement
In Nigeria, the continual reduction of education budget to abysmal 8% in the 2017
budget and the attendant rationing of funds amongst greater number of public HEIs
amidst stiff competition coming from private HEIs, suggests each HEI should turn to
e-learning as a strategic source of socio-economic sustenance (Aboderin and Kumuyi,
2013). However, in spite of the fact that University of Port Harcourt as one of the first
Eze et al. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education (2018) 15:34 Page 3 of 20
Literature review
The concept of e-learning
The term e-learning defines technology mediated and digitally empowered learning that
utilizes hardware (e.g., PCs, tablets, printer, digital camera, digital videos, scanner, over-
head projector; OHP, and OHP screen), software (operating systems, cloud technolo-
gies, applications (apps), writing, editing, MS Office) and (CD textbooks that fall in the
category of courseware, OERS, e-content) and others (e.g., USB drives, CD-ROM),
whether from a distance or face-to-face classroom setting (PC helped learning), to em-
power teacher to student interactions. Actually, it moves the citadel of learning from
traditional to module-driven, ICT-based customized, adaptable and synergistic learning
Eze et al. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education (2018) 15:34 Page 4 of 20
that involves learners, instructors, facilitators, and specialists (Falana, 2015; Markus and
Robey, 1998; Olojo et al., 2012). While the traditional was teacher focused, the learner
focus is facilitated by technology affordances which empowers learners in sharing and
receiving contents regularly. E-learning encompasses simplified and synergistic PC bol-
stered learning process and appraisal approaches that utilize innovation and other pro-
gramming such as wikis, blogs, podcasts and learning management frameworks (e.g.,
internet and web offices -www) to improve teaching and research (Mahahusudhan,
2008; Nadiu, 2006) and to empower students and teachers to produce, progress, and
share learning contents in a more regular structure (Chiaha et al. 2013).
Studies (e.g., Falana, 2015; Markus and Robey, 1998; Olojo et al., 2012; Sloan et al.,
2014) argue that e-learning is a significant and compelling strategy that should be in-
troduced into institutions’ current learning style and teaching method for students and
for community oriented learning. Markus and Robey (1998) affirms that learning and
mentoring of students are done using the PC as a learning process which involves digit-
ally conveyed contents, system based administrations and coaching support. The use of
e-learning strategy to execute educational contents and modules in Nigeria’s HEIs
makes for educator-student dynamism in the ways of instructing and learning of the
substances (Liverpool et al., 2010). Kajetanowtez and Wierzejewski (2010) perceive
e-learning as productive method that advances self-study cum continuous testing and
developmental assessments which incite legitimate checking of instructive advancement
and periodic accomplishment. General examination report demonstrates that
e-learning gives beneficial outcome on learners’ accomplishments. Garrison and Ander-
son (2003) assert that the utilization of e-learning helps learners’ willingness to learn to
innovate. Learners introduce atmospheres where interests are stirred, creative abilities
invigorated, premiums produced, perspectives developed and states of mind changed
along the lines of achieving the premise for instruction. Asserts that the advantages of
e-learning to organizations and lecturers is that it reduces time and cash, upgrades
image of the institution, advances ceaseless expert advancement of staff, enhances the
nature of education and makes adaptation more powerful.
Richmond (1997) notes that there is a connection between the educational programs
and ICT and that there are three ways technology can impact learning:
network connection, among others (Chiaha et al., 2013). Atsumbe et al. (2012) investi-
gated the availability and utilization of e-learning infrastructures in a Nigerian
University. Their specific objectives were to investigate the adequacy of e-learning
infrastructures for effective teaching and learning; the proficiency of e-learning
infrastructures to facilitate enhanced lecturer-student teaching and learning inter-
actions; and the factors that inhibit the use of e-learning infrastructures. The
findings revealed that there were inadequate facilities specifically directed toward
teaching and learning and the e-learning infrastructure available is largely for
administrative use, although lecturers and students have access to computers or
laptops internet facilities they are not used for teaching and learning.
Aboderin and Kumuyi (2013) looked at the problems and prospects of e-learning in
curriculum development and implementation in secondary schools in Ondo State of
Nigeria. Specifically, they examined the availability of e-learning tools for curriculum
implementation, the extent to which it was applied by teachers, strategies and prospects
of e-learning in secondary schools. The finding revealed that there were shortages of
e-learning tools and the few ones used were not adequately used. On the strength of
these, the investigators advised governments to embark on massive in-service training
and retraining (seminars, symposia, workshops and conferences) for teachers on how
to operate computers. Similarly, Aboderin (2015) investigated the challenges and
prospects of e-learning at the National Open University of Nigeria and while the study
recognized that e-learning influences students’ ICT competence, it found that the major
challenges included lack of enough computers, shortage of internet facilities, students’
lack of access to e-learning facilities and tools, high cost of software and erratic power
of these established centres are web based centres without adequate e-learning facilities.
Some of the reasons for low e-learning adoption in these universities range from lack
of mission, vision and structure in implementing e-learning, disappointment of
e-learning establishment, lack of specialized and social aptitudes required for the
execution of e-learning and teachers to lack of teachers and students knowledge and
the know-how to use e-learning platforms. Although, both the state and federal govern-
ment have made some efforts in providing trainings to most public universities, the
fundS and training provided are inadequate coupled with the alarming level of corrupt
practices going on in most Public HEIs. This may explain why the Private HEIs may
have the greater operating and faster e-learning adoption because of their self-financing
characteristics and the proprietors of these institutions would go extra mile to ensure
that such facilities are in place and implemented based on the goals, mission and vision.
Most ICT and e-learning adoption studies mainly employed case study and survey ap-
proach which have dominated the Information Systems (IS) field. For example, studies
(Orlikowski and Baroudi, 1991; Choudrie and Dwivedi, 2005) argued that case study,
experimentation and survey methods are mostly used in IS research. According to
Choudrie and Dwivedi (2005) out of 633 articles in top IS journals: ISJ, EJIS ISR and
MIS Quarterly analysed between 1994 and 2003, 74% of most researchers in IT and
e-learning adoption studies often adopt survey approach. It is argued that quantitative
research approach often remains unquestioned; when there are irregularities in the the-
ory used, it is attributed to other factors, such as the instruments, sampling and sample
size (Silver, 2007).Therefore, qualitative method was an alternative approach and pro-
vides richer results because IT adoption research requires not just explanatory theories
but methods that can help explain phenomena in broader ways (Silva 2007; Lee 2003;
Elliot and Loebbecke, 2000). Hence, this study adopts qualitative approach in an at-
tempt to bridge this gap and to examine the adoption and use of e-learning facilities in
the educational delivery system of a Nigerian private tertiary institution. Data driven
approach of thematic analysis was adopted for this research in order to generate unique
themes and code from scratch which most traditional adoption theories (e.g intentional
based theories and behavioural based theories) have failed to do, which form the basis
for the study. Descriptive research design was adopted because the research adopted
qualitative approach with the use of interview. The population of this study are the aca-
demic staff of the three (3) colleges in ‘M’ University; which includes College of Agri-
cultural Sciences (CAS), College of Business and Social Sciences (CBS) and College of
Science and Engineering (CSE).
The initial sample of 65 participants was generated of which 15 (5 each) from the three
(3) colleges in ‘M’ University agreed to be interviewed (Table 1 of the interview profile).
The sampling technique used in this study is purposive sampling (a non-probability
sampling) which is based on the knowledge and understanding of the population, and
allows the researcher to select individuals who may fully understand the subject matter.
Before the interview, letters were sent to the participants ahead of time requesting
their consent to be interviewed. Upon approval received, the purpose of the study was
stated before commencing the interview proper. The interviewees were reassured of
their confidentiality since the information provided would not be disclosed to a third
Eze et al. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education (2018) 15:34 Page 8 of 20
party and results generated will be shared and respondents answers shared will be
anonymous. Their permission to record the conversation using audio tape recorder was
sought. The interview was scheduled for 30 min per interviewee. Finally the responses
from the participants were transcribed. Some of the questions asked during the interview
were; what are the types of e-learning facilities M-University lecturers use in delivering
lectures to students?; Are e-learning facilities in M-University adequate enough for
lecturers to use in delivering lectures to students?; How would you describe the utilization
of e-learning facilities in M-University by lecturers?; Do you always feel comfortable using
e-learning facilities when delivering lectures to students?; Do you think that e-learning
facilities are simple and easy to use?; Have e-learning facilities helped in improving
your lecturing performance?; Do you prefer the use of e-learning facilities to “face to
face” learning in delivering lectures to students?; What do you think are the major factors
that inhibit the adoption of e-learning facilities by lecturers in M-University?;
Data analysis
This section shows a systematic approach on how the findings were derived. Figure 1
below represents data analysis process. The data analysis process employed in this study
is thematic analysis. More specifically, data driven thematic analysis approach was
adopted since the codes were generated from the raw data. This approach was useful in
the research because it allows the application of data driven codes to the raw data and
themes to emerge inductively and aids credibility and dependability checks (see Miles and
Huberman, 1994). In stage one to three of the data analysis process, codes generated in
the initial interviews were applied on the raw data to check how credible they are. In stage
four, all the transcribed data was imported into NVivo to further facilitate the analysis
because of the huge data involved. This helped in the management of the data using a
practical guide developed for coding the data (see Tables 2, 3 and 4). Finally, the model
which helped in the interpretation of findings were developed.
Eze et al. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education (2018) 15:34 Page 9 of 20
Table 3 Preference and ease of e-learning adoption over ‘face to face’ method
Codes Definition Description
‘Ease of use of e-learning adoption facilities
At ease in the The utilization of e-learning facilities This is indicated when respondents mention
use of e-learning when delivering lectures to students that the use of e-learning facilities is
facilities is encouraging encouraging
User friendly E-learning facilities are simple to use This is indicated when respondents mention
that e-learning facilities are simple to use
Significant E-learning facilities has made This is indicated when lecturers attested to
improvement weighty progress in improving the fact that their teaching performance has
lecturing performance improved significantly
Preference of e-learning over ‘face to face’ method vs preference of ‘face to face’ over e-learning over method
E-learning supports E-learning compliments ‘face to This is indicated when respondents mention
‘face to face’ method face’ that e-learning compliments each other
‘Face to face’ Face to face method is chosen over This is indicated when respondent mention
method preferred e-learning method that they prefer ‘face to face’ method over
over e-learning method e-learning method
equally download the departmental handbook which contains the course codes and
course outlines, and the lecturers’ academic details. For example: “internet facilities
particularly the intranet and then each department has its own website… they also have
a platform for the e-learning… we also have laptops to aid our typing, preparing power
point and use of projector” (A12). These suggest that e-learning facilities in
M-University are adequate and no other facility should be introduced at the moment
rather the facilities should be regularly updated and maintained, and this is the reason
why most lecturers are adopting them in delivering their lectures. These findings agree
with who stated that for an institution to be able to adopt e-learning, it must provide
adequate and reliable technical infrastructures.
Table 8 Preference and ease of e-learning adoption over ‘face to face’ method
Codes Themes Sample supporting evidences
Ease in the use At ease in using e-learning “Whenever I use it I feel comfortable”. (A2)
of e-learning facilities facilities “Absolutely comfortable”. (A4)
User friendly “Yes they are. The ones our university have”. (A1)
“It is very simple to use”. (A15)
Significant improvement “Yes. It makes the class more interesting to the
students”. (A1)
“Yes because students can access lecture material e.g.
video clips after lectures”. (A11)
Preference of e-learning E-learning supports ‘face “E-learning cannot be a substitute it is a support”. (A3)
over ‘face to face’ method to face’ method “I can’t substitute face to face to e-learning. E-learning
supports face-to-face”. (A7)
‘Face to face’ method “No because one may not be able to notice a
preferred over e-learning confused student”. (A11)
method “I prefer ‘face-to-face because its real and then you
would have the opportunity to really look into the
demining of the students”. (A12)
Eze et al. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education (2018) 15:34 Page 13 of 20
have not then I don’t see the need”. (A1). As indicated by a lecturer; “Very adequate,
nothing should be added because we have not even utilized fully the ones that we have”.
(A12) and supported by participants A5 and A7. From the findings it shows that
M-University has sufficient e-learning facilities that are available for use as this would
improve the level of adoption of e-learning facilities. However, these facilities have not
been fully utilised as indicated by some lecturers. Also, these facilities should be graded
regularly. On the other hand, in as much as there are quite a number of e-learning fa-
cilities available in M-University as indicated by the lecturers, the usage of e-learning
facilities is on the average.
It was discovered that majority of lecturers in M-University indicated that
e-learning facilities are not fully utilized. This may be as a result some factors such
as attitude of the users, ‘not functional’ e-learning facilities, poor internet access
and people not wanting to change. The findings show that M-University is still
learning and improving in the usage of e-learning facilities. This was in line with
some of the comments made by respondents: “I would say average utilization”.
(A2); “Well M-University is trying though but we have not gotten there yet”. (A7)
Similar statement was echoed by participant A12 and A9. For M-University to
achieve full utilization of e-learning facilities they need to ensure that the facilities
are working; and the lecturers are trained on how to utilize e-learning facilities.
The finding confirms that e-learning is not fully utilized. This might be as a result
of lack of technical know-how and attitudes of the staff. This is in line with the
findings of Seiden (2000) and Uhaegbu (2001) which attributed this to low level of
usage of ICT equipment and facilities in schools.
lecture materials online rather than the traditional printing or hardcopies which is not
cost effective. Aboderin (2011) found that the application of ICT in the classroom
makes lesson very interesting and easy to deliver. Similarly, Amedu (2014) revealed that
e-learning enhances teaching through provision of better researched information, easier
storage and retrieval of teaching materials, improved quality of teaching, and provision
of platform for teachers to update their knowledge and enhance group learning.
Preference of e-learning
The findings revealed mixed reaction about the preference of e-learning over face to
face method. While some believed that e-learning and ‘face to face’ method comple-
ment each other, others are of the opinion that they still prefer the face-to-face method
of delivery to e-learning. However, majority of the respondents indicate that e-learning
cannot be chosen over ‘face-to-face’ method but they support each other. For instance,
a lecturer uses the power point to prepare lectures and presents them in the class via
projector. Similarly, lecturers get materials online and use them to prepare lectures for
the students. Most lecturers assert: “E-learning cannot be a substitute, it complements
face to face” (A3); “I can’t substitute face-to-face to e-learning: e-learning supports
face-to-face” (A7). “Both are needed for effective teaching”. (A10); “I use both when the
e-learning facility is available for use and working properly”. (A9). These revealed that
both methods are needed for effective teaching. Falana (2015) indicated that e-learning
is an alternative to face-to-face teaching method but when e-learning complements
face-to-face teaching method, they both increase collaborative learning and interaction.
On the other hand, some lecturers prefer ‘face-to-face’ method to e-learning method.
Some lecturers indicated that: “one may not be able to notice a confused student under
e-learning.” (A11); “I prefer ‘face-to-face because its real and then you would have the
opportunity to really look into the demining of the students”. (A12). These lecturers are
of the opinion that ‘face to face’ method is most preferred because of the relationship
that exist between the lecturers and the students. The lecturer would always want to
know how the students are feeling and to know if the students are really paying atten-
tion in class. However, from the findings it is obvious that not all the lecturers are using
e-learning facilities to deliver lectures to students, and most lecturers that are doing so
are the younger ones.
departure philosophy just to do something new is frustrating”. (A12). This suggests that
changing the mind-set of the lecturers for doing something new is needed. These find-
ings confirm Ilechukwu (2013), which revealed that the greatest challenges for effective
utilization of e-learning by teachers include the unwillingness to change to the new
method of computer literacy among lecturers and students.
Inadequate training
Inadequate training means insufficient development of users for e-learning adoption. The
findings reveal that M-University users of e-learning facilities are not adequately trained
which in turn affects the adoption of e-learning facilities; “lack of know-how and we are
still new to some”. (A6); “Lack of adequate training” (A7). This was supported by partici-
pants A3 and A11. It is obvious from the finding which is 46.7% of the respondents’
perceptions that the lecturers are insufficiently trained; therefore, continuous training
should be done to correct this inhibiting factor. This finding suggests that the reason why
most lecturers do not utilize e-learning facilities is because of the limited knowledge on
how to use the facilities. In their study, Nbina et al. (2011) found that some lecturers have
no knowledge of ICT facilities and thus, shy-away from utilizing them for teaching
activities. Similarly, Asogwa (2011) found that the major challenges for optimizing
e-learning is lack of requisite skills, the teachers are not as skilled and thorough in the
understanding, operation and applications of the packages as they are supposed to be.
Many lecturers are still not good at powering laptops their laptops, composing and
sending e-mails, accessing mails, attaching files and those other peripheral issues.
Therefore, M-University should endeavour to conduct periodical trainings for their staff.
e-learning. Researchers have identified some of the key issues associated with the adop-
tion of e-learning facilities in one Nigeria University. In general, the findings indicate
that 89% of participants agree that there are sufficient e-learning facilities for use; the
facilities are user friendly and the facilitates help to significantly improve learning.
However, 72% of the participants indicated that the attitudes of users, inadequate
Internet facility and inadequate training are major inhibitors. The implication is that
the University should regularly conduct training especially when new faculty are
employed to ensure that they adapt and use them. Furthermore, there should be some
kind of weekly monitoring to ensure that lecturers use them in classes at all times.
Availability and adequacy of e-learning facilities is one of the basic requirements for
successful adoption of e-learning facilities in private Universities, and for such institu-
tion to adopt e-learning successfully, it must provide adequate and reliable technical in-
frastructures. The findings suggest that although there are quite a number of e-learning
facilities available in most private Universities compared to public universities (as indi-
cated by the lecturers), the usage of e-learning facilities in private universities is still on
the average. This is as a result of lack of technical know-how and the attitudes of the
staff which reveal the low level of usage of ICT equipment and facilities in schools
today. From the analysis, majority of the lecturers are comfortable with the use of
e-learning to deliver lectures to students because most of the facilities are user friendly
which has significantly improve lecture delivery in contrast to the findings of other
scholars that have focused their study on public institutions. In addition, while some of
the findings suggest that e-learning and ‘face to face’ method complement each other,
and increases collaborative learning and interaction, some participants are of the
opinion that face to face method of delivery is preferred to e-learning.
The study also recognises some of the inhibiting factors affecting e-learning adoption.
Attitude of the users is one of the inhibiting factors that affect the successful adoption
of e-learning facilities by lecturers. Some lecturers are not used to it and they do not
want to accept changes because they are afraid of adopting the new technology as old
professors do not see reasons to change from the analogue age to the digital age. The
implication is that the level of e-learning usage in M University is still on the average.
In addition, while other e-learning facilities are available in M-University poor internet
facilities was a major challenge. The implication is that lecturer’s access to the internet
and the megabyte needed to access the internet is limited. Also, limited utilisation of
the e-learning facilities is due to limited training as a result of poor knowledge of ICT
facilities and lack of requisite skills. The level of e-learning facilities would be improved
if quality internet facilities are provided and accessible (Nwokolo and Anyachebelu,
2012).Therefore, school management and government authorities should brace up to
these challenges through acquisition and installation of modern e-learning infrastruc-
tures and active involvement of e-learning in all school curricula. Also, ICT centres
should be established and necessary facilities like computers, web-connectivity and
constant electricity supply in the institutions to enhance students’ access to e-learning
facilities are to be provided and upgraded from time to time. This would improve
lecturers’ performance and increase the usage of e-learning facilities. In addition,
periodical trainings should be organized for lecturers. This would enable them acquire
the relevant skills and knowledge on the usage of e-learning facilities (Evoh, 2007;
Nwana, 2009).
Eze et al. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education (2018) 15:34 Page 17 of 20
The study has some implications. Adoption of e-learning facilities have moved from a
simpler adoption participation process to involving various stakeholders in the institution
with the university system including the student that constantly interact and influence the
process of adoption. Eze et al. (2014) noted that various stakeholders can influence and be
influenced by technology adoption and these stakeholders especially the innovative ones are
the ones that are the forefront of initiating and influencing the adoption process. Lecturers
are not in full utilisation of the available e-learning facilities because most of them are not
involved in the decisions making process of its adoption. The university management do
not make any effort to listen to understand their needs and requirements. When such
facilities are procured some lecturers particularly the experienced ones will abandon it. The
implication of this is that adoption of e-learning facilities is a complex process requiring
significant attention and interactions among various internal and external stakeholders who
impact on the adoption process. Hence the study identifies the importance of individual
factors influencing the adoption of e-learning, and the underlying message has emerged that
the level of e-learning adoption will improve if tertiary institutions recognise the social
dimensions of e-learning adoption such as interest and needs, academic and professional
goals, pattern of work source of support and social network (Singh and Hardaker, 2014).
In the design and implementation of e-learning facilities, past studies noted that
e-learning experts have always relied on methods that are structured in order to get
information requirement from various stakeholders and users of the facilities (see
Orlikowski and Gash, 1994). Hanseth and Monteiro (1997) have argued that these
approaches do not pay sufficient attention to the assumption, expectations, values and
beliefs and how this may impact various stakeholders who are the end users of the
technology. Therefore, this study is useful to the authors (Universities and IT experts)
who are involved in the development of the e-learning facilities so that they can under-
stand how the values, expectations and beliefs differ from the end users of these facil-
ities. The study therefore provides a better understanding of issues associated with the
adoption and utilisation mechanisation in tertiary institutions. It unveils the nature of
adoption practices that may inform the rapid development of institutional e-leaning
structure (Singh and Hardaker, 2014).
Majority of ICT adoption studies deployed quantitative methods. This study creates
awareness of diversifying ICT adoption research in terms of theories and methods. The
study reveals that there are a number of methodologies that can be used to study emer-
ging ICT adoption from dynamic process perspectives. Using interviews and most espe-
cially deploying hybrid approach to thematic data analysis, provides some guideline for
eliciting meanings from the data and conceptual ways of examining, analysing and
gathering and clustering data into most suitable categories. The implication of using
qualitative approach and most importantly the thematic analysis is that in the initial
stages of exploring the phenomenon, most times, little is known that even articulating
a dependent variable or suitable independent variable is difficult. Also, there are at
times the researcher is seeking to describe person, events, groups or culture. This
approach helps in making the findings and description clearer and in making the
themes or code developed potentially useful to other researchers. In addition, often
qualitative research have been abused by researchers who have made it an excuse for
sloppy or illogical research, thematic analysis has shown to be a creditable technique
for generating richer insights and findings (Boyatzis, 1998).
Eze et al. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education (2018) 15:34 Page 18 of 20
Lastly, most often in qualitative research, the size and sample used are limited. This
study focuses on one private university, and the size and simple use are limited. These
limitations require caution for the generation of the findings. This study requires
further validation across a wider population using mix method-a combination of quali-
tative and quantitative methods. Therefore further studies should collect and collate a
large number of data to allow a more reliable generalization. In addition, future
research are required in the same type of research with students to counter-check
students’ voices to provide a more balanced view.
There is no funding for this paper.
Authors’ contributions
SCE made substantial contributions to conception and design and drafting the Manuscript and analysis of data. Also
involved in revising the manuscript critically in order to meet the journal standard. VCCE and AOB were involved in
the acquisition of data and interpretation of data. Both authors also participated in revising the manuscript to address
the reviewer’s comments’; SCE, VCCE and AOB are accountable for all aspects of the work to ensure that questions
associated with the accuracy and honesty of any part of this research are properly investigated and resolved. All
authors read and approved the final manuscript.
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
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Author details
Department of Business Administration, Landmark University, Omu-Aran, Kwara PMB 1001, Nigeria. 2Michael Okpara
University of Agriculture, Umudike, Abia State, Nigeria. 3Department of Business Administration, Landmark University,
P.M.B 1001 Omu-Aran, Kwara State, Nigeria.
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