Impact of Lifestyle On Health: Editorial
Impact of Lifestyle On Health: Editorial
Impact of Lifestyle On Health: Editorial
1442-1444 Editorial
Lifestyle is a way used by people, groups and na- viduals. The challenge is the overuse and misuse
tions and is formed in specific geographical, eco- of the technology.
nomic, political, cultural and religious text. Life- Therefore, according to the existing studies, it can
style is referred to the characteristics of inhabit- be said that: lifestyle has a significant influence on
ants of a region in special time and place. It in- physical and mental health of human being. There
cludes day to day behaviors and functions of indi- are different forms of such influences. Consangu-
viduals in job, activities, fun and diet. inity in some ethnicity is a dominant form of life
In recent decades, life style as an important factor style that it leads to the genetic disorders. Refor-
of health is more interested by researchers. Ac- mation of this unhealthy life style is a preventing
cording to WHO, 60% of related factors to indi- factor for decreasing the rate of genetic diseases
vidual health and quality of life are correlated to (2). In some countries, the overuse of drugs is a
lifestyle (1). Millions of people follow an un- major unhealthy life style. Iran is one of the 20
healthy lifestyle. Hence, they encounter illness, countries using the most medications. They prefer
disability and even death. Problems like metabolic medication to other intervention. Furthermore, in
diseases, joint and skeletal problems, cardio-vascu- 15-40% of cases they use medications about with-
lar diseases, hypertension, overweight, violence out prescription (3). Pain relievers, eye drops and
and so on, can be caused by an unhealthy lifestyle. antibiotics have the most usage in Iran. While self-
The relationship of lifestyle and health should be medications such as antibiotics have a negative
highly considered. effect on the immune system, if the individual
Today, wide changes have occurred in life of all would be affected by infection, antibiotics will not
people. Malnutrition, unhealthy diet, smoking, al- be effective in treatment. Overall, 10 percent of
cohol consuming, drug abuse, stress and so on, those who are self-medicated will experience se-
are the presentations of unhealthy life style that vere complications such as drug resistance. Some-
they are used as dominant form of lifestyle. Be- times drug allergy is so severe that it can cause
sides, the lives of citizens face with new challenges. death (4).
For instance, emerging new technologies within Finally, variables of lifestyle that influence on
IT such as the internet and virtual communication health can be categorized in some items:
networks, lead our world to a major challenge that 1- Diet and Body Mass Index (BMI): Diet
threatens the physical and mental health of indi- is the greatest factor in lifestyle and has a
direct and positive relation with health.
Poor diet and its consequences like obesity cation, using medications without pre-
is the common healthy problem in urban scription, prescribing too many drugs, pre-
societies. Unhealthy lifestyle can be meas- scribing the large number of each drug,
ured by BMI. Urban lifestyle leads to the unnecessary drugs, bad handwriting in
nutrition problems like using fast foods prescription, disregard to the contradictory
and poor foods, increasing problems like drugs, disregard to harmful effects of
cardiovascular (5). drugs, not explaining the effects of drugs.
2- Exercise: For treating general health 7- Application of modern technologies:
problems, the exercise is included in life Advanced technology facilitates the life of
style (6). The continuous exercise along human beings. Misuse of technology may
with a healthy diet increases the health. result in unpleasant consequences. For ex-
Some studies stress on the relation of ac- ample, using of computer and other de-
tive life style with happiness (7, 8). vices up to midnight, may effect on the
3- Sleep: One of the bases of healthy life is pattern of sleep and it may disturb sleep.
the sleep. Sleep cannot be apart from life. Addiction to use mobile phone is related
Sleep disorders have several social, psy- to depression symptoms (12).
chological, economical and healthy conse- 8- Recreation: Leisure pass time is a sub
quences. Lifestyle may effect on sleep and factor of life style. Neglecting leisure can
sleep has a clear influence on mental and bring negative consequences. With disor-
physical health (9). ganized planning and unhealthy leisure,
4- Sexual behavior: Normal sex relation is people endanger their health.
necessary in healthy life. Dysfunction of 9- Study: Study is the exercise of soul. Plac-
sex relation is the problem of most of so- ing study as a factor in lifestyle may lead to
cieties and it has a significant effect on more physical and mental health. For ex-
mental and physical health. It can be said ample, prevalence of dementia, such as
that dysfunctional sex relation may result Alzheimer's disease is lowerin educated
in various family problems or sex related people. Study could slow process of de-
illnesses like; AIDS mentia.
5- Substance abuse: Addiction is consid-
ered as an unhealthy life style. Smoking Conclusion
and using other substance may result in
various problems; cardiovascular disease,
With a look at existing studies in health domain, 9
asthma, cancer, brain injury. According to
key factors can be suggested for healthy life style
the resent studies in Iran, 43% of females
(Fig. 1). In regard to each factor, the systematic
and 64% of males experience the use of
planning in micro and macro level can be estab-
hubble-bubble (10). A longitudinal study
lished. It can provide a social and individual
shows that 30% of people between 18-65
healthy lifestyle.
years old smoke cigarette permanently (11).
6- Medication abuse: It is a common form
of using medication in Iran and it is con- Acknowledgements
sidered as an unhealthy life style. Un-
healthy behaviors in using medication are The authors declare that there is no conflict of
as followed: self-treatment, sharing medi- interests.