Activity 5: Learning Activities and Learning Processes
Activity 5: Learning Activities and Learning Processes
Activity 5: Learning Activities and Learning Processes
Target competencies:
Specific Tasks:
Students: Architecture
Language: English
Number of Students: 36
Time: 10:30am-12:00pm
Format of Teaching:
Problem: Some of Students is texting and talking, feel uninterested and time
Analysis: Motivate them before starting the discussion and make sure if we going
to use power point representation your materials are entire and no problem.
Observed: The teacher to seize the attention of the student he asked a question.
He used a lot of examples and illustration to understand the lesson clearly.
Bachelor of Secondary in College of Business Administration
Topic: Marketing
Language: English
Number of Student: 62
Format of teaching:
Problem: Use unfamiliar words that not easily to understand and student fear to
answer question because they must speak in English.
Analysis: As a teacher when we teach, teach that can easily understand and
consider your audience what the words that you must use.
Observe: When he is teaching he used pen method only write the main point and
Comparisons and Differences style of teaching
1. If given a chance to teach in a classroom have an observation and given them same
context. What type or quality of knowledge would you wish to emphasis and how will
you do it? For me I rather to choose chalk and talk method to imply this method we
have something to do about ‘Write only main points’ through of this the knowledge that
we impart in our student have more comprehensible because you are just selecting
ideas which is make more profitable to them therefore we are to teach not only to our
benefits but for the sake of our students so we must consider this thing as we all know
as a teacher “We are born to impart knowledge and guide them in a better way”.
1. As a future teacher how would you connect or relate your subject matter to the
materials you are going to use? Materials is our designer which make more wonderful
our teaching so that is why is also important to have a better discussion unfortunately,
we are encountered some situation that there is no materials to be used such as visual
aid and references coming from internet or books don’t be lose hope the best visual aid
is our itself. But how will connect our subject matter to your materials? Every rule there
is an exemptions when we are teach whatsoever our strategies that we are going to use
or materials as long as there is learning process take placed is just okay.