Lecture 6
Lecture 6
Lecture 6
Its coherent and logical syntactical structure, with an expanded system of connectives and its
careful paragraphing makes it similar to scientific prose. Its emotional appeal is generally achieved by
the use of words with emotive meaning, the use of imagery, and other stylistic devices as in emotive
prose; but the SDs used in publicistic style are not fresh or genuine. The individual element essential
to the belles-lettres style is, as a rule, missing here.
The manner of presenting ideas, however, brings this style closer to that of belles-lettres style,
i.e. to emotive prose, as it is to a certain extent individual. No doubt, essays and speeches have greater
individuality than newspaper and magazine articles where it is usually limited by the requirements of
the style.
Publicist style is characterized by brevity of expression.
This style is evident in speeches on political and social problems of the day, in orations and
addresses on solemn occasions, in sermons and debates.
The sphere of application of oratory is confined to an appeal to an audience. The SDs
employed in oratorical style are determined by the communicative situation. If the speaker intends to
rouse the audience and keep it in suspense, they will use various traditional SDs. But undue
prominence given to form may lead to an exaggerated use of these devices, to embellishment.
The Essay
As a separate form of English literature, the essay dates from the end of the 16th century. It is
a literary composition of moderate length on philosophical, social, aesthetic, or literary subject, but it
merely touches upon the surface. Personal treatment of the theme and a natural manner of expression
are two of its most obvious characteristics. An essay is rather a series of personal and witty comments
than a completed argument or a conclusive examination of any matter.
The essay was very popular in the 17th and 18th centuries. At that time essays were written on
topics connected with morals and ethics, and on political and philosophical problems.
In the 19th century the essay as a literary term gradually changed into what we now call the
journalistic article or feature article which covers all kinds of subjects from politics, philosophy or
aesthetics to travel, sport and fashion.
The most characteristic language features of the essay remain:
Brevity of expression (sometimes bordering on epigrammatic brevity);
The use of the 1st person singular, which justifies a personal approach to the problems treated;
A rather expanded use of connectives which facilitate the process of grasping the correlation
of ideas;
Abundant use of emotive words;
The use of similes and sustained metaphors as means of the cognitive process.
The real secret of the essay sub-style consists in the interrelation of these constituents.
Depending on the writer’s individuality essays are written in a highly emotional manner resembling
the style of emotive prose, others resemble scientific prose.
Modern essay is often biographical. Its vocabulary is simple and so is its logical structure and
argumentation. But it still retains all leading features of the publicist style.
In comparison to oratorical style, the essay aims at a more lasting and, hence, a slower effect.
Epigrams, paradoxes and aphorisms are comparatively rare in oratory (they require concentrated
attention of the listener). In the essay they are common.
The main difference between essays and speeches is that the essay seeks a lasting – and the
speech an immediate effect.
All these genres represent persuasive writing, which is any written communication with the
intention to convince or influence readers to believe in an idea or opinion and to do an action. Many
writings such as criticisms, reviews, reaction papers, editorials, proposals, advertisements, and
brochures use different ways of persuasion to influence readers.
According to Karsten Jonsen (2018), there are five categories of persuasive writing: rhetoric,
craftsmanship, authenticity, reflexivity, and imagination. Rhetoric refers to the various writing styles
authors use to marry language and data to persuade readers. Craftsmanship refers to how the authors
utilize present information in a manner that makes their writing persuasive. Authenticity refers to the
different tones and energy a writer utilizes to bring life to their work. Reflexivity is the balance a
writer maintains for a piece of writing that is interesting and attention grabbing while it still being
relevant and relatable to the reader's reality. Imagination relates to a writer's ability to create writing
that allows readers to interpret the writing in their own way.
Traditionally, there are three aesthetic features to persuasive writing:
1) Ethos is the appeal to credibility. It convinces the audience of the credibility of the
writer. The writer's expertise on their subject matter lends to such credibility. The level of education
and profession of the writer also come into play.
2) Logos is the appeal to logic and reason. It is the most commonly accepted mode in
persuasion because it aims to be scientific in its approach to argumentation. In writing, facts are
presented logically and faulty logic is avoided.
3) Pathos is the appeal to emotion. This aims to convince the audience by appealing to
human emotions. Emotions such as sympathy, anger, and sadness motivate humans; using pathos will
get the audience emotionally invested in the subject of the writing.
Argumentation is another essential feature to persuasive writing. Researches found that
recognizing opposing points of view and providing substantial rebuttals makes a paper much more
convincing and persuasive.
One more genre of journalism, a feature story is a piece of non-fiction writing about news.
The main sub-types are the news feature and the human-interest story.
A feature story is distinguished from other types of non-news by the quality of the writing.
Stories should be memorable for their reporting, crafting, creativity, and economy of expression.
A feature story, as contrasted with straight news reporting, normally presents newsworthy
events and information through a narrative story, complete with a plot and story characters. It differs
from a short story primarily in that the content is not fictional. Like literature, the feature story relies
upon creativity and subjectivity to make an emotional connection with the readers and may highlight
some universal aspect of human nature. Unlike straight news, the feature story serves the purpose of
entertaining the readers, in addition to informing them. Although truthful and based on good facts,
they are less objective than straight news.
The style of official documents is divided into four substyles:
1) the language style of business documents,
2) the language style of legal documents,
3) the language style of diplomatic documents,
4) the language style of military documents.
The aim of official documents is to state rights and obligations of the parties in an undertaking
and to reach agreement between them. Therefore the language of documents is formal, accurate,
concrete, concise and clear. It is characterized by conventionality of expression, absence of
emotiveness, encoded character, and peculiar syntactic organization.
I) Layout of official documents.
1) There are no paragraphs, the whole document is one sentence divided into separate clauses,
often marked by commas or semicolons, and not by full stops. This specific organization serves to
show the equality of the items, to avoid ambiguity and cheating.
2) Punctuation marks, even full stops, are not used in traditional legal English to avoid
fraudulent additions, double interpretation or misunderstanding.
3) Capitalization is highly significant. Capitalized words can mark the beginning of a
document or a new part of the same document. They can also emphasize important words.
Типові комунікативні Характерні риси стилю
Суворо офіційні
фіксованих лінгвістичних
одиниць або формульних
квітчастості високоофіційного
Всі щоденні, рутинні ситуації На відміну від двох
писемного та розмовного вищезазначених, це стиль
мовлення, діалогічного мовлення, що не
що не мають особливого потребує попереднього
символічного значення. ретельного планування
Ситуації купівлі - лексико-синтаксичної форми.
продажу, запитів щодо Серед його характерних рис -
отримання певної інформації та повтори, еліптичні речення,
надання відповідей на ці перепити.
Joos V. The Five Clocks // International Journal of American Linguistics, 1962. – Vol.28, №2, p. V., наводиться за
Дубенко О.Ю. Порівняльна стилістика англійської та української мов. Посібник для студентів та викладачів
вищих навчальних закладів. – Вінниця: Нова Книга, 2005. – С. 22 - 23.
Відпочинок, розваги,
Звертання на ім'я,
Приватні, дружні
(невимушений) релаксація в колі друзів і використання прізвиськ,
родичів, позааудиторне
скорочені синтаксичні
спілкування студентів тощо структури, нечітка вимова, часте
вживання сленгу, зниженої
лексики, приказок та
ідіоматичних виразів.
Спілкування з найближчими Еліптична мова інтимного
стороннім людям.