Electrostatics: Preface
Electrostatics: Preface
Electrostatics: Preface
We begin our study of electrostatics in this chapter by examining the nature of electric charge. We will
find that electric charge is quantized and that it obeys a conservation principle. We can turn to a discussion
of the interactions of electric charges that are at rest in our frame of reference, called electrostatic interactions.
Such interactions are exceedingly important.
They hold atoms, molecules and our bodies together and have numerous technological applications.
Electrostatic interactions are governed by a simple relationship known as Coulomb's Law and are most
conveniently described by using the concept of electric field.
We will explore all these concepts in this chapter and expand on them in the following chapters. In later
chapters we will expand our discussion to include electric charges in motion. While the key ideas of
electromagnetism are conceptually simple, applying them to practical problems will make use of all of your
mathematical skills, especially your knowledge of geometry and integral calculus. For this reason you may
find this chapter and those that follow to be more mathematically demanding than previous chapters. The
reward for your extra effort will be a deeper understanding of principles that are at the heart of modern
physics and technology.
This book consists of theoritical & practical explanations of all the concepts involved in the chapter. Each
article followed by a ladder of illustration. At the end of the theory part, there are miscellaneous solved
examples which involve the application of multiple concepts of this chapter.
Students are advised to go through all these solved examples in order to develope bettter understanding
of the chapter and to have better grasping level in the class.
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Electrostatics , deals with the study of charges (b) Negative charge : More number of electrons
in rest. These stationary charges occurs due to than number of protons
friction of two insulating bodies, therefore it is Importants Points : Only , electron is
often called frictional electricity responsible for a substance to be charged
and not the proton.
2.1 Properties of Charge :
(i) Behind every process occurring in the nature, (i) Like charges repel while unlike charges attract
there is one or the other force acting. each other.
(ii) Different forces are divided in FOUR parts (ii) Charge is quantized in nature i.e. The
based on their nature magnitude of charge possessed by different
objects is always an integral multiple of
(A) Gravitational force
charge of electron (or proton) i.e. q = ± ne
(B) Electro-magnetic force where n = 1 , 2 , 3 ........
(C) Nuclear force (iii) The minimum possible charge that can exist
(D) Weak force in nature is the charge of electron which has
(iii) Comparative analysis of forces a magnitude of e = 1.60 207x10-19 coulomb.
This is also known as quantum of charge or
Force Nature Range Rel. Strength
fundamental charge.
Gravitational Attraction very large 1
(iv) In an isolated system the algebraic sum of
Electro- Attraction very large 1036 total charge remains constant. This is the
Magnetic or law of'Conservation of charge'.
Repulsion Note : The fact that electric charge is an integral
Nuclear Attraction very less 1039 multiple of electronic charge was
Weak Unknown very less 1014 experimentally proved by Milliken. Unit of
charge 1 coulomb = 3 × 10 9 e.s.u.
Important points : = 1/10 e.m.u.,in cgs e.s.u. (state coulomb)
(i) Gravitational force is the weakest while
nuclear force is the strongest force of the Charge
Ex.1 Two spheres of the same metal (in all
(ii) Nuclear force does not depend upon charge.
respects) are taken. One is given a positive
It acts equally between proton-proton, proton
charge of Q coulomb. and other is given the
neutron and neutron-neutron.
same but negative charge. Which sphere will
(iii) There are weak forces acting in - have a higher mass.
degradiation in radio-activity. Sol. Negatively charged sphere will have a higher
(iv) A stationary charge produces electric filed mass. This is due to increase in number of
while a moving charge produce electric as electron to make it negatively charged.
well as magnetic field. Ex.2 Which of the following charge is not possible:
(v) Moving charge produce electric field as well (A) 1.6 × 10–18c (B) 1.6 × 10–19 c
as magnetic field but does not radiate energy (C) 1.6 × 10 -20 c (D) None of these
while uniform acceleration. –20
Sol. (C) 1.6 × 10 c, because this is 1/10 of
(vi) Accelerated charge produce electrid field as electronic charge and hence not an integral
well as magnetic field and radiate energy. multiple.
Ex.3 How many electron are present in 1 coulomb
2. CHARGE charge.
Property of a substance by virtue of which it can Sol. q = ne
repel or attract another charged substance. q = 1c
Charges are of two types. e = 1.6 × 10–19 c
(a) Positive charge : Lesser number of electrons n = ?
than number of protons.
n = q/e = 6.25 × 1018 electrons.
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Ex.4 Identify X in the following nuclear reactions (ii) This law is valid only for stationary charges
1 9 and cannot be applied for moving charges.
(i) 1H + 4 Be X + n
15 1 (iii) This law is valid only if the distance between
(ii) 7 N + 1H 24 He + X two charges is not less than 10–15 m.
Sol. (i) Charge on the nucleus of (iv) K = 1 for air or vacuum,
x = Q(H) + Q (Be) = 1 e + 4e = 5e for conductors
[ Q Q (n) = 0 ] > 1 for any other medium.
Therefore X will be Boron Medium K
(The atomic no. of B = 5] Vacuum/air 1'
(ii) Q (X) + Q(He) = Q(N) + Q(H) Water 80
Mica 8
Q (X) = 7 e + 1 e - 2e = 6e
Glass 5-10
X is carbon Metal
Then , F q1 q2
F 1/r2
q1q2 F21 = force on q due to q
2 1
q 1q 2 r̂12
q1q2 F21 =
Fk , where k = constant. 2 ...(A)
4 0 Kr 12
1 9 109 1 2 F12 = Force on q due to q
k = 4 K = N m coulomb–2 1 2
0 K
where ,
q1q 2 r̂21
F12 = r̂21 ...(B)
0 = Electric permittivity of vacuum or air 4 0 Kr12
= 8.85 x 10–12 coul2 N–1 m–2 and
K = Relative permittivity.
= Dielectric constant
= Specific inductive capacity Note:
[Newton's law for particles is analogous to
1. | r̂21 | = | r̂12 | = 1 (unit vectors)
coulomb's law for rest charges. T he
difference is that Newton's law gives 2. r̂21 = – r̂12 ...(C)
attraction force while coulomb's law gives
attraction as well as repulsion force] 3. r̂12 = r21
Note: 4. Values of q1 & q2 are put with sign while
(i) Coulomb's law is applicable to point charges using this formula
only. But it can be applied for distributed
charges also 5. From (A) , (B) and (C) F 12 = – F 21
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. 1043
The resultant force acting on a charge due to a Fg = 4 0 ( 4 0 )G.m2
group of charges is equal to the vector sum of
individual forces. F F F F Note : 1. F for proton - proton = 1036
1 2 3
F3 Fe
F1 2. F for proton electron = 1039
q g
Ex. 8 Force F is acting between two charges. If a
sheet of glass (r = 6) is placed between the
two charges, what will be the force.
Principle of superposition 1 q1q2
Sol. F = 4 . 2
0 r
Ex.5 Five equal charges 'q' q
are placed at f iv e 3
1 q 1 q1q2
vertices of a regular F' = 4 K . 2
6 2 r
hexagon. What will be 0
the resultant force on q 5 q
a charge 'Q' placed at 4 F F
F' = =
the centre of the q K 6
hexagon given that the distance of a corner Note : We can conclude that if there is a metallic
from centre is d. medium (conducting) between two charges, force
Sol. Suppose , the same charge 'q' was placed at will be zero since K = .
sixth corner also Then Ex.9 Two charged spheres of radius 'R' are kept at
a distance 'd' (d >2R). One has a charge +q
F F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 0 and the other - q. The force between them
(Note that resultant is zero due to symmetry will be
of hexagon. This is applicable for any + + - -
REGULAR geometry) + -
+ -
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 -
R + - R
qQ + --
= + - -
4 0 d2 +
and direction of force will be opposite to F6 .
1 q2 1 q2
Ex.6 A point charge q1 exerts a force F on q2. An (1) (2) >
4 0 d2 4 0 d2
equal charge q3 is now kept near q2. The
resultant force on q2 due to q1 will be - 1 q2
Sol. F. here superposition principle is to be (3) < (4) None of these
4 0 d2
applied carefully. The force on q2 due to q1
will remain same although resultant force on Sol. (2) Redistribution of charge will take place
due to mutual attraction and hence effective
q2 will change since F F F distance will be less than d.
1 3
Ex.7 Find the ratio of electrostatic and gravitational Note : In the example above, if both had the
force acting between two electrons - charge '+q', the answer would have been (3)
because now mutual repulsion will result into
1 e.e m .m increase in effective distance.
Sol. Fe = 4 . 2 ; Fg = G. Ex.10 How should we divide a charge 'Q' to get
0 r r2
maximum repulsion between them –
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Sol. Let (q) & (Q – q) be the two parts . Ex.13 Two charges 1c and 5c are kept at a
1 q(Q q) distance 4cm. The ratio of magnitude of force
F = 4 experienced by first to the second will be -
0 r2
Sol. 1 : 1
For maximum F
dF 1 Q 2q F12 F21
= 0 = 0
dq 4 0 r 2
= | F12 | = | F21 |
q =
hence Q should be divided in two equal parts. 5. ELECTRIC FIELD
Ex.11 3 × 10–19 C and –10–6 C are placed at A charge produces something called an electric
(0 , 0, 0) and (1, 1,1) respectively. Find the field in the space around it and this electric field
force on second in vector form exerts a force on any charge placed in it.
1 q1q2 Note : The electric field doesnot exert force on
Sol. =
F21 4 0 r 2 12 source charge.
5.1 Electric field Intensity -
r12 (1 0) î (1 0) ĵ (1 0 ) k̂ = î ĵ k̂ Force experienced by a unit positive charge
placed in an electric field at a point is called
| r12 | = 12 12 12 = 3 electric field intensity at that point. It is also
known as electric field simply. Let q0 be the
r̂12 =
î ĵ k̂ positive test charge placed in an electric field.
If F is the force experienced by this charge,
| r12 | 3
9 10 9 3 10 19 (10 6 ) î ĵ k̂ F
F21 = .
3 3 E = Electric field intensity = qlim
0 0 q0
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1 9e
Systematically : E1 = 4 . 2 Ex.18 Find E at point P.
0 x
1 3e +5c
E2 = 4 . 8cm –3.6c
2 , E1 = E 2
0 (r x )
9e 3e
= 6cm
x2 (r x )2
10cm E2
3r 3r
x = or
3 1 3 1
x = is not possible since x < r P
3 1
3.6 10 6
E2 (due to –3.6 c) = 9 × 109 ×
(0.06 )2
= 9 × 106 N/C
Ex = E1x + E2x = E1cos + 0
so EA > EB > EC . = 3.6 × 105 N/C
Ey = E1y + E2y = – E1 sin + E2
Ex.16 A metal sphere is placed in an uniform
= 6.3 × 106 N/C
electric field which one is a correct electric
line of force-
E= E 2x E 2y = 7.3 × 106 N/C
3 3
Ex.19 The given charge Q is positive or negative ?
4 4
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Ex.24 A charge +q is fixed at each of the points (i) Unit of potential difference is volt.
x = x0 , x = 3x0 , x = 5x0 ... ad inf. on the (ii) This is a scalar quantity
x-axis, and a charge -q is fixed at each of
the points x = 2x0 , x = 4x0 , x = 6x0 ...... (iii) Potential difference does not depend upon
ad inf. Here x0 is a positve constant. Take Co-ordinate system
the electric potential at a point due to a (iv) Potential difference does not depend upon
charge Q at a distance r from it be Q/40r. the path followed. This is , because electric
Then , the potential at the origin due to the field is a conservative force field and work
above system of charges is done is conservative force field does not
q depend upon path followed.
(A) 0 (B) 8 x log 2
0 0
Ex.25 In the following fig. Along which path the work
q log 2
(C) (D) done will be maximum in carrying a charge
4 0 x 0
from A to B in the presence of any another
Sol. Total potential caused by +q , at the origin charge
kq kq kq Sol. Same for all the path
V1 = ......
x0 3x 0 5x0 [Because the work done doesn't depend upon
the path]
kq 1 1
= [1 + +......... ]
x0 3 5
Total potential caused by –q , at the origin
kq kq kq
V2 = 2x 4 x 6 x .....
0 0 0
kq 1 1 1
= .....
x0 2 4 6
Net potential at the origin
V = V1 + V 2
kq 1 1 1 1
= 1 .....
x 0 2 3 4 5 Ex.26 A charge 20C is situated at the origin of
kq X-Y plane. What will be potential difference
= log (1 + 1) between points (5a, 0) and –3a , 4a)
Sol. Distance between (0 , 0) & (5a ,a),
1 2 1 1
[Q log(1 + x) = 1 – x + x 3 – x 4 + ......... ] r1 =
2 3 4 25a 2 0 = 5a
kq 1 q kq
= x0
log2 = 4 x log2. V1 =
0 0 5a
Hence answer is (D)
Distance between
6.1 Potential difference :
(0, 0) & (–3a , 4a) r2 = 9a 2 16a = 5a
The work done in taking a charge from one point
to the other in an electric field is called the
potential difference between two points. kq
V2 =
Thus , if w be work done in moving a charge q0 5a
form B to A then the potential difference is given V1 – V2 = 0
VA – V B = q
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6.2 Relationship between electric potential and Ex.29 The potential at a point (x , 0 ,0 ) is given as
intensity of electric field 1000 1500 500
V = 2 3 . W hat will be
x x x
electric field intensity at x = 1m ?
(i) VA = – E . dr , VA = electric potential at
point A . Sol. E = V = î x ĵ y k̂ z
(ii) Potential difference between two points in an V V V
electric field is given by negative value of line or iEx + jEy + kEz = – î x ĵ y k̂ z
integral of electric field i.e.
= – 0
VB – VA = – E . dr x y z
A Comparing both sides
(iii) E = – V = – grad V 1000 1500 5000
Ex = – = 2 3
x x x x x
= (gradient) = x î y ĵ x k̂
1000 2 1500 3 5000
V V V x x3 x4
Ex = – , Ey = – y , Ez = –
x z For x = 1 , (Ex ) = 5500 V/m
(iv) If v is a function of r only , then E = – Ex.30 In the following fig , what will be the electric
dr field intensity at r = 3
V Sol. For 2 < r < 4, V = 5 volts
(v) For a uniform electric field , E = – and
r dV
it's direction is along the decrease in the E = – dr = 0
value of V.
given by V = 4x 2 volt . Electric field at point 4
(1 , 0 , 2) is - 3
Sol. E = – = – 8x 1
E at (1, 0 ,2)= – 8 V/m 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Magnitude of E r (meter)
= 8V/m direction along –x axis. Note : In the above problem, what will value of E at
100 r = 6 ?
Ex.28 Electric field is given by E = potential
x2 at r2 = 7m V2 = 2 volt
difference between x = 10 and x = 20 m. at r1 = 5m V1 = 4 volt
[PET '89 ,94]
dV V2 V1 24
Sol. E = – dV = –Edx E = – r r = – 7 5 =1 volt/metre
dx 2 1
dV = – E.dx
Ex.31 An oil drop 'B' has charge 1.6 × 10–19C and
mass 1.6 × 10–14kg. If the drop is in
100 equilibrium position, then what will be the
VB – VA = – x 2 = – 5 volts potential diff . between the plates.[The
distance between the plates is 10mm]
Potential difference = 5 volt.
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10cm (i) Work done in bringing a charge from infinity
to a point against the electric field is equal
to the potential energy of that charge.
- - - - - - - (ii) Potential energy of a charge of a point is
Sol. For equilibrium, electric force = weight of drop
equal to the product of magnitude of charge
qE = mg and electric potential at that point i.e.
V P.E. = qV
q. = mg (iii) Work done in moving a charge from one point
mgd to other in an electric field is equal to change
V =
in it's potential energy i.e. work done in
moving Q from A to B = qVB – qVA
1.6 10 14 9.8 10 10 3 = UB – UA
1.6 10 19
V = 104 volt
[When a charged particle is in equilibrium A B
in electric field, the following formula is often (iv) Work done in moving a unit charge from one
used qE = mg] point to other is equal to potential difference
6.2 Equipotential Surface - between two points.
(i) These are the imaginary surface (drawn in an Note : Circumference of the circle in above
electric field) where the potential at any point example can be considered as equipotential
on the surface has the same value. surface and hence work done will be zero.
(ii) No two equipotential surfaces ever intersects
7.1 Potential Energy of System :
(iii) Equipotential surfaces are perpendicular to
the electric field lines (i) The electric potential energy of a system of
(iv) Work done in moving a charge from a one charges is the work that has been done in
point to the other on an equipotential surface bringing those charges from infinity to near
is zero irrespective of the path followed and each other to form the system.
hence there is no change in kinetic energy of (ii) If a system is given negative of it's potential
the charge. energy , then all charges will move to infinity.
(v) Component of electric field parallel to This negative value of total energy is called
equipotential surface is zero. the binding energy.
(iv) Nearer the equipotential surfaces , stronger (iii) Energy of a system of two charges
the electric field intensity
1 q1q2
Ex.32 Some equipotential surfaces are shown in PE = 4 d
fig. 0
A 1 q1q2 q2 q3 q3 q1
PE = 4 r
0 12 r23 r31
(v) Energy of a system of n charges.
C n
n qj
1 1
PE = 2 . 4 qi
0 i1 j1 rij
i j
Sol. EB > EC > EA , because potential gradient
at B is maximum.
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PE of q at B
1 Qq
= UB = 4 r
r32 0
A r Q B
q1 q3
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Sol. Suppose the charge q is placed at distance
x from 2q.Potential energy of the system
0 + eV1 = 1 mv 2 + eV2
2qq 8qq 2q 8q
U = k
X 10
(9 X) 10 2
9 10 2 1
mv 2 = e (V2 – V1 ) = eV
For U to be minimum = 0 which gives
X v = 2eV
X = 3cm. m
Ex.36 The charges of 10c each are kept at three [When an electron is acclerated through
corners of an equilateral triangle of 10cm potential difference 'V' the following formula
side. What is the potential energy of the 1
system ? is generally used mv2 = eV]
1 q2 1 q2 Ex.39 A charge q moves along the path PQRS in
Sol. PE of 1 = U1 =
4 0 r 4 0 r an electric field E which is directed towards
positive X-axis. P, Q , R , S, have the
1 q2 1 q2 coordinates (a , b , 0) , (2a , 0 ,0 )
PE of 2 = U2 = (a , -b , 0) , ( 0 , 0 ,0 ) respectively. What
4 0 r 4 0 r
is the work done by electric field in this
1 q2 1 q2 process ?
PE of 3 = U3 =
4 0 r 4 0 r Y E
1 3 q
PE of system= (U1 + U2 + U3) = . E
2 4 0 r S Q
3 9 10 9 (10 10 6 ) 2
= = 27 Joule.
10 10 2
Ex.37 A charge +q is placed at C Sol. E = E î , F = q E = q.E î
the centered of a circles.
What will be the amount
of work done in carrying displacement = PS
a charge q' from B to C
in the fig. +q = (0 – a) î + (0 – b) ĵ + (0 – 0) k̂ = –a î – b ĵ
Sol. Zero. Because circular
path is a equipotential W = F .PS = (a î bĵ). qE î = –qEa
W = q' (VB – VD ) = 0 ELECTRIC FIELD
Ex.38 An electron (mass m , charge e) is
accelerated through a potential difference of (i) Charged particle experience force in an
V volt. Find the final velocity of electron. electric field.
Sol. KEi = 0 (ii) Magnitude of force on a charge q in an
PEi = eV1 electric field E is F = qE
KEf = 1/2 mv 2 (iii) Direction of force on a positive charge is
same as direction of electric field while it is
i initial
PEf = eV2 opposite to direction of electric field in case
f final of negative charge.
KEi + PEi = KEf + PEf
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y = 1cm
y - - - - - - - - - - -
Potential difference
Here E =
(iv) Accelerating a charge q through a potential
difference V results in
300 V
(a) decrease in PE = qV = = 15000
2 / 100 m
(b) increase in KE = qV
(v) In a non uniform electric field electron As the particle does not come , its maximum
accelerates and translates also. deflection y = 1 cm = 10–2 m
Motion of a charged particle in an 1 qE x
We know that y = . or
electric field 2 m u
1 qE 2
Ex.40 An electron is accelerated through 10eV, u2 = 2 . my . x
what will be the velocity acquired by electron. 2
1 (1.6 10 19 )(15000 ) 1
Sol. We know accelerating charge q through v = 108
2 (12 10 24 )(10 2 ) 10
potential difference increase in K.E. = qV
u = 104 m/s
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Note : When an electron enters normally to (xi) Flux is associated with all vectors.
electric field, it path becomes parabolic, (xii) If only a dipole is present in the surface then
while in magnetic field path becomes net flux is zero.
circular (xiii) Net flux of a surface kept in a uniform electric
field is zero.
(xiv) Net flux from a surface is zero does not
(i) It is denoted by ''. imply that intensity of electric field is also
(ii) It is a scalar quantity.
(iii) It is defined as the total number of lines of 10. GAUSS'S LAW
force passing normally through a curved This law states that electric flux E through any
surface placed in the filed. closed surface is equal to 1/0 times the net
(iv) It is given by the dot product of E and normal charge 'q' enclosed by the surface i.e
infinitesimal area ds integrated over a closed
E = E . ds =
d = E . ds
E . ds = Eds cos Q
where = angle between electric field and
normal to the area
Note :
ds The closed surface can be hypothetical and then
it is called a Gaussian surface.
E If the closed surface enclosed a number of
charges q1 , q2 ........... qn etc. then
S q (q1 q2 ....qn )
= E . ds = =
0 0
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(iii) Dependent on charges enclosed by surface, Ex.43 A rectangular surface of length 4m and breadth
their nature and on the medium. 2m is kept in an electric field of 20 N/c. Angle
(iv) Net flux due to a charge outside the surface between the surface and electric field is 300.
will be zero. What is flux thought this surface ?
(v) If Q = 0 , then = 0 but it is not necessary
Note : Angle between surface and E is given to be
that E = 0
30º. This is not the '' used in our formula
(vi) Gauss law is valid only for the vector fields
'' is the angle between normal to surface
which obey inverse square law
(vii) Gauss's and coulomb's law are comparable.
and E . So here = 90 – 30 = 60º
q q1 q2
S1 q3
(iii) Now , q is placed at a corner then the flux
will be 8
0 Ex.45 A charge 'q' is placed at the centre of a cube
of side 'a'. If the total flux passing through
Gauss's Law cube and its each surface be and 2
Ex.42 A hemispherical surface of radius R is kept resepctivley then 1 : 2 will be -
in a uniform electric field E such that E is
(A) 1 : 6 (B) 6 : 1
parallel to the axis of hemi-sphere , Net flux
from the surface will be - (C) 1 : 6a2 (D) 6a2 : 1
Sol. (B) When q is placed at the centre of cube
then total flux passing through cube is
1 =
Sol. = E . ds = E . R2 . and flux through each surface is 2 = 6
= (E) (Area of surface perpendicular to E)
1 : 2 = 6 : 1
= E. R2.
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Ex.46 If charges q/2 and 2q are placed at the centre
of face and at the corner, of a cube. Then + +
+ + +
total flux through cube will be - + +
+ +
q q + r +
(A) 2 (B) + + p
0 0 O
+ +q
q q + R +
(C) 6 (D) 8 + +
0 0 ++ +
+ + + +
Sol. (A) Flux through cube , when q/2 is placed
at the centre face , is
Case: 1 OP = r R
q/ 2 q
1 =
2 0
4 0 q q 1 R 2
E = r̂ = r̂
4 0 r 2 0 r 2
Flux through cube , which 2q is plaed at the
corner of cube , is ( = surface charge density)
2q q
2 = 8 = 4 , Case: 2 r = R E= r̂
0 0 0
Total flux = 1 + 2 Case: 3 r < R E = 0
q q 1 q i.e. At point interior to a conducting or a
= 4 + 4 = 2 hollow sphere, electric field intensity is zero.
0 0 0
(iii) For points outside the sphere , it behaves
Ex.47 Flux entering a closed surface is 2000V-m.
like all the charge is present at the centre.
Flux leaving that surface is 8000 V-m. Find
the charge insidesurface. (iv) Intensity of electric field is maximum at the
Sol. Net flux = out – in
= (8000-2000) = 6000V-m
(v) Electric field at the surface is always
q perpendicular to the surface.
= (vi) For points, near the surface of the conductor,
E = perpendicular to the surface
in out
(vii) Graphically ,
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1 Q
Vsurface =
4 0 R p
Case : 3 r > R o
1 Q
Vout =
4 0 r
Case: 1 r > R (point is outside the sphere)
(i) For points interior to a conducting or a hollow
sphere, potential is same everywhere and 1 Q
equal to the potential at the surface. E = 4 2 r̂
0 r
kQ Case: 2 r = R (point is at the surface)
(ii) V=
1 Q
E = 4 2 r̂ = Emax = Esurface
kQ 0 R
V V=
r Case: 3 r < R (point is inside the sphere)
1 Q
E = r r̂
r<R r=R r>R 4 0 R 3
= 3
(iii) at r = , V = 0 0
Ein r
Note : Here , we see that E inside the sphere is
at r = 0 , E = 0
zero but V 0. So E = 0 does not imply (i) Graphically
V = 0. This presents a good example for it.
Similarly V = 0 doesnot imply E = 0
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Electric Potential
1 Q
Vsurface = .......(2)
4 0 R
Case: 1 r > R
1 Q 3
Vout = given that, Vin = V
4 0 r 2 surface
Case : 2 r = R Q(3R 2 r 2 ) 3Q
= r=0
2R 3 2R
1 Q
Vsurface = Hence the point will be at the centre.
4 0 R
Ex. 50 Two concentric spheres
Case : 3 r < R of radii r & R (r < R)
1 Q(3 R 2 r 2 ) are given the charges
Vin = q and Q respectively.
4 0 2 R3 Find the potential
3 1 Q difference between two
Vcentre = (Imp) spheres.
2 4 0 R
Sol. Potential at the inner sphere = potential due
Vcentre = 3/2 Vsurface to inner + potential due to outer sphere
1 q 1 Q
(i) Graphically V1 = 4 r 4 R
0 0
kQ(3R 2 r 2 )
3 V= (potential at points inside is same everywhere
V0 3R 3 and is equal to potential at the surface).
2 Par abol
kQ Potential at outer sphere
V0 V=
R V2 = potential due to inner + potential due
V hypa to outer sphere
ola 1 q 1 Q
= 4 R 4 R
O 0 0
r<R r=R r>R
potential difference = V1 – V2
(ii) Again , Ecentre = 0 , but Vcentre 0.
(iii) Electric potential at infinity is zero. 1 q q
(iv) Electric potential is maximum at the centre 4 0 r R
Ex.49 A solid insulating sphere of radius R is given
a charge . If inside the sphere at a point the q 1 1
V = 4 r R
potentail is 1.5 times that of the potential at 0
the surface, this point will be -
Note : Here , we see that ' V' depends only
(A) At the centre on the charge of inner sphere .
(B) At distance 3/2R from the centre Ex.51 In the following fig, of charged spheres A , B
(C) potential will be same inside and on the & C whose charge densities are , - &
surface of sphere , so given information is and radii a, b & c respectively what will be
inadequate. the value of VA & VB.
(D) Insulating bodies can not be given charge
Sol. (A) Potential at the centre of insulating
sphere is given by B c b
1 Q(3R 2 r 2 ) +
Vin = .......(1) B A a
4 0 2R 3 C
and on the surface ,
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4a 2 4b 2 4c 2 (vi) If two charged wires (1) & (2) are kept
Sol. VA = k k parallel to each other at a distance 'd', then
a b c
the force on unit length of any of the wire is :
= [a – b + c] [ = ] 1 2
0 A
2 0 d
4a 2 4b 2 4c 2 Ex.54 Electric field intensity is proportional to r-1
VB = k b b c due to
(A) point charge (B) dipole
a2 (C) infinite long charge (D)none of the above
= b c Sol. (3). The electric field intensity due to infinite
0 b
Ex.52 In the above example if VA = VC then what long charge is given by E = 2 r
will be relation among a.b & c
Sol. Q VA = VC ....(1) Hence E .
Ex.55 A charge q is rotating along a circle of radius
VA = [a – b + c] r around an infinitely long wire with a line
charge density . The velocity of charge is
a2 b2
VC = b c c mv 2
0 Sol. Here centripetal force r is being provided
Now from (1) , c = a + b
by the electric force of attraction , so
Ex.53 A solid conducting sphere with a charge Q is
mv 2 q
placed concentrically inside a second = –qE = 2 r
uncharged hollow sphere. Potential difference r 0
between the two is V. Now , outer sphere is
given a charge of –3q. What will be the q
potential difference - v = 2 0m
Sol. V, since ' V' depends only on the charge of [When a charged particle moves along
the inner sphere which is not changed. circular orbit in electric field, the following
11.3 Electric field due to infinitely long charge
(i) A long wire is given a line charge density . mv 2
formula is generally used =qE]
(ii) If wire is positively charged , direction of E 11.4 Electric field at a point due to an infinite sheet
will be away from the wire while f or a of charge
negatively charged wire, direction of E will (i) If = surface charge density. Intensity at
be towards the wire .
points near to the sheet = E = r̂
(iii) E at point p 2 0
E = 2 r r̂ or E = 2 r
0 0 +
+ +
(iv) + +
r E
V o r
O + + +
r +
(v) Potential difference between points A (r1) &
r2 (ii) Direction of electric field is perpendicular to
B(r2) = VA – VB = 2 l n
r the sheet of charge.
0 1
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(iii) Intensity of electric field does not depend upon 1
+ + 2
the distance of points from the sheet for the
points in front of sheet i.e.. There is an
+ +
E2 E1 + +
equipotential region near the charged sheet.
(iv) Potential difference between two points A
. +
. E1
+ .
& B at distances r1 & r2 respectively is + + E2 E1
+ +
VA – VB = 2 (r2 r1 ) + +
1 2
11.5 Electric field due to infinite charged metal
sheet (ii) Two plates have opposite type of charge
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(ii) Intensity will be zero at the centre of the
ring. q 1
W 12 = 4 R (Q1 Q 2 ) 1
(iii) Intensity will be maximum at a distance 0 2
R / 2 from the centre and Note : Work done in moving the same charge from
2 1 Q second to the first ring will be negative of
Emax= . . 2 the work done calculated above i.e.
3 3 4 0 R
(iv) Electric potential at a distance x from centre, q 1
W 1 = 4 R (Q1 Q 2 )1 .
1 Q 0 2
V =
4 0
( x2 R2 ) 11.8 Uniformly charged semi - circular arc
(v) Electric potential will be maximum at the
1 Q Ecentre = 2 R
centre and Vmax = 4 R
0 Q
where l = linear charge density =
Electric Field
Ex.56 Two symmetrical rings of radius R each are
placed coaxially at a distance R meter. These
rings are given the charges Q 1 & Q 2
respectively , uniformly. What will be the work
done in moving a charge q from center of one
ring to centre of the other. 1 Q
Vcentre = 4 R
Sol. Work done = q (V2 – V1) potential at the 0
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(c) Dimension : [M0 L1 T 1 A1 ]
(d) It is denoted by p that is p = q d
12.1 Electric field due to a dipole
–q 90º +q p
(i) There are two components of electric field at l
l O
any point l
(a) Er in the direction of r 1 q(2 ) cos
(viii) V = .
4 0 r2
(b) E in the direction perpendicular to r
1 2P cos 1 P cos 1 P. r
= . = .
Er = 4 . 4 0 r 2 4 r2
0 r3 0
1 P sin 1 P . r̂
E = .
4 0 r 3 = .
4 0 r 3
E where is the angle between P and r .
V can also be written as
r 1 1 1 r̂
V = P . because =
4 0 r
r r2
–q O q qd
(ix) If = 0, Vaxis =
4 0 . r 2
(ii) Resultant
(x) If = 90º, Vequator = 0
(xi) Here we see that V = 0 but E 0 for points
E = E r2 E 2 = 4 r 3 1 3 cos 2
0 at equator
(xii) Again, if r >> d is not true and d = 2l,
(iii) Angle between the resultant E and r is
1 P
E 1 Vaxis = 4 . 2 2
given by = tan-1 = tan-1 tan 0 (r )
r 2
Vequator = 0
(iv) If = 0 , i.e point is on the axis -
Note :
1 P
Eaxis = . (i) This is not essential that at a point, where
4 0 r 3 E = 0 , V will also be zero there eg.
= 0 , i .e . along the axis. inside a uniformly charged sphere, E = 0
(v) If = 90º , i.e. point is on the line bisecting but V 0
the dipole perpendicularly (ii) Also if V = 0 , it is not essential for E to
1 P be zero eg. in equatorial position of
Eequator = .
4 0 r 3 dipole V = 0, but E 0
(vi) So, Eaxis = 2Eequator (for same r) 12.2 Electric Dipole In an Electric Field - Uniform
Electric Field
1 2 Pr
(vii) Eaxis = 4 . 2 (i) When an electric dipole is placed in an
0 ( r 2 )2 uniform electric dipole , A torque acts on it
which subjects the dipole to rotatory motion.
1 2P
Eequator = 4 . 2 This is given by = PE sin or
2 3/2
0 (r )
= P E
where P = q . (2l )
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(ii) Potential energy of the dipole
Electric Dipole
U = – PE cos = – P . E Ex.57 An electron and a proton are placed at
distance of 1Å. What will be dipole moment
of so formed dipole
Sol. p = qd = 1.6 × 10–19 × 1 × 10–10
= 1.6 × 10–29 coulomb metre
Ex.58 E is the intensity of electric field at distance
x (axial condition) from the centre of an
electric dipole. If the same intensity is at a
point distance x' on perpendicular bisector of
dipole from its centre , then relation between
x & x' will be -
(A) x' = x (B) x' = x/2
Cases :
(C) x' = x/22/3 (D) x' = x/21/3
Sol. (D) Given, Eaxis = Eequvatorial
(a) If = 0º , i.e. P || E = 0 and
U = – PE , dipole is in the minimum potential 2p p
k 3 = k
energy state and no torque acting on it and x x'3
hence it is in the stable equilibrium state. x' = x/2 1/3
Note : All these are valid only if d < < r .
(b) For = 180º, i.e. P and E are in opposite
direction , then = 0 but U = PE which is Ex.59 An electric dipole is placed in a uniform
maximum potential energy state. Although it
is in equilibrium but it is not a stable state electric field E . What must be the angle
and a slight perturbation can disturb it.
between E and dipole, so that dipole has
(c) = 900 , i.e. P E , then minimum potential energy ?
(iii) Work done in rotating the dipole through 1800 2pE(2 3 ) pE(2 3 )
(C) (D)
from stable equilibrium state 2 2
W = 2PE = 2 (potential energy)
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Sol.(B) When the dipole is rotated such that it (v) Energy associated with the electric field
acquires a new position A'B' form position between plates of parallel plate capacitor is
AB then 1 = 300 Now if dipole is rotated
1 2
through 1800 from its position AB then U = 0E (Ad) where E =
2 0
2 = 1800
[These topics can be best studied in the
Now from figure work done in rotating the
chapter "Capacitance"]
dipole form position A'B' so that the point A'
coincide with B, is (vi) Work done in charging a parallel plate
W = pE [cos1 – cos2] capacitor is stored as the electric field
between plates.
= PE [cos300 – cos1800]
13.2 Drop of a charged liquid -
3 3 2
If n identical drops each having a charge q
= PE 2 ( 1) = PE 2
and radius r coalesce to form a single large
drop of radius R and charge Q, then
13. FORCE ON THE SURFACE OF A CHARGED (a) Charge will be conserved i.e. nq = Q
(b) Volume will be conserved i.e.
(i) If surface charge density on a surface is , 4 3 4
then electric field intensity at a point near n. r = R3 or R = n1/3 r
3 3
this surface is . 1 q
0 (c) Potential of each small drops = V = .
4 0 r
(ii) When a conductor is charged then it's entire
surface experiences an outward force (d) Potential of large drop = V'
perpendicular to the surface. 1 Q
(iii) The force per unit area of the charged surface V' = 4 R = V' = n2/3 V
is called as the electrical pressure ,
(e) Electric field at surface of small drop = E
Pelectrical. = N/m 2. 1 q
2 0 E = 4 . 2
0 r
(iv) The direction of this force is perpendicular to
the surface. (d) Electric field at surface of large drop = E'
1 Q
13.1 Energy associated with the electric field E' = 4 . 2
0 R
(i) The energy stored per unit volume around a
point in an electric field E is given by E' = n1/3 E.
U = E2
2 0
This is also called energy density Forece on drop of a charged liquid
(ii) If in place of vacuum some medium is present
1 Ex.61 1000 equal drops of radius 1cm, and charge
then U = E2 . 1 × 10-6 C are fused to form one bigger drop.
2 0 r
(iii) For the electric field around a charged The ratio of potential of bigger drop to one
1 q2
smaller drop, and the electric field intensity
conducting sphere U = . on the surf ace of bigger drop will be
8 0 R
Where q = charge on sphere
(A) 100 : 1, 9 × 108 V/m
R = radius of sphere
(B) (10)1/3 : 1, 9 × 108 V/m
(iv) The force of attraction per unit area between
(C) (100)1/3, 8 × 108 V/m
plates of parallel plate capacitor is F = (D) (1000)2/3 : 1, 9 × 106 V/m
2 0
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Sol. (A) Let the potential of one smaller drop be V (5) If equal charge q is placed at points r, 2r, 4r,
then potential of bigger drop, is 8r, ......... from a point 'P', then potential at
V' = n2/3 V 'P' will be V= 2kq/r
(6) The work done in moving a charge in circular
= n2/3 orbit, in a electric field is zero.
(7) If a charged particle of charge q and kinetic
= (1000)2/3 = 100 energy E, moving about a nucleus of atomic
V' : V = 100 : 1 number z, then the least distance between
nucleus and charged particle will be-
Also let the electric field on the surface of
smaller drop be E then electric field on bigger For least distance of reach,
drop is potential energy = Kinetic energy
1 ze
kq q = E
E' = n1/3 E = n1/3 4 0 r
(where r is least distance of reach)
9 6
9 10 1 10 [Note : E is kinetic energy, not the electric
= (1000)1/3 2 2
(1 10 ) field]
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other, the entire charge of charged conductor (27) If a charged particle having a charge q and
will come at the outer surface of outer mass m is moving in an electric field between
conductor to have minimum potential energy. two points having a potential difference of V
volts, then the increase in kinetic energy of
(14) If an electron and proton are moving in a
the body is
uniform electric field, then the electric force
acting on them, will be same, but the 1 qV
mv 2 = Vq or v =
acceleration of proton will 1/1836 times that 2 m
of electron, (Because the mass of proton is (28) Electrophorus is used to charge a body by
1836 times that of electron) electrostatic induction.
(15) The electric field inside a charged conductor (29) If E = 0 at any point then it is not necessary
is zero that the electrostatic potential at that point
(16) The electric potential of a charged conductor will also be zero. It may be finite, as in case
is same at inner and outer surfaces of the interior point of a uniformly charged
conducting sphere, E = 0 but V 0.
(17) The dipole placed in a uniform electric field
experience torque, and the net force acting (30) If V = 0 at any point, then it is not necessary
on it is zero.Therefore in uniform electric field that the intensity of electric field at that point
the dipole has rotatory motion only not will also be zero, as in case of broad side on
translatory motion. position of a dipole, V = 0 but E 0
(18) When electric dipole is placed in non-uniform (31) If a small charged conductor is placed inside
field it experience torque as well as net force, another big and hollow charged conductor and
then by it has rotatory as well as translatory both are joined by a wire then the charge
motion. flows from smaller conductor to bigger
conductor because the potential of smaller
(19) The electric field due to electric dipole in end
conductor is more than that of bigger
side on position on = 2 (electric field in broad
side on position)
(32) If two like charges are placed at some distance
(20) The potential of earth is zero. from each other, then the intensity of field will
(21) The work done in moving a charged particle be zero at any point on the line joining the two
does not depend upon the path. charges, somewhere between the charges.
(22) The best conductor of electricity is silver (Ag) (33) If two unlike charges are placed at some
distance from each other, then the intensity
(23) The bubble of soap always inflates, when it
of field will be zero at any point lying on the
is charged (negatively or positively)
line joining the charges but outside the
(24) The volume of air inside the soap bubble charges. The neutral point is situated on the
remains constant, in the process of charging. side of charge of smaller magnitude.
(25) If two bodies having charges q1 and ±q2 are (34) Polar dielectrics are those dielectrics in which
brought in contanct and again separated, then the centre of positive charge of a molecule
net charge on each of them will be does not coincides with the centre of negative
charge and hence they do not show a dipole
q1 q2
q = moment in the absence of electric field.
However, they show a dipole moment when
(26) The electric field vanishes in a cavity made they are placed in external field.
in a conductor. This is called electrostatic
(35) When two charged pith balls having charges
shielding. It implies that the electric
q1 and q2 are suspended from same point
instrument can be protected from outside
with then help of silk threads then considering
electric fields by placing it in a box made of
the equilibrium of any one ball -
a good conducting material.
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Moment of Fe about 0 = Moment mg about O (37) The closed imaginary surface drawn around
Fe × OC = mg AC a charge is called Gaussian surface.
(38) For point charge or spherical distribution of
= tan charge, the gaussian surface will be spherical
and the electric field will be perpendicular to
q1q 2 the surface at all points.
4 0 x 2 mg (39) If the flux emerging out of a Gaussian
surface is zero then it is not necessary that
= tan the intensity of electric field is zero.
(40) Equal amounts of charges can be given to
the solid or hollow conducting spheres of
equal radius.
(41) With increase in temperature the dielectric
constant of liquid increases.
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Ex.1 Two small balls having equal charges Q, are
suspended from a hook with two insulating 6 10 23 10
n = ,
threads each of length L. This arrangement 63.5 1000
is carried in the space, where there is no Magnitude of charge
gravitation. The tension in each string will
be- 6 10 23 10
q = ne = × 1.6 × 10–19 Coul.
63.5 1000
B 1920
A = Coul.
L L 127
Separation between pieces = 1 cm = 10–2 m
kQ One piece of copper has positive charge and
(A) (B) 0 the other negative charge, therefore force of
1 q1q 2
kQ kQ 2 attraction between the pieces = 4 2
(C) (D) 0 r
4L2 L2
1920 1920
kQ 2 9 10 9
Sol. (A) F = (electrostatic force acting = 127 127
(10 2 )2
between two charged balls)
= 2.057 × 1016N
kQ 2
QF=T= Ex.3 A thin conducting ring of radius r has an
4L2 electric charge +Q. What would be the in-
Note :- In the above problem, the angle between the crease in the tension of wire, if a point charge
'threads will be 1800.' Because in the ab- +q is placed at the centre of the ring ?
sence of gravity, the tension in the threads Sol. Charge on a small element dl of the ring
will be only due to columb-repulsion. There-
fore the angle between the threads will be Q
dQ = d
1800. 2r
Ex.2 A copper atom consists of copper nucleus Outward electric force on this element
surrounded by 29 electrons. The atomic
weight of copper is 63.5 g/mole. Let us now 1 Qd q
Fe =
take two pieces of copper each wieghing 10g. 4 0 2r r 2
Let us transfer one electron from one piece
Let the tension be increased by T, to
to another for every 1000 atoms in that piece.
What will be the coulomb force between the balance this force Fe.
two pieces after the transfer of electron if
they are 1cm. apart.
[Avogadro number N = 6 × 1023 /g. mole charge Fe
on an electron = –1.6 × 10–19 coulomb] d
Sol. 63.5 g copper contains N = 6 × 1023 copper d
atoms. +Q
d +q O Charge
Therefore number of copper atoms in 10g 2 on ring
6 10 23
copper = × 10
63.5 T
As only one electron is transferred for every
The increase in tension is given by
1000 atoms, therefore the number of electron
transferred = 2T sin (d/2) = 2T d/2 T dl/r
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Arc 1 q1q2
( dl = rd, Angle = ) = 4
radius 0 (1 k ) 2 r 2
d 1 Qd q 1 q1q2
Hence T
r 4 0 2r r 2 Then force in air will be Fair = 4 r2
T = 82 r 2 F 4
0 F = (1 k )2
Ex.4 (a) Two similar point charges q1 and q2 are
placed at a distance 'r' apart in air. If a di- F 4
electric slab of thickness 't' (< r) and dielec- Given F =
air 9
tric constant 'K' is placed between the
charges, calculate the coulomb force of re- K=4
pulsion (b). If the thickness of slab covers Ex.5 The bob of a pendulum carries an electric
half the distance, between the charges, the charge of 39.2 × 10–10 coulomb in an elec-
coulomb repulsive force is reduced in the ratio tric field of 20 × 103 v/m and it is at rest.
9 : 4, calculate the dielectric constant of The angle made by the pendulum with the
slab. vertical will be, if the mass of pendulum is
Sol. (a) The repulsive force between the charges 8 × 10–6 kg and g = 9.8 -
(A) 27º (B) 45º
1 q1q2
in air is F0 = 4 ....(A) (C) 87º (D) 127º
0 r2
Sol. (B) T sin = qE
If the space is completely filled with medium
T cos = mg
of dielectric constant K, the repulsive force
1 q1q2
F = 4 ....(B)
0 Kr
2 E
Now let us suppose that the repulsive force Tcos
is F in air if separation between charges T
becomes r', so Tsin qE
1 q1q2 mg
F = 4 ...(C)
0 r12
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Sol. Suppose the mass of the bob is m and the
length of its thread is l. When the bob and
the capacitor both are uncharged, then time T1 = 2 qE
period is given by T = 2 g . Suppose a and in cae (ii) it is
charge +q is given to the bob. On charging
the ca-
paci t or, S qE
T2 = 2 g
the equi- + -
librium + -
posi tion + - Clearly, in case (i) the time period decreases
of the + l - (T1 < T) and in case (ii) it in cases (T2 > T)
bob will + Ex.8 A square of side 'a' has equal charge 'q' at
change + its corners.
from O to + + The magnitude and direction of force at B
O and + + qE will be-
thread of + O -
the pen- O 1 kq2
mg mg (A) (1 + 2 2 ), 45º
dulum 2 a2
will now make an angle with the vertical, such
qE 1 k 2 q2
that tan = mg where qE is the electric (B) , 45º
2 a2
force and mg is the gravitational force. On
displacing the bob from the position O', it will (C) , 30º
oscillate under the effective acceleration g', a2
(D) none of these
while mg' = (mg)2 (qE )2
Sol. (A) Force on the charge placed at B, due to
2 kq 2
qE charges at A, C, & D are F1 = ,
g' = g2 a2
kq2 kq2
Hence the new time period of the pendulum F2 = & F3 = respectively.
a2 2a 2
[Note BD = 2 a]
is T = 2 g . = 2
[g (qE / m)2 ]1/ 4
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1 kq2 1 q2
F = F12 + F3 = (1 + 2 2 ) F' = ,
2 a2 4 0 r 2
If resultant makes an angle of with F1 where K is dielectric constant of the liquid, and
(iii) tension T (say). Now T cos 150 = mg/2
F1 sin
tan = F F cos 1 q2
1 2 and T sin 150 =
4 0K r 2
= 45º
Ex.9 Two identical charged spheres are suspended 1 2q2
in air by strings of equal lengths and string tan 150 = 4 K 2 ....(2)
0 mgr
make an angle of 300 with each other. When
suspended in a liquid of density 0.8 gm cm–3, From eq. (1) and (2) we have
the angle remains the same. What is the
dielectric constant of the liquid ? (Density of 1 q2 1 2q2
the material of the spheres = 1.6 gm cm –3) 4 0 mgr 2 = 4 0K mgr 2 K=2
Sol. Suppose the mass of each sphere is m kg,
Ex.10 An electron falls a distance of 4 cm in a uni-
the distance between them is r meter. Each
form electric field of magnitude 5 x 104 N/C.
sphere is in equilibrium under the action of
The time taken by electron in falling will be-
three forces (i) weight of the sphere = mg
(A) 2.99 × 10–7 s (B) 2.99 × 10–8 s
–9 (D) 2.99 × 10–10 s
1 q2 (C) 2.99 × 10 s
(ii) electrical force of repulsion F = Sol. (C)
4 0 r 2
and (iii) tension T of the string. Resolving 1 2 1 eE 2 F eE
these forces in vertical and horizontal y = at = t [Q a = e = ]
2 2 m m m
components, we have
T cos 15 = mg and 2ym
t = = 3 × 10–9 s
1 q2
T sin 150 = F = [Putting y = 4 × 10–2 m, m = 9.1 × 10–31 kg,
4 0 r 2
e = 1.6 × 10–19C, E = 5 × 104 N/C]
1 2q2 Ex.11 In the following C B
tan 150 = 4 K 2 ....(1) fig. a unit positive
0 mgr 45º
charge mov es
On immersing along the path
in the liquid the ABC in an r
(effective) electric field E.
15 0
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Ex.12 Charge 2q, –q & –q lies at the vertices of a Ex.14 Two particles A and B having masses equal
equilateral. The value of E and V at the cen- and charges q and 4q. If these are acceler-
troid of the triangle will be- ated from rest through same potential dif-
(A) E 0 and V 0 ference, then what will be the ratio in their
(B) E = 0 and V = 0
(A) 4 : 1 (B) 1 : 4
(C) E 0 and V = 0 (C) 2 : 1 (D) 1 : 2
(D) E 0 and V 0
Sol. (C) +2q Sol. (D) E = mv 2 = q × V
E2 O E2
60 600
VA q 1
–q –q v q V = =
E1 B 4q 2
Ex.15 Two identical particles of mass m carry a
V = V 1 + V2 + V 3
charge Q each. Initially one is at rest on a
2q q q smooth horizontal plane and the other is
= k = 0 projected along the plane directly towards
a a a
the first particle from a large distance, with
E = E1 + (E2 cos 600 + E2 cos 600] the speed v. Find the closest distance of
= E1 + E 2 approach-
E 0 Sol. The masses are identical, each of mass m.
Therefore we cannot treat any particle too
Ex.13 From the fig. given below, the potential
heavier and hence at rest throughout. An
energy of the system will be-
external force on the system is zero. Ac-
cording to principle of conservation of linear
Initial momentum = Final momentum
mv = mv 1 + mv 2
v = v1 + v2
Where v 1 and v 2 are velocities of first and
second particles as the particles are identi-
cal, so by symmetry at nearest approach
kq2 kq 2
2 4 (B)
a v1 = v2 =
kq This means that to conserve momentum both
(C) 0 (D)
2 4 particles travel with velocity v/2 along the
same straight line. If d is the distance of
Sol. (A) U = U12 + U23 + U34 + U41 + U13 + U24
nearest approach, then initial energy of sys-
q( q) ( q)(q) ( q)( q) tem = Final energy at nearest approach
= k
a a a 2 2
1 1 v 1 v
mv 2 = m + m
2 2 2 2 2
( q)(q) (q)(q) ( q)(q)
a a 2 a 2 1 (Q)(Q)
4 0 d
kq 2
= ( 2 4) 1 1 Q2
a 2
mv =
4 4 0 d
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Sol. The electric field at the centre of ring is zero. The potential at, a point distant 3 cm from
Therefore the force on charged particle at the
centre of ring is zero. Hence if the particle 1 q q
centre, V1 = 4
r b
reaches at the centre O of the ring, then it will 0 1
not return to P. For minimum value of velocity
The potential at a point distant 2 cm from
v, the speed of particle at the centre must be
zero. By the principle of conservation of energy. 1 q q
centre, V2 = 4
(K.E. + P.E.) at P = (K.E. + P.E.) at O r
0 2 b
The gain in K.E. of electron K = e (V2 – V1)
1 q q q q
dy = e 4
0 r2 b r1 b
1 1 1
a P 3R,0,0 =
4 0
eq r r
2 1
X = 9 × 109 × 1.6 × 10–19 ×
4 1 1
× 10–8 2
Z 9 2 10 3 10
1 (2R )q 32
1 = × 10–19 Joule
mv 2 + 4 0 3
2 ( 3R)2 R 2
1 32
1 (2R )q mv 2 = × 10–19 joule
= 0 + 4 2 3
0 R
v = 1.54 × 107 m/s [ m = 9 × 10–31 kg]
1 1 ( 2R )q (2R )q Ex.21 A charge Q is distributed over two concentric
mv 2 =
2 4 0 R 2R hollow spheres of radii r and R (> r) such
that the surface densities are equal. Find the
potential at the common centre.
v = Sol. Suppose the charges on the spheres of radii
2 0m
r and R are Qr, and QR respectively, Then
Ex.20 The radii of internal and external spheres of Q = Qr + Q R
concentric spherical air capacitor are 1 cm Let the surf ace density be . Then
and 4 cm respectively. A potential difference
of 3000 volts is applied between the spheres. Qr QR
= 2 =
What velocity will be imparted to an electron. 4r 4R 2
when it approaches from a distance of
r1 = 3 cm to r2 = 2cm as measured from the Qr r2
or Q + 1 = 2 + 1
centre of spheres. R R
Sol. The potential differences between spherical Qr QR r 2 R2
or =
1 q q QR R2
conductors Vab =
4 0 a b
Q r 2 R2
Here a = 1cm = 10-2 m, or Q =
R R2
b = 4 cm = 4 × 10-2 m R2
QR = Q r 2 R 2 ,
1 1
3000 = 9 × 109 q 2
10 4 10 2 R2
Similarly, Qr = Q 2
4 r R
q= × 10–8 coul.
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Suppose the potentials at the common cen- Therefore net electric force on system
tre due to QR and Q r be VR and Vr respec- = qE – qE = 0
tively. Then
These two force form a couple of moment
QR QR = (qE) l sin
VR = =
4 0R 4 0R(r 2 R 2 ) Restoring couple = – qE l sin
If is angular acceleration, then from rela-
Qr Qr 2
Vr = = tion = I , we have
4 0 r 4 0 r (r 2 R 2 )
I = –qElsin = –qEl
Q Rr [Q sin = , for small value of ]
V = VR + Vr = 4 2 2
0 r R
Ex.22 A point particle of mass M is attached to Angular acceleration =
one end of a massless rigid non-conducting
rod of length l. Another point particle of the
same mass is attached to the other end of i.e. motion is angular S.H.M. for which stan-
the rod. The two particles carry charges +q dard equation is = –2
and –q respectively. This arrangement is
qE 2qE
held in a region of a uniform electric field E 2 = =
such that the rod makes angle (say of 50)
with the field direction. Find an expression
T 2 / M
for the minimum time needed for the rod to t= = = =
become parallel to the field after it is set 4 4 2 2 2qE
Sol. The rod comes to equilibrium position due to
a torque The moment of inertia of system
about O,
2 2
M 2
I = M + M =
2 2 2
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Q.7 If a glass rod is rubbed with silk, it acquires
based on Charge & its properties a positive charge because -
Q.1 The ratio of electric force (Fe) to gravitational (A) Protons are added to it.
force acting between two electrons will be: (B) Protons are removed from it.
(A) 1 × 1036 (B) 2 × 1039 (C) Electrons are added to it.
(C) 6 × 10 45 (D) 4 × 1042 (D) Electrons are removed from it.
Q.2 Fg and F e represent the gravitational and Q.8 Which one of the following is the unit of
electrostatic force respectively between two electric charge ?
electrons situated at some distance. The (A) Coulomb (B) Newton
ratio of Fg to Fe is of the order of - (C) Volt (D) Coulomb/Volt
(A) 1036 (B) 101
(C) 10º (D) 10–43 Q.9 An accelerated or deaccelerated charge
Q.3 One quantum of charge should be at least (A) Electric field only
be equal to the charge in coloumb: (B) Magnetic field only
(A) 1.6 × 10–17 c. (B) 1.6 × 10–19 c.
(C) Localised electric and magnetic fields
(C) 1.6 × 10 c. (D). 4.8 × 10–10 c.
(D) Electric and magnetic fields that are radi-
Q.4 The unit of charge is coulomb in SI system
and esu of charge (or stat coul) in C.G.S.
Q.10 W hich one of the f ollowing statement
system 1 coloumb equals
regarding electrostatics is wrong ?
(A) 3 × 109 esu (B) (1/3 × 109)esu
8 (A) Charge is quantized
(C) (1/3 × 10 ) esu (D) (9 × 109) esu
(B) Charge is conserved
(C) There is an electric field near an isolated
Q.5 The relative strengths of grav itational, charge at rest
electromagnetic and strong nuclear forces are-
(D) A stationary charge produces both electric
(A) 1 : 1039 : 1036 (B) 1 : 1036 : 1039
and magnetic fields
(C) 1 : 10-26 : 10-39 (D) 1 : 10-39 : 10-36
Q.6 An electron at rest has a charge of 1.6 × 10–19 C. Q.11 The dielectric constant for water is -
It starts moving with a velocity v = c/2, where (A) 1 (B) 40
c is the speed of light, then the new charge (C) 81 (D) 0.3
on it is -
(A) 1.6 × 10–19 Coulomb 1
Q.12 In M.K.S. System, 4 equals -
2 0
(B) 1.6 × 10–19 1 Coulomb (A) 9 × 109 N-m2/C2
(B) 1 N-m 2/C2
2 (C) 1 dyne - cm 2 / stat C2
(C) 1.6 × 10–19 1 Coulomb (D) 9 × 109 dyne x cm2 / stat C2
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Q.14 Charges reside on the - Q.19 The force between an -particle and an
(A) Outer surface of the charged conductor electron separated by a distance of 1 Å is -
(B) Inner surface of the charged conductor (A) 2.3 × 10–8 N attractive
(C) Inner as well as outer surface of the (B) 2.3 × 10–8 N Repulsive
charged conductor (C) 4.6 × 10–8 N attractive
(D) 4.6 × 10–8 repulsive
(D) None of the above
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Q.26 Two similar and equal charges repel each
other with force of 1.6 N, when placed 3m q 1 q 1
(C) 2 (D)
apart. Strength of each charge is- 4m 0L3 2 16 0 mL3
(A) 40 C (B) 20C
(C) 4C (D) 2C Q.32 Two small balls having equal positive charge Q
(Coulomb) on each are suspended by two
Q.27 There are two charges +1 micro-coulomb and insulating strings of equal length 'L' metre, from
+5 micro-coulomb, the ratio of force on them a hook fixed to a stand. The whole set up is
will be– taken in a satellite in to space where there is
(A) 1043 (B) 1 : 1 no gravity (state of weight lessness) Then the
(C) 10º (D) 10-43 angle () between the two strings is -
(A) 0º (B) 90º
based on superposition principle (C) 180º (D) 0º < < 180º
Q.29 The three charges each of 5 × 10–6 coloumb Q.34 Equal charges of each 2C are placed at a
are placed at vertex of an equilateral triangle point x = 0, 2, 4, and 8 cm on the x-axis. The
of side 10cm. The force exerted on the force experienced by the charge at x=2 cm is
charge of 1 C placed at centre of triangle
equal to -
in newton will be
(A) 13.5 (B) zero (A) 5 Newton (B) 10 Newton
(C) 4.5 (D) 6.75 (C) 0 Newton (D) 15 Newton
Q.30 A point charge q1 exerts a force F upon Q.35 Three equal charges (q) are placed at corners
another charge q2. If one other charge q3 be of a equilateral triangle. The force on any
placed quite near to charge q2, then the froce charge is-
that charge q1 exerts on the charge q2 will
be Kq2
(A) Zero (B) 3
(A) F (B) >F a2
(C) < F (D) zero Kq2 Kq 2
(C) (D) 3 3
3a 2 a2
Q.31 A mass particle (mass = m and charge = q)
is placed bewteen two point charges of Q.36 Two identical charges of charge (q) and
charge q separtion between these two charge placed at (-a,0) and (a, 0). Same nature
is 2L. The frequency of oscillation of mass charge particle is placed at origin. It executes
particle, if it is displaced for a small distance
S.H.M. If it is displaced -
along the line joining the charges–
(A) In x-direction
q 1 q 4 (B) In y-direction
(A) 2 (B) 2
m 0L3 m 0L3 (C) at an angle of 45º from the x-axis
(D)along perpendicular to the plane.
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Q.37 Two equal negative charge (-q) are fixed at the Q.42 If Q =2 coloumb and f orce on it is
points (0, a) and (0, –a) on the y-axis. A F=100 newtons , Then the value of field
positive charge (Q) is released from rest at the intensity will be -
point (2a, 0) on the x-axis. The charge Q will - (A) 100 N/C (B) 50 N/C
(A) execute simple harmonic motion about the (C) 200 N/C (D) 10 N/C
(B) move to the origin and remains at rest Q.43 Four equal but like charge are placed at four
(C) move to infinity corners of a square. The electric field intensity
at the center of the square due to any one
(D) execute oscillatory but not simple
charge is E, then the resultant electric field
harmonic motion
intensity at centre of square will be :
(A) Zero (B) 4E
Q.38 Five point charges, each of value +q coulomb, (C) E (D) 1/2E
are placed on five vertices of a regular hexa-
gon of side L metre. The magnitude of the
force on a point charge of value -q coul. Q.44 Two charges 9e and 3e are placed at a
placed at the centre of the hexagon is - distance r. The distance of the point where
the electric field intensity will be zero is:
kq 2 kq2
(A) (B) 5
L2 L2 r
(A) from 9e charge
kq2 1 3
(C) 3 (D) Zero
(B) from 9e charge
based on Electric Field 1 1/ 3
Q.39 A pendulem bob of mass 80mg and carrying a (C) from 3e charge
1 3
charge of 2 × 10–8 coul. is at rest in a horizontal
uniform electric field of 20,000 V m–1. Find the r
tension in the thread of pendulum - (D) from 3e charge.
1 1/ 3
(A) 8.8 × 10-2 N (B) 8.8 × 10-3 N
(C) 8.8 × 10-4N (D) 8.8 × 10-5 N
Q.45 A proton is first placed at A and then at B
between the two plates of a parallel plate
Q.40 Two charges 4q and q are placed 30 cm. capacitor charged to a P.D. of V volt as
apart. At what point the value of electric field shown. Then force on proton at A is-
will be zero +
B --
(A) 10 cm. away from q and between the + -
charge + A -
+ -
(B) 20 cm. away from q and between the + -
+ -
(C) 10 cm. away from q and out side the line (A) more than at B
joining the charge.
(B) less than at B
(D) 10 cm. away from 4q and out side the
(C) equal to that at B
line joining them.
(D) nothing can be said
Q.41 Unit of electric field intensity is newtons/
Q.46 An electric field can deflect -
coulomb. The other unit of this can be
(A) Vm . (B) Vm 2 (A) X-rays (B) Neutrons
(C) V/m (D) V/m 2 (C) -particles (D) - rays
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Q.47 Which one of the following relations is correct Q.52 In electric f ield, a 6.75 C charge
(A) 1 N/C = 108 Volt / m experiences 2.5 N force, when placed at
(B)1 N/C = 10–6 V/m distance of 5m from the origin. Then potential
(C)1 N/C = 1 V/m gradient at this point will be- (in M.K.S.)
(A) 5.71 × 105 (B) 3.71 × 105
(D)1 N/C = 10–8 V/m
(C) 18.81 × 105 (D) 1.881 × 105
Q.51 Four charges +q, +q, –q and –q are placed Q.56 A uniform electric field having a magnitude
respectively at the corners A, B, C and D of E0 and direction along positive x-axis exists.If
a square of side (a), arranged in the given the electric potential(V) is zero at x = 0 then
order. Calculate the intensity at (O) the centre its value at x = + x will be-
of the square . (A) Vx = x E0 (B) Vx = –x.E0
(C) Vx = x2 E0 (D) Vx = x2 E0
4 0 .a 2 4 2q
(A) (B)
4 2q 4 0 .a 2
Q.57 The dimensions of potential difference are -
(A) ML2T –2Q–1 (B) MLT–2Q–1
0 .a 2
(C) (D) 4 2q (C) MT–2Q–2 (D) ML2 T –1 Q –1
4 2q
0 .a 2
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Q.58 Three equal charges are placed at the three (A) 2.7 × 103 V (B) 1.52 × 105 V
corners of an isosceles triangle as shown in (C) 1.3 × 103 V (D) – 1.52 × 105 V
the figure. The statement which is true for
electric potential V and the field intensity E
at the centre of the triangle is- Q.64 In a region where E = 0, the potential (V)
q varies with distance r as-
(A) V
O r
(B) V r
q q 1
(C) V
(A) V = 0, E = 0 (B) V = 0, E 0
(D) V = const. independent of (r)
(C) V 0 , E =0 (D) V 0, E 0
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Q.69 Some equipotential lines are as shown is fig. Q.73 Three charges are placed as shown in fig if
E1, E2 and E3 are the electric fields at the electric potential energy of system is
points 1, 2 and 3 then - zero, then Q : q-
–q Q –q
2 3 r r
Q 2 Q 2
70V (A) (B)
60V q 1 q 1
50V 40V 30V 20V
(A) E1 = E2 = E3 Q 1 Q 1
(C) (D)
q 2 q 4
(B) E1 > E2 > E3
(C) E1 > E2, E2< E3
Q.74 If a unit charge is taken from one point to
(D) E1 < E2 < E3
another over an equipotential surface then-
(A) Work is done on the charge
Q.70 Three charges 2q, -q, -q are located at the (B) Work is done by the charge
vertices of an equilateral triangle. At the
(C) Work on the charge is constant
circum center of the triangle.
(D) No work is done
(A) The field is zero but potential is not zero.
(B) The field is non-zero but the potential is
zero. Q.75 In an electric field the work done in moving a
(C) Both, field and potential are zero. unit positive charge between two points is the
measures of-
(D) Both, field and potential are non- zero
(A) Resistance
(B) Potential difference
Electric potential energy and (C) Intensity of electric field
work done (D) Capacitance
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Q.79 A - particle moves towards a rest nucleus, Q.83 Which of the following statements concerning
if kinetic energy of -particle is 10 MeV and the electrostatics is correct-
atomic number of nucleus is 50. The closest (A) electric line of force never intersect each
approach will be – other
(A) 1.44 × 10–14 m (B) 2.88 × 10–14 m (B) electric lines of force start from positive
(C) 1.44 × 10 –10 m (D) 2.88 × 10–10 m charge and end at the negative charge
(C) electric lines of force start or ends
Q.80 Point charge (q) moves form point (P) to point perpendicular to the surface of a charged
(S) along the path PQRS as shown in fig. in metal.
a uniform electric field E. Pointing coparallel (D) all of the above
to the positive derection of the x-axis. The co-
ordinates of the points P,Q,R and S are
Q.84 When no charge is confined with in the
(a, b, 0), (2a, 0, 0), (a, –b, 0) and (0, 0, 0)
respectively. The work done by the field in the Gauss’s surface, it implies that-
above process is given by the expression (A) E = 0
(B) E and ds are parallel
S Q (C) E and ds are mutually perpendicular
R (D) E and ds are inclined at some angle
(A) q E q (B) –q E a
Q.85 If electric field flux coming out of a closed
(C) q E a 2 (D) qE 2a
b2 surface is zero, the electric field at the surface
will be-
Q.81 Two identical thin rings, each of radius R (A) zero
metres, are coaxially placed at a distance (R) (B) same at all places
metres apart. If Q1 coul and Q2 coul are (C) dependent upon the location of points
respectively The charges uniformaly spread (D) infinites
on the two rings. The work done in moving a
charge (q) from the centre of one ring to that Q.86 If three electric di-poles are placed in some
of other is - closed surface, then the electric flux emitting
(A) zero from the surface will be-
q(Q1 Q 2 ) 2 1
(A) zero
(C) negative
(B) positive
(D) None
2.4 R
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Q.89 A charge of Q coloumb is located at the
centre of a cube. If the corner of the cube is
taken as the origin, then the flux coming out
from the faces of the cube in the direction of
X- axis will be-
(A) 4 Q (B) Q/6 0
(C) Q/3 0 (D) Q/4 0
Q.90 A rectangular surface of 2 metre width and 4
metre length, is placed in an electric field of
intensity 20 newton/C, there is an angle of
60º between the perpendicular to surface and
electrical field intensity. Then total flux emitted Q.95 In fig. shown the electric lines of force
from the surface will be- (In Volt- metre) emerging from a charged body. If the electric
(A) 80 (B) 40 fields at A and B are E A and E B are
(C) 20 (D) 160 respectively, If the distance between A and B
is r then -
(A) EA> EB
Q.91 A charge q is inside a closed surface and
charge – q is outside. The out going electric r
(C) EA= EB A B
flux is-
(D) EA= (EB)/r2
(A) – q/ 0 (B) zero
(C) q/ 0 (D) 2q/ 0
based on Application of Gauss law
Q.92 If the electric field is uniform, then the electric Q.96 Three charges q1 = 1 c , q2 =2 c and
lines of forces are-
q3 = –3 c and four surfaces S1, S2, S3 and
(A) Divergent (B) Convergent S4 are shown. The flux emerging through
(C) Circular (D) Parallel surface S2 in N-m2 / C is -
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Q.99 A square of side 20cm. is enclosed by a Q.105 A cubical box of side 1m is immersed a
surface of sphere of 80 cm. radius . square uniform electric field of strength 104 N/C. The
and sphere have the same centre. four charges flux through the cube is-
+2 × 10–6 c, –5 × 10–6 c, –3 × 10–6 c, (A) 104 (B) 6 × 104
+6 × 10–6c are located at the four corners of (C) 2 × 104 (D) Zero
a square, Then out going total flux from
spherical surface in N-m 2/c will be
Q.106 A charge (q) is located at the centre of a
(A) zero (B) (16) × 10–6 cube. The electric flux through any face of the
(C) (8) × 10 –6 (D) (36 ) × 10–6 cube is-
q q
Q.100 The flux emerging out from any one face of (A) (B) 2
the cube will be - o o
q q q q
(A) 6 (B) 3 (C) (D)
4 o 6 o
0 0
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Q.111 A solid conducting sphere having a charge Q Q.115 An electric dipole consists of two opposite
is surrounded by an uncharged concentric charges each of magnitude 1 × 10 –6 C
conducting hollow spherical shell Let the separated by a distance 2cm. The dipole is
potential difference between the surface of the placed in an external field of 10 × 105N/C.
solid sphere and that of the outer surface of The maximum torque on the dipole is -
the hollow shell be V. If the shell is now given (A) 0.2 × 10–3 N-m (B) 1.0 × 10–3 N-m
a charge of 3Q the new potential difference
(C) 2 × 10-3 N-m (D) 4 × 10–3 N-m
between the same two surfaces is
(A) V (B) 2V
Q.116 The ratio of the electric field due to an electric
(C) 4V (D) –2V dipole on its axis and on the perpendicular
bisector of the dipole is-
Q.112 The electric field intensity at a point located (A) 1 : 2 (B) 2 : 1
at distance r (r < R) from the center of a (C) 1 : 4 (D) 4 : 1
spherical conductor (radius R) charged Q will
be - Q.117 The region surrounding a stationary electric
(A) kQR/r3 (B) kQr/R3 dipole has-
(C) kQ/r2 (D) zero. (A) electric field only
(B) magnetic field only
Q.113 The dependence of electric potential V on (C) both electric and magnetic fields
the distance 'r' from the centre of a charged (D) neither electric nor magnetic field
spherical shell is shown by.
V k( p r )
(C) k( p r ) (D)
(C) (D) r r2
r r
based on Electric dipole
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Q.1 5x105 lines of electric flux are entering in a Q.7 Two small balls having equal positive charge
closed surface and 4x105 liner come out of Q on each are suspended by two insulating
the surface the charge enclosed by the strings at equal length L meter, from a hook
surface is - fixed to a stand. The whole set up is taken
(A) 00.885 × 10–6C (B) 8.85 × 10–6C in a satellite into space where there is no
(C) –8.85 × 10 C (D) 8.85 × 10–8C gravity. Then the angle between two strings
and tension in each string is-
Q.2 A cylinder of radius (R) and length (L) is
placed in a uniform electrical field (E) parallel kq2
to the axis of the cyclinder . the total flux for (A) 0, (B) ,
the surface of the cylinder is given by - L2 2 L2
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Q.11 The electric field at the surface of a charged Q.16 A charged particle of mass (m) is kept in
spherical conductor is 10 KV/m. The electric equilibrium in the electric field between the
field at a distance equal to the diameter from plates of millikan oil drop experiment. If the
its centre will be - direetion of the electric field between the plate
(A) 2.5 V/m (B) 2.5 KV/m is reversed. then acceleration of the charged
(C) 5.0 KV/m (D) 5.0 V/m particle will be-
(A) Zero (B) g /2 (C) g (D) 2g
Q.12 Potential difference between centre and the
surface of a sphere of radius R with uniform Q.17 Two conducting spheres of radii r1 and r2 are
charge density with in it will be equally charged. The ratio of their potentral is-
(A) r12 / r22 (B) r22 / r12
R 2 R 2
(A) (B) (C) r1 / r2 (D) r2 / r1
6 0 4 0
Q.14 Two large metal plates each of area (A) carry Q.19 A metal sphere A of radius R has a charge
charger +q and -q and face each other. the of Q on it .The field at a point B outside the
plates are separated by a small distance (d) sphere is E. Now another sphere of radius
the electric field between the plates would be R having a charge -3Q is placed at point B.
2q qA The total field at a point mid-way between A
(A) A (B) A and B due to both sphere is-
0 0
(A) 4E (B) 8E
q A (C) 12E (D) 16E
(C) A (D) q
0 0
Q.20 Two similar rings P and Q ( radius = 0.1 mt )
Q.15 Two parallel plates of infinite dimensions are are placed co-axially at a distance 0.5
uniformly charged. The surface charge density mt.apart .The charge on P and Q is 2C and
on one is A will on the other is B ,field 4C respectively. Work done due to move a
intensity at point C will be- 5C charge from centre of P to the center of
D Q is-
+ + + + + + + + (A) 1.28 J (B) 0.72 J
(C) 0.144 J (D) 1.44 J
- - - - - - Q.21 A uniformly charged rod with charge per unit
length is bent in to the shape of a
(A) Proportional to( A – B ) semicircle of radius R. The electric field at
the centre is -
(B) Proportional to( A + B )
(C) Zero 2k k
(A) (B)
(D) 2A R 2R
(C) Zero (D) None
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Q.22 A thin stationary ring of radius 1 m has a Q.28 In Millikan's oil drop experiment an oil drop
positive charge 10 µC uniformly distributed carying a charge Q is held stationary by a
over it. A particle of mass 0.9 gm and having potential difference 2400V between the
a negative charge of 1 µC is placed on the plates. To keep a drop of half the radius
axis at a distance of 1 cm from the centre of stationary the potential difference had to be
the ring and released then time period of made 600 V. What is the charge on the
oscillation of particle will be– second drop
(A) 0.6 sec. (B) 0.2 sec.
Q Q 3Q
(C) 0.3 sec. (D) 0.4 sec. (A) (B) (C) Q (D)
4 2 2
Q.23 Three point charge -q, +q and -q are placed Q.29 As per this diagram a point charge +q is
along a straight line at equl distances( say r placed at the origin O. Work done in taking
meter) Electric potential energy of this another pont charge –Q from the point A [co-
system of charges will be if +q charge is in ordinates (0, a)] to another point B [co-
the middle- ordinates (a,0)] along the straight path AB is
3q2 8q2
(A) (B) A
4 0 r 3 0 r
3q2 q2
(C) (D)
8 0 r 8 0 r
Q.24 Four equal charges of charge q are placed at
corner of a square of side a. Potential energy qQ 1
of the whole system is- (A) Zero (B) 4 2 2a
0 a
4kq2 4kq 2 1 qQ 1 a qQ 1
(A) (B) a 1 (C) 4 2 (D) 4 2 2a
a 2 2 0 a 2 0 a
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Q.33 An electric dipole of moment p placed in a Q.37 A ball of mass 1 g and charge 10–8C
from a point A. where potential is 600 volt to
uniform electric field E has minimum potential
the point B where potential is zero. Velocity
energy when the angle between p and E is of the ball at the point B is 20 cm/s. The
velocity of the ball at the point A will be
3 (A) 22.8 cm/s (B) 228 cm/s
(A) Zero (B) (C) (D)
2 2
(C) 16.8 cm/s (D) 168 m/s
Q.34 An electric dipole has the magnitude of its
charge as q and its dipole moment is p. It is Q.38 An electric dipole is placed along the x-axis
placed in a uniform electric field E. If its at the origin O.A point P is at a distance of
dipole moment is along the direction of the 20cm from this origin such that OP makes
field, the force on it and its potential energy
an angle with the x-axis. If the electric
are respectively 3
(A) 2q.E and minimum field at P makes an angle with the x-axis,
the value of would be
(B) q.E and p.E
(C) Zero and minimum 1 3
(A) (B) 3 tan 2
(D) q.E and maximum 3
2 1 3
Q.35 Two opposite and equal charges 4 × 10–8 (C) (D) tan 2
coulomb when placed 2 × 10–2 cm away, form
a dipole. If this dipole is placed in an external
electric field 4 × 108 newton/coulomb, the value Q.39 An electric dipole of moment p is placed
of maximum torque and the work done in normal to the lines of force of electric
rotating it through 180º will be
intensity E , then the work done in deflecting
(A) 64 × 10–4 Nm and 64 × 10–4 J
(B) 32 × 10–4 Nm and 32 × 10–4 J it through an angle of 180ºis
(C) 64 × 10–4 Nm and 32 × 10–4 J (A) pE (B) + 2pE
(D) 32 × 10–4 Nm and 64 × 10–4 J (C) – 2pE (D) Zero
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Q.1 If an electron enters into a space between the Q.5 In a certain region of surface there exists a
plates of a parallel plate capacitor at an angle
with the plates and leaves at an angle to the uniform electric field of 2 × 103 k̂ V/m. A
plates. The ratio of its kinetic energy while rectangular coil of dimensions 10 cm × 20 cm
entering the capacitor to that while leaving will is placed in x-y plane. The electric flux through
be - the coil is -
2 2 (A) Zero (B) 30 V-m
sin cos
(A) (B) (C) 40 V-m (D) 50 V-m
sin cos
2 2 Q.6 The electric flux from a cube of edge l is .
cos sin
(C) (D) What will be its value if edge of cube is made 2l
cos sin and charge enclosed is halved -
(A) /2 (B) 2
Q.2 Force between two identical charges placed at
(C) 4 (D)
a distance of r in vacuum is F. Now a slab of
dielectric constant K = 4 is inserted between
Q.7 Each of the two point charges are doubled and
these two charges. The thickness of the slab is
their distance is halved. Force of interaction
r/2. The force between the charges will now
becomes n times, where n is -
become -
(A) F/4 (B) F/2 (A) 4 (B) 1
3 4 (C) 1/16 (D) 16
(C) F (D) F
5 9
Q.8 Two point charges repel each other with a force
Q.3 A conducting sphere of radius R is charged to a of 100 N. One of the charges is increased by
potential of V volt. Then the electric field at a 10% and other is reduced by 10%. The new
force of repulsion at the same distance would be-
distance r (>R) from the centre of the sphere
would be - (A) 100 N (B) 121 N
(C) 99 N (D) None of these
(A) 2 (B)
r r Q.9 A positive point charge q is carried from a point
B to a point A in the electric field of a point
rV R2 V charge +Q at O. If the permittivity of free space
(C) (D) is 0, the work done in the process is given by
R2 r3
(where a = OA and b = OB) -
Q.4 The variation of electric potential with distance qQ 1 1 qQ 1 1
(A) (B)
from a fixed point is shown in figure. What is 4 0 a b 4 0 a b
the value of electric field at x = 2m -
qQ 1 1 qQ 1 1
(C) (D)
4 0 a b2 4 0 a 2
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Q.11 Three equal and similar charges are placed at Q.16 The electric field strength due to a ring of radius
(–a, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0) and (+a, 0, 0). What is the R at a distance x from its centre on the axis of
nature of equilibrium of the charge at the origin- ring carrying charge Q is given by
(A) Stable when moved along the Y-axis
(B) Stable when moved along Z-axis 1 Qx
E = 4 2 2 3/2
(C) Stable when moved along X-axis 0 (R x )
(D) Unstable in all of the above cases At what distance from the centre will the electric
field be maximum -
Q.12 Two conducting spheres each of radius R carry
(A) x = R (B) x = R/2
charge q. They are placed at a distance r from
each other, where r > 2 R. The neutral point lies (C) x = R/ 2 (D) x = 2R
at a distance r/2 from either sphere. If the
electric field at the neutral point due to either
Q.17 Two conducting spheres of radii r1 and r2 are
sphere be E, then the total electric potential at
charged such that they have the same electric
that point will be -
field on their surfaces. The ratio of the electric
(A) r E/2 (B) r E potential at their centres is -
(C) RE/2 (D) RE
(A) r1 / r2 (B) r1/r2
Q.13 A ring of radius R carries a charge +q. A test (C) r12/r22 (D) None of the above
charge –q0 is released on its axis at a distance
Q.18 Five equal and similar charges are placed at
3 R from its centre. How much kinetic energy
the corners of a regular hexagon as shown in
will be acquired by the test charge when it
the figure. What is the electric field and potential
reaches the centre of the ring -
at the centre of the hexagon -
1 q q0 1 q q0
(A) 4 R (B) 4 2 R
0 0
1 q q0 1 q q0
(C) 4 (D) 4 3 R
0 3R 0
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Q.20 A charge +Q at A (See figure) produces electric Q.25 A charge Q is placed at each of two opposite
field E and electric potential V at D. If we now corners of a square. A charge q is placed at
put charges –2Q and +Q at B and C respectively, each of the two opposite corners of the square.
then the electric field and potential at D will be - If the resultant electric field on Q is zero, then -
(A) Q (B) Q 2 2 q
2 2
(C) Q = –2q (D) Q 2 2 q
Q.22 A long string with a charge of per unit length Q.28 The electric field outside a charged long straight
passes through an imaginary cube of edge l. 5000
The maximum possible flux of the electric field wire is given by E V m 1 . It is radially
through the cube will be - inward. The value of VB – VA is -
(A) l /0 (B) 2 l /0 [Given rB = 60 cm and rA = 30 cm]
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Q.35 If the particles are positively charged, which
Q.31 An electron moves with velocity v in x-direction.
An electric field acts on it in y-direction. The particles increased their electrical potential
force on the electron acts in - energy -
(A) X and Z
(A) +ve direction of Y-axis
(B) Y and Z
(B) –ve direction of Y-axis
(C) W, X, Y and Z
(C) +ve direction of Z-axis
(D) Since the electric field is constant none of
(D) –ve direction of Z-axis
the particles increased their electrical
potential energy.
Q.32 Two identical simple pendulums A and B, are
suspended from the same point. The bobs are Statements Type Question :-
given positive charges, with A having more Each of the questions given below consist
charge than B. They diverge and reach of Statement – I and Statement – II. Use
equilibrium, with A and B making angles 1 and the following Key to choose the appropri-
2 with the vertical respectively. Which of the ate answer.
following is correct - (A) If both Statement- I and Statement- II are
(A) 1 > 2 (B) 1 < 2 true, and Statement - II is the correct
(C) 1 = 2 explanation of Statement– I.
(D) The tension in A is greater than that in B (B) If both Statement - I and Statement - II
are true but Statement - II is not the
correct explanation of Statement – I.
Passage Type Question :- (C) If Statement - I is true but Statement - II is
In the diagram (given below) the broken lines false.
represent the paths followed by particles W,X,
(D) If Statement - I is false but Statement - II
Y and Z respectively through the constant field
is true.
E. The numbers below the field represents
meters. Q.36 Statement I : Electrons move away from a
region of lower potential to a region of higher
X potential.
Statement II : Since an e – has negative
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Q.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ans. D D B A B A D A D D C A A A A C D A C A
Q.No. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Ans. A B B A C A B D B A A C C B B A D A C A
Q.No. 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
Ans. C B A B C C C B A B B B C C A B A C C A
Q.No. 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
Ans. B B D D B A B A C B D A D D B A A C A B
Q.No. 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
Ans. B D D C C A A A C A C D B B A B D A A A
Q.No. 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118
Ans. C A B B D D C A C B A D B C C B A A
Q.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ans. C D A D B B C B B B B C A C B D D A D B
Q.No. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
Ans. A A C B D B A B A C A A A C D D C B D
Q.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ans. B D A A C A D C B C C B B B A C B C C A
Q.No. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Ans. C D A C B A C A B D B C C C B A A C C A
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