Tpack Template Iwb Summer20

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TPACK Template


Subject Mathematics

Grade Level 5

Learning Objective 5.2 The student will

a) represent and identify equivalencies among
fractions and decimals, with and without
models; and
b) compare and order fractions, mixed
numbers, and/or decimals in a given set,
from least to greatest and greatest to least.
Pedagogy Planning

In this interactive white board activity, the children will touch the board to move and
compare fractions and learn about equivalent fractions and ordering fractions.

1. We will begin our lesson with a review of what we
already know about fractions.

2. The teacher will use the IWB for review and to

represent given fractions while students use
manipulatives to represent the fractions at their
desk. Slides 1-5 are for review.

3. The teacher will show how fractions can have the

same value even if the numbers are different;
equivalent fractions.

4. The students will be split into groups and go up to

the IWB as a group to match red fractions with their
equivalent blue fractions on slide 6. Once everyone
has finished, we will discuss as a class and teacher
will match the equivalent fractions.

5. On slide 8 the teacher will model how to tell if a

fraction is big or small and how to put them in order
from least to greatest.

6. Students will come back up to the IWB as a group to

move the fractions around and sort them in order
from least to greatest. The students not at the board
will use manipulatives to complete a worksheet on
equivalent fractions and ordering fractions.

Technology Fractions (

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