Power Plant - Portable Micro Power Generation

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VIVA-Tech International Journal for Research and Innovation Volume 1, Issue 4 (2021)

ISSN(Online): 2581-7280

VIVA Institute of Technology

9th National Conference on Role of Engineers in Nation Building – 2021 (NCRENB-2021)


Pooja P. Darade1, Reema S. Gupta2, Jagruti S. Gaikar3, Prof.Piyali Mondal4
(Electrical Department, VIVA Institute of Technology, India)
(Electrical Department, VIVA Institute of Technology, India)
(Electrical Department, VIVA Institute of Technology, India)
(Electrical Department, VIVA Institute of Technology, India)

Abstract : This project gives on idea of "POWER PLANT- PORTABLE MICRO POWER GENERATION". In
this project we considered wind as a renewable source of energy to generate electricity with the help of
aeroleaves are leaf like structure of wind turbine. Which are placed in the form of tree called Wind tree. These
aeroleaves are small vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT) and able to generate power. They are also silent, so
they could be installed along buildings, street or even in people’s backyards. The rotation of aeroleaves depends
on wind speed and wind direction. VAWT will catch wind from all directions. When wind blows, aeroleaves
rotate and energy get produced .In this project , the power generated from wind tree is eco-friendly, less noise
polluted and can provide electricity to remote locations.
Keywords - Aeroleaves, Wind Tree, Renewable Sources, Vertical Axis Wind Turbine

Wind energy plays an essential role to generate the electricity. It is also reliable, efficient and low lost
energy system with no pollution and natural resource. Wind energy is worldwide fastest growing energy system.
In this project by using wind energy electricity is generate in new form called as aero leaves. Aero leaves are
nothing but many leaves like structure of the wind energy are placed in the form of tree called “Wind tree”. In
wind tree any other type of wind turbine can be used but vertical axis wind turbine have some specific
advantages for high efficiency of power plant VAWT main rotor shaft is arranged vertically due to plane of
rotation is vertical. Also blades are vertical. The biggest advantage is they don’t require a control mechanism.
The PVC pipes or GI sheet are used for turbines and it is appear like a normal leaf which is placed vertically.
With tiny blades wind tree power plant is designed as small as and it works quietly or silent. These aero leaves
are able to generate power in a confident and relaxed way. So they could be installed along buildings streets or
even in people backyard . This aero leaves produce the energy depend on wind power flow and rotating . Power
is generated with the help of generator. It’s finding that energy generating through environment is so beneficial
and also can provide power to remote areas. [1]

2.1 Concept of wind turbine
In the name suggest it was observed that by placing number of turbines on a single stand the power
output could be increased. In wind tree concept the vertical axis wind turbines are used for power generation in
which the multiple micro wind turbines are coupled in a single tree and this is because of reduced size of rotor
blades. So they can be easily operate due to the impact of forced air. Each turbine is connected to a single
generator by the help of generator power is generated and energy is stored with the help of battery. The main
advantages of this wind tree is that: It is highly economical and eco-friendly. The figure.1 shows

VIVA-Tech International Journal for Research and Innovation Volume 1, Issue 4 (2021)
ISSN(Online): 2581-7280

VIVA Institute of Technology

9th National Conference on Role of Engineers in Nation Building – 2021 (NCRENB-2021)

Figure 1: Stand Figure 2: Aero leaf

2.2 Vertical Axis Wind Turbine

VAWT the axis of wind turbine rotate in vertical direction with respect to ground. The blades of
VAWT are vertical in arrangement.. The advantage of VAWT is they don’t need a yaw control mechanism.
They can capture wind from any direction. In VAWT gear box replacement and maintenance are simple and
more efficient, Thus these are useful in sites where wind direction is random or there is presence of large
obstacles likes trees ,hours etc. [7]

2.3 Block Diagram

In block diagram is compose of the Aeroleaf, Generator, wind turbine controller, battery and Load.

Figure3: Block Diagram

VIVA-Tech International Journal for Research and Innovation Volume 1, Issue 4 (2021)
ISSN(Online): 2581-7280

VIVA Institute of Technology

9th National Conference on Role of Engineers in Nation Building – 2021 (NCRENB-2021)


In this project wind energy is used to generate electricity with the help of aeroleaf. This aeroleaf are made
up of fiberglass, wood, aluminium, PVC and design into specific shape as per the requirement. In concept of
wind tree we are using number of generator which will be equal to the number of aeroleafs. This model is
basically work on the principle of “faradays low of electromagnetic induction”, which state whenever a
conductor is placed in a varying magnetic field (or conductor is moved in a magnetic field) an EMF get induced
in the conductor. The design of wind tree is capable of extracting maximum kinetic energy from the wind using
to the structure of blade design. Aeroleaf starts to rotate with minimum speed of 7km/hr. Wind flows through it,
as aeroleaf are coupled to the generator, mechanical energy gets converted into electrical energy because of the
generator which consist of armature (magnet) and field coil. A gear box is attached between blade and generator
in order to increase the number of rotation and unable the system to work smoothly each aeroleaf along with
generator are connected in series, so the generated voltage will get added. This result output is given to the
battery and is stored, then it is used to drive the load.

Figure 4: Working of wind tree


The below power curve indicates the generation of power per aeroleaf depending on the wind velocity
when the speed of aeroleaf increases then the output power increases that is shown in curve.

Figure 5: Power output

VIVA-Tech International Journal for Research and Innovation Volume 1, Issue 4 (2021)
ISSN(Online): 2581-7280

VIVA Institute of Technology

9th National Conference on Role of Engineers in Nation Building – 2021 (NCRENB-2021)


Sr.No Component Description Rating

1 Rotor Blades Tiny blades which can generate electricity 15cm

even in slightest wind speed
2 DC Generator Converting the rotating speed to an electrical 9V,1.1A,2500rpm

3 Battery Charged electrically to provide a static 9V,3A

potentials for power or released electrical
charged when needed
4 Load(LED Panel) Showing consumption from the battery 9V,900mA

Table 1- Components And Description

Figure 6: Scale Down Model of Wind Turbine Figure 7: Scale Up Model of Wind Turbine

Figure 8: Model of Aeroleaf wind turbine

VIVA-Tech International Journal for Research and Innovation Volume 1, Issue 4 (2021)
ISSN(Online): 2581-7280

VIVA Institute of Technology

9th National Conference on Role of Engineers in Nation Building – 2021 (NCRENB-2021)


We were able to get these important conclusion and suggestions from our many researches as well as
from some past projects which will profit the future for advancement of power yield from our project we were
able to come up with net new structure to improve the system and its efficiency To increase the use of VAWT
the various associated problems have to be overcome first and problems are such as poor self-starting, low
initial torque, low power co-efficient, poor building integration. In our project we are trying to designed VAWT
model which offers feasible solution for energy requirement of remote places. The main role was played by
wind turbine rotor blades to performs evaluation and extraction of energy from turbine by using VAWT which
are placed in a location where suitable amount of wind is available along with by optimizing blade parameters
use, high power generation can be achieved.


The Power Plant-Portable Micro Power Generation project is a valuable chance where we implemented most of
the skills and knowledge that we gain throughout our studies.
The Aeroleaf Wind Turbine project team would like to thank the group guide Prof.Piyali Mondal, for his guidance &
supporting to conduct such research work.

[1] MagediMohM.Saad, NorzelawatiAsmuin, “Comparison of horizontal axis wind turbines and vertical axis wind turbines” in IOSR
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[2] S.Tullis, S.Zaida, “Performance Testing of a Small Vertical-axis Wind Turbine” in ResearchGate, Article-June 2007.
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[4] http://www.windturbinestar.com/vertical-wind.html
[5] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vertical_axis_wind_turbine
[6] Shweta Singh1, Sarita Singh2 and Priyank Srivastava3, Article-2010-201, “Vertical Axis Wind Turbine for Generation of Electricity
through Highway Windmill”
[7] T. Hayashi, Y.Li and Y.Hara, “wind tunnel test on a different phase three stage savonius rotor”, JSME International journal series B,
vol.48,no.1 2005,pp.9-16.
[8] S. J Kooiman, S.w.Tullis, “Response of Vertical axis Wind turbine to time varying wind collections found within the urban
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[9] Scheurich, F., and Brown, R. E., 2012, "Modelling the Aerodynamics of Vertical-Axis Wind Turbines in Unsteady Wind
Conditions," Wind Energy, pp. 17.
[10] Roohollah Fadaeinedjad; Gerry Moschopoulos; Mehrdad Moallem, “ Voltage Sag Impact on Wind Turbine Tower Vibration ”, IEEE
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[11] Shaikh Mehfuz Rehman, Siddiqui Fateh Mohammed, Mohammed Anees Patka “Study of Application of Aero-Leaf Wind Turbine”
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[12] Scheurich, F., and Brown, R. E., 2012, "Modelling the Aerodynamics of Vertical-Axis Wind Turbines in Unsteady Wind
Conditions," Wind Energy.


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