Bmu 075
Bmu 075
Bmu 075
Figure 1. ML Chromatograms of TM and its alkaline degradation products separated on (A) BioBasic C8 column (100 1.0 mm, 5 mm particle size), (B) BioBasic C18 (100
1.0 mm, 5 mm particle size), (C) BioBasic CN column (100 2.1 mm, 5 mm particle size), (D) Hypersil Gold amino (100 1.0 mm, 5 mm particle size), (E) Phenyl Hypersil
(250 4.6 mm, 5 mm particle size) and (F) BioBasic phenyl column (150 1.0 mm, 5 mm particle size).
Figure 2. ML Chromatograms under optimum chromatographic conditions represent 40 mg/mL of TM under various stress conditions: (A) TM standard, (B) TM and its oxidative
degradation product, (C) TM and its alkaline degradation products, (D) TM after acidic degradation, (E) TM after thermal degradation and (F) 40 mg/mL of Timololw 0.5% eye drops
after 2 months under 408C and 65% humidity.
As the system suitability test is an integral part of chromato- Value MLC proposed method Comparison methodb (7)
graphic method development and it is used to verify that the sys- Mean 100.4 100.0
tem is adequate for the analysis to be performed, the parameters +SD 1.196 0.697
for TM were evaluated. The suitability of the chromatographic % RSD 1.191 0.697
n 6 7
system was determined according to USP guidelines (2) and Variance 1.430 0.486
with acceptance of the obtained parameter values (32) (Table I). Student’s t- test 0.752 (2.201)a
Under the optimum chromatographic conditions, the concen- F-test 2.94 (4.39) a
trations of TM were proportional to the relative peak areas, in the a
The values between parenthesis are the corresponding theoretical values of t and F at P ¼ 0.05
concentration range of 2– 100 mg/mL, by adopting the external (33).
standard method for calibration. The comparison method involving spectrophotometric determination by the ratio difference method
The regression equation was computed by measuring the peak amplitudes at DP ¼ 260 –290 nm for BT and at DP ¼ 295– 330 nm for TM.
0, 1, 2 and 3 are the mobile phase peak, TM peak, TM alkaline degradate at 4.34 min (its Rs from the Average of three determinations.
first alkaline degradate ¼ 4.39) and oxidative degradate, respectively. 3 3 (concentrations 20, 40 and 60 mg/mL of TM were measured three times).
Figure 3. Spectra of separated TM degradates measured by PDA: (A) TM alkaline degradate at 1.88 min. Maximum wavelength at 298 nm. (B) TM alkaline degradate at 4.34 min.
Maximum wavelength at 295 nm. (C) TM oxidative degradate at 2.88 min. Maximum wavelength at 302 nm.
Each result is the average of three separate determinations, and the percentage degradation was calculated using the peak area of TM.
Stress conditions performed on bulk powder.
Stress condition performed on dosage form.