Hydraulic Lab Manual 2017
Hydraulic Lab Manual 2017
Hydraulic Lab Manual 2017
Laboratory Manual
Table of Contents
Physical measurement of n & c.
To study the variation of n & c as a function of velocity of flow in the flume.
To investigate the relationship between n & c.
(S-6) glass sided tilting Flume Apparatus
Hook gauge/ point gauge
Flume Apparatus
Related Theory
Laboratory Open channel supported above the ground/ elevated open channel
Uniform flow:
Flow parameters like depth of flow, velocity, acceleration, channel bed slope, channel
cross-section remains constant as a function of distance/space between two sections of a
channel flow.
Steady Flow:
Flow parameters like depth of flow, velocity, acceleration, channel bed slope, channel
cross-section remains constant as a function of time at a particular section of a channel.
Flood wave is a best example of unsteady flow.
Manning’ formula (1889): 2 1
Q AR 3 S 2
S = slope of energy line (for a uniform flow conditions, it is equal to slope of water surface
and channel bed slope)
C = R /n
Observations and Calculations:
Flume width = mm
Sr. # Channel Flow rate Avg Depth Area of Manning’s Chezy’s
bed slope Q (m3/sec) of flow flow A n C
(S) y (m2)
To study the variations in specific energy as a function of depth of flow for a given
discharge in the laboratory flume/ to plot E-Y diagram for a given discharge in the
(S-6) glass sided tilting Flume Apparatus
Point gauge
Related Theory
Specific Energy:
The specific energy (E) is the total energy per unit weight measured relative to the channel
bed, and it is given by the sum of the depth and velocity head (assuming small bed slope
and a kinetic energy correction factor of 1):
E y
Hence, the specific energy is constant along the channel having uniform flow conditions,
but it varies for non uniform flow conditions.
Basic Terminology:
Critical flow:
It is the flow that occurs when the specific energy is minimal for a given discharge.
It can be seen in Fig. that a point will be reached where the specific energy is minimum
and only a single depth occurs. At this point, the flow is termed as critical flow.
The flow for which the depth is less than critical is (velocity is greater than critical) is
termed as supercritical flow.
Flow with low velocity and larger depth. (Froude No. < 1)
Critical Depth:
The depth of flow of water at which the specific energy is a minimum is called critical
Critical Velocity:
Alternate Depths:
For any value of the specific energy other than critical one, there are two depths, one
greater than the critical depth and other smaller than the critical depth. These two
depths for a given specific energy are called alternate depths.
Observations and Calculations:
Flume width = mm
Sr. # Channel Flow rate Critical Avg Depth Area of Velocity of Velocity
bed slope Q depth of of flow flow flow Head
So flow y A v v2/2g
(m3/sec) (m) (m) (m2) (m/sec) (m)
To study the variations in the flow with the introduction of different types of
humps in the flume.
(S-6) glass sided tilting Flume Apparatus
Hook gauge/ point gauge
Broad crested Weirs
o Round corner
o Sharp corner
Sharp corner
Round corner
Related Theory
It is a streamline Construction provided at the bed of channel.
Y1 Y2 Y3
V1 Z
A weir is a streamlined wall or structure commonly used to raise the water level of
a river or stream to divert the required amount of water into an irrigation canal. Weirs can
be gated (barrage) or ungated.
Flow over a raised Hump:
Z < Zc Z = Zc Z > Zc
Y1 = Y o Y1 = Y o Y1 > Y o
Y1-Yo = Afflux
Fix the slope of the flume.
Introduce round corner weir at a certain location.
Set a particular discharge in the flume.
Note the depth of flow at U/S, D/S and over the weir at certain points (More than
Repeat the same for various discharges.
Calculate the value of yc, y1, y2 & y3 and make their comparison.
Repeat the same procedure for sharp corner weir.
Observations and Calculations:
(S-6) glass sided tilting Flume Apparatus
Hook gauge/ point gauge
Related Theory
Hydraulic Jump
The hydraulic jump was first investigated experimentally by Bidone, an Italian, in 1818.
Hydraulic jump or standing wave is a local non-uniform flow phenomenon, resulting from
the change in slope from Super critical to Sub critical and in such a case the water must
pass through the critical depth line and according to theory, dy/dx = infinite or the water
surface profile should be vertical. However, this can’t happen physically and results in the
discontinuity in the water surface characterized by a very steep upward slope of the profile
accompanied by the turbulence and eddies.
These eddies cause energy loss and depth after the jump is in accordance with the point
“C” on the E-y diagram. The depths y1 and y2 which are the depths before and after the
jump are called “Conjugate depths” or “Sequent depths”
The hydraulic jump is a rapidly varied flow phenomenon in which flow in a channel
changes abruptly from supercritical flow at a relatively shallow depth (less than y c) to
subcritical flow at a greater depth (greater than yc). The depth before the jump is called the
initial depth, while the depth after the jump is known as the sequent depth. The situation is
illustrated in Figure 4.1.
Figure 4.1 Water Surface Profile for Hydraulic Jump: A-A' = initial section and B-B' =
sequent section (FHWA, 1961)
The hydraulic jump may be employed as a device for the dissipation of excess energy, as
where a steep drain enters a larger drain at a junction. In stormwater projects, the hydraulic
jump may be used to consume excess energy and avoid scour of earthen channels. Thus,
the analysis of hydraulic jumps usually has three objectives. First, the location of the jump
is important because of the potential of unexpected surcharges or channel scour. This can
be determined by searching for pipe/channel elements where the flow is supercritical
upstream and subcritical downstream. Once this is determined, it is important to compute
the two depths, y1 and y2, which are the initial and sequent depths, respectively. Third, the
energy loss Hi dissipated by the jump is often an important design consideration. The
pertinent depth equation for a rectangular section is:
In which F1 is the Froude number at the upstream section. The energy lost in the jump, Hj,
is obtained by subtracting the specific energy at section 2 in Figure 4.1 from that at section
Another use of hydraulic jump is, when certain chemical are to be mixed for water
treatment purpose, hydraulic jump provides an efficient mixing.
1. To dissipate energy of water flowing over dams, weirs, and other hydraulic
structures and thus prevent scouring downstream of the structures.
2. To recover head or raise the water level on the downstream side of the measuring
flume and thus maintain high water level in the channel for irrigation or other water
distribution purpose.
3. To increase the weight on an apron and thus reduce uplift pressure under a masonry
structures by raising the water depth on the apron.
4. To indicate special flow conditions, such as the existence of super critical flow or
the presence of the control section, so that a gauging station may be located.
d2 = d1/2(-1 + √1+8(q²/gy3))
d2 = d1/2(-1 + √1+8F1²)
hL = (d2-d1)³/4d1d2
It is important to be able to determine just where along the length of the channel the
hydraulic jump will form. This cannot be done with a great deal of precision. The solution
can also be achieved by calculating conjugate depth “y” of various depths y2. Graphically
plotting these various curves greatly aids the solution process.
Hydraulic jump occurs in a supercritical flow when the depth changes abruptly to its
sequent depth. Theoretically speaking, jump will occur in a horizontal rectangular channel
if the initial and sequent depths approaching to Froude’s # satisfying equation for sequent
This theoretical condition is generally used to locate the position of a jump. For closer
location of the jump however, length of the jump should be considered. The following will
illustrate the location of a hydraulic jump in three typical cases.
Case A: Jump below a regulating sluice in a miled channel or jump formed on the glacis of
a weir (yn> d2).
Case B: Jump in a channel having a break in the bottom slope those changes from steep to
mild or jump formed at the toe of the weir (yn= d2).
Case C: Jump forms behind the overflow barrier or on the d/s side of the toe (yn< d2).
In barrages the most suitable and desire able location is at toe. But practically it is difficult
to achieve. So it is kept slightly above toe on sloping surface. By doing this jump will be
weaker but safer for structure. Hydraulic jump at d/s of toe is highly undesirable. Because it
will be dangerous for barrage due to scouring of toe. And it is also un-economical.
Hydraulic jumps are of several distinct types. According to the U.S. Bureau of
Reclamation, these types can conveniently be classified according to the Froude’s # of the
incoming flow, as follows:
For F = 1 to 1.7, the water surface shows undulations, and the jump is called as undular
For F = 1.7 to 2.5, a series of small rollers develop on the surface of the jump, but the
downstream water surface remains smooth. The velocity throughout is fairly uniform and
the energy loss is low, this jump is called as weak jump.
For F = 2.5 to 4.5, there is an oscillating jet entering the jump bottom to the surface and
back again with no periodicity. Each oscillation produces a large wave of irregular period,
which, very commonly in canals, can travel for miles doing unlimited damage to earth
banks and ripraps. This jump may be called as oscillating jump.
For F = 4.5 to 9.0, the downstream extremity of the surface roller and the point at which
the high velocity jet tends to leave the flow occur at practically the same vertical section.
The action and position of this jump are least sensitive to variation in tail water depth. The
jump is well balanced and performance is at its best. The energy dissipation ranges from 45
to 70%. This jump may be called as steady jump.
For F = 9.0 and larger, the high velocity jet grabs intermittent slugs of water rolling down
the front surface of the jump, generating waves downstream and a rough surface can
prevail. The jump action is rough but effective since the energy dissipation may reach 85%.
This jump may be called as strong jump.
Measure the depths of water. i.e yo, y1, y2 and corresponding horizontal distances x0,
x1, x2.
Observations and Calculations:
Flume width = mm
Classification of Reservoirs
Storage Reservoirs
Storage reservoirs are also called conservation reservoirs because they are used to conserve
water. Storage reservoirs are constructed to store the water in the rainy season and to release it
later when the river flow is low for irrigation.
Distribution Reservoirs
A distribution reservoir is a small storage reservoir to tide over the peak demand of water for
municipal water supply or irrigation. The distribution reservoir is helpful in permitting the pumps
to work at a uniform rate. It stores water during the period of lean demand and supplies the same
during the period of high demand.
Multipurpose Reservoirs
They are constructed to serve for more than single purpose like storage of water, flood control,
water supply and recreational purposes etc.
Balancing Reservoirs
A balancing reservoir is a small reservoir constructed d/s of the main reservoir for holding water
released from the main reservoir. This water is then pumped back to the main reservoirs and used
during lean flow period. This type of reservoir is constructed in the water scarce areas.
Whatever may be the use of a reservoir, its most important function is to store water during
floods and to release it later. The storage capacity of a reservoir is, therefore, its most important
The available storage capacity of a reservoir depends upon the topography of the site and the
height of dam. To determine the available storage capacity of a reservoir up to a certain level of
water, engineering surveys are usually conducted. The storage capacity and the water spread area
at different elevations can be determined from the contour map.
Area-Elevation Curve:
From the contour plan, the water spread area of the reservoir at any elevation is determined by
measuring the area enclosed by the corresponding contour. Generally, a Planimeter is used for
measuring the area. An elevation-area curve is then plotted between the surface area as abscissa
and the elevation as ordinate.
Elevation-Capacity Curve:
The storage capacity of the reservoir at any elevation is determined from the water spread area at
various elevations. An elevation-storage volume curve is plotted between the storage volume as
abscissa and the elevation as ordinate.
Area-Capacity Curve:
A graph showing the relation between the surface area of the water in a reservoir and the
corresponding volume stored in the reservoir.
Uses of elevation-surface area-capacity curve
H1 1:100
3 4 6 12
(km) (km) (km) (km)
L-section of reservoir
H3+ H4 1:20
H2 1:10
H1 1:5
60 m
Find out the heights H1, H2, H3, H4 using the given data as:
Slope = H1 / 3
H1 = (3) x1000x (1/100) = 30 m
H2 = (4) x1000x (1/200) = 20 m
H3 = (6) x1000x (1/500) = 12 m
H4 = (12) x1000x (1/1000) = 12 m
Divide the total height in equal intervals (say of 5m) and calculate the top surface area,
mean surface area, mean capacity for each strip individually and cumulatively.
Calculations can be done in tabular form
Bottom width, top width & avg width of longitudinal section can be determined as
From 0 to 5m height:
Z1 = 0 , Z2 = 5, interval = 5m
Bottom width = 0
Top width = bottom width + (interval/slope)
Because slope = (height / width)
Top width = 0 + (5/1/100) = 500 m
5m 1:100 Avg width = (bottom width+top width ) / 2 = 250m
Bottom width, top width & avg width of cross section can be determined as follow:
From 0 to 5m height:
Z1 = 0 , Z2 = 5, interval = 5m
Bottom width = 60m
Top width = bottom width + 2 x (interval/slope)
1:5 Because slope = (height / width)
5m Top width = 60 + 2 x (5/1/5) =110 m
60m Avg width = (bottom width+top width ) / 2 = 85m
From 5 to 10m height:
Z1 = 5m , Z2 = 10m, interval = 5m
Bottom width = 110m
Top width = bottom width + 2 x (interval/slope)
Because slope = (height / width)
Top width = 110 + 2 x (5/1/5) = 160m
60m Avg width = (bottom width+top width ) / 2 = 135m
Write down the step by step procedure and the practical importance of these curves
H1 1:100
H3+ H4 1:15
H2 1:8
H1 1:4
80 m
It is an area impounded by water due to the storage of part of catchment runoff by constructing a
barrier/dam across a river/stream.
The full reservoir level (FRL) is the highest water level to which the water surface will rise
during normal operating conditions.
The maximum water level is the maximum level to which the water surface will rise when the
design flood passes over the spillway.
The minimum pool level is the lowest level up to which the water is withdrawn from the
reservoir under ordinary conditions.
Dead storage
The volume of water held below the minimum pool level is called the dead storage. It is provided
to cater for the sediment deposition by the impounding sediment laid in water. Normally it is
equivalent to volume of sediment expected to be deposited in the reservoir during the design life
Live/useful storage
The volume of water stored between the full reservoir level (FRL) and the minimum pool level is
called the useful storage. It assures the supply of water for specific period to meet the demand.
Flood/Surcharge storage
It is storage contained between maximum reservoir level and full reservoir levels. It varies with
spillway capacity of dam for given design flood.
Bank storage
It is developed in the voids of soil cover in the reservoir area and becomes available as seepage
of water when water levels drops down. It increases the reservoir capacity.
Valley storage
The volume of water held by the natural river channel in its valley up to the top of its banks
before the construction of a reservoir is called the valley storage. The valley storage depends
upon the cross section of the river.
Yield is the volume of water which can be withdrawn from a reservoir in a specified period of
Safe yield is the maximum quantity of water which can be supplied uninterruptedly from a
reservoir in a specified period of time during a critical dry year.
Secondary yield
It is the quantity of water which is available during the period of high flow in the rivers when the
yield is more than the safe yield.
Average yield
The average yield is the arithmetic average of the firm yield and the secondary yield over a long
period of time.
Design yield
The design yield is the yield adopted in the design of a reservoir. The design yield is usually
fixed after considering the urgency of the water needs and the amount of risk involved.
Uniform drawoff
It is the Amount of water that is required to be withdrawn from the reservoir uniformly during
the prescribed time period.
1. Irrigation
The storage capacity of a reservoir is decided based on the available water and demand. Capacity
of a reservoir is smaller of surplus and deficit.
For example if deficit is 30 MCM & surplus is 60 MCM. According to definition we will keep
capacity as 30 MCM. Reasons are that we need just 30 MCM extra. If we keep reservoir capacity
equal to 60 MCM then the extra 30 MCM are useless, and it will cause sedimentation, and
construction cost will increased.
And if there is a reverse case i.e. deficit is 60 MCM and surplus is 30 MCM. Then obviously we
will decide capacity of reservoir as 30 MCM. Reason for this decision is that although we need
60 MCM, but we have not enough water available to store. The maximum water available is 30
MCM, so designing a reservoir at more than this capacity is of no use.
Mass curve
It is a Plot between the cumulative inflows and demand (outflows) versus time.
Graph plotted between the net reservoir inflows, exclusive of upstream abstractions, as ordinate
versus time as abscissa.
Demand curve
Discharge (m3/sec)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Time (months)
Assignment work:
The following set of data relates to a natural stream at a dam site, the values are averaged over
the past 30 years record.
a) When a constant maximum supply is to be ensured from the reservoir considering the
losses due to evaporation.
b) When the specified discharges are to be released from the reservoir.
Section A B C
Discharge *Outflows
Month evaporation
(m3/sec) (m3/sec)
losses (m3/sec)
Sources of energy:
Power is the basic necessity for the development of a country. These are the resources energy
being utilized to produce electricity in the world.
Water in Rivers
Solar Energy
Atomic/Nuclear Energy
Hydropower is extracted from the natural potential of usable water resources. If the water is
available in the river, then for the production of energy reservoirs are made so as to make
availability of water throughout the year.
P= γQH
P= Hydropower
Q = River discharge
H= Available head
Storage Plant
Primary/ firm / continuous power is the minimum power which can b generated from a
hydropower plant for 100 % of time. It is the power corresponding to the minimum stream
flow with a due consideration of the pondage.
Secondary power is the power in excess of the firm power.
Flow & power duration curves
Flow Duration Curve is a plot of the stream flow in ascending or descending order and its
frequency of occurrence as a percentage of time covered by the record.
Power Duration Curve is a plot of the power generated in ascending or descending order
and its frequency of occurrence as a percentage of time covered by the record.
If the available head and efficiency of the power plant are known, the flow duration curve
may be converted into power duration curve.
Assignment work:
The following set of data relates to a natural stream at a dam site, the values are averaged
over the past 50 years record.
Section A B C
It is any particulate matter that can be transported by fluid flow and which eventually is
deposited as a layer of solid particles on the bed or bottom of a body of water or other
It is a fragmental material which originates from the weathering of rocks and is transported,
suspended in or deposited by water.
It is the amount (wt/vol) of sediment passing through a particular section of river a stream
per unit time.
Q s = Q x Cm
Sediment Yield:
It is the total sediment load out flowing from a drainage area / watershed at a particular
reference point in a specified period of time.
Bed Load:
It is that part of total sediment load that moves in the form of rolling, jumping and sliding
along the bed layer ( it is a sediment layer several grain size thickness immediately above
channel bed).
Suspended Load:
It is that part of total load which moves in suspension for an appreciable length of time,
supported by upward component of turbulent currents.
Bed material is the sediment mixture of which the stream bed is composed off. Bed
material load is that part of total sediment load which is composed of sediment sizes which
are found in stream bed and in sand bed rivers. It is equal to the sediment transport capacity
of flow.
It is that part of total sediment load which is composed off particles finer than those
represented in the stream bed. In sand bed channels, particles with sizes finer than
0.062mm (silt & clay) are considered as wash load.
Example Problem:
Time 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52
110 166 334 428 354 105
Discharge 330 435 604 752 793 509 428
(cumecs) 5 4 2 0 5 2
134 145 137
Area of 200 256 340 432 583 829 565 452 320 250
flow 8 0 0
Depth 0.9 1.24 1.56 1.85 2.66 3.85 6.20 6.89 6.21 2.49 2.12 1.34 0.95
D50 = 0.05 mm
D90 = 0.075 mm
Bed slope = 1:1500
Specific weight of water = 1 m ton/m3
Specific gravity of particles = 2.65
Take bed load as 25 % of suspended load.
a. Estimate the bed load using Meyer-Peter & Muller’s Approach (MPM) and Total
annual sediment load assuming that the bed load is 25% of Suspended sediment
b. Estimate the total annual sediment load using Acker and white’s Approach.
c. Estimate the reservoir capacity if the flow is to be regulated at a uniform rate and
using the results obtained in (a) & (b) estimate the Half life of reservoir.
Given Data:
Specific weight of water = 1 m ton/m3
Specific weight of particles = 2.65 x 1 = 2.65 m ton / m3
I. Calculate Kr as
II. Calculate Sr as
If 1<dgr ≤60
, , and
If dgr>60
Assignment Work:
Part 1:
List the approaches used to estimate Bed load and Total sediment load.
Applications of Sediment Transport study in Hydraulics and irrigation Engineering.
Part 2:
Average 4 weekly discharge data of a river at a gauging station is given as:
Time 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52
118 156 293 404 315 162
Discharge 400 525 678 820 845 563 425
(cumecs) 0 9 6 0 6 3
Depth 1.75 2.16 2.46 2.70 3.50 4.65 7.05 7.98 7.15 4.89 3.15 2.39 1.96
It is the type in which depth of flow, velocity of flow changes, channel cross-section etc
varies gradually over a long length of the channel.
Following are the possible water surface profiles which can be developed in a gradually
varies flow:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Compute the back water profile by standard step method using the following data:
A trapezoidal channel having a bottom slope of 0.001 is carrying a flow of N m3/s. The
bottom width is 15.0 m and the side slopes are 2H to 1V. At the downstream end, a control
structure raises the water depth to 8.0 m. The Manning n for the flow surfaces is 0.018, α
= 1.0, and the elevation of the channel bottom at the downstream end is M m.
M 10R 5R 3R 2R
Section A B C D
Sr. # Station
1 0+00
2 0+100
3 0+200
4 0+300
5 0+400
6 0+500
7 0+600
8 0+700
9 0+800
10 0+900
11 1+000