Job Safety Analysis: Gujarat Refinery
Job Safety Analysis: Gujarat Refinery
Job Safety Analysis: Gujarat Refinery
4. Mr. (tkIS)
8. Mr.
JSA Reviewed By : 1-Mr. Y.M. Parmar DGM(Projects)
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Sl. No. Activities Hazards Recommended action/ Procedures
1 Job preparation 1.1) Unauthorized entry TBT shall be conducted with all concerned about the hazard.
1.1.1) Area must be barricaded properly & sign
Board to be displayed.
1.1.2) Pedestrian way to be clear & free from any
1.1.1) Tools shall be inspected before shifting,
Inspected colour code shall be applied on hand tools.
2.1.2) Only experienced person should involve in
2 2.1.3) Proper size's spanner shall be selected for the
Manual Dosing of 2.1.4) Only wooden handle hammer with respective
chemicals in mixing tank 2.1) Slip, Fall hazard, Improper handling/ Colour code shall be used only.
Personal Injury. 2.1.6) Access way keep clear and avoid pinch point.
2.2) Flash fire 2.1.7) Sharp edge shall be bent or remove.
2.3Corrosive: inhalation, skin, eye, ingestion 2.2.1) Chemicals shall be shifted in a Mixing tank
2.2.2) Keep away from source of heat and
Precaution shall be taken as per MSDS.
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1.1.1 Proper training to be provided by workmen
Before starting of work.
1.2.1 Only trained or qualified person involved in
3 Work.
1.3.1 Carefully handling of chemical drums & Bags
Handling of 1.3.1 Proper stacking of full & empty drums to be
chemical Ensured. MSDS available in store.
Sodium Hydroxide 1.4.1 Before handling of chemicals resistant hand
Acid pickling:- Gloves must be used.
Hydrochloric acid to 1.4.2 Handling operation should be keep away from
used Diluted & Hot work area.
Inhibitor 1.5.1 Smoking will strictly prohibited.
Passivation with 1.5.2 Near handling point fresh water must be
citric acid , liquor Ensured.
ammonia & Sodium Nitrite 1.5.3 Used cotton cloth to be kept in safe place
3.1 Unbalance
3.2 Slip & trip 3.5.4 Promptly wash with plenty of soap and water.
3.3 Striking Wash clothing before reuse.
3.4 Irritation 3.5.5 Immediately flush with plenty of water for at
3.5 Inhalation Least 15 minutes while holding eyelids apart. Get
3.6Corrosive: inhalation, s Medical attention. In case a contact
kin, eye, ingestion 3.5.6 Remove to fresh air. If breathing is difficult,
Administer oxygen. If breathing has stopped, give
Artificial respiration. Get medical attention if any
Symptoms persist.
3.5.7 If conscious, immediately give 2 to 4 glasses
Of water or milk. Get medical attention at once.
3.5.8 Eye wash bottle to be kept ready with the
cleaning team during handling the cleaning agent
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4.1.1PPE's including rubber hand gloves organic
vapours respirator shall be checked
4.2.2 Rubber hand gloves, Nose mask to be used.
4.2.1Only trained or qualified person involved in
4.2.2Clear all the material from work location.
Chemical Cleaning
4 Process : 4.1.Irritation
Leak test & Water 4.2. Inhalation
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6.1.1 PPE's including rubber hand gloves organic
vapours respirator shall be checked
6.1.2 Precaution will be taken according to MSDS.
6.1.3 Chemical suit, rubber hand gloves, nose mask
Disposal of To be used.
6.1 Chemical Hygienic Corrosive: inhalation,
6 Chemicals pH should
skin, eye, ingestion.
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1. Mr. Ajay Kumar RCM (OCCPL)
4. Mr. (tkIS)
8. Mr.
PART-B : Compliance Audit by JSA Team Members while the Job is being executed :
Sl. No. Recommended Actions / Checked By
Procedures & Control Measures Observations Compliance Status Name of Officer with
Sign. date & time
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