GENERAL DESCRIPTION cessive starts) are incorporated in the sys-
The EWPC 974 is a micro-processor tem. based digital controller designed for refrig- Thanks to a wide selection of other avail- WHAT IT IS eration systems; it is particularly suited for able parameters the controller can be medium or low temperature “forced air” adapted to virtually any application require- The EWPC 974 is a micro-proces- units. ment. sor based digital controller de- Its unique design lies in the fact that it in- signed for refrigeration systems; it corporates all three relays typically needed FRONT KEYPAD is particularly suited for medium or in a conventional freezer, i.e. for compres- SET: push and release to display the set- low temperature “forced air” units. sor, evaporator fan and defroster. In addi- point for 5 seconds. During this period the tion however the instrument also houses “SET” status light is on and the setpoint an internal buzzer for alarm annunciation. can be changed with the “UP” or “DOWN” HOW IT IS MADE A number of parameters are displayed al- button only. The system will automatically phanumerically to set up the instrument for switch to normal display after 5 seconds • Housing: black ABS plastic, au- each specific application. upon release of buttons and the new value toestinguish The EWPC 974 is supplied in the popular will be memorized. • Dimensions: front 74x32 mm “32x74” ELIWELL housing and is manu- UP: used to increase the setpoint value, as (2.913x1.260"), depth 67 mm factured according to VDE and UL norms. well as the parameter when in program- (2.637") ming. When held down for a few seconds, • Mounting: flush panel mount with OPERATION the change rate accelerates. mounting bracket The temperature control is always subject DOWN: same functions except to de- • Protection: the instrument front- to a positive temperature differential (make crease a value. panel is waterproof IP65; an op- on rise): the compressor stops when set- DEFROST: this momentary push button tional snap-on cover can be point is reached and starts again upon will start a manual defrost cycle whenever supplied to provide additional pro- reaching the setpoint temperature plus the it is activated for at least 5 seconds; not tection of the rear terminal block differential. accessible when in setpoint or parameter • Connections: screw terminal A choice of two defrost types is available: programming. The programmed interval to block (2.5 mm2; one wire each ter- electric defrost (during which the compres- the next defrost cycle is automatically re- minal only, in compliance with sor stops) or hot gas defrost (during which set. The “DEF” goes on when the defrost is VDE norms) the compressor is running). Other pro- initiated, whether the defrost is manual or • Outputs: three (3) relays 8(3)A gramming options include: defrost fre- automatic. 250V AC for compressor (SPST), quency time, time count mode, defrost Led “COMP”: status light of the internal evaporator fan control (SPST) and termination temperature, and a defrost compressor relay. It is ON when the com- defrost (SPDT) safety limit (time-out). pressor is ON. • Inputs: two (2) PTC probes for The evaporator probe is used to control Led “SET”: it is on during Setpoint display temperature and defrost control the defrost cycle as well as the evaporator and programming; it blinks during parame- • Resolution: 1 °C (°F) fan: a selection can be made of the tem- ter programming. • Accuracy: better than 0.5% of full perature above which the fan is OFF, the Led “DEF”: status light of the defrost. It is scale post-defrost fan delay time and the link be- on during automatic defrost; it blinks dur- • Power supply: 12 Vac/dc ±15% tween fan and compressor. ing manual defrost. The high and low temperature alarms can NOTE: to silence the alarm sound (buzzer be excluded for a certain length of time af- inside the instrument) push one of three ter start-up and/or after a defrost cycle. buttons on the front. A number of compressor short-cycle pro- tection solutions (i.e., delay on start, delay PARAMETER PROGRAMMING at switching off, delay between two suc- Programming is easily accessed by hold- DEFAULT SETTINGS - STANDARD MODELS dt: drainage time. Upon defrost completion, evaporator fan Parameter Description Range Default Unit and compressor remain “OFF” for this diF diFferential 1…15 2 °C / °F amount of time to allow coil drainage; ex- LSE Low SEt –99…HSE –55 °C / °F pressed in minutes. dPo: defrost (at) Power on. HSE High SEt LSE…99 40 °C / °F Selects whether the system should go dty defrost type selection EL / in EL flag through a defrost cycle at start-up (or after dit defrost interval time 0…31 6 hours a power failure). dct defrost count type dF / rt / SC / Fr dF flag n = no; y = yes. ddL: defrost display Lock. doh defrost offset 0…59 0 minutes Select whether or not to lock in the actual dEt def. Endurance time-out 1…99 30 minutes box temperature display during a defrost. dSt def. Stop temperature –70…99 8 °C / °F n = no; during defrost the actual box tem- perature is displayed; FSt Fan Stop temperature –70…99 2 °C / °F y = yes; the temperature displayed at the Fdt Fan delay time 0…99 10 minutes start of a defrost is locked in and does not dt drainage time 0…99 0 minutes change during this cycle; dPo defrost (at) Power on n/y n flag Lb = Label; during the defrost the label “dEF” is displayed to indicate a defrost is in ddL defrost display Lock n / y / Lb y flag progress. dFd defrost Fan disable n/y y flag Note: with the “y” and “Lb” selection, the HAL High ALarm 1…50 5 °C / °F display remains locked until the box tem- perature is pulled down again and reaches LAL Low ALarm 1…50 5 °C / °F setpoint. AFd Alarm (and) Fan diff. 1…50 2 °C / °F dFd: defrost Fan disable. PAO Power-on Al. Override 0…10 2 hours Fan “OFF” during defrost. dAo defrost Alarm override 0…10 1 hours n = no; y = yes. HAL: High ALarm. Fco Fan compressor off oF / on on flag This sets the deviation above the setpoint cPP comp. Probe Protection oF / on oF flag at which the acoustic alarm (internal ctP comp. type Protection nP / don / doF / dbi doF flag buzzer) will active. LAL: Low ALarm. cdP comp. delay Protection 0…15 0 minutes This sets the deviation below the setpoint odo output delay (at) on 0…99 0 minutes at which the acoustic alarm (internal EPr Evap. Probe read-out / / / buzzer) will active. CAL CALibration –20…20 0 °C / °F AFd: Alarm (and) Fan differential. The allowable temperature swing between tAb tAble of parameters / / / “ON” and “OFF” of the alarms and fan functions (see parameters “FSt”, “HAL” and “LAL”). ing the “SET” button down for more than Defrost initiation frequency in hours. PAO: Power-on Alarm Override. 5 seconds; the first parameter is displayed dct: defrost count type. Time delay after start-up during which the while the status light “SET” remains blink- dF = digifrost® Feature; defrost starting alarm will not activate, in hours. ing during the programming period. time (“dit”) is calculated based on accumu- dAo: defrost Alarm override. Other parameters are accessed with the lative compressor running time. Period after defrost during which the alarm “UP” and “DOWN” button. With the “SET” rt = real time; defrost initiation frequency is will not activate, expressed in hours. button, the actual setting of each parame- based on real time. Time between defrost Fco: Fan compressor off. ter is displayed. It can be changed with starts is always the same. The evaporator fan is OFF whenever the “UP” and “DOWN”. SC = Stop Compressor; a defrost cycle is compressor is cycled OFF. The system will automatically return to its activated each time the compressor stops. oF = yes; on = no. normal operating mode a few seconds af- Fr = Free (the compressor relay has no re- cPP: compressor Probe Protection. ter the programming procedure is com- lation with the defrost functions and con- Select compressor relay status in case of pleted or interrupted. tinues to regulate on Setpoint). room probe defect. doh: defrost offset. oF = compressor OFF in case of probe de- PARAMETER PROGRAMMING Time delay of defrost start, expressed in fect; diF: diFferential. minutes. on = compressor ON in case of probe de- Switching differential (histeresis); it will al- dEt: defrost Endurance time-out. fect. ways be set with positive value (make on Defrost safety limit, expressed in minutes. ctP: compressor type Protection. rise). Defrost cycle is terminated, regardless Select the type of (short-cycle) protection LSE: Lower SEt. whether fully completed. best suited for the compressor; the actual This is the lower limit below which the user dSt: defrost Stop temperature. delay time is programmed with the next cannot change the setpoint. Adjustable defrost termination tempera- parameter. HSE: Higher SEt. ture. nP = no Protection. Similar to “LSE”, however setting an upper FSt: Fan Stop temperature. don = delay on start; delay applies when limit for the setpoint. Setting of temperature (measured by the relay is energized. dty: defrost type selection. evaporator defrost probe) above which the doF = delay at switching oFf. Minimum off- EL = ELectric defrost; fan is always “OFF”. cycle time period. in = hot gas (reverse cycle) defrost. Fdt: Fan delay time. dbi = delay betw. two successive starts. dit: defrost interval time. Selection of post-defrost fan delay, in min. Limits the number of start-ups per hour.
EWPC 974 12/96 ing 2
CONNECTIONS Storage temperature: –30…75 °C (–22…167 °F). Outputs: three (3) relays 8(3)A 250V AC for compressor (SPST), evaporator fan EWPC 974 control (SPST) and defrost (SPDT). Inputs: two (2) PTC probes for tempera- ture and defrost control. Resolution: 1 °C (°F). Accuracy: better than 0.5% of full scale. Power supply: 12 Vac/dc ±15%. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
thermostat Eliwell S.p.A.
PTC probe via dell’Artigianato, 65 Zona Industriale 32010 Pieve d’Alpago (BL) defrost Italy comp. fans defrost PTC probe
Telephone +39 (0)437 986111
Facsimile +39 (0)437 989066 POWER SUPPLY
A Siebe Group Company
cdP: compressor delay Protection. probe cable separate from line voltage The time delay - in minutes - applicable to wiring. Also, it is good practice to install the the previous parameter “ctP”. tip of the probe in upright position, to avoid odo: output delay (at) on. moist from entering into the stainless steel Time delay in minutes applied to activation sensor housing. of the relays after start-up (this parameter The compressor relay contacts are volt- is not present on standard models). age-free and are suitable for in-line switch- EPr: Evaporator Probe read-out. ing of compressors up to 0.5 HP at With this parameter the evaporator tem- 220 Vac (or 0.25 HP to 110 Vac). For larg- perature can be displayed, even during er loads, an external contactor must be normal operation. used. CAL: CALibration. Temperature read-out offset to allow for a ERROR ANNOUNCIATION fixed adjustment up or down due to probe The instrument causes the display to read location, if desired. “E1” in the event of a problem with the box tAb: tAble of parameters. probe. This could mean: either an open or This shows the configuration of the para- shorted sensor, sensor not connected, meters as set in the factory; can not be temperature “under range” (below –55 °C modified (for factory identification and di- or –67 °F) or temperature “over range” agnostic purposes only). (over 99 °C or 210 °F). An error reading “E2” means a problem INSTALLATION with the evaporator probe. The instrument is designed for flush panel It is recommended to double-check the mounting. Insert the unit through a sensor wiring before diagnosing a probe 29x71 mm panel cut-out and affix with the as defective. U-bracket supplied. The ambient temperature around the in- TECHNICAL DATA strument should be kept between –5 and Housing: black ABS plastic, self-estin- 65 °C (23…149 °F). guishing. Select a location which will not be subject Dimensions: front 74x32 mm to high humidity or condensation and allow (2.913x1.260"), depth 67 mm (2.637"). some ventilation to provide cooling to the Mounting: flush panel mount with mount- instrument. ing bracket. Protection: the instrument frontpanel is ELECTRICAL WIRING waterproof IP65; an optional snap-on cov- The instrument is equipped with an internal er can be supplied to provide additional screw terminal block suitable for max. protection of the rear terminal block. 2.5 mm2 wiring (one wire each terminal Connections: screw terminal block only, in compliance with VDE norms). (2.5 mm2; one wire each terminal only, in Make sure that the power supply corre- compliance with VDE norms). sponds with the rating shown on the in- Display: 12.5 mm LED (0.50"). strument, i.e. 12 Vac/dc ±15%. Push buttons: located on front panel. The 2-wire PTC type probes do not require Data storage: non-volatile EEPROM polarity and can easily be extended by us- memory. ing common 2-lead wire. Operating temperature: –5…65 °C It is strongly recommended to run the (23…149 °F).