Sociology Ia 1

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Internal Assessment




“How rising levels of indiscipline affects
children in school and how can it be GROVES
Table of Content
Acknowledgement …………………………………………………………………….…1
Section 1
o Introduction ………………………………………………………………………2
o Aims and Objectives of study ………………….………………………………...3
o Literature Review ………………………………………………………......…..4-6

Section 2
o Research Design ……………………………………………………………..…...7
o The Sample selection ……………………………………………...……..….……8
o Data Collection Instrument...…………………………….………………....…..9-12

Section 3
o Presentation of Data ………………………………………………..……......13-17
o Analysis of Data …………………………………………………………..…18-19
o Discussions of Findings and Conclusions …………………..…………...…..20-22

Bibliography ………………………………………………………………………….…23


The completion of this internal assessment would not have been possible without the help

of studied organization and the almighty God who gave me the strength. I am Thankful to

my friends and teacher as well who helped me in finalizing this project within the limited

time frame.

Section 1 - Introduction
General Topic

How rising levels of indiscipline affects children in school and how can it be prevented.

Statement of the Problem

"Turning boys into gentlemen", this is a statement that is often heard by the students that
attend the prominent institution of Kingston College. 90 years and counting, Kingston
College has lived up to its expectations, by not only producing some of the country’s
finest gentlemen; but also some of the most brilliant minds. However in recent years it
has been noticed that the problem of indiscipline and unruliness has become a bigger
problem within the school.
As a result of this rising level of indiscipline in the school, there is a need to find out
how rising levels of indiscipline affects children in the Kingston College High School
and how can it be prevented.

Aims and Objectives

 To increase the level of awareness of persons within the school about indiscipline and
how they can prevent it.

 To provide solutions to help in the schools fight to curb indiscipline.
 To highlight the factors that are leading to indiscipline and provide solutions for
 State the internal and external causes of indiscipline in children in school.

Literature Review
Discipline can be defined as a systematic instruction given to a discipline, therefore in
other words means to instruct a person to follow a particular code of conduct (Jeffery
Toobin, New Yorker, 7th of May 2007). Discipline is a key factor in learning and without
it harmony and peace between students, teachers and administration cannot happen,

therefore learning is affected. Indiscipline on the other hand is the total opposite and
therefore can be defined as a lack of control or punishment. Based on a post made on
Monday November 8, 2010 by Vishal, school indiscipline has been overtime an issue of
concern for educators and we can even state, that it has become a huge concern among
educators, policy makers and the public opinion in general, owing to the outbreak of
aggressions among peers, and violence within teacher student relationships.

Indiscipline is a behavioral disorder that is classified as an act of delinquency. Just like

lying, stealing and playing truant or running away from home. It is often the cause
mental, emotional and also physical damage. Such as damage to property in homes as
well as in schools. An undisciplined child is an uncontrollable child and can do just about
any damage when he or she does not get whatever they please. It was stated by
Mohammmed Rhalmi on August 25, 2010 that in school factors including favoritism,
which may be caused by teachers who favor some students in their teaching and
classroom management. The other students may see this as a sign that everything is
allowed in spite of the rules. Other students may also see this favoritism as offence
against them which leads to rebellion if the rules are not enforced this can also lead to
indiscipline as a result of the student doing the offence again because he was not
punished. Lack of communication, lack of leadership, lack of motivation, bad habit and
poor teaching are also factors which play out to lead to indiscipline in the classroom.

Factors affecting students outside of school may include the parents of pupil not having
any interest in the education of their children therefore provoking their rebellious
behavior. It can also be caused by abuse at the home as well as overindulgent of parents
therefore pupils expect the same pampering when they come to school. An article was
published in the Jamaica Gleaner on October 23, 2013 by Kemar Griffiths on
indiscipline in schools and it stated that as a result of this behavior, there is a fluctuating
relationship between teachers and students and teachers often refused to attend classes
because of the indiscipline. He stated that while this is happening there are other students
in the class who are willing to learn and participate but because of indiscipline students,
the willing ones suffer. According to Katherine Lee children without discipline will

suffer from lack of self-control, lack of respect towards authority figures, including
parents, have no understanding of appropriate behavior, are selfish, unpleasant, and
unhappy, and lack empathy, patience, and the ability to share and make friends. They are
also more likely to harm themselves and others through negative behavior. These are just
some of the many effects of indiscipline in children.

Mohammmed Rhalmi on August 25, 2010 also stated that in order for this indiscipline to
stop or be minimized, sanctions need to be placed in schools to ensure that students are
kept in order. Some of these sanctions include:
Oral warning- when an offence is not that serious or when the offender is a first offender
he can be given a warning.
Actions- When the offence persists, actions such as time out, detention and notice to
parents should follow.
Informing Parents- If the same offender persist again with this disruptive behavior,
parents are informed of previous inappropriate behaviors and the student is warned that if
the indiscipline continues a behavior plan will be in place.
Suspension- If an offence is strong the student may be suspended for a day or two and
more action should follow. The offender should be referred to a board of specialist, a
behavior specialist and a parent conference is called.

If a child is offered practical courses that cater to his requirements, he will have a purpose
and therefore less time to indulge in undisciplined behavior. His restlessness will be
curbed, as he will be better occupied; but until then it is the duty of the teachers to help
the child to cope with the load and to find a workable solution for those children who are
breaking under the pressure. The parents too can contribute by spending quality time with
the child and taking deeper interest into what is happening at school. They should make
an effort to meet the teachers and find a solution to make productive and satisfying.

Section 2 -The Research Design
The research being done is one of a Quantitative research; the method that is being used
is the questionnaire. This is the most suitable way to gather information from a large
number of persons in a short period of time. In addition the information received is

This research is one of a Quantitative research which will produce statistical data about
the thesis statement. Positivist believes that this type of data is less biased as there is little
involvement from the researcher. The dependent variable of the research is the social
effect of indiscipline in children within school. The independent variable is the extent to
which indiscipline of children impact their surroundings.

This research was conducted on October 6th 2015. The questionnaires were issued to
students of Kingston College two months after. Limitations were faced during the
research with the questionnaire. That is, a few questions were vague and choices given
were limited. This cost the researcher wastage on ink printing incorrect questionnaires.


The simple random method of this research was chosen on the basis that individuals that

were chosen had to answer the questions written on the questionnaire which allowed

them to be relevant to the subject being studied.

A total of 200 questionnaires were distributed to the students of Kingston College. The

researcher had to identify the trouble makers and issue the questionnaires specifically to

them. The researcher gave the respondents a week to answer the questions many of which

were left unanswered upon collection. Also, of the questionnaires only 160 were returned

out of 200 and 60 of the returned questionnaires had unanswered questions which make

the researcher to use only100

The questionnaires were

issued to twenty persons ages
14-50 at random.
Participants were given
one week in which to answer
all the twelve questions.
During the distribution and
collection of
my questionnaire, I faced a
numerous amount of

problems. Firstly, persons
did not complete
questionnaires in time! This
in end lead to me not being
able to analyze data fast
enough. I also
observed that a majority of
persons left question twelve
unanswered, this as well
affected the
accuracy of my analysis
The questionnaires were
issued to twenty persons ages
14-50 at random.
Participants were given
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one week in which to answer
all the twelve questions.
During the distribution and
collection of
my questionnaire, I faced a
numerous amount of
problems. Firstly, persons
did not complete
questionnaires in time! This
in end lead to me not being
able to analyze data fast
enough. I also
observed that a majority of
persons left question twelve

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unanswered, this as well
affected the
accuracy of my analysis
The questionnaires were
issued to twenty persons ages
14-50 at random.
Participants were given
one week in which to answer
all the twelve questions.
During the distribution and
collection of
my questionnaire, I faced a
numerous amount of
problems. Firstly, persons
did not complete
12 | P a g e
questionnaires in time! This
in end lead to me not being
able to analyze data fast
enough. I also
observed that a majority of
persons left question twelve
unanswered, this as well
affected the
accuracy of my analysis

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You are kindly asked to provide honest response to the questions below. All the

information that will be received will be kept confidential. I thank you for your time.

Please place an (X) to the box provided below

1. Do you think you are indiscipline?



2. To what age group do you belong?




3. Is indiscipline is an issue within your school?


Strongly Agree


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Strongly Disagree

4. What would you consider to be rude or indiscipline?




5. Do you keep friends or interact with persons that do any of the things stated in #4?




6. If yes or sometimes. What do you think motivates them to behave that way?


To get attention

Bad upbringing by guardians

They don’t know any better

7. In what way do these persons behavior affect you in classes?




8. What do you think is the cause of this rising level of indiscipline?

Social Media

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Peer Pressure

Lack of Attention


9. What do you think can be done to help students who are indiscipline?



Put in a separate class


10. Do you believe the factors that cause students to behave indiscipline are what

happens internally (home) or externally (outside of home)

Agree (Internally)

Strongly Agree

Agree (Externally)

Strongly Agree

11. What solutions do you believe can be implemented by the school to minimize or
extinguish indiscipline?

12. Why do you believe the solution(s) listed above will work?


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Cover letter

338 Bologna Close

Angels Estate II

Spanish Town P.O

St, Catherine


December 2, 2015

Dear Respondents:

My name is Dashane Brown and I am a lower sixth student of Kingston College. This

questionnaire was designed to obtain knowledge on “how rising levels of indiscipline

affects children in school and how can it be prevented”. This research is being done to

fulfill the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (C.A.P.E) with that I will be

much grateful with the completion of these questions. Your response will be strictly

anonymous and there are no wrong or right answers.

Yours truly,

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Dashane Brown

Section 3- Presentation of Data

A total of 100 were retrieved from the students of Kingston College with complete

Is indiscipline an issue within your







Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

Figure 1: Displays a column graph showing respondents views of the level of indiscipline
they think is in their school. From the chart we concluded that persons strongly agreed
that indiscipline was prominent within their school.

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What do you think is the cause of the rising level of

20% Social Media
32% Peer Pressure
Lack of Attention


Figure 2: Shows a Pie chart displaying the percentages of what respondents think is
causing the rising level of indiscipline in school. Based off their responses it is safe to say
that peer pressure is the main cause of indiscipline within school.

19 | P a g e
What do you think can be done to help students who are


Put in a separate class



0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Counseling Suspended Put in a separate class Other

Figure 3: This bar chart clearly shows what respondents think can be done to help
students who are indiscipline. Most feel it is necessary for indiscipline students to go
under some form of counseling while others think it is best to just put them in a separate
class or be suspended.

20 | P a g e
What do you think motivates indisciplined students to
behave this way?

They don’t
know any
better Inequality
5% 20%

by guardians
To get

Inequality To get attention

Bad upbringing by guardians They don’t know any better

Figure4: This pie chart shows the percentage of persons who think indiscipline students
behave a certain way because of certain factors. Based off the information collected
persons believe that bad upbringing by guardians is the main cause of indiscipline in

21 | P a g e
Do you believe the factors that cause students to behave
indiscipline are what happens internally (home) or
externally (outside of home)
Response Number of Respondents Percentage

Agree (Internally) 30 30%

Strongly Agree 15 15%

Agree (Externally) 20 20%

Strongly Agree 35 35%

Total 100 100%

Figure5: A table showing where respondents believe factors of indiscipline are triggered.
Based off the final assessment of the information it is safe to say that despite the fact that
30% of persons think the main factor that triggers indiscipline is happens internally, a
stronger 35% feels that it is external factors that contribute to students misbehaving ways.

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Analysis of Data

From the data collected during the research, both primary and secondary information

were referenced, in an attempt to achieve the desired outcome of this study which aims to

“find out how rising levels of indiscipline affects children in the Kingston College High

School and how can it be prevented.” Specific questions were selected from the data

collection instrument and were analyzed using pie charts, bar charts and a table. This

provided the necessary statistics and facts to assist with the accomplishment of the set

objectives which were successfully met. Figure 1’ looked at the view that students had of

weather indiscipline was an issue in school or not. 40% of the respondents believed that

indiscipline was an issue within their school. Figure 2 looked at what respondents thought

is causing the rising level of indiscipline in school. Based off their responses it is safe to

say that peer pressure is the main cause of indiscipline within school as 35% of the

respondents agreed to it. Figure 3 showed a bar chart clearly showed what respondents

think could be done to help students who are indiscipline. 50% feel it is necessary for

indiscipline students to go under some form of counseling while others think it is best to

just put them in a separate class (30%) or be suspended (10%). Figure 4 showed the

percentage of persons who think indiscipline students behave a certain way because of

certain factors. Based off the information collected 40% persons believe that bad

upbringing by guardians is the main cause of indiscipline in school, 35% thought that it

was as a result of students seeking attention. Figure 5 is a table showing where

respondents believe factors of indiscipline are triggered. Based off the final assessment of
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the information it is safe to say that despite the fact that 30% of persons think the main

factor that triggers indiscipline is happens internally, a stronger 35% feels that it is

external factors that contribute to students misbehaving ways.

Discussion of Findings and Conclusions

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From objective one which seeked to provide solutions to help in the schools fight

to curb indiscipline, it was discovered that in order for this to happen schools would have

to put in place a counseling system where students, who are misbehaving/undisciplined

can go and get proper guidance, and be questioned as to why they are behaving this way

an how the school can help them. It was also observed that students whose parents have

little or no interference with the school or keep minimal tabs on their children tend to

misbehave a lot more versus students whose parents are active in their children’s

activities at school.

The second objective sought to highlight the factors that are leading to

indiscipline and provide solutions. Persons believed the main case of indiscipline within

schools was bad upbringing by guardians as 40% of respondents agreed to it, and it only

makes logical sense. Most students are only going to come to school and display the

behaviors they see their parents or guardians doing. So if they are not raised in an

environment where they are taught to behave disciplined it WILL NOT happen at

school. Others thought that the main factor that caused students to behave indiscipline

was to get attention. This is often seen within students who possess low self-esteem and

rely on the attention of others to boost their ego within class or their surroundings.

Solutions that can be implemented include the school calling in the parent of the child

and counseling and discussing and putting into place measures and/or practices that can

be done by both the parent and child to improve the way they interact.

The third and last objective asked to state the internal and external causes of

indiscipline in children in school. From the data that was collected from the data

collecting instrument a surprising 35% strongly agreed that it was external factors that

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caused students to misbehaved, and was not to be bettered by a 30% who thought it was

internal factors that caused these students to misbehave at school. Peer pressure and

social media were seen as the most dominant external causes of indiscipline as 45% and

32% of persons agreed to it respectively. It does not act as a surprise though. In today’s

society it is very prominent to see students going in gangs, smoking, doing drugs,

engaging in sexual activities etc. and most if not all of these actions are as a result of the

high level of influence that they are under. Which leads me to the second point which

based on results collected from the data collection instrument was the second most

influential external factor influencing students. SOCIAL MEDIA!! Social media is

tearing today’s generation of children to pieces and turning them into idiots. Students are

often times found engaging in activities linked to peer pressure as a result of trying to

blend in or meet the requirements of their friends. All this distracts them from school and

eventually leads to indiscipline within class and school on a whole. Internal factors that

cause indiscipline within students all point to the same direction. Poor raising by

parents/guardians. 40% percent of persons agreed that this was what caused indiscipline

within students. If the school can find some way to reach out to the parents of these

misbehaving students and give them some form of counseling, it should better the

student’s performance in school as it proteins to behavior and eventually academics.

Research have shown that indiscipline is an issue that has always been

prominent within schools; but over the years it has been noticed that it has been

increasing at a very fast rate, not only at the secondary but also primary level.

Surprisingly though sometimes the acts of indiscipline or unruliness could be as a result

of one expressing his frustration toward a particular set up of societal norms which tend

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to put too much pressure on students. Some students may not know any better than what

they are doing as well, so it’s a responsibility of the school to pick up where parents have

fell short and socialize them properly.


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