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GLRM0020 Professional Ethics and Integrity (S01) : Name: Ega Puspita Leriana Matric No: A17KT0343

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GLRM0020 - Professional Ethics and Integrity (S01)



No. Ethical challenges Decision

When the Mountain Madness expedition Fischer claimed that Kruse was his friend and
travelled from Base Camp to Camp II, it was hard to leave his side seeing the state he
Kruse became ill. Fischer, being the guide was in. However, being the guide, he had a
for the team, faced a dilemma of whether responsibility towards his entire
to escort him down the mountain, leaving team. Fischer should not put the entire team
the rest of the team continuing without at risk just for the sake of accompanying a
him; or to continue the ascent with the friend. Therefore, the best decision a leader
team. could make is to allow someone else to escort
Kruse down the mountain, while Fischer
continues the ascent with the team.

Fischer encountered Ngawang Topche As a leader of the expedition, Fischer should

who was ill, and he instructed Topche to be strict on his action because he is holding

2 return to the base camp to receive medical the responsibility of the team. He should force
assistance. Topche insisted on returning Topche to return the base camp even if
to the base camp to receive treatment and Topche insisted because it might cause a huge
continue to climb. Instead of forcing problem to the team if someone was sick. His
Topche to return, Fischer chose to let late action ended up causing Topche to lose
Topche continue the expedition. his life because of receiving late treatment.

Harris who is a guide has become The ethical decision that Krakauer should
disoriented during the descent since he make is actually tell the true information
mistakenly concluded that there is no about supplemental oxygen remaining at the
supplemental oxygen remaining at the South Summit. He should not ignore that
South Summit. However, Krakauer and mistake and should speak up to clear the
Adam could not convince Harris about his misunderstanding and prevent the spreading
mistake even though they had discovered of erroneous information to the others. This is
the error when they arrived at the South because the clear and true information can
Summit. The ignorance of Krakauer and bring a chance for Hansen to keep alive by
Adam to deliver the true information has providing the supplemental oxygen which is
led to further spreading of erroneous desperately needed by Hansen.
information especially when Hall radioed
Harris for assistance at the time where
Hansen desperately needed more oxygen.
This has led to the death of Hansen
followed by Hall who refuses to leave his
client at that time.

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