Environmental Chemistry MCQS: A) 1.6×10 Tonnes/Annum
Environmental Chemistry MCQS: A) 1.6×10 Tonnes/Annum
Environmental Chemistry MCQS: A) 1.6×10 Tonnes/Annum
b) Increase of pollution
c) Decrease of resources
d) All of these
7. Global warming is due to:
a) Increased concentration in CO2
b) Increased concentration in O2
c) Increased concentration in NO2
d) Increased concentration in N2
8. How much content of Ozone occurs in stratosphere?
a) 90%
b) 50%
c) 80%
d) 20%
9. Where does ozone layer occur?
a) stratosphere
b) troposphere
c) thermosphere
d) mesosphere
10. stratosphere occurs at altitude:
a) 15-50 km
b) 25-50 km
c) 15-25 km
d) None
11. Long distance gets fly at ________altitudes:
a) stratospheric
b) tropospheric
c) atmospheric
d) None
12. The turning point at which the temperature began to increase
in troposphere is called:
a) Tropopause
b) Stratospheric
c) stratopause
d) none
13. Global problem which relates with stratosphere is____
a) Ozone depletion
b) Cloud cover
c) Absorption of O2
d) None
14. The main driving force for circulation of atmosphere are:
a) Solar radiation and earth rotation
b) Solar system
c) Air pressure
d) Infrared radiation
15. Sun’s angle causes solar energy falling variation such as:
a) Poles are warm, equator cold
b) Poles are cold, equator warm
c) Both are cold
d) Both are warm
16. Coriolis force is produced due to:
a) Earth rotation
b) Sun rotation
c) Ozone depletion
d) None
17. If isobars are close together on weather chart, the wind speed
will be:
a) Moderate
b) High
c) Low
d) Variable
18. Variation of wind speed on rough and smooth surfaces are
a) 40% and 20% reduction
b) 40% and 20% increase
c) 20% reduction in both
d) 20% in both
19. If earth had no atmosphere, the mean surface temperature
would be:
a) 255 K
b) 100 K
c) 250 K
d) 9 K
20. Most of radiant energy from sun lies in _______region:
a) Visible
b) Ultraviolet
c) Infrared
d) X-rays
21. The fraction of reflected light from earth is called ____
a) Cloud cover
b) Turbulence
c) Albedo
d) None
22. Wavelength range of infrared region is:
a) 20-25 µm
b) 10-15 µm
c) 30-35 µm
d) None
23. Glass is transparent while absorbs the infrared radiation of
a) Greater than 3 µm
b) Lower than 1 µm
c) Greater than 5 µm
d) None
24. Which gas is called greenhouse gas?
a) Carbon dioxide
b) Sulphur dioxide
c) Nitrogen
d) Ozone
25. Example of aerosol causing cooling effect by its volcanic
eruption is:
a) Mount Pinatubo
b) Mount inching
c) Hilly deepens
d) None
26. 90 % of ozone layer occurs in:
a) 25-60 km
b) 100-120 km
c) 15-50 km
d) None
27. _____ are potential catalysts for destruction of ozone:
a) Sulphur oxide
b) Carbon dioxide
c) Ammonia
d) Nitrogen oxide
28. The correct reaction of ozone dissociation is:
a) O3-------> O2o+O
b) O3-------> O2+2Oo
c) O3-------> O2+Oo
d) None
29. Severe ozone hole in antarctica was seen in:
a) September
b) December
c) October
d) January
30. The accounting for incoming and outgoing energy is called:
a) Global warming
b) Global energy balance
c) Global climate system
d) None
31. 1992 and 1993 were the most severe on record, with ozone
depleted by more than:
a) 90%
b) 99%
c) 50%
d) None
32. Within vortex, the temperature falls progressively until below
about ______
a) -80oC
b) -40oC
c) -70oC
d) -80oC
33. HCl is readily incorporated into ice crystals and can undergo
a) ClONO2
b) HOCl
c) Cl2
d) HNO3
34. The Clo atoms rapidly react with ozone generating:
a) ClO
b) O2
c) O3
d) CO2
35. Reactions of bromine atoms in addition to those of chlorine
atoms are now thought to account for about ____ of ozone
a) 20%
b) 30%
c) 40%
d) 50%
36. ____ is currently being targeted for phase out and is covered
under amendments to the Montreal protocol:
a) Chlorine
b) Sulphuric acid
c) Methyl bromide
d) None
37. For Europe and north America, the decrease is ____ per
decade with an indication that the trend has accelerated in
the last decade:
a) 2.5 to 3.5%
b) 3.5 to 4.5%
c) 5.5 to 6.5%
d) None
38. The roughness of ground produces a certain amount of
turbulence in ______ layer of atmosphere which promotes
mixing and dispersion of pollutants:
a) Lowest layer
b) Highest layer
c) Middle layer
d) Ozone layer
39. In extreme cases, fog may persist for several days as
happened in:
a) London 1952
b) New York 1951
c) Saudi 1957
d) Antarctica 1958
40. Within anticyclonic condition, air is diverging from:
a) Low pressure
b) High pressure
c) High temperature
d) Low temperature
41. Level of photo-chemical oxidant such as ozone are at:
a) Low
b) High
c) Mid
d) None
42. The plume width in chimneys both in vertical and in
horizontal direction:
a) Decreases
b) Increases
c) Rapid fall
d) All of these
43. The ground level concentration very close to chimneys will be
_____ because it takes sometime for vertical mixing to drive
the plum to ground:
a) High
b) Zero
c) Low
d) Highest
44. Egg borough power station in northern England, this occurs
up to about ____ from 200m chimney:
a) 8 km
b) 10 km
c) 12 km
d) 14 km
45. _____ increase in chimneys height should roughly halve
ground level apart:
a) 20 %
b) 30%
c) 40%
d) 50%
46. The result of measurement made by central electricity
generating board near Egg brough, _____ power station:
a) 1000 MW
b) 1500 MW
c) 3000 MW
d) 2000 MW
47. At the radius of maximum effect, which is about _____ from
a) 6 km
b) 8 km
c) 10 km
d) 12 km
48. The peak 3 min conc. of sulphur dioxide due to power station
were approaching:
a) 5000 µgm-3
b) 1000 µgm-3
c) 7000 µgm-3
d) 10000 µgm-3
49. 95% of 3 min. average were below:
a) 5 µgm-3
b) 10 µgm-3
c) 15 µgm-3
d) 20 µgm-3
50. The overall annual average contribution of power station to
a) NO3
b) SO2
c) SO3
d) CO2
51. The unit of deposition velocity is:
a) nms-2
b) ms-1
c) Js-1
d) None
52. The most common source of pollutant acid in water is:
a) Acid mine drainage
b) Acid rain
c) Detergents
d) None
53. Which of the following heavy metal causes damage to CNS,
paralysis and blindness?
a) Mercury
b) Lead
c) Cadmium
d) Aluminum
54. Which of the following is secondary pollutant?
a) SO2
b) CO
c) O3
d) CO2
55. The rotation of earth effects the circulation patterns in a
fundamental way due to an effect called:
a) Geo trophic wind forces
b) Gravitational forces
c) Natural forces
d) Coriolis forces
56. The fraction of reflected light is termed as:
a) Dissipated light
b) Albedo
c) Global average light
d) None
57. Which of the following is short-lived species and respond
quickly to the changes in emissions?
a) Aerosols
b) CFC’s
c) Sulphates
d) CO, CO2
58. Warm air rises at the _____
a) Poles
b) Equator
c) Both
d) Both have cold airs
59. If the speed of wind is low, the concentration of pollutants is:
a) High
b) Low
c) Variable
d) Not measured yet
60. The air adjacent to the ground is subsequently warmed and
rises due to its:
a) Pressure
b) Buoyancy
c) Temperature
d) Wind speed
61. Oxidation of NH3 to NO occurs in _____
a) Stratosphere
b) Troposphere
c) Mesosphere
d) Thermosphere
62. Of all the metals, which of the following has greatest number
of organometallic compounds:
a) Tin
b) Mercury
c) Lead
d) Arsenic
63. Ka value of cyanide; which is a weak acid:
a) 7×10-10
b) 6×10-10
c) 6×10-9
d) 5×10-5
64. _____ is added to some industrial process water as a common
corrosion inhibitor:
a) Sulfite ion
b) Nitrite ion
c) Nitrate ion
d) Sulphate ion
65. Eutrophication is derived from Greek word meaning;
a) Well defined
b) Well blooming
c) Well nourished
d) Well abundant
66. Water salinity is being increased by:
a) Human activities
b) Acid rain
c) Melting of ice poles
d) None
67. The septic zone terminates when oxidizable pollutant is:
a) Dissolved
b) Exhausted
c) Remains same
d) Undissolved