Thermal Analysis of Fin Using Ansys: BY (ADMISSION NO. 19MT0337)
Thermal Analysis of Fin Using Ansys: BY (ADMISSION NO. 19MT0337)
Thermal Analysis of Fin Using Ansys: BY (ADMISSION NO. 19MT0337)
A Thesis on the project to be submitted for the Master of Technology
Degree in Machine Design under Indian Institute Of Technology (ISM)
Admission No.: 19MT0337
Department Of Mechanical Engineering
Indian Institute Of Technology (ISM), Dhanbad
The enhancement of heat transfer is an important subject of thermal engineering. The
removal of excessive heat from system is essential to avoid overheating. The heat
transfer from surface may be enhanced by increasing the heat transfer coefficient
between surface and surrounding or by increasing the heat transfer area surface, or
by both. Extended surfaces also referred as fins are commonly used for increasing
the surface area and enhancing heat transfer coefficient in many industries. The heat
conducted through solids, walls or boundaries has to be continuously dissipated to
the surrounding or environment to maintain the system in a steady state condition. In
many engineering applications large quantities of heat have to be dissipated from
small areas. Heat transfer by convection between a surface and fluid surrounding it
can be increased by attaching to the surface thin strips of melts called “fins”.
Fins are often found in industry especially in heat exchanger industries as in finned
tubes of double pipe shell and tube and compact heat exchangers. Moreover fins are
also utilized in cooling of large heat flux electronic devices as well as in cooling of
gas turbine blades.
The heat transfer and heat transfer coefficient depends on the geometry and
material of fins. The geometry and cross-sectional area plays a vital role in
determining the effectiveness and efficiency of fin. The heat transfer coefficient
increases with increase in turbulence effect which can be increased by notching the
surface of fin. Creation of holes i.e. perforation also increases turbulence effect thus
increasing heat transfer coefficient. Making grooves also increase the turbulence
effect which in turn increases the heat transfer coefficient.
Changing materials also may increase or decrease heat transfer. Alloy steel
gives more heat dissipation than aluminium steel. The heat transfer can also be
increased by use of composite materials. More heat transfer can be achieved in non-
metallic radial fins than metallic fin. Non-metallic fins are also easy to
manufacture. Thermal flux for Beryllium material was more than other materials
like aluminium alloy and magnesium alloy and also thickness plays an important
role in heat dissipation.
Nusselt number (Nu) is the ratio of convective to conductive heat transfer
across (normal to) the boundary.
Nu = Convective Heat =
Transfer Conductive (
Heat Transfer 2 1
h = heat transfer coefficient (W/m .k)
D = Hydraulic Diameter (m) )
k = thermal conductivity (W/m.k)
The Reynolds number is the ratio of inertial forces to viscous forces and is a
convenient parameter for predicting if a flow condition will be laminar or
The most important parameter affecting the heat transfer was Reynolds
number and secondly geometry of perforation. Utilization of perforated fins
increases heat dissipation rate, simultaneously reducing the fin’s weight, low
weight means saving material of fin. The heat dissipation rate increases with the
size of the perforation because of more free convection due to the perforation.
Increasing the size of perforation increases the Heat transfer upto a certain limit and
then decreases. Increasing the eccentricity of perforation decreases the value of heat
transfer coefficient thus the eccentricity of perforation should be as low as possible.
At higher value of Reynolds number, heat transfer coefficient becomes almost
constant for all the shapes of perforation. The heat transfer rate was more in fins
with two perforations in both natural as well as in forced convection compared to
solid fins and fins with one perforation. Staggered perforations showed more heat
transfer than inline perforation.
Fig. 4: Enclosure
Step 2: Mesh generation.
Fine meshing was done to get accurate and precise results. The mesh element
was tetrahedral because it covers the entire volume of specimen and leaves
behind minimal voids as shown in Fig. 5. The mesh was generated and the
number of nodes and elements for all fins are shown in Table 1. The specific
sections required for boundary conditions such as inlet, outlet, fin surface,
heat flux were defined.
The prominent input parameters required for analysis of all the three
types of fins were Inlet air velocity, Temperature of base plate,
Temperature of inlet air and Heat flux. The analysis was carried out
selecting Energy model and K-Epsilon model in totake into
consideration the turbulence effect. The Table no. 2shows the input
parameters which are applicable for all the three fins.
Table 2: Boundary Conditions
0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000
Reynolds Number
Nu vs Re
Nusselt number
0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000
Reynolds number
Fig. 10: Contour of Heat Transfer Coefficient for Twin Extension fin
Nu vs Re
Nusselt number
0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000
Reynolds number
Fig. 11: Graph of Nusselt number V/S Reynolds number for Twin Extension fin
After studying heat transfer coefficient plots of all the three types of fins,the
graph of Nu vs. Re depicting the combination of all the three fins was made as
shown in Fig. 12
Nu vs Re
Nusselt nuber
150 Rectangular
Inclined perforated
100 Twin Extension
0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000
Reynolds Number
Fig. 12 Graph of Nusselt number V/S Reynolds number for all the fins
From the combined graph of Nu vs. Re for all the three types of fins, it is evident that:
a. Both the Inclined Non- uniform perforated fins and Twin
Extension fins are more effective than Normal Rectangular fins.
b. For lower velocities i.e. upto 2m/s, Inclined Non-uniform
perforated fins are superior to Twin Extension fins.
c. For higher velocities, Twin Extension fins are more preferable.
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