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Cambridge Special Access Scheme (CSAS)

2011 Entry
The University of Cambridge wishes to admit the best students whatever their background.
Admission to Cambridge is often extremely competitive and details of typical entry requirements can
be found in the Undergraduate Prospectus.

Admissions Tutors are aware that some applicants may not be predicted the high grades required,
but will nevertheless have the potential and the motivation to follow a course in Cambridge
successfully. The Cambridge Special Access Scheme (CSAS) is a University-wide initiative
designed to ensure that all Colleges have the information they require in order to accurately assess
applicants who have experienced particular personal, social or educational disadvantage.

The CSAS is open to UK and EU students only. Applicants will be eligible for consideration if either of
the following circumstances apply:

• Few people from the applicant’s school/college proceed to higher education and the applicant’s
family has little or no tradition of entry to higher education to study for a degree.
• The applicant’s education has been significantly disrupted or disadvantaged through health or
personal problems, disability or difficulties with schooling.

The Scheme is designed to help Admissions Tutors in a number of ways, it will:

• provide a context against which Admissions Tutors can judge the academic record of applicants
• provide information useful in assessing applicants’ performance at interview and also in
determining the content of interviews
• assist Admissions Tutors to decide on a fair and realistic level for conditional offers to applicants
entering through the Scheme, although it will not necessarily lead to a lower offer being made.
Please note that mature students applying to one of the mature Colleges (Hughes Hall, Lucy
Cavendish, St Edmund’s and Wolfson) should not use this form as these Colleges automatically give
special consideration to mature applicants.

Schools/colleges wishing one or more applicants to be considered through the Scheme are asked to
complete a Cambridge Special Access Scheme form for each applicant. It is helpful if enquiries about
the Cambridge Special Access Scheme can be initiated by teachers and not by individual applicants
or parents.

A copy of the form is attached: this can be photocopied or further copies can be obtained from
Cambridge Admissions Office (CAO) or any College admissions office. Please include any
information on the form that you think is relevant and significant.

It is hoped that the Scheme will not put staff in schools/colleges to significantly more trouble than the
regular admissions process, but that it will be of great benefit to applicants and Colleges.
Important notes
Schools/colleges considering whether to endorse an applicant’s application through the Scheme are
asked to note the following points:

1 All University of Cambridge Colleges (except the four mature Colleges) participate in the

2 The Scheme will operate alongside the Colleges’ long-standing policy of considering all
applicants on the basis of all the information available, and applicants who do not apply through
the Scheme will also be considered in the light of any information provided by their
schools/colleges about their educational and personal background.

3 The Colleges would expect any applicant through the Scheme to have the support of his or her

4 The Colleges are looking for potential as well as achievement in their applicants, but wish to
make offers to applicants who are well suited to the specific course for which they have applied.
Students need to be highly motivated and have sufficient background knowledge to cope with
the challenging Cambridge courses.

5 Applicants are strongly advised to read the University of Cambridge Undergraduate Prospectus,
available from the Cambridge Admissions Office or on the website at
www.cam.ac.uk/admissions/undergraduate/, carefully before applying and to ensure that they
understand the structure of the course they hope to study. College admissions offices can often
provide additional information about particular courses, as well as about the Colleges

6 Applicants with disabilities are advised to contact the University Disability Adviser at the
Disability Resource Centre, for general advice and further information as to whether this
Scheme is applicable, on 01223 332301 or email ucam-disability@lists.cam.ac.uk.

Further information
If you require further information or advice about the Cambridge Special Access Scheme, the Admissions
Tutors of any College or staff in the Cambridge Admissions Office will be happy to advise. Please note
such preliminary discussion is not necessary before making an application.

This Scheme is not an application for financial support. Details of financial support available can be
found in the Undergraduate Prospectus.

Produced by: Cambridge Admissions Office (March 2010), Fitzwilliam House, 32 Trumpington Street, Cambridge CB2 1QY
Telephone: 01223 333 308 Fax: 01223 366 383 Email: admissions@cam.ac.uk Website: www.cam.ac.uk/admissions/
Cambridge Special Access Scheme (CSAS)
Additional Statement

This form should be completed by a teacher/tutor at the applicant’s school/college and sent to the
Admissions Office of the applicant’s chosen College or, in the case of Open applicants only, to the
Cambridge Admissions Office.

Applicant’s name: ______________________________________ Date of birth: _______________

Subject applied for: __________________________________________________________________

Cambridge College applied to: _________________________________________________________

[leave BLANK if making an Open application]

Name of teacher completing this form

Title: Dr / Mr / Mrs / Miss / Ms / Other: ________ Name: __________________________________

School/college name: _______________________________________________________________

Contact telephone number: __________________________________________________________

Contact email: ______________________________________________________________________

Has the applicant left school/college? Yes / No

Is the applicant aware that he/she is being entered through this scheme? Yes / No

Please fill in one or more of the following sections as appropriate:

Is there any information regarding the general circumstances of the applicant’s school/college that you
feel is relevant? Please provide details below.

continued over/
Have you any comments on the applicant’s academic record since GCSE (or equivalent) and any
factors that might lead to under-performance at A level (or equivalent) or at interview? (There is no need
to detail examination marks, where they are available on the main UCAS application.) Please include,
where relevant, details such as the applicant’s family circumstances, health, progress through the
school/college system etc.

Signed: ___________________________________________________ Date: ________________

(Teacher/tutor signature)

Please send this form to the Admissions Office of the applicant’s chosen College or, in the case of
Open applicants only, to the Cambridge Admissions Office, Fitzwilliam House, 32 Trumpington Street,
Cambridge CB2 1QY.

(In the event that an applicant’s circumstances change following the submission of this form, please
inform the chosen College or CAO if making an Open application.)

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