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Dealing with Metric Unit Conversion: An Examination of

Prospective Science Teachers’ Knowledge of and Difficulties
with Conversion
Emrah Oguzhan Dincer, Aslihan Osmanoglu*
Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Faculty of Education, Trakya University, Edirne, Turkey
*Corresponding Author: aslihanosmanoglu@trakya.edu.tr

The aim of this study was to examine prospective science teachers’ knowledge of and difficulties with the metric unit conversion. The
participants of the study were 73 prospective science teachers. In this qualitative study, a measurement test with 14 questions was
administered to the participants to examine their knowledge of and difficulties with unit conversion. The questions of the test were
related to metric measurement units for length, area, volume, and mass, as well as to the knowledge of the approximate size of a body
and some uses of metric units. For the first 11 questions, participants’ answers were evaluated as right or wrong. To examine the reasons
lying behind their difficulties, their explanations on the past three open-ended questions were analyzed. The findings indicated that
prospective teachers’ performance on unit conversion was not satisfying in general, and their major difficulties were mainly related to the
conversion from gram into microgram, mg into g, ml into cm3, dm3 into mm3, gigameter into nanometer, mm2 into m2, and determining
the relationship between centigram and dekagram. The implications for the field are discussed in light of the related literature.

KEY WORDS: unit conversion; knowledge of unit conversion; difficulties with unit conversion; metric system; prospective science

INTRODUCTION the metric system is among the main concerns of mathematics

and science curriculum.

heng (1976) defined a measurement system as a tool Essential Skills and Unit Conversion
for communication and added that this system was “Physical world was established by symbols and units” (Uhden
necessary for people to communicate in business, and Pospiech, 2009. p. 30). Science - especially mathematics
industry, and/or daily life. In 1960, the International System and physics - come to the fore when symbols and units are
of Units (SI) was accepted as a formal measurement system to concerned. Research indicates that to be able to do physics and
ease this communication (Koray et al., 2005). SI is the modern solve problems in physics, a strong mathematical background
metric system of measurement (Harmon, 1984; Thompson is vital as mathematics is a prerequisite for the majority of
and Taylor, 2008), and it is the most common unit system physics courses (Nguyen, 2011). Mathematics and physics
used in measurement (Leroy, 1973). In this system, seven have several common concepts including unit conversion to
main units were defined: Length, mass, time, electric current, be able to do science and make sense of the world.
thermodynamic temperature, luminous intensity, and amount of Essential skills are explained as prerequisite skills for
substance (Thompson and Taylor, 2008). SI is directly related university-level courses, and they cover metric prefixes and
to MKS (meter-kilogram-second) system (Harmon, 1984) conversions (Mikula and Heckler, 2013). In their study with
while it treats the conversions across categories differently engineering students, Mikula and Heckler (2013) indicated
than the traditional metric system as it does not deal with the that although they were already supposed to comprehend
powers of 10 through SI prefixes; instead, the derived units them, students had difficulties with such essential skills.
are based on SI main units (Ludwig, 2016). More specifically, while they were expected to have sufficient
Leroy (1973) suggests that the metric system is a logical system skills to convert micrograms to kilograms and/or centimeters
as its standards are based on natural phenomena, and the to nanometers, etc., it was seen that many students lacked
conversion factors are powers of 10. Knowing and converting this understanding. The researchers claimed that engineering
between units are an ability needed to be comprehended by students’ low performance was worrisome, as they needed to
students (Ford and Gilbert, 2013). The Common Core State use metric conversions routinely while solving problems in
Standards for Mathematics (CCSS, 2011) also underlines the engineering. The researchers underlined that as a prerequisite
importance of this ability. Hallagan (2013) adds that learning for problem-solving, students should have a high level of

174 Science Education International   ¦  Volume 29  ¦  Issue 3

Dincer and Osmanoglu: Metric Unit Conversion

accuracy with these skills, as when their accuracy decreases Integration of Science and Mathematics
below 80%, it gets harder to ensure student success. As Lehavi et al. (2017) pointed out, the topic of physics-
Several other studies in the literature indicate that students mathematics interrelations has been the focus of attention
have difficulty with the metric unit conversion. In a recent in physics education research. Among such studies, some
study by Cebesoy and Yeniterzi (2016), it was found that while of them refer to the university level students’ difficulties in
solving physics problems related to force and motion unit, 7th- conceptually using mathematical knowledge in physics (Çorlu
grade students mathematically struggled with unit conversion. and Çorlu, 2012; Rebmann and Viennot, 1994; Meltzer, 2002;
In another study by Bagno et al. (2008), manipulating units Redish, 2005; Tuminaro and Redish, 2007; Uhden et al., 2012)
were among students’ difficulties in problem-solving. In while others focus on teachers’ understanding of mathematical
Aydın’s (2011) study, 1st-year science teaching students made concepts in science and/or physics education (Oktay et al.,
mathematical mistakes in a General Chemistry II course as 2014).
they had a deficient knowledge of mathematics including Reviewing the literature on the integration of science and
unit conversion. More specifically, it was identified that some mathematics, Kurt and Pehlivan (2013) summarized the
of the participants made mistakes in converting milligram definitions of, methods, and models with regard to the
into gram while trying to solve a proportion/ratio problem. integration of science and mathematics. Accordingly, there
Birinci and Pırasa (2010) also stated that rather than making are several approaches to science and mathematics integration
mistakes related to chemistry content, the participants in their with different categorizations. Among those, the model by
study mostly made mathematical mistakes while answering Lonning and DeFranco (1997) suggested that the interaction
chemistry questions as they had a lack of knowledge of between science and mathematics might be explained under
mathematical concepts including unit conversion. Similar different categories as independent mathematics, mathematics
to Aydın’s (2011) study findings, the students in their study focus (with science concepts in support), balanced mathematics
also had difficulty with converting milligram into gram. The and science, science focus (with mathematics concepts in
researchers concluded that science teaching students had a support), and independent science. No matter what the type
deficient knowledge of unit conversion and such deficiency of the integration is, the fact is that the fields of mathematics
risks their science literacy skills. and physics share several common concepts to make sense
In another study by Gilman (2013) exploring the students’ of the world, and mathematical background is vital for doing
misconceptions about metric conversion with the difficulties physics (Nguyen, 2011). Redish (2017) underlined that both
regarding unit estimation, the researcher concluded that no the European Union and US biology community identified
matter what the direction of the conversion was, the students mathematics as a critical scientific competency. Redish (2017)
had difficulty with converting units. She noted, however, that added that it is vital to understand the role of mathematics in
students were more successful in converting length units rather physics to improve physics instruction. Greca and de Ataíde
than volume and capacity, as well as they were more accurate (2017) also noted that helping students understand the relation
with units smaller than a meter. between physics and mathematics during learning might
lead to a better understanding of the importance of the use of
Hallagan (2013) also noted that in her study, prospective mathematical models in physics. Uhden et al. (2012) further
teachers in the North-Eastern United States were only able added that:
to solve conversion problems using the metric system in the
one direction they learned in high school. She highlighted, Mathematics is often seen as a tool for calculation, which
those prospective teachers had more difficulties when they hinders a conceptual understanding of physical principles.
encountered prefixes such as Nano and Giga, because they However, the role of mathematics cannot be reduced to this
could not rely on their memorized prefixes. Hallagan (2013) technical aspect. Hence, instead of putting mathematics
underlined the necessity of the use of multiple methods to away we delve into the nature of physical science to reveal
be able to solve the problems with confidence and to verify the strong conceptual relationship between mathematics and
the solutions. She concluded that within the metric system, physics. Moreover, we suggest that, for both prospective
studying prospective teachers’ solution methods of conversion teaching and further research, a focus on deeply exploring such
problems might be a good step to achieve this. interdependency can significantly improve the understanding
of physics (p. 485).
At this point, it should be noted that - as a common language
-  the comprehension of SI unit system starting from early Referring to previous work by Pietrocola (2010) and
grades is necessary (Koray et al., 2005), and as Delgado Feynman (1989), Greca and de Ataíde (2017) emphasized that
et al. (2015) argued, incorporation of nanoscale concepts in mathematics were the language of physical knowledge. Thus,
science education is vital. When it is taken into account that to build this knowledge, mathematics should be an important
the ability to comprehend unit conversion is needed for a part of physics learning, not only as an instrument but also as a
strong scientific base for students (especially for science and concept to be understood. In his study, Meltzer (2002) indicated
engineering students), the importance of its conception might that students’ initial mathematical skills were significantly
be better understood (Koray et al., 2005). correlated to their learning gains in physics.

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Dincer and Osmanoglu: Metric Unit Conversion

Regarding the interaction between science and mathematics, Data Collection

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) For the data collection, a measurement test with 14 questions
education programs has been drawing attention among OECD was prepared by the researchers drawn from the literature
countries since the 1990s (Blackley and Howell, 2015; Chalmers (Butterfield et al., 2011; Ford and Gilbert, 2013; Gilman, 2013;
et al., 2017). In those programs, students found a chance to Hallagan, 2013; Livy and Vale, 2011). The first 11 questions of
apply different concepts in multidisciplinary contexts while the measurement test (1, 2, 3, 4a-b, 5, 6, 7, 8a-b-c, 9, 10, and
connecting schoolwork to the real world (Chalmers et al., 2017). 11a-b) consisted of questions about conversions within metric
Cooke and Walker (2015) reported that STEM education might measurement units for length, area, volume, mass, as well as
be a way to enhance student understanding in both science and the knowledge of approximate size of a body and some uses of
mathematics through making learning a meaningful experience. metric units (Appendix 1). The other remaining three open-ended
The researchers indicate that to integrate mathematics with the questions (12–14) aimed to determine whether and what kind
other areas underlined in STEM education, prospective teachers of difficulties the participants had on unit conversion. The test
“…in all phases of schooling must be prepared to teach content was administered to the participants at the end of the semester to
in a knowledgeable, inspirational, and confident manner” examine what they knew about unit conversion. The participants
(Cooke and Walker, 2015. p. 35). Therefore, the importance of volunteered to participate in the study. They were required to
investigating prospective teachers’ mathematical understanding provide explanations on their answers for each question.
of unit conversion as a critical topic in physics comes to the fore.
Data Analysis
Purpose and Research Questions In the data analysis process, content analysis technique was
Considering that understanding the concept of unit conversion employed (Neuendorf, 2002). To answer the first research
is a prerequisite for doing science and many students have question, participants’ answers to the first 11 questions were
difficulties with converting metric units, it is vital to examine evaluated as either right (1) or wrong (0). The researchers
prospective teachers’ knowledge of and difficulties with unit individually coded the participants’ answers first, and then
conversion to be able to make suggestions for educators. The came together and compared their coding. After identifying
research questions to investigate were: small mismatches, they reached a consensus.
1. To what extent can prospective science teachers convert
To answer the second research question, participants’ answers
metric units?
to the past three open-ended questions were examined by
2. What are the prospective science teachers’ major
the researchers. More specifically, to examine the reasons
difficulties with unit conversion?
lying behind prospective teachers’ difficulties with unit
conversion, an analysis of their explanations for each question
METHOD was conducted. The researchers first individually coded the
The study was qualitative in nature as the aim was to understand participants’ explanations by open-coding technique, and after
the patterns characterizing the data as well as the participants’ comparing the coding, they discussed them until they reached
understanding of the phenomenon (Merriam, 2009). Below, a consensus. Accordingly, participants’ answers were coded as
the participants, data collection, and data analysis processes “yes,” “sometimes,” “no,” or “no answer” in the 12th question;
are explained. and their answers were ranked from the highest to the lowest
percentage in the 13th  and 14th  questions. To understand
Participants participants’ difficulties with unit conversions as well as to
This study was conducted with 73 prospective science teachers strengthen the findings, direct quotations selected from their
(55 female and 18 male) who were in their past year of study explanations were provided.
and taking the Astronomy course from the first researcher in one
of the western universities in Turkey in 2016–2017 academic Findings
year. The prospective science teachers were studying to teach The aim of this study was to understand the extent that the
5th–8th-grade students (students aged 10–14 years old). During prospective science teachers can convert metric units and
the study, the prospective teachers were already expected to identify their major difficulties with unit conversion. Below,
be proficient in unit conversion. As part of their study, they the findings are provided under two sub-titles regarding the
had already taken courses such as General Physics I-based on research questions.
mechanics, General Physics II-based on electric, and General
To What Extent Can the Prospective Science Teachers
Physics III-based on thermodynamics and optics, Introduction
to Modern Physics, and their related laboratories during their
Convert Metric Units?
For the first research question, data analysis indicated that the
initial teacher education. In those courses, they were expected
unit conversion performance of the prospective teachers was
to have used their knowledge of unit conversion. It should also
not generally satisfactory. The related frequencies with the
be noted that students in Turkey receive instruction on metric
percentages for each question are presented in Table 1.
units starting from the 2nd grade (students aged 7–8) and unit
conversion starting from the 3rd grade in mathematics classes Accordingly, the number of the prospective teachers giving
(TTKB, 2017). correct answers to the conversion questions was quite low.

176 Science Education International   ¦  Volume 29  ¦  Issue 3

Dincer and Osmanoglu: Metric Unit Conversion

In the 2nd question, the participants were asked to convert mm

Table 1: Prospective science teachers’ performance on
into km, it was seen that 76.7% of them were able to provide
unit conversion questions
correct answer. The percentage of wrong answers for this
Questions Right Wrong No‑answer question was 21.9%. When their explanations were examined,
# (%) # (%) # (%) it was seen how some of the participants reached km from mm:
1 62 (84.9) 11 (15.1) ‑ 1 km is equal to 1.000.000 mm. Then, 1/1.000.000 of
2 56 (76.7) 16 (21.9) 1 (1.4) 450.000.000 mm is 450 km (P#51)
3 4 (5.5) 35 (48) 34 (46.5) 1 km=1000 m and 1m=1000 mm. Then, 1km=1.000.000 mm,
4 and thus 45,00,00,000 mm=450 km (P#63)
a 31 (42.5) 34 (46.5) 8 (11) It was seen that some others preferred to identify each unit
b 8 (11) 22 (30.1) 43 (58.9) step by step. In the below example, participant#72 provided a
5 22 (30.1) 22 (30.1) 29 (39.8) table for her/his answer:
6 36 (49.3) 35 (48) 2 (2.7)
7 25 (34.2) 17 (23.3) 31 (42.5) mm cm dm m dam hm km
8 1 million 100.000 10.000 1000 100 10 1
a 2 (2.7) 36 (49.3) 35 (48) Hence, 450,000,000mm is 450km
b 57 (78.1) 12 (16.4) 4 (5.5) The 3rd question asked the participants to convert gigameter into
c 14 (19.2) 53 (72.6) 6 (8.2) nanometer and was among the most difficult questions for the
9 15 (20.6) 25 (34.2) 33 (45.2) participants. Accordingly, the percentage of the correct answers
10 69 (94.5) 4 (5.5) ‑ was only 5.5%. Wrong answers and no-answers shared similar
11 percentages (48% and 46.5%, respectively). Giving some
a 29 (39.7) 38 (52.1) 6 (8.2) examples of the wrong answers might shed some light on the
b 14 (19.2) 46 (63) 13 (17.8) reasons why these participants struggled with this conversion:
25 Gm=25 x 10−18nm (P#14)
Table 1 shows that only in questions 1, 2, 8b, and 10 were a
25 Gm=25.106.10−9nm (P#28)
majority of the participants able to provide the right answers.
25 Gm=25.10−18nm. Nanometer is equal to 10−9 m, and
Besides, the wrong answers, the findings also revealed that
there are 18 zeros from positive to negative. Gigameter
the percentages of the participants who could not provide an
is equal to 109 m (P#46)
answer to the questions were high. Below, the findings are
From the above examples, we see that the participants had
examined through individual questions. It should be noted that
difficulties with deciding on the direction of the conversion
each participant was numbered, and the direct quotations from
(P#14), knowing the relation between gigameter and meter,
the participants’ explanations are provided with the number of
and deciding on the direction while converting meter into
the participants as P# below.
nanometer (P#28), and converting between the units because of
In the 1 st  question (having the second most successful mathematical difficulties while their logic was accurate (P#46).
performance after the 10th  question), the majority of the
The 4th  question had two sub-questions. In the first sub-
participants were able to convert cm into mm (84.9%). The
question, participants were asked to convert mg into g and ml
percentage of the wrong answers was 15.1%. The analysis of
into l, and then take the ratio of these values and calculate the
the participants’ explanations to their answers revealed that
value of density in g/l. The findings revealed that 42.5% of
prospective teachers were aware that a cm was 10 times bigger
the participants were able to make these conversions and then
than a mm, so they needed a larger number. Below, some
calculate the density correctly. In the second sub-question, the
examples from the participants’ explanations are provided:
participants were asked to determine the value of this density
As cm>mm, we should add a zero (P#4)
in terms of g/cm3. Accordingly, it was assessed whether they
1 cm is equal to 10 mm. Hence, 50cm x 10 mm=500 mm
knew the relation between liter and m3, and thus whether ml
was equal to cm3. Only 11% of the participants provided correct
As we go down through the units (m, dm, cm, mm), we
answers to this sub-question while 58.9% of them could not
add a zero beside the number. Hence, as 1cm=10 mm,
provide any answer at all. This question had the highest no-
then 50 cm=500 mm (P#18)
answer percentage with more than half of the participants not
While the majority of the participants’ explanations were
able to answer this question. Below, there are two examples
like the above, there were some wrong answers given to this
from the participants’ answers to these sub-questions:
question. An example:
[for 4a] V = 50 ml = 0.05 l, m = 450 mg = 0.45 g, and so
50 x 100=5000 mm, because they decrease and increase d = m/V = 0.45/0.05 = 9 g/l
100 times (P#31) [for 4b] 1 l = 1000cm3, 0.05 l = 50cm3, so d = m/V =
From here, we can deduce that some of the participants did not 0.009 g/cm3 (P#18)
know that the length units get 10 times bigger when converting [for 4a] d = m/V = 0.45g/0.05 l = 9g/l
from smaller to larger units. [for 4b] 1 dm3 = 1 l, 50 ml = 0.05 l = 50cm3, d = m/V =

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0.45 g/50 cm3 = 0.009 g/cm3 (P#25) In the sub-questions of this question, the percentages of the
The above correct answers reveal that these participants correct answers were 2.7%, 78.1%, and 19.2%, respectively. It
were aware of the relationship between ml and liter as well was seen that in the first sub-question regarding the conversion
as mg and g, and were able to get the correct answer in g/l from gram into microgram, the percentages of wrong answers
(P#18), and were able to find the correct answer in g/cm3 and no answers were quite high. In the third sub-question
as they knew that 1 L was equal to 1 dm3 and thus equal to regarding the conversion from dm3 into mm3, again the
1000 cm3 (P#25). On the contrary, the below answers reveal percentage of the wrong answers was quite high (72.6%).
that some of the prospective science teachers did not know Below, there are examples of wrong answers to the first and
that ml was equal to cm3 while some of them did not know third sub-questions, respectively:
the relationship between either mg and g or ml and l, and 170 g=170000000 mg (P#8)
some others could not correctly decide on the direction of 1 m3=106 mm3, because we multiply it by 106 as we go 2
the conversions: steps down (m3 cm3 mm3) (P#19)
V = 50 ml = 5 cm3, m = 450 mg = 0.45 g, d = 0.9 g/cm3 From the above answers, we understand that regarding the first
(P#29) sub-question, participant#8 was aware that the answer should
m = 450 mg = 45 x 10−5g, V = 50 ml = 5 x 10−5 l (P#19) have been a smaller unit than gram, but (s)he was unable to
50 ml = 0.5 l, 100 mg = 1 g, 450 mg = 45 g (P#37) provide a correct answer as (s)he probably did not know any
50 ml = 5000L, d = m/V = 45000 g/5000 L=9 g/L (P#48) smaller unit than milligram and/or did not know the correct
In the 5th and also the 9th question, the participants were asked relation between the units. Moreover, regarding the third sub-
about the relationship between centigram and dekagram. The question, participant#19 knew the correct relation between
only difference between these two questions was that in the the volume units, but (s)he forgot to put dm3 in the order, so
9th question, the value given in the 5th question was provided provided a wrong answer.
in the exponential form. The percentages of the correct
answers were 30.1% and 20.6%, respectively, meaning In the 10th question, the participants were asked to determine
that some of the participants who correctly answered the the appropriate length unit for an object that they mostly face
5th question could not correctly answer it when the value was during their daily life (a pencil in this case). The majority of
provided in the exponential form. Below, there is one correct the participants were able to provide a correct answer to this
and one wrong answer from the participants’ solutions to the question (94.5%). It was seen that only four participants could
5th question: not make a correct decision about the size of a pencil. Below,
cg dg g dag, and we divide them to 10 in each step (P#39) there are some examples of the participants’ answers:
It was 10 times twice, so I deleted 4 zeros (P#16) If the unit was mm, then the length of the pencil would be
Parallel to the 5th and 9th  questions, in the 7th  question, the so small. I mean it would be quite shorter than a standard
participants were asked to convert dekagram into centigram. pencil. Hence, it was more appropriate to use cm as the
The percentage of the correct answers was 34.2% for this unit here (P#5)
question. From here, it was seen that the percentage of the It was cm because it was equal to a hand span. Meter
correct answers was somewhat higher for the conversion was too big, mm was too short. Thus, cm was the most
from the larger units into smaller units when compared to the appropriate unit (P#31)
5th and 9th questions (from dekagram into centigram) than that We can measure the length of a pencil using a ruler. On
of the opposite. rulers, the length units are given in cm (P#46)
In the 6th question, the participants were asked to convert cm2 My height is 160 cm. Then, 16.5cm which is smaller than
into m2. It was seen that the percentages of correct and wrong that would be appropriate for a pencil’s length (P#52)
answers were quite similar (49.3% and 48%, respectively). These answers reveal that the participants were able to make
Below, there are two examples of wrong answers from the correct estimations through real-life examples through making
participants’ explanations: comparisons and reasoning.
1 m = 100 cm, 3200/100 = 32, 3200 cm2=32 m2 (P#5) In the 11th  question, there were two related sub-questions.
3200 cm2=320000 m2 (P#6) Accordingly, the participants were first asked to convert mm
The above answers reveal that the participants who provided into m, and then calculate the cross-section area in m2. Then,
the wrong answers to this question were unaware of the correct in the second sub-question, they were asked to calculate the
relation between cm2 and m2 or unable to build the relation in cross-section area in mm2 and then convert it into m2. In these
the right direction. sub-questions, the percentages of the correct answers were
The 8th  question had three sub-questions regarding mass, 39.7% and 19.2%, respectively. From here, it can be suggested
length, and volume measurement. Accordingly, the participants that when the participants did the unit conversion between length
were expected to identify the relationship between gram and units first and then calculated the area, their performance was
microgram, kilometer and meter, and dm3 and mm3. The doubled compared to when they calculated the area first and then
difference of this question was that the participants were did the conversion between area units. In both sub-questions, the
expected to determine the appropriate unit for the given values. percentages of the wrong answers were quite high.

178 Science Education International   ¦  Volume 29  ¦  Issue 3

Dincer and Osmanoglu: Metric Unit Conversion

Below is from participant#31’s answers to these sub-questions: gigameter into nanometer as well as converting mm into m,
calculating cross-section area in mm2, and then converting
Diameter  Radius  Radius  Cross‑section area (m2) it into m2. The 5th  question followed with 36% while the
(mm) (mm) (m) 7th and 9th questions had similar percentages (34% and 32%,
0.27 0.135 0.135.10−4 5.10−10 respectively). These questions were mainly asking prospective
Diameter  Radius  Cross‑section Cross‑section area (m2) teachers to determine the relation between centigram and
(mm) (mm) area (mm2) dekagram. The other difficult questions for the participants
0.27 0.135 0.054 540 were the 4th and 8th questions (22% and 11%, respectively).
The above answers indicate that this participant was When their answers to the 13th question were compared to their
unsuccessful in converting mm into m and thus came up with actual performances in the measurement test, it was seen that
a wrong answer to the first part although her/his calculation the questions they struggled most in the test were 8a, 3, 4b, 8c,
for cross-section area was correct. In the second part of the and 11b, and 9th questions while their perceptions regarding
question, although her/his calculations for radius in mm and their difficulties were somehow different as explained above.
cross-section area in mm2 were correct, the participant was Finally, in the last question, the participants were asked about
unable to convert mm2 into m2. the courses that were affected the most by their difficulties with
unit conversion. The majority of the participants stated that their
What are the Prospective Science Teachers’ Major
difficulties with unit conversion negatively affected their success
Difficulties with Unit Conversion? in their physics class (90%). Chemistry followed with 41%, then
For the second research question, the past three open-ended
mathematics (15%) and astronomy (14%) classes. Below, there
questions of the measurement test were analyzed (12th–
are some examples from the participants’ responses:
14th questions).
It affects the physics class the most. Sometimes I can’t
In the 12th question, the participants were asked whether they solve the problems in physics class even if I know the way
had difficulty with unit conversion or not. In Table 2, related to solve it since I can’t do the conversions (P#13)
frequencies and percentages are provided. It affects my science classes because I have to be able
to do the unit conversions in order to reach the correct
As seen from the Table 2, more than half of the participants
answers in those classes. I lose it from the beginning
stated that they had difficulty with unit conversion. Only one
when I can’t do the conversions (P#18)
of the participants did not have any difficulties. Accordingly,
It enormously affects my physics and chemistry classes.
participants responded that:
When I see that the problems require unit conversion,
I do have difficulties. Especially, when I have to decide
then I pass them right away (P#26)
if I should add or delete zeros from the numbers. (P#17)
It affects physics and chemistry classes, and sometimes
I have had difficulties with unit conversion since my mathematics. However, mostly I have difficulty in physics
childhood. I have never got it right. (P#20) classes. When unit conversion comes to the fore, then
I struggle with exponential and negative terms. I don’t physics becomes unbelievably difficult for me (P#50)
know all the units. (P#51) We generally use unit conversion in physics, chemistry,
I definitely have problems with unit conversion. I have and physics lab classes, and as we mostly prefer
difficulty with the units except from basic conversions. memorization, we struggle with it while solving problems
I struggle, because I use them very rarely and I am not in those classes (P#64)
used to them. (P#59)
I have difficulty with the conversion of units such as Gm, DISCUSSION, IMPLICATIONS, AND
because we don’t use them daily. I also have difficulty
with converting capacity units into volume units. (P#71) CONCLUSION
In the 13th question, the participants were asked what was their The aim of this study was to investigate prospective science
most difficult question in the measurement test. As a result, teachers’ knowledge of and difficulties with the metric unit
the 3rd and the 11th questions were the most difficult questions conversion. Accordingly, whether and how the prospective
for the prospective teachers with equal percentages (48%). science teachers can convert metric units and their major
The participants noted they had difficulty with converting difficulties with unit conversion were examined. The
results revealed that the unit conversion performance of the
prospective science teachers was not satisfying in general, and
Table 2: The prospective teachers’ levels of difficulties their major difficulties were related mainly to the conversion
with unit conversion from gram into microgram, mg into g, ml into cm3, dm3 into
Response # % mm3, gigameter into nanometer, mm2 into m2, and determining
Yes 41 56.1 the relationship between centigram and dekagram.
Sometimes 27 37.0 The results of the study are in line with several studies in the
No 1 1.4 literature. As stated before, research suggests that students have
No‑answer 4 5.5
difficulty with unit conversion within the metric system. For

Science Education International   ¦  Volume 29  ¦  Issue 3 179

Dincer and Osmanoglu: Metric Unit Conversion

example, in Mikula and Heckler’s (2013) study, engineering the symbols of prefixes. He adds that students do not receive
students had difficulty with converting micrograms to enough help with explicitly identifying and recognizing
kilograms and/or centimeters to nanometers, etc., although they prefixes in given quantities. At this point, Gilman (2013)
were supposed to have adequate knowledge on unit conversion. suggests educators teach different types of conversions in equal
The researchers concluded that as these students use metric amounts of time and practice estimation more during daily
conversions constantly while solving problems in engineering, activities. Similarly to Hallagan (2013), DeMeo (2008) made
their low performance was quite worrisome. Similarly, in a further suggestion and pointed to the role of instruction on
the present study, the finding that most of the prospective multiple solution methods while solving conversion problems.
science teachers had difficulty with converting gigameter into He suggested that mathematics and science teachers should
nanometer was somewhat worrisome since these prefixes are collaborate on teaching multiple representations, and help
often used in today’s technology. For example, nanometer students grasp different representations and make connections
is often used in the expression of the atomic scales as well between them to be able to transfer their knowledge of basic
as in the definition of the wavelength of the electromagnetic conversions to more complex ones. He warned educators that
radiation while gigameter is often used in defining distances in if teachers did not prepare students conceptually to understand
astronomy. From here, it might be deduced that future science unit conversion within the metric system and flexibly solve
teachers have weaknesses regarding the importance and area conversion problems through multiple solution methods, then
of usage of these prefixes in the age of technology. To give their future success in science would be jeopardized.
an example from the participants’ explanations, the below
quotation provides an insight on how they approach the use While it seems important to change the ways to teach unit
of these prefixes: conversion to students, on the other hand, as in the study
I don’t struggle with the units that we use in our daily by Mikula and Heckler (2013), not every instruction or
lives, but since we don’t use them daily and only use them training helps students perform better even in simple metric
in our courses, I struggle with the units like cg and Gm conversions. No matter how long they receive instruction on
(P#64) unit conversion throughout their formal education, students
In another study by Cebesoy and Yeniterzi (2016), 7th-grade still seem to have difficulty with the concept. The researchers
students struggled with unit conversion while solving physics explained the possible underlying reason for this deficiency
problems. In Aydın’s (2011) study, science teaching students as a conscious choice. Accordingly, when students feel the
mathematically struggled with unit conversion in a chemistry comfort to just look it up, they do not want to memorize the
course. With similar findings, Birinci and Pırasa (2010) metric conversions (Mikula and Heckler, 2013). To the best
concluded that deficient knowledge of science teaching of our knowledge, one possible way to make students feel the
students related to unit conversion risked their science need to conceptually learn these concepts might be connecting
literacy skills. Gilman (2013) also found that the students the concept to real life, and provide them opportunities to
had difficulty with unit conversion, no matter the direction of experience hands-on activities as much as possible. Especially
the conversion was. In another study, Hallagan (2013) found when basic conversions matter, it is suggested to provide
that prospective teachers had difficulty with unit conversion students opportunities with the construction of their own
problems, especially when they were with different prefixes measurement tools, and making several measurements through
than that they were used to. Kloosterman’s (2012) study these tools after making estimations (Sherman, 1997 as cited
findings also revealed that 13-year-old students’ performance in Gilman, 2013). Such hands-on experiences are expected to
on unit conversion among metric units showed a decline help students better comprehend metric concepts (Sherman,
when compared to their performance on past years. The 1997 as cited in Gilman, 2013). Gilman (2013) suggested that
researcher concluded that the drop on students’ performance if different areas of conversions (linear, volume, and capacity)
on conversion among metric units overtime was a big concern were not taught equally, then a gap was built among these areas
since conversion within the metric system is an important issue making some of them harder for students than others. Then,
in an international workplace context. not only giving chances to conducting hands-on activities
but also spending an equal amount of time in all areas was
All these studies in the literature, as well as the present
necessary for students to be successful in unit conversion
study findings, indicate that many students - no matter what
while doing that it was also important that educators explained
their grade levels are  -  have a deficient knowledge of unit
the reasoning behind the unit conversions within the metric
conversion within the metric system. As Birinci and Pırasa
system (Gilman, 2013). Building connections between the
(2010) and Koray et al. (2005) underlined, this deficiency of
units and daily practices, and asking for estimation might be
knowledge of such a fundamental concept carries risk in the
useful in enhancing students’ conceptual understanding of
development of students’ scientific literacy skills. At this point,
unit conversion.
it might be suggested that students have difficulty with unit
conversion as they do not have enough chances to experience To conclude, it should be reminded that being one of the
unit conversions through real-life problems during their formal fundamental concepts in science, units and unit conversions
education. Sokolowski (2015) points to this deficiency and within the metric system plays an important role in effective
adds that traditional teaching requires students to memorize and meaningful science learning (Koray et al., 2005). As

180 Science Education International   ¦  Volume 29  ¦  Issue 3

Dincer and Osmanoglu: Metric Unit Conversion

this study’s findings revealed, the ability to convert metric Ford, E.N.J., & Gilbert, Y.V. (2013). Displacement between orders of
units also has an influence on participants’ performance magnitude method for SI unit conversion. Journal of Chemical
Education, 90, 134-136.
on science courses such as physics and chemistry. Thus, Gilman, J. (2013). Have you Met Ric? Student Misconceptions of Metric
understanding teachers’, prospective teachers’, and/or Conversions and the Difficulties Behind Metric Unit  Estimation.
students’ understanding, misconceptions, and difficulties with (Master’s Thesis, State University of New  York at Fredonia,
New York). Available from: https://www.dspace.sunyconnect.suny.edu/
unit conversion are vital to develop more effective teaching
programs for student success. For further research, it is pdf?sequence=1&sa=U&ei=dDxqU7_UK8KfyASdmICQCw&ved=0C
recommended that face-to-face interviews with participants CsQFjAD&usg=AFQjCNH-5lBa9xctqSzF2AJ1p196YGQPQA. [Last
would be useful to better understand their thinking and retrieved on 2018 Jun 14].
Greca, I.M., & de Ataíde, A.R.P. (2017). The influence of epistemic
difficulties regarding unit conversion. Finally, as Hallagan
views about the relationship between physics and mathematics in
(2013) suggest, examining prospective teachers’ use of understanding physics concepts and problem solving. In: Greczyło, T.,
multiple methods of unit conversion while solving problems & Dębowska, E., (Eds.), Key Competences in Physics Teaching and
within the metric system might be a good start to help their Learning. Chum: Springer International Publishing. pp. 55-64.
Hallagan, J.E. (2013). Preservice mathematics teachers’ solutions to
future students.
problems: Conversions within the metric system. Systemics, Cybernetics
and Informatics, 11(7), 15-20.
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Appendix 1: The measurement test with the main objectives

# Main objectives Measurement units The questions
1 Converting cm into mm Length 50cm=mm
2 Converting mm into km Length 450.000.000mm=km
3 Converting Gm into nm Length 26Gm=nm
4 a Converting mg into g/ml into l Calculating Mass+Volume Calculate the density of an object in g/l having 50ml volume
density in g/l and 450 mg mass.
b Converting mg into g/ml into cm3Calculating Mass+Volume Calculate the density of an object in g/cm3 having 50ml volume
density in g/cm3 and 450mg mass.
5 Converting cg into dag Mass 1000cg=dag
6 Converting cm2 into m2 Area 3200cm2=m2
7 Converting dag into cg Mass 0.001dag=cg
8 a Identifying the relationship between gram Mass 170g=170.000.000
and microgram
b Identifying the relationship between Length 5=5000m
kilometer and meter
c Identifying the relationship between dm3 and Volume 1=106 mm3
9 Converting cg into dag Mass 1.0×103cg=dag
10 Estimating the length unit of a pencil Length The approximate length of a standard pencil is 16.5… Select the
appropriate unit and explain why you have chosen it.
11 a Converting mm into m Calculating Length+Area Find the cross‑section area of a string with the given radius in
cross‑section area in m2 m2. Start with converting mm into m, and then calculate the
b Calculating cross‑section area from mm to Area Find the cross‑section area of a string with the given radius in
mm2Converting mm2 into m2 m2. Start with calculating the area in mm2, and then convert it
into m2.
12 Reflections for in‑depth analysis ‑ Do you experience difficulty with unit conversion? Explain
your difficulties.
13 Reflections for in‑depth analysis ‑ Rank the three questions above from the hardest to less hard
that you had the most difficulty with.
14 Reflections for in‑depth analysis ‑ Which classes you think are affected by your difficulties with
unit conversion? How?

182 Science Education International   ¦  Volume 29  ¦  Issue 3

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