Parachute by Accelerometer or Gyroscope

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US 201701 06986A1

(19) United States

(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2017/0106986 A1
Sweeny et al. (43) Pub. Date: Apr. 20, 2017
(52) U.S. Cl.
(71) Applicant: Flirtey Holdings, Inc., Reno, NV (US) CPC ............ B64D 1780 (2013.01); B64C39/024
(2013.01); G05D I/0038 (2013.01); B64C
(2) Investon Matt St.N.S.
Bass, Sydney (AU); Kranthi Baddam,
2558 (201301); itself,299
( .01)
$,(AU) John R. Foggia, Bristol, (57) ABSTRACT
Disclosed is a technique for landing a drone using a para
(21) Appl. No.: 15/294,479 chute. The technique includes a parachute deployment sys
1-1. tem (PDS) that can deploy a parachute installed in a drone
(22) Filed: Oct. 14, 2016 and land the drone safely. The parachute may be deployed
Related U.S. Application Data artially e.g., in s tO ty. fills h
as a Iree Iall, or manually Irom a base unit operated by a
(60) Provisional application No. 62/241,572, filed on Oct. remote user. For example, the PDS can determine the failure
14, 2015, provisional application No. 62/344,514, of the drone based on data obtained from an accelerometer,
filed on Jun. 2, 2016. a gyroscope, a magnetometer and a barometer of the drone
O O and automatically deploy the parachute if any failure is
Publication Classification determined. In another example, the remote user can “kill
(51) Int. Cl. the drone, that is, cut off the power supply to the drone and
B64D 7/80 (2006.01) deploy the parachute by activating an onboard “kill switch
G05D I/O (2006.01) from the base unit.

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Patent Application Publication Apr. 20, 2017. Sheet 2 of 27 US 2017/0106986 A1

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Send Confirmation




FIG. 2
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Patent Application Publication Apr. 20, 2017. Sheet 6 of 27 US 2017/0106986 A1

Deployment of Parachute

Detect Error

No a first Descend
threshold? speed > third Specified
theshold? error type?
40 435

of ti >
a second



Activate Ki Switch

Deploy parachute

FIG. 4
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FIG. 7
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FIG. I. 74

FIG. I. 7B
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FIG. 20A

FIG. 20B
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inflated ?

YeS 2115
Activate fift mechanism, e.g.,
tip of one of fore rotors

Steer the done

Land the drone

Send notification upon landing

FIG. 21
Patent Application Publication Apr. 20, 2017. Sheet 26 of 27 US 2017/0106986 A1

Confirm that the parachute is

Cofir?t that the dOne is


Activate On-board indicators,

e.g., audio-visual indicators

Adjust the indication from the

indicators, if necessary

FIG. 22
Patent Application Publication Apr. 20, 2017. Sheet 27 of 27 US 2017/0106986 A1

US 2017/0106986 A1 Apr. 20, 2017

PARACHUTE DEPLOYMENT SYSTEM FOR 0011 FIG. 5B shows an example of a communications

AN UNMANNED AERAL VEHICLE Subsystem having an XBee radio transceiver, consistent with
various embodiments.
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED (0012 FIG. 6A shows an example of a 2500 mAh battery
APPLICATIONS used in the drone, consistent with various embodiments.
0013 FIG. 6B shows an example of a voltage regulator
0001. This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provi used in the drone, consistent with various embodiments.
sional Application No. 62/241,572, entitled “PARACHUTE 0014 FIG. 6C shows an example of a battery charger
AERIAL VEHICLE, filed on Oct. 14, 2015, and U.S. used in the drone, consistent with various embodiments.
Provisional Application No. 62/344,514, entitled “PARA 0015 FIG. 7 shows an example of a parachute that can be
CHUTE DEPLOYMENT SYSTEM FOR AN employed in a parachute deployment system (PDS) of the
UNMANNED AERIAL VEHICLE, filed on Jun. 2, 2016, drone, consistent with various embodiments.
all of which are incorporated herein by reference in its 0016 FIG. 8 shows examples of different types of para
entirety. chutes that can be installed on the drone, consistent with
various embodiments.
BACKGROUND (0017 FIG. 9A shows a logic table for the input states of
the analogue multiplexers, consistent with various embodi
0002 Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), such as drones, mentS.
are autonomous and/or remotely operated unmanned 0018 FIG. 9B shows a pin diagram for the analogue
vehicles. Drones may be configured to fly using fixed wings multiplexers, consistent with various embodiments.
or helicopter rotors and blades. There are a wide variety of 0019 FIG. 10 shows a schematic for the circuit for
errors that can occur in operation of a drone. These include shutting off the motors instantly, consistent with various
power loss, communication loss, mechanical breakage and embodiments.
circuit failure. Recovery from these errors includes detection 0020 FIG. 11 is a block diagram illustrating an example
of the errors and taking steps to mitigate further damage. for breaking an electrical connection between an auto pilot
Under safety regulations, the UAVs are required to minimize system of the drone and an electronic speed controller (ESC)
any potential damage or threat to the environment, espe of a lift mechanism of the drone, consistent with various
cially whilst operating above households and places with embodiments.
human activity. Should an unexpected descent occur, the 0021 FIG. 12 is a block diagram illustrating an example
vehicle descends very fast and crashes. During such cases, for breaking an electrical connection between the ESC and
descent velocity and trajectory are also uncontrolled. The motors of the lift mechanism of the drone, consistent with
UAV's rotor blades are exposed without protection and can various embodiments.
potentially cause hazardous damage to the environment, 0022 FIG. 13, is a block diagram illustrating an example
e.g., nearby infrastructures and/or people. for cutting-off the power supply to the motors of the lift
0003. Some UAVs use parachutes to minimize the mechanism of the drone, consistent with various embodi
descent Velocity and rotor blade exposure during Such mentS.
unexpected events. However, the parachute deployment 0023 FIG. 14 shows a first design for a rotor protection
methods used in the current UAVs are not effective. The shroud (RPS), consistent with various embodiments.
deployment methods require that the parachute be deployed 0024 FIG. 15A shows a result of the stress analysis of the
manually, the power to the drone may not be cut-off and RPS designed based on the first design of FIG. 14, consistent
therefore, the drone rotors and blades may still be rotating, with various embodiments.
(0025 FIG. 15B shows a result of the deflection analysis
of the RPS designed based on the first design of FIG. 14,
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS consistent with various embodiments.
0004 FIG. 1A is a block diagram illustrating components (0026 FIG. 16 shows a second design for the RPS,
consistent with various embodiments.
of a drone, consistent with various embodiments.
0005 FIG. 1B is a block diagram of the drone with a (0027 FIG. 17A shows the result of stress analysis of the
parachute deployed, consistent with various embodiments. RPS designed based on the second design of FIG. 16,
consistent with various embodiments.
0006 FIG. 1C is a block diagram of a base unit of FIG. (0028 FIG. 17B shows the result of deflection analysis of
2, consistent with various embodiments. the RPS designed based on the second design of FIG. 16,
0007 FIG. 2 is a flow diagram of a process for deploying consistent with various embodiments.
a parachute in the event of a failure of a drone, consistent (0029 FIG. 18 shows a 3D printed model of the RPS
with various embodiments. based on the second design, consistent with various embodi
0008 FIG. 3 is an example of an inertial measurement mentS.
unit (IMU) used to build the attitude and heading reference 0030 FIG. 19 shows a third design for the RPS, consis
system (AHRS), consistent with various embodiments. tent with various embodiments.
0009 FIG. 4 is a flow diagram a process for deploying 0031 FIG. 20A shows the result of stress analysis of the
the parachute automatically, consistent with various embodi RPS designed based on the third design of FIG. 19, consis
mentS. tent with various embodiments.
0010 FIG. 5A shows an example of a communications 0032 FIG. 20B shows the result of deflection analysis of
subsystem having a wireless SD shield, consistent with the RPS designed based on the third design of FIG. 19.
various embodiments. consistent with various embodiments.
US 2017/0106986 A1 Apr. 20, 2017

0033 FIG. 21 is a flow diagram of a process for a 0038. The PDS has a number of other features. In some
motorized descent of the drone with the parachute ejected, embodiments, the PDS operates independent of the drone.
consistent with various embodiments. For example, the PDS can have its own power supply which
0034 FIG. 22 is a flow diagram of a process for activat is different from the power supply of the drone. In some
ing audio-visual indicators on a descending drone, consis embodiments, the PDS can be powered using the drone
tent with various embodiments. battery but can have a standalone battery as a backup. In
0035 FIG. 23 is a block diagram of a computer system as another example, the PDS can have its own communications
may be used to implement features of the disclosed embodi link which, when activated, shuts down the drone. The PDS
mentS. can also facilitate steering the deployed parachute. The
steerable parachute can have an integrated sensor System
DETAILED DESCRIPTION (e.g., visual, LIDAR, radar, laser, Sonar) that facilitates
autonomous decision making for avoiding obstacles and
0036 Disclosed is a technique for landing a UAV, such as landing the drone at the least damaging location. The
a drone, using a parachute. The technique includes a para parachute can also be steered manually by a remote operator
chute deployment system (PDS) that can deploy a parachute using the base unit. This sensor System may also act as a
installed in a drone and land the drone safely. The parachute passive guidance aid to the remote operator who ultimately
may be deployed automatically, e.g., in response to any of a issues the commands in order to land the drone safely using
number of errors/failures such as a free fall, or manually, the steerable parachute. The PDS can also support installing
e.g., from a base unit operated by a remote user. In some and deploying of multiple parachutes, e.g., for controlling
embodiments, the PDS can determine the failure of the the descent velocity more effectively. In some embodiments,
drone based on any of (a) data obtained from an acceler the PDS uses different sized and shaped parachutes.
ometer, a gyroscope, a magnetometer and/or a barometer of 0039. The PDS can activate the parachute using a variety
the drone, (b) a geo fence breach, (c) a lack of heartbeat of means. For example, the PDS can activate the parachute
signal from an autopilot system (also referred to as a flight through a servo. In some embodiments, a servomotor is a
controller) which can indicate that the auto pilot system has rotary actuator or linear actuator that allows for precise
ceased to function, and automatically deploy the parachute control of angular or linear position, Velocity and accelera
if any failure is determined. In some embodiments, the tion. The servomotor consists of a suitable motor coupled to
remote user can “kill the drone by activating an onboard a sensor for position feedback. The servo can be powered
“kill Switch via the base unit. When the on board "kill' using an independent power source, e.g., the same as the one
switch is activated, the "kill switch kills the drone, that is, used to power the error detection circuit 120 or another
controls a lift mechanism of the drone, e.g., commanding independent power source. The servo can activate one or
motors of the drone to brake (e.g., commanding the motors more shroud lines of the parachute 125. In another example,
to free spin, to actively brake, or Substituting a throttle signal the PDS can use a carbon dioxide (CO) deployment system,
to the lift mechanism with a Zero throttle command), and a fuse ejection system or a magnetic release to deploy the
deploys the parachute. The base unit can be a hand held unit parachute. The PDS can use a drogue parachute for quicker
Such as a remote controller that can perform radio commu deployment.
nication with the drone or, in some embodiments, can be a
part of the Ground Control Station software for the nominal 0040 FIG. 1 is a block diagram illustrating components
operation of the drone itself or a fleet of drones. The ground of a drone 100, consistent with various embodiments. The
control station can be software, hardware or a combination drone 100 includes a lift mechanism 110 configured to lift
thereof that facilitates in operating the drone or a fleet of and propel the drone. The lift mechanism 110 may include
drones from a remote location. elements configured to provide thrust as well as lift.
0037. In some embodiments, when the parachute is Examples of the lift mechanism 110 can include rotors of a
deployed, regardless of whether it is deployed automatically rotorcraft, wings of fixed wing aircraft, lighter than air
or manually, the PDS is configured to control the motors, containers of aerostats (lighter-than-air aircrafts) and any
e.g., stop rotor blades of the drone from rotating, thereby hybrid combination thereof. The rotorcraft can utilize any
avoiding any damage that can be caused to the drone or the number of rotor blades to provide lift and thrust throughout
environment by the rotor blades which can still be rotating the duration of flight of the drone 100. Common examples
otherwise in the event of a failure. While the PDS can of rotorcraft include helicopters which primarily use a single
control the motors by sending a “BRAKE signal to the variable pitch rotor blade; and multi-rotors which use two or
motors, the PDS can also cut-off power supply to the drone, more typically fixed-pitch rotor blades to generate lift and
e.g., to a drivetrain of the drone, when or prior to the thrust, and control attitude.
parachute is deployed. In some embodiments, while the 0041. A fixed wing aircraft can generate lift through the
power to drivetrain is cut-off the full functioning of the wings based on the forward velocity of the aircraft, usually
unaffected avionics is retained. The PDS can also cut-off the generated by thrust. The forward velocity can be generated
power supply from the drone's battery to the entire drone in using rockets, propellers and/or various types of jet engines.
a “master kill” mode. In some embodiments, the electrical The flight control Surfaces, often on the wings, allow
connections that provide power Supply to the motors can be changes in attitude. The forward thrust propulsion can be
cut-off to disable the motors permanently. Each of the above generated using propeller engines, jet engines, rocket
cut-off methods can be used in addition to or alternative to engines, ramjet engines or any combination thereof. The
multiplexing the “BRAKE signal to the motors for con methods of powering these engines can include carbon
trolling the motors. In some embodiments, the PDS can use based methods like petroleum or natural gas, electricity
drone telemetry to activate the parachute instead of the (generated on the go through Solar panels or stored in
separate telecommunications module. batteries) and hydrogen cells.
US 2017/0106986 A1 Apr. 20, 2017

0042. The aerostats can rely on the use of a buoyant gas PDS 190 to determine an error. The error detection circuit
to generate lift. Common examples of aerostats include hot 120 can analyze the data from these sensors and determine
air balloons, which have uncontrolled attitude and forward whether an error has occurred. Further, a user can specify the
thrust direction, and airships which utilize a propulsion errors for which the parachute 125 is to be deployed, e.g.,
engine to control forward thrust. one or more of the above described errors.
0043. Hybrid combinations include the tilt wing and 0046. The drone 100 includes a parachute 125 securely
tiltrotor aircraft which change the tilt of the wing and the attached to the drone 100 and configured to slow the decent
rotor respectively in order to allow the aircraft to use the of the drone 100 when the parachute 125 is deployed. The
same propulsion engines for vertical take-off and hovering parachutes can be of type A or type B (described below at
as well as for forward thrust propulsion. least with reference to FIG. 8). They can be deployed using
0044) The drone 100 includes a flight controller 115 (also Various means, e.g., ballistic means, using servo, using
referred to as an auto pilot system) configured to control the compressed gas, using CO gas cylinder, pyrotechnics, or it
drone 100 in flight. The flight controller 115 can be directly can be a spring loaded parachute. The parachute 125 can also
responsible for controlling all the mechanisms of flight be a steerable parachute, which can be steered by a remote
and/or components of the drone 100 based either on input operator from a base unit, e.g., a hand-held remote control,
from a pilot over a remote connection, or from integrated or completely autonomously using onboard or remote logic.
onboard circuitry designed to autonomously control the The parachute 125 can be of various sizes. A particular size
drone. The flight controller 115 can have direct control over can be selected as a function of the weight of the drone 100.
the lift mechanism 110 (e.g., thrust, tilt) and any flight The parachute 125 can be securely attached to the drone 100
control surfaces. The flight controller 115 can control the lift by being permanently attached or removably attached to the
mechanism 110 for taking off the drone 100, flying the drone drone 100.
100, and/or landing the drone 100. The flight control 115 can 0047. The drone 100 includes a parachute deployment
control the lift mechanism 110 in various ways, e.g., starting mechanism 130 configured to release/deploy the parachute
one or more motors of the lift mechanism 110, stopping one 125, e.g., in response to the trigger event from the error
or more motors, increasing and/or decreasing the speed of detection circuit 120. The parachute deployment mechanism
rotation of one or more motors, and performing one or more 130 can also be configured to be manually activated by a
of the above operations in a specified sequence or pattern remote user using a base unit operated by the remote user.
among the one or more motors. In some embodiments, the In some embodiments, the parachute deployment mecha
flight controller 115 can be programmed, e.g., using onboard nism 130 can automatically release the parachute 125 in
logic or circuitry, with some restrictions for the flight of the response to detection of errors, such as a tilt of the drone 100
drone 100. For example, the flight controller 115 can be exceeds a specified number of degrees from the horizontal,
programmed to keep the drone 100 within a specified has exceeded the tilt for a specified duration, is above a
altitude, e.g., 400 feet. In another example, the flight con minimum altitude, the drone 100 is falling at a speed that
troller 115 can be programmed to keep the drone 100 within exceeds a user-defined value, and/or if the drone 100 has
a specified perimeter. breached a hard global positioning system (GPS) defined
0045. The drone 100 includes an error detection circuit geo-fence.
120 configured to detect errors in operation of the drone 100 0048. The drone 100 includes a power source 135 con
and generate a trigger event in response to the error detec figured to power the drone 100, e.g., the lift mechanism 110
tion. The various types of errors include navigation loss of and the error detection circuit 120. The power source 135
the drone 100, communication loss with a ground control can include multiple power sources, e.g., a first power
station, heartbeat loss—lack of heartbeat signal from the storage device 140a for providing power to the lift mecha
auto pilot system or a flight controller, power being below a nism 110 and an independent second power storage device
specified threshold or power loss of one or more power 140b for providing power to the error detection circuit 120.
Sources, impact of the drone 100, gyro error, motor control, While the second power storage device 140b can power the
geo-fence breach, loss in altitude, Sudden drop, inversion, parachute deployment mechanism 130 as well, in some
fire, video loss, tilt, etc. In some embodiments, the error embodiments, the parachute deployment mechanism 130
detection circuit 120 is configured to receive a heartbeat can also have an independent power source.
signal from the auto pilot system or the flight controller, 0049. The drone 100 includes a communication system
which indicates that the auto pilot system is functioning as 150 that can facilitate a remote user to communicate with the
expected, at predefined intervals. If the error detection drone 100, e.g., for steering the drone 100, for issuing any
circuit 120 does not receive the heartbeat signal at the other commands to the drone 100 or receiving information
predefined intervals, the error detection circuit 120 can from the drone 100. In some embodiments, the remote user
determine that there is an heartbeat loss, which indicates a can communicate with the drone 100 using a base unit,
problem with the auto pilot system. In some embodiments, which can be a hand-held unit, that is capable of transmitting
the error detection circuit 120 can determine an error due to data to and receiving data from the drone 100, e.g., via radio
an impact on collision of the drone 100 with an object or a or satellite communication. The communication system 150
human being. Occurrence of one or more of these errors can can include a two-way radio to communication with the base
result in a failure of the drone 100. The error detection unit 195 and/or ground control station. For example, the
circuit 120 can then generate a trigger event in response to communication system 150 can communicate a status of the
the detection of the error, which in turn can cause the PDS error detection circuit 120, e.g., details of detected errors, to
190 of FIG. 1B (described in additional detail at least with the remote operator 105 at the base unit 195. In some
respect to FIG. 1B) to deploy the parachute 125 automati embodiments, the communication system 150 provides
cally. In some embodiments, the error detection circuit 120 diverse, redundant, and persistent communications for (a)
can use one or more sensors on board the drone 100 or in the command/control of the drone 100, and (b) communicating
US 2017/0106986 A1 Apr. 20, 2017

voice/data between the drone 100 and the base unit or hacking of the control datalinks between the drone and the
ground control station. In some embodiments, the commu base unit, e.g., Ground Control Station.
nication system 150 can include “aviation grade” commu 0055. The drone 100 includes a parachute controller 175
nications for integration of UAVs within commercial envi that facilitates in steering the parachute 125 when the
ronments and airspace. parachute 125 is deployed. The parachute can be steered
0050. The drone 100 includes a cut-off circuit 155 that automatically, or manually by an operator using the base
can control the functioning of the lift mechanism 110 of the unit. In some embodiments, the parachute controller 175 can
drone 100. For example, the cut-off circuit 155 can disable steer the parachute 125 automatically using integrated sen
or stop the motors momentarily or permanently in response sors, e.g., video feed, Sonar, radar, LIDAR, computer vision,
to detection of an error So that a parachute can be deployed infra-red, near infra-red (NIR). Thermal, sonic, of the drone
automatically. The cut-off circuit 155 can include a “kill 100 and/or the PDS, and using a logic system of the PDS that
switch, e.g., kill switch 193 of FIG. 1B, that is triggered facilitates in avoiding obstacles and landing the drone at the
when the error detection circuit 120 detects a failure of the safest available location or a specified location. For
drone 100. The "kill switch controls the lift mechanism example, the parachute controller 175 can communicate
110, e.g., disables or stops the motors momentarily or with the video system 165 to monitor the environment
permanently. For example, the kill-switch can stop or dis around the drone 100 and facilitate in landing the drone at
able the motors temporarily by braking the motors and/or the safest available location in the event of the failure of the
cutting off the power Supply to the motors causing the drone 100. These sensors may be a completely discrete
motors free spin, cutting off the power Supply to motors by system as part of the parachute controller 175 or it may make
grounding the signal to the motors, by Substituting the use of the suite of sensors that are still operable on the drone
throttle signal from the flight controller to the lift mechanism 100. In another example, the parachute 125 can be steered
110, e.g., to the electronic speed controller (ESC) of the lift manually by an operator from the base unit, e.g., using a live
mechanism 110, with a Zero throttle command from the video feed from the drone 100 or directly if the drone 100
PDS. In some embodiments, the lift mechanism 110 is is in a line of sight of the operator.
controlled momentarily to allow the parachute 125 to be
deployed. In another example, the kill switch 193 can stop 0056 Steering the parachute 125 can be achieved in
or disable the motors permanently by cutting of the electrical various ways. For example, the parachute 125 can steer itself
connections to the motors. Other methods for disabling the using a set of servos or actuators, e.g., guided by a secondary
lift mechanism 110 are also possible some of which are auto pilot system linked to the PDS that is independent of the
described below at least with reference to FIGS. 11-13. autopilot system of the drone 100, that lengthen and/or
0051. In some embodiments, the failure of the drone 100 shorten control cables modifying the shape of the parachute
can be detected using the error detection circuit 120. In 125 so as to effect pitch/roll/yaw control. In another
deploying the parachute 125, either the parachute 125 can be example, one or more fans can be used to steer the parachute
deployed first and then the motor be controlled, e.g., shut off, 125. In another example, pull cords of the parachute 125 can
or the motor be controlled first and then the parachute 125 be used to steer the parachute 125.
be deployed, or they can be done simultaneously. In some 0057 The drone 100 includes an airbag deployment
embodiments, the parachute 125 is automatically deployed module 180 that deploys an airbag so that a damage that can
when the motor is shutoff, e.g., the lift mechanism 110 is be caused to the drone 100 or the environment where the
disabled. For example, the parachute deployment mecha drone 100 lands is minimized. The airbag deployment
nism 130 can detect that the lift mechanism 110 is powered module 180 can be implemented in a number of ways. In
off and release the parachute 125 accordingly. In some some embodiments, the airbag deployment module 180
embodiments, the lift mechanism 110 is controlled before includes a safety assembly having a pressurized gas tank (or
the parachute 125 is deployed. Additional details with a chemical which when activated creates a controlled chemi
respect to controlling the lift mechanism 110 is described cal explosion which generates gas) and one or more inflat
below. able airbags connected to the gas tank through valve one or
0052. The drone 100 includes a navigation circuit 160 more valves. The tank may be controlled by a sensor device
that facilitates in the navigation of the drone 100. The or receive a command to cause inflation of the air bag. The
navigation circuit 160 can have instructions such as a airbag deployment module 180 can also include a pressur
location where the drone 100 is to travel, etc. ized gas tank (or a chemical which when activated creates a
controlled chemical explosion which generates gas)
0053. The drone 100 includes a video system 165 that mounted on the drone 100. The airbag deployment module
facilitates to capture an image, an audio clip, and/or a video 180 includes one or more valves connected on one side of
clip of various targets from the drone 100. In some embodi the pressurized gas tank at appropriate locations, and each
ments, the video system 165 can transmit the captured data valve is connected at its other side to at least one associated
to a remote user, e.g., in real time. In some embodiments, the inflatable airbag. When the pressurized gas tank is filled with
Video system 165 can store the captured data on a storage a gas at an appropriate pressure (or when the chemical is
device installed in the drone 100 or store in a storage device activated to create a controlled chemical explosion which
at a remote location defined by the remote user. In some generates gas) any sensor which may detect a forthcoming
embodiments, the drone 100 includes a video camera impact or receive a command which may be sent by a
installed on a downward facing gimbal for providing a video computer onboard the drone 100 or off board the drone 100,
of the landing area to land the drone 100. which causes the valve to open with the result of an
0054) The drone 100 includes a security circuit 170 that instantaneous inflation of the air bags, due to the high gas
facilitates in preventing unauthorized interference with the pressure within the tank. The airbags can deploy at the
command and control of the drone and the PDS, such as exterior of the drone 100 causing a cushion against any
US 2017/0106986 A1 Apr. 20, 2017

impact with persons or property. In some embodiments, the 0062 FIG. 2 is a flow diagram of a process 200 for
above techniques can also be used to inflate the parachute deploying a parachute of a drone of FIG. 1, consistent with
125. various embodiments. The process 200 can be performed
0058. The drone 100 can be deployed to perform one or using the drone 100 of FIG. 1. At block 210, the navigation
more applications, e.g., Surveillance of illegal activities to circuit 160 facilitates in navigating the drone 100 to one or
safeguard civil security, anti-poacher operations, forest fire more locations. In some embodiments, the navigation circuit
fighting, monitoring flooding Storms & hurricanes, traffic 160 receives the instructions for navigating the drone 100
monitoring, radiation measurement, searching for missing from a base unit operated by a remote user, which is capable
persons, monitoring harvesting. The drone 100 can include of performing radio and/or satellite communications with
the drone 100.
an application module 185 that facilitates the drone 100 in
performing a specified user-defined application. The appli 0063. At block 215, the error detection circuit 120 detects
cation module 185 can include the instructions for the drone an error. For example, the error can be navigation loss,
100 to perform the specified user-defined application. communication loss, power loss, impact, gyro error, motor
control, Sudden drop, inversion, fire, video loss, heartbeat
0059. Note that the drone 100 illustrated in FIG. 1 is not loss, lack of electrical signal from error detection circuit,
restricted to having the above modules. The drone 100 can affirmative release of parachute electrical signal, the drone
include lesser number of modules, e.g., functionalities of 100 exceeds a specified number of degrees from the hori
two modules can be combined into one module. The drone Zontal, has exceeded the tilt for a specified duration, is above
100 can also include more number of modules, e.g., func a minimum altitude, is falling at a speed that exceeds a
tionalities performed by a single module can be performed user-defined value, and/or if it has breached a hard GPS
by more than one module, or there can be additional defined geo-fence.
modules that perform other functionalities. Further, the 0064. At block 220, the error detection circuit 120 clas
functionality performed by a module described above can be sifies the error into a particular error type. In some embodi
performed by one or more of the other modules as well. ments, the parachute 125 is automatically deployed only if
0060 FIG. 1B is a block diagram of the drone 100 with the error is of one or more specified types. The error types
a parachute 125 deployed, consistent with various embodi to which the parachute 125 is to be deployed can be specified
ments. The drone 100 includes the PDS 190 that facilitates by the user, e.g., as described above. For example, the
deploying the parachute 125. The PDS 190 can deploy the heartbeat loss or the geo fence breach are some of the error
parachute 125 automatically, or in response to a command types to which the parachute 125 is to be deployed.
issued by a remote operator 105 via a base unit 195. In some 0065. In an event the error is classified into one of the
embodiments, the PDS 190 includes a “kill switch 193 that, specified error types, at block 225, the error detection circuit
when triggered, controls the lift mechanism 110, e.g., brakes 120 generates a trigger event instructing the cut-off circuit
the motors and/or cuts off the power Supply to the motors, 155 to control the lift mechanism 110. In some embodi
and indicates the parachute deployment mechanism 130 to ments, the cut-off circuit 155 controls the lift mechanism 110
deploy the parachute 125. The kill switch 193 can be by disabling the lift mechanism 110 as described above.
powered using an independent power source. The kill Switch 0066. In some embodiments, prior to controlling the lift
193 can be activated by the remote operator 145 via the base mechanism 110, the error detection circuit 120 determines
unit 195. In some embodiments, the base unit 195 can send whether it is safe to deploy the parachute 125 based on safe
the command to the kill switch 193 over an encrypted deployment parameters such as minimum altitude to deploy
communications channel. Note that the PDS 190 can be a the parachute 125. If the safe deployment parameters are not
combination of one or more modules/circuits/components of met, the parachute 125 is not deployed and therefore, the lift
the drone 100 illustrated in FIG. 1, or can include additional mechanism 110 is not disabled. The checking against the
modules, all of which together facilitate deployment of the safe deployment parameters may be overridden by the
parachute 125. remote operator 105 manually via the base unit 195.
0061 FIG. 1C is a block diagram of the base unit of FIG. 0067. At block 230, the parachute deployment mecha
2, consistent with various embodiments. As described nism 130 deploys the parachute 125 automatically, e.g.,
above, the base unit 195 can be a hand held unit such as a upon detecting that the lift mechanism 110 is controlled.
remote controller that can perform radio communication Note that the steps of blocks 225 and 230 can be performed
with the drone. In some embodiments, the base unit can be in any order or in parallel.
a part of the ground control station Software. The base unit 0068. At block 235, the communication system 150 can
195 is capable of performing radio and/or satellite commu send a signal back to the base unit 195 confirming the
nications with the drone 100. The base unit 195 can include deployment of the parachute 125. In some embodiments, the
a deploy Switch 196, e.g., a push-button, that can send a warning lights or audible signals onboard the drone 100
signal to the onboard “kill” switch 193 on the drone 100 that, linked to the PDS 190 can also be activated.
when activated, causes the drone 100 to deploy the para 0069. At block 240, the parachute controller 175 facili
chute 125. The base unit 195 can include an auto deployment tates steering the parachute 125 to land the drone 100 at the
switch 197, e.g., DIP switch, for enabling or disabling auto least damaging location, e.g., at the safest available location.
deployment of the parachute 125 on the drone 100 in The parachute 125 can be steered manually by the remote
response to a failure of the drone 100. The base unit 195 can operator 105 from the base unit 195, e.g., guided by the
include a communications system 198, e.g., Xbee 900HP. onboard video feed, or can be steered automatically towards
for sending and receiving instructions from the drone 100. the safest landing point as described above. For example, the
The base unit 195 can include an arming switch 199, e.g., PDS 190 uses either its own discrete set of onboard sensors,
flip Switch, for enabling or disabling manual deployment of e.g., as described above, or requests the same from the
the parachute 125 from the base unit 195. sensors that are normally used by the drone 100 for situation
US 2017/0106986 A1 Apr. 20, 2017

awareness purposes to first identify all clear landing areas I0081. In some embodiments, the PDS 190 is configured
within the drone's current projected glide path, taking into to include communications for manual activation, micro
account prevailing wind, other atmospheric conditions as controller for logic, parachute 125, power, and an Inertial
well as the mass and velocities of the aircraft at the time of Measurement Unit (IMU) (needed for automatic deploy
deployment. These landing areas can be identified according ment). In some embodiments, each of these is fairly modu
to a set of predefined parameters, e.g., a size of obstructions, lar, and can be replaced with a similar system (e.g., a PDS
lack of obstructions along the glide path as well as a level using an XBee for communications can be replaced with any
Surface and a minimum distance from identified manned other Arduino-compatible telecommunication system).
activities on the ground Such as crowds, children, animals. 0082 In some embodiments, the PDS 190 and the RPS
These may then be ranked by the logic on the PDS 190, e.g., are integrated to the drone 100 considering the amount of
in a risk matrix driven process, that produces the safest weight added, and the mass and inertial balance of the
eligible landing point that has a high confidence of attaining vehicle, and the perturbation of aerodynamic effects the PDS
under the prevailing conditions. In some embodiments, the 190 and the RPS introduce. The embodiments also minimize
remote operator 105 monitoring the drone 100 will have full changes to the aerodynamic behavior of the drone 100
override capabilities as a final check in the system and will compared to the aerodynamic behavior without the PDS 190
be presented visually with the same set of choices and can and the RPS.
instruct an alternate if necessary. The PDS 190 then steers
the drone 100 by manipulating the control lines to the Automatic Failure Detection
parachute 125 toward the desired landing spot.
0070. At block 245, the communication system 150 can I0083. The PDS 190 is configured to be able to automati
communicate the details of the error to the remote operator cally detect a failure, cutoff the drone power circuitry and
105, e.g., at the base unit 195 operated by the remote deploy the parachute 125. In some embodiments, the auto
operator 105 or any other device that is capable of commu matic detection of failure will trigger when the drone 100:
nicating with the drone 100. In some embodiments, the 0084 exceeds a specified amount of tilt, e.g., 25
process described with reference to block 245 can be per degrees, from the horizontal;
formed prior to the block 230. 0085 has exceeded the specified amount of tilt for a
(0071. At block 250, the communication system 150 can specified period, e.g., 2 seconds;
communicate the location where the drone 100 landed to the I0086) is above a specified minimum altitude; and
remote operator 105, e.g., at the base unit 195 operated by 0087) is falling at a specified speed, e.g., 5 m/s.
the remote operator 105 or any other device that is capable 0088. After the failure is detected, the PDS 190 can
of communicating with the drone 100. deploy the parachute 125, and send a signal to disable the
0072. In some embodiments, if the parachute 125 is motors, e.g., of the lift mechanism 110. In some embodi
deployed automatically, e.g., when the remote operator 105 ments, the signal to disable the motors can be sent first and
activates the onboard “kill switch 193 using the base unit then the parachute 125 can be deployed. However, various
195, then the process described with reference to blocks configurations of deployment are possible. Further, the fail
225-250 may be performed. ure can be triggered by various other factors.
0073. Those skilled in the art will appreciate that the I0089. The above triggering conditions stem from several
logic illustrated in the flow diagram discussed above, may be factors, and are determined to be the characteristics of the
altered in various ways. For example, the order of the logic drone under abnormal behavior. Under normal operations,
may be rearranged, Substeps may be performed in parallel, the drone 100 can always be oriented as horizontally as
illustrated logic may be omitted; other logic may be possible ideally zero. The necessary pitch and roll tilts that
included, etc. In some embodiments, the steps of 215 and may be required to navigate the drone 100 is usually a
220 may not be performed, e.g., when the user manually specified range, e.g., below 10 degrees and not exceeding 25
kills the drone 100, that is, cuts-off the power supply to the degrees. Hence, it may be deemed that failure has occurred
drone 100 and deploys the parachute 125 by activating the if the tilt is outside of the specified range. Nevertheless, due
onboard kill switch from the base unit.
0074 The disclosed embodiments include two compo to the noise of the sensor reading, it can be dangerous to
nents—the PDS and a rotor protection shroud (RPS) each of claim a failure, deploy the parachute 125, and shut off the
which are discussed in detail in the following paragraphs. motors whenever a tilt greater than 25 degrees is detected—
it may simply be due to a noisy spike in the IMU sensor data
Parachute Deployment System (PDS) signal. The tilt may also be caused by a short momentary
disturbance of air flow, which may disturb the balance of the
0075. The PDS 190 can be a combination of one or more drone for a few milliseconds, but would calm before the
modules of the drone 100 illustrated in FIG. 1. In case of a drone loses its control. Hence, in some embodiments, it is
system failure in the drone 100, the drone 100 needs to be deemed that a tilt should be monitored for a specified
able to land as safely as possible. The PDS 190 deploys a duration, e.g., 2 seconds. The PDS 190 can determine that a
parachute 125 that can safely land the drone 100. In some tilt of more than 25 degrees on duration of more than 2
embodiments, the PDS 190 is configured to: seconds signals a high probability of system imbalance and
0076 1. support no less than a specified weight, e.g., 4 failure, and therefore deploy the parachute 125 and shut off
kg, with a specified maximum rate of descent, e.g., the motor automatically. This specified duration can be user
approximately 4 m/s; specified and be easily changed by the user.
(0077 2. be completely self-powered; 0090. In some embodiments, the minimum altitude for
0078. 3. be manually triggered remotely: deploying the parachute 125 can be determined based on
(0079 4. cut-off power supply to the drone 100; and local regulatory authorities. The specified speed at which the
0080 5. automatically detect failure. drone 100 is falling is also determined to be an indicator of
US 2017/0106986 A1 Apr. 20, 2017

system failure, and is typically greater than normal descend mathematical and physical one, where the euler angle mea
Velocity, which is usually at a much milder rate. Surements provided by the gyroscope Suffers from the gim
0091. Furthermore, one of the common points of failures ballocks when the roll or pitch is +90°. These issues can be
can lie in a flight controller, e.g., Arducopter/Pixhawk con resolved, however, with many advanced algorithms avail
troller. Not only will this will result in the motors actuating able from the IMU community.
in an uncontrolled manner while the drone is falling, a more 0096. Nevertheless, a second approach to build the
severe problem is that a flight controller failure implies the AHRS can be to take advantage of the earth's magnetic field
inability of the inbuilt PDS to be triggered correctly. As and gravitational field, in order to bypass resolving all the
Such, the failure detection system (e.g., error detection above problems with the gyroscope. On a hovering aircraft,
circuit 120) has to be self-powered and independent/modu a tilt in the roll and pitch direction will be registered as a
lar. Therefore, the inbuilt PDS of the flight controller cannot change in experienced g-force by the accelerometer in the X
be used. The power design of the failure detection system is andy direction respectively, which can be used to deduce the
further discussed in latter sections. amount of tilt in each direction. The IMU can have this
0092. In some embodiments, the microcontroller used is simple algorithm built in to the break out board, so that roll
the Arduino Uno or smaller versions of the Arduino like the and pitch readings can be readily obtained from the accel
Nano. In some embodiments, the microcontroller is built erometer. Unlike the gyroscope, this is not a relative mea
using a custom made printed circuit board (PCB), e.g., to Surement, but an absolute one-the reading will register as
minimize the weight and volume that the PDS 190 would Zero if there is no tilt (the drone does not feel a stronger pull
take on a drone. The specifications of the Arduino Uno are: on either side of its body if it is horizontal), hence this
method immediately removes the problem of drift. Note that
TABLE 1. the accelerometer cannot measure yaw, since the g-force
experienced by the drone is invariant under yaw rotations.
Arduino Uno Specifications 0097. To measure the yaw angular position, the on-board
Microcontroller ATmega,328 compass, or magnetometer, can be used to measure the
Operating Voltage 5V direction of the earth's magnetic field. Provided that the
Digital I/O Pins 14 (of which 6 provide PWM output) drone does not fly across time Zones and continents, the
Analog Input Pins 6
Flash Memory 32 KB direction of the earth’s magnetic is constant throughout the
EEPROM 1 KB drone's journey and can be used as a reference to the drone's
SRAM 2 KB heading, or yaw, direction. Of course, this may require an
Clock Speed 16 MHz initial knowledge of where the earth's magnetic field is
pointing throughout an area of interest. This is a well
0093. As the above ATmega328 microcontroller is used documented piece of information that can be looked up. Like
on the Arduino Uno for on board processing, it is of great the accelerometer, the magnetometer reading is absolute,
advantage to use products compatible with Arduino Such as and does not suffer. This reading can be accurate, unless a
the L3GD2OH (3-axis gyroscope), LSM303 (3-axis compass magnet is nearby—a phenomenon that may not usually
and 3-axis accelerometer), in order to accomplish an AHRS expected in mid-air.
(Attitude and Heading Reference System). These modules (0098. With this second approach, the AHRS will provide
are greatly supported in the Arduino community, which a more accurate, driftless reading for the drone. Note that,
simplifies the design and integration. In some embodiments, however, the attitude data is still represented by eular angles,
for automatic failure detection system, Adafruit's 10 DOF so that gimbal locks are still present. Nevertheless, this may
IMU break-out board is used. The Adafruits 10 DOF IMU not be an issue, as long before the UAV would hit a tilt of
break-out board consists of the above modules (L3GD2OH +90°, the PDS 190 would have deployed the parachute 125
& LSM303) as well as a barometer (BMP180) for relative and shut off the motors.
altitude measurements and has the necessary on-chip pro 0099. With the accelerometer and compass to serve as
cessing capabilities to lessen the computational load on the secondary sensors for attitude determination, this IMU can
on-board computer. provide a low cost AHRS module. With this sensor reading,
0094. The IMU module has 10 degrees of freedom, 3 the above failure detection criteria can be implemented, e.g.,
each for accelerometer, compass (magnetometer) and gyro in software.
scope, and 1 for altitude. FIG. 3 is an example of an IMU 0100 Abarometer can be used for determining the failure
used to build the AHRS, consistent with various embodi based on the third failure criterion—whether the drone 100
ments. The IMU of FIG. 2 has high accuracy sensor readings is above a specified minimum altitude. The PDS 190 would
and on-board processing capabilities. need to initialize the barometer to a set level and use relative
0.095 The AHRS can be built from the 10 DOF IMU in measurements after that.
two ways. The first way is to utilise the gyroscope alone, to 0101 FIG. 4 is a flow diagram a process 400 for deploy
provide the three euler angles—roll, pitch, and yaw—after ing the parachute 125 automatically, consistent with various
the angular rate sensor data is passed through a first order embodiments. The process 400 can be implemented using
integration algorithm, in order to obtain the angular posi the drone 100. At block 405, the error detection circuit 120
tions. However, the gyroscope can Suffer from two main detects an error. The error detection circuit 120 determines
disadvantages gyroscopic drift and gimbal locks. The a type of the error. In some embodiments, the parachute 125
gyroscopic drift is a phenomenon of a static or dynamic shift is automatically deployed only if the error is of specified
in estimated attitude readings. This can be caused by two types. The error types to which the parachute 125 is to be
reasons—the first being an inherent drift in the gyroscopic automatically deployed can be defined by a user.
sensor, and the second being the result of integrating noisy 0102. At decision block 410, the error detection circuit
signals over time. The gimbal locks disadvantage is a 120 determines if the error is due to a tilt of the drone and
US 2017/0106986 A1 Apr. 20, 2017

if the tilt of the drone exceeds a first threshold, e.g., 25 way of achieving full duplex wireless communication
degrees. If the tilt does not exceed the first threshold, the between the drone and a base unit operated by the operator.
process 400 returns, that is, the parachute 125 is not An example of the radio transceiver includes XBee-PRO
deployed. On the other hand, if the tilt exceeds the first 900HP (S3B). Although the XBees are technically half
threshold, at decision block 415, the error detection circuit duplex, they contain internal buffers that make them func
120 determines if the duration of the tilt exceeds a second tion as full duplex devices.
threshold, e.g., 2 seconds. In some embodiments, a short 0110. The radio transceiver can be made flexible in terms
duration event may not trigger release of the parachute (e.g., of its strength and data rate, through simple configurations.
downdrafts, temporary loss of lift). If the duration of the tilt Once configured correctly, the radio transceiver simply
does not exceed the second threshold, the process 400 receives, in the form of serial communications, signals from
returns. On the other hand, if the duration of the tilt exceeds any radio source coming from the same type of radio
the second threshold, at decision block 420, the error detec transceiver, with the same type of configuration.
tion circuit 120 determines if the altitude at which the drone 0111. After the setup, on the on-board processor of the
100 is flying exceeds a minimum altitude, e.g., 20 feet. If the drone, one radio transceiver is simply mounted on a wireless
drone 100 is flying below the minimum altitude to deploy a SD shield, e.g., an Arduino Wireless SD Shield, while the
parachute, the process 400 returns. On the other hand, if the other is connected through an USB adapter to a remote PC.
drone 100 is flying above the minimum altitude, at block The Wireless SD shield, shown in FIG. 5A, provides a
425, the on-board kill switch of the cut-off circuit 155 is wireless communication platform between the radio trans
activated. The on-board kill switch controls the lift mecha ceiver and the on-board computer (Arduino Uno) through an
nism 110, e.g., disables the motors of the lift mechanism 110 internal serial link. FIG. 5A shows an example of a com
as described above. After the lift mechanism 110 is con munications Subsystem having a wireless SD shield, con
trolled, at block 430, the on-board kill switch notifies the sistent with various embodiments. FIG. 5B shows an
parachute deployment mechanism 130 to deploy the para example of a communications Subsystem having an XBee
chute 125. radio transceiver, consistent with various embodiments. The
0103. In some embodiments, the tilt includes an attitude wireless shield also offers a micro SD card slot, which
of the drone 100, e.g., which is an orientation of the drone allows the possibility of an extension involving an on-board
100. The attitude of the drone 100 can be obtained using one logging of data. For example, sensor readings can be written
or more sensors onboard the drone 100. to the on-board data logging module provided by the SD
0104 Referring back to block 405, if the error is a sudden Shield at a higher frequency than it would transmit back to
decrease in the altitude, at decision block 430, the error the ground station, for later analysis purposes.
detection circuit 120 determines whether the speed at which 0112 The long-range radio transceivers operate at 9600
the drone 100 is descending exceeds a third threshold, e.g., baud, although this is easily adjustable to Suit higher data
5 m/s. If the descend speed of the drone 100 does not exceed rate demands. In some embodiments, the radio transceiver
the third threshold, the process 400 returns. On the other module has transmission power of 250 MW. Its line of sight
hand, if the descend speed of the drone exceeds the third transmission range is very flexible—depending on the
threshold, the process 400 proceeds to block 420 and deter antenna size. With an optimal antenna, the radio transceiver
mines whether to deploy the parachute 125 or not as can communicate at distances up to 45 km (Line of Sight).
described above. However, under more modest antenna sizes, the radio trans
0105. Referring back to block 405, if the error is of other ceiver can communicate at specified distances, e.g., up to 14
types, at decision block 435, the error detection circuit 120 km, if they are within light of sight towards each other.
determines if the error is of any of the specified types for Under indoor conditions, however, the blockage may reduce
which the parachute 125 is to be automatically deployed, that distance down to a specified maximum communicating
e.g., navigation loss, communication loss, power loss, distance, e.g., 600 m. Nevertheless, this can usually be easily
impact, gyro error, motor control, Sudden drop, inversion, avoided by having a large antenna on the ground end,
fire, video loss, heartbeat loss, geo fence breach, or lack of located further from the ground such as the top of a building.
electrical signal from error detection circuit 120. If the error 0113. The radio transceiver communicates at an adjust
is not of the specified types for which the parachute 125 is able frequency, e.g., between 902 MHZ to 928 MHz so that
to be automatically deployed, the process 400 returns. On it can be configured to avoid the common frequency for
the other hand, if the error is of the specified types for which communications, e.g., 915 MHz. The bandwidth can be
the parachute 125 is to be automatically deployed, the configured to be sufficiently small to avoid any interference.
process 400 proceeds to block 420 and determines whether The data rate can also be configured to between a specified
to deploy the parachute 125 or not as described above. range, e.g., 10 Kbps or 200 Kbps.
Communications Methods 0114. The radio transceiver is a very economical way of
achieving wireless communication, as it is greatly Supported
0106. The PDS 190 has the capability to remotely and by the Arduino community, and it communicates in the form
manually trigger the parachute 125 and shut down the drone of Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART)
100. In some embodiments, the PDS 190 is configured to: serial communications—meaning that minimal decoding
0.107 have the communications work within a reason and encoding needs to be done. This also allows the software
able range, e.g., the drone 100 is within sight of the design on the part of communications to be simple—it is
operator, and simply a matter to handling serial data and serial transmis
0.108 transmit back its state and confirm each input by sion/reception, for which the Arduino already has in-built
the user. libraries and functionality.
0109. In some embodiments, the radio transceivers used 0.115. In some embodiments, the PDS 190 also includes
include a radio transceiver that provides a very convenient a graphical user interface (GUI) and a set of tele commands
US 2017/0106986 A1 Apr. 20, 2017

for automatic failure detection by the PDS 190. On a remote gible. The same can be assumed for the logic level multi
PC, the user can choose to continuously receive system state plexers used to cut-off the signal to the motor controllers.
data, such as the roll, pitch, and yaw of the drone, or disable
this option completely. The user can also verify and toggle TABLE 2
the mode of the automatic detection failure—whether auto
Power Calculations
matic deployment and shut off is enabled or not. In either
case, the user may always have access to manually trigger Current Time on/hour Power Req./h
the parachute deployment and motor shut off through the
press of a single button, e.g., "kill Switch, e.g., in case of ATmega,328 10 mAh 3600 seconds 36 mAh
XBee 900 HP TX 230 mAh 36 seconds -8 mAh
emergency. The Software is designed to be very scalable; the XBee 900 HP RX 45 mAh 3600 seconds 162 mAh
list of commands can be expanded very easily, so that extra
functionality and commands can be built into the system in Total s206 mAh
a straightforward manner if future scenarios require so.
0116. An example list of commands of the automatic 0.132. In some embodiments, any battery that has a capac
failure detection portion of the PDS 190 include: ity of around 200 mAh would power the entire safety
0117 h: help command—displays the following list of delivery system for roughly an hour. In some embodiments,
the chosen battery size is 2500 mAh. While the size and
0118 c: check mode (automatic or manual, and is it weight of the 2500 mAh Adafruit batteries are nearly double
deployed?) the 1200 mAh batteries, the factor of safety and convenience
0119 a: set as automatic mode (shut off will be auto is worth carrying the extra Volume and weight, at least for
matically triggered) Mark I of the system. The volume is not much of an issue
I0120 m: set as manual mode (shut off will not be anyway because it can easily fit in the Arduino plastic box
automatically triggered) that came with the components. The example specifications
0121 t: toggle mode (between automatic and manual of the battery are:
mode) 0133. The output ranges from 4.2V when completely
0.122 d: deploy parachute and shut off motor (if in charged to 3.7V.
manual mode—non-emergency) 0134 2500 mAh
I0123 s: screen data display toggle (whether or not to 0.135 Included protection circuitry keeps the battery
display IMU information) Voltage from going too high (over-charging) or low
0.124 Z: emergency deploy and motor shut off (for (over-use) which means that the battery will cut-out
immediate emergency use) when completely dead at 3.0V.
Power 0.136 Max 1200 mA charge rate (ideally 500 mA).
0.137 Genuine 2-pin JST-PH connector.
(0.125. In some embodiments, the PDS 190 is completely 0138 Weight=52g
self-powered, that is, it can have an independent power 0.139 Size=51 mmx65mmx8 mm
supply and does not share the power supply of the drone 100. 0140. The circuit also uses a voltage regulator to power
This can be essential in keeping the whole parachute deploy the Arduino and other components. Since all other compo
ment method as modular as possible. A separate power nents (parachute servo, XBee, etc.) powered directly from
supply to the PDS 190 would ensure maximum reliability. the Arduino Uno board then there would be no need for an
0126. In some embodiments, the power subsystem of the external regulator since the Arduino Uno already has an
PDS 190 is configured to: on-board regulator. It was, however, included such that there
I0127. 1. sustain charge for at least a specified amount would be a voltage regulator for Mark II, where the
of time, e.g., one return flight, which can be 1 hour; ATmega,328 chip would be removed from the Arduino and
I0128 2. power the servo that controls the parachute: soldered directly onto a custom-made PCB. The voltage
and regulator would then power the Arduino itself and all
I0129. 3. occupy minimal space. peripheral components. In Mark II, it would also be recom
0130 For example, if the microcontroller used is the mended to switch to a Pololu regulator even though it is not
ATmega328, the microcontroller uses around 10 mA of entirely necessary, to regulate Voltage both ways (buck
current when it is operating. The built in efficiency mas?).9 of boost). Because the batteries supply 3.7-4V during nominal
the on-board voltage regulator is already included in the 10 operation, then there would only be a boost required (to take
mA of current draw. Since the Arduino is completely pow it up to 5V). Having only one Switching Voltage regulator in
ered on, it will use approximately 36 mAh/h. If the radio Mark II would then maximize the power efficiency (ma-0.9
transceiver is XBee (900HP), for example, it uses 230 mA instead of maso.81). The example specifications are:
of current to transmit and 45 mA to receive. The transmitter 0.141 2 A internal switch (2.5 A peak limiting) means
may be activated every 10 seconds and takes at most 0.1 one can get 500 mA+ from a 3.7V LiPoly/LiIon battery.
seconds to transmit all the data. This translates to around 0.142 Low battery indicator LED lights up red when
0.032 mAh per transmission. Receiving is always active and the voltage dips below 3.2V.
therefore uses 162 mAh/h. Combining the two power 0.143 90%+ operating efficiency in most cases.
requirements, the power module therefore uses around 170 0.144 Weight=4g
mAh/h. Some example power calculations of the power (0145 Size=22 mmx37 mmx2 mm
Subsystem are Summarized in table 2. 0146 Alternatively, the whole PDS 190 could be pow
0131. In some embodiments, since the servo is only ered by a single 9V battery which depending on the manu
powered for less than a second, it may draw less than 40 mA facturer and the chemicals used gives around 500 mAh. That
of current and therefore, the power requirements are negli is around 2.5 hours of use. The advantage of this is that the
US 2017/0106986 A1 Apr. 20, 2017

boost converter from the batteries can be excluded and the it contributes to the drone and the deployment method. In
onboard regulator on the Arduino Uno board can be used. Some embodiments, a gas based deployment system can be
The 9V battery may be plugged into the “VIN' terminal on used to deploy the parachute 125, where gases like CO2 are
the Uno board. used for quickly ejecting the parachute 125. However, the
0147 The battery charger can supply a steady current to gas canisters may have to be continually replaced after every
the batteries. The example specifications of the battery deployment.
charger are: (0167 FIG. 7 shows an example of a parachute 125 that
0148 USB or DC power 5 to 12V input can be employed in the PDS 190, consistent with various
0149 Charges one single-cell 3.7/4.2 v batteries embodiments. In some embodiments, spring loaded para
0150. Three indicator LEDs green for power, orange chutes can be installed on the drones. The spring-loaded
for charging and red for error parachutes are reusable and can be deployed by powering
0151 Charging LED will blink when the battery is full the servo motor to release the highly compressed spring
0152. Note that the power to other circuitry like the inside a canister which ejects the chute for deployment.
multiplexers is minimal. 0168 FIG. 8 shows examples of different types of para
0153 FIG. 6A shows an example of a 2500 mAh battery chutes that can be installed on the drone, consistent with
consistent with various embodiments. FIG. 6B shows an various embodiments. The FIG. 8 illustrates a type A para
example of a Voltage regulator, consistent with various chute (left) and a type B parachute (right). As can be seen,
embodiments. FIG. 6C shows an example of a battery there is a large hole in the middle of the type A parachute
charger, consistent with various embodiments. while type B is fully covered. In some embodiments, since
0154) In some embodiments, the power subsystem of the the type B the chute is fully covered it would offer greater
PDS 190 could be ameliorated in multiple ways: drag, resulting in a lower descending rate.
0155 1. A smaller buck boost from Pololu could be 0169. If the drones are larger, e.g., heavier than 4 kgs, a
used. The Pololu voltage regulators are smaller but do parachute larger than 58" may be installed. For example, a
not compromise on current, delivering up to 1 A. 192" parachute can support a 20 kg weight and offer a
0156 2. If no custom-PCB is made where the Uno dev descent rate less than 3 m/s.
board is removed, the whole circuitry could be powered
from the regulator on the dev board itself, eliminating Motor Cut-Off
the need for an external Voltage regulator. 0170 In order for the drone to safely land in the event of
0157 3. A smaller battery could be used to minimize failure of the drone, the motors need to shut-off when the
the size. It is unlikely that a drone will be flying 12.5 parachute 125 is deployed. In some embodiments, the
hours every day. This would also minimize on weight. motors are shut off nearly instantaneously when commanded
0158 4. The ADC on the Arduino could be used to otherwise the parachute 125 may not deploy properly or get
sense and report on battery level. tangled in rotors.
Parachute 0171 The power can be shut-off from the battery to the
rest of the drone. However, the Switch that needs to be fitted
0159. In some embodiments, the parachute 125 is chosen would need to be capable of handling the maximum current
Such that the parachute 125 Supports a specified minimum that can be supplied by the battery. For example, each motor
weight, e.g., 4 kg, while keeping the descent rate to a can draw up to 38 A when fully powered and on a quadcopter
specified maximum, e.g., approximately 4 m/s. This require drone this can mean a current draw of up to 152 A for the
ment can be essential to ensure the safety of humans upon motors alone. If the battery is rated 30 C at 8000 mAh, this
collision; by having a low descent rate the impact upon can mean that the maximum current it can provide is 240A,
collision is reduced. This would mean that if the drone is to which is quite a large current and would require relays that
collide with an external object then, then the damage is are bulky and heavy (household circuitry).
minimized for both the drone and the object. 0172 Another alternative is to connect a large number of
0160. In some embodiments, the parachute 125 is con power-MOSFETs in parallel and control them all as the
figured to: same Switch. This can again be quite a large circuit and
0.161 1. Support a specified weight, e.g., 4 kg. would also require the knowhow of thermally regulating the
0162 2. provide a specified maximum descent rate, components.
e.g., approximately 4 m/s. (0173 Another alternative is to use a mechanical switch,
0163. 3. be compact, so that it doesn't take up too e.g., a spring loaded mechanical Switch, that would discon
much space on the drone. nect the drone circuitry from the battery. However, it would
0164. 4. not weigh more than a specified amount, so involve mechanical components that could be easily
that it doesn’t contribute extra mass to the drone. destroyed or damaged upon failure and testing. It would also
0.165. In some embodiments, the size of the parachute be susceptible to in-flight vibrations that could prematurely
125 is determined as a function of the maximum weight of disconnect a result of the vibrations.
the drone on which the parachute 125 is going to be installed 0.174 Another alternative is to block the throttle signal
as well as the maximum desired descent rate. In some from the flight controller to the motors of the drone, and
embodiments, parachutes with 48 and 60 inch diameter will substitute it with a zero throttle signal from the Arduino
Support a 4 kg drone with a maximum desired descend at causing the motors to brake. The PDS 190 circuit multi
nearly 5 and 4 m/s respectively. plexers enable the signal from the flight controller to the
0166 In some embodiments, the parachute 125 illus ESC to be blocked off and a new zero throttle signal
trated in the figures can be one of the standard parachutes generated by the Arduino is sent to the ESC instead. Mul
available in the market. While choosing the actual para tiplexers can be used in order to be able to switch the signals
chute, it is essential to note the space available, the weight from the flight controller output to the Arduino signal. In
US 2017/0106986 A1 Apr. 20, 2017

Some embodiments, the signal to the motor drivers can be severing mechanism to physically cut-off the electrical con
ground. With this, there can be some delay, e.g., 3 sec, in nection. In another example, the cut-off circuit 155 can
stopping the motors. This can mean that the motor controller facilitate physically braking the motors, e.g., by sending a
registers this as signal lost rather than a signal meaning '0' signal to activate the brake pads of the motors. In another
revolutions per minute (RPM). In order to find out the example, the cut-off circuit 155 can facilitate ejecting of the
pulse-width modulation (PWM) frequency and duty cycle, propellers of the lift mechanism. The cut-off circuit 155 can
the "O' RPM signal can be analyzed on an oscilloscope. The be implemented in various ways for each of the above
signal can be: 400 Hz, 3.3V, and 44% duty cycle. methods.
0.175. If any of these requirements are not met (with the
exception of the duty cycle) then the motor controller will Rotor Protection Shroud (RPS)
not acknowledge the signal and continue its operation for a 0181. To further minimize the damage to the rotors
specified time, e.g., 3 seconds. The duty cycle is 44% at rest, and/or Surroundings upon landing, the rotor blades of the
around 46% when it starts idling and can go up to 100% for drone 100 may have to be protected with shrouding. The
full power. embodiments provide a scalable, minimalist design for the
0176 Analogue multiplexers, e.g., 4052 4-channel from shrouding that experiences little vibrations. The shrouding
Jaycar, can be used since they are bidirectional and can can be built using carbon fiber material.
allow for any Voltage level. The multiplexers can come in 0182. In some embodiments, a rotor shroud offers suffi
several packages (plastic, ceramic, micro, chip carrier). cient protection against the tips of the blades should it bump
Since there are only 2 per input, 2 chips may be needed on into an object or as it comes in to land after the deployment
the quadcopter. The multiplexers can be controlled by 2 of the parachute 125. In some embodiments, the rotor shroud
digital inputs (A and B). is configured to be:
(0177 FIG. 9A shows a logic table for the input states of 0183 1. lightweight, e.g., weight not exceeding a
the analogue multiplexers, consistent with various embodi specified amount, so that it doesn’t add significant
ments. FIG. 9B shows a pin diagram for the analogue additional weight to the drone;
multiplexers, consistent with various embodiments. The 0.184 2. complete shielding of the rotor, so that the
FIGS. 9A and 9B illustrate a logic table and pin assignments blades don't come into contact with object upon colli
for the 4052 multiplexer. Since only two inputs need to be sion; and
used (OX, 1X and OY, 1Y), B can be grounded and A can be 0185. 3. durable upon impact, so that the structure
controlled from the Arduino; minimizing the inputs doesn’t damage the drone or cause more harm to a
required. Therefore, it would be as simple as setting a pin person the drone collided into.
high. One of the inputs (OX) is connected to the output of the 0186 The following paragraphs describe a RPS designed
flight controller and the other input (1X) is coming in from for a quadcopter of 4 kg with 11 inch blades (279.4 mm
the Arudino (the fake signal replicating 0 RPM conditions). diameter), which can also be upgraded to the hexa-copter
The output (X) is connected to the motor controllers. with 15-inch blades. However, the RPS designs can be
0178. It should be noted that when multiple motor con extended to various types of drones. The collision analysis
trollers are connected, the power buses are common going in can be made assuming the worst-case scenario where the
and out of the PDS 190 (all black and red voltages are at the drone is free-falling; therefore a force of 39.24N was applied
same level to and from the PDS 190). Ground should also be to testing the deflection of the structure. Also, the RPS can
common with the PDS 190. In some embodiments, the be made according to various designs, each having their own
Arduino Uno is capable of generating PWMs through its characteristics.
PWM function. On most pins, it is 490 Hz and 980 Hz on 0187 FIG. 14 shows a first design for the RPS, consistent
pin 5 and 6. In some embodiments, third party libraries can with various embodiments. The first design can be based on
be used to set interrupts precisely when they need to fire. The stock rotor protection shrouds, which are seen on hobby
signal therefore has to be 1100 microseconds high and then quad-copters. The models 300 mm diameter circular wall
1400 microseconds low. visually offers complete shielding. The shroud can be of
0179. With the following setup, the motors almost imme Vero White material, which has similar properties to Acry
diately stop rotating. FIG. 10 shows a schematic for the lonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS).
circuit for shutting off the motors instantly, consistent with 0188 FIG. 15A shows a result of the stress analysis of the
various embodiments. FIG. 10 also shows the pin assign RPS designed based on the first design of FIG. 14, consistent
ments for the PDS 190. Note that not all wires are shown. with various embodiments. FIG. 15B shows a result of the
0180. Following are some other methods under which the deflection analysis of the RPS designed based on the first
lift mechanism 110 can be disabled. For example, as illus design of FIG. 14, consistent with various embodiments.
trated in FIG. 11, the cut-off circuit 155 can break the The result shows over 39 mm of predicted deflection, while
electrical connection between the auto pilot system (flight the maximum stress experienced by the structure is lower
controller 115) and the ESC. When the power supply to the than the yield strength (it will not break), there is only a 10.3
auto pilot system is disconnected, the lift mechanism 110 mm allowance gap between the blade and the shroud at any
will be disabled. In another example, as illustrated in FIG. given time. This means that upon collision the shroud can
12, the cut-off circuit 155 can break the electrical connection push into the blade, damaging and possibly breaking the
between the ESC and the motors of the lift mechanism 110. blade. Such a disaster poses a great threat if it was to collide
In another example, as illustrated in FIG. 13, the cut-off into a human, as the blade broken while spinning at high
circuit 155 can cut-off the power supply to the motors of the Velocity can act unpredictably and can severely harm the
lift mechanism 110. In another example, the cut-off circuit person. Strengthening the structure to reduce deflection is
155 can facilitate physically cutting the electrical connection not an option, simply because the model currently weighs
to stop signal to the motors. The PDS 190 can have a 350 g per unit, therefore for a quadcopter the total rotor
US 2017/0106986 A1 Apr. 20, 2017

protection shroud unit will weight over 1.2 kg. Such a Drone Unit
weight may not be ideal for a drone, as it compromises the 0.196 Support for hexacopter (2 sets of 3x6 pins)
flying performance.
0.197 IMU auto deploy algorithm, which deploys the
(0189 FIG. 16 shows a second design for the RPS, parachute 125 automatically when a failure of the drone
consistent with various embodiments. The second design is detected, e.g., as described at least with reference to
addresses the problems faced in the first design. The change automatic failure detection above
includes transforming the right-angled Struts into elliptical 0198 Recalibrate min height from launch height
Support beams, as curved Supporting features shown in the (0199 Reset pin
model offer greater structural strength during tension and 0200 Wireless communications with Xbee 900HP:
compression while reducing material needed. The second 0201 Manual trigger
issue of weight is also addressed by making the structure as (0202 Auto deploy on/off
'empty' as possible without compromising the structural 0203 ESC 0 RPM signal reproduction: 44% duty
strength, which facilitated in increasing the gap between the cycle at 400 Hz
blade and the guard to allow for greater impacts.
0204 78.7x39.4 mm
0.190 FIGS. 17A and 17B show the results of finite 0205 Pins for chute servo
element analysis (FEA) conducted on the second design, 0206 4 hour battery life (untested—estimate)
consistent with various embodiments. FIG. 13A shows the
0207 Removable microprocessor
result of stress analysis of the model and FIG. 13B shows the 0208 Servo cable mounts (0.1" servo cables)
result of deflection analysis of the model. From the results 0209 Status LED
acquired, it is evident that maximum stress experienced by 0210 NOTE: Powered by 3.7V Li-ion from Adafruit.
this structure is lower than the RPS of the first design and This can be the 6600 mAh battery (blue cylinders) with no
well below its breaking point. Also, the maximum deflection protection circuit as the current draw from the Mars 120
was found to be 13.34 mm, while the allowable displace parachute is too large for the batteries with protection
ment is over 15 mm, which means that even upon impact our circuits (white with yellow tape on top).
structure stays intact and continues to provide shielding
from the blades. The mass of structure was found to be 145
Base Unit
g, which is less than half the first design, hence a quadcopter
would carry an additional weight of 580 g. 0211. In some embodiments, the base unit 195 can be
(0191 FIG. 18 shows a 3D printed model of the RPS configured to have the following:
based pm the second design, consistent with various 0212 Deploy switch, e.g., push-button for deploy
embodiments. The 3D printed model is made using ment—to send a signal to an onboard "kill Switch on
Vero White. the drone 100 that, when activated, causes the drone
100 to deploy the parachute 125
(0192 FIG. 19 shows a third design for the RPS, consis 0213 Auto deployment switch, e.g., DIP switch for
tent with various embodiments. In some embodiments, the on/off auto deployment to enable or disable auto
RPS based on the third design is made using carbon fiber. deployment of the parachute 125 on the drone 100 in
While carbon fiber is more dense compared to VeroWhite/ response to a failure of the drone 100
ABS, it has an excellent weight to strength ratio. This can 0214 Communications system, e.g., Xbee 900HP to
mean that the material used for the shroud can be further
send and receive instructions from the drone 100.
reduced while increasing the structure’s strength. In some 0215 I/O switch on the side
embodiments, the third design is similar to the second 0216 Arming flip switch (guard optional)—to enable
design, however rather than Supporting struts it has a tubular or disable manual deployment of the parachute 125
network as shown in the FIG. 19.
from the base unit 195
0193 FIGS. 20A and 20B show the results of the FEA 0217 Battery, e.g., 3.7V Li-ion rechargeable battery
conducted on the third design, consistent with various 0218. In some embodiments, the deploy switch sends the
embodiments. FIG. 20A shows the result of stress analysis signal to the “kill switch on the drone 100 if the arming
of the model, and FIG. 20B shows the result of deflection switch is enabled and when the deploy switch is activated by
analysis of the model. From the results, it can be concluded the remote operator 105.
that the structure can easily Support the weight of the drone, 0219. Following are some example instructions for
and safely shield the blades from external objects. In some installing the PDS 190 on the drone:
embodiments, the mass of this structure is 77 g, which would 0220 Plug the ESC cables from the flight controller
mean a saving of 310 g compared to previous designs for into the IN ports on the unit. The direction is labelled
excellent safety system. on the PCB (SIG is the topmost pin).
0194 In some embodiments, carbon fiber tubes which are 0221 Plug the motor ESC cables into the OUT ports
of straight shapes, e.g., as in the first design, instead of an on the unit.
elliptical fashion as in the third design can also be used. 0222 Connect the 3.7V battery.
While the mass of the first design is deemed to be heavy, 0223 Reset the unit. So that the green LED is solid
making the carbon fiber model hollow can solve the prob green and not flashing green.
lem. 0224 Proceed to turn on the drone normally.
0.195 The following paragraphs describe some example 0225. The LED will blink green when the parachute 125
features of the drone and the base unit (e.g., remote con has been deployed. Use the Reset button to switch it back
troller operated by a remote user to navigate and/or kill the into normal mode. The servo on the parachute 125 will also
drone) that can be used with the disclosed embodiments. reset to its closed position.
US 2017/0106986 A1 Apr. 20, 2017

0226. Following are some example instructions for navi Kbps) offer a greater theoretical range (yet untested) and
gating the drone and deploying the parachute 125: come with 900 MHz, dipole antennas (larger but offer better
Installation and Use
0249 XBee-PRO 900HP (S3B) DigiMesh, 905/920
0227 1. On the drone unit, plug the ESC cables from MHz, 250 mW. RPSMA Antenna, 200 Kbps (Brazil)
the flight controller into the IN ports on the unit. The
direction is labelled on the PCB (SIG is the topmost (0250. The 900HP set are used because they are more
pin). powerful than the Series 1 and Series 2 Pro XBees. The LOS
0228 2. Plug the motor ESC cables into the OUT ports range was tested and around 335 m packets were starting to
on the unit. be lost (see graph below—starting point is 0 m to 335 m).
0229. 3. Connect the 3.7V battery. 2.4 GHz antennas were used for this test as no 900 MHz
0230. 4. Reset the unit. This is important So that the ones were available.
green LED is solid green and not flashing green.
0231 5. Proceed to turn on the drone normally. 0251 FIG. 21 is a flow diagram of a process for a
0232 6. Continue on the handheld unit: Power on the motorized descent of the drone with the parachute ejected,
unit and observe red LED. If this is solid, then a consistent with various embodiments. The process 2100
connection has been established. This LED will turn off may be implemented using the drone 100 of FIG. 1. The
when the unit has lost connection. drone 100 may be steered to a particular landing location,
0233 7. Green switch can be used to turn on/off the e.g., a safe landing location, with the parachute ejected. In
auto-deploy. It is recommended to have this off as the Some embodiments, the particular landing location details,
vibrations on the IMU on the drone can be very e.g., GPS co-ordinates, are provided to the drone 100 by the
excessive (+/-5 m/s2) and trigger when spinning at remote operator 105 or from a ground control station. In
take-off RPMs. some embodiments, the flight controller 115 or the PDS 190
0234 8. To deploy: flip the arming switch to the ON determines the safe landing location based on one or more
position, then press the red pushbutton. parameters, e.g., any humans, or objects of a specified size
0235 9. The green LED on the drone unit should start within a specified area around the drone 100, density of
to flash green, indicating the parachute 125 has been humans or objects within the specified area, an area of land
deployed. The red LED on the handheld unit should or water within the specified area. As described at least with
start to flash. respect to FIGS. 1A and 2 above, the drone 100 can be
0236 10. To reset: Turn OFF the handheld unit, then steered to the particular landing location by steering the
press the RESET pushbutton switch on the drone unit. parachute 125. In some embodiments, the lift mechanism
The green LED should now be solid again. This will 110, e.g., one or more of the motors of the drone 100, can
also move the Mars Parachute servo to the CLOSED be used to steer the drone 100 to the particular landing
position. location with the parachute 125 ejected, e.g., in order to get
0237 11. Turn the handheld unit back ON. a better control in steering the drone 100. The drone 100 can
0238. In summary, the LED on the drone unit: be steered using the motors in addition to or alternative to
0239 GREEN: Solid=ON. Off-OFF. steering the parachute 125. In some embodiments, if the
Flashing=DEPLOYED. motors are not working, e.g., the power Supply to the motors
Handheld Unit:
is cut-off, the drone 100 is steered by steering the parachute
125 and not the motors. The following paragraphs describe
0240 GREEN: Solid=ON. Off=OFF. steering the drone 100 using the lift mechanism 110 with the
0241 RED: Solid=Link established. Off-Link lost. parachute 125 ejected.
Flashing=DEPLOYED. 0252. At block 2105, the parachute deployment mecha
0242 YELLOW: Solid=AUTO ON. Off=AUTO OFF. nism 130 deploys the parachute 125. The parachute 125 can
XBees be deployed automatically in response to occurrence of a
trigger event. In some embodiments, the trigger event is
0243 Any set of matching XBees can be used. The generated upon occurrence of an error, e.g., collision with
recommended XBees (currently in use) are: another object, presence of another object within a specified
0244 XBee-PRO 900HP (S3B) XBP9B-DPST proximity, speed and/or altitude exceeds a specified value,
001 Point2Multipoint, 900 MHz, 250 mW, RPSMA, e.g., as described at least with reference to FIGS. 1A, 2 and
10 Kbps (North America) 4. The parachute 125 can also be deployed manually, e.g., by
0245. There are pairs of XBees matched to each other the remote operator 105 at the base unit 195. In some
(e.g., 1A and 1B, 2A and 2B). They will only be able to send embodiments, the remote operator 105 can activate the kill
and receive messages to each other (done using addressing). switch 193 on the drone 100 using the base unit 195, and the
On top of this, all communications are encrypted. kill switch 193 can control the lift mechanism 110, e.g., stop
some or all of the motors of the lift mechanism 110, and
Encryption notify the parachute deployment mechanism 130 to deploy
0246 The XBees are encrypted using AES. The key is: the parachute 125.
0247 OF89EEECCFBF1E67555AE88D8171E2A2 0253) The parachute deployment mechanism 130 can be
configured to inflate the parachute 125 instantaneously and/
Range Test or rapidly upon deployment. In some embodiments, rapid
0248. The Xbee range test carried out here is for the old inflation of the parachute 125 may be necessary to open the
200 Kpbs Xbee (XBP9B-DMST-012). The new Xbees (10 parachute 125 at lower altitudes, e.g., altitude below a
US 2017/0106986 A1 Apr. 20, 2017

specified threshold such as 15 meters, 12 meters or 10 descend speed, or can continue to fly at a specified altitude
meters, and therefore, avoid the drone 100 from crash in response to an activation of the lift mechanism 110, all of
landing, which can cause damage to the drone 100. The which can delay the deployment of the parachute 125 or
parachute deployment mechanism 130 can implement the keep the parachute 125 from inflating completely. Accord
rapid inflation of the parachute 125 using various means, ingly, the flight controller 115 may not activate the lift
e.g., ballistic or mechanical. For example, the parachute mechanism 110 until the parachute 125 is inflated com
deployment mechanism 130 can use air or CO gas to pletely in order to avoid any further delay in the parachute
rapidly inflate the parachute 125. In another example, the 125 being deployed or inflated completely. The lift mecha
parachute deployment mechanism 130 can use a spring nism 110 can be activated automatically, e.g., based on a
loaded mechanism to rapidly inflate the parachute. In yet detection of the parachute 125 being deployed, or manually,
another example, the parachute deployment mechanism 130 e.g., by the remote operator 105 from the base unit 195.
can use pyrotechnics to rapidly inflate the parachute 125. In Further, the flight controller 115 can activate the lift mecha
Some embodiments, a projecting weight is connected to the nism 110 in a controlled manner, e.g., turning on and/or
parachute 125 to force open the parachute 125 more rapidly. adjusting the speed of one or more motors in a particular
The weight can be fired outward, e.g., in a semi-circular or pattern or sequence, to assist in steering the drone 100
circular pattern, and at a particular angle, e.g., 90 degrees off during the descent. In some embodiments, if the lift mecha
of the parachute 125, to cause the parachute 125 to deploy nism 110 is permanently disabled, e.g., not functional, the
fully and instantaneously. The weight can be connected to flight controller 115 may not activate the lift mechanism 110.
the center of the parachute 125. When the parachute 125 is If the lift mechanism 110 is partially disabled, e.g., some of
deployed, the weight is pulled down, due to gravity, causing the motors are functional and some are not functional, the
the parachute 125 to immediately inflate/open up by its flight controller 115 may activate the portion of the lift
downward motion in the air. mechanism 110 that is functional.
0254. In some embodiments, an umbrella-type mechani (0256. At block 2120, the flight controller 115 manages
cal mechanism is used to force open the parachute. For steering the drone 100 to the particular landing location
example, the umbrella type mechanism can include a folding using the lift mechanism 110. The drone 100 can be steered
canopy Supported by ribs, which is mounted on a pole. In using the lift mechanism 110 and/or the parachute 125. In an
Some embodiments, the parachute deployment mechanism event where the lift mechanism 110 is partially disabled, the
130 can blow open the parachute 125 with a rapid ejection flight controller 115 may adjust the load of the drone 100 on
of gas. For example, a gas canister filled with compressed the portion of the lift mechanism 110 that is functional, e.g.,
gas, e.g., at an appropriate pressure, (or when the chemical on one or motors that is functional, and steer the drone 100
is activated to create a controlled chemical explosion which using the functional portion of the lift mechanism 110.
generates gas) or a gunpowder type explosion, can release 0257 The drone 100 can be steered automatically (e.g.,
the gas at a rapid pressure resulting in instantaneous inflation autonomously), or manually by the remote operator 105
of the parachute 125. In some embodiments, a ducted fan using the base unit 195. In some embodiments, the flight
which generates airflow into the parachute 125 to cause the controller 115 and/or another control unit, e.g., the PDS 190,
parachute 125 to rapidly inflate can be used. In some can steer the drone 100 automatically/autonomously, e.g.,
embodiments, vented or tubular inflatable supports can be using integrated sensors, such as video feed, Sonar, radar,
included within the parachute 125 which can be filled with LIDAR, computer vision, infra-red, NIR, thermal, sonic, of
air to cause the parachute to rapidly inflate, e.g., like an the drone 100, facilitates in avoiding obstacles and landing
inflatable air dancing man. In another example, a power the drone 100 at the safest available location or a specified
activated piston in which a piston is released when it is location. For example, the flight controller 115 can commu
Supplied with electrical power releases a significant amount nicate with the video system 165 to monitor the environment
of energy, which can be used to eject and inflate the around the drone 100 and the PDS 190 can automatically
parachute 125 rapidly. The parachute 125 can be inflated send commands to control the lift mechanism 110, e.g.,
within a specified time, e.g., milliseconds, which can sig aelerons and propellers, (which was shut off when the
nificantly increase the chances of safe landing, especially parachute 125 ejected) in order to control the drone 100 and
when at low altitudes. Further, the parachute deployment land the drone 100 at the safest available location in the
mechanism 130 can ensure that parachute is deployed far event of the failure of the drone 100. In another example, the
beyond the propel spinning radius. Multiple parachutes can drone 100 can be steered manually by the remote operator
be installed on the drone 100 to get more drag and/or 105 from the base unit 195, e.g., using a live video feed from
redundancy. the drone 100, GPS coordinates, or directly if the drone 100
0255. At block 2110, the parachute deployment mecha is in a line of sight of the remote operator 105. This can be
nism 130 determines if the parachute 125 is inflated com to reduce the probability of impact with a person on the
pletely. If the parachute 125 is not inflated completely, the ground or landing in an unsafe location Such as a busy road
flight controller 115 waits until the parachute 125 is inflated or on a private property. Both of the steering methods, e.g.,
completely. The parachute deployment mechanism 130 can steering using the parachute and steering using the lift
notify the flight controller 115 after the parachute 125 has mechanism, can be performed autonomously by the drone
inflated completely, which in some embodiments, is when 100 or manually by the remote operator 105. In some
the drone 100 is ready for the flight controller 115 to regain embodiments, the remote operator 105 can also override the
control for performing a controlled landing. If the parachute autonomous steering of the drone 100.
125 is inflated completely, at block 2115, the flight controller (0258. At block 2125, the flight controller 115 lands the
115 activates the lift mechanism 110, e.g., powers on one or drone 100 at the particular landing location. At block 2130,
more of the motors of the drone 100. In some embodiments, after the drone 100 has landed at the particular landing
the drone 100 experiences a sudden lift, a decrease in the location, the communication system 150 can send an audio
US 2017/0106986 A1 Apr. 20, 2017

notification, a video notification, or an audio-visual notifi used for reducing the probability of impact of the drone 100
cation to the remote operator 105 at the base unit 195 with a person or aircraft. In some embodiments, the indica
indicating that the drone 100 has landed. The notification tors are powered using a back-up power Supply.
can also include various information, e.g., co-ordinates of 0262 The drone 100 can be configured to use different
the particular landing location, and a time at which the drone indicators in different scenarios. For example, the drone 100
100 landed. can be configured to use audio indicators during daytime,
0259. The above described controlled steering of the and audio and/or visual indicators during night.
drone 100 using the lift mechanism 110 can be implemented 0263. Further, at block 2220, the communication system
in a wide variety of drones, e.g., fixed-wing drones, heli 150 can also be configured to adjust the indication, e.g., vary
copter rotors and blades based drones, or hybrid drones. For the strength of the indication, based on various factors, e.g.,
example, in a fixed-wing drone, the lift mechanism 110 can the altitude of the drone, presence or absence of humans in
have ailerons using which the descent can be controlled. In the vicinity of the landing location. For example, the drone
rotors and blades based drones, some or all of the motors of 100 can be configured to increase the volume of the audio
the lift mechanism 110 may be activated to steer the drone signal, increase the intensity of the light, or flash the light
100. For example, in a quadcopter all of the motors may be more rapidly as it approaches the landing location. In
activated and used to steer the drone 100 and in a hexacopter another example, if the drone 100 does not detect any person
only four of the six motors may be used. In another example, or objects in the vicinity of the landing location, it may turn
in a hybrid drone in which the lift mechanism 110 has a off or decrease the intensity of the signal as it approaches the
single traditional propeller and ailerons, the drone 100 can landing location. The drone 100 can use one or more sensors
be steered using this propeller and the ailerons during a onboard, e.g., video camera, motion sensors, to detect the
motorized descent. The motor operations on a quadcopter presence of any human and/or an object in the vicinity of the
can be different to those on a hexacopter, which will be landing location.
different to those on a hybrid drone having one or more 0264. The PDS 190 can act as an active safety system of
motors and ailerons, and the above steering mechanism can the drone 100, which helps in ensuring that a flight of the
be implemented in any of these drones. The flight controller drone 100 over humans or properties is safe for the humans
115 can be programmed to identify the type of the drone 100 and/or properties even in the event of a failure of the drone
and implement the steering mechanism accordingly. 100. In some embodiments, the drone 100 has a passive
0260. While the operations described above with refer safety system, e.g., polycarbonate-based or padding Such as
ence to the process 2100 can be performed automatically by foam, on the underside of the drone 100. The passive safety
the drone 100 or manually by the remote operator 105, in system can reduce the risk of a serious injury in an event the
Some embodiments, at least some of the autonomous steer drone 100 lands on a person and/or property. The padding
ing operations can be manually overridden by the remote can be of various forms. For example, the padding can be
operator 105. For example, the drone 100 may be pro made of vinyl nitrile foam and can be similar to the padding
grammed to land in a first landing location. However, the used inside a football helmet, e.g., typically 4-5 cm in
remote operator 105 can command the drone 100, e.g., thickness. In another example, the padding can be Expanded
during the descent, to land in a second landing location. Polypropylene (EPP) foam. In still another example, the
0261 FIG. 22 is a flow diagram of a process 2200 for padding can be Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) foam. In yet
activating audio-visual indicators on a descending drone another example, the padding can be an inflatable air cush
100, consistent with various embodiments. The process ion. The air cushion can be permanently deployed (e.g., like
2200 may be implemented in the drone 100 of FIG. 1. At an inflatable seat cushion) or can be deployed, e.g., like a
block 2205, the communication system 150 detects that the deployable airbag in response to a trigger event, such as
parachute 125 is deployed. In some embodiments, the com deployment of the parachute 125.
munication system 150 obtains the deployment information 0265. In some embodiments, the thickness of the padding
of the parachute 125 from the parachute deployment mecha can be proportional to the center of gravity of the drone 100.
nism 130. At block 2210, the communication system 150 For example, the padding is thicker at an area closer to a
confirms that the drone 100 is descending. For example, the center of gravity of the drone 100, or representative of a
communication system 150 can confirm that the drone 100 thicker foam of lower density. Having the thickness of the
is descending based on the altitude of the drone 100 that can padding proportional to the center of gravity can reduce the
be determined using one or more sensors. At block 2215, the risk of a serious injury in an event the drone 100 lands on a
communication system 150 activates the on-board indicator person after the parachute 125 is ejected. In some embodi
on the drone 100 to indicate to people or another aircraft that ments, the passive safety system can be incorporated into an
the drone 100 is descending and about to land. In some airframe of the drone 100. The passive safety system or a
embodiments, the indicator is activated to notify the landing portion thereof can be removably attached to the drone 100.
of the drone 100 to the people in the vicinity of the landing 0266 FIG. 23 is a block diagram of a computer system as
area so that people can be cautious and can move or move may be used to implement features of the disclosed embodi
other objects from that location in order to avoid any impact ments. The computing system 2300 may be used to imple
with the drone 100. The on-board indicator can be an audio ment any of the entities, components or services depicted in
indicator, a visual indicator or an audio-visual indicator. In the examples of the foregoing figures (and any other com
Some embodiments, the audio indicator can be an audio ponents and/or modules described in this specification). The
signal, e.g., a siren, that is loud enough to be heard by the computing system 2300 may include one or more central
people in the vicinity. In some embodiments, the visual processing units (“processors') 2305, memory 2310, input/
indicator can be one or more lights. In some embodiments, output devices 2325 (e.g., keyboard and pointing devices,
the lights can be of high-intensity and also be configured to display devices), storage devices 2320 (e.g., disk drives),
flash to get the attention of the people. The indicators can be and network adapters 2330 (e.g., network interfaces) that are
US 2017/0106986 A1 Apr. 20, 2017

connected to an interconnect 2315. The interconnect 2315 is discussed below, or elsewhere in the specification, to pro
illustrated as an abstraction that represents any one or more vide additional guidance to the practitioner regarding the
separate physical buses, point to point connections, or both description of the disclosure. For convenience, some terms
connected by appropriate bridges, adapters, or controllers. may be highlighted, for example using italics and/or quota
The interconnect 2315, therefore, may include, for example, tion marks. The use of highlighting has no influence on the
a system bus, a Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) Scope and meaning of a term; the scope and meaning of a
bus or PCI-Express bus, a HyperTransport or industry term is the same, in the same context, whether or not it is
standard architecture (ISA) bus, a small computer system highlighted. It will be appreciated that the same thing can be
interface (SCSI) bus, a universal serial bus (USB), IIC (I2C) said in more than one way. One will recognize that
bus, or an Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers “memory” is one form of a “storage' and that the terms may
(IEEE) standard 1394 bus, also called “Firewire'. on occasion be used interchangeably.
0267. The memory 2310 and storage devices 2320 are 0273 Consequently, alternative language and synonyms
computer-readable storage media that may store instructions may be used for any one or more of the terms discussed
that implement at least portions of the described embodi herein, nor is any special significance to be placed upon
ments. In addition, the data structures and message struc whether or not a term is elaborated or discussed herein.
tures may be stored or transmitted via a data transmission Synonyms for some terms are provided. A recital of one or
medium, Such as a signal on a communications link. Various more synonyms does not exclude the use of other synonyms.
communications links may be used, such as the Internet, a The use of examples anywhere in this specification includ
local area network, a wide area network, or a point-to-point ing examples of any term discussed herein is illustrative
dial-up connection. Thus, computer readable media can only, and is not intended to further limit the scope and
include computer-readable storage media (e.g., “non-transi meaning of the disclosure or of any exemplified term.
tory' media) and computer-readable transmission media. Likewise, the disclosure is not limited to various embodi
0268. The instructions stored in memory 2310 can be ments given in this specification.
implemented as Software and/or firmware to program the 0274 Those skilled in the art will appreciate that the
processor(s) 2305 to carry out actions described above. In logic illustrated in each of the flow diagrams discussed
Some embodiments, such software or firmware may be above, may be altered in various ways. For example, the
initially provided to the processing system 2300 by down order of the logic may be rearranged, Substeps may be
loading it from a remote system through the computing performed in parallel, illustrated logic may be omitted; other
system 2300 (e.g., via network adapter 2330). logic may be included, etc.
0269. The embodiments introduced herein can be imple (0275. Without intent to further limit the scope of the
mented by, for example, programmable circuitry (e.g., one disclosure, examples of instruments, apparatus, methods and
or more microprocessors) programmed with Software and/or their related results according to the embodiments of the
firmware, or entirely in special-purpose hardwired (non present disclosure are given below. Note that titles or
programmable) circuitry, or in a combination of Such forms. Subtitles may be used in the examples for convenience of a
Special-purpose hardwired circuitry may be in the form of reader, which in no way should limit the scope of the
for example, one or more ASICs, PLDs, FPGAs, etc. disclosure. Unless otherwise defined, all technical and sci
Remarks entific terms used herein have the same meaning as com
monly understood by one of ordinary skill in the art to which
0270. The above description and drawings are illustrative this disclosure pertains. In the case of conflict, the present
and are not to be construed as limiting. Numerous specific document, including definitions will control.
details are described to provide a thorough understanding of I/We claim:
the disclosure. However, in some instances, well-known 1. A drone comprising:
details are not described in order to avoid obscuring the a lift mechanism configured to lift and propel the drone;
description. Further, various modifications may be made
without deviating from the scope of the embodiments. an error detection circuit configured to:
Accordingly, the embodiments are not limited except as by detect an error in operation of the drone, the error
the appended claims. indicating a failure of the drone, and
0271 Reference in this specification to “one embodi upon detecting the error, send a trigger event;
ment” or “an embodiment’ means that a particular feature, a parachute securely attached to the drone and configured
structure, or characteristic described in connection with the to slow a decent of the drone when deployed:
embodiment is included in at least one embodiment of the a parachute deployment mechanism configured to release
disclosure. The appearances of the phrase “in one embodi the parachute in response to the trigger event, or in
ment in various places in the specification are not neces response to another trigger event generated in response
sarily all referring to the same embodiment, nor are separate to a command from a base unit operated by a remote
or alternative embodiments mutually exclusive of other user, and
embodiments. Moreover, various features are described a cut-off circuit configured to control the lift mechanism
which may be exhibited by some embodiments and not by in response to the trigger event.
others. Similarly, various requirements are described which 2. The drone of claim 1 further comprising:
may be requirements for Some embodiments but not for
other embodiments. a first power source configured to power the lift mecha
0272. The terms used in this specification generally have nism
their ordinary meanings in the art, within the context of the 3. The drone of claim 1 further comprising:
disclosure, and in the specific context where each term is a second power source configured to power the error
used. Terms that are used to describe the disclosure are detection circuit.
US 2017/0106986 A1 Apr. 20, 2017

4. The drone of claim 3, wherein the second power source 24. The drone of claim 1, wherein the error detection
is further configured to power the parachute deployment circuit is configured to detect the error when there is a failure
mechanism. in the lift mechanism.
5. The drone of claim 1, wherein the parachute is securely 25. The drone of claim 24, wherein the error detection
attached to the drone by being permanently attached to the circuit is configured to detect the failure in the lift mecha
drone. nism when there is a failure in all or a subset of motors of
6. The drone of claim 1, wherein the parachute is securely the lift mechanism.
attached to the drone by being interchangeably affixed to the 26. The drone of claim 1, wherein the parachute is
drone. steerable.
7. The drone of claim 1 further comprising: 27. The drone of claim 1, wherein the parachute deploy
a navigation circuit configured to navigate the drone from ment mechanism is configured to release the parachute
a first location to a second location. without requiring power from a power source that Supplies
8. The drone of claim 7, wherein the first location is a power to the drone.
present location of the drone. 28. The drone of claim 1 further comprising:
9. The drone of claim 1 further comprising: a communication system, wherein the communication
a video system configured to capture an image from the system includes a two way radio, configured to com
drone; and municate a status of the error detection circuit to the
a communication system configured to transmit the image remote user.
to the remote user. 29. The drone of claim 1, wherein the cut-off circuit is
10. The drone of claim 1 further comprising: configured to include an onboard “kill switch that is
a communication system configured to communicate with configured to control the lift mechanism in response to the
the base unit operated by the remote user. trigger event.
11. The drone of claim 1 further comprising: 30. The drone of claim 29, wherein the onboard kill
a parachute controller configured to steer the drone with Switch is powered by an independent power source.
the parachute deployed and by Steering the parachute. 31. The drone of claim 1, wherein the cut-off circuit is
12. The drone of claim 11, wherein the parachute con configured to control the lift mechanism by disabling the lift
troller is configured to steer the drone autonomously using mechanism.
one or more of multiple sensors on board the drone and a 32. The drone of claim 31, wherein the cut-off circuit is
steering logic of the parachute controller. configured to disable the lift mechanism by Substituting a
13. The drone of claim 11, wherein the parachute con throttle signal to the lift mechanism from a flight controller
troller is configured to steer the drone based on a command with a Zero throttle signal.
received from the remote user from the base unit. 33. The drone of claim 31, wherein the cut-off circuit is
14. The drone of claim 11, wherein the parachute con configured to disable the lift mechanism by breaking an
troller is configured to steer the drone to a specified location electrical connection between a power source of the drone
based on a video feed received from a video camera installed and the lift mechanism.
onboard the drone. 34. The drone of claim 31, wherein the cut-off circuit is
15. The drone of claim 1, wherein the error detection configured to disable the lift mechanism by breaking an
circuit is configured to detect the error when there is a loss electrical connection between a speed controller and a motor
of heartbeat signal from a flight controller of the drone. of the lift mechanism.
16. The drone of claim 1, wherein the error detection 35. The drone of claim 31, wherein the cut-off circuit is
circuit is configured to detect the error when there is a geo configured to disable the lift mechanism by disconnecting a
fence breach by the drone. power Source of the drone using a spring loaded mechanical
17. The drone of claim 1, wherein the error detection switch.
circuit is configured to detect the error when a tilt of the 36. The drone of claim 31, wherein the cut-off circuit is
drone exceeds a specified value. configured to disable the lift mechanism by failing a subset
18. The drone of claim 1, wherein the error detection of multiple motors of the lift mechanism.
circuit is configured to detect the error when a tilt of the 37. The drone of claim 36 further comprising:
drone exceeds a specified value for a specified duration. a flight controller, wherein the flight controller is config
19. The drone of claim 1, wherein the error detection ured to:
circuit is configured to detect the error when a speed at readjust a load on a remaining of the motors that are not
which the drone is descending exceeds a specified value. failed, and
20. The drone of claim 1, wherein the error detection land the drone using the remaining of the motors.
circuit is configured to detect the error when an ability to 38. The drone of claim 1, wherein the cut-off circuit is
communicate with a control station is lost. configured to control the lift mechanism before the para
21. The drone of claim 1, wherein the error detection chute is deployed.
circuit is configured to detect the error when there is a power 39. The drone of claim 1, wherein the parachute deploy
loss to the drone or a charge in any of multiple power ment mechanism is configured to receive the trigger event
sources of the drone is below a specified threshold. from an onboard "kill switch that is activated from the base
22. The drone of claim 1, wherein the error detection unit by the remote user.
circuit is configured to detect the error when there is a 40. The drone of claim 1 further comprising:
collision between the drone and another object. an airbag deployment module to deploy an airbag in
23. The drone of claim 1, wherein the error detection response to a specified trigger event, the specified
circuit is configured to detect the error when there is a loss trigger event generated by the remote user or automati
of flight control. cally by the airbag deployment module based on an
US 2017/0106986 A1 Apr. 20, 2017

indication that an impact of the drone upon landing a communication system configured to send and receive
exceeds a specified threshold. instructions from the drone;
41. The drone of claim 1 further comprising: an auto deployment Switch configured to enable or disable
a passive safety system. auto deployment of the parachute on the drone in
42. The drone of claim 41, wherein the passive safety response to a failure of the drone:
system is a layer of padding underneath the drone. an arming Switch configured to enable or disable manual
43. The drone of claim 42, wherein the passive safety deployment of the parachute from the base unit; and
system is made of foam. a deploy Switch configured to send a signal to an onboard
44. The drone of claim 42, wherein the passive safety “kill switch on the drone that, when activated, causes
system is incorporated in an airframe of the drone, and the drone to:
wherein the passive safety system or a portion thereof is
removably attached to the drone. control a lift mechanism of the drone by stopping one
45. The drone of claim 42, wherein the padding has a or more motors of the lift mechanism, and
thickness that is proportional to a center of gravity of the deploy the parachute after controlling the lift mecha
drone. nism, wherein the deploy Switch sends the signal if
46. The drone of claim 42, wherein the padding is an the arming Switch is enabled and when the deploy
inflatable air cushion that is permanently deployed. Switch is activated by a user.
47. The drone of claim 42, wherein the padding is an 51. A method of deploying a parachute of a drone, the
inflatable air cushion that is deployed in response to a method comprising:
specified trigger event. receiving a command at the drone from a base unit
48. A method of deploying a parachute of a drone, the operated by a user for deploying the parachute, wherein
method comprising: the command is received from the base unit in response
detecting an error in operation of the drone while the to the user activating a deploy switch at the base unit,
drone is in flight; and wherein the base unit and the drone communicate
determining whether the error is of a type that requires a via a satellite or radio signals; and
deployment of the parachute; and activating an onboard “kill switch of the drone in
responsive to the determination that the error is of the type response to receiving the command, the “kill switch
that requires the parachute to be deployed, configured to:
sending a Zero throttle signal to a lift mechanism of the control a lift mechanism of the drone by substituting a
drone that renders the drone unflyable, and throttle signal to the lift mechanism with a Zero
sending a signal to a parachute deployment mechanism throttle signal for terminating a flight of the drone,
on the drone to deploy the parachute. and
49. The method of claim 48 further comprising: send a signal to a parachute deployment mechanism on
steering the parachute to navigate the drone to a specified the drone to deploy the parachute after controlling
the lift mechanism.
50. A base unit for deploying a parachute on a drone,
comprising: k k k k k

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