Sharad Gupta: Warm Regards, Rajiv Aryan

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Sharad Gupta

From: Rajiv Aryan <>

Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 1:57 PM
To: Amit Garg; Anamika Chowdhury; Sharad Gupta; Varinder Sharma; Ravi Prasad
Nimmalapudi; Shamik Kumar
Cc: Shashank Singh; Duraisamy Vaidyanathan; Gunjan Shah
Subject: Re: Effective Virucidal Cleaning & Disinfection protocol(s)
Attachments:; MSDS and

Dear all,

Attaching the disinfection-protocols along with details of the products.

Warm Regards,

Rajiv Aryan
Beverages | Key Account Manager
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M: +91 9967267829
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On Thu, Mar 26, 2020 at 1:53 PM Rajiv Aryan <> wrote:

Dear CCI team,

Greetings from Diversey!

Hope everyone is keeping safe and healthy!

As we enter into the 2nd day of our collective 21-day fight against the novel corona virus, it is important that we
follow “social-distancing” and “staying-indoors” to contribute our part in containing the spread of this virus.

Once things come to normalcy, which we hope will come sooner, it will be an important task for all of us to re-start
the factory/warehouse/offices operations, after a lockdown of 21 days.

The commencement of such operations will require effective sanitation and disinfection to be carried out at the
premises, to minimize the risk of contamination/infection.

Being a pioneer in the field of Cleaning and Hygiene, it is our duty and responsibility to create awareness among our
customers regarding the disinfection processes to be carried out at plants/warehouses/offices.

Disinfection process is a critical activity which needs to be carried out as per the laid down protocol by industry

I am hereby attaching sanitation/ disinfectant protocol to be followed, for Coke bottling plants/
warehouses/offices, upon resumption of services, post lockdown.

The protocol provides "Effective Virucidal Cleaning & Disinfection" protocol(s)” to be followed for desired results.

Moreover, I am also providing list of disinfection products which are available in India as the protocol made is global
and the names of products may vary.

MSDS and PIS of all the suggested products attached herewith the mail.

Sr. No. Products in SOP Available Equivalent in India

1 Divodes FG / Oxivir Excel Divosan Etha Plus / Oxivir Five 16 / Virex 2256
2 Chlorinated Foam Diverfoam HD
3 Divosan Hypochlorite Clax Hypo
4 Terminal Sanitiser Divosan Etha Plus / Oxivir Five 16 / Virex 2256
5 Suredis Divosan Activ / Virex 2256

Diversey would like to re-iterate its commitment towards our collective fight against the corona virus.

In case of any further support/help, please feel free to reach out to us.

Warm Regards,

Rajiv Aryan
Beverages | Key Account Manager
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M: +91 9967267829
501, Ackruti Centre Point, Andheri East, Mumbai 93

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