Modeling Autocallable Structured Products
Modeling Autocallable Structured Products
Modeling Autocallable Structured Products
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3 authors, including:
All content following this page was uploaded by Geng Deng on 02 June 2014.
Since first introduced in 2003, the number of autocallable structured products in
the U.S. has increased exponentially. The autocall feature immediately converts the
product if the reference asset’s value rises above a pre-specified call price. Because
an autocallable structured product matures immediately if it is called, the autocall
feature reduces the product’s duration and expected maturity.
In this paper, we present a flexible Partial Differential Equation (PDE) frame-
work to model autocallable structured products. Our framework allows for products
with either discrete or continuous autocall dates. We value the autocallable struc-
tured products with discrete autocall dates using the finite difference method, and
the products with continuous autocall dates using a closed-form solution. In ad-
dition, we estimate the probabilities of an autocallable structured-product being
called on each call date. We demonstrate our models by valuing a popular auto-
callable product and quantify the cost to the investor of adding this feature to a
structured product.
1 Introduction
Autocallable structured products (Fries and Joshi, 2008; Georgieva, 2005) have become
increasingly common in recent years. Figure 1(a) and Figure 1(b) plot the number and
aggregate face value of autocallable structured products issued between 2003 and 2010.1
As the figures indicate, the number of issues increased sharply in 2007 and has continued
to grow through 2010 at a 40% annual growth rate. In just the first six months of 2010
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The first autocallable structured product on record in the U.S. was issued by BNP Paribas on August
15, 2003.
there have been more than 2,500 autocallable products issued. The aggregate face value
of newly issued autocallable structured products follows the same pattern, with a surge
in 2007 and continued growth since then.
Figure 1: Number and Total Issue Size of Autocallable Structured Products, January 2003 - June 2010.
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
One reason for the rapid expansion of autocallable structured products is the ease with
which the autocall feature can be attached to existing types of structured products (Baule
et al., 2008; Bergstresser, 2008; Henderson and Pearson, 2010; Deng et al., 2010a). The
autocall feature immediately converts the structured product if the reference asset’s price
reaches or exceeds a predefined level (the call price) on a call date.
In this paper we describe the autocall feature, explain how to value it, and show an
example of the valuation methodology. We use this example to discuss the cost this
feature can add to a structure product. We value autocallable structured products using
a general Partial Differential Equation (PDE) approach. We set up the PDE using the
Black-Scholes equation and add boundary conditions representing the product’s features,
including the autocall feature (Black and Schole, 1973; Wilmott et al., 1994).
We divide the autocallable structured products into two categories: products that
have discrete call dates (“discrete autocallables”) and products that have continuous call
dates (“continuous autocallables”). Figure 2(a) and Figure 2(b) demonstrate graphically
the difference between discrete and continuous autocallables. Both figures plot the same
underlying stock price over time. The continuous autocallable is called immediately upon
crossing the call price C, while the discrete autocallable must wait until tc3 before it is
called.2 If the underlying stock price had dropped below C on tc3 , the discrete autocallable
would not have been called. Thus, holding all else equal, a continuous autocallable struc-
tured product is more likely to be called than a discrete one.
Although we only consider constant call price in the paper, the methodologies are expandable to
exponentially increasing call prices. Closed-form solutions are also available. The extension is analogous
to valuing a barrier option with an exponentially varying barrier (see Kunitomo and Ikeda (1992) and Li
Figure 2: An Autocall Event
2 Autocallable Structured Product Valuation Mod-
There are three main characteristics of the autocall feature that will affect the value of
the structured product: the timing of the call dates, the probability of being called on
each call date, and the determination of the payoff at maturity. In this section we set
up the valuation of autocallable structured products as a Partial Differential Equation
(PDE) problem. The PDE problem is general enough to be used on both discrete and
continuous autocalls.
where r is the risk-free rate, q is the dividend yield, and σ is the volatility of the price
process.6 If we assume the price of the structured product V (S, t) is a function of time
t ∈ [0, T ] and the reference asset’s price S ∈ [0, ∞). The Black-Scholes formula implies
that a structured product’s dynamic value can be expressed as the following PDE:
∂V 1 ∂ 2V ∂V
+ σ 2 S 2 2 + (r − q)S − (r + CDS)V
¯ = 0, (2)
∂t 2 ∂S ∂S
¯ is the credit default swap (CDS) spread of the issuer.7
where CDS
Many different structured product features can be modeled as variations on the PDE
(Equation (2)). For example, when the structured product is not called, the payoff at
maturity f (ST ) is typically a function of the value of the reference asset at maturity:8
V (ST , T ) = f (ST ).
Embedded call and put options and the autocall feature can all be modeled as boundary
conditions (Deng et al., 2010a). The autocall feature’s boundary condition is
where C is the time-independent call price, Pt is the final payoff if the note is called, and
TC is a set of discrete or continuous call dates. Note that once the autocall is triggered, the
Throughout this paper, we assume r, q, and σ are constant and continuously compounded over the
product’s term [0, T ]. For simplicity, we omit the subscript t from St .
Structured products are unsecured debt securities, and hence lose value if the issuer defaults. It is
¯ in the PDE to calculate the structured product’s
therefore essential to include the issuer’s credit risk CDS
present value (Hull, 2008; Deng et al., 2010a).
For simplicity and without loss of generality, we assume the initial principal of a structured product
is equal to the reference asset’s initial value S0 .
structured product matures immediately and the final payout is Pt . Autocalled structured
products typically pay out a fixed rate of return. Therefore, the payoff follows
Pt = HeBt ,
The first condition requires that the product’s value never exceeds the autocall payout
on a call date. The second condition, is the boundary condition, and guarantees that if
the reference asset’s price hits 0 it will remain 0. For tractability, we define it using a
general function f (0) = 0. This boundary condition is necessary as it guarantees that the
structured product cannot ever be called in case the reference asset becomes worthless.
The first step in solving the PDE is to simplify the complex notation and transform
the equation into a standard heat equation. Using a ‘dimensionless’ change of variables
similar to Wilmott et al. (1994) and Hui (1996), we transform the variables {S, t, V (S, t)}
into {x, τ, u(x, τ )} as follows
V (S, t) = Ceαx+βτ u(x, τ ) + f (0) e−(r+CDS)(T −t) ,
S = Cex , t=T− ,
where the constants are
2(r − q) 1 ¯
2(r + CDS)
k1 = , α = − (k1 − 1), β = −α2 − .
σ2 2 σ2
After the change of variables, the Black-Scholes equation is reduced to a heat equation
∂u ∂ 2u
= , for − ∞ < x < 0, τ > 0, (4)
∂τ ∂x2
the boundary conditions become
u (0, τ ) = C −1 e−βτ (Pt − f (0)e−(r+CDS) σ2 )
¯ 2τ
u(−∞, τ ) = 0, for T − ∈ TC
and the initial condition becomes9
T σ2
M δτ = .
Generally speaking, the accuracy of the valuation increases as δx and δτ get smaller. δτ
is typically set to correspond to one trading day, such that δt = 2δτ
= 1/250 of a year.
There are three finite difference methods: the explicit finite difference method, the
implicit finite difference method, and the Crank-Nicolson method. The methods differ in
how they approximate the derivatives ∂u τ
and ∂x2u . In this example, we use the explicit
finite difference method, which approximates the derivatives as
∂u um+1 − um
∼ n n
τ δτ
um+1 − um um − 2um m
n + un−1
n n
= n+1 , 0 < n < N, 0<m<M
δτ (δx)2
The formula updating mδτ to (m + 1)δτ is therefore
δτ ( m )
n = um
n + un+1 − 2um
n + um
n−1 , 0 < n < N, 0 < m < M.
The solution is derived iteratively from m = 0 → M , which corresponds to t = T → 0.
For the convergence and stability of the explicit finite difference method, we require that
≤ 12 . Once all of the uM n , for n = 1, 2, . . . , N are derived, we can approximate
) ( 2
u x, T 2σ for every x. By reversing the change of variables, we can use u x, T 2σ to
finally solve the original function V (S, t) at t = 0.
where ∆tci is the time between call dates ∆tci = tci − tci−1 and Wi , i = 1, . . . , n are i.i.d.
standard normal variables. To simplify notation, we use Xi = (r −q − 12 σ 2 )∆tci +σ∆ tci Wi
to represent the continuously compounded return from tci−1 to tci . This means the ending
stock price ST can be written as
∑n 1 2 c
ST = S0 e i=1 (r−q− 2 σ )∆ti +σ∆ ti Wi
= S0 e i=1 Xi .
Because of the price’s Markov property, the Xi ’s are pairwise independent. Furthermore,
if ∆tci is a constant, the Xi ’s are i.i.d. normal variables. The probability of the autocall
being exercised at time tci can now be written as
( )
pi = P rob Stcj < C, j = 1, 2, . . . , i − 1, and Stci ≥ C
( j ( ) ( ))
∑ C ∑i
= P rob Xk < log , j = 1, 2, . . . , i − 1, and Xk ≥ log
S0 S0
∫k=1 ∫ k=1
where g(x1 , . . . , xn ) is the joint probability density function (PDF) of X1 , . . . , Xn . Because
the Xi ’s are independent, the joint PDF can be expressed as the product of each Xi ’s
individual PDF.
We can now estimate the product’s present value as the discounted expected cash
flows, where the cash flow probabilities are the pi we just calculated.
e−(r+CDS)ti pi Ptci +
¯ c
V (S0 , 0) =
∫ ∫
e ··· f (ST )g(x1 , . . . , xn )dx1 · · · dxn
j ( )
xk <log S0
e−(r+CDS)ti pi Ptci +
¯ c
∫ ∫ ∑n
e ··· f (S0 e i=1 xi
)g(x1 , . . . , xn )dx1 · · · dxn (6)
j ( )
xk <log S0
If the structured product’s payoff at maturity is constant f (ST ) = PT , the equation can
be further reduced to
( )
n ∑
e−(r+CDS)ti pi Ptci + e−(r+CDS)T 1 −
¯ c ¯
V (S0 , 0) = pi PT . (7)
i=1 i=1
We apply the change of variables and simplifications from Section 2.2, yielding the
heat equation
∂u ∂ 2u
= , for − ∞ < x < 0, τ > 0, (8)
∂τ ∂x2
with the boundary conditions
The next step is to convert the two boundary conditions so that they are both
zero boundaries (homogenous boundaries). To do this we introduce the transformation
v(x, τ ) = u(x, τ ) − y(x, τ ), where y(x, τ ) = ex h1 (τ ). Using this transformation, the Black-
Scholes equation becomes
∂v ∂2v
= 2
+ ex (h1 (τ ) − h′1 (τ )), for − ∞ < x < 0, τ > 0. (9)
∂τ ∂x
The new, homogenous boundary conditions are
∂v ∂2v
= + h4 (x, τ ), for − ∞ < x < 0, τ > 0,
∂τ ∂x2
v(−∞, τ ) = 0, v(0, τ ) = 0, and v(x, 0) = h3 (x).
Once v(x, τ ) is solved, we can now solve our transformation u(x, τ ) = v(x, τ ) + ex h1 (x).
Once this function is solved we can fold back and find the value of V (S, t).
autocallable structured product is called and investors will receive a positive, pre-specified
yield. If the product is not called, at maturity the payoff will be:
I = S0 , S > L;
V (S, T ) = f (S) = (11)
S, otherwise,
where I is the autocallable structured product’s face value, S0 is the reference asset’s
initial value, S is the reference asset’s final value, and L is the threshold price.
If the autocallable structured product is not called, investors will receive a 0% or a
negative. Figure 3 illustrates the autocallable structured product’s payoff at maturity if
it is not called.
To demonstrate the application of our models, we value three stylized types of au-
tocallable structured products. The first example, our benchmark case, does not have
an autocall feature, but has a constant coupon payment. The payoff structure resembles
a plain vanilla reverse convertible structured product. The second type has an autocall
feature with monthly autocall dates, and the third type has an autocall feature with
continuous autocall dates.
For all three examples we assume that the reference asset’s initial stock price S0 and
the face value of the note I are both $100, the call price is $102, the risk-free rate r is 5%,
the volatility σ of the reference asset is 20%, the dividend yield q of the reference asset
is 1%, the issuer’s CDS spread CDS ¯ is 1%, the contract length T is one year, and the
threshold L is $80. If the reference asset’s price is over the call price on an autocall date
(i.e., St ≥ C = 102), the product will be called and will pay a 9.2% annualized return
(i.e., Pt = HeBt = 100e0.092t ).11 Many autocallable products have a call price identical
This case is our benchmark case, hence we use a 9.2% coupon rate that makes this example first type
non-autocallable note a par value note, i.e., principal = $100.
to the price of the stock (C = S0 ), however, our assumption C > S0 is without loss of
the value of the structured product is the discounted expected cash flow
(∫ ∞ )
V (S0 , 0) = e f (ST )g(ST )dST + S0 T B .
where g() is the PDF of ST . We set the product’s issue date value to be $100.00 per $100.00
face value by our choice of parameters. As many have shown (see for example Henderson
and Pearson (2010)) reverse convertible structured products tend to be overpriced, that is,
that they are issued on average at a price that exceeds the present value of their expected
future cash-flows. We use this as a benchmark example and hence set it artificially to be
priced at face value.
Table 1: The Probability of the Product Being Called on each Monthly Call Date, Con-
ditional on Not Being Called at an Earlier Date.
Month i 1 2 3 4 5 6
pi 0.3767 0.1435 0.0781 0.0506 0.0361 0.0275
Month i 7 8 9 10 11 12
pi 0.0218 0.0178 0.0149 0.0127 0.0110 0.0096
In a continuous case, if the call price were identical to the stock price the product would likely be
immediately called at issuance, defeating the point of such a call provision.
Case 3: Continuously Autocallable
If the call dates are continuous, we can follow the steps in Section 2.3 to get the closed-
form solution.
After the first phase of change of variables, we get a homogeneous heat equation
∂u ∂ 2u
= , for − ∞ < x < 0, τ > 0,
∂τ ∂x2
u(−∞, τ ) = 0, u (0, τ ) = C −1 e−βτ Pt , u(x, 0) = C −1 e−αx f (Cex ),
Using our notation, h1 (τ ) = C −1 e−βτ Pt and h2 (x) = C −1 e−αx f (Cex ). Applying the
second phase of change of variables to make the boundary conditions equal zero. Let
y(x, τ ) = ex h1 (τ ) = C −1 ex−βτ Pt and a new function v(x, τ ) = u(x, τ ) + y(x, τ ), then the
PDE changes to an inhomogeneous equation
∂v ∂ 2v −1 x−βτ 2B
= + C e Pt (1 + β + ), for − ∞ < x < 0, τ > 0,
∂τ ∂x2 σ2
H x+BT
v(−∞, τ ) = 0, v (0, τ ) = 0, v(x, 0) = C −1 e−αx f (Cex ) − e .
Here h3 (x) = C −1 e−αx f (Cex ) − H
ex+BT and h4 (x, τ ) = C −1 ex−βτ Pt (1 + β + 2B
). Applying
Equation (10), the solution is
[ ( ) ( )]
S0 α2 τ −αx −x + 2ατ x
v(x, τ ) = e N √ − N D1 − √ −
C 2τ 2τ
[ ( ) ( )]
S0 α2 τ +αx x + 2ατ x
e N √ − N D1 + √ +
C 2τ 2τ
( ) ( )
x D2 −(1−α)x x
e D2 +(1−α)x
N D3 − √ −e N D3 + √ −
2τ 2τ
( ) ( )
H BT +x+τ −x − 2τ H BT −x+τ x − 2τ
e N √ + e N √ +
C 2τ C 2τ
∫ τ ( ) ( )
H 2B x H x
(1 + β + 2 ) eD4 +x N D5 − √ − eD4 −x N D5 + √ dr,
C σ 0 2(τ − r) C 2(τ − r)
The value of the of the product is V (S, t) valued at (S0 , 0), where the form is
V (S, t) = Ceαx+βτ (v(x, τ ) + y(x, τ )).
The value V (S, 0) is $99.54.
Real-life example
We calculate the product value of a real “Autocallable Optimization Securities with
Contingent Protection” note issued by UBS.13 The note is linked to the stock of Bank of
America. It was issued on March 26, 2010 and had a maturity of one year. The reference
asset’s price on the issue date was S0 = $17.90. The dividend yield q and implied volatility
of the underlying stock σ were 0.2235% and 35.21% respectively. UBS’s one year CDS
spread was 0.4531%. On the issue date, the one year continuously compounded risk-
free rate was 0.4951%. The call price C equaled the initial price S0 . If the note were
called, investor would receive a return of 16.1%, and if it were not called, the contingent
protection level was L = 0.7S0 . Applying our methods, we get a product value of $97.73
per $100.00 invested.
4 Conclusion
An Autocallable embedded in a structured product immediately converts the structured
product if the reference asset’s price exceeds the call price on a call date. The feature
has been embedded in many different types of structured products, including Absolute
Return Barrier Notes and Optimization Securities with Contingent Protection.
The CUSIP for the product is 90267C136. See the product’s pricing supplement at 690465-424b2.htm
We provide a general partial differential equation framework to model autocallable
structured products. We solve the PDE for autocallable structured products with discrete
call dates, for which there is typically not a closed-form solution, by using the finite
difference method. For continuous autocallables, we derive the closed-form solution. We
illustrate our modeling approaches with an example. We then quantify the incremental
cost of adding an autocall feature to a plain-vanilla reverse-convertible. We also show
the difference between the value of an autocall feature with continuous call dates and one
with discrete call dates.
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A Appendix - Descriptions of Select Existing Auto-
callable Structured Products
A.1 Autocallable Optimization Securities with Contingent Pro-
Autocallable Optimization Securities with Contingent Protection, have been issued by
several investment banks, including Royal Bank of Canada, UBS, JPMorgan, and HSBC.
rity, the note pays investors the absolute return of the reference asset, which is a return
bounded by the size of the barriers.
Figure 4: Standard Buffers, Contingent Buffers, and Fading Buffer
A.5 Strategic Accelerated Redemption Securities
Bank of America, Merrill Lynch, and Eksportfinans have all issued Strategic Accelerated
Redemption Securities.
whether investors receive the face value of the PACERS or the same return as the reference