Grade 11 Summative
Grade 11 Summative
Grade 11 Summative
I. Circle the letter of the correct answer. Read the questions properly and answer it
5. Who among the following theorist said that “Man is by nature a political animal”?
a. Plato b. Aristotle c. Socrates d. Confucius
6. The agency though which the will of the state is formulated, expressed and carried out by the
a. Government b. PNP c. AFB d. NBI
7. Refers to the entire body of doctrines relating to the origin, form ,behavior and purpose of the
a. Political Science b. Political Ideology c. Political Theory d. Politics
8. Set of ideas and beliefs that defines the views and actions of individuals, groups and
a. Legitimacy b .Ideology c. Constitution d. Politics
9. The difference between the state and the nation is that _________.
a. State is political while nation is ethnic.
b. State is ethnic while nation is political
c. State3 has government while nation has none.
d. None of the above
10. The supreme power of the state to command and enforce to its people within its jurisdiction.
a. Sovereignty b. Police Power c. Judicial Power d. Persecution
11. This form of government confers upon the legislative power to terminate the tenure of office
of the real executive.
a. Presidential b. Federal c. Monarchy d. Parliamentary
12. The theory asserts that states were formed deliberately by the will of the people for their
common good.
a. Divine right b. Force theory c. Social contract d. Paternalistic
15. All citizens must have access to essential services such as health care, education and social
a. Liberalism b. Communism c. Socialism d. Conservatism
16. In the following concepts, what would be the belief of a Marxists leader?
a. More revolutionary in its orientation as its advocates mass action and even armed struggle
in order to achieve its goals.
b. Working class or the proletariat will lead a revolution that will establish a communist society.
c. The state is undesirable as its various aspects such as control, political authority and
hierarchy represent everything that is detrimental to freedom and individualism.
d. Economic growth is key to human progress and that the government must not intervene in
the activities of markets and capitalists.
18. Individuals who are constituted either an aggregate or organized body of persons who control
the high position in the government.
a. Political Elite b. Counter Elite c. Strategic Elite d. Revolutionary Counter Elite
19. The power of an individual or political leader relies on their knowledge and skills.
a. Referent Power b. Coercive Power c. Expert Power d. Reward Power
20. Kind of power that an individual upholds the ability to work with others to get something done
by cooperation.
a. Power to b. Power over c. Power with d. Power together
21. Give some people the power to accomplish things that others cannot.
a. Power to b. Power over c. Power with d. Power together
22. Power often comes from the control of access to information, where you can permit or offer
access to others.
a. Physical Power b. Information Power c. Emotional Power d. Inherent Power
23. Power of the government to acquire private property for public use with just compensation.
a. Police Power b. Eminent Domain c. Power of taxation d. Military Power
24. What is the power of citizens that enables them to vote in public elections and also run for
public office?
a. Referendum b. Suffrage c. Plebiscite d. Initiative
25. The state origin is formed out of primitive families in which the heads of these families
became the government.
a. Divine Theory b. Force Theory c. Social Contract Theory d. Evolution Theory