AC 7143 Land Component Handbook 2

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D/DGD&D/13/35/47 Army Code Number 7143

Part 2



Issue 1.0 This document replaces

May 1998 Army Code Number 71473 Part 1
dated 1989 (AFSOPs Part 2)

Copyright. This work is copyright and the intellectual property rights for this
publication belong exclusively to the Ministry of Defence (MOD). No material or
information contained in this publication should be released outside MOD
establishments except as authorised by both the sponsor and the MOD where

Security Classification. This document is issued for the information of such

persons only as need to know its contents in the course of their official duties. Any
person finding this document should hand it into a British Forces unit or to a police
station for its safe return to the MINISTRY OF DEFENCE, D MOD SY, LONDON
SW1 2HB, with particulars of how and where found. THE UNAUTHORIZED
THE OFFICIAL SECRETS ACTS OF 1911-1989. (When released to persons
outside Government service, this document is issued on a personal basis and the
recipient to whom it is entrusted, in confidence, within the provisions of the Official
Secrets Act 1991-1989, is personally responsible for its safe custody and for seeing
that its contents are disclosed only to authorised persons.)

Authentication. This publication is issued under the overall direction of the CGS.
More precisely, DGD&D is the sponsor and his staff have prepared the detailed
contents of the publication. Any comments or queries concerning this work should
be addressed to DGD&D, LW1, Attention SO2 LW1b.

Legal Status. This publication has no formal status in legal terms. The contents
provide a clear military guide based on the most recent experience and best practice
available for commanders and troops to utilise in their operations and training.
Where range safety and weapon drills are concerned the rulings and procedures
described are to be treated as mandatory requirements. Commanders are to
exercise reasonable care and diligence in adhering to safety procedures when in
potentially hazardous situations.

Distribution. As directed by the sponsor.

Replacement. This document is Issue 1.0 of Part 2 of the Land Component

Handbook. It replaces Army Formation Standing Operating Procedures (AFSOPs)
Part 2 (Army Code 71473 Part 2) issued in 1989 which should now be destroyed
under local arrangements.


Units requiring amendments to their scales should apply in the first instance to CSE
3b LLANGENNECH. Any proposals for an increase in scale holdings for this
sponsor controlled publication should be accompanied by a full justification. Further
information regarding the issue of publications is contained in The Army
Compendium of Official Military Publications (Army Code 71608).


Amendment Number Amended By Date Amended



1.ý The Aim of the Land Component Handbook (LCH) is to provide a

comprehensive base document as a common basis for Theatre and Formation

2.ý The LCH is the replacement for Army Formation Standing Operating
Procedures (AFSOPs) which was issued in 1989 and is now substantially out of
date. As with AFSOPs, this publication is produced in two parts: Part 2 (this
document) is a complete set of Reports and Returns for use at Formation level. It
should be used with Part 1 which contains procedural and descriptive material.


3.ý It is not possible to develop a single set of procedures applicable to all. It is

however essential to achieve the highest possible degree of standardisation and
interoperability. A relatively small Army with many commitments must maintain
flexibility. It cannot afford therefore to have variations in the procedures used by its
constituent parts such that they are unable to operate together at short notice.

4.ý The LCH has been structured in accordance with the requirements of the
divisional headquarters. Individual sections have been drafted principally by
formation staffs, but also with contributions and comments from many authorities
and/or experts in particular fields. They have been reviewed to ensure maximum
consistency with current doctrinal publications. The LCH is a key implementing
document for many International standardisation agreements, particularly STANAGs
and QSTAGs. In certain respects their contents are therefore effectively mandated.

5.ý All future operations are likely to take place in both a Joint and Multi-National
context. The LCH has been written to be consistent with Joint, NATO and UN
doctrine and terminology. The use of operational writing and abbreviations has been
deliberately minimised to increase utility. While undoubtedly increasing their size,
the resulting increase in clarity and readability will mean that they are immediately
understandable by other Nations and Services.


6.ý The LCH Part 2 contains a comprehensive range of Reports and Returns. It
includes all the messages from APP-9 (The Compendium of Allied Land Forces
Messages), together with many additional messages required by Formations. Note
that special to arm messages, especially where these may have no relevance
outside that specialist area, have not necessarily been included. Where an
appropriate R2 format is included, its use is mandatory. Local modifications
or amendments to messages are not permitted.


Serial Contents
i. Title Page
ii. Conditions of Release
iii. Record of Amendments
iv. Introduction
v. Reports and Returns – By Subject Area
xxi. Reports and Returns – Alphabetical List
xxxiii List of Sponsors


PART 1 Personnel and Administration

Ser Report Title Sponsor Report Number

1 Admittance Report ADMITREP DMed Ops/Plans 1.1 10

2 Arrest Report ARRESTREP DGD&D-LW1 1.2 24

3 Casualty Evacuation Request CASEVACREQ DMed Ops/Plans 1.3 34

4 Emergency Burial Report EMBUREP PS4(as)(A) 1.4 58

5 Notification of Casualty NOTICAS HQ LAND (Med Ops) 1.5 146

6 Other Nation Casualty Report ONCASREP JFHQ 1.6 149

7 Personnel Report PERSREP DGD&D-LW1 1.7 154

8 Prisoner of War Report (Unit) PWREP(UNIT) DGD&D-Comd Sp 1.8 165

9 Prisoner of War Report (Prisoner of War Information PWREP(PWIB) DGD&D-Comd Sp 1.9 164

10 Prisoner of War Personnel Record PWREC DGD&D-Comd Sp 1.10 163

11 Reinforcement Demand (Personnel) RFTDEM(PERS) DGD&D-LW1 1.11 172

PART 2 Intelligence

1 Air Intelligence Report AIRINTREP DGD&D-Comd Sp 2.1 19

2 Common Capture Report COMCAPREP DGD&D-Comd Sp 2.2 44

3 Counterintelligence Report CIINTREP DGD&D-Comd Sp 2.3 37

4 Counterintelligence Summary CIINTSUM DGD&D-Comd Sp 2.4 38

5 Counterintelligence Supplementary Report CISUPINTREP DGD&D-Comd Sp 2.5 40

6 First Hostile Act FIRSTHOSTILE ACT DGD&D-Comd Sp 2.6 78

7 Intelligence Report INTREP DGD&D-Comd Sp 2.7 100

8 Intelligence Request INTREQ DGD&D-Comd Sp 2.8 101

9 Intelligence Spot Report INTSPOTREP DGD&D-Comd Sp 2.9 102

10 Intelligence Summary INTSUM DGD&D-Comd Sp 2.10 103

11 Land Intelligence Report LANDINTREP DGD&D-Comd Sp 2.11 107

12 Preliminary Technical Report PRETECHREP DGD&D-Comd Sp 2.12 157

13 Prisoner of War Interrogation Report PWINTERREP DGD&D-Comd Sp 2.13 162

14 Supplementary Intelligence Report SUPINTREP DGD&D-Comd Sp 2.14 190

15 Target Status Assessment Report TSAREP DGD&D Comd Sp 2.15 193

16 Target Status Assessment Summary TSASUM DGD&D Comd Sp 2.16 194

17 Warning of Attack Report WARNATTACKREP DGD&D-Comd Sp 2.17 195

PART 3 Naval Operations

1 Acknowledgement of a Request for Marine Craft CRAFTACK HQ RM 3.1 49

2 Request for Marine Craft CRAFTREQ HQ RM 3.2 50

3 Allocation of Naval Gunfire GUNFIREALLOT HQ RM 3.3 85

4 Request for Naval Gunfire GUNFIREREQ HQ RM 3.4 87

5 Naval Gunfire Report GUNFIREREP HQ RM 3.5 86

PART 4 Land Operations

SECTION 1 : General

1 Bomb Threat Warning BOMBWARN DGD&D-LW1 4.1.1 31

2 Combat Report COMBATREP DGD&D-LW1 4.1.2 43

3 Commander's Assessment ASSESSREP DGD&D-LW1 4.1.3 25

4 Contact/Sighting Report CONTACTREP DGD&D-LW1 4.1.4 48

5 Enemy Situation Report ENSITREP DGD&D-LW1 4.1.5 65

6 Fragmentary Order FRAGO DGD&D-LW1 4.1.6 84

7 Harbour/Hide Report HARHIDEREP DGD&D-LW1 4.1.7 88

8 Incident Report INCREP DGD&D-LW1 4.1.8 98

9 Lines of Communication Situation Report LOCSITREP HQ LAND (G4 Ops) 4.1.9 109

10 Location Statement LOCSTAT DGD&D-LW1 4.1.10 110

11 Mapping Message MAPMSG DGD&D-LW1 4.1.11 120

12 Order of Battle - Land ORBATLAND DGD&D-LW1 4.1.12 151

13 Order of Battle Transfer of Authority - Land/Air ORBATTOALANDAIR DGD&D-LW1 4.1.13 152

14 Own Land Forces Situation Report OWNSITREP DGD&D-LW1 4.1.14 153

SECTION 2 : Rules of Engagement

1 Rules of Engagement Authorisation ROEAUTH PJHQ 4.2.1 173

2 Rules of Engagement Implementation ROEIMPL PJHQ 4.2.2 174

3 Rules of Engagement Request ROEREQ PJHQ 4.2.3 175

SECTION 3 : Activation

1 Activation Order ACTORD PJHQ 4.3.1 03

2 Activation Request ACTREQ PJHQ 4.3.2 04

3 Activation Warning ACTWARN PJHQ 4.3.3 05

4 Force Prepare FORCEPREP PJHQ 4.3.4 83

SECTION 4 : Real Estate

1 Control/Co-ordination Line Report CCLREP DGD&D-LW1 4.4.1 36

2 Presence Report PRESENCE DGD&D-LW1 4.4.2 156

3 Real Estate Request REALESTREQ DGD&D-LW1 4.4.3 169

4 Real Estate Response REALESTRESP DGD&D-LW1 4.4.4 170

SECTION 5 : NBC Defence

1 NBC Basic Wind Data Report NBCBWR AD NBC 4.5.1 141

2 NBC Chemical Downwind Report NBCCDR AD NBC 4.5.2 142

3 NBC Effective Downwind Report NBCEDR AD NBC 4.5.3 143

4 Friendly Nuclear Strike Warning STRIKEWARN (NUC) AD NBC 4.5.4 189

5 NBC - 1 (Observers Initial Report) NBC1 AD NBC 4.5.5 135

6 NBC - 2 (Evaluated Data from a Single Attack) NBC2 AD NBC 4.5.6 136

7 NBC - 3 (Immediate Contamination Warning) NBC3 AD NBC 4.5.7 137

8 NBC - 4 (Monitoring and Survey Results) NBC4 AD NBC 4.5.8 138

9 NBC - 5 (Actual Contamination Information) NBC5 AD NBC 4.5.9 139

10 NBC - 6 (Details of "B" and "C" Attacks) NBC6 AD NBC 4.5.10 140

11 NBC Situation Report NBCSITREP AD NBC 4.5.11 144

SECTION 6 : Fire Support

1 Artillery Fire Unit - Ammunition Status AFU.AMS HQ DRA 4.6.1 12

2 Artillery Fire Unit - Fire Unit Status AFU.FUS HQ DRA 4.6.2 13


4 Fire Mission - Call For Fire FM.CFF HQ DRA 4.6.4 79

5 Fire Mission - Fire Mission Command FM.FMC HQ DRA 4.6.5 80

6 Fire Mission - Message to Observer FM.MTO HQ DRA 4.6.6 81

7 Fire Mission - Subsequent Adjustment FM.SUB HQ DRA 4.6.7 82

8 Non-Nuclear Fire Planning - Fire Plan NNFP.FP HQ DRA 4.6.8 145

SECTION 7 : Air Defence

1 Air Activity Report AIRACTIVITYREP HQ DRA 4.7.1 15

2 Air Defence Engagement of Hostile Aircraft Report ADENGAGEREP HQ DRA 4.7.2 08

3 Air Defended Area Equipment State Report ADAEQPTSTATE HQ DRA 4.7.3 06

4 Air Defence Report ADREP HQ DRA 4.7.4 11

5 Air Defended Area Established Report ADESTBREP HQ DRA 4.7.5 09

6 Air Defended Area Report ADAREP HQ DRA 4.7.6 07

7 Close Air Defence Report CADREP HQ DRA 4.7.7 32

8 Indication Friend or Foe Procedure IFFPROC HQ DRA 4.7.8 96

9 Short Range Air Defence Location and Status Report SHORADLOCSTAT HQ DRA 4.7.9 186

10 Weapons Control Order WCO HQ DRA 4.7.10 196

SECTION 8 : Engineer Support

1 Friendly Obstacle List (Barrier Report) BARREP HQ E-in-C 4.8.1 27

2 Engineer Data Report ENGRDATAREP HQ E-in-C 4.8.2 60

3 Engineer Recce Order ENGRRECCEORD HQ E-in-C 4.8.3 61

4 Engineer Recce Report ENGRRECCEREP HQ E-in-C 4.8.4 62

5 Engineer Report ENGRREP HQ E-in-C 4.8.5 63

6 Engineer Resources Report ENGRRESREP HQ E-in-C 4.8.6 64

7 Intent to Lay Minefield INTTOLAY HQ E-in-C 4.8.7 104

8 Obstacle Report OBSREP HQ E-in-C 4.8.8 147

9 Reserved Demolition Order DMLORD HQ E-in-C 4.8.9 52

10 Scatterable Minefield Order SCATMINORD HQ E-in-C 4.8.10 180

11 Scatterable Minefield Record SCATMINREC HQ E-in-C 4.8.11 181

12 Scatterable Minefield Report SCATMINREP HQ E-in-C 4.8.12 182

13 Scatterable Minefield Request SCATMINREQ HQ E-in-C 4.8.13 183

14 Scatterable Minefield Warning SCATMINWARN HQ E-in-C 4.8.14 184

SECTION 9 : Explosive Ordnance Disposal

1 EOD Incident Report EODINCREP HQ E-in-C 4.9.1 66

2 EOD Tasking/EOD Report EODTASKREP HQ E-in-C 4.9.2 67

3 EOR Tasking/EOR Report EORTASKREP HQ E-in-C 4.9.3 68

SECTION 10 : Patrol Activity

1 Patrol Report PTLREP DGD&D-LW1 4.10.1 160

2 Patrol Task Summary PTLTASKSUM DGD&D-LW1 4.10.2 161

SECTION 11 : Psychological Operations

1 Psychological Operations Report PSYREP DGD&D-Comd Sp 4.11.1 159

SECTION 12 : Meteorological Forecasts

1 Meteorological Forecast – Air METCASTAIR Met Sp Gp 4.12.1 126

2 Meteorological Forecast – Land METCASTLAND Met Sp Gp 4.12.2 127

3 Meteorological Report METREP Met Sp Gp 4.12.3 128

SECTION 13 : Electronic Warfare

1 Emitter Simulation Warning Report EMSIWARNREP DGD&D-Comd Sp 4.13.1 59

2 EW Approval Message EWAM DGD&D-Comd Sp 4.13.2 70

3 EW Jamming Report EWJAMREP DGD&D-Comd Sp 4.13.3 71

4 EW Mission Summary EWMSNSUM DGD&D-Comd Sp 4.13.4 73

5 EW Multiple Asset Status Report EWMASTR DGD&D-Comd Sp 4.13.5 72

6 EW Request/Tasking Message EWRTM DGD&D-Comd Sp 4.13.6 74

7 EW Stop Jamming Message EWSTOPJAM DGD&D-Comd Sp 4.13.7 75

8 EW Tactical Report EWTACREP DGD&D-Comd Sp 4.13.8 76

9 Meaconing, Intrusion, Jamming, Interference Warning MIJIWARNREP DGD&D-Comd Sp 4.13.9 129


SECTION 14 : Co-ordination

1 Collateral Damage Report COLATDAMREP DGD&D-LW1 4.14.1 42

SECTION 15 : Peace Support Operations

1 Compliance Information Report COMPINFREP PJHQ 4.15.1 45

2 Events Report EVENTREP PJHQ 4.15.2 69

3 MNC Compliance Assessment Report MNCCOMPASSESSREP PJHQ 4.15.3 131

4 Peace Support Operations Commander’s Assessment PSOCOMAASSESSREP PJHQ 4.15.4 158


SECTION 16 : Emergency In War

1 Emergency in War Action EIWACTION PJHQ 4.16.1 53

2 Emergency in War Consultation EIWCONSULT PJHQ 4.16.2 54

3 Emergency in War Declare EIWDECLARE PJHQ 4.16.3 55

4 Emergency in War Rescind EIWRESCIND PJHQ 4.16.4 56

5 Emergency in War Support EIWSUPPORT PJHQ 4.16.5 57

SECTION 17 : Geographic Support

1 Reserved

Part 5 Air and Aviation Operations

1 Air Accept/Refuse AIR ACCEPT/REFUSE PJHQ 5.1 14

2 Air Activity Report AIR ACTIVITYREP HQ DRA 5.2 15

3 Air Allocation Message AIRALLOC PJHQ 5.3 17

4 Air Attack Warning AIRATTACKWARN PJHQ 5.4 18

5 Air Mission Report AIRMISREP PJHQ 5.5 20

6 Air Move Details AIRMOVE PJHQ 5.6 21

7 Air Reconnaissance Request/Task AIR RECCEREQ/TASK PJHQ 5.7 16

8 Air Request AIRREQ PJHQ 5.8 22

9 Air Task AIRTASK PJHQ 5.9 23

10 Airspace Control Means Request ACMREQ PJHQ 5.10 01

11 Airspace Control Order ACO PJHQ 5.11 02

12 Helicopter Request Acknowledgement HELACK PJHQ 5.12 89

13 Helicopter Landing Site Report HELLSREP PJHQ 5.13 90

14 Helicopter Operational Summary HELOPSUM PJHQ 5.14 91

15 Helicopter Request HELQUEST PJHQ 5.15 92

16 Helicopter Task HELTASK PJHQ 5.16 93

17 In Flight Report INFLIGHTREP PJHQ 5.17 99

18 JAAT Mission Order JAATMSNO PJHQ 5.18 105

19 JAAT Warning Order JAATWNGO PJHQ 5.19 106

20 Laser Target Marking Warning Message LASERWARN PJHQ 5.20 108

21 Mobile Air Operations Team Request MAOTQUEST PJHQ 5.21 119

22 Order of Battle - Air Forces ORBATAIR PJHQ 5.22 150

23 RPV Mission/Reconnaissance Report RPVMSN/RECCEREP PJHQ 5.23 176

24 RPV Mission Tasking/Cancel/Accept/Refuse Message RPVMSN/TCARMSG PJHQ 5.24 177

25 Time On Target Message TOTMSG PJHQ 5.25 191

PART 6 Logistics

SECTION 1 : Logistics and Combat Service Support

1 Armoured Vehicle Demand AVDEM DGD&D-LW2 6.1.1 26

2 Implementation Request Message IMPLREQ DGD&D-LW2 6.1.2 97

3 Logistic Assessment Report LOGASSESSREP DGD&D-LW2 6.1.3 113

4 Logistic Assistance Request LOGASREQ DGD&D-LW2 6.1.4 111

5 Logistic Assistance Response LOGASRESP DGD&D-LW2 6.1.5 112

6 Logistic Deficiency Report LOGDEFREP DGD&D-LW2 6.1.6 114

7 Logistic Situation Report (Unit) LOGSITUNIT DGD&D-LW2 6.1.7 116

8 Logistic Situation Report Land Forces LOGSITLAND DGD&D-LW2 6.1.8 115

9 Logistic Surplus Report LOGSURPLUSREP DGD&D-LW2 6.1.9 117

10 Logistic Update LOGUPDATE DGD&D-LW2 6.1.10 118

11 Map Request MAPREQ DGD&D-LW2 6.1.11 121

12 Material Demand MATDEM DGD&D-LW2 6.1.12 122

13 Missile Demand MISDEM DGD&D-LW2 6.1.13 130

14 Offset Offer Message OFFTOFR DGD&D-LW2 6.1.14 148

15 Transfer Complete Message TRANSCPL DGD&D-LW2 6.1.15 192

SECTION 2 : Medical Support

1 Medical Assessment Report MEDASSESSREP DMed Ops/Plans 6.2.1 123

2 Medical Situation Report MEDSITREP DMed Ops/Plans 6.2.2 124

3 Medical Stores Request MEDSTORREQ DMed Ops/Plans 6.2.3 125

SECTION 3 : Force Movement

1 Deployment Report DEPLOYREP HQ LAND (Log Sp) 6.3.1 51

2 Frontier Crossing Advice - Rail FCA.RAIL QMG - Mov 6.3.2 77

Movement Requirements - Sea:
3 a. Cargo Traffic CARGOTRAFFIC QMG-Mov 6.3.3 33
4 b. Sailing Signal - Load Advice SAILSIG QMG-Mov 6.3.4 179
5 c. Sea Movement Resource Signal SEAMOV QMG-Mov 6.3.5 185

6 Movement Situation Report MOVSITREP QMG-Mov 6.3.6 133

7 Movement - Special Occasional Movement Situation MOVOC QMG-Mov 6.3.7 132


8 Road Movement Bid RDMOVBID QMG-Mov 6.3.8 166

9 Road Movement Credit RDMOVCREDIT QMG-Mov 6.3.9 167

10 Road/Route Reconnaissance Report RDROUTERECCEREP QMG-Log Sp Svcs 2a 6.3.10 168

11 Surface Transport Reply SRFTRANSREP QMG-Mov 6.3.11 186

12 Surface Transport Request SRFTRANSREQ QMG-Mov 6.3.12 187

SECTION 4 : Force Maintenance186

1 Battlefield Recovery/Evacuation Request BATRECEVACREQ QMG-ES11c 6.4.1 28

2 Battlefield Recovery/Evacuation Task BATRECEVACTASK QMG-ES11c 6.4.2 29

SECTION 5 : Host Nation Support

1 Host Nation Support Report HNSREP PJHQ 6.5.1 94

2 Host Nation Support Request HNSREQ PJHQ 6.5.2 95

SECTION 6 : Spare

1 Reserved

PART 7 Plans and Policy

1 Reserved

PART 8 Communications and Information Systems


2 Communications Situation Report COMSITREP HQ R SIGNALS 8.2 46

3 Communications Spot Report COMSPOT HQ R SIGNALS 8.3 47

4 Message Correction or Cancellation MSGCORRCANX HQ R SIGNALS 8.4 134

5 Radio Frequency Request RFREQREQ CIS Engr Gp 8.5 171

6 Radio Relay Frequency Request RRFREQREQ CIS Engr Gp 8.6 178

PART 9 Resources and Finance

1 Reserved

PART 10 Civil Affairs

1 Civil/Military Co-operation Report CIMICREP PJHQ 10.1 39

2 Civil/Military Operations Situation Report CMOSITREP HQ LAND (G5 CA) 10.2 41

3 Public Information Situation Report PISITREP HQ LAND (G5 CA) 10.3 155


Title Report Sponsor Report Number

ACMREQ Airspace Control Means Request PJHQ ý

01ý 5.10

ACO Airspace Control Order PJHQ ý

02ý 5.11

ACTORD Activation Order PJHQ ý

03ý 4.3.1

ACTREQ Activation Request PJHQ ý

04ý 4.3.2

ACTWARN Activation Warning PJHQ ý

05ý 4.3.3

ADAEQPTSTATE Air Defended Area Equipment State HQ DRA ý

06ý 4.7.3

ADAREP Air Defended Area Report HQ DRA ý

07ý 4.7.6

ADENGAGEREP Air Defence Engagement of Hostile Aircraft HQ DRA ý

08ý 4.7.2

ADESTBREP Air Defended Area Established HQ DRA ý

09ý 4.7.5

ADMITREP Admittance Report DMed Ops/Plans ý

10ý 1.1

ADREP Air Defence Report HQ DRA ý

11ý 4.7.4

AFU.AMS Artillery Fire Unit - Ammunition Status HQ DRA ý

12ý 4.6.1

AFU.FUS Artillery Fire Unit - Fire Unit Status HQ DRA ý

13ý 4.6.2


14ý 5.1

AIR ACTIVITYREP Air Activity Report HQ DRA ý

15ý 4.7.1

AIR RECCEREQ/TASK Air Reconnaissance Request/Task PJHQ ý
16ý 5.7

AIRALLOC Air Allocation Message PJHQ ý

17ý 5.3


18ý 5.4

AIRINTREP Air Intelligence Report DGD&D-Comd Sp ý

19ý 2.1

AIRMISREP Air Mission Report PJHQ ý

20ý 5.5

AIRMOVE Air Move Details PJHQ ý

21ý 5.6

AIRREQ Air Request PJHQ ý

22ý 5.8


23ý 5.9

ARRESTREP Arrest Report DGD&D-LW1 ý

24ý 1.2

ASSESSREP Commander's Assessment DGD&D-LW1 ý

25ý 4.1.3

AVDEM Armoured Vehicle Demand DGD&D-LW2 ý

26ý 6.1.1

BARREP Friendly Obstacle List (Barrier Report) HQ E-in-C ý

27ý 4.8.1

BATRECEVACREQ Battlefield Recovery/Evacuation Request QMG-ES11c ý

28ý 6.4.1

BATRECEVACTASK Battlefield Recovery/Evacuation Task QMG-ES11c ý

29ý 6.4.2


30ý 4.6.3

BOMBWARN Bomb Threat Warning DGD&D-LW1 ý

31ý 4.1.1

CADREP Close Air Defence Report HQ DRA ý

32ý 4.7.7

CARGOTRAFFIC Movement Requirements - Sea:
QMG-Mov ý
33ý 6.3.3
a. Cargo Traffic

CASEVACREQ Casualty Evacuation Request DMed Ops/Plans ý

34ý 1.3


35ý 8.1

CCLREP Control/Co-ordination Line Report DGD&D-LW1 ý

36ý 4.4.1

CIINTREP Counterintelligence Report DGD&D-Comd Sp ý

37ý 2.3

CIINTSUM Counterintelligence Summary DGD&D-Comd Sp ý

38ý 2.4

CIMICREP Civil/Military Co-operation Report PJHQ ý

39ý 10.1

CISUPINTREP Counterintelligence Supplementary Report DGD&D-Comd Sp ý

40ý 2.5

CMOSITREP Civil/Military Operations Situation Report HQ LAND (G5 CA) ý

41ý 10.2

COLATDAMREP Collateral Damage Report DGD&D-LW1 ý

42ý 4.14.1

COMBATREP Combat Report DGD&D-LW1 ý

43ý 4.1.2

COMCAPREP Common Capture Report DGD&D-Comd Sp ý

44ý 2.2

COMPINFREP Compliance Information Report PJHQ ý

45ý 4.15.1

COMSITREP Communications Situation Report HQ R SIGNALS ý

46ý 8.2

COMSPOT Communications Spot Report HQ R SIGNALS ý

47ý 8.3

CONTACTREP Contact/Sighting Report DGD&D-LW1 ý

48ý 4.1.4

CRAFTACK Acknowledgement of a Request for Marine Craft HQ RM ý

49ý 3.1

CRAFTREQ Request for Marine Craft HQ RM ý
50ý 3.2

DEPLOYREP Deployment Report HQ LAND (Log Sp) ý

51ý 6.3.1

DMLORD Reserved Demolition Order HQ E-in-C ý

52ý 4.8.9

EIWACTION Emergency in War Action PJHQ ý

53ý 4.16.1

EIWCONSULT Emergency in War Consultation PJHQ ý

54ý 4.16.2

EIWDECLARE Emergency in War Declare PJHQ ý

55ý 4.16.3

EIWRESCIND Emergency in War Rescind PJHQ ý

56ý 4.16.4

EIWSUPPORT Emergency in War Support PJHQ ý

57ý 4.16.5

EMBUREP Emergency Burial Report PS4(as)(A) ý

58ý 1.4

EMSIWARNREP Emitter Simulation Warning Report DGD&D-Comd Sp ý

59ý 4.13.1

ENGRDATAREP Engineer Data Report HQ E-in-C ý

60ý 4.8.2

ENGRRECCEORD Engineer Recce Order HQ E-in-C ý

61ý 4.8.3

ENGRRECCEREP Engineer Recce Report HQ E-in-C ý

62ý 4.8.4

ENGRREP Engineer Report HQ E-in-C ý

63ý 4.8.5

ENGRRESREP Engineer Resources Report HQ E-in-C ý

64ý 4.8.6

ENSITREP Enemy Situation Report DGD&D-LW1 ý

65ý 4.1.5

EODINCREP EOD Incident Report HQ E-in-C ý

66ý 4.9.1

EODTASKREP EOD Tasking/EOD Report HQ E-in-C ý

67ý 4.9.2

EORTASKREP EOR Tasking/EOR Report HQ E-in-C ý
68ý 4.9.3

EVENTREP Events Report PJHQ ý

69ý 4.15.2

EWAM EW Approval Message DGD&D-Comd Sp ý

70ý 4.13.2

EWJAMREP EW Jamming Report DGD&D-Comd Sp ý

71ý 4.13.3

EWMASTR EW Multiple Asset Status Report DGD&D-Comd Sp ý

72ý 4.13.5

EWMSNSUM EW Mission Summary DGD&D-Comd Sp ý

73ý 4.13.4

EWRTM EW Request/Tasking Message DGD&D-Comd Sp ý

74ý 4.13.6

EWSTOPJAM EW Stop Jamming Message DGD&D-Comd Sp ý

75ý 4.13.7

EWTACREP EW Tactical Report DGD&D-Comd Sp ý

76ý 4.13.8

FCA.RAIL Frontier Crossing Advice - Rail QMG - Mov ý

77ý 6.3.2

FIRSTHOSTILE ACT First Hostile Act DGD&D-Comd Sp ý

78ý 2.6

FM.CFF Fire Mission - Call For Fire HQ DRA ý

79ý 4.6.4

FM.FMC Fire Mission - Fire Mission Command HQ DRA ý

80ý 4.6.5

FM.MTO Fire Mission - Message to Observer HQ DRA ý

81ý 4.6.6

FM.SUB Fire Mission - Subsequent Adjustment HQ DRA ý

82ý 4.6.7

FORCEPREP Force Prepare PJHQ ý

83ý 4.3.4

FRAGO Fragmentary Order DGD&D-LW1 ý

84ý 4.1.6

GUNFIREALLOT Allocation of Naval Gunfire HQ RM ý
85ý 3.3

GUNFIREREP Naval Gunfire Report HQ RM ý

86ý 3.5

GUNFIREREQ Request for Naval Gunfire HQ RM ý

87ý 3.4

HARHIDEREP Harbour/Hide Report DGD&D-LW1 ý

88ý 4.1.7

HELACK Helicopter Request Acknowledgement PJHQ ý

89ý 5.12

HELLSREP Helicopter Landing Site Report PJHQ ý

90ý 5.13

HELOPSUM Helicopter Operational Summary PJHQ ý

91ý 5.14

HELQUEST Helicopter Request PJHQ ý

92ý 5.15

HELTASK Helicopter Task PJHQ ý

93ý 5.16

HNSREP Host Nation Support Report PJHQ ý

94ý 6.5.1

HNSREQ Host Nation Support Request PJHQ ý

95ý 6.5.2

IFFPROC Indication Friend or Foe Procedure HQ DRA ý

96ý 4.7.8

IMPLREQ Implementation Request Message DGD&D-LW2 ý

97ý 6.1.2

INCREP Incident Report DGD&D-LW1 ý

98ý 4.1.8


99ý 5.17

INTREP Intelligence Report DGD&D-Comd Sp ý

100ý 2.7

INTREQ Intelligence Request DGD&D-Comd Sp ý

101ý 2.8

INTSPOTREP Intelligence Spot Report DGD&D-Comd Sp ý

102ý 2.9

INTSUM Intelligence Summary DGD&D-Comd Sp ý
103ý 2.10

INTTOLAY Intent to Lay Minefield HQ E-in-C ý

104ý 4.8.7


105ý 5.18


106ý 5.19

LANDINTREP Land Intelligence Report DGD&D-Comd Sp ý

107ý 2.11

LASERWARN Laser Target Marking Warning Message PJHQ ý

108ý 5.20

LOCSITREP Lines of Communication Situation Report HQ LAND (G4 Ops) ý

109ý 4.1.9

LOCSTAT Location Statement DGD&D-LW1 ý

110ý 4.1.10

LOGASREQ Logistic Assistance Request DGD&D-LW2 ý

111ý 6.1.4

LOGASRESP Logistic Assistance Response DGD&D-LW2 ý

112ý 6.1.5

LOGASSESSREP Logistic Assessment Report DGD&D-LW2 ý

113ý 6.1.3

LOGDEFREP Logistic Deficiency Report DGD&D-LW2 ý

114ý 6.1.6

LOGSITLAND Logistic Situation Report Land Forces DGD&D-LW2 ý

115ý 6.1.8

LOGSITUNIT Logistic Situation Report (Unit) DGD&D-LW2 ý

116ý 6.1.7

LOGSURPLUSREP Logistic Surplus Report DGD&D-LW2 ý

117ý 6.1.9

LOGUPDATE Logistic Update DGD&D-LW2 ý

118ý 6.1.10

MAOTQUEST Mobile Air Operations Team Request PJHQ ý

119ý 5.21

MAPMSG Mapping Message DGD&D-LW1 ý

120ý 4.1.11

MAPREQ Map Request DGD&D-LW2 ý
121ý 6.1.11

MATDEM Material Demand DGD&D-LW2 ý

122ý 6.1.12

MEDASSESSREP Medical Assessment Report DMed Ops/Plans ý

123ý 6.2.1

MEDSITREP Medical Situation Report DMed Ops/Plans ý

124ý 6.2.2

MEDSTORREQ Medical Stores Request DMed Ops/Plans ý

125ý 6.2.3

METCASTAIR Meteorological Forecast – Air Met Sp Gp ý

126ý 4.12.1

METCASTLAND Meteorological Forecast – Land Met Sp Gp ý

127ý 4.12.2

METREP Meteorological Report Met Sp Gp ý

128ý 4.12.3

MIJIWARNREP Meaconing, Intrusion, Jamming, Interference Warning Report DGD&D-Comd Sp ý

129ý 4.13.9

MISDEM Missile Demand DGD&D-LW2 ý

130ý 6.1.13

MNCCOMPASSESSREP MNC Compliance Assessment Report PJHQ ý

131ý 4.15.3

MOVOC Movement - Special Occasional Movement Situation Report QMG-Mov ý

132ý 6.3.7

MOVSITREP Movement Situation Report QMG-Mov ý

133ý 6.3.6

MSGCORRCANX Message Correction or Cancellation HQ R SIGNALS ý

134ý 8.4

NBC1 NBC - 1 (Observers Initial Report) AD NBC ý

135ý 4.5.5

NBC2 NBC - 2 (Evaluated Data from a Single Attack) AD NBC ý

136ý 4.5.6

NBC3 NBC - 3 (Immediate Contamination Warning) AD NBC ý

137ý 4.5.7

NBC4 NBC - 4 (Monitoring and Survey Results) AD NBC ý

138ý 4.5.8

NBC5 NBC - 5 (Actual Contamination Information) AD NBC ý
139ý 4.5.9

NBC6 NBC - 6 (Details of "B" and "C" Attacks) AD NBC ý

140ý 4.5.10

NBCBWR NBC Basic Wind Data Report AD NBC ý

141ý 4.5.1

NBCCDR NBC Chemical Downwind Report AD NBC ý

142ý 4.5.2

NBCEDR NBC Effective Downwind Report AD NBC ý

143ý 4.5.3

NBCSITREP NBC Situation Report AD NBC ý

144ý 4.5.11

NNFP.FP Non-Nuclear Fire Planning - Fire Plan HQ DRA ý

145ý 4.6.8

NOTICAS Notification of Casualty HQ LAND (Med Ops) ý

146ý 1.5

OBSREP Obstacle Report HQ E-in-C ý

147ý 4.8.8

OFFTOFR Offset Offer Message DGD&D-LW2 ý

148ý 6.1.14

ONCASREP Other Nation Casualty Report JFHQ ý

149ý 1.6

ORBATAIR Order of Battle - Air Forces PJHQ ý

150ý 5.22

ORBATLAND Order of Battle - Land DGD&D-LW1 ý

151ý 4.1.12

ORBATTOALANDAIR Order of Battle Transfer of Authority - Land/Air DGD&D-LW1 ý

152ý 4.1.13

OWNSITREP Own Land Forces Situation Report DGD&D-LW1 ý

153ý 4.1.14

PERSREP Personnel Report DGD&D-LW1 ý

154ý 1.7

PISITREP Public Information Situation Report HQ LAND (G5 CA) ý

155ý 10.3

PRESENCE Presence Report DGD&D-LW1 ý

156ý 4.4.2

PRETECHREP Preliminary Technical Report DGD&D-Comd Sp ý
157ý 2.12

PSOCOMAASSESSREP Peace Support Operations Commander’s Assessment Report PJHQ ý

158ý 4.15.4

PSYREP Psychological Operations Report DGD&D-Comd Sp ý

159ý 4.11.1

PTLREP Patrol Report DGD&D-LW1 ý

160ý 4.10.1

PTLTASKSUM Patrol Task Summary DGD&D-LW1 ý

161ý 4.10.2

PWINTERREP Prisoner of War Interrogation Report DGD&D-Comd Sp ý

162ý 2.13

PWREC Prisoner of War Personnel Record DGD&D-Comd Sp ý

163ý 1.10

PWREP(PWIB) Prisoner of War Report (Prisoner of War Information Bureau) DGD&D-Comd Sp ý

164ý 1.9

PWREP(UNIT) Prisoner of War Report (Unit) DGD&D-Comd Sp ý

165ý 1.8

RDMOVBID Road Movement Bid QMG-Mov ý

166ý 6.3.8

RDMOVCREDIT Road Movement Credit QMG-Mov ý

167ý 6.3.9

RDROUTERECCEREP Road/Route Reconnaissance Report QMG-Log Sp Svcs 2a ý

168ý 6.3.10

REALESTREQ Real Estate Request DGD&D-LW1 ý

169ý 4.4.3

REALESTRESP Real Estate Response DGD&D-LW1 ý

170ý 4.4.4

RFREQREQ Radio Frequency Request CIS Engr Gp ý

171ý 8.5

RFTDEM(PERS) Reinforcement Demand (Personnel) DGD&D-LW1 ý

172ý 1.11

ROEAUTH Rules of Engagement Authorisation PJHQ ý

173ý 4.2.1

ROEIMPL Rules of Engagement Implementation PJHQ ý

174ý 4.2.2

ROEREQ Rules of Engagement Request PJHQ ý
175ý 4.2.3

RPVMSN/RECCEREP RPV Mission/Reconnaissance Report PJHQ ý

176ý 5.23

RPVMSN/TCARMSG RPV Mission Tasking/Cancel/Accept/Refuse Message PJHQ ý

177ý 5.24

RRFREQREQ Radio Relay Frequency Request CIS Engr Gp ý

178ý 8.6

SAILSIG Movement Requirements - Sea:

QMG-Mov ý
179ý 6.3.4
b. Sailing Signal - Load Advice

SCATMINORD Scatterable Minefield Order HQ E-in-C ý

180ý 4.8.10

SCATMINREC Scatterable Minefield Record HQ E-in-C ý

181ý 4.8.11

SCATMINREP Scatterable Minefield Report HQ E-in-C ý

182ý 4.8.12

SCATMINREQ Scatterable Minefield Request HQ E-in-C ý

183ý 4.8.13

SCATMINWARN Scatterable Minefield Warning HQ E-in-C ý

184ý 4.8.14

SEAMOV Movement Requirements - Sea:

QMG-Mov ý
185ý 6.3.5
c. Sea Movement Resource Signal

SHORADLOCSTAT Short Range Air Defence Location and Status Report HQ DRA ý
186ý 4.7.9

SRFTRANSREP Surface Transport Reply QMG-Mov ý

187ý 6.3.11

SRFTRANSREQ Surface Transport Request QMG-Mov ý

188ý 6.3.12

STRIKEWARN (NUC) Friendly Nuclear Strike Warning AD NBC ý

189ý 4.5.4

SUPINTREP Supplementary Intelligence Report DGD&D-Comd Sp ý

190ý 2.14

TOTMSG Time On Target Message PJHQ ý

191ý 5.25

TRANSCPL Transfer Complete Message DGD&D-LW2 ý
192ý 6.1.15

TSAREP Target Status Assessment Report DGD&D Comd Sp ý

193ý 2.15

TSASUM Target Status Assessment Summary DGD&D Comd Sp ý

194ý 2.16

WARNATTACKREP Warning of Attack Report DGD&D-Comd Sp ý

195ý 2.17

WCO Weapons Control Order HQ DRA ý

196ý 4.7.10


Serial Report Operational Sponsor Report Number

1ý NBC1 AD NBC 4.5.5 135
2ý NBC2 AD NBC 4.5.6 136
3ý NBC3 AD NBC 4.5.7 137
4ý NBC4 AD NBC 4.5.8 138
5ý NBC5 AD NBC 4.5.9 139
6ý NBC6 AD NBC 4.5.10 140
7ý NBCBWR AD NBC 4.5.1 141
8ý NBCCDR AD NBC 4.5.2 142
9ý NBCEDR AD NBC 4.5.3 143
10ý NBCSITREP AD NBC 4.5.11 144
11ý STRIKEWARN (NUC) AD NBC 4.5.4 189
12ý RFREQREQ CIS Engr Gp 8.5 171
13ý RRFREQREQ CIS Engr Gp 8.6 178
14ý TSAREP DGD&D Comd Sp 2.15 193
15ý TSASUM DGD&D Comd Sp 2.16 194
16ý AIRINTREP DGD&D-Comd Sp 2.1 19
17ý CIINTREP DGD&D-Comd Sp 2.3 37
18ý CIINTSUM DGD&D-Comd Sp 2.4 38
19ý CISUPINTREP DGD&D-Comd Sp 2.5 40
20ý COMCAPREP DGD&D-Comd Sp 2.2 44
21ý EMSIWARNREP DGD&D-Comd Sp 4.13.1 59
22ý EWAM DGD&D-Comd Sp 4.13.2 70
23ý EWJAMREP DGD&D-Comd Sp 4.13.3 71
24ý EWMASTR DGD&D-Comd Sp 4.13.5 72
25ý EWMSNSUM DGD&D-Comd Sp 4.13.4 73
26ý EWRTM DGD&D-Comd Sp 4.13.6 74
27ý EWSTOPJAM DGD&D-Comd Sp 4.13.7 75
28ý EWTACREP DGD&D-Comd Sp 4.13.8 76
30ý INTREP DGD&D-Comd Sp 2.7 100
31ý INTREQ DGD&D-Comd Sp 2.8 101
32ý INTSPOTREP DGD&D-Comd Sp 2.9 102
33ý INTSUM DGD&D-Comd Sp 2.10 103
34ý LANDINTREP DGD&D-Comd Sp 2.11 107
35ý MIJIWARNREP DGD&D-Comd Sp 4.13.9 129
36ý PRETECHREP DGD&D-Comd Sp 2.12 157
37ý PSYREP DGD&D-Comd Sp 4.11.1 159
38ý PWINTERREP DGD&D-Comd Sp 2.13 162
39ý PWREC DGD&D-Comd Sp 1.10 163
40ý PWREP(PWIB) DGD&D-Comd Sp 1.9 164

41ý PWREP(UNIT) DGD&D-Comd Sp 1.8 165
42ý SUPINTREP DGD&D-Comd Sp 2.14 190
43ý WARNATTACKREP DGD&D-Comd Sp 2.17 195
44ý ARRESTREP DGD&D-LW1 1.2 24
45ý ASSESSREP DGD&D-LW1 4.1.3 25
46ý BOMBWARN DGD&D-LW1 4.1.1 31
47ý CCLREP DGD&D-LW1 4.4.1 36
48ý COLATDAMREP DGD&D-LW1 4.14.1 42
49ý COMBATREP DGD&D-LW1 4.1.2 43
50ý CONTACTREP DGD&D-LW1 4.1.4 48
51ý ENSITREP DGD&D-LW1 4.1.5 65
52ý FRAGO DGD&D-LW1 4.1.6 84
53ý HARHIDEREP DGD&D-LW1 4.1.7 88
54ý INCREP DGD&D-LW1 4.1.8 98
55ý LOCSTAT DGD&D-LW1 4.1.10 110
56ý MAPMSG DGD&D-LW1 4.1.11 120
57ý ORBATLAND DGD&D-LW1 4.1.12 151
59ý OWNSITREP DGD&D-LW1 4.1.14 153
60ý PERSREP DGD&D-LW1 1.7 154
61ý PRESENCE DGD&D-LW1 4.4.2 156
62ý PTLREP DGD&D-LW1 4.10.1 160
63ý PTLTASKSUM DGD&D-LW1 4.10.2 161
64ý REALESTREQ DGD&D-LW1 4.4.3 169
65ý REALESTRESP DGD&D-LW1 4.4.4 170
66ý RFTDEM(PERS) DGD&D-LW1 1.11 172
67ý AVDEM DGD&D-LW2 6.1.1 26
68ý IMPLREQ DGD&D-LW2 6.1.2 97
69ý LOGASREQ DGD&D-LW2 6.1.4 111
70ý LOGASRESP DGD&D-LW2 6.1.5 112
71ý LOGASSESSREP DGD&D-LW2 6.1.3 113
72ý LOGDEFREP DGD&D-LW2 6.1.6 114
73ý LOGSITLAND DGD&D-LW2 6.1.8 115
74ý LOGSITUNIT DGD&D-LW2 6.1.7 116
76ý LOGUPDATE DGD&D-LW2 6.1.10 118
77ý MAPREQ DGD&D-LW2 6.1.11 121
78ý MATDEM DGD&D-LW2 6.1.12 122
79ý MISDEM DGD&D-LW2 6.1.13 130
80ý OFFTOFR DGD&D-LW2 6.1.14 148
81ý TRANSCPL DGD&D-LW2 6.1.15 192
82ý ADMITREP DMed Ops/Plans 1.1 10
83ý CASEVACREQ DMed Ops/Plans 1.3 34

84ý MEDASSESSREP DMed Ops/Plans 6.2.1 123
85ý MEDSITREP DMed Ops/Plans 6.2.2 124
86ý MEDSTORREQ DMed Ops/Plans 6.2.3 125
88ý ADAREP HQ DRA 4.7.6 07
90ý ADESTBREP HQ DRA 4.7.5 09
91ý ADREP HQ DRA 4.7.4 11
92ý AFU.AMS HQ DRA 4.6.1 12
93ý AFU.FUS HQ DRA 4.6.2 13
95ý BOMBREP HQ DRA 4.6.3 30
96ý CADREP HQ DRA 4.7.7 32
97ý FM.CFF HQ DRA 4.6.4 79
98ý FM.FMC HQ DRA 4.6.5 80
99ý FM.MTO HQ DRA 4.6.6 81
100ý FM.SUB HQ DRA 4.6.7 82
101ý IFFPROC HQ DRA 4.7.8 96
102ý NNFP.FP HQ DRA 4.6.8 145
104ý WCO HQ DRA 4.7.10 196
105ý BARREP HQ E-in-C 4.8.1 27
106ý DMLORD HQ E-in-C 4.8.9 52
107ý ENGRDATAREP HQ E-in-C 4.8.2 60
108ý ENGRRECCEORD HQ E-in-C 4.8.3 61
109ý ENGRRECCEREP HQ E-in-C 4.8.4 62
110ý ENGRREP HQ E-in-C 4.8.5 63
111ý ENGRRESREP HQ E-in-C 4.8.6 64
112ý EODINCREP HQ E-in-C 4.9.1 66
113ý EODTASKREP HQ E-in-C 4.9.2 67
114ý EORTASKREP HQ E-in-C 4.9.3 68
115ý INTTOLAY HQ E-in-C 4.8.7 104
116ý OBSREP HQ E-in-C 4.8.8 147
117ý SCATMINORD HQ E-in-C 4.8.10 180
118ý SCATMINREC HQ E-in-C 4.8.11 181
119ý SCATMINREP HQ E-in-C 4.8.12 182
120ý SCATMINREQ HQ E-in-C 4.8.13 183
121ý SCATMINWARN HQ E-in-C 4.8.14 184
122ý LOCSITREP HQ LAND (G4 Ops) 4.1.9 109
123ý CMOSITREP HQ LAND (G5 CA) 10.2 41
124ý PISITREP HQ LAND (G5 CA) 10.3 155
125ý DEPLOYREP HQ LAND (Log Sp) 6.3.1 51
126ý NOTICAS HQ LAND (Med Ops) 1.5 146

131ý CRAFTACK HQ RM 3.1 49
132ý CRAFTREQ HQ RM 3.2 50
134ý GUNFIREREP HQ RM 3.5 86
135ý GUNFIREREQ HQ RM 3.4 87
136ý ONCASREP JFHQ 1.6 149
137ý METCASTAIR Met Sp Gp 4.12.1 126
138ý METCASTLAND Met Sp Gp 4.12.2 127
139ý METREP Met Sp Gp 4.12.3 128
140ý ACMREQ PJHQ 5.10 01
141ý ACO PJHQ 5.11 02
142ý ACTORD PJHQ 4.3.1 03
143ý ACTREQ PJHQ 4.3.2 04
144ý ACTWARN PJHQ 4.3.3 05
148ý AIRALLOC PJHQ 5.3 17
150ý AIRMISREP PJHQ 5.5 20
151ý AIRMOVE PJHQ 5.6 21
152ý AIRREQ PJHQ 5.8 22
153ý AIRTASK PJHQ 5.9 23
154ý CIMICREP PJHQ 10.1 39
155ý COMPINFREP PJHQ 4.15.1 45
156ý EIWACTION PJHQ 4.16.1 53
157ý EIWCONSULT PJHQ 4.16.2 54
158ý EIWDECLARE PJHQ 4.16.3 55
159ý EIWRESCIND PJHQ 4.16.4 56
160ý EIWSUPPORT PJHQ 4.16.5 57
161ý EVENTREP PJHQ 4.15.2 69
162ý FORCEPREP PJHQ 4.3.4 83
163ý HELACK PJHQ 5.12 89
164ý HELLSREP PJHQ 5.13 90
165ý HELOPSUM PJHQ 5.14 91
166ý HELQUEST PJHQ 5.15 92
167ý HELTASK PJHQ 5.16 93
168ý HNSREP PJHQ 6.5.1 94
169ý HNSREQ PJHQ 6.5.2 95

171ý JAATMSNO PJHQ 5.18 105
172ý JAATWNGO PJHQ 5.19 106
173ý LASERWARN PJHQ 5.20 108
174ý MAOTQUEST PJHQ 5.21 119
176ý ORBATAIR PJHQ 5.22 150
178ý ROEAUTH PJHQ 4.2.1 173
179ý ROEIMPL PJHQ 4.2.2 174
180ý ROEREQ PJHQ 4.2.3 175
183ý TOTMSG PJHQ 5.25 191
184ý EMBUREP PS4(as)(A) 1.4 58
185ý FCA.RAIL QMG - Mov 6.3.2 77
186ý BATRECEVACREQ QMG-ES11c 6.4.1 28
187ý BATRECEVACTASK QMG-ES11c 6.4.2 29
188ý RDROUTERECCEREP QMG-Log Sp Svcs 2a 6.3.10 168
189ý CARGOTRAFFIC QMG-Mov 6.3.3 33
190ý MOVOC QMG-Mov 6.3.7 132
191ý MOVSITREP QMG-Mov 6.3.6 133
192ý RDMOVBID QMG-Mov 6.3.8 166
193ý RDMOVCREDIT QMG-Mov 6.3.9 167
194ý SRFTRANSREP QMG-Mov 6.3.11 186
195ý SRFTRANSREQ QMG-Mov 6.3.12 187



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 01 (5.10)

A 05 Airspace Control Means (1) (2) (6 Chars)

B 08 Airspace Control ID (2) (3) (5 Chars)
C 12 Horizontal dimension (2) Multiple
(Specify as multiple Grid References or GEOREFs). GRs/GEOREFs
(15/20 Chars)
D 19 Vertical dimension (2) (4) (20 Chars)
E 23 Published transit route details (2) (50 Chars)
F 27 Period of time - duration: (2)
29 START Date-Time Group (DTG) DTG (12 Chars)
END DTG DTG (12 Chars)
G 34 Effective DTG (2) DTG (12 Chars)
H 35 Controlling Authority (2) (20 Chars)
I 52 Purpose - free text (2) (25 Chars)
J 55 Transit instructions - free text instructions as to how the (25 Chars)
transition is to be achieved (2)
K 69 Remarks - amplifying comment (as necessary) (100 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 1-1

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised
To request that a specific Airspace Control Means be specified in a
PJHQ X 11/06/98
future Airspace Control Order (ACO).


1. Select from:

01 AR Air Route 10 HIDACZ High Density Airspace Control Zone

02 TC Transit Corridor 11 ACL Atlantic Co-ordinated Route Low
03 TL Traverse Level 12 ACHR Atlantic Co-ordinated Route High
04 LLTR Low Level Transit Route 13 IFFON IFF Switch On Line
05 SC Special Corridor 14 IFFOFF IFF Switch Off Line
06 BDZ Base Defence Zone
07 ROZ Restricted Operations Zone
08 WFZ Weapons Free Zone
09 RBFA Rear Boundary of the Forward Area

2. Serials ALPHA through JULIET may be repeated as a message block (segment) where more than one type of Airspace Control Means
is to be specified.

3. Serial BRAVO is mandatory if ALPHA is not used.

4. Vertical dimension is specified in actual heights or as pre-determined bands.

Issue 1.0: May 98 1-2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 2 (5.11)

A 08 Airspace control means (10 Chars)

B 15 Airspace control agency designator (20 Chars)
C 23 Horizontal dimension - area bounded by locations given as Multiple
Grid References or GEOREFs (1) GRs/GEOREFs
(15/20 Chars)
D 30 Vertical dimension - given as actual heights or pre-determined (15 Figs)
bands (in metres)
E Published transit route details:
42 Points - FROM/TO (Grid References) (1) GRs(10 Chars)
52 Timings - FROM/TO (Date-Time Groups (DTGs)) (1) DTGs(12 Chars)
F 61 Period - ACO duration given as START/END (Date- Time DTG (12 Chars)
67 Groups (DTGs)) (times only for daily cyclic repetitions) DTG (12 Chars)
G 70 Effective DTG - specifies the start of a repeated cycle DTG (12 Chars)
H 75 Controlling authority (20 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 2-1

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised
To provide specific orders for airspace management from a higher
PJHQ X 11/06/98
command to subordinate units.


1. Repeat as necessary.

Issue 1.0: May 98 2-2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 03 (4.3.1)

A 07 Situation (200 Chars)

B 12 Mission (100 Chars)
C 15 Priority of tasking (20 Chars)
D Activation
23 Request to nations to assign agreed forces (50 Chars)
27 Task Organisation (200 Chars)
(refer to the relevant FORCEPREP message)
34 Coordination (to include logistics) (200 Chars)
E Rules of Engagement (ROEs) (repeat once each) (1)
55 SACEUR (24 Chars)
58 Defence Planning Committee (DPC) controlled (24 Chars)
F 90 Authentication (2) (20 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To activate contingency plans, on-call forces, special surveillance
PJHQ X 11/06/98
missions or other unique requirements to employ military forces.

Issue 1.0: May 98 3-1


1. A separate ROE Implementation Message (ROEIMPL) is also required.

2. Insert the appropriate codeword to be provided by the Codeword Action Officer (CAO).

Issue 1.0: May 98 3-2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 04 (4.3.2)

A 03 Situation (200 Chars)

B 12 Intentions (200 Chars)
C Specific Plan
15 Force Requirement (50 Chars)
22 Command and Control (50 Chars)
Rules of Engagement (ROEs) (Repeat once each)
25 SACEUR (24 Chars)
28 Defence Planning Committee (DPC) controlled (24 Chars)
43 Force Disposition (200 Chars)
D 55 Preparatory Action (300 Chars)
E 67 Public Information (100 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To request activation of military contingency plans, on-call forces,
special surveillance missions or other unique requirements to employ PJHQ X 11/06/98
military forces.

Issue 1.0: May 98 4-1



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 05 (4.3.3)

A 03 Situation (200 Chars)

B 11 Intentions (200 Chars)
C Specific Plan
21 Force Requirement (50 Chars)
25 Command and Control (50 Chars)
Rules of Engagement (ROEs) (Repeat once each):
34 SACEUR (24 Chars)
37 Defence Planning Committee (DPC) controlled (24 Chars)
50 Force Disposition (200 Chars)
D 62 Preparatory Action (300 Chars)
E 65 Public Information (100 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

Used to warn of a potential requirement to activate military
contingency plans, on-call forces, special surveillance missions or PJHQ X 11/06/98
other unique requirements to employ military forces.

Issue 1.0: May 98 5-1



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 06 (4.7.3)

A 07 ADA Number (4 Figs)

B1 10 Equipment type (1) (2 Figs)
11 Serviceable (2 Figs)
12 Unserviceable (2 Figs)
13 Fit in 24 hrs
14 Destroyed (2 Figs)
25 Additional information (2 Figs)
B2 20 Equipment type (2) (2 Figs)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

Report the equipment state for the air defended area, on which
HQ DRA 11/06/98
several different types of equipment may be deployed.

Issue 1.0: May 98 6-1


1. Select from the following:

01 Rapier FSB1/BIMLI 04 Rapier FSC 06 Javelin SL 08 SP HVM

02 Rapier FSB2 05 Rapier FSC Radar Tracker 07 Javelin LML 09 HVM LML
03 DN 181 Radar Tracker

2. For additional equipment types, repeat as necessary.

Issue 1.0: May 98 6-2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 07 (4.7.6)

A 21 Optical Boundary
B 29 ADA Number (4 Chars)
30 Quantity of Fire Units (4 Chars)
C 33 Optical Boundary Point 1 (1) GR (15 Chars)
K 45 All Weather Boundary
L 63 ADA Number (4 Chars)
66 Quantity of Fire Units (4 Chars)
M 88 All Weather Boundary Point 1 (1) GR (15 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

Report details of air defence coverage (area air defence) HQ DRA 11/06/98


1. To indicate the ADA boundary (air defence coverage), repeat up to a maximum of 10 points.
2. Where boundary points do not join, the coverage is to be interpreted as a route defence.

Issue 1.0: May 98 7-1



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 08 (4.7.2)

A 03 ENGAGEREP Number (5 Chars)

B 12 Effective Date-Time Group (DTG) of the engagement being DTG (12 Chars)
C Aircraft seen:
C1 10 Number/Type (1) (20 Chars)
D Aircraft hit:
D1 20 Number/Type (1) (20 Chars)
E Helicopters seen:
E1 30 Number/Type (1) (20 Chars)
F Helicopters hit:
F1 40 Number/Type (1) (20 Chars)
G 50 Missiles fired (2 Figs)
H 57 Missiles remaining (3 Figs)
I 63 Remarks - amplification of the results of the AD engagement (100 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 8-1

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised
To summarise and report the results of a specific engagement of
HQ DRA X 11/06/98
hostile aircraft by friendly ground forces.


1. Repeat as necessary where more than one type of aircraft/helicopter is observed/hit.

Issue 1.0: May 98 8-2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 09 (4.7.5)

A 04 ADA Number (4 Figs)

B 15 Established YES/NO (3 Chars)
C 85 As at DTG DTG (12 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To report when 75% of the equipment allocated to an ADA is present
HQ DRA X 11/06/98
on it.

Issue 1.0: May 98 9-1



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 10 (1.1)

A 07 Name(s) of the casualty (30 Chars)

B 11 Nationality (3 Chars)
C Personal details:
23 Rank (3 Chars)
25 Service/civilian identity number (15 Chars)
27 Unit organisation designator (20 Chars)
D 40 Nature of injury and, if appropriate, "listing" (2) (30 Chars)
E 54 Date-Time Group (DTG) of admittance DTG (12 Chars)
F 62 Prognosis (50 Chars)
G 67 Discharge details (50 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To report the admittance of a patient to a Role 3 unit. (1) D Med
X 11/06/98

Issue 1.0: May 98 10 - 1


1. All casualties admitted are to be the subject of a separate ADMITREP, until ordered otherwise by higher formation. When transmission of
separate ADMITREPs for all casualties becomes impractical, they are to be limited to those concerned with the admission of other
nations' casualties. The ADMITREP is to be submitted for all casualties on admission, on change of "listing" and on discharge.

2. "Listing" is taken from the following:

01 VSI Very seriously ill

02 SI Seriously ill

Issue 1.0: May 98 10 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 11 (4.7.4)

A 07 ADREP Number (5 Chars)

B Engagements since last report:
10 Total fixed wing aircraft destroyed (2 Figs)
13 Total helicopters destroyed (2 Figs)
15 Total missiles destroyed (2 Figs)
16 Total fixed wing aircraft damaged (2 Figs)
18 Total helicopters damaged (2 Figs)
19 Total missiles damaged (2 Figs)
23 Remarks (100 Chars)
C AD equipment status/availability - by complete fire unit:
20 Equipment type: (1) (10 Chars)
21 Deployed in action (2 Figs)
22 Unserviceable (U/S) (2 Figs)
23 Available in 24 hours (2 Figs)
24 Available in 48 hours (2 Figs)
25 Destroyed since last ADREP (2 Figs)
26 Remarks (100 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 11 - 1

D Ammunition stocks:
50 Ammunition type: (1) (10 Chars)
51 Quantity held on weapons (5 Figs)
52 Quantity held elsewhere (5 Figs)
53 (give location where appropriate) GR (15 Chars)
54 Remarks (100 Chars)
E 59 Additional Information (100 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To provide a summary of Air Defence (AD) engagement results since
the last ADREP, and to report the status and availability of AD HQ DRA X 11/06/98
equipment and ammunition.


1. Repeat as necessary where more than one type of equipment/ammunition is being reported.

Issue 1.0: May 98 11 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 12 (4.6.1)

A Amendment
05 YES/NO (3 Chars)
07 Designator (1) (10 Chars)
B Map details: (2)
11 Map/Chart Series (12 Chars)
14 Map/Chart Suffix No (2 Figs)
17 Map/Chart Sheet No (3) (14 Chars)
20 Map/Chart Edition No (3) (6 Chars)
22 Geodetic Datum (3) (25 Chars)
C Fire support unit size designator:
32 Section (1 Char)
35 Platoon/Troop (1 Char)
38 Battery/Company (1 Char)
41 Battalion/Regiment (3 Chars)
42 Regiment/Brigade/Division (3 Chars)
D 50 Effective Date-Time Group (DTG) in ZULU time at which the DTG (12 Chars)
ammunition status is valid
E 52 Fire plan name (6 Chars)
F Projectile status: (4)
55 Projectile Type (5) (3 Chars)
58 Quantity (4 Figs)

Issue 1.0: May 98 12 - 1

G Propellant status: (6)
60 Propellant Type (5) (5 Chars)
63 Quantity (4 Figs)
H Projectile fuze status: (4)
67 Fuze Type (5) (3 Chars)
69 Quantity (4 Figs)
I 72 Special remarks (2) (200 Chars)
J 75 Acknowledge - YES/NO (2) (3 Chars)
78 Instructions for acknowledging (50 Chars)
90 Force/unit to acknowledge (3) (30 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To establish or delete an ammunition status for a fire unit in current or
HQ DRA X 11/06/98
planned operations.


1. If the answer at A is YES a unique amendment designator must be included here.

2. Use of this serial is optional.
3. Repeat as necessary.
4. Repeat as a group up to six times, initial plus five.
5. Select from the table overleaf.
6. Repeat as a group up to three times, initial plus two.

Issue 1.0: May 98 12 - 2

105MM HEA High Explosive CP Concrete Piercing
HEC APICM Anti-Personnel sub- PD Point Detonation
munition TI Time Action
VT Variable Time
MRF Multi-Role Fuze
155MM HEA High Explosive GREEN CP Concrete Piercing
HEI DPICM Anti-Tank sub-munition WHITE PD Point Detonation
HED Dual Purpose ICM XRNGA Extended Range – TI Time Action
HER Rocket Type A VT Variable Time
AML Anti-Material Mine, long delay XRNGB Extended Range – MRF Multi-Role Fuze
AMS Anti-Material Mine, short delay Type B
APL AP Mine, long delay
APS AP Mine, short delay
MLRS JED Dual Purpose ICM
JEE DPICM AP and Anti-Material
JEH Reduced Range Practice
JMT Anti-Tank Mine
JTA MLRS Terminally Guided
JTC ATCMS Brilliant Anti-Tank
JEL Extended Range Rocket

Issue 1.0: May 98 12 - 3



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 13 (4.6.2)

A Amendment
00 YES/NO (3 Chars)
02 Designator (1) (10 Chars)
B Map details: (2)
03 Map/Chart Series (12 Chars)
05 Map/Chart Suffix No (2 Figs)
07 Map/Chart Sheet No (3) (14 Chars)
08 Map/Chart Edition No (3) (6 Chars)
09 Geodetic Datum (3) (25 Chars)
C Fire unit size designator:
10 Section (1 Char)
12 Platoon/Troop (1 Char)
14 Battery/Company (1 Char)
15 Battalion/Regiment (3 Chars)
16 Regiment/Brigade/Division (3 Chars)
D 19 Effective Date-Time Group (DTG) in ZULU time at which the DTG (12 Chars)
fire unit status is valid
E 20 Fire plan name (6 Chars)
F Unit status:
23 Status from RDY = Ready/OUT = Out (3 Chars)
26 Return to action Date-Time (6 Figs)

Issue 1.0: May 98 13 - 1

G Fire unit weapons details:
27 Quantity (2 Figs)
30 Type (4) (5 Chars)
32 Model No. (4) (6 Chars)
H 35 Response time (in minutes) (2 Figs)
I Unit location:
40 UTM Easting (in metres) (6 Figs)
41 UTM Northing (in metres) (8 Figs)
45 Altitude in metres (5 Chars)
J 48 Unit Grid Zone (6 Chars)
K 52 Azimuth of fire (in mils from Grid North) (4 Figs)
L 53 Minimum range in tens of metres (4 Figs)
M Maximum range:
58 Maximum range limitation category code (5) (6) (1 Fig)
61 Maximum range in tens of metres (6) (4 Figs)
N Rate of fire:
63 Maximum rate of fire (7) (4 Chars)
67 Sustained rate of fire (4 Chars)
O Traverse limits (in mils):
69 LEFT limit (4 Figs)
72 RIGHT limit (4 Figs)
P Tactical mission:
73 Fire unit mission selected from: (3 Chars)
DS Direct Support
GS General Support
GSR General Support Reinforcing
R Reinforcing
75 Zone of fire (6 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 13 - 2

Q Manoeuvre unit supported:
76 Battery/Company (1 Char)
78 Battalion/Regiment (3 Chars)
82 Regiment/Brigade/Division (3 Chars)
R Artillery unit reinforced:
85 Battalion/Regiment (3 Chars)
88 Regiment/Brigade/Division (3 Chars)
S Nuclear radiation status:
90 Radiation exposure (8) (1 Fig)
92 Nuclear vulnerability category (9) (6 Chars)
T 95 Special remarks (2) (200 Chars)
U 97 Acknowledge - YES/NO (2) (3 Figs)
98 Instructions for acknowledging (50 Chars)
99 Force/unit to acknowledge (3) (30 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To establish or delete the status for fire units in current or planned
HQ DRA X 11/06/98
operations for the purpose of making tactical fire control decisions.


1. If the answer at A is YES a unique amendment designator must be included here.

2. Use of this serial is optional.
3. Repeat as necessary.

Issue 1.0: May 98 13 - 3

4. Select from:

105MM L118, L119, M101A1, M102, M119
155MM 109A3G, AS9039, AS9052, AUF1, FH70, M109A3, M109A4, M109A5, M109A6, PH2000
M114A1, M114A2, M1950, M198, TRF1

5. Select from:
1 High Explosive Normal Range
2 High Explosive Extended Range

6. Repeat as a group up to five times, initial plus four.

7. The third character position for each of these rates must always be the special character 'Period' (.).

8. Select from:

0 No exposure
1 Greater than (0) but less than or equal to 70 Rads
2 Greater than 70 but less than or equal to 150 Rads
3 Greater than 150 Rads

Issue 1.0: May 98 13 - 4

9. Select from:

PEREXP Casualties To Personnel In Open
PERTNK Casualties To Personnel In Tanks
PERAPC Casualties To Personnel In APCs
PERVEH Casualties To Personnel In Wheeled Vehicles
PEREAR Casualties To Personnel In Earth Shelters
PERFOX Casualties To Personnel In Foxholes
VEHEXP Moderate Damage To Exposed Wheeled Vehicles
VEHSLD Moderate Damage To Shielded Wheeled Vehicles
WHEART Moderate Damage To Towed Artillery
TNKMOD Moderate Damage To Tanks, APCs And Sp Artillery
BRIHRD Moderate Damage To Hard Fixed Bridges
BRISFT Moderate Damage To Soft Fixed Bridges
SUPPLY Severe Damage To Supply Depots
COPCGO Severe Damage To Randomly Parked Cargo/Transportation Helicopters
COPOBS Severe Damage To Randomly Parked Light Observation Helicopters

Issue 1.0: May 98 13 - 5



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 14 (5.1)

A 07 Accept or Refuse (6 Chars)

B 21 Time on target Date-Time Group (DTG) DTG (12 Chars)
C 29 Number and type of aircraft (50 Chars)
D 32 Armament (50 Chars)
E 38 Control arrangements if different from those included in the (200 Chars)
relevant AIRREQ message

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To transmit acceptance/refusal of an Air Request (AIRREQ)
PJHQ 11/06/98

Issue 1.0: May 98 14 - 1



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 15 (4.7.1)

A 10 ADA Number (4 Figs)

B 20 Hostile aircraft/helicopter type and hits: (1)
Type (50 Chars)
Number of hits (2) (2 Figs)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To report hostile aircraft activity and engagements in an air defence
HQ DRA 11/06/98


1. Repeat as necessary for different aircraft types.

2. Provisional report of the number of successful engagements, i.e. number of aircraft shot down. This report is used for immediate
reporting and independent confirmation of kills will normally be required.

Issue 1.0: May 98 15 - 1



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 16 (5.7)

L 18 Originator’s Request Serial Number (15 Chars)

M 22 Type of reconnaissance (20 Chars)
N 38 Map series, sheet and edition number (30 Chars)
O 42 Location and description of the target (60 Chars)
P 55 Purpose of the reconnaissance (150 Chars)
Q 69 Photographic scale or scale limits acceptable (50 Chars)
R 72 Products required (20 Chars)
S 73 Delivery address (40 Chars)
T 79 Latest acceptable time (Date-Time Group (DTG)) DTG (12 Chars)
U 85 Special Instructions (150 Chars)
V 92 Tasking Instructions (100 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To request or task an Air Reconnaissance mission. PJHQ 11/06/98


1. Serials A to K have special significance elsewhere, but do not need to be included here.

Issue 1.0: May 98 16 - 1



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 17 (5.3)

A 05 Air Allocation:
From (DTG) DTG (12 Chars)
To (DTG) DTG (12 Chars)
B 10 Individual allocations: (1)
Echelon/Formation/Unit/Operation etc. (50 Chars)
Attack (2) (3 Figs)
Recce (3 Figs)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To allocate air assets to formations/units or individual operations. PJHQ 12/06/98


1. Repeat for each Echelon/Formation/Unit/Operation.

2. Attack and Recce often list as “Attack/Recce”, e.g. 15/10 is 15 attack sorties and 10 recce.

Issue 1.0: May 98 17 - 1



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 18 (5.4)

A Map data:
10 Map/Chart Series (12 Chars)
13 Map/Chart Suffix No (1) (2 Figs)
21 Map/Chart Sheet No (1) (14 Chars)
25 Map/Chart Edition No (1) (6 Chars)
29 Geodetic Datum (25 Chars)
B 30 Effective Date-Time Group (DTG) of the early warning DTG (12 Chars)
C Early Warning:
41 Grid Reference of sighting GR (15 Chars)
44 Early warning bearing in Degrees True ((3 Figs)
47 Verified count of aircraft (2) (5 Chars)
58 Aircraft generic category (3) (4 Chars)
63 Altitude (in feet) or as a general indicator (4) (5 Figs/2 Chars)
69 Aircraft speed (in kilometres per hour) or as a general (4 Figs/4 Chars)
indicator - FAST/SLOW

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To warn of imminent enemy air attacks against friendly forces. PJHQ X X X 12/06/98

Issue 1.0: May 98 18 - 1


1. Repeat as necessary.

2. Enter the number of aircraft (1-999) followed by the verification indicator selected from:

01 C Reference indicator certain

02 U Reference indicator uncertain
03 NA Reference indicator not available

3. Select from: 4. Select from:

01 A Attack 01 H High
02 B Bomber 02 M Medium
03 C Cargo/Transport 03 L Low
04 EW Electronic Warfare 04 VH Very High
05 F Fighter 05 VL Very Low
06 FW Fixed-wing, General
07 RF Reconnaissance
08 LOH Helicopter, Light Observation
09 AAH Helicopter, Armed/Assault/Anti-tank
10 UTTH Helicopter, Utility/Technical Transport
11 MTH Helicopter, Medium Transport
12 HTH Helicopter, Heavy Transport

Issue 1.0: May 98 18 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 19 (2.1)

A Airfield/Location (1) (2)

01 Country code (2 Chars)
03 Airfield name (3) (15 Chars)
05 Basic Encyclopaedia (BE) number (4 Figs)
07 Alternate airfield name (4) (15 Chars)
09 Location GR (15 Chars)
[Must always be followed by one or more of: Enemy Aircraft
Arrived/Departed/Losses or Remaining (BRAVO – ECHO).
Repeat as necessary.] (5) (6) (7)
B Enemy Aircraft Arrived: (8)
12 Aircraft Code (9) (3 Chars)
14 Mark/Variant (9) (1 Char)
15 Number of Aircraft arrived (2 Figs)
21 Subordination (9) (3 Figs)
25 Primary Role Code (9) (3 Chars)
27 Secondary Role Code (9) (3 Chars)
33 Number of Aircraft remaining (2 Figs)
36 Country Code from which arrived (9) (2 Chars)
39 Airfield name from which arrived (9) (15 Chars)
40 BE No. of the airfield from which arrived (4 Figs)
42 Amplification (optional) (6) (200 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 19 - 1

C Enemy Aircraft Departed: (8)
45 Aircraft Code (9) (3 Chars)
47 Mark/Variant (9) (1 Char)
52 Number of Aircraft departed (2 Figs)
55 Subordination (9) (3 Figs)
59 Primary Role Code (9) (3 Chars)
60 Secondary Role Code (9) (3 Chars)
62 Number of Aircraft remaining (2 Figs)
65 Country Code to which departed (9) (2 Chars)
67 Airfield name to which departed (9) (15 Chars)
70 BE No. of the airfield to which departed (4 Figs)
72 Amplification (optional) (6) (200 Chars)
D Enemy Aircraft Losses: (8)
73 Aircraft Code (9) (3 Chars)
75 Mark/Variant (9) (1 Char)
79 Number of Aircraft lost (2 Figs)
80 How killed (10) (2 Chars)
82 Subordination (9) (3 Figs)
84 Primary Role Code (9) (3 Chars)
86 Secondary Role Code (9) (3 Chars)
87 Number of Aircraft remaining (2 Figs)
89 Amplification (optional) (6) (200 Chars)
E Enemy Aircraft Remaining: (8)
90 Aircraft Code (9) (3 Chars)
92 Mark/Variant (9) (1 Char)
93 Number of Aircraft remaining (2 Figs)
94 Subordination (9) (3 Figs)
96 Primary Role Code (9) (3 Chars)
97 Secondary Role Code (9) (3 Chars)
98 Amplification (optional) (6) (200 Chars)
F 99 Narrative (7) (1000 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 19 - 2

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised
To report significant changes in location, disposition, status and other
elements of essential information concerning Non-NATO Air Order of Comd Sp X 12/06/98
Battle (AOB), including Naval Air and airfields.


1. Repeat serials ALPHA through FOXTROT as necessary for each airfield/location being reported.
2. In the event that there is a need to report aircraft activity, e.g. HELO or VSTOL/STOL operations, which does not take place at an
identifiable airfield, report against 'Airfield name' (Serial A2) in LAT/LONG, e.g. 5646N3 3719E2.
3. The name of the airfield at which the activity is taking place as recorded in the SHAPE Aircraft Order of Battle and Aircraft Catalogue
4. The alternate name at which the activity is taking place; taken from the SHAPE AOBAC.
5. In the event that more than one Aircraft type are located at or taking part in events at the same airfield/location, each of Serials BRAVO
through ECHO may be repeated as required within a single message in order to report the activity by all types of aircraft at the airfield/location.
6. If any of Serials BRAVO through ECHO does not provide sufficient scope for reporting the necessary information adequately, the optional
element 'Amplification' may be used at the end of the relevant serial.
7. If Serials BRAVO through ECHO taken as a group do not provide sufficient scope for reporting the information, the optional element
'Narrative' may be used at the end of each message block (segment) as necessary.
The information to be provided in this message element (set) is repeatable for each Aircraft type being reported.
9. Select from the SHAPE AOBAC.
10. Select from:

01 SA Surface-to-Air
02 SS Surface-to-Surface
03 AS Air-to-Surface
04 AA Air-to-Air
05 DF Defector
06 AC Accident/Crash

Issue 1.0: May 98 19 - 3



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 20 (5.5)

03 AIRMISREP (9 Chars)
05 Air Task/Mission Number (10 Chars)
A 18 Location Identifier – such as target number/co-ordinates, line (50 Chars)
search number or relation to a line (as applicable).
B 25 Time on Target/Time of Sighting (Date-Time Group (DTG)) DTG (12 Chars)
C 38 Results (300 Chars)
D 50 Other Information – e.g. (300 Chars)
Enemy air defence (AD)
Electronic surveillance measures (ESM) intercept details
Jamming encountered
Target weather
Weather encountered on route

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To report air mission results. PJHQ X 12/06/98

Issue 1.0: May 98 20 - 1


1. Sent when requested in the AIRTASK message or when it is considered that the appropriate commanders require it.

2. The AIRMISREP is the standard form of message whereby the airfield/aircraft carrier informs the tasking, requesting and/or other
interested unit/formation/agency of the results of a mission.

Issue 1.0: May 98 20 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 21 (5.6)

A Movement details
12 Movement status (1) (9 Chars)
15 Aircraft callsign(s) (30 Chars)
18 Arrival/departure time DTG (12 Chars)
23 Revised departure time (2) DTG (12 Chars)
25 Reason for delay/cancellation (3) (8 Chars)
B Route details
Points (Grid References)
30 FROM GR (10 Chars)
31 TO GR (10 Chars)
Timings (Date-Time Groups (DTGs))
40 FROM DTG (12 Chars)
41 TO DTG (12 Chars)
C Arrival status
68 Agency/facility assuming control (20 Chars)
84 Fuel status (15 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 21 - 1

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised
To determine and confirm which agency has tactical control of an air
move and to enable overdue action to be initiated at the earliest PJHQ X 12/06/98


1. Select from:


2. This must be included if the entry at A1 (Serial 12) is DELAY.

3. Select from:

01 AIRCRAFT Aircraft not available

02 AIRFIELD Airfield or facilities unserviceable
03 CREW Crew not available
04 PRIORITY Priority of other requests prevails
05 TOT TOT too early/late
06 WEAPON Weapon not available
07 WEATHER Weather unsuitable

4. Repeat as necessary.

Issue 1.0: May 98 21 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 22 (5.8)

03 AIR REQUEST (10 Chars)

05 Air Request Number (10 Chars)
A 10 Details of task – e.g. destroy/neutralise/search. (200 Chars)
Target description. Location/search line details. Give priority
and states whether photo confirmation is required of recce.
B 20 Time on target - specific time or AS SOON AS POSSIBLE DTG (12 Chars)
22 (ASAP) and a NOT LATER THAN (NLT) time/latest time DTG (12 Chars)
information of value
C 30 Friendly forces location - where involved with or in close (30 Chars)
proximity (1000m) to the target location. (1)
If no friendly forces within 1000m, NIL is to be specified.
This paragraph must always be completed
D 40 Control Arrangements - from, as applicable: (100 Chars)
Radar Control - Callsign and frequency of initial control radar
Radar Control - Callsign and frequency of forward control
TACP/ASOC – Callsign and frequency (3)
TACP/ALO – Callsign and frequency (3)
TACP/FAC – Callsign and frequency (3)
Contact point/orbit point/initial point
Marker(s) - indicator smoke, panel, etc.

Issue 1.0: May 98 22 - 1

E 50 In-Flight Report - C/S and frequency to whom in-flight report (20 Chars)
is to be made if one is necessary
H 80 Armament requested or NOT USED, as applicable (10 Chars)
I 90 Any other information (200 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To request tactical air support for land or maritime operations. PJHQ X X 12/06/98


1. Preferably given in relation to an easily seen topographical feature. Failing this, given in relation to the target by bearing and distance or a
grid reference.

2. If not required, paragraph prefix letters are omitted, except in the case of CHARLIE which always requires location reference(s) or NIL.

3. TACP = Tactical Air Control Point; ASOC = Air Support Operations Centre; ALO = Air Liaison Officer; FAC = Forward Air Controller.

Issue 1.0: May 98 22 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 23 (5.9)

03 AIRTASK (8 Chars)
05 Air Task/Mission Number (10 Chars)
A 10 Task Details – e.g. DESTROY/NEUTRALISE/SEARCH. (200 Chars)
Target description.
Location/search line details.
Gives priority (if necessary).
States if Photo confirmation is required of recce.
B 21 Time on Target (TOT) - specific time or ASAP (as soon as DTG (12 Chars)
25 possible) and a NLT (not later than) time. DTG (12 Chars)
C 32 Friendly Forces Location - where involved with or in close (30 Chars)
proximity (1000m) to the target location. (1)
If there are no friendly forces within 1000m,
NIL is to be specified.
[This Serial must always be completed]

Issue 1.0: May 98 23 - 1

D 40 Control Arrangement - from, as applicable: (100 Chars)
Radar Control – Callsign (C/S) and frequency of initial
control radar
Radar Control - C/S and frequency of forward control radar
TACP/ASOC - C/S and frequency (3)
TACP/ALO - C/S and frequency (3)
TACP/FAC - C/S and frequency (3)
Contact point/orbit point/initial point
Marker(s) - indicator smoke, panel, etc.
E 48 In-Flight Report (IFR) – callsign and frequency to whom the (20 Chars)
in-flight report is to be made (if required)
F 53 Squadron (or Wing) (5 Chars)
G 56 Number and type of aircraft (10 Chars)
H 64 Armament (10 Chars)
I 79 Any other information (200 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To task tactical air support for land or maritime operations. PJHQ X 12/06/98


1. Preferably given in relation to an easily seen topographical feature. Failing this, given in relation to the target by bearing and distance or
a grid reference.

2. If not required, serials may be omitted, except in the case of C which always requires location reference(s) or a specific NIL.

3. TACP = Tactical Air Control Point; ASOC = Air Support Operations Centre; ALO = Air Liaison Officer; FAC = Forward Air Controller.

Issue 1.0: May 98 23 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 24 (1.2)

A 03 ARRESTREP Serial Number (unique) (5 Chars)

B Map details: (1)
12 Map/Chart Series (12 Chars)
14 Map/Chart Suffix No (2 Figs)
17 Map/Chart Sheet No (2) (14 Chars)
20 Map/Chart Edition No (2) (6 Chars)
21 Geodetic Datum (2) (25 Chars)
C Details of arrest:
25 Name (20 Chars)
28 Age (2 Figs)
30 Sex (1 Fig)
32 ID card no. (20 Chars)
35 Address (100 Chars)
37 Reason for arrest (100 Chars)
41 Date-Time Group (DTG) of arrest DTG (12 Chars)
42 Place of arrest (20 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 24 - 1

D Arresting person:
45 Service No. (10 Chars)
48 Rank (3 Chars)
49 Name (20 Chars)
52 Sub-unit (20 Chars)
E Witness details: (2)
55 Service/ID No. (10 Chars)
57 Rank/Title (3 Chars)
63 Name (20 Chars)
66 Sub-unit/Address (as appropriate) (100 Chars)
F General comments: (1)
73 Further action taken (300 Chars)
75 Any items of interest (300 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

Used to report the details of an arrest or detention by military forces. LW1 X X 12/06/98


1. Optional.

2. Repeat as necessary.

Issue 1.0: May 98 24 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 25 (4.1.3)

A 01 Political Overview (500 Chars)

B Assessment - Opposing Forces (OPFOR):
03 Strategic Overview (1000 Chars)
04 OPFOR Summary (500 Chars)
05 OPFOR Options (500 Chars)
C Assessment - Blue Forces:
20 Posture (1000 Chars)
23 Military Situation (1000 Chars)
25 Logistics (1000 Chars)
31 CIS Assessment (1000 Chars)
35 Precautions (1000 Chars)
D Commander’s Overall Assessment:
40 Blue Forces (500 Chars)
45 OPFOR Situation (500 Chars)
50 Concerns (500 Chars)
E 66 Intentions (1000 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 25 - 1

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised
To provide the commander's assessment of the overall strategic/local
LW1 X 12/06/98
situation and his intended or recommended actions.

Issue 1.0: May 98 25 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 26 (6.1.1)

A 09 Unit Request Serial Number (10 Chars)

B 68 Type of Vehicle (1) (50 Chars)
C 91 Quantity (4 Figs)
D 93 RV (grid reference) (15 Chars)
E 95 Any additional information (100 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To request replacement Armoured Vehicles. LW2 X X 12/06/98


1. Repeat B and C for different types of vehicle.

Issue 1.0: May 98 26 - 1



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 27 (4.8.1)

A 03 Amendment YES/NO (3 Chars)

05 Designator (1) (10 Chars)
B 08 Operation Order (OPORD) reference (if applicable) (10 Chars)
C Map details
10 Map/Chart Series (12 Chars)
12 Map/Chart Suffix Number (2 Figs)
15 Map/Chart Sheet Number (2) (14 Chars)
17 Map/Chart Edition Number (2) (6 Chars)
18 Geodetic Datum (2) (25 Chars)
D Barrier Data: (2)
20 Obstacle Number (6 Chars)
22 Obstacle Nickname (21 Chars)
23 Obstacle Zone/Belt Name/Number (14 Chars)
25 Task Serial Number (10 Chars)
26 Grid Reference (GR) (2) GR (15 Chars)
28 Obstacle type (2) (3) (2 Chars)
32 Generic mine type (2) (4) (1 Char)
33 Obstacle status (2) (5) (3 Chars)
E Obstacle effective times: (2)
35 START Date-Time Group (DTG) DTG (12 Chars)
42 END DTG DTG (12 Chars)

Draft 1.0: May 98 27 - 1

F 54 Special remarks (100 Chars)
G 56 Acknowledge - YES/NO (3 Chars)
62 Instructions for acknowledging (50 Chars)
67 Force/unit to acknowledge (2) (30 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To pass information on friendly obstacles, current and planned, in the
HQ EinC(A) X 12/06/98
Own Force's barrier plan.


1. If the answer at A is YES a unique amendment designator must be included here.

2. Repeat as necessary.

3. Select specific obstacle type from:

01 BE Berm 10 CR Road crater

02 MF Minefield 11 DM Demolition
03 WO Barbed wire obstacle 12 DG Dry gap
04 TD Antitank ditch 13 WW Waterway
05 AB Abatis 14 FL Flooding
06 BP Beam post obstacle 15 LS Landslide
07 FB Falling block obstacle 16 UX UXO
08 BT Booby traps 17 OT Other (4)
09 DT Dragon teeth

Draft 1.0: May 98 27 - 2

4. Select from:

30 A Area 34 P Anti-personnel
31 H Anti-helicopter 35 T Anti-tank
32 N No mines 36 U Unknown
33 O Off-route

5. Select from:

50 PRO Proposed 55 PAS Passable

51 PLR Planned Reserve 56 BRE Breached
52 PLP Planned Preliminary 57 CLR Cleared
53 IMP Prepared for Execution 58 CAN Cancelled
54 EXE Executed 59 MRK Marked

Draft 1.0: May 98 27 - 3



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 29 (6.4.1)

A Amendment
03 YES/NO (1 Fig)
05 Designator (1) (10 Chars)
B Map data:
07 Map/Chart Series (12 Chars)
12 Map/Chart Suffix Number (2 Figs)
13 Map/Chart Sheet Number (2) (14 Chars)
15 Map/Chart Edition Number (2) (6 Chars)
21 Geodetic Datum (2) (25 Chars)
C 25 Assisted unit ID (20 Chars)
D Location of vehicle(s) to be recovered/evacuated:
31 Geographic place name (if applicable) (10 Chars)
34 Grid Reference (2) GR (15 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 28 - 1

E Vehicle recovery/evacuation data: (6)
36 Request Number (8 Chars)
38 Vehicle make (10 Chars)
40 Vehicle type (10 Chars)
42 Registration mark (25 Chars)
45 Driving/towing state (3) (1 Char)
47 Support required (4) (4 Chars)
51 Crew available - Y/N (1 Char)
53 Condition code (5) (2 Chars)
F 56 Destination unit ID and point of contact (POC) (40 Chars)
G Destination location:
58 Geographic place name (if applicable) (10 Chars)
62 Grid Reference GR (15 Chars)
H Cargo details:
64 General load indicator (6 Chars)
67 Cargo type(s) (2) (30 Chars)
69 Quantity(ies) (2) (7 Chars)
I Special equipment required:
72 Battlefield recovery equipment (2) (7 Chars)
75 Quantity (2 Figs)
[Repeat as necessary]
J 78 Additional services required (100 Chars)
K Obstruction:
83 Type (8 Chars)
86 Shape (6 Chars)
89 Grid Reference (2) GR (15 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 28 - 2

L Refuelling:
92 Position name (15 Chars)
94 Grid Reference GR (15 Chars)
95 Fuel quantity (15 Chars)
98 NATO standard fuel type (5 Chars)
04 NATO standard fuel type (alternative) (5 Chars)
M 06 Rendezvous (RV) indicator - Y/N (1 Char)
N RV location:
10 Geographic place name (if applicable) (15 Chars)
14 Grid Reference (2) GR (15 Chars)
O 18 RV Date-Time Group (DTG) DTG (12 Chars)
P Recovery communications:
19 Assisted unit callsign (C/S) (4 Chars)
28 Frequency (14 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To request battlefield recovery assistance for one or more vehicles at
ES11c X X X 12/06/98
a single location.


1. If the answer at ALPHA is YES a unique amendment designator must be included here.

2. Repeat as necessary.

3. Select from:

01 D Drivable
02 P Straight pull
03 T Suspended tow

Issue 1.0: May 98 28 - 3

4. Select from:

01 RECV Recover only

02 EVAC Evacuation only
03 BOTH Both
04 N Not towable

5. Select from:

01 X Unit/Organisation
02 Y Field/Direct support
03 Z Base/Depot
04 BR Beyond repair

6. Repeat serials E through J for each vehicle to be recovered/evacuated.

Issue 1.0: May 98 28 - 4



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 29 (6.4.2)

A 04 Amendment YES/NO (1 Fig)

06 Designator (1) (10 Chars)
B Map data:
12 Map/Chart Series (12 Chars)
14 Map/Chart Suffix Number (2 Figs)
15 Map/Chart Sheet Number (2) (14 Chars)
19 Map/Chart Edition Number (2) (6 Chars)
21 Geodetic Datum (2) (25 Chars)
C 23 Tasked unit ID (20 Chars)
D 25 Assisted unit ID (20 Chars)
E Location of vehicle(s) to be recovered/evacuated:
32 Geographic place name (if applicable) (10 Chars)
35 Grid Reference (2) GR (15 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 29 - 1

F Vehicle recovery/evacuation data: (6)
40 Request Number (8 Chars)
41 Vehicle make (10 Chars)
42 Vehicle type (10 Chars)
45 Registration mark (25 Chars)
47 Driving/towing state (3) (1 Char)
52 Support required (4) (4 Chars)
54 Crew available - Y/N (1 Char)
57 Condition code (5) (2 Chars)
G 60 Destination unit ID and point of contact (POC) (40 Chars)
H Destination location:
65 Geographic place name (if applicable) (10 Chars)
67 Grid Reference GR (15 Chars)
I Cargo details:
68 General load indicator (6 Chars)
71 Cargo type(s) (2) (30 Chars)
74 Quantity(s) (2) (7 Chars)
J Special equipment required:
78 Battlefield recovery equipment (2) (7 Chars)
82 Quantity (2 Figs)
83 Battlefield recovery equipment, etc
K 85 Additional services required (100 Chars)
L Obstruction:
87 Type (8 Chars)
89 Shape (6 Chars)
90 Grid Reference (2) GR (15 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 29 - 2

M Refuelling:
92 Position name (15 Chars)
94 Grid Reference GR (15 Chars)
97 Fuel quantity (15 Chars)
01 NATO standard fuel type (5 Chars)
03 NATO standard fuel type (alternative) (5 Chars)
N 07 Rendezvous (RV) indicator - Y/N (1 Char)
O RV location:
09 Geographic place name (if applicable) (15 Chars)
11 Grid Reference (2) GR (15 Chars)
P 27 RV Date-Time Group (DTG) DTG (12 Chars)
Q Recovery communications:
28 Assisted unit callsign (C/S) (40 Chars)
43 Frequency (14 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To allocate recovery assets either in response to a
BATRECEVACREQ message, or to initiate a formation vehicle QMG (ES11c) X 12/06/98
evacuation programme.


1. If the answer at ALPHA is YES a unique amendment designator must be included here.

2. Repeat as necessary.

Issue 1.0: May 98 29 - 3

3. Select from:

01 D Drivable
02 P Straight pull
03 T Suspended tow
04 N Not towable

4. Select from:

10 RECV Recover only

11 EVAC Evacuation only
12 BOTH Both

5. Select from:

21 X Unit/Organisation
22 Y Field/Direct support
23 Z Base/Depot
24 BR Beyond repair

6. Repeat Serials F through K for each vehicle to be recovered/evacuated.

Issue 1.0: May 98 29 - 4



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 30 (4.6.3)

A Map details: (1)

02 Map/Chart Series (12 Chars)
04 Map/Chart Suffix No (2 Figs)
05 Map/Chart Sheet No (2) (14 Chars)
07 Map/Chart Edition No (2) (6 Chars)
09 Geodetic Datum (2) (25 Chars)
B 12 Bombardment type (3) (6 Chars)
C Observer's location:
15 UTM Easting (in metres) (6 Figs)
17 UTM Northing (in metres) (8 Figs)
18 Altitude (in metres) (5 Chars)
D 20 Observer's Grid Zone (6 Chars)
E Indicators of Hostile Battery (HB) location:
22 Observer/HB bearing (in mils) (4) (4 Figs)
24 Observer/HB range (in metres) (5 Figs)
27 Flash/Bang Time (in seconds) (2 Figs)
F HB location:
31 UTM Easting (in metres) (6 Figs)
34 UTM Northing (in metres) (8 Figs)
36 Altitude (in metres) (5 Chars)
G 39 HB Grid Zone (6 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 30 - 1

H Bombardment duration:
43 FROM Date-Time Group (DTG) DTG (12 Chars)
45 TO DTG DTG (12 Chars)
I Bombarded area location:
47 UTM Easting (in metres) (6 Figs)
48 UTM Northing (in metres) (8 Figs)
49 Altitude (in metres) (5 Chars)
J 50 Bombarded area Grid Zone (6 Chars)
K Bombarded area size:
52 Length or radius (in metres) (4 Figs)
54 Width (in metres) (4 Figs)
55 Attitude - azimuth of the longest axis (in mils) (4 Figs)
L 57 Own troops target type (5) (6 Chars)
M 60 Target subtype (5) (6 Chars)
N 62 Degree of protection (6) (9 Chars)
O 63 Target strength (4 Figs)
P 67 Enemy equipment(s) (20 Chars)
Q 69 Nature of fire (7) (14 Chars)
R 70 Details of fire: (50 Chars)
Type of projectile
Calibre of projectile
Approximate size of projectile
Aircraft/helicopter type
Number of projectiles
Bombardment intensity
S 85 Damage inflicted - as percentage of friendly unit capability (2 Figs)
T 87 Report accuracy (20 Chars)
U 89 Boundary/Checked Zone flag details (30 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 30 - 2

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised
To report hostile bomb, shell, rocket and mortar attack. HQ DRA X X X 12/06/98


1. Use of this serial is optional.

2. Repeat as necessary.

3. Select from:

01 ARTY Guns
02 MORT Mortars
03 RKTMSL Rockets
04 SSM Surface to Surface Missiles
05 ACFT Aircraft
06 HEL Helicopter
07 UNK Unknown

4. If GRID is specified this gives the direction of the HB from the bombarded location.

Issue 1.0: May 98 30 - 3

5. Select from:

Type Type Subtype Subtype

code definition code definition
01 ADA Air Defence Artillery 01 UNK Unknown
02 LT Light
03 MDM Medium
04 HV Heavy
05 MSL Missile
06 POS Position
02 ARMOR Armour 07 UNK Unknown
08 LT Light
09 MDM Medium
10 HV Heavy
11 APC Armd Personnel Carrier
12 POS Position
03 ARTY Artillery 13 UNK Unknown
14 LT Light
15 MDM Medium
16 HV Heavy
17 POS Position
04 ASSY Assembly Areas 18 UNK Unknown
19 TRP Troops
20 TRPVEH Troops and Vehicles
21 TRPMEC Mechanised Troops
22 TRPARM Troops and Armour
05 BLDG Building 23 UNK Unknown
24 WOOD Wood
25 MASNRY Masonry
26 CONCR Concrete
27 METAL Metal
28 SPCL Special Purpose
06 BRIDGE Bridge 29 UNK Unknown
30 FTPON Foot Pontoon
31 VEHPON Vehicle Pontoon
32 CONCR Concrete
33 WOOD Wood
34 STEEL Steel
35 SITE Site
36 RAFT Raft
37 FERRY Ferry
07 CEN Centre 38 UNK Unknown
39 SMALL Small
40 BN Battalion
41 REGT Regiment
42 DIV Division
43 FWD Forward

Issue 1.0: May 98 30 - 4

08 EQUIP Equipment 44 UNK Unknown
45 RADAR Radar
46 EW Electronic Warfare
47 SLT Searchlight
48 GDNC Guidance
49 LS Loudspeaker
09 MORT Mortars 50 UNK Unknown
51 LT Light
52 MDM Medium
53 HV Heavy
54 VH Very Heavy
55 POS Position
10 PERS Personnel 56 UNK Unknown
57 INF Infantry
58 OP Observation Post
59 PTL Patrol
60 WKPTY Work Party
61 POS Position
11 RKTMSL Rockets/Missiles 62 UNK Unknown
63 APERS Anti-Personnel
64 LTMSL Light Missile
65 MDMMSL Medium Missile
66 HVMSL Heavy Missile
67 ATANK Anti-Tank
68 POS Position
12 SUPPLY Supply Dump 69 UNK Unknown
70 CLV Class 5
71 CLIII Class 3
72 CLIV Class 4
73 CLI Class 1
74 CLII Class 2
13 SUPPLY Supply Dump 75 UNK Unknown
76 CLV Class 5
77 CLIII Class 3
78 CLIV Class 4
79 CLI Class 1
80 CLII Class 2
14 TER Terrain Features 81 UNK Unknown
82 ROAD Road
83 JCT Road Junction
84 HILL Hill
85 DEFILE Defile
86 LDGSTR Landing Strip
87 RR Railroad
15 VEH Vehicles 88 UNK Unknown
89 LTWHL Light Wheeled
90 HVWHL Heavy Wheeled
91 RECO Reconnaissance
92 BOAT Boats
93 ACFT Aircraft
94 HEL Helicopter
Issue 1.0: May 98 30 - 5
16 WPN Weapons 95 UNK Unknown
96 LTMG Light Machine Gun
97 ATG Anti-Tank Gun
98 HVMG Heavy Machine Gun
99 RCLR Recoilless Rifle

6. Select from:

01 UNK Unknown
02 PRAND Half Prone; Half Standing (all prone within 15s)
03 PRONE All prone
04 PARTDUGIN Some dug in
05 PARTCOVER Some overhead protection
06 DUGIN All dug in
07 COVER All dug in with overhead protection

7. Select from:

01 FPF Final Protective Fire

02 COORD ILLUM Co-ordinating Illumination
03 CONT ILLUM Continuous Illumination
04 NUC Nuclear
05 FFE Fire for Effect
06 ADJ Adjust
07 ADJ FFE Adjust Fire for Effect
08 HF Harassing Fire
09 SMK Smoke

Issue 1.0: May 98 30 - 6



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 31 (4.1.1)

A 05 Incident type (2) (4 Chars)

B Map details (as appropriate):
07 Map/Chart Series (12 Chars)
11 Map/Chart Suffix No (2 Figs)
14 Map/Chart Sheet No (3) (14 Chars)
23 Map/Chart Edition No (3) (6 Chars)
25 Geodetic Datum (3) (25 Chars)
C Source of information:
30 Evaluation (2 Chars)
33 Source type (4) (30 Chars)
41 Other details (as appropriate) (50 Chars)
D 49 Date-Time Group (DTG) validity of the bomb threat warning DTG (12 Chars)
E Location of incident:
50 Grid Ref/Georef GR (15 Chars)
52 Description (to include street/building name/address details (100 Chars)
as appropriate)

Issue 1.0: May 98 31 - 1

F 60 Hostiles/Terrorists details, to include as appropriate/where (500 Chars)
Personnel involved
Weapons carried
Organisation involved
Description of bomb/explosive device(s) used/placed
G 70 Details of hostile/terrorist codeword and/or warning (200 Chars)
message if used)
H 80 Amplification (500 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To provide an immediate warning of the threat of an imminent bomb
LW1 X 12/06/98
attack or detection of a suspected explosive device. (1)


1. The BOMBWARN is by definition an alert measure. The results of a bomb attack carried out as part of terrorist or civil unrest activities
are to be reported by INCREP.

2. Select the type of incident from:

Terrorism Civil Unrest

01 TBD Deliberate bombing 06 CR Riot

02 TBPR Proxy bombing 07 CD Civil disobedience
03 TBPO Postal bombing 08 CNOG Establishing no-go areas
04 THIJ High-jack
05 THOS Hostage taking

3. Repeat as necessary.

Issue 1.0: May 98 31 - 2

4. Select the source type from:

01 Government Agency 04 Media

02 Informer 05 Military Intelligence
03 Police 06 Other - state source

Issue 1.0: May 98 31 - 3



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 32 (4.7.7)

A 05 ADA Number (4 Chars)

B 14 Number of Fire Units (2 Fig)
C 21 Boundary Points (1) (2)
53 Point 1 GR (15 Chars)
62 Point 2 GR (15 Chars)
69 Point 3 GR (15 Chars)
73 Point 4 GR (15 Chars)
83 Point 5 GR (15 Chars)
84 Point 6 GR (15 Chars)
87 Point 7 GR (15 Chars)
89 Point 8 GR (15 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To report details of air defence coverage (close air defence). HQ DRA 15/06/98


1. Where only one boundary point is sent, the ADA (air defence coverage) is to be interpreted as a circle of 6 km radius.

2. Where boundary points do not join, the coverage is to be interpreted as a route defence.

Issue 1.0: May 98 32 - 1



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 33 (6.3.3)

A Ship ID:
1 Name (40 Chars)
2 Merchant ship type, cargo carrying (4 Chars)
3 International call sign (C/S) (8 Chars)
4 Voyage number (5 Chars)
5 Vessel terms of carriage status code (1) (1 Fig)
B Ship movement data:
1 Port of departure (20 Chars)
2 Date-Time Group (DTG) of departure DTG (12 Chars)
3 Next port of call (20 Chars)
4 Estimated DTG of arrival DTG (12 Chars)
5 Subsequent port of call (20 Chars)
C Cargo discharge capability (1) (1 Char)
D Special berthing requirements (100 Chars)
E Ship size details:
1 Draft, in feet or metres (6 Chars)
2 Length, in feet or metres (7 Chars)
3 Beam, in feet or metres (6 Chars)
4 Cargo weight capacity (8 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 33 - 1

F Manifest information:
1 Manifest status (6 Chars)
2 Transmittal method (14 Chars)
G Total cargo details:
1 Weight in metric tons (5 Figs)
2 Volume in cubic metres (5 Figs)
3 Weight in long tons (5 Figs)
4 Volume in measurement tons (5 Figs)
H Cargo for each port of call: (2)
1 Port of discharge (20 Chars)
2 Weight in metric tons (5 Figs)
3 Volume in cubic metres (5 Figs)
4 Weight in long tons (5 Figs)
5 Volume in measurement tons (5 Figs)
6 Cargo weight in long tons (5 Figs)
7 Transhipment indicator code (3) (1 Fig)
I Cargo details:
1 Data entry (1) (2 Figs)
2 Stowage category (1) (5 Chars)
3 Stowage location (3 Chars)
4 Consignee (10 Chars)
5 Load type (1) (6 Chars)
6 No of pieces of cargo (5 Figs)
7 Weight in metric tons (5 Figs)
8 Volume in cubic metres (5 Figs)
9 Weight in long tons (5 Figs)
10 Volume in measurement tons (5 Figs)

Issue 1.0: May 98 33 - 2

J Container details:
1 Data entry (1) (2 Figs)
2 Cargo container type (1) (6 Chars)
3 Consignee (10 Chars)
4 Load type (1) (6 Chars)
5 Number of pieces of cargo (4 Figs)
6 Cargo weight in metric tons (5 Figs)
7 Cargo volume in cubic metres (5 Figs)
8 Cargo weight in long tons (5 Figs)
9 Cargo volume in measurement tons (5 Figs)
K Lash/Seabee barge details:
1 Data entry (1) (2 Figs)
2 Barge Number (5 Figs)
3 Consignee (10 Chars)
4 Load type (1) (6 Chars)
5 No of pieces of cargo (4 Figs)
6 Cargo weight in metric tons (5 Figs)
7 Cargo volume in cubic metres (5 Figs)
8 Cargo weight in long tons (5 Figs)
9 Cargo volume in measurement tons (5 Figs)
L Hazardous cargo details:
1 Data entry (2 Figs)
2 International Maritime Dangerous Goods Indicator (IMDG) (3 Figs)
3 IMDG compatibility indicator (1 Char)
4 Net explosive quantity (5 Figs)
M Sensitive cargo details:
1 Data entry (1) (2 Figs)
2 Number of pieces of cargo (4 Figs)
3 Stowage location (3 Chars)
4 Cargo ID Number (20 Chars)
5 Transportation Control Number (20 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 33 - 3

N Heavy cargo details:
1 Data entry (2 Figs)
2 No of pieces of cargo (4 Figs)
3 Stowage location (3 Chars)
4 Cargo weight in metric tons (5 Figs)
5 Cargo volume in cubic metres (5 Figs)
6 Cargo weight in long tons (5 Figs)
7 Cargo volume in measurement tons (5 Figs)
O Transhipment vessel name (4) (30 Chars)
P Transhipment responsibility (100 Chars)
Q Cargo for each port of call:
1 Port of discharge (20 Chars)
2 Weight in metric tons (5 Figs)
3 Volume in cubic metres (5 Figs)
4 Weight in long tons (5 Figs)
5 Volume in measurement tons (5 Figs)
6 Transhipment indicator code (3) (1 Char)
R Cargo details:
1 Data entry (1) (2 Figs)
2 Stowage category (1) (5 Chars)
3 Stowage location (3 Chars)
4 Consignee (10 Chars)
5 Load type (1) (6 Chars)
6 No of pieces of cargo (5 Figs)
7 Weight in metric tons (5 Figs)
8 Volume in cubic metres (5 Figs)
9 Weight in long tons (5 Figs)
10 Volume in measurement tons (5 Figs)

Issue 1.0: May 98 33 - 4

S Container details:
1 Data entry (1) (2 Figs)
2 Cargo container type (1) (6 Chars)
3 Consignee (10 Chars)
4 Load type (1) (6 Chars)
5 No of pieces of cargo (4 Figs)
6 Cargo weight in metric tons (5 Figs)
7 Cargo volume in cubic metres (5 Figs)
8 Cargo weight in long tons (5 Figs)
9 Cargo volume in measurement tons (5 Figs)
T Lash/Seabee barge details:
1 Data entry (1) (2 Figs)
2 Barge Number (5 Figs)
3 Consignee (10 Chars)
4 Load type (1) (6 Chars)
5 No of pieces of cargo (4 Figs)
6 Cargo weight in metric tons (5 Figs)
7 Cargo volume in cubic metres (5 Figs)
8 Cargo weight in long tons (5 Figs)
9 Cargo volume in measurement tons (5 Figs)
U Hazardous cargo details:
1 Data entry (2 Figs)
2 International Maritime Dangerous Goods Indicator (IMDG) (3 Figs)
3 IMDG compatibility indicator (1 Char)
4 Net explosive quantity (5 Figs)
V Sensitive cargo details:
1 Data entry (1) (2 Figs)
2 No of pieces of cargo (4 Figs)
3 Stowage location (3 Chars)
4 Cargo ID Number (20 Chars)
5 Transportation Control Number (20 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 33 - 5

W Heavy cargo details:
1 Data entry (2 Figs)
2 Number of pieces of cargo (4 Figs)
3 Stowage location (3 Chars)
4 Cargo weight in metric tons (5 Figs)
5 Cargo volume in cubic metres (5 Figs)
6 Cargo weight in long tons (5 Figs)
7 Cargo volume in measurement tons (5 Figs)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

Used to advise each port of discharge of the details of the cargo to be
QMG (Mov) X 15/06/98
discharged at that location.


1. Select from appropriate, authorised data codes.

2. Repeat Serials H through W for each port of call.

3. Y=YES; N=NO.

4. Repeat Serials O through W for each transhipment referred to (only used if the transhipment indicator code at Serial H is Y).

5. Serial numbers (second column) are not included due to the complexity of this message Refer to A1, A2 etc..

Issue 1.0: May 98 33 - 6



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 34 (1.3)

A 06 Requesting Unit Identification (ID) (20 Chars)

B 08 Unit location GR (10 Chars)
C 12 Pick up point (PUP) GR (10 Chars)
D 15 Destination GR (10 Chars)
E Casualty details (1)
21 Numbers (3 Figs)
22 Condition (10 Chars)
23 Special needs (20 Chars)
24 Time DTG (12 Chars)
25 Priority (1 Fig)
F 33 Tactical details (i.e. tactical situation, direction of approach, (300 Chars)
inability to hold casualties, etc)
G Communications details
41 Callsign and frequency at PUP (10 Chars)
43 Ground signals/recognition at PUP (20 Chars)
45 Callsign and frequency at destination (10 Chars)
55 Ground signals/recognition at destination (20 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 34 - 1

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised
To request medical casualty evacuation support for single and D Med
X X X 15/06/98
multiple evacuation and by whatever means. Ops/Plans


1. Repeat as necessary (EA, EB, EC etc).

Issue 1.0: May 98 34 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 35 (8.1)

A 03 Commander's assessment (200 Chars)

B 05 Reported unit ID (20 Chars)
C 10 Organisational status (20 Chars)
D Location details:
12 Planned/real (4 Chars)
14 Type (20 Chars)
15 Location ID (1) (20 Chars)
17 Place name (20 Chars)
18 Country (20 Chars)
20 Grid Reference GR (10 Chars)
E Operational status:
22 Planned/real/establishment (4 Chars)
25 Status (2) (20 Chars)
26 Percentage usable (3 Figs)
F 30 Time DTG (12 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 35 - 1

G Communications terminal status:
31 Country of equipment (20 Chars)
34 Node ID (20 Chars)
35 Location of terminal GR (10 Chars)
37 Unit Number (20 Chars)
39 Nationality (20 Chars)
41 Arms/Services (3) (20 Chars)
43 Command level (4) (20 Chars)
H Link status:
45 Planned/real (4 Chars)
47 Type of communications link (20 Chars)
49 Capacity (5) (20 Chars)
52 Quantity (5 Figs)
54 Security level (10 Chars)
55 Special handling (20 Chars)
57 Link status (20 Chars)
I 60 Time DTG (12 Chars)
J Courier Schedule:
62 Number (3Figs)
63 Transport means (20 Chars)
65 Security level (20 Chars)
67 Date-Time Group (DTG of arrival) (20 Chars)
68 Unit No. (20 Chars)
72 Nationality (20 Chars)
74 Arms/Services (3) (20 Chars)
75 Command level (4) (20 Chars)
77 Type of location (20 Chars)
78 DTG of departure DTG (12 Chars)
K 80 Time DTG (12 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 35 - 2

L CCIS status:
81 Planned/real (4 Chars)
83 User community (20 Chars)
84 System designator (20 Chars)
86 Status of system (20 Chars)
88 Security level (20 Chars)
89 Special handling (20 Chars)
92 Security system (20 Chars)
94 Status of security system (20 Chars)
95 Subscriber type (20 Chars)
97 Quantity of subscriber (5 Figs)
M 99 Time DTG (12 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To provide information concerning the status of Command, Control
HQ R SIGNALS X 15/06/98
and Information Systems (CCIS).


1. Used if more than one of the same type.

2. For example: alive, damaged, on the move, etc.

3. For example: infantry, armoured, etc.

4. For example: divisional, brigade.

5. In voice channel equivalent.

Issue 1.0: May 98 35 - 3



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 36 (4.4.1)

A 10 Establishing unit/formation designator (20 Chars)

B1 20 Line type (1) (20 Chars)
B2 21
B3 22
C1 30 Line designator (1) (20 Chars)
C2 31
C3 32
D1 40 Location/description (1) (50 Chars)
D2 41
D3 42
E1 50 Validity (1) (2) (40 Chars)
E2 51
E3 52
F1 60 Additional information (1) (3) (100 Chars)
F2 61
F3 62

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To report, establish and update boundaries, phase lines, control lines
LW1 4.4.1 15/06/98
and/or co-ordination lines.

Issue 1.0: May 98 36 - 1


1. Repeat as necessary for each line referred to in the message, present and planned.

2. Given in the form of FROM/TO Date-Time Groups (DTGs), qualified as necessary by caveat markings, e.g. NOT BEFORE, NO LATER
THAN, etc.

3. If a line is a boundary, the units separated or to be separated by it must be clearly designated.

Issue 1.0: May 98 36 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 37 (2.3)

A 05 Espionage activities (1) (1000 Chars)

B 12 Subversive activities (1) (1000 Chars)
C 25 Indicators of intended sabotage activities (1) (1000 Chars)
D 30 Enemy long range recce and sabotage teams (1) (1000 Chars)
E 31 Occurrence of sabotage (1) (1000 Chars)
F 36 Terrorist activities (1) (1000 Chars)
G 42 Other activity, e.g. civil unrest (1) (1000 Chars)
H 47 Assessment (3000 Chars)
I 55 Comment (2000 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To report urgent counterintelligence (CI) information which might
Comd Sp X 15/06/98
vitally influence security or operations, current and/or intended. (1)


1. Provides a free text summary, by appropriate category(ies) only, of evaluated CI information on the reported activity/event.

Issue 1.0: May 98 37 - 1



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 38 (2.4)

A 10 Espionage - summary of covert and overt activities to include (1000 Chars)

identification, methods, targets and main areas
B 20 Subversive activities - summary to include the identification (1000 Chars)
of groups, type and size of actions, main areas and themes of
C 30 Sabotage - type(s) of target, sequence of targeting, main (1000 Chars)
areas and perpetrators
D 40 Terrorism - targets, perpetrators, methods and areas (1000 Chars)
E 50 Civil unrest (1000 Chars)
F 60 Assessment - main effect of Hostile Intelligence Services (3000 Chars)
(HIS) and subversive organisations; probable main targets and
areas; possible tendency of hostile activities and their impact
on own troops

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To inform of current counterintelligence (CI) information and provide
Comd Sp X 15/06/98
an estimate of the threat posed by Hostile Intelligence Services (HIS)

Issue 1.0: May 98 38 - 1



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 39 (10.1)

A Host Nation Support (HNS)/Intra Country Resources (ICR)

10 HNS/ICR acquisitions (1000 Chars)
12 Current negotiations (1000 Chars)
15 Areas of concern (1000 Chars)
18 Remarks (1000 Chars)
B Civil Emergency Planning:
21 Freedom of action (1000 Chars)
24 Civil support (1000 Chars)
26 Civil government actions (1000 Chars)
29 Emergency legislation (500 Chars)
31 Population control/protection/safe areas (2000 Chars)
35 Evacuation measures (1000 Chars)
37 Reception areas/evacuation routes (2000 Chars)
38 Co-operating partners/organisations (200 Chars)
40 Refugee movements/control/problems (1000 Chars)
42 Areas of concern (500 Chars)
45 Assessment/proposals (2000 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 39 - 1

C Civil/Military Co-operation:
50 Hearts and minds operations (1000 Chars)
53 Humanitarian aid programmes (1000 Chars)
57 Reforming civil infrastructure (500 Chars)
59 Areas of concern (500 Chars)
60 Assessment/proposals (2000 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To keep commanders continuously informed of matters associated
with the coordination of civil-military co-operation which affect, or
PJHQ X 15/06/98
could affect, the capabilities and/or the operations of forces under
their command.

Issue 1.0: May 98 39 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 40 (2.5)


B 20 General Summary (2) (3000 Chars)
C 30 Espionage (2) (2000 Chars)
D 40 Subversion (2) (2000 Chars)
E 50 Sabotage (2) (2000 Chars)
F 60 Terrorism (2) (5000 Chars)
General Statement
Right Wing Terrorism
Left Wing Terrorism
Nationalist/"National" Terrorism
International/Foreign Terrorism
G 70 General Assessment (2) (3000 Chars)
H 80 Outlook/Trends/Expected Development (2) (3000 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 40 - 1

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised
To provide a comprehensive review of all counterintelligence (CI) data
collected over an extended period of time, including an assessment of
trends in the development of the CI situation. The CISUPINTREP is Comd Sp X 15/06/98
also used to provide a comprehensive review of one or several
specific CI projects.


1. Where the message refers to an annual report, e.g. a review of the national CI situation presented by SHAPE, the words "Yearly
CISUPINTREP" will appear at the beginning of the text.

2. Provide a free text narrative review/summary as appropriate.

Issue 1.0: May 98 40 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 41 (10.2)

A 03 Amendment: YES/NO (3 Chars)

05 Designator (1) (10 Chars)
B Map details:
12 Map/Chart Series (12 Chars)
14 Map/Chart Suffix Number (2 Figs)
15 Map/Chart Sheet Number (2) (14 Chars)
17 Map/Chart Edition Number (2) (6 Chars)
20 Geodetic Datum (2) (25 Chars)
C 23 G5 information (3) (2500 Chars)
D Refugees/Displaced Civilians (DCs)
25 New refugees/DCs located (500 Chars)
27 Assistance given to agencies concerned (1000 Chars)
29 Other problems/concerns with refugees/DCs (1000 Chars)
30 Overall assessment, including impact on operations (2000 Chars)
31 Recommendation(s) (1000 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 41 - 1

E Humanitarian aid assistance
35 Any assistance given or required (500 Chars)
37 Likely future assistance needed/capability to meet (500 Chars)
38 Any other related problems/concerns (1000 Chars)
40 Assessment (1000 Chars)
41 Recommendation(s) (1000 Chars)
F Infrastructure repair
45 New, key infrastructure repair problems identified (500 Chars)
48 Assistance given to infrastructure repairs (500 Chars)
52 Other related problems/concerns (1000 Chars)
56 Assessment (1000 Chars)
59 Recommendation(s) (1000 Chars)
G 63 Meetings with civil agencies - held/planned (1000 Chars)
H 67 Miscellaneous. Any other items of interest/areas of concern (1000 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To submit Civil/Military Operations (CMO) situation reports. HQ LAND
10.2 15/06/98
(G5 CA)


1. If the answer at A is YES a unique amendment designator must be included here.

2. Repeat as necessary.

3. Either, lists critical G5 information gathered in full, or provides a summary with full details sent by other means.

Issue 1.0: May 98 41 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 42 (4.14.1)

A 07 Incident Date-Time Group (DTG) DTG (12 Chars)

B 09 Incident location GR (10 Chars)
C 12 Reporting organisation (20 Chars)
D 15 Reporting organisation location GR (10 Chars)
E Nature of damage (2)
Personnel casualties
23 a. Killed (3 Figs)
25 b. Wounded (3 Figs)
28 c. Special details - age/sex/religion (20 Chars)
Damage to property
30 a. Type of damage (20 Chars)
32 b. Resulting hazards (20 Chars)
Damage to equipment
41 a. Type of damage (20 Chars)
45 b. Resulting hazards (20 Chars)
F 49 Nature of incident (100 Chars)
G 50 Unit(s) involved (3) (3) (20 Chars)
H 60 Unit(s) point of contact (POC) (3) (3) (25 Chars)
I 65 Legal Implications (4) (50 Chars)
J 70 Media implications (5) (100 Chars)
K 78 Follow up actions (5) (200 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 42 - 1

L 85 Preventative measures (5) (100 Chars)
M 90 Commander's assessment (5) (200 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To report collateral damage in single or multiple incidents and
Comd Sp X 15/06/98
however caused (1)


1. Collateral damage is the result of any action which causes unwanted death or injury to neutral personnel or damage to their property.

2. Only the appropriate parts of serial ECHO are to be completed.

3. Repeat where more than one unit is involved.

4. Serial INDIA is only required where there are real legal implications.

5. The entries for serials JULIET to MIKE are not mandatory.

Issue 1.0: May 98 42 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 43 (4.1.2)

A 11 Commander’s assessment (1) (2 Figs)

B 21 Number of effective main battle tanks (MBT) (3 Figs)
C 23 Number of effective tank platoons/troops (2 Figs)
D 25 Number of mechanised (tracked) platoons/troops (2 Figs)
E 27 Number of mechanised (wheeled) platoons/troops (2 Figs)
F 28 Number of infantry platoons (2 Figs)
G Number of effective combat vehicles, reconnaissance, tracked
and wheeled(CVR(T)/CVR(W)) by type:
G1 31 Type to be specified (3 Figs)
G2 32 Type to be specified (3 Figs)
G3 33 Type to be specified (3 Figs)
H 42 Number of ATGW posts (2 Figs)
I 45 Number of ATGW missiles (3 Figs)
J 46 Number of mortars (2 Figs)
K Number of helicopters by type:
K1 51 Type to be specified (2 Figs)
K2 52 Type to be specified (2 Figs)
K3 53 Type to be specified (2 Figs)
L 60 Number of STOL/VTOL aircraft (2 Figs)

Issue 1.0: May 98 43 - 1

M 62 Number of AAGW (2 Figs)
N 65 Number of light guns./howitzers (2 Figs)
O 70 Number of light, unguided anti-tank weapons (2 Figs)
P 83 Number of Quick Reaction Force (QRF)/Mobile Reaction (2 Figs)
Force (MRF) platoons/troops
Q 85 Number of Key Points (KP) (2 Figs)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To provide a summary report of a unit’s combat equipment and
LW1 X X 15/06/98
personnel status.


1. Select status from:


Designator Meaning Personnel Equipment
1 90%+ 90%+
2 75%-90% 80%-90%
3 60%-75% 70%-80%
4 Below 60% Below 70%
Example: Status 21 indicates 75%-90% personnel and 90%+ equipment.
This must be encoded if insecure comms are being used.

Issue 1.0: May 98 43 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 44 (2.2)

A 03 Date-Time Group (DTG) of capture DTG (12 Chars)

B 05 Location of capture GR (10 Chars)
C Numbers of PW captured:
07 Officers (male) (4 Figs)
09 Officers (female) (4 Figs)
11 NCO (male) (4 Figs)
13 NCO (female) (4 Figs)
15 Soldiers (male) (4 Figs)
16 Soldiers (female) (4 Figs)
23 Others (male) (4 Figs)
24 Others (female) (4 Figs)
D 30 Captured Enemy Documents (CED) 200 chars
E 42 Captured Enemy Equipment (CEE) 200 chars
F 53 Circumstances of capture 200 chars
G 55 Points of Intelligence Interest 200 chars
H 66 Location of capturing unit at time of COMCAPREP GR(10 chars)
I 69 Evacuation Intentions 200 chars
(to what location, when and by what means)

Issue 1.0: May 98 44 - 1

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised
To alert G2/J2 to the capture of a potential source of information and
to alert the PW Handling Organisation to the capture of PW so that Comd Sp X X 15/06/98
arrangements for their movement, care and disposal can be made.


1. This report is based on STANAG 2044/JSP 391.

Issue 1.0: May 98 44 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 45 (4.15.1)

A 10 Political events/meetings (500 Chars)

B 20 Military meetings (500 Chars)
C 30 Freedom of movement: (500 Chars)
D 40 Firing incidents (1000 Chars)
E 50 Border crossings (1000 Chars)
F 60 Troop locations & movements (1000 Chars)
G 70 Parties' capabilities (1000 Chars)
H 80 Additional Designated Area information (1000 Chars)
I 90 Other relevant information (1000 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To provide MNCs and NATO HQ information of the parties'
compliance with accepted agreements concerning designated zones. PJHQ X 15/06/98
(1) (2) (3)

Issue 1.0: May 98 45 - 1


1. This report may include assessments.

2. The COMPINFREP is essentially a descriptive, free text message.

3. Types of designated zones are: SAFE, OTHER AREA(s), EXCLUSION ZONE(s) and SEPARATION ZONE(s).

Issue 1.0: May 98 45 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 46 (8.2)

A 10 Reporting unit designator (20 Chars)

B Reporting period
23 FROM Date-Time Group (DTG) DTG (12 Chars)
28 TO DTG DTG (12 Chars)
C Report details
35 Changes (500 Chars)
42 Problems (500 Chars)
D 50 Commander's assessment (500 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To provide a summary of friendly forces communications and
HQ R SIGNALS X 15/06/98
information systems status in support of operations and exercises.

Issue 1.0: May 98 46 - 1



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 47 (8.3)

A 07 Communications/CIS event (1) (15 Chars)

B Location
12 Stage of confirmation (2) (4 Chars)
15 Location type (8 Chars)
18 Other detail (30 Chars)
C Relocation (3)
22 Stage of confirmation (4 Chars)
25 Location type (8 Chars)
26 Other detail (30 Chars)
D Alternate relocation(s) (4)
35 Stage of confirmation (4 Chars)
42 Location type (8 Chars)
49 Other detail (30 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

Immediate reporting of actual or forecast communications or
Command, Control, Communications and Information Systems (CIS)
HQ R SIGNALS X 15/06/98
outages including relocation and Electronic Emission Control

Issue 1.0: May 98 47 - 1


1. Select from:


If 'OTHER' is selected include a free text description of the event.

2. Select 'Stage of confirmation' from:

30 REAL Confirmed
31 PLAN Planned
32 REQ Requested

3. This serial is mandatory if the 'Communications/CIS event' reported at ALPHA is RELOCATION.

4. Repeat as necessary.

Issue 1.0: May 98 47 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 48 (4.1.4)

A 15 Date-Time Group (DTG) of contact/sighting DTG (12 Chars)

B 23 Location of contact/sighting GR (10 Chars)
C 27 Location of observer (3) GR (10 Chars)
D 33 Target description (50 Chars)
E 35 Action by target (300 Chars)
F 50 Action by own forces (300 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To report essential details of contacts with/sightings of enemy forces.
LW1 X X X 15/06/98
(1) (2)


1. In a contact report it is assumed that the enemy is aware of friendly forces present, usually because an exchange of fire has taken place.
2. A sighting report is used when enemy forces are sighted, no exchange of fire has taken place, and it is assumed that the enemy is
unaware of the observer.
3. Whilst all the other serials are normally transmitted CHARLIE is used mainly in low intensity operations.

Issue 1.0: May 98 48 - 1



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 49 (3.1)

A 01 Acknowledge
24 Delay (to DTG where appropriate) (12 Chars)
50 Refuse
B 54 Number/Type of Craft (20 Chars)
C 73 Craft Callsign(s) (50 Chars)
D 77 ETA PUP (DTG) (12 Chars)
E 80 Other Information (200 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To acknowledge/reply to a request for a Marine Landing Craft. HQRM X X 15/06/98


1. See also CRAFTREQ.

Issue 1.0: May 98 49 - 1



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 50 (3.2)

A 05 Number/Type of Craft (20 Chars)

B 08 Nature of task (100 Chars)
C 11 PUP (GR) (10 Chars)
D 14 Destination Timings (6 Figs)
E 22 DTG at PUP (12 Chars)
F 23 Not after time (6 Figs)
G 30 Estimated duration (hrs) (3 Figs)
H 43 Personnel (Pax) (3 Figs)
I 46 Cargo (50 Chars)
J 51 Contact callsign and frequency at PUP (10 Chars)
K 53 Control callsign and frequency at destination (10 Chars)
L 55 Briefing (time and location) (50 Chars)
M 76 Debriefing (time and location) (50 Chars)
N 81 Tactical information (100 Chars)
O 97 Any other information (100 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 50 - 1

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised
To request use of Marine craft/landing craft. HQRM X X 27/07/98


1. See also CRAFTACK.

Issue 1.0: May 98 50 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 51 (6.3.1)

A 07 Deployment Plan reference details (20 Chars)

B 12 Unit/organisation designator (1) (20 Chars)
C 15 START Date-Time Group (DTG) (planned/actual) DTG (12 Chars)
D 18 Estimated END DTG DTG (12 Chars)
E 25 Transport mode(s) and split by personnel, equipment, (100 Chars)
supplies by serials/chalks per mode as follows:
In last 24 hours
Next 24 hours
Next 48 hours
GS requirement
F 30 Port of embarkation (POE) location details - Grid Reference (20 Chars)
G POE Point of Contact (POC)
42 Name (20 Chars)
45 Rank or appointment (10 Chars)
49 Telephone/Fax No(s) (secure and insecure) (30 Chars)
51 Radio frequencies/callsigns (as appropriate) (30 Chars)
53 Other coordinating information (100 Chars)
H 60 Port of disembarkation (POD) details - Grid Ref or GEOREF (20 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 51 - 1

I POD Point of Contact (POC)
62 Name (20 Chars)
65 Rank or appointment (10 Chars)
67 Telephone/Fax No(s) (secure and insecure) (30 Chars)
73 Radio frequencies/callsigns (as appropriate) (30 Chars)
74 Other coordinating information (100 Chars)
J 80 Destination - geographic location or intended area of (20 Chars)
K 97 Forecast of mission critical issues experienced or (300 Chars)
anticipated for the next 48 hours that have or will affect the

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To report formation/unit deployment and progress. HQ LAND
X 15/06/98
(Log Sp)


1. Repeat where more than one unit/organisation is involved.

Issue 1.0: May 98 51 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 52 (4.8.9)

A 03 Amendment YES/NO (3 Chars)

05 Designator (1) (10 Chars)
B Map details:
07 Map/Chart Series (12 Chars)
10 Map/Chart Suffix Number (2 Figs)
14 Map/Chart Sheet Number (2) (14 Chars)
18 Map/Chart Edition Number (2) (6 Chars)
21 Geodetic Datum (2) (25 Chars)
C Task obstacle identifier:
22 Task Serial Number (10 Chars)
25 Obstacle Number (6 Chars)
28 Obstacle Nickname (21 Chars)
31 Obstacle Zone/Belt Name/Number (14 Chars)
D 37 Demolition target (3) (2 Chars)
E 40 Location - Grid Reference (2) GR (15 Chars)
F 44 Demolition method - a free text description (100 Chars)
G Demolition Guard unit details:
48 Unit name (20 Chars)
53 Nationality (2 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 52 - 1

H Demolition Firing Party unit details:
57 Unit name (20 Chars)
60 Nationality (2 Chars)
I Orders for the Firing Party Commander (FPC):
62 Target readiness status (4) (2 Chars)
64 Date-Time Group (DTG) for meeting readiness status DTG (12 Chars)
65 Demolition Guard Commander (DGC) (3 Chars)
68 to issue all other orders? (5)
69 FPC to act as DGC? (6) (3 Chars)
J Orders for the DGC:
70 Fire demolition if the enemy is (3 Chars)
in the act of capturing it - YES/NO
72 Demolition order (2) (5) (2 Chars)
K Non-firing orders:
74 Order delivery method (2 Chars)
78 Name of individual authorised to issue (20 Chars)
L 80 Change Codes (2) (5) (2 Chars)
M Authorised Commander:
81 Surname (25 Chars)
82 Rank (6 Chars)
83 Nationality (2 Chars)
84 Armed Service (1 Char)
85 Signature ID Number (4 Chars)
N New Authorised Commander:
90 Surname (25 Chars)
91 Rank (6 Chars)
92 Nationality (2 Chars)
93 Armed Service (1 Char)
Signature ID Number (4 Chars)
O 95 DTG of releasing authority DTG (12 Chars)
P 96 Remarks - qualifying comment, clarification, restrictions (200 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 52 - 2

Q 97 Acknowledge - YES/NO (3 Chars)
98 Instructions for acknowledging (50 Chars)
99 Force/unit to acknowledge (2) (30 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To disseminate information relating to the execution of a reserved
HQ EinC(A) X 15/06/98


1. If the answer at A is YES a unique amendment designator must be included here.

2. Repeat as necessary.

3. Select from:
AR Area
BU Building
BR Bridge
CC Cross country route/track
DM Dam
FF Ferry/Ford access
RD Road/Track
RR Railroad
TU Tunnel
OT Other (specified as necessary)

4. State 1 = SAFE; State 2 = ARMED.

Issue 1.0: May 98 52 - 3

5. Select from the following orders codes as appropriate:
01 A From State 1 to State 2
02 B From State 2 to State 1
03 C Fire the demolition now
04 D There is no Demolition Guard. You are to act as DGC
05 E All other orders will be issued by the DGC
06 F Demolition is to be fired upon receipt of code by radio
07 H DGC will fire the demolition on his initiative if the enemy is in the act of capturing it
08 I DGC will not fire the demolition except as ordered in this message
09 G The authorised commander is changed to

6. To be used if there is no Demolition Guard.

Issue 1.0: May 98 52 - 4



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 53 (4.16.1)

A 10 Essential information - information that could have an (3000 Chars)

immediate vital influence on current or pending operations
under an Emergency in War (EIW)
B 30 Confirmation - on transfer of operational control, receipt of (2000 Chars)
reallocated stocks, and/or implementation of other national
support for the EIW

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To provide:
a. Responses from MODs/CHODs to the declaring Commander
concerning EIWDECLARE. PJHQ X 16/06/98
b. Situation/status reports from NATO and national Commanders
relevant to the EIWACTION situation.


1. There is no required format or structure for the EIWACTION message. Its use is intended to support timely implementation of action
requested by EIW declaration. In some cases, information reported by EIWACTION could be provided using other messages. However, use of
EIWACTION in lieu of other messages is essential to ensure communications remain focused on the EIW situation and its resolution.

Issue 1.0: May 98 53 - 1



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 54 (4.16.2)

A 05 Situation - to include the probable scope of the EIW (limited (2000 Chars)
area and estimated time period for which the EIW will be
B 26 Intentions - brief description of how the declaring Commander (3000 Chars)
intends to resolve the situation, by use of national forces,
emergency reallocation, and/or other national resources.
Indicates whether activation of any NATO or national plan may
be requested
C 40 Specific Requirements: (5000 Chars)
Force Requirements:
(a) List by nation/unit type the forces required
(b) Specify who would receive Operational Control and, if
appropriate, Tactical Control
(c) Details of mission, area of operations, time
requirements, etc.

Issue 1.0: May 98 54 - 1

Logistic Requirements:
(a) Forces in need of logistic assistance; operational
priorities; support limitations for the affected Commander;
current priorities for logistic and personnel support
(b) Type/scope of logistic resources required
(c) Deadline for receipt of assistance
(d) Whether receiving force can provide pick-up delivery
(e) Possible source(s), as nominated by the MNC
Other Requirements:
Transport assets, civil labour, non-military police forces
etc., and how these resources/services will be controlled
and used.
D 51 Preparatory Actions: (5000 Chars)
National Operational. Specify the information and/or
actions requested of national authorities prior to declaration
of an EIW.
National Logistic. Request nominated providing nation(s) to
report current logistic status, as follows:
(a) Stock quantity and locations.
(b) Movement capability (only if receiving force cannot
provide transport).
(c) Impact.
NATO Commanders. Specify any MSC/PSC actions that
are desired prior to EIW declaration:
Alternatives. Any operational or logistic actions being
addressed with adjacent PSC(s) and/or MSC which may
resolve the EIW situation
Deadline. Date-time group (DTG) by which requested
information and concurrence/non-concurrence of nation(s)
are required.

Issue 1.0: May 98 54 - 2

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised
To initiate formal consultation with national authorities, notify
appropriate NATO and national commanders, and request information PJHQ X 16/06/98
for a potential Emergency in War (EIW) situation

Issue 1.0: May 98 54 - 3



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 55 (4.16.3)

A 07 Situation. Brief description of the situation, or an update of (2000 Chars)

the situation , which requires declaration of an EIW
B 21 Declaration. A statement that EIW is declared for a (1000 Chars)
specified, limited area with an effective date-time group (DTG)
C 28 Mission (2) (1000 Chars)
D 40 Priority of tasking (500 Chars)
E 50 EIW Actions: (5000 Chars)
Request to Nations (3)
Forces. The anticipated task organisation of national forces
temporarily placed under operational control of the declaring
b. Co-ordination arrangements and transport directive (if
c. Required time the stock is to be made available.

Issue 1.0: May 98 55 - 1

Other Support. For other resources/services requested
from nations, specifies the requirements in terms of who,
what, when, where, to whom and why.
Co-ordination. Liaison, communications and other
arrangements/information needed to ensure timely
integration of EIW actions with ongoing combat operations
of the declaring command.

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To declare an Emergency in War (EIW) and request the immediate
PJHQ X 16/06/98
implementation of specific actions by National Authorities.


1. Reporting of all paras and sub-paras of the EIWDECLARE message is mandatory. If a particular para or sub-para does not apply, not
applicable (NA) is to be reported.

2. The Mission paragraph provides direction to appropriate subordinate commanders to assume operational control of specified forces, take
control of reallocated logistic stocks, and/or control the employment of other national resources. The actual mission statement will depend upon
actions authorised under EIW conditions. However, it should be concise and specify the exact mission that the designated commander(s) is/are
expected to perform with newly allocated forces/resources.

3. A request to support actions previously identified by EIWCONSULT message which must be referenced, as must EIWSUPPORT
message(s) received in response.

4. UIC or unit name and location are to be used for FROM/TO entries.

Issue 1.0: May 98 55 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 56 (4.16.4)

A 30 Rescission (1) - a statement that EIW declared by an (500 Chars)

appropriate EIWDECLARE message (2) is rescinded with:
The effective date-time group (DTG) DTG (12 Chars)
B 50 Further actions (1) - details of any further actions required (1000 Chars)
under conditions other than EIW

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To rescind the declaration of an Emergency in War (EIW) PJHQ X 16/06/98


1. All parts of this message must be included. If a particular element does not apply, not applicable (NA) is to be reported.

2. The specific EIWDECLARE message must be referenced.

Issue 1.0: May 98 56 - 1



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 57 (4.16.5)

A 10 Essential Information. Information that could have an (3000 Chars)

immediate vital influence on current or pending operations
under an Emergency in War (EIW)
B1 30 Support Information. Following on initiation of consultation (2000 Chars)
(EIWCONSULT) but prior to EIW declaration, provides the
following details:

B2 40 a. Force Status – of national forces which may be placed

under the operational control of a NATO Commander
under an EIW situation.

B3 50 b. Stock Availability – availability of stocks identified for

emergency reallocation, e.g. name/ID details of force/
unit/depot, grid reference, date-time group (DTG) stocks

B4 60 c. Concurrence – concurrence/non-concurrence and

related comments of national authorities to the declaring
Command in response to EIWCONSULT.

Issue 1.0: May 98 57 - 1

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised
To provide responses from MODs/CHODs to the Declaring
Commander concerning an EIWCONSULT and situation/status
PJHQ X 16/06/98
reports from NATO and National Commanders relevant to the
EIWSUPPORT situation.


1. There is no required format or structure for the EIWSUPPORT message. Its use is intended to support timely implementation of action
requested by EIW declaration. In some cases, information reported by EIWSUPPORT could be provided using other messages. However,
use of EIWSUPPORT in lieu of other messages is essential to ensure communications remain focused on the EIW situation and its resolution.

Issue 1.0: May 98 57 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 58 (1.4)

A Burial unit details

05 Unit ID (20 Chars)
07 Supervisor rank (3 Chars)
08 Supervisor name (20 Chars)
B Site location
10 Country (2 Chars)
12 Grid Reference GR (10 Chars)
13 Georef (20 Chars)
15 Reference point (20 Chars)
24 Direction (1) (7 Chars/Figs)
26 Distance (in m) (4 Figs)
C Site details
28 Site type number (1 Fig)
30 Date of burial (7 Chars/Figs)
31 Contamination type (5 Chars)
32 Contamination detail (200 Chars)
D Body count
35 Identified (3 Figs)
38 Unidentified (3 Figs)

Issue 1.0: May 98 58 - 1

E Identified deceased
40 Nationality (2 Chars)
42 Name (20 Chars)
43 Sex (1 Char)
47 ID no. (10 Chars)
50 Disposal of effects (7 Chars)
53 Rank (3 Chars)
56 Religion (3 Chars)
59 Unit (20 Chars)
61 Date of birth (6 Figs)
64 Date of death (6 Figs)
67 Cause of death (20 Chars)
F 70 Registrant (25 Chars)
G Unidentified deceased
72 Nationality (2 Chars)
75 Sex (2) (2) (3 Chars)
81 Date of death (6 Figs)
83 Cause of death (20 Chars)
85 Disposal of effects (7 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To provide essential emergency burial information required by
operational, administrative and specialist grave registration PS4(as)(A) X X 16/06/98


1. Direction from reference point to burial site.

2. M (Male), F (Female) or UNK (unknown)

Issue 1.0: May 98 58 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 59 (4.13.1)

A Duration:
07 START Date-Time Group (DTG) DTG (12 Chars)
12 STOP DTG DTG (12 Chars)
B Area of use:
13 Real location(s) - Grid reference or Georef (1) (20 Chars)
17 Planned locations- Grid reference or Georef (1) (20 Chars)
C 30 NATO Emitter Database (NEDB) Spot No. (2) (6 Chars)
40 NEDB Spot No. (2) (6 Chars)
D 45 Control Authority ID (20 Chars)
E 64 Special instructions (300 Chars)
F 70 Acknowledge - YES/NO (3 Chars)
72 Instructions for acknowledging (50 Chars)
75 Force/unit(s) to acknowledge (3) (30 Chars)
G 80 Declassification trigger - time, date or event (50 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To transmit warning and security procedures when using real world
Comd Sp 4.13.1 16/06/98
parameters for training, exercises, tests and trials. (4)

Issue 1.0: May 98 59 - 1


1. Repeat as necessary for each real/planned location affected.

2. Repeat as necessary for each type of simulated emission involved.

3. Repeat as necessary where more than one force/unit is affected.

4. The EMSIWARNREP is issued by the Officer Scheduling the Exercise (OSE), the Officer Conducting the Exercise (OCE) or similar
authority in accordance with MC64 and the NATO Emitter Database (NEDB) Standards and Procedures.

Issue 1.0: May 98 59 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 60 (4.8.2)

A 01 Amendment YES/NO (3 Chars)

03 Designator (1) (10 Chars)
B Reporting unit combat effectiveness summary:
05 Personnel unit combat effectiveness (2) (1 Fig)
08 Equipment unit combat effectiveness (2) (1 Fig)
C Effective sub-units by type/quantity:
10 Sub-unit type (3) (15 Chars)
11 Quantity (2 Figs)
D Mines:
20 Type (3) (4) (1 Char)
21 Description (10 Chars)
22 Quantity (7 Figs)
23 Status (5) (1 Chars)
E Explosives available:
25 Type (3) (10 Chars)
26 Quantity (5 Figs)
27 Unit of measure, combat engineer (3 Chars)
28 Status (5) (1 Char)

Issue 1.0: May 98 60 - 1

F Mine laying assets:
30 Type (3) (10 Chars)
31 Quantity (2 Figs)
32 Status (5) (1 Char)
G Mine breaching assets:
35 Type (3) (10 Chars)
36 Quantity (2 Figs)
37 Status (5) (1 Char)
H Combat engineer vehicles:
40 Type (3) (10 Chars)
41 Quantity (2 Figs)
42 Status (5) (1 Char)
I General engineer equipments:
45 Type (3) (10 Chars)
46 Quantity (2 Figs)
47 Status (5) (1 Char)
J Survivability material:
50 Type (3) (10 Chars)
51 Quantity (5 Figs)
52 Status (5) (1 Char)
K Item list:
55 National stores list no (3) (16 Chars)
56 NATO stock number (16 Chars)
57 Item description (16 Chars)
58 Quantity (4 Figs)
59 Unit of measure, combat engineer (3 Chars)
L Grounded materiel:
60 Weight in metric tonnes (4 Figs)
61 Volume in cubic metres (4 Figs)
62 Weight of largest item in metric tonnes (3 Figs)

Issue 1.0: May 98 60 - 2

M Bridging equipment:
65 Bridging designator (3) (1 Char)
66 Bridging type (14 Chars)
67 Military load classification (MLC) (3 Figs)
68 Length in metres (4 Figs)
69 Quantity (2 Figs)
70 Status (5) (1 Char)
N 80 Special remarks (100 Chars)
O 90 Acknowledge - YES/NO (3 Chars)
91 Instructions for acknowledging (50 Chars)
92 Force/unit to acknowledge (3) (30 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To pass effective combat engineer unit and asset details from brigade
to higher formations. Provides detailed information about the number
HQ EinC(A) X 16/06/98
of effective units by type, generic equipment types in terms of
availability and committed and uncommitted major items of materiel.


1. If the answer at A is YES a unique amendment designator must be included here.

2. Select from:

1 Fully operational
2 Substantially operational
3 Marginally operational
4 Non-operational

3. Repeat for each item as appropriate.

Issue 1.0: May 98 60 - 3

4. Select mine types from:

A Area
H Anti-helicopter
O Off-route
P Anti-personnel
T Anti-tank

5. Select status from:

A Committed
B Uncommitted
C Unserviceable

Issue 1.0: May 98 60 - 4



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 61 (4.8.3)

A 01 Amendment YES/NO (3 Chars)

03 Designator (1) (10 Chars)
B Map details:
05 Map/Chart Series (12 Chars)
06 Map/Chart Suffix Number (2 Figs)
07 Map/Chart Sheet Number (2) (14 Chars)
08 Map/Chart Edition Number (2) (6 Chars)
09 Geodetic Datum (2) (25 Chars)
C Task ID:
10 Task Number (10 Chars)
12 Engineer task nickname (25 Chars)
D 15 Aim of recce - free text statement (100 Chars)
E Recce timings:
17 Recce no earlier than Date-Time Group (DTG) DTG (12 Chars)
19 Recce to be completed by DTG DTG (12 Chars)
22 Recce report to be submitted by DTG DTG (12 Chars)
F Recce type: (3)
23 Engineer task type (4) (2 Chars)
25 Mobility task indicator (5) (2 Chars)
G Location and nearest feature:
27 Geographic place name (10 Chars)
30 Grid Reference (2) GR (15 Chars)
Issue 1.0: May 98 61 - 1
H Crossing area boundaries:
32 Entry Grid Reference (2) GR (15 Chars)
35 Exit Grid Reference GR (15 Chars)
I 40 Minefield boundaries - a series of Grid References GRs (100 Chars)
J Route Start Point (SP)/Nearest feature:
42 Geographic place name (10 Chars)
45 Grid Reference (2) GR (15 Chars)
K Route Intermediate Point (IP)/Number/Nearest feature:
47 Geographic place name (10 Chars)
49 Intermediate Point ID Number (2 Figs)
50 Grid Reference (2) GR (15 Chars)
L Route Release Point (RP)/Nearest feature:
52 Geographic place name (10 Chars)
54 Grid Reference (2) GR (15 Chars)
M Military Load Classification (MLC) 1-Way/MLC 2-Way data:
57 MLC 1-Way Tracked (3 Figs)
58 MLC 1-Way Wheeled (3 Figs)
60 MLC 2-Way Tracked (3 Figs)
62 MLC 2-Way Wheeled (3 Figs)
N Constraining vehicle dimensions:
64 Length (in metres) (5 Chars)
66 Width (in metres) (5 Chars)
67 Height (in metres) (5 Chars)
69 Ground clearance (in metres) (5 Chars)
71 Longitudinal wheel base (in metres) (5 Chars)
O 72 Mobility options required (1 Fig)

Issue 1.0: May 98 61 - 2

P Task obstacle identifier
74 Task Serial Number (10 Chars)
75 Obstacle Number (6 Figs)
77 Obstacle Nickname (25 Chars)
78 Obstacle Zone/Belt Name/Number (15 Chars)
Q Counter-mobility data:
80 Tactical objective (6) (2 Chars)
81 General stopping power - LOW/MEDIUM/HIGH (6 Chars)
R Survivability data:
83 Survivability mission (7) (1 Char)
85 Survivability task (8) (2 Figs)
86 Type of position (9) (2 Figs)
88 Cover/Protection level (10) (2 Figs)
89 Unit level (11) (3 Chars)
90 Unit type (12) (5 Chars)
S General engineer support data:
92 General engineer support mission (13) (1 Char)
94 Support task (14) (2 Figs)
97 Degree of permanency (15) (2 Figs)
T Manpower data:
99 Manpower type (Troop/Platoon) (2) (15 Chars)
02 Manpower allocation (Troop/Platoon) (2 Figs)
04 Numbers required (Troop/Platoon) (2 Figs)
11 Hours needed (3 Figs)

Issue 1.0: May 98 61 - 3

U Equipment data:
14 Equipment type (2) (20 Chars)
16 Equipment allocation (4 Figs)
18 Quantity required (4 Figs)
20 Hours needed (3 Figs)
V Material data:
21 Material type (2) (15 Chars)
24 Authorised quantity (4 Figs)
33 Quantity required (4 Figs)
W 41 Special remarks (100 Chars)
X 46 Acknowledge - YES/NO (3 Chars)
63 Instructions for acknowledging (50 Chars)
68 Force/unit to acknowledge (2) (30 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To order combat engineer reconnaissance of mobility, counter-
HQ EinC(A) X 16/06/98
mobility, survivability and general engineer support tasks.


1. If the answer at A is YES a unique amendment designator must be included here.

2. Repeat as necessary.

3. Repeat Serials F through S for each type of recce being ordered.

Issue 1.0: May 98 61 - 4

4. Select from:

MO Mobility SU Survivability
CM Counter-mobility GE General engineer support

5. Using appropriate allocated data codes. Only used if the engineer task type being ordered is MO.

6. Select from:

BK Block PT Protect
CD Canalize/Deflect RT Delay

7. Select from:

A Protective works D Camouflage/concealment

B Hardening E Deception
C Protective works with camouflage/concealment

8. Select from:

01 Headquarters 04 Defensive position 07 Other

02 Command Post 05 Firing position
03 Observation Post 06 Installation

9. Select from:

01 Primary
02 Secondary
03 Alternate

Issue 1.0: May 98 61 - 5

10. Select from:

01 Stage/Level 1 02 Stage/Level 2 03 Stage/Level 3

11. Select from:

01 Division plus 03 Battalion/Regiment 05 Platoon

02 Brigade 04 Company/Squadron 06 Other

12. Select from:

01 Dismounted troops 03 Armoured 05 Logistics

02 Mechanised troops 04 Artillery 06 Other

13 Select from:

A Construct C Repair E Improve

B Maintain D Provide

14. Select from:

01 Water supply 06 Airstrip 11 Sewerage

02 Electricity supply 07 Area clearance 12 Base camp
03 Helicopter 08 Railroad construction 13 Earthworks
04 Fuel storage 09 Port/harbour 14 Other
05 Accommodation 10 Pipelines

15. Select from:

01 Emergency
02 Temporary
03 Permanent

Issue 1.0: May 98 61 - 6



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 62 (4.8.4)

A 02 Amendment YES/NO (3 Chars)

03 Designator (1) (10 Chars)
B Map details:
05 Map/Chart Series (12 Chars)
07 Map/Chart Suffix Number (2 Figs)
08 Map/Chart Sheet Number (2) (14 Chars)
12 Map/Chart Edition Number (2) (6 Chars)
15 Geodetic Datum (2) (25 Chars)
C Task ID:
17 Task Number (10 Chars)
18 Engineer task nickname (25 Chars)
D 20 Aim of recce - free text statement (100 Chars)
E 22 Date-Time Group (DTG) of recce completion DTG (12 Chars)
F Recce type: (3)
24 Engineer task type (4) (2 Chars)
27 Mobility task indicator (5) (2 Chars)
G Location and nearest feature:
30 Geographic place name (10 Chars)
32 Grid Reference (1-metre location) (2) GR (15 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 62 - 1

H Crossing area boundaries
34 Entry Grid Reference (2) GR (15 Chars)
35 Exit Grid Reference GR (15 Chars)
I 37 Minefield boundaries - a series of Grid References GRs (100 Chars)
J Route Start Point (SP)/Nearest feature:
41 Geographic place name (10 Chars)
44 Grid Reference (1-metre location) (2) GR (15 Chars)
K Route Intermediate Point (IP)/Number/Nearest feature:
46 Geographic place name (10 Chars)
47 Intermediate Point ID Number (2 Figs)
49 Grid Reference (1-metre location) (2) GR (15 Chars)
L Route Release Point (RP)/Nearest feature:
51 Geographic place name (10 Chars)
52 Grid Reference (1-metre location) (2) GR (15 Chars)
M Military Load Classification (MLC) 1-Way/MLC 2-Way data:
54 MLC 1-Way Tracked (3 Figs)
55 MLC 1-Way Wheeled (3 Figs)
56 MLC 2-Way Tracked (3 Figs)
57 MLC 2-Way Wheeled (3 Figs)
N Restrictions:
60 Restrictions found (2) (6) (2 Chars)
62 Quantity (5 Chars)
O Task obstacle identifier
65 Task Serial Number (10 Chars)
67 Obstacle Number (6 Figs)
68 Obstacle Nickname (25 Chars)
73 Obstacle Zone/Belt Name/Number (15 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 62 - 2

P 75 Survivability task details (5) (2 Figs)
Q 77 General engineer support task details (100 Chars)
R Manpower data:
79 Manpower type (Troop/Platoon) (2) (15 Chars)
80 Manpower allocation (Troop/Platoon) (2 Figs)
82 Numbers required (Troop/Platoon) (2 Figs)
83 Hours needed (3 Figs)
S Equipment data:
85 Equipment type (2) (20 Chars)
88 Equipment allocation (4 Figs)
89 Quantity required (4 Figs)
92 Hours needed (3 Figs)
T Material data:
94 Material type (2) (15 Chars)
97 Authorised quantity (4 Figs)
01 Quantity required (4 Figs)
U Unit capability:
06 Capability to complete task - YES/NO (3 Chars)
09 Hours to completion (3 Figs)
10 Task limitations (2) (7) (3 Chars)
V 19 Special remarks (100 Chars)
W 21 Acknowledge - YES/NO (3 Chars)
25 Instructions for acknowledging (50 Chars)
26 Force/unit to acknowledge (2) (30 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 62 - 3

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised
To provide information relating to engineer resources as a
HQ EinC(A) 4.8.4 16/06/98
contribution to intelligence collection plans using the G2 staff chain.


1. If the answer at A is YES a unique amendment designator must be included here.

2. Repeat as necessary.
3. Repeat serials F through M as required.

4. Select from:

01 MO Mobility 03 SU Survivability
02 CM Counter-mobility 04 GE General engineer support

5. Use the appropriate allocated data codes (only used if the task type being reported is MO).

6. Select from:

01 GR Grading (in %) 03 HI Height (in metres)

02 HC Horizontal curve (in metres) 04 WI Width (in metres)

7. Select from:

01 PER Personnel 03 TIM Time

02 EQP Equipment 04 MAT Material

Issue 1.0: May 98 62 - 4



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 63 (4.8.5)

A 04 Amendment YES/NO (3 Chars)

07 Designator (1) (10 Chars)
B Map details:
11 Map/Chart Series (12 Chars)
13 Map/Chart Suffix Number (2 Figs)
15 Map/Chart Sheet Number (2) (14 Chars)
16 Map/Chart Edition Number (2) (6 Chars)
18 Geodetic Datum (2) (25 Chars)
C Reporting unit combat effectiveness summary:
20 Personnel unit combat effectiveness (3) (1 Fig)
22 Equipment unit combat effectiveness (3) (1 Fig)
D HQ location:
25 Actual location GR (15 Chars)
27 Planned location GR (15 Chars)
28 Date-Time Group (DTG) planned to become effective DTG (12 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 63 - 1

E Organisation designator of subordinate unit(s)
30 Unit designation name (4) (15 Chars)
32 Size indicator (6 Chars)
33 Nationality (2 Chars)
35 Role indicator - Code 'A' (6 Chars)
37 Role indicator - Code 'B' (6 Chars)
40 Role indicator - Code 'C' (6 Chars)
41 Role indicator - Code 'D' (6 Chars)
43 Higher formation name (15 Chars)
45 Armed service or civilian agency code (8 Chars)
48 Unit ID Code (9 Chars)
F Subordinate unit combat effectiveness: (2) (4)
50 Personnel (1 Fig)
52 Equipment (1 Fig)
G 54 Grid location: (4) GR (15 Chars)
H Task identification: (4)
57 Task No (2) (10 Chars)
59 Engineer task nickname (25 Chars)
I Task status: (4)
62 Engineer task type (2) (5) (2 Chars)
63 Status (6) (2 Figs)
65 Estimated DTG of completion (12 Chars)
68 Complete task capability indicator - YES/NO (3 Chars)
69 Task limitations (7) (3 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 63 - 2

J Unit combat effectiveness assessment:
Next 24 hours
71 Personnel (3) (1 Fig)
72 Equipment (3) (1 Fig)
Next 48 hours
73 Personnel (3) (1 Fig)
74 Equipment (3) (1 Fig)
Next 72 hours
75 Personnel (3) (1 Fig)
76 Equipment (3) (1 Fig)
K 80 Special remarks (100 Chars)
L 90 Acknowledge - YES/NO (3 Chars)
Instructions for acknowledging (50 Chars)
Force/unit to acknowledge (2) (30 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To report combat engineer task progress and unit combat
HQ EinC(A) X 16/06/98
effectiveness from Brigade level up to Corps level.


1. If the answer at A is YES a unique amendment designator must be included here.

2. Repeat for each separate item/sub-item/subordinate unit as appropriate.

3. Select from:

1 Fully operational
2 Substantially operational
3 Marginally operational
4 Non-operational

Issue 1.0: May 98 63 - 3

4. Repeat serials E through I for each subordinate unit reported.

5. Select Task Type from:

01 MO Mobility
02 CM Counter-mobility
03 SU Survivability
04 GE General engineer support

6. Select Task Status from:

00 Task not started

01 Task started
02 Work 25% complete
03 Work 50% complete
04 Work 75% complete
05 Work 100% complete
06 State 1 now (demolition)
07 State 2 now (demolition)
08 Task complete
09 Abandoned incomplete
10 Task handed over

7. Select Task Limitations from:

01 PER Personnel
02 EQP Equipment
03 TIM Time
04 LOG Logistics
05 MAT Materiel

Issue 1.0: May 98 63 - 4



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 64 (4.8.6)

A 05 Amendment YES/NO (3 Chars)

12 Designator (1) (10 Chars)
B Map details:
30 Map/Chart Series (12 Chars)
32 Map/Chart Suffix No (2 Figs)
35 Map/Chart Sheet No (2) (14 Chars)
37 Map/Chart Edition No (2) (6 Chars)
38 Geodetic Datum (2) (25 Chars)
C Location and nearest feature:
42 Geographic place name (10 Chars)
45 Grid Ref (2) GR (15 Chars)
D Resources:
52 Resource type (2) (3) (2 Figs)
54 Description (100 Chars)
E 60 Special remarks (100 Chars)
F 72 Acknowledge - YES/NO (3 Chars)
75 Instructions for acknowledging (50 Chars)
80 Force/unit to acknowledge (2) (30 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 64 - 1

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised
To provide information relating to engineer resources as a
HQ EinC(A) X 16/06/98
contribution to intelligence collection plans using the G2 staff chain.


1. If the answer at A is YES a unique amendment designator must be included here.

2. Repeat as necessary.

3. Select from:

01 Rations/Water 06 Morale support

02 Personal equipment 07 Major equipment(s)
03 Petrol/oil/lubricants (POL) 08 Medical
04 Construction materials 09 Repair parts
05 Ammunition 10 Other

Issue 1.0: May 98 64 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 65 (4.1.5)

A Amendment
02 YES/NO (3 Chars)
05 Designator (1) (10 Chars)
B Map details:
10 Map/Chart Series (12 Chars)
14 Map/Chart Suffix No (2 Figs)
17 Map/Chart Sheet No (2) (14 Chars)
20 Map/Chart Edition No (2) (6 Chars)
23 Geodetic Datum (2) (25 Chars)
C 27 Commander's assessment (optional) (300 Chars)
D Enemy organisation data: (3)
30 Sub-unit ID (2) (4 Chars)
33 - Enemy unit ID (8 Chars)
34 - Nationality (3 Chars)
37 - Role (6 Chars)
40 - Organisation type (6 Chars)
42 - Command Level (6 Chars)
45 - Armed service (2 Chars)
48 - Unit combat effectiveness (4) (1 Fig)

30 Sub-unit ID, etc (2)

Issue 1.0: May 98 65 - 1

E Enemy grouping data: (5)
50 Number allocated to the unidentified unit (6) (7 Chars)
52 Nationality (3 Chars)
55 Quantity of weapons/equipment (6 Chars)
57 Equipment category (7) (8 Chars)
58 Equipment type (8) (20 Chars)
F Enemy ORBAT subordination
60 Stage of confirmation (9) (10 Chars)
61 Type of subordination (10) (50 Chars)
64 Sub-unit ID (7 Chars)
66 Unit number/name (11) (20 Chars)
68 Nationality (3 Chars)
71 Specialist role (6 Chars)
73 Organisation type (6 Chars)
74 Command level (6 Chars)
77 Armed service (2 Chars)
G Change(s) of organisation:
80 Stage of confirmation (9) (4 Chars)
82 Attachments/detachments (12) (5 Chars)
83 Unit number/name (13) (20 Chars)
84 Nationality (9 Chars)
88 Command level (6 Chars)
89 Armed service (2 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 65 - 2

H Intelligence source:
90 Evaluation (2 Chars)
92 Type (8 Chars)
93 Unit/Sub-unit ID (4 Chars)
95 Nationality (9 Chars)
97 Specialist role (2 Chars)
99 Organisation type (5 Chars)
01 Command level (5 Chars)
03 Armed service (1 Char)
I 06 Date-Time Group (DTG) of the information at Serials C to H DTG (12 Chars)
J Location:
09 Stage of confirmation (9) (4 Chars)
12 Location type (14) (20 Chars)
15 Geographic place name/feature (10 Chars)
16 Grid Reference (2) GR (15 Chars)
K Position:
19 Stage of confirmation (9) (4 Chars)
21 Position identifier – code name or Grid Reference (15 Chars)
24 Type of position (15) (20 Chars)
29 Grid Reference - left sector limit marker GR (15 Chars)
32 Grid Reference - right sector limit marker GR (15 Chars)
L Operational status at location/position:
35 Stage of confirmation (9) (4 Chars)
36 Operational status (16) (20 Chars)
39 Remaining usability (as a percentage) (3 Figs)

Issue 1.0: May 98 65 - 3

M Intelligence source:
41 Evaluation (2 Chars)
44 Type (8 Chars)
46 Unit/Sub-unit ID (4 Chars)
49 Nationality (9 Chars)
51 Specialist role (2 Chars)
53 Organisation type (5 Chars)
56 Command level (5 Chars)
59 Armed service (1 Char)
N 63 Date Time Group (DTG) of the information at Serials J to L DTG (12 Chars)
O Enemy activity:
65 Stage of confirmation (9) (4 Chars)
69 Description (30 Chars)
70 Effort marker (17) (5 Chars)
72 Grid Reference (2) GR (15 Chars)
P Direction of movement:
76 Stage of confirmation (9) (4 Chars)
79 Direction (5 Chars)
Q Intelligence source:
85 Evaluation (2 Chars)
87 Type (8 Chars)
91 Unit/Sub-unit ID (4 Chars)
94 Nationality (9 Chars)
96 Specialist role (2 Chars)
02 Organisation type (5 Chars)
05 Command level (5 Chars)
08 Armed service (1 Char)
R 12 Own unit(s) affected (2) (20 Chars)
S 17 Date Time Group (DTG) of the information at Serials O and R DTG (12 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 65 - 4

T Enemy boundary:
20 Stage of confirmation (9) (4 Chars)
22 ID of unit LEFT of boundary
25 - Unit number/name (4 Chars)
26 - Nationality (9 Chars)
30 - Command level (5 Chars)
33 - Armed service (1 Char)
37 Boundary symbol (18) (6 Chars)
41 ID of unit RIGHT of boundary
44 - Unit number/name (4 Chars)
47 - Nationality (9 Chars)
49 - Command level (5 Chars)
52 - Armed service (1 Char)
53 Grid References of boundary GRs (100 Chars)
U Intelligence source:
55 Evaluation (2 Chars)
57 Type (8 Chars)
60 Unit/Sub-unit ID (4 Chars)
62 Nationality (9 Chars)
64 Specialist role (2 Chars)
67 Organisation type (5 Chars)
69 Command level (5 Chars)
72 Armed service (1 Char)
V 81 Date Time Group (DTG) of the information at Serial T DTG (12 Chars)
W Enemy installation/geographic item:
83 Stage of confirmation (9) (4 Chars)
85 Type of installation/item (20 Chars)
82 Logistic activity (19) (10 Chars)
84 Place name (20 Chars)
86 Grid Reference (2) (15 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 65 - 5

X Operational status at location/position:
88 Stage of confirmation (9) (4 Chars)
93 Operational status (16) (20 Chars)
95 Remaining usability (as a %) (3 Figs)
Y Intelligence source:
97 Evaluation (2 Chars)
99 Type (8 Chars)
03 Unit/Sub-unit ID (4 Chars)
07 Nationality (9 Chars)
11 Specialist role (2 Chars)
15 Organisation type (5 Chars)
17 Command level (5 Chars)
19 Armed service (1 Char)
Z 23 Date Time Group (DTG) of the information at Serials W to X DTG (12 Chars)
AA 33 Acknowledge – YES/NO (3 Chars)
Instructions for acknowledging (50 Chars)
Force/unit to acknowledge (2) (30 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To report and inform on the enemy land forces situation, to include
locations, boundaries, status, Order of Battle (ORBAT) and LW1 X 16/06/98
subordination of units/formations.

Issue 1.0: May 98 65 - 6


1. If the answer at A is YES a unique amendment designator must be included here.

2. Repeat as necessary.
3. Repeat serials D through N for each enemy organisation reported.

4. Select from:

1 Fully operational 3 Marginally operational

2 Substantially operational 4 Non-operational

5. Serial E is used as an alternative to Serial D when the enemy unit being reported cannot be identified.
6. Taken from assigned Arbitrary Unit Designator numbers.
7. E.g. Gun, MBT, Radar, etc.
8. Official designation of the equipment if known, e.g. T72, SCUD B, etc.
9. Estimated or real.
10. "Under command of....."; "Elements of.....".
11. Parent unit superior to the enemy unit reported at Serial D.
12. Plus or minus to the enemy unit reported at Serial D.
13. Name of the attachment/detachment.
14. Assembly Area (Assy Area), Helicopter Landing Site (LS), COMMCEN, Main HQ, etc.
15. Hide, gun position, dummy position, etc.
16. E.g. captured, destroyed, operational.
17. Dummy, Main or SP.
18. Unit/formation level symbol to be marked on map, e.g. 'XX', 'lll', '...'.
19. Logistic activity, e.g. recovery, dummy, resupply, repair, etc.

Issue 1.0: May 98 65 - 7



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 66 (4.9.1)

A Location details of the UXO:

Map details:
03 Map/Chart Series (12 Chars)
04 Map/Chart Suffix Number (2 Figs)
07 Map/Chart Sheet Number (2) (14 Chars)
08 Map/Chart Edition Number (2) (6 Chars)
09 Geodetic Datum (2) (25 Chars)
12 Location - relative to a known installation, building, landmark (50 Chars)
or prepared grid
Ease of access:
15 A - On foot - from EASY/DIFFICULT/IMPOSSIBLE (10 Chars)
17 B - By light vehicle - from EASY/DIFFICULT/IMPOSSIBLE (10 Chars)
B UXO type/description:
18 Confirms the type of UXO (3) (2 Figs)
30 Unknown UXO details (4) (200 Chars)
33 Indication of chemical or biological (CB) agent hazard (5) ((2 Figs))
C 37 Quantity of UXOs (2 Figs)
D 42 Date-Time Group (DTG) of attack/time of impact/time of DTG (12 Chars)
E 45 Effect on operations (6) (2 Figs)

Issue 1.0: May 98 66 - 1

F Evacuation/safety measures:
52 Confirms measures taken (7) (2 Figs)
55 Measures taken at site - YES/NO (if YES they are to be (50 Chars)
G 63 NBC threat (8) (2 Figs)
H 70 Tactical information of value - enemy forces, friendly forces, (200 Chars)
hazards, etc
Point of contact (POC) details:
73 Name (20 Chars)
75 Rank or appointment (10 Chars)
78 Telephone/Fax Number(s) (secure and insecure) (30 Chars)
79 Radio frequencies/callsigns (30 Chars)
I Rendezvous (RV) details for the Explosive Ordnance
Reconnaissance (EOR)/Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD)
85 Grid Reference GR (15 Chars)
86 Route description (50 Chars)
PART 2 (9)
J EOD tasking details:
89 ID of EOR team tasked (20 Chars)
90 Tasking order, recommendations, limitations and (200 Chars)
requirements for a COMTECHREP-Type B (10)
X 95 Assigned unique Incident Number (10 Chars)
Y 99 Category of EOD incident - A, B, C or D (11) (1 Char)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To submit the initial report of an unexploded ordnance (UXO) incident
giving as much basic information as is available. The EODINCREP is
HQ EinC(A) X X X 16/06/98
to be used by all personnel reporting such an incident and may be
used for reporting one or more apparently similar items.

Issue 1.0: May 98 66 - 2


1. Users include Observation/Reconnaissance/Damage Assessment/Damage

Repair/ Chemical Detection/EOR and EOD Teams.

2. Repeat as necessary.

3. Select from:

01 Bombs 10 Anti-submarine weapons

02 Grenades 11 Sea mines
03 Mines (Land) 12 Pyrotechnics
04 Missiles 13 Demolition equipment
05 Mortars 14 Improvised explosive devices (IED)
06 Projectiles 15 Miscellaneous
07 Rockets 16 Fuzes
08 Sub munitions 17 Containers and dispensers
09 Torpedoes 18 Unknown

4. UXO details are to be provided as accurately as possible using the following



01 Circumstances of discovery Incident description
02 Visibility of UXO DTG found
03 UXO appearance - shape and condition Appearance
04 UXO dimensions - Length, width, Size
05 Colours Are there any visible wires?
06 Markings What method of fastening has been
used (where appropriate)
07 Condition of UXO (rusted or leaking, If the IED is a suspected letter bomb
new or old, broken or intact) state:
- Postmark
- Is recipient a likely target?
- Is IED bulky at one end?
- Envelope or package type/makeup
- Why is it suspicious?
08 For munitions under water add: Was any warning given?
- Prevailing conditions
- Depth of the UXO
- How is the UXO marked?
09 Are there any secondary hazards?
10 Are there any witnesses available?
11 Any other relevant information

Issue 1.0: May 98 66 - 3

5. Select from: 6. Select from:

01 No CB hazard present 01 Nil

02 A CB hazard is present 02 Minor
03 Not known 03 Severe
04 Totally disrupted

7. Select from: 8. Select from:

01 No evacuation ordered 01 Low

02 Evacuation in progress 02 Medium
03 Evacuation complete 03 High
04 Black

9. PART 2 of the EODINCREP is to be completed by the EOD Tasking Authority

on receipt of PART 1, not by the originator of PART 1.

10. The COMTECHREP-Type B message is not included in APP-9.

11. EOD incident categories as follows:

A EOD incidents constituting a grave and immediate threat. Incidents to

be given top priority. Disposal operations are to be started immediately
regardless of personal risk.

B EOD incidents constituting an indirect threat. Safe waiting period may

be observed.

C EOD incidents constituting little threat. Dealt with after A and B with
minimal personal danger.

D EOD incidents which represent no threat at present.

Issue 1.0: May 98 66 - 4



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 67 (4.9.2)

A Location details of the UXO:

Map details:
03 Map/Chart Series (12 Chars)
05 Map/Chart Suffix Number (2 Figs)
08 Map/Chart Sheet Number (2) (14 Chars)
10 Map/Chart Edition Number (2) (6 Chars)
12 Geodetic Datum (2) (25 Chars)
15 Location - relative to a known installation, (50 Chars)
building, landmark or prepared grid
Ease of access:
17 On foot - from EASY/DIFFICULT/IMPOSSIBLE (10 Chars)
18 By light vehicle - from EASY/DIFFICULT/IMPOSSIBLE (10 Chars)
B UXO type/description:
21 Confirms the type of UXO (3) (2 Figs)
22 Unknown UXO details (4) (200 Chars)
25 Indication of chemical or biological (CB) agent (2 Figs)
hazard (5)
C 30 Quantity of UXOs (2 Figs)
D 33 Date-Time Group (DTG) of attack/time of impact/time of DTG (12 Chars)
E 37 Effect on operations (6) (2 Figs)

Issue 1.0: May 98 67 - 1

F Evacuation/safety measures:
38 Confirms measures taken (7) (2 Figs)
39 Measures taken at site - YES/NO (if YES they are to be (50 Chars)
G 40 NBC threat (8) (2 Figs)
H 42 Tactical information of value - enemy forces, friendly forces, (200 Chars)
hazards, etc
Point of contact (POC) details:
44 Name (20 Chars)
45 Rank or appointment (10 Chars)
48 Telephone/Fax Numbers(s) (secure and insecure) (30 Chars)
49 Radio frequencies/callsigns (30 Chars)
I Rendezvous (RV) details for the Explosive Ordnance
Reconnaissance (EOR)/Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD)
50 Grid Reference GR (15 Chars)
52 Route description (50 Chars)
K UXO details:
54 As precise an ID of the UXO(s) as possible (2) (50 Chars)
55 Precise ID of the fuze(s) (2) (9) (200 Chars)
58 Fuze condition - safe/armed/neutralised (2) (10) (12 Chars)
59 Position of fuze (2) (20 Chars)
L Timing/recommendations
60 DTG of reconnaissance completion DTG (12 Chars)
63 EOR team recommendations for further EOD action, (200 Chars)
equipment, etc
M EOD tasking details:
65 ID of EOD team tasked (20 Chars)
72 Tasking order, recommendations, limitations and (200 Chars)
the requirement for a COMTECHREP-Type B (11)
X 80 Assigned unique incident number (10 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 67 - 2

Y 83 Category of EOD incident - A, B, C or D (12) (1 Char)
PART 2 (13)
N 85 DTG of EOD team arrival on site DTG (12 Chars)
O 88 EOD team procedure used (50 Chars)
P 92 Procedure result (14) (2 Chars)
Q 95 DTG EOD mission complete DTG (12 Chars)
R 98 Further details - damage caused, equipment status, problems (200 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To confirm the identification of an unexploded ordnance (UXO) and to
give additional explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) information, HQ EinC(A) X 17/06/98
disposal actions and results.


1. Users include Observation/Reconnaissance/Damage Assessment/Damage Repair/Chemical Detection/EOR/EOD Teams and DCCs.

2. Repeat as necessary.

3. Select from:

01 Bombs 10 Anti-submarine weapons

02 Grenades 11 Sea mines
03 Mines (Land) 12 Pyrotechnics
04 Missiles 13 Demolition equipment
05 Mortars 14 IED
06 Projectiles 15 Miscellaneous
07 Rockets 16 Fuzes
08 Sub-munitions 17 Containers and dispersers
09 Torpedoes 18 Unknown

Issue 1.0: May 98 67 - 3

4. UXO details are to be provided as accurately as possible using the following categories:


01 Circumstances of discovery Incident description
02 Visibility of UXO DTG found
03 UXO appearance - shape and condition Appearance
04 UXO dimensions - length, width, diameter Size
05 Colours Are there any visible wires?
06 Markings What method of fastening has been used (where appropriate)
07 Condition of UXO (rusted or leaking, new or old, If the IED is a suspected letter bomb state:
broken or intact) Postmark
Is recipient a likely target?
Is IED bulky at one end?
Envelope or package type/makeup
Why is it suspicious?
08 For munitions under water add: Was any warning given?
Prevailing conditions
Depth of UXO
How is UXO marked?
09 Are there any secondary hazards?

10 Are there any witnesses available?

11 Any other relevant information

Issue 1.0: May 98 67 - 4

5. Select from: 6. Select from:

01 No CB hazard present 01 Nil

02 A CB hazard is present 02 Minor
03 Not known 03 Severe
04 Totally disrupted
7. Select from: 8. Select from:

01 No evacuation ordered 01 Low

02 Evacuation in progress 02 Medium
03 Evacuation complete 03 High
04 Black
9. To provide a descriptive technical summary that includes - name, country of origin, type, height/length, maximum diameter, length (non-
armed/mounted), colour, arming, markings, fuze location, booster type, detonator type.
10. Fuze condition information selected from:
01 Safe 03 Neutralised
02 Armed 04 Unknown

11. The COMTECHREP-Type B message is not included in APP-9.

12. EOD incident categories as follows:

A EOD incidents constituting a grave and immediate threat. Incidents to be given top priority. Disposal operations are to be started
immediately regardless of personal risk.
B EOD incidents constituting an indirect threat. Safe waiting period may be observed.
C EOD incidents constituting little threat. Dealt with after A and B with minimal personal danger.
D EOD incidents which represent no threat at present.

13. Only to be completed as part of the report from the EOD Team to the EOD Tasking Authority.

Issue 1.0: May 98 67 - 5

14. Select from the following categories:

No Chemical Reaction:
A1 Case not penetrated Violent Deflagration:
A2 Case penetrated D1 Violent deflagration
A3 Mechanical break-up D2 Transition to detonation

Burn: Detonation:
B1 Burn not sustained E1 Detonation
B2 Burn sustained to burn-out
B3 Burn to deflagration Fuze Attack
B4 Burn to detonation F1 Fuze attack failed
F2 Fuze neutralised
F3 Fuze removed
C1 Deflagration < 15% of fill consumed None of the above applies:
C2 Deflagration 15%-50% of fill consumed X1 Details at Serial ROMEO
C3 Deflagration > 50% of fill consumed

Issue 1.0: May 98 67 - 6



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 68 (4.9.3)

A Location details of the UXO:
Map details:
02 Map/Chart Series (12 Chars)
03 Map/Chart Suffix No (2 Figs)
05 Map/Chart Sheet No (2) (14 Chars)
08 Map/Chart Edition No (2) (6 Chars)
10 Geodetic Datum (2) (25 Chars)
12 Location - relative to a known installation, (50 Chars)
building, landmark or prepared grid
Ease of access:
15 A - On foot - from EASY/DIFFICULT/IMPOSSIBLE (10 Chars)
17 B - By light vehicle - from EASY/DIFFICULT/IMPOSSIBLE (10 Chars)

B UXO type/description:
20 Confirms the type of UXO (3) (2 Figs)
22 Unknown UXO details (4) (200 Chars)
25 Indication of chemical or biological (CB) agent (2 Figs)
hazard (5)
C 30 Quantity of UXOs (2 Figs)

Issue 1.0: May 98 68 - 1

D 32 Date-Time Group (DTG) of attack/time of impact/time of DTG (12 Chars)
E 35 Effect on operations (6) (2 Figs)
F Evacuation/safety measures:
38 Confirms measures taken (7) (2 Figs)
40 Measures taken at site - YES/NO (if YES they are to be (50 Chars)
G 44 NBC threat (8) (2 Figs)
H 50 Tactical information of value - enemy forces, friendly forces, (200 Chars)
hazards, etc
Point of contact (POC) details:
52 Name (20 Chars)
54 Rank or appointment (10 Chars)
55 Telephone/Fax No(s) (secure and insecure) (30 Chars)
58 Radio frequencies/callsigns (30 Chars)
I Rendezvous (RV) details for the Explosive Ordnance
Reconnaissance (EOR) party:
62 Grid Reference GR (15 Chars)
65 Route description (50 Chars)
J EOR tasking details:
67 ID of EOR team tasked (20 Chars)
68 Tasking order, recommendations, limitations and (200 Chars)
requirements for a COMTECHREP-Type B (9)
X 85 Assigned unique incident number (10 Chars)
Y 87 Category of Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) incident – (1 Char)
A, B, C or D (10)

Issue 1.0: May 98 68 - 2

K UXO details:
88 As precise an ID of the UXO(s) as possible (2) (50 Chars)
90 Precise ID of the fuze(s) (2) (12) (200 Chars)
92 Fuze condition - safe/armed/neutralised (2) (13) (12 Chars)
93 Position of fuze(s) (2) (20 Chars)
L Timing/recommendations
95 DTG of reconnaissance completion DTG (12 Chars)
99 EOR team recommendations for further EOD action, (200 Chars)
equipment, etc

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To task an explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) team with an
explosive ordnance reconnaissance (EOR). The same format is used HQ EinC(A) X 17/06/98
to report the results of an EOR.


1. Users include Observation/Reconnaissance/Damage Assessment/Damage Repair/Chemical Detection/EOR/EOD Teams and DCCs.

2. Repeat as necessary.

3. Select from:

01 Bombs 07 Rockets 13 Demolition equipment

02 Grenades 08 Sub-munitions 14 IED
03 Mines (Land) 09 Torpedoes 15 Miscellaneous
04 Missiles 10 Anti-submarine weapons 16 Fuzes
05 Mortars 11 Sea mines 17 Containers and dispersers
06 Projectiles 12 Pyrotechnics 18 Unknown

Issue 1.0: May 98 68 - 3

4. UXO details are to be provided as accurately as possible using the following categories:


01 Circumstances of discovery Incident description
02 Visibility of UXO DTG found
03 UXO appearance - shape and condition Appearance
04 UXO dimensions - length, width, diameter Size
05 Colours Are there any visible wires?
06 Markings What method of fastening has been used (where appropriate)
07 Condition of UXO (rusted or leaking, new or old, broken or intact) If the IED is a suspected letter bomb state:
Is recipient a likely target?
Is IED bulky at one end?
Envelope or package
Why is it suspicious?
08 For munitions under water add: Was any warning given?
Prevailing conditions
Depth of UXO
How is UXO marked?
09 Are there any secondary hazards?
10 Are there any witnesses available?
11 Any other relevant information

5. Select from:

01 No CB hazard present 03 Not known

02 A CB hazard is present 04 Totally disrupted

Issue 1.0: May 98 68 - 4

6. Select from:

01 Nil 02 Minor 03 Severe

7. Select from:

01 No evacuation ordered 02 Evacuation in progress 03 Evacuation complete

8. Select from:

01 Low 02 Medium 03 High 04 Black

9. The COMTECHREP-Type B message is not included in APP-9.

10. EOD incident categories as follows:

A EOD incidents constituting a grave and immediate threat. Incidents are to be given top
priority. Disposal operations are to be started immediately regardless of personal risk.
B EOD incidents constituting an indirect threat. Safe waiting period may be observed.
C EOD incidents constituting little threat. Dealt with after A and B with minimal personal danger.
D EOD incidents which represent no threat at present.

11. PART 2 is only completed as part of the report from the EOR Team to the EOD Tasking Authority.

12. To provide a descriptive technical summary that includes - name, country of origin, type, height/length,
maximum diameter, length (non-armed/mounted), colour, arming, markings, fuze location, booster type,
detonator type

13. Fuze condition information selected from:

01 Safe 02 Armed 03 Neutralised 04 Unknown

Issue 1.0: May 98 68 - 5



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 69 (4.15.2)

A 05 Report purpose (250 Chars)

B Timeframe:
21 FROM DTG (12 Chars)
25 TO DTG (12 Chars)
C 30 Location of events (200 Chars)
D 37 Description of events (1000 Chars)
E 42 PSOFOR forces involved (500 Chars)
F 45 Press information (2000 Chars)
G 58 Source(s) of information (300 Chars)
H 63 Additional information (1000 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To provide NATO HQ and Nations under SACEUR's OPLAN 10405,
through the MNC chain of command, information of important events,
trends and activities that do not have an element of extreme urgency, PJHQ X 17/06/98
but do influence Peace Support Operations Force (PSOFOR) (e.g.
IFOR, SFOR) operations. (1) (2)

Issue 1.0: May 98 69 - 1


1. An EVENTREP is sent in any of the following cases:

a. Clear indications of major offensive operations against PSOFOR forces.

b. Use of weapons by parties that threatens to escalate an incident or that might significantly affect the military balance, including
rockets, missiles, chemical or biological agents, AAA, anti-tank weapons, and combat helicopters/aircraft.

c. Events that might cause large-scale movements of populations/refugees.

d. Severe environmental risks and damage caused by military operations.

e. Events that do not meet incident reporting criteria but are still, in the MNC's judgement, of interest to PSOFOR nations.

2. The EVENTREP is essentially a descriptive, free text message.

Issue 1.0: May 98 69 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 70 (4.13.2)

A 10 Summary of events - a free text resume of events and (500 Chars)

resulting EW options
B 15 Decision to act - YES or NO, with reason given if appropriate (100 Chars)
C Action required:
30 Priority/technique (1) (25 Chars)
D Period:
40 ON time/OFF time (1) DTGs (24 Chars)
E 56 Declassification trigger - time, date or event (50 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

Used by a Joint Force commander to approve or modify the overall
Comd Sp X 17/06/98
EW Joint Operations Plan.


1. Repeat as necessary for each priority/technique required.

Issue 1.0: May 98 70 - 1



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 71 (4.13.3)

A Jamming
03 Type of jamming/deception (1) (10 Chars)
05 Strength of jamming (2) (10 Chars)
07 Mode of jamming (3) (10 Chars)
10 Frequency/channel affected (3 Figs)
B 20 Location of victim GR (10 Chars)
C 35 Time - effective Date-Time Group (DTG) of start and duration (30 Chars)
of attack in minutes
D 47 Additional information (200 Chars)
E 50 Declassification trigger - time, date or event (50 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To report a hostile EW attack. Comd Sp X X X 17/06/98


1. Select from: 01 MUSIC 02 TONES 03 CW 04 NOISE 05 VOICE

2. Select from: 01 WEAK 02 MEDIUM 03 STRONG
3. Select from: 01 RESPONSIVE 02 CONSTANT
4. This is a simple report designed for use by non-specialists. Specialists should use the MIJIWARNREP format.

Issue 1.0: May 98 71 - 1



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 72 (4.13.5)

A 17 Summary of events - a free text resume of events and (500 Chars)

resulting EW options
B EW equipment(s) status: (1)
30 Equipment type: (20 Chars)
31 Number operational (2 Figs)
32 Number non-operational (2 Figs)
33 Number destroyed (2 Figs)
C 85 Activity/time schedule for current EW tasking (100 Chars)
D 92 Declassification trigger - time, date or event (50 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To provide a periodic summary of EW asset status. (2) Comd SP X 17/06/98


1. Repeat as necessary for each equipment type being reported.

2. This message is normally originated by a component commander and sent to both higher and flanking formation EW cells/HQs.

Issue 1.0: May 98 72 - 1



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 73 (4.13.4)

A 07 Outline target priorities and results of electronic surveillance (200 Chars)

missions (ESM)
B 12 Changes to enemy electronic Order of Battle (EOB) (100 Chars)
C 15 Outline of own electronic counter measures (ECM) activities, (200 Chars)
to include targets and results
D 23 Friendly interference and requests for deconfliction (200 Chars)
E 28 Location and operational status of own EW units (200 Chars)
F 32 Future intentions of friendly ESM/ECM, with target priorities (200 Chars)
G 35 Enemy EW/Radio Electronic Combat (REC) unit activity, (200 Chars)
including effects on own units
H 39 Possible future intentions of enemy EW/REC units (200 Chars)
I 40 ID of any enemy EW/REC units (100 Chars)
J 45 Additional information, to include the Restricted Frequency List (200 Chars)
(RFL) for the next 24 hours.

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To summarise all friendly and enemy EW activity over a specific
Comd Sp X 17/06/98
reporting period and to report on the status of friendly EW assets. (1)

1. The EWMSNSUM is essentially a free text message but making maximum use of available brevity/data codes wherever possible.

Issue 1.0: May 98 73 - 1



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 74 (4.13.6)

A 07 Amplification - of the case for EW support, particularly where (500 Chars)

additional resources are requested. To include assets
required and planned duration
B 15 Task outline - background detail of the target and/or the EW (500 Chars)
element of a wider operation
C 24 Unit ID - of unit being tasked (not required for a request (20 Chars)
D 30 Target Unit ID/Role of electronic counter measures (ECM) (40 Chars)
target unit (1)
E 40 Target description - general target information (1) (200 Chars)
F 50 Target type - EW target type, e.g. Arty/Fire Control (1) (20 Chars)
G 60 Activity required - DF, electronic surveillance mission (ESM) (60 Chars)
collection, ECM, Chaff, etc (1) (2)
H 70 Target frequency characteristics (if known) (1) (30 Chars)
I 82 Further target tasks - as required (100 Chars)
J 89 Declassification trigger - time, date or event (50 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 74 - 1

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised
To request and task assigned EW resources. (3) Comd Sp X 17/06/98


1. Repeat as necessary where multiple targets are involved.

2. If 'Chaff' is called for at Serial GOLF, 'ON/OFF' timings and 'START/END' locations must be provided.

3. The EWRTM applies to both ECM and ESM support by ground, maritime and air assets. It is also used to request support of additional
EW resources not currently assigned.

Issue 1.0: May 98 74 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 75 (4.13.7)

A 12 Unit ID of unit to cease jamming activity (20 Chars)

B 10 Frequency(s) involved (1) (50 Chars)
C 25 Amplification - brief free text explanation for the order (100 Chars)
D 30 System(s) affected (1) (50 Chars)
E 42 Location(s) - name/Georef/Grid reference - of all locations (20 Chars)
affected (1)
F 59 Declassification trigger - time, date or event (50 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

Used when it is imperative to immediately terminate a jamming task
Comd Sp 4.13.7 17/06/98
being conducted by friendly EW assets.


1. Repeat as necessary for each frequency/system/location affected.

Issue 1.0: May 98 75 - 1



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 76 (4.13.8)

A 03 Alert Word - codeword or nickname covering the activity (15 Chars)

B 08 Activity type (1) (15 Chars)
C 12 Operations - from Maritime/Air/Land/Joint (2) (200 Chars)
D 15 Comms EW - identifies specific hostile radio transmission(s) - (40 Chars)
frequency, bandwidth, callsign (C/S) (3)
E 18 Emitter EW - identifies specific non-comms emitter(s) - (40 Chars)
frequency, other emitter parameters (3)
F Audit trail:
20 Serial Number (5 Chars)
23 Time DTG (12 Chars)
25 Task Number (5 Chars)
27 Description of audit activity (100 Chars)
G 32 Submarine data (as appropriate) (4) (100 Chars)
H 50 Associated encounter(s) - either NIL or the trademark/ (10 Chars)
discrete letter code allocated to any associated encounter(s)
plus: (5)
51 Location/description of area (30 Chars)
52 Direction/speed (10 Chars)
53 Date-Time Group (DTG) of the location information DTG (12 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 76 - 1

I 60 Close encounter(s) - either NIL or indicator of closest (10 Chars)
proximity to friendly forces plus: (5)
61 Location/description of area (30 Chars)
62 Direction/speed (10 Chars)
63 DTG of location information DTG (12 Chars)
J Unknown vessel(s) - if used, the trademark/discrete letter
70 code allocated plus: (6) (10 Chars)
71 Location/description of area (30 Chars)
72 Direction/speed (10 Chars)
73 DTG of location information DTG (12 Chars)
K 85 Declassification trigger - time, date or event (50 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

Used when no tactical data system is available to report time
sensitive fleeting targets, threat or danger to friendly units and
Comd Sp X 17/06/98
distress situations. Also used to report electronic surveillance
measures (ESM) operational results.


1. Select from the appropriate data codes where available.

2. Also provides a brief free text update, as appropriate.

3. Repeat where more than one transmission/emission is being reported.

4. Rarely, if ever, used by land forces. If used, provides as much detail as possible of: Serial Number, unit ID, type/class, credibility, NATO

5. Repeat as necessary where more than one associated encounter/close encounter is being reported.

6. Repeat as necessary if more than one unknown vessel is being reported.

Issue 1.0: May 98 76 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 77 (6.3.2)

A 03 Amendment YES/NO 3 Chars)

05 Designator (1) (10 Chars)
B Map details:
07 Map/Chart Series (12 Chars)
09 Map/Chart Suffix Number (2 Figs)
11 Map/Chart Sheet Number (2) (14 Chars)
13 Map/Chart Edition Number (2) (6 Chars)
15 Geodetic Datum (2) (25 Chars)
C Operation/Movement Details - if used, provides either or both
18 ID number/Name of operation (15 Chars)
20 Codeword/Nickname of movement (15 Chars)
D 24 Transport Reply Reference Number (10 Chars)
E 27 International ID Code Number (10 Chars)
F Consignor details:
29 Unit designator (20 Chars)
32 Unit location GR (15 Chars)
35 Priority (3) (7 Chars)
39 Agency to be billed (20 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 77 - 1

G Loading/Departure station:
43 Name (15 Chars)
45 Grid Reference GR (15 Chars)
H 48 Departure Date-Time Group (DTG) DTG (12 Chars)
I Consignee details:
52 Unit designator (20 Chars)
54 Unit location GR (11 Chars)
J Off-loading/Destination station:
55 Name (15 Chars)
58 Grid Reference GR (15 Chars)
K 60 Latest arrival DTG DTG (12 Chars)
L 61 Off-loading time required (in hours/minutes) (7 Chars)
M Route details:
65 Transfer station/BCP (2)
67 Name (15 Chars)
68 Grid Reference GR (15 Chars)
70 Planned DTG of arrival DTG (12 Chars)
72 Planned DTG of departure DTG (12 Chars)
N Transportation means:
75 Type (10 Chars)
76 Quantity (2 Figs)
O Train details:
80 Length - in metres (3 Figs)
83 Weight - in tonnes (4 Figs)
P 85 Remarks. Special requirements, information on follow-on (500 Chars)
transport, classified material, etc.
Q 1st Class passengers:
87 Male (3 Figs)
89 Female (2 Figs)

Issue 1.0: May 98 77 - 2

R 2nd Class passengers:
90 Male (3 Figs)
93 Female (2 Figs)
S Material/Load details: (4)
95 Type and quantity (5) (10 Chars)
97 Sketch Number and quantity of equipments classified as (10 Chars)
exceptional (6)
Other freight by:
02 Overall tonnage (4 Figs)
04 Maximum weight per unit (3 Figs)
08 Dangerous goods details (100 Chars)
T Point of Contact/Officer-in-Charge (OIC) Train details:
12 Name (20 Chars)
16 Rank or appointment (10 Chars)
17 Telephone/Fax No(s)(secure and insecure) (30 Chars)
26 Radio frequencies/callsigns (as appropriate) (30 Chars)
28 Other co-ordinating information (100 Chars)
U 36 Acknowledge - YES/NO (3 Chars)
40 Instructions for acknowledging (50 Chars)
42 Force/unit to acknowledge (2) (30 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To transmit to adjacent movement agencies responsible for the
border crossing point (BCP) on each side of the frontier information
which makes possible the timely processing of a military train in the QMG (Mov) X 17/06/98
neighbouring country and enables such movement to be passed on
and monitored without delay.

Issue 1.0: May 98 77 - 3


1. If the answer at A is YES a unique amendment designator must be included here.

2. Repeat as necessary.

3. Select from:

01 ALPHA Urgent operational requirement

02 BRAVO Routine operational requirement
03 CHARLIE Urgent administrative requirement
04 DELTA Routine administrative requirement

4. Use appropriate NATO data codes to provide details of vehicles/freight loaded on each train.

5. Repeat as necessary for each type of vehicle with tracked/wheeled listed separately.

6. Repeat as necessary for each type of equipment with sketch numbers taken from the NATO unified sketchbook.

Issue 1.0: May 98 77 - 4



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 78 (2.6)

A 10 Reporting unit (20 Chars)

B 20 Type of hostile act (40 Chars)
C 30 Location GR (15 Chars)
D 40 Date-Time Group (DTG) of incident DTG (12 Chars)
E 50 Identity of aggressor nation/Opposing Force(s) (OPFOR) (10 Chars)
(if known)
F Nature of damage:
61 Personnel casualties (40 Chars)
62 Damage to property (40 Chars)
63 Damage to equipment (40 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To provide information on an initial enemy hostile act in order to
Comd Sp X X 17/06/98
enable immediate reaction.


1. To be transmitted immediately upon observing/experiencing a first hostile act in a given Theatre/Tactical Area of Responsibility (TAOR).

Issue 1.0: May 98 78 - 1



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 79 (4.6.4)

A Map details: (1)

01 Map/Chart Series (12 Chars)
04 Map/Chart Suffix No (2 Figs)
47 Map/Chart Sheet No (2) (14 Chars)
08 Map/Chart Edition No (2) (6 Chars)
09 Geodetic Datum (2) (25 Chars)
B 10 Target Number (6 Chars)
C 15 Number of fire units to fire for effect (2 Figs)
D Target location:
22 UTM Easting (in metres) (6 Figs)
25 UTM Northing (in metres) (8 Figs)
28 Altitude (in metres) (5 Chars)
E 33 Target Grid Zone (6 Chars)
F Target description:
40 Target type (3) (6 Chars)
41 Target subtype (3) (6 Chars)
42 Degree of protection (4) (6 Chars)
G 45 Target strength (4 Figs)

Issue 1.0: May 98 79 - 1

H Target size:
52 Length or radius (in metres) (4 Figs)
54 Width (in metres) (4 Figs)
56 Attitude - azimuth of the longest axis (in mils) (4 Figs)
I 59 Report value accuracy of the target location (in metres) (3 Figs)
J 60 Trajectory type from: (4 Chars)
HIGH - High Angle
LOW - Low Angle
K Munitions in effect: (5)
64 Number of volleys/rockets (2 Figs)
67 Fire for effect projectile (6) (3 Chars)
68 Fire for effect fuze (6) (4 Chars)
L 72 Effects required (as %) (2 Figs)
M Method of control:
75 Method (7) (3 Chars)
77 Time on target or time to fire (4 Figs)
N Firing interval:
80 Interval (in seconds) (3 Figs)
88 Duration (in minutes) (3 Figs)
O 95 End of mission (8) (1 Char)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To transmit initial Fire For Effect requests for fire and/or orders to fire. HQ DRA X X X 18/06/98

Issue 1.0: May 98 79 - 2


1. Use of this serial is optional.

2. Repeat as necessary.
3. Select from:

Type Type Subtype

Type definition
code code definition
01 ADA Air Defence 01 UNK Unknown
Artillery 02 LT Light
03 MDM Medium
04 HV Heavy
05 MSL Missile
06 POS Position
02 ARMOR Armour 07 UNK Unknown
08 LT Light
09 MDM Medium
10 HV Heavy
11 APC Armoured Personnel Carrier
12 POS Position
03 ARTY Artillery 13 UNK Unknown
14 LT Light
15 MDM Medium
16 HV Heavy
17 POS Position
04 ASSY Assembly Areas 18 UNK Unknown
19 TRP Troops
20 TRPVEH Troops and Vehicles
21 TRPMEC Mechanised Troops
22 TRPARM Troops and Armour
05 BLDG Building 23 UNK Unknown
24 WOOD Wood
25 MASNRY Masonry
26 CONCR Concrete
27 METAL Metal
28 SPCL Special Purpose
06 BRIDGE Bridge 29 UNK Unknown
30 FTPON Foot Pontoon
31 VEHPON Vehicle Pontoon
32 CONCR Concrete
33 WOOD Wood
34 STEEL Steel
35 SITE Site
36 RAFT Raft
37 FERRY Ferry
07 CEN Centre 38 UNK Unknown
39 SMALL Small
40 BN Battalion
41 REGT Regiment
42 DIV Division
43 FWD Forward
Issue 1.0: May 98 79 - 3
08 EQUIP Equipment 44 UNK Unknown
45 RADAR Radar
46 EW Electronic Warfare
47 SLT Searchlight
48 GDNC Guidance
49 LS Loudspeaker
09 MORT Mortars 50 UNK Unknown
51 LT Light
52 MDM Medium
53 HV Heavy
54 VH Very Heavy
55 POS Position
10 PERS Personnel 56 UNK Unknown
57 INF Infantry
58 OP Observation Post
59 PTL Patrol
60 WKPTY Work Party
61 POS Position
11 RKTMSL Rockets/Missiles 62 UNK Unknown
63 APERS Anti-Personnel
64 LTMSL Light Missile
65 MDMMSL Medium Missile
66 HVMSL Heavy Missile
67 ATANK Anti-Tank
68 POS Position
12 SUPPLY Supply Dump 69 UNK Unknown
70 CLV Class 5
71 CLIII Class 3
72 CLIV Class 4
73 CLI Class 1
74 CLII Class 2
13 TER Terrain Features 75 UNK Unknown
76 ROAD Road
77 JCT Road Junction
78 HILL Hill
79 DEFILE Defile
80 LDGSTR Landing Strip
81 RR Railroad
14 VEH Vehicles 82 UNK Unknown
83 LTWHL Light Wheeled
84 HVWHL Heavy Wheeled
85 RECO Reconnaissance
86 BOAT Boats
87 ACFT Aircraft
88 HEL Helicopter
15 WPN Weapons 89 UNK Unknown
90 LTMG Light Machine Gun
91 ATG Anti-Tank Gun
92 HVMG Heavy Machine Gun
93 RCLR Recoilless Rifle
Issue 1.0: May 98 79 - 4
4. Select from:

Code First Volley Second Volley

01 PRAND Half Prone, Half Standing All Prone
02 PRONE Prone Prone
03 PRUG Prone Dug In
04 PROVER Prone Under Overhead Cover
05 DUGIN Dug In Dug In
06 COVER Under Overhead Cover Under Overhead Cover

The 'Munitions in Effect' serial may be repeated. A different shell/fuze combination

may then be specified for initial volley and successive rounds.

6. Select from :

a. 105MM

01 HEA High Explosive

10 CP Concrete Piercing
11 PD Point Detonation
12 PDD Delay
13 TI Time Action
14 VT Variable Time
15 VTD Variable Time De-sensitised
16 MRP Multi-Role Fuze Point Detonation
17 MRT Multi-Role Fuze Time
18 MRV Multi-Role Fuze Variable Time
19 MRD Multi-Role Fuze Delay

b. 155MM

20 HEA High Explosive
21 HEI DPICM Anti-Tank Sub-munition
22 HED Dual Purpose ICM
23 HER Rocket
24 AML Anti-Material Mine, Long Delay
25 AMS Anti-Material Mine, Short Delay
26 APL Anti-Personnel Mine, Long Delay
27 APS Anti-Personnel Mine, Short Delay

32 XRNGA Extended Range - Type A
33 XRNGB Extended Range - Type B

Issue 1.0: May 98 79 - 5

40 CP Concrete Piercing
41 PD Point Detonation
42 PDD Delay
43 TI Time Action
44 VT Variable Time
45 VTD Variable Time Desensitised
46 MRP Multi-Role Fuze Point Detonation
47 MRT Multi-Role Fuze Time
48 MRV Multi-Role Fuze Variable Time
49 MRD Multi-Role Fuze Delay


50 JED Dual Purpose ICM
51 JEE DPICM Anti-Personnel and Anti-Material
52 JEH Reduced Range Practice Rocket
53 JMT Anti-Tank Mine
54 JTA MLRS Terminally Guided Warhead
56 JTC ATCMS Brilliant Anti-Tank
57 JEL Extended Range Rocket

60 TI Time Action

7. Select from:

01 AMC At My Command
02 TOT Time On Target
03 WR When Ready
04 TTF Time To Fire

8. Select from:

01 Y End of Mission
02 R End of Mission, Record as Target

Issue 1.0: May 98 79 - 6



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 80 (4.6.5)

A Map details: (1)

03 Map/Chart Series (12 Chars)
05 Map/Chart Suffix No (2 Figs)
18 Map/Chart Sheet No (2) (14 Chars)
21 Map/Chart Edition No (2) (6 Chars)
25 Geodetic Datum (2) (25 Chars)
B 30 Fire mission command (3) (6 Chars)
C 33 Effective Date-Time Group (DTG) of the message in ZULU DTG (12 Chars)
D 40 Fire plan name (6 Chars)
E 52 Target Number (6 Chars)
F 64 Report to observer (4) (6 Chars)
G 68 End of mission (5) (1 Char)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To transmit a command to Check Fire, Cancel Check Fire, Cease
Loading, Cancel Cease Loading, and Fire; to transmit Ready, Rounds
HQ DRA X 18/06/98
Complete, and Cannot Comply to the observer, and to transmit the
completion of a fire mission.

Issue 1.0: May 98 80 - 1


1. Use of this serial is optional.

2. Repeat as necessary.

3. Select from:

CKFIRE Check Fire

CANCKF Cancel Check Fire
CELOAD Cease Loading
CANCLD Cancel Cease Loading
FIRE Command to Execute

4. Select from:

READY Ready to Fire

COMPLT Rounds Complete
CANTCO Cannot Comply
EXECOM Execution Complete

5. Select from:

Y End of Mission
R End of Mission and Record as Target

Issue 1.0: May 98 80 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 81 (4.6.6)

A Map details: (1)

04 Map/Chart Series (12 Chars)
07 Map/Chart Suffix Number (2 Figs)
09 Map/Chart Sheet Number (2) (14 Chars)
11 Map/Chart Edition Number (2) (6 Chars)
14 Geodetic Datum (2) (25 Chars)
B 20 Target Number (6 Chars)
C 22 Number of weapons to fire for effect (2 Figs)
D Munitions in effect: (3)
25 Number of volleys/rockets (2 Figs)
27 Fire for effect projectile (4) (3 Chars)
29 Fire for effect fuze (4) (4 Chars)
E Trajectory type from:
30 HIGH - High Angle (4 Chars)
33 LOW - Low Angle
F Method of control:
37 Method (5) (3 Chars)
42 Time on target or time to fire (4 Figs)

Issue 1.0: May 98 81 - 1

G Observer data:
45 Time of flight (to the nearest tenth of a second) (5 Chars)
51 Range probable error (in metres) (3 Figs)
56 Angle T (Observer-Target-Gun Angle)(in mils) (6) (4 Figs)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To transmit a message to observer in response to a call for fire on a
HQ DRA X 18/06/98
target of opportunity.


1. Use of this serial is optional.

2. Repeat as necessary.
3. The 'Munitions in Effect' serial (set) may be repeated as a group up to two times, initial plus one. The first iteration shall be the first
selected shell/fuze combination; the second iteration shall be the second selected shell/fuze combination. However, special considerations state
that currently only one iteration shall be specified.
4. Select from the following table:

105MM HEA High Explosive CP Concrete Piercing
HEC APICM Anti-Personnel sub-munition PD Point Detonation
PDD Delay
TI Time Action
VT Variable Time
VTD Variable Time de-sensitised
MRP Multi-Role Fuze Point Detonation
MRT Multi-Role Fuze Time
MRV Multi-Role Fuze Variable Time
MRD Multi-Role Fuze Delay

Issue 1.0: May 98 81 - 2

155MM HEA High Explosive GREEN CP Concrete Piercing
HEI DPICM Anti-Tank sub-munition WHITE PD Point Detonation
HED Dual Purpose ICM XRNGA = Extended Range - PDD Delay
HER Rocket Type A TI Time Action
AML Anti-Material Mine, long delay XRNGB = Extended Range - VT Variable Time
AMS Anti-Material Mine, short delay Type B VTD Variable Time Desensitised
APL Anti-Personnel Mine, long delay MRP Multi-Role Fuze Point Detonation
APS Anti-Personnel Mine, short delay MRT Multi-Role Fuze Time
MRV Multi-Role Fuze Variable Time
MRD Multi-Role Fuze Delay
MLRS JED Dual Purpose ICM TA Time Action
JEE DPICM Anti-Personnel and Anti-
Material sub-munitions
JEH Reduced Range Practice Rocket
JMT Anti-Tank Mine
JTA MLRS Terminally Guided Warhead
JTC ATCMS Brilliant Anti-Tank
JEL Extended Range Rocket

5. Selected from:

01 AMC At My Command
02 TOT Time On Target
03 WR When Ready
04 TTF Time To Fire

6. The definition of Angle T is the smaller interior angle formed at the intersection of the Gun-Target and Observer-Target lines and will never
be larger than 3,200 mils.

Issue 1.0: May 98 81 - 3



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 82 (4.6.7)

A Map details: (1)

03 Map/Chart Series (12 Chars)
05 Map/Chart Suffix No (2 Figs)
08 Map/Chart Sheet No (2) (14 Chars)
12 Map/Chart Edition No (2) (6 Chars)
14 Geodetic Datum (2) (25 Chars)
B 15 Target Number (6 Chars)
C Trajectory type from:
23 HIGH - High Angle (4 Chars)
25 LOW - Low Angle
D Munitions in effect: (3)
27 Number of volleys/rockets (2 Figs)
31 Fire for effect projectile (4) (3 Chars)
34 Fire for effect fuze (4) (4 Chars)
E Target location:
38 UTM Easting (in Metres) (6 Figs)
42 UTM Northing (in metres) (8 Figs)
45 Altitude (in metres) (5 Chars)
F 50 Target Grid Zone (6 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 82 - 1

G Method of control:
52 Method (5) (3 Chars)
55 Time on target or time to fire (4 Figs)
H 63 End of mission (6) (1 Char)
I Surveillance:
67 Target disposition at End of Mission (7) (4 Chars)
72 Number of enemy casualties/equipment losses (4 Figs)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To transmit upgraded grid locations, to repeat fire for effect and/or to
HQ DRA X 18/06/98
terminate missions.


1. Use of this serial is optional.

2. Repeat as necessary.

3. The 'Munitions in Effect' serial (set) may be repeated as a group up to two times, initial plus one. The first iteration shall be the first
selected shell/fuze combination; the second iteration shall be the second selected shell/fuze combination. However, special considerations state
that currently only one iteration shall be specified.

Issue 1.0: May 98 82 - 2

4. Select from the following:

105MM HEA High Explosive CP Concrete Piercing
HEC APICM Anti-Personnel sub- PD Point Detonation
munition PDD Delay
TI Time Action
VT Variable Time
VTD Variable Time de-sensitised
MRP Multi-Role Fuze Point Detonation
MRT Multi-Role Fuze Time
MRV Multi-Role Fuze Variable Time
MRD Multi-Role Fuze Delay
155MM HEA High Explosive GREEN CP Concrete Piercing
HEI DPICM Anti-Tank sub-munition WHITE PD Point Detonation
HED Dual Purpose ICM XRNGA Extended Range - PDD Delay
HER Rocket Type A TI Time Action
AML Anti-Material Mine, long delay XRNGB Extended Range – VT Variable Time
AMS Anti-Material Mine, short delay Type B VTD Variable Time De-sensitised
APL Anti-Personnel Mine, long delay MRP Multi-Role Fuze Point Detonation
APS Anti-Personnel Mine, short delay MRT Multi-Role Fuze Time
MRV Multi-Role Fuze Variable Time
MRD Multi-Role Fuze Delay

Issue 1.0: May 98 82 - 3

MLRS JED Dual Purpose ICM TA Time Action
JEE DPICM Anti-Personnel and Anti-
Material sub-munitions
JEH Reduced Range Practice Rocket
JMT Anti-Tank Mine
JTA MLRS Terminally Guided
JTC ATCMS Brilliant Anti-Tank
JEL Extended Range Rocket

5. Select from:

01 AMC At My Command
02 TOT Time On Target
03 WR When Ready
04 TTF Time To Fire

6. Select from:

Y End of Mission
R End of Mission, Record as Target

7. Select from:
01 NEUT Neutralised
02 BURN Burning
03 DEST Destroyed
04 UNK Unknown
05 NOEF No Effect
06 NEBN Neutralised/Burning

Issue 1.0: May 98 82 - 4



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 83 (4.3.4)

A Unit status - of unit(s) identified at BRAVO:

05 Readiness (2 Chars)
07 Availability (2 Chars)
08 Assignment (3 Chars)
B 33 Unit ID – list of all force component unit(s), aircraft, ship(s) to (1000 Chars)
be provided at the time and status indicated at ALPHA.
C Command Relationship
45 Planned Operational Command (OPCOM) (20 Chars)
47 Planned Operational Control (OPCON) (20 Chars)
48 Planned Task Designator (20 Chars)
52 National Superior HQ (before Transfer of Authority (TOA)) (20 Chars)
55 NATO Superior HQ (after TOA) (20 Chars)
57 Planned TOA (Command) Time DTG (12 Chars)
59 Planned TOA (Control) Time DTG (12 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To respond to MNC warning messages. PJHQ X 18/06/98

Issue 1.0: May 98 83 - 1



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 84 (4.1.6)

A 01 FRAGO/OPO Reference (25 Chars)

B 05 Time Zone (4 Chars)
C Task Organisation (Task Organisation)
10 Task Organisation 1 (100 Chars)
11 Task Organisation 2 (100 Chars)
30 Enemy Forces (100 Chars)
33 Friendly Forces (100 Chars)
35 Flanks (100 Chars)
E 44 MISSION (100 Chars)
50 Concept of Operations (200 Chars)
52 Formation/Unit 1 Task (150 Chars)
54 Formation/Unit 2 Task (150 Chars)
59 Formation/Unit 3 Task (150 Chars)
61 Formation/Unit 4 Task (100 Chars)
65 Formation/Unit 5 Task (100 Chars)
67 Co-ordinating Instructions (100 Chars)
G 80 SERVICE SUPPORT (100 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 84 - 1

I 90 Acknowledge (2) (1 Fig)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To communicate an abbreviated form of an Operation Order (OPO)
LW1 X 18/06/98
between commands, formations and units. (1)


1. The FRAGO is intended for use to:

a. Issue key sections of an Operation Order before the complete order has been produced.

b. Provide specific instructions to commanders who do not require the complete Operation Order.

c. Provide a summary of the complete order to serve as confirmatory notes.

d. Issue timely changes to existing Operation Orders.

e. Provide an outline operational directive (Mission Order) for use in fast moving mobile operations.

2. Select from:

2 NO

Issue 1.0: May 98 84 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 85 (3.3)

A 04 Target Number (10 Chars)

B 05 (Ship callsign) to work with (Spotter callsign) (20 Chars)
C 36 Circuit for spotting (20 Chars)
D 46 Mode (20 Chars)
E 56 Allotted quantity of ammunition (50 Chars)
F 99 Time and duration ship is allocated (20 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To allocate resources for Naval Gunfire Support (NGS). HQRM 18/06/98

Issue 1.0: May 98 85 - 1



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 86 (3.5)

A 07 Support type (CANDY, HONEY, PICKLE, GURF) (10 Chars)

B 09 Target number and grid co-ordinates (40 Chars)
C 24 Target description (100 Chars)
D 25 Agency controlling fire (20 Chars)
E 31 Damage assessment (150 Chars)
F 32 Ammunition expended (type, calibre, code number) (100 Chars)
G 69 Reason target not fired on (100 Chars)
H 75 Amount, type, calibre of each bombardment (150 Chars)
I 99 Action taken or contemplated (100 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

Naval Gunfire Support (NGS) after-action report. HQRM 18/06/98

Note for GURF:

A Callsign of ship
B On station and ready: DTG (local): end of NGS assignment.
C Planned firing location (GR) on centre of track to box.
D Significant reduction in capability.
E Any other information.

Issue 1.0: May 98 86 - 1



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 87 (3.4)

A 11 Target Number (10 Chars)

B 75 Task (description/location) (50 Chars)
C 91 Time and duration (20 Chars)
D 92 Own Troops location (50 Chars)
E 95 Special Instructions (200 Chars)
(e.g. Type of Ship/number of guns).

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To request Naval Gunfire Support (NGS). HQRM 18/06/98

Issue 1.0: May 98 87 - 1



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 88 (4.1.7)

A 10 Location of harbour/hide GR (10 Chars)

B Rendezvous (RV):
23 By foot GR (10 Chars)
25 By road GR (10 Chars)
28 By helicopter GR (10 Chars)
C 33 Approach from (1) (5 Chars)
D 40 Suitable for (2) (10 Chars)
E 44 Extent and type of cover (3) (4) (7 Chars)
F 52 Hard standing - YES/NO (3 Chars)
G 57 Additional information, as necessary (500 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To report details of and approaches to unit harbours/hides. LW1 X X 19/06/98

Issue 1.0: May 98 88 - 1


1. Select from:

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08

2. Select from:

01 SECT Section
02 TP/PL Troop/Platoon
03 SQN/COY Squadron/Company
04 SQN/COY GP Squadron/Company Group

3 Select from:

01 GOOD Good cover

02 PART Partial/fair cover
03 POOR Poor cover

4. Cover should be described with respect to the size of the unit/grouping for which the harbour/hide has been selected, i.e. that selected
from the list at (2).

Issue 1.0: May 98 88 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 89 (5.12)

03 HELQUEST identifier (12 Chars)

(unit ID and unique request ID - e.g. date plus 3-digit serial
A 10 Decision - ACCEPT/REFUSE/DELAY until..... (10 Chars)
11 (Date-Time Group (DTG)) (1) DTG (12 Chars)
B 17 Quantity and type of aircraft tasked (50 Chars)
C 25 Aircraft callsign or mission number (30 Chars)
D 38 Estimated DTG at pickup point(s) (PUPs) (2) DTGs (12 Chars)
E 43 Reason for REFUSE/DELAY (200 Chars)
F 52 Additional information - clearance, e.g. 'corridors', 'timeframe', (250 Chars)
etc, and any instructions not covered at A to D above.

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To inform a unit or formation of the acceptance, delay or refusal of a
PJHQ X X 19/06/98
request for transport helicopter or utility helicopter support.


1. The reason for REFUSE/DELAY must be given at E.

2. Repeat as necessary for multiple PUPs.

Issue 1.0: May 98 89 - 1



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 90 (5.13)

01 HELLSREP identifier - unit ID and unique report ID (12 Chars)

(e.g. date plus 3-digit serial number)
02 Map details:
Map/Chart Series (12 Chars)
Map/Chart Suffix No (2 Figs)
Map/Chart Sheet No (1) (14 Chars)
Map/Chart Edition No (1) (6 Chars)
Geodetic Datum (1) (25 Chars)
A 03 Units of measure to be used throughout the HELLSREP (2) (2 Figs)
B 05 Effective Date-Time Group (DTG) of reconnaissance (recce)
completion DTG (12 Chars)
C 10 Grid References of LS extremities: (3) GR (15 Chars)
[Repeat as necessary]
D 20 Orientation of the Long Axis of the LS (4) (4 Figs)
E Number/Size of LS as follows:
21 Large (1 Fig)
22 Medium (1 Fig)
23 Small (1 Fig)
24 As briefed (1 Fig)
F 25 Method of deplanement (5) (1 Fig)

Issue 1.0: May 98 90 - 1

G LS surface conditions - reported in 3 parts as follows:
30 Classification (6) (1 Char)
32 Description (7) (1 Char)
35 Recirculate (8) (1 Char)
H Direction: (4)
38 Approach (4 Figs)
39 Exit (4 Figs)
J Wind details: (4)
44 Direction (9) (4 Figs)
47 Speed (2 Figs)
K 48 Approach angle(s) (10) (4 Figs)
L 50 Pre-briefed location/recognition aids provided for any (2 Figs)
particular Armed Recce Team (ART): (10)
[Repeat as necessary]
M 60 Pre-briefed landing aids provided for any particular ART: (10) (2 Figs)
[Repeat as necessary]
N Cloud details:
72 Degree of cover, as a % (3 Figs)
73 Estimated height (4) (5 Figs)
P Visibility/Temperature: (4)
75 Visibility (2 Figs)
78 Temperature (3 Figs)
Q Enemy details: (11)
80 Sighting Number (2 Figs)
81 Grid Reference GR (15 Chars)
82 Estimated strength (3 Figs)
85 Weapons (12) (50 Chars)
R 88 Grid Reference of the ART (10) GR (15 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 90 - 2

S Obstruction(s) in the direction(s) of helicopter approach/exit
given in the order - Grid Reference, code (13) and height
using the unit of measurement given at Serial A: (14)
90 Grid Reference GR (15 Chars)
91 Code (1 Char)
94 Height (3 Figs)
T 96 Vehicle exit(s) (10) GR (15 Chars)
U 97 Restrictions on troop movements from LS (10) (15) (1 Fig)
V 99 Other remarks (100 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To transmit helicopter landing site (LS) reports. PJHQ 5.13 x x 19/06/98


1. Repeat as necessary.

2. Use ATP-38 code designators, as follows:

01 Metres 06 Kilometres per hour (KPH)

02 Yards 07 Miles per hour (MPH)
03 Feet 08 Knots
04 Degrees Magnetic 09 Degrees Celsius
05 Mils 10 Degrees Fahrenheit

3. Prefix by two (2) letter grid zone designators when there is any possibility of uncertainty about the part of the map used.

4. Using the units of measurement listed at Serial A.

Issue 1.0: May 98 90 - 3

5. Select from:

01 Land
02 Hover
03 Rope
04 Abseil or winch

6. Classification. Select from:

01 W Firm - can support the helicopter and can be used by 2-wheel drive vehicles and 4-wheel drive vehicles and trailers,
unless heavy and continuous use is intended.
02 X Moderate - can be used by 3 or 4 ton vehicles which should be able to start from rest using 4-wheel drive.
03 Y Soft - 4-wheel drive vehicles cannot start from rest but might cross if already on the move.

7. Description. Select from:

01 A Sand
02 B Grass
03 C Scrub
04 D Snow
05 E Ice
06 F Marsh
07 G Dust
08 H Any other surface

8. Re-circulate - indicates whether the surface will re-circulate as a result of rotor down wash, using a simple YES/NO code.

9. Direction given reported as the bearing from which the wind is coming.

10. Repeat as necessary where there is more than one approach angle/ART.

Issue 1.0: May 98 90 - 4

11. Repeat for each enemy position reported. Enemy sightings will normally be amplified using a INTSPOTREP.

12. Reports weapons critical to the helicopter landing/deplanement.

13. Select from:

01 A Buildings
02 B Trees
03 C Poles
04 D Pylons and high tension wires
05 E Others

14. Repeat for each obstacle, as necessary.

15. Select from:

01 Heavy restriction
02 Moderate
03 Unrestricted

Issue 1.0: May 98 90 - 5



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 91 (5.14)

03 HELOPSUM - provides summary details as follows: (12 Chars)

A 12 Formation title (20 Chars)
B 15 Status of units (10 Chars)
C Operational summary: (2)
23 Unit ID (20 Chars)
25 Unit location GR (15 Chars)
28 Main Operating Base (MOB) location GR (15 Chars)
31 Fuel (3) (4 Figs)
34 Forward Operating Base (FOB) location GR (15 Chars)
37 Fuel (3) (4 Figs)
39 Forward Arming & Refuelling Point (FARP) location GR (15 Chars)
42 Fuel (3) (4 Figs)
45 Aircraft Combat Ready (4) (20 Chars)
47 Type, Quantity (2) (2 Figs)
51 Aircraft Combat Available Type (5) (20 Chars)
56 Type, Quantity (2) (2 Figs)
59 Aircraft Unserviceable Type (6) (20 Chars)
63 Type, Quantity (2)
(2 Figs)

Issue 1.0: May 98 91 - 1

65 Personnel Combat Ready (Percentage) (3 Figs)
68 30mm ammunition state (7) (5 Figs)
70 70mm ammunition state (7) (5 Figs)
72 HELLFIRE missiles held (7) (5 Figs)
75 Other natures held (8) (5 Figs)
D 79 Significant events - last 24hrs (9) (500 Chars)
E 80 Total hours flown by aircraft type: (20 Chars)
81 Aircraft type, hours flown (3 Figs)
F 90 Summary of current operations (500 Chars)
G 95 Areas of concern (10) (500 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To submit daily Helicopter Operational Summary reports. PJHQ X 19/06/98


1. This operational summary is used to report both Attack and Support Helicopters.
2. Repeat as necessary.
3. Include both location (Grid Reference) and fuel holdings (m ).
4. Aircraft declared Combat Ready must have crew available.
5. Aircraft declared Combat Available must have crew available, but may have limited operational capability.
6. Give the time in hours until aircraft are either combat ready or combat available.
7. By number of rounds.
8. Further serials are added as required.
9. Events influencing helicopter operations completed out, planned or anticipated.
10. Problems or concerns that could adversely influence future operations.

Issue 1.0: May 98 91 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 92 (5.15)

HELQUEST identifier (unit and unique request ID (e.g. date (12 Chars)
plus 3-digit serial number)
A 10 Quantity and type of aircraft (50 Chars)
B 15 Nature of task (12 Chars)
C 23 Pick-up point(s)(PUP) (1) (2) GR (30 Chars)
D 24 Destination(s)/reconnaissance target(s) (1) GR (10 Chars)
E 27 Date-Time Group (DTG) at PUP(s) or on task (1) DTG (12 Chars)
F 33 'Not after' DTG DTG (12 Chars)
G 35 Duration of task (in hours/minutes) (6 Chars)
H 38 Passengers/casualties (3) (30 Chars)
I 44 Freight (weight in Kgs) (4) (60 Chars)
J 50 Callsign(s) and frequencies(s) at PUP(s) (1) (25 Chars)
K 52 Callsigns and frequencies(s) at destination(s) (1) (25 Chars)
L 57 Briefing – Callsign, frequency, location (100 Chars)
M 61 Debriefing – Callsign, frequency, location (100 Chars)
N 64 Combat intelligence update (100 Chars)
O 68 Special instructions – e.g. liaison, logistic support (5) (100 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 92 - 1

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised
To request transport helicopter or utility helicopter support. PJHQ X X X 19/06/98


1. Repeat for multiple PUPs/locations.

2. PUPs may be grid references, nicknames or multiple locations.

3. Category - sitting, stretcher, walking - to be stipulated by numbers.

4. Include description, dimensions, weight, underslung, etc.

5. For complex operations, the system for matching passengers/loads to helicopter types should be indicated here.

Issue 1.0: May 98 92 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 93 (5.16)

03 HELTASK identifier (12 Chars)

Unit ID and unique task ID, e.g. date plus 3-digit serial number
A 10 Quantity and type of aircraft (50 Chars)
B 15 Nature of task (12 Chars)
C 18 Pick-up point(s)(PUP) (1) (2) GRs (15 Chars)
D 25 Destination(s)/reconnaissance target(s) (1) GRs (15 Chars)
E 34 Date-Time Group (DTG) at PUP(s) or on task (1) DTGs (12 Chars)
F 36 'Not after' DTG DTGs (12 Chars)
G 39 Duration of task (in hours/minutes) (6 Chars)
H 40 Passengers/casualties (3) (30 Chars)
I 43 Freight (weight in kilogrammes) (4) (60 Chars)
J 45 Callsign(s) and frequency(s) at PUP(s) (1) (25 Chars)
K 51 Callsign(s) and frequency(s) at destination(s) (1) (25 Chars)
L 57 Briefing – callsign, frequency, location (100 Chars)
M 63 Debriefing – callsign, frequency, location (100 Chars)
N 64 Combat intelligence update (100 Chars)
O 70 Special instructions, e.g. liaison, logistic support (5) (100 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 93 - 1

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised
Used by authorised tasking agencies to allocate transport helicopter
PJHQ X 19/06/98
or utility helicopter support.


1. Repeat for multiple PUPs/locations.

2. PUPs may be grid references, nicknames or multiple locations.

3. Category - sitting, stretcher, walking - to be stipulated by numbers.

4. Include description, dimensions, weight, under-slung, etc.

5. For complex operations, the system for matching passengers/loads to helicopter types should be indicated here.

Issue 1.0: May 98 93 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 94 (6.5.1)

A 07 HNSREP Reference Number (10 Chars)

B 15 Overall situation - a free form summary to include particular (5000 Chars)
HNS concerns
C 23 Factors - a free form summary of the following:
Current HNS situation (1000 Chars)
Urgent HNS requirements in priority order (1000 Chars)
Outstanding HNS requirements in priority order (1000 Chars)
Projected HNS requirements (1000 Chars)
Miscellaneous HNS comments (e.g. early freeing of (1000 Chars)
D 35 Commander's assessment/recommendation(s) (5000 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To submit Host Nation Support (HNS) reports. PJHQ X 19/06/98

Issue 1.0: May 98 94 - 1



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 95 (6.5.2)

A 07 HNSREQ Reference Number (10 Chars)

B 12 Designator(s) of formation(s)/unit(s) needing support (100 Chars)
C 26 Support needed - type(s) and quantity needed, e.g: (5000 Chars)
Security for reception of reinforcements
Security of command/logistic facilities and high risk assets
Chemical smoke
Transport, transhipment, storage of
Transport/accommodation of personnel
Casualty evacuation
Military bridging
Communications bearers
Repairs of weapons/equipment
General support services
Damage limitation/repair
Reinforcement/stockpiling facilities
Food supplies
D 28 Legal authorisation (1) (10 Chars)
E 42 Time by when the HNS is required (Date-Time Group) DTG (12 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 95 - 1

F Duration:
55 FROM Date-Time Group (DTG) DTG (12 Chars)
58 TO Date Time Group (DTG) DTG (12 Chars)
G 67 Location at which support is required GR/Georef
(15/20 Chars)
H 80 Point of contact (POC) details at the support location (50 Chars)
I 85 Remarks (500 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To request Host Nation Support (HNS) under bilateral or multilateral
PJHQ X 19/06/98
agreements in times of peace, crisis or war.


1. Reference the relevant bilateral/multilateral agreements on which the request for HNS is based.

Issue 1.0: May 98 95 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 96 (4.7.8)

A 07 Unit ID of the Short Range AD (SHORAD) IFF Originating (20 Chars)

B IFF areas: GRs (15 Chars)
10 Present (1)
20 Planned (1)
C Timings:
52 Present IFF area FROM/TO Date-Time Groups (DTG) DTGs (24 Chars)
58 Planned IFF area FROM/TO DTGs DTGs (24 Chars)
D 60 IFF Mode - specific mode selected (10 Chars)
E 67 Combined IFF mode selected (10 Chars)
F 88 IFF code - specific code selected (10 Chars)
G 92 Cancelled IFF mode(s) (10 Chars)
H 95 Cancelled IFF code(s) (10 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To exchange Indication Friend or Foe (IFF) information and co-
ordinate the Air Defence (AD) coverage over a specific area for a HQ DRA X 19/06/98
given time period.

Issue 1.0: May 98 96 - 1


1. IFF areas present and planned are defined using as many as necessary Grid Refs/Georefs, whichever is more appropriate.

Issue 1.0: May 98 96 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 97 (6.1.2)

A Implementation of transfer - provides summary details of the (1000 Chars)

request to implement transfer of resources

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To request parties to implement the transfer once ACE-LCC/ACLANT
-SDC has been informed about an offer of assistance or a favourable LW2 X 19/06/98


1. The IMPLREQ is a descriptive, free text message.

Issue 1.0: May 98 97 - 1



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 98 (4.1.8)

A 13 Incident type (2) (4 Chars)

Map details:
B1 15 Map/Chart Series (12 Chars)
B2 17 Map/Chart Suffix Number (2 Figs)
B3 18 Map/Chart Sheet Number (3) (14 Chars)
B4 22 Map/Chart Edition Number (3) (6 Chars)
B5 23 Geodetic Datum (3) (25 Chars)
Source of information:
C1 25 Evaluation (2 Chars)
C2 27 Source type (4) (30 Chars)
C3 30 Other details (as appropriate) (50 Chars)
D 31 Date-Time Group (DTG) validity of source material DTG (12 Chars)
Location of incident:
E1 35 Grid Reference/Georef GR (15 Chars)
E2 36 Description (100 Chars)
F 38 Hostiles/Terrorists details, to include as appropriate/where (500 Chars)
Personnel involved
Organisation involved
Weapons/explosives/vehicles used
Direction of movement
Means of travel

Issue 1.0: May 98 98 - 1

G 40 Outline of events - a brief free text description of the incident, (500 Chars)
damage caused and the effect on operations
Own casualties:
H1 42 Dead (2 Figs)
H2 45 Wounded/injured (2 Figs)
Hostile/Terrorist casualties:
I1 52 Dead (2 Figs)
I2 54 Wounded/injured (2 Figs)
Civilian casualties:
J1 56 Dead (2 Figs)
J2 58 Wounded/injured (2 Figs)
Arrest details: (5)
K1 67 Name (20 Chars)
K2 68 Age (2 Figs)
K3 70 Sex (1 Fig)
K4 72 ID card number (military/civilian) (20 Chars)
K5 77 Address (100 Chars)
K6 81 Reason for arrest (100 Chars)
K7 83 DTG of arrest DTG (12 Chars)
K8 85 Place of arrest (20 Chars)
K9 90 Remarks (100 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To report any significant incident caused by terrorism, civil unrest,
LW1 X X 19/06/98
natural disaster or media activity. (1)

Issue 1.0: May 98 98 - 2


1. The INCREP is an 'As Required' report suited to Peace Support Operations (PSO);
as such it is unlikely to be called for in High Intensity Conflict (HIC) Operations.

2. Defines the type of incident using the appropriate data code selected from:

Terrorism: Civil Unrest:

Bombing: Riot 20 CR
- Deliberate 01 TBD Civil disobedience 21 CCD
- Proxy 02 TBPR Strike 22 CST
- Postal 03 TBPO Picketing 23 CPIC
Establishing no-go areas 24 CNOG
- Ambush 04 TSAM Media Attention
- Assassin 05 TSAS
- Random 06 TSRA Local 31 MAL
- Sniper 07 TSSN National 32 MAN
International 33 MAI
Hostage taking 08 THOS
Murder 09 TMUR Natural Disaster
High-jack 10 THIJ
Intimidation 11 TINT Drought 41 NDR
Earthquake 42 NEQ
Famine 43 NFA
Pestilence 44 NPE
Disease 45 NDIS
Flood 46 NFLD
Typhoon 47 NTYP

3. Repeat as necessary.

4. Select source type from:

01 GA Government Agency
02 HRO Humanitarian Relief Organisation
03 INF Informer
04 POL Police
05 MED Media
06 MINT Military Intelligence
07 UNA United Nations Agency
08 Other - state source

èï Repeat - KA, KB, KC, etc, - for each person arrested.

Issue 1.0: May 98 98 - 3



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 99 (5.17)

08 INFLIGHTREP (11 Chars)

12 Air Request/Air Task mission number (10 Chars)
A 25 Location identifier – such as target number/co-ordinates, line (50 Chars)
search number, or relation to a line (as applicable)
B 34 Time on target/time of sighting DTG (12 Chars)
C 50 Mission results – including recommendation for attack/re- (100 Chars)
attack if necessary
D 57 Other information – tactical sightings of such importance and (300 Chars)
urgency that any delay in reporting would negate the
usefulness of the information

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To re-transmit, by signal, tactical air mission results received from
PJHQ X 19/06/98
aircraft in flight voice reports. (1)


1. This message is also used for reporting other tactical information of such importance and urgency that the delay, if reported by normal
debriefing, would negate the usefulness of the information.

Issue 1.0: May 98 99 - 1



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 100 (2.7)

A 12 What - the event/incident/activity being reported (400 Chars)

B 22 When (400 Chars)
C 27 Where (400 Chars)
D 43 How (400 Chars)
Assessment/comment - to cover:
E1 53 Reliability (100 Chars)
E2 55 Deductions (200 Chars)
E3 57 Conclusions (200 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To report essential elements of intelligence information obtained
Comd Sp X X 22/06/98
through tactical collection efforts. (1)


1. The INTREP provides timely information regarding incidents/events that could have an immediate and significant effect on current or
pending operations in peace, time of tension and hostilities.

Issue 1.0: May 98 100 - 1



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 101 (2.8)

A INTREQ (Preamble) (1) (6 Chars)

10 Originator (20 Chars)
11 Request Serial No. (10 Chars)
12 Request Date-Time Group (DTG) DTG (12 Chars)
B REQREF (Reference) (1) (6 Chars)
20 Originator's control reference no. (if allocated; if not, (10 Chars)
enter 'NIL')
21 Degree of urgency (10 Chars)
22 Request priority (10 Chars)
23 Information/intelligence use - a brief summary of intended (100 Chars)
C REQDET (Details) (1) (6 Chars)
30 Subject type (100 Chars)
31 Basic Encyclopaedia (BE)/Site No. (10 Chars)
32 Name (30 Chars)
33 Information/intelligence required (100 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 101 - 1

D GENLOC or REQLOC or REQPOS (Location) (1) (2)

GENLOC (1) (6 Chars)

40 Country/area (20 Chars)
41 Place name (20 Chars)
42 Location - Grid, latitude/longitude or GEOREF (20 Chars)
43 DTG requested item was last known to be at the location DTG (12 Chars)

REQLOC (1) (6 Chars)

50 Location - Grid, latitude/longitude or GEOREF (20 Chars)
51 Type of location (3) (50 Chars)

REQPOS (1) (6 Chars)

60 Location - Grid, latitude/longitude or GEOREF (20 Chars)
61 Type of location (3) (50 Chars)
62 Elevation in metres (5 Figs)
63 Further locations required (50 Chars)
64 DTG requested item was last known to be at the position DTG (12 Chars)
65 Course – cardinal heading, degrees or mils (20 Chars)
66 Speed – knots or kilometres per hour (10 Chars)
E GEOMAT (Map/chart information) (1) (6 Chars)
70 Series No. (4) (12 Chars)
71 Sheet (4) (14 Chars)
72 Edition (4) (6 Chars)
B REQREF (5) (6 Chars)
[Repeat Serials B to E as necessary]

Issue 1.0: May 98 101 - 2

F REQTIME (Time) (1) (7 Chars)
80 Delivery DTG DTG (12 Chars)
81 Latest time the information is of value DTG (12 Chars)
82 Action not before DTG DTG (12 Chars)
83 Specific request time coverage requirements (50 Chars)
84 Report/material frequency (50 Chars)
G REQREPR (Report/material required) (1) (7 Chars)
85 Description of report/material required (20 Chars)
86 Quantity required (5 Chars)
87 Security level restrictions (15 Chars)
H REQREPD (Delivery instructions) (1) (7 Chars)
88 Delivery address (50 Chars)
89 Delivery means (20 Chars)
I POC (Point of Contact) (1) (3 Chars)
90 Rank or appointment (10 Chars)
91 Contact name (25 Chars)
92 Unit ID (20 Chars)
93 Telephone no. (10 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

Used by military authorities and forces of NATO nations and
Comd Sp X 22/06/98
commands to request intelligence from each other.

Issue 1.0: May 98 101 - 3


1. In data messages the letters shown in bold are mandatory. Although not essential, they should normally be included in voice messages
passed on secure systems.

2. Either GENLOC, REQLOC or REQPOS must be chosen.

3. Select type of location from:

01 A Pinpoint
02 B Multiple
03 C Line
04 D Circular (state RADIUS + give radius distance)
05 E Corridor (state WIDTH + give width distance)
06 F Elliptical (state ELLIPSE + give major-minor axis on orientation)
07 G Non-circular arc (state TRACE POINT)

4. Repeat as necessary.

5. Repeat sections B to E for additional requested items.

Issue 1.0: May 98 101 - 4



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 102 (2.9)

A 10 Unit ID - of unit observing the enemy activity (20 Chars)

B 20 Enemy details:
Location GR (15 Chars)
Effective Date-Time (DTG) of sighting DTG (12 Chars)
Enemy unit size/type (20 Chars)
Enemy unit status (20 Chars)
Observed activity (100 Chars)
Observer's comments/assessment (200 Chars)
C 30 Action(s) taken/being taken by observing unit (400 Chars)
D 40 Assessment/comment - to cover:
Reliability (100 Chars)
Deductions (200 Chars)
Conclusions (200 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To provide a brief and immediate intelligence report on observed
Comd Sp X 22/06/98
enemy activity. (1)

Issue 1.0: May 98 102 - 1


1. The INTSPOTREP contributes the initial intelligence assessment at a tactical level following observed enemy activity reported as a
contact report. The INTREP provides more comprehensive, timely information regarding incidents/events that could have an immediate and
significant effect on current or pending operations in peace, time of tension and hostilities.

Issue 1.0: May 98 102 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 103 (2.10)

A 10 Text indicator - INTELLIGENCE SUMMARY (1) (19 Chars)

B 23 General Introduction (1000 Chars)
C 35 Opposing Ground Forces in Contact (1000 Chars)
D 47 Enemy (OPFOR) Forward Line of Troops (EFLT) (500 Chars)
E 49 Follow-Up Ground Forces (1000 Chars)
F 51 Flanking Formations (1000 Chars)
G 54 Counter intelligence (500 Chars)
H 58 Assessment (2000 Chars)

A 15 Text indicator – INTELLIGENCE SUMMARY (1) (19 Chars)

B 25 General Introduction (1000 Chars)
C 27 Warring Faction Personnel and Equipment Losses (500 Chars)
D 48 Factional Order of Battle (ORBAT) Information (500 Chars)
E 55 Counter intelligence (1000 Chars)
F 60 Significant Weather and Terrain (500 Chars)
G 66 Assessment (2000 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 103 - 1

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised
To periodically update formations on military and related
political/economic intelligence and assessments which give an
Comd Sp X X X 22/06/98
indication of change in potential Opposing Forces (OPFOR)
capabilities, preparedness, activities or intentions. (1)


1. This message is provided in two versions to meet the differing requirements of Regional Conflict and Peace Support Operations (PSO).

2. Use structured narrative text for each of the headings listed.

Issue 1.0: May 98 103 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 104 (4.8.7)

A 07 Task Serial Number (10 Chars)

B 12 Town or feature name (20 Chars)
C 14 Minefield boundary – a series of UTM grid references (100 Chars)
D 16 Obstacle Zone/Belt name/number (15 Chars)
E 18 Minefield type (1) (2 Chars)
F 25 Generic mine type (2) (1 Char)
G 32 Obstacle status (3) (3 Chars)
H 36 Start task at DTG DTG (12 Chars)
I 42 Effective period:
Start time DTG (12 Chars)
Finish time DTG (12 Chars)
J 48 Number of Lanes/Gaps required (2 Figs)
K 55 Lane/Gap ID (indicate simply L or G) (1 Char)
L 57 Entry/Exit UTM grid references for the lane/gap at Serial K:
Entry GR (15 Chars)
Exit GR (15 Chars)
M 63 Lane/Gap width in metres (3 Figs)
N 67 Acknowledge – YES/NO (3 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 104 - 1

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised
To disseminate information relating to a Tactical Commander’s
HQ EinC(A) X 22/06/98
decision to lay a minefield.


1. Select minefield type from:

TA Tactical Minefield PR Protective Minefield

NU Nuisance Minefield PH Phoney Minefield

2. Select generic mine type from:

A Area P Anti-Personnel
H Anti-Helicopter T Anti-Tank
N No Mines U Unknown
O Off-Route D Other Device

3. Select obstacle status from:

01 PRO Proposed
02 PLR Planned Reserve
03 PLP Planned Preliminary
04 IMP Prepared for Execution
05 EXE Executed
06 PAS Passable
07 BRE Breached
08 CLR Cleared
09 CAN Cancelled
10 MRK Marked

Issue 1.0: May 98 104 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 105 (5.18)

A 01 Amendment - YES/NO. If YES, a unique amendment (10 Chars)

designator is to be given
B 03 Unique JAATMSNO reference (10 Chars)
C 05 Time zone to be used throughout the JAATMSNO (4 Chars)
D 20 SITUATION (2000 Chars)
22 General. Brief overview of the general operational situation
and an outline of the formation commander's plan.
25 Opposing Forces. Summarise opposing forces(OPFOR)
information to cover:
a. Composition
b. Location(s)
c. Likely actions
d. Estimated strength
e. Estimated time of arrival (ETA) of the target OPFOR
in the JAAT Killing Area (KA).

Issue 1.0: May 98 105 - 1

32 Friendly Forces. Brief summary of essential information
concerning friendly ground manoeuvre force(s) operating
within or in close proximity to the JAAT, to include:
a. Composition
b. Disposition
c. Location(s)
d. Likely actions
35 JAAT Composition: (3)
Command Status (4)
FROM/TO Date-Time Groups (DTGs)
Unit/Sub-Unit ID (5)
38 Weather Details where necessary - e.g. obscuration of the
Killing Area.
E 41 MISSION. A clear, concise statement, or series of (200 Chars)
statements, of the JAAT task(s) and its/their purpose.
45 EXECUTION (6) (3000 Chars)
48 Commander's Intent
53 Concept of Operations
a. Manoeuvre Concept (Ground/Air)
b. Fire Plan and Close Air Support (CAS)
c. EW/Suppression of enemy AD (SEAD) Plans (if
55 Co-ordinating Instructions (7)
58 Timings
60 No recce before
64 No recce after
67 H Hr
69 Additional timings or time constraints

Issue 1.0: May 98 105 - 2

F 70 Artillery
72 Number of guns/missiles
75 Location of guns/missiles
78 Ammunition type(s) allocated
80 Attack Helicopters (AH)
Numbers/type by Flight/Squadron
84 Close Air Support (CAS)
Mission Number(s)/type/time on target (TOT)/
weapons allocation
86 AH/CAS Route Details
Low Level Transit Route (LLTR)
Temporary Minimum Risk Route (TMRR)
Weapons Control State (WCS)
Opening/Closing times (as appropriate)
88 IP/ROZ Details
Information to identify Initial Points (IP) and Restricted
Operations Zones (ROZ)
90 Airspace Coordination Area (ACA)
Details including timings
93 Targeting Priorities
95 SEAD Plan
98 Rules of Engagement (ROE)
Specific rules that apply to the JAAT task(s)
G 06 SERVICE SUPPORT (8) (500 Chars)
Forward Airhead Replenishment Point (FARP) location
FARP Stocks
Additional Service Support information

Issue 1.0: May 98 105 - 3

H 10 COMMAND AND SIGNAL (9) (500 Chars)
C Appointments
12 a. Ground Manoeuvre Commander
14 b. JAAT Controller
17 c. Alternative JAAT Controller
18 d. FOO/AOP/NGFSO (2)
23 e. AH Commander
a. VHF(FM)
29 Ground Manoeuvre Commander
30 JAAT Controller (if ground based)
31 Artillery
37 AH Regimental Command Net
b. VHF(AM)
40 JAAT Controller (if helicopter-borne)
54 AH Control Net
c. UHF
59 FAC Control
I 61 Remarks. Any necessary qualifying remarks, clarifications or (500 Chars)
J 63 Acknowledge - YES/NO (3 Chars)
K 96 Authenticating officer (10 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To provide essential information required in a JAAT Mission Order
(MsnO). Outline information required in a Warning Order (WngO) for PJHQ X 22/06/98
the attack is provided by the JAATWNGO message (1)

Issue 1.0: May 98 105 - 4


1. This report is structured to meet the requirements of a Deliberate JAAT operation, i.e. one that is incorporated into an OPLAN from the
outset, and where the JAAT mission orders are given as part of normal battle procedure. Where a Quick JAAT operation proves necessary,
using whatever resources are available at the time, only the essential elements need be used.

2. Users include Close Air Support (CAS) and Naval Gunfire Support (NGFS) units; Air Liaison Officers (ALOs), Airborne Forward Air
Controllers (ABFACs)/Tactical Air Control Points (TACPs), NGFS Observers (NGFSOs), Forward Observation Officers (FOOs) and Airborne
Observation Posts (AOPs).

3. JAAT units are listed according to their Command Status (see below).

4. Repeat where more than one Command Status applies. Select from:

01 OPCOM Operational Command

02 OPCON Operational Control
03 TACON Tactical Control

5. Repeat for each unit/sub-unit included under each Command Status.

6. This paragraph should be tailored to suit the particular operation but should follow the structure shown. For Deliberate JAAT operations
the initial and key headings will always be "Commander's Intent" and "Concept of Operations".

7. Headings will vary considerably according to the nature and scope of the operation. Those shown are typical, but alternatives may be
used. Where Serials are used, these should be assumed to equate to the headings shown. Alternative headings must be stated.

8. Detail included in this section of the JAATMSNO should provide the minimum essential information for the administrative and logistical
support of the specific mission/task to which it refers. Typical headings are shown as examples.

9. Headings may include, but will not normally be limited to, those shown. See also Note 7.

Issue 1.0: May 98 105 - 5



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 106 (5.19)

A 02 Amendment - YES/NO. If YES, a unique amendment (10 Chars)

designator is to be given
B 05 Time zone to be used throughout the JAATWNGO (4 Chars)
C 07 SITUATION (1000 Chars)
General. Brief free text overview of the general operational
09 situation and an outline of the formation commander's plan.
Opposing Forces. Summarise essential opposing forces
12 information to cover, where appropriate, the following:
15 Location(s)
17 Movement
21 Estimated strength
23 Friendly Forces. A brief summary of essential information
25 concerning friendly forces which will directly influence or be
affected by the intended JAAT operation.

JAAT Composition: (2)

30 Command Status (3)
FROM/TO Date-Time Groups (DTGs) (3)
Unit/Sub-Unit ID (4)
D 35 Mission (200 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 106 - 1

E Timings:
37 Degree of notice (10 Chars)
41 Earliest time of JAAT H Hr DTG (12 Chars)
43 Time at which orders will be issued DTG (12 Chars)
F 48 Orders Group rendezvous (RV) GR (15 Chars)
G 50 Killing Area(s) - multiple Grid References/Georefs as (100 Chars)
H 59 FOO/AOP/NGFSO ID details/callsigns (1) (50 Chars)
I 63 Liaison Officer(s) (LO) details/C/S (50 Chars)
J 67 Laser codes/frequencies (50 Chars)
K 84 Administration/Logistics (200 Chars)
L 88 Acknowledge - YES/NO (1 Char)
M 92 Authenticating Officer (10 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To provide the essential information required for a JAAT Warning
Order. Detailed orders for the attack are provided by the PJHQ 5.18 22/06/98


1. Users include Close Air Support (CAS) and Naval Gunfire Support (NGFS) units; Air Liaison Officers (ALOs), Airborne Forward Air
Controllers (ABFACs)/Tactical Air Control Points (TACPs), NGFS Observers (NGFSOs), Forward Observation Officers (FOOs), Airborne
Observation Posts (AOPs).

2. JAAT units should be listed by Command Status.

Issue 1.0: May 98 106 - 2

3. Repeat where more than one Command Status applies. Select Command Status from:

01 OPCOM Operational Command

02 OPCON Operational Control
03 TACON Tactical Control

4. Repeat details for each unit/sub-unit included under each Command Status.

Issue 1.0: May 98 106 - 3



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 107 (2.11)

A Enemy formation/unit ID
11 Serial No. (7 Chars)
12 Name/number (8 Chars)
13 Nationality (3 Chars)
14 Arm/Service (6 Chars)
15 Command level (6 Chars)
16 Echelon (3 Chars)
17 Combat effectiveness (5 Chars)
18 Front (3 Chars)
19 Amplification (optional) (1) (200 Chars)
B Source
21 Evaluation (2 Chars)
22 Classification (i.e. type of source) (8 Chars)
23 Unit name/number (13 Chars)
24 Nationality (2 Chars)
25 Arm/Service (5 Chars)
26 Command level (5 Chars)
27 Amplification (optional) (1) (200 Chars)
C Time
31 Time qualifier (7 Chars)
32 Date-Time DTG (12 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 107 - 1

D Enemy activity
41 Accuracy of information (4 Chars)
42 Activity type (8 Chars)
43 UTM/LAT-LONG (15 Chars)
44 Effort marker (5 Chars)
45 Designator (20 Chars)
46 Amplification (optional) (1) (200 Chars)
E 50 Source (2) As for B
F 60 Time (3) As for C
G Location
71 Accuracy of information (4 Chars)
72 Type (7 Chars)
73 UTM/LAT-LONG (15 Chars)
74 Place name (15 Chars)
75 Country (3 Chars)
76 Amplification (optional) (1) (200 Chars)
H 80 Source (2) As for B
I 85 Time (3) As for C
J 90 Narrative (optional) (4) (1000 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To report significant changes in the location, combat effectiveness,
and other essential elements of information concerning Non-NATO
Comd Sp X 22/06/98
ground Order of Battle (ORBAT) formations/units (including naval

Issue 1.0: May 98 107 - 2


1. If any serials do not provide sufficient scope use ‘Amplification’.

2. Use the same serials as B.

3. Uses the same serials as C.

4. If the four serials – ‘Enemy formation/unit ID’, ‘Source’, ‘Enemy activity’, ‘Location’ - do not provide sufficient scope then use 'Narrative'.

Issue 1.0: May 98 107 - 3



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 108 (5.20)

02 LASERWARN (9 Chars)
A Target details:
05 Location GR (15 Chars)
09 Altitude (in metres) (5 Figs)
B 12 Target grid zone (6 Chars)
C 13 Target type (1) (6 Chars)
D 18 Target sub-type (1) 6 Chars)
E 20 Degree of personnel protection at the target area (2) (6 Chars)
F 24 Target strength - the number of target elements (4 Figs)
G Target size:
25 Length (in metres) (4 Figs)
28 Width (in metres) (4 Figs)
32 Attitude - azimuth of the longest axis (in mils) (4 Figs)
H 35 Time on Target (TOT) (in hours/minutes) (4 Figs)
I Friendly Force:
40 Number of aircraft (3) (10 Chars)
41 Type of aircraft
J Mission ID:
45 Air Support Mission Code (5 Chars)
47 Tasking Authority Serial Number (5 Chars)
50 Mission Number (4 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 108 - 1

K 55 Attack Heading (in mils) (4 Figs)
L 60 Unit ID of the unit operating the LTM (20 Chars)
M Method of Control from: (3 Chars)
63 AMC - At My Command
65 TOT - Time On Target
66 WR - When Ready
N Communications: (4) (30 Chars)
70 Callsign
72 Frequencies
75 Frequency priority
78 Transmission mode
O Codes: (4) (30 Chars)
80 Crypto in use
85 Code Day Number
90 Authentication

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To confirm the activation arrangements for a Laser Target Marker
PJHQ X 22/06/98


1. Select from Table 1.

2. Select from Table 2.

3. Repeat where the force comprises more than one type of aircraft.

4. Serials NOVEMBER and OSCAR are only to be completed if the 'Communications' and 'Code' details were not
specified previously in the associated AIRTASK message.

Issue 1.0: May 98 108 - 2



10 ADA Air Defence Artillery 11 UNK Unknown
12 LT Light
13 MDM Medium
14 HV Heavy
15 MSL Missile
16 POS Position
20 ARMOUR Armour 21 UNK Unknown
22 LT Light
23 MDM Medium
24 HV Heavy
25 APC Armoured Personnel Carrier
26 POS Position
30 ARTY Artillery 31 UNK Unknown
32 LT Light
33 MDM Medium
34 HV Heavy
35 POS Position
40 ASSY Assembly Areas 41 UNK Unknown
42 TRP Troops
43 TRPVEH Troops and Vehicles
44 TRPMEC Mechanised Troops
45 TRPARM Troops and Armour
50 BLDG Building 51 UNK Unknown
52 WOOD Wood
53 MASNRY Masonry
54 CONCR Concrete
55 METAL Metal
56 SPCL Special Purpose

Issue 1.0: May 98 108 - 3

60 BRIDGE Bridge 61 UNK Unknown
62 FTPON Foot Pontoon
63 VEHPON Vehicle Pontoon
64 CONCR Concrete
65 WOOD Wood
66 STEEL Steel
67 SITE Site
68 RAFT Raft
69 FERRY Ferry
70 CEN Centre 70 UNK Unknown
71 SMALL Small
72 BN Battalion
73 REGT Regiment
74 DIV Division
75 FWD Forward
80 EQUIP Equipment 81 UNK Unknown
82 RADAR Radar
83 EW Electronic Warfare
84 SLT Searchlight
85 GDNC Guidance
86 LS Loudspeaker

Issue 1.0: May 98 108 - 4


01 PRAND Half prone/half standing
02 PRONE Prone
03 PRUG Prone/Dug in
04 PROVER Prone/Under overhead cover
05 DUGIN Dug in
06 COVER Under overhead cover

Issue 1.0: May 98 108 - 5



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 109 (4.1.9)

A 01 Naval MHD Ops (1000 Chars)

B 05 Army MHD Ops (1000 Chars)
C 06 RAF MHD Ops (1000 Chars)
US Forces
10 Personnel strength listed under National and
11 NATO Comd (50 Chars)
12 Number of USN ships in UK ports (50 Chars)
13 USN activity in UK waters (500 Chars)
14 Planned movements (500 Chars)
20 Personnel strength listed under National and
21 NATO command (50 Chars)
22 USMC activity in UK (500 Chars)
23 Planned movements (500 Chars)
30 Personnel strength listed under National and
31 NATO command (50 Chars)
32 USA activity in the UK (500 Chars)
33 Planned movements (500 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 109 - 1

40 Personnel strength listed under national and
41 NATO command (50 Chars)
42 Aircraft strength in UK by type and location (500 Chars)
43 Operational status of USAF airfields in the UK (500 Chars)
F 50 Depot Outloads (1000 Chars)
G 57 KP Manning situation (1000 Chars)
H 63 HNS Requirements (1000 Chars)
I 64 Current and likely problem areas (1000 Chars)
J 79 Additional Information (1000 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

Detailed information on UK/US Lines of Communication. HQ LAND (G4) 22/06/98

Issue 1.0: May 98 109 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 110 (4.1.10)

Grid references (GR):

A1 10 Main HQ GR (10 Chars)
A2 15 Step-up GR (10 Chars)
A3 17 Company/platoon/troop centre points (1) (100 Chars)
B 30 Forward Line Of Own Troops (FLOT) (1) (100 Chars)
Rendezvous (RV):
C1 41 By foot GR (10 Chars)
C2 45 By vehicle GR (10 Chars)
C3 50 By helicopter GR (10 Chars)
D 62 Other locations (e.g. OP positions, GW positions, mortar (300 Chars)
base plate positions, specialist sub-units) (2)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To report details of unit locations. LW1 X X 22/06/98


1. A series of 6-figure grid references.

2. Descriptors plus 6-figure grid references.

Issue 1.0: May 98 110 - 1



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 111 (6.1.4)

A 05 Unit designator(s) of the unit(s) requesting logistics assistance (20 Chars)

B 12 User requirement - summary of the reason for the request (100 Chars)
C Item(s) requested (1)
15 Class of supply (NATO or national) (10 Chars)
18 Code/Stock number (25 Chars)
21 Equipment/Material name (30 Chars)
32 Unit of measure (as applicable) (15 Chars)
37 Quantity required (6 Chars)
40 Stocks on hand (10 Chars)
D Delivery details:
42 Latest Date-Time Group (DTG) for delivery DTG (12 Chars)
48 Method of delivery - by whom; supply or collect (10 Chars)
E 50 Impact of non-compliance - a summary of the operational (1000 Chars)
implications if supply is not possible by the target DTG
F 59 Payment details - gives the proposed method of (8 Chars)
reimbursement (2)
G 68 Payment - additional information, any necessary amplifying (100 Chars)
detail concerning reimbursement (3)

Issue 1.0: May 98 111 - 1

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised
To request logistics assistance for Land Forces. LW2 X 27/07/98


1. Repeat as necessary.

2. Select from the NATO approved terms:


3. If the method of payment proposed at FOXTROT is 'OTHER' then this must be completed.

Issue 1.0: May 98 111 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 112 (6.1.5)

A 07 LOGASREQ reference (10 Chars)

B Request details:
Item(s) requested: (1)
21 Code/stock Number (25 Chars)
25 Equipment/item name (30 Chars)
27 Unit of measure (15 Chars)
28 Quantity required (6 Chars)
32 Stock on hand (10 Chars)
C Decision of the requested authority:
42 Reasons for refusal (2) (13 Chars)
45 Reimbursement (3) (8 Chars)
D 51 Remarks (4) (1000 Chars)
E 63 Supplying unit/agency ID (20 Chars)
F 72 Issue location GR (10 Chars)
G 87 Issue Date-Time Group (DTG) DTG (12 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

Used by Land Forces to respond to a request for logistics assistance. LW2 X 22/06/98

Issue 1.0: May 98 112 - 1


1. Repeat for multiple items.

2. Select from:

01 PRIORITY Previous mission authority prevails

02 STOCK Stocks unavailable
03 REIMBURSEMENT Proposed reimbursement unacceptable
04 OTHER Other

3. Select from:

10 CASH Cash
11 DEFERRED Deferred payment
12 REPLACE Replace item(s)
13 OTHER Other

4. If 'OTHER' is used at C above this section must provide amplifying remarks.

Issue 1.0: May 98 112 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 113 (6.1.3)

A Map Data:
02 Map/Chart Series (12 Chars)
05 Map/Chart Suffix Number (2 Figs)
08 Map/Chart Sheet Number (1) (14 Chars)
11 Map/Chart Edition Number (1) (6 Chars)
13 Geodetic Datum (1) (25 Chars)
B 18 Logistic situation assessment - a concise summary of the (1000 Chars)
overall logistic situation (2)
C 24 Organisation designation of the unit/civilian agency being (30 Chars)
reported (3)
D 26 Assessment of the subordinate unit/civilian agency's logistic (500 Chars)
E 30 Subjective evaluation of logistic sustainability - the (2000 Chars)
commander's assessment of the overall capability of his
command to sustain operations. (4)
To cover, as appropriate:
Overall evaluation
Land force components
Air force components
Naval force components
Naval force components

Issue 1.0: May 98 113 - 1

F 40 General logistics factors - a summary of general factors (2000 Chars)
affecting the logistic support of: (5)
Land forces
Air forces
Naval forces
External reinforcements
G Assistance requested: (6)
52 Reference message serial letter (1) (1 Char)
54 Request description (1) (70 Chars)
57 Request status comment (1) (40 Chars)
58 Message action addressee (1) (30 Chars)
H Point of contact details: (1)
60 Rank or position (16 Chars)
63 Contact name (20 Chars)
64 Unit ID (20 Chars)
72 Telephone/Fax Number (20 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To inform superior HQs of the command's logistics status and to
provide an assessment of the overall logistics situation for forces, LW2 X 22/06/98
together with intended or recommended action.

Issue 1.0: May 98 113 - 2


1. Repeat as necessary.

2. Support by sufficient detail if the situation is less than satisfactory.

3. Repeat Serials C and D for each unit/civil agency being reported.

4. This serial addresses significant logistic problems, concerns and issues that could adversely affect mission accomplishment.

5. This should include key logistic factors that remain unresolved. Where concerns are highlighted here, (with details included elsewhere in
the report, or in a supplementary message), the relevant serial(s)/message should be referenced.

6. At certain stages of operations, more detailed information such as lines of communication, medical, petrol, oil lubricants (POL),
ammunition may be necessary. Such detail may be inappropriate in the LOGASSESSREP itself and more appropriately forwarded as a
supplementary message. This could be at the discretion of the originator or as called for by superior HQ. Where such supplementary messages
are used, the LOGASSESSREP must indicate this clearly.

7. Used to describe assistance requested, not for initiating a request. This must be done separately using a LOGASREQ message.

Issue 1.0: May 98 113 - 3



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 114 (6.1.6)

A Deficiency information: (1)

04 Land Forces Reportable Item Code (LFRIC) (2) (7 Chars)
08 Item title (60 Chars)
15 Quantity of deficiency (6 Figs)
21 Reason for deficiency (100 Chars)
B 30 Effective Date-Time Group (DTG) of information on the DTG (12 Chars)
C 38 Amplification (100 Chars)
D 42 Remarks (100 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To provide NATO commanders with a summary of deficiencies of
LW2 X 22/06/98
high value logistic holdings.


1. Repeat this Serial as many times as necessary to report multiple deficiencies.

2. From the Land Forces Reportable Item List (LFRIL).

Issue 1.0: May 98 114 - 1



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 115 (6.1.8)

A 03 Unit ID - of unit/formation being reported (20 Chars)

B Location - Grid Reference/Georef, as appropriate (25 Chars)
C 08 Commander's assessment of the unit's/formation's logistic (1 Char)
sustainability (2)
D 12 Current capability - a quantitative assessment of the (1000 Chars)
unit's/formation's current holdings of commodities or materiel
E 20 Future requirements - a quantitative assessment of changes (1000 Chars)
needed to current holdings of commodities/materiel required to
meet future plans (3)
F Critical deficiencies: (4)
25 Land Forces Reportable Item Code (LFRIC) (5) (6) (7 Chars)
28 Item title (60 Chars)
30 Quantity of deficiency (3) (6 Figs)
31 Reason for deficiency (100 Chars)
G 38 Action taken/in hand to remedy shortfalls (200 Chars)
H 46 Action required by higher authority/force to meet deficiencies (200 Chars)
identified/projected (if needed)

Issue 1.0: May 98 115 - 1

I 50 Operational effect - an assessment of the effect on operations (300 Chars)
if shortfalls are not met by ..........(Date-Time Group (DTG) to
be specified)
J Surpluses: (7)
58 Land Forces Reportable Item Code (LFRIC) (5) (6) (7 Chars)
61 Item title (60 Chars)
64 Quantity of surplus (6 Figs)
66 Location description (100 Chars)
K 72 Action taken/in hand to dispose of surpluses (200 Chars)
L 78 Action required by higher authority/force to dispose of (200 Chars)
surpluses (if needed)
M 85 Additional information (if needed for amplification) (200 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To provide superior HQs with an evaluation of a unit's/formation's
LW2 X 22/06/98
logistic situation, capability and deficiencies/surpluses. (1)


1. Deficiencies/surpluses in logistic holdings may be reported separately by the LOGDEFREP or LOGSURPREP messages respectively.
2. Select from:

01 SIERRA Satisfactory
02 UNIFORM Unsatisfactory
03 LIMA Satisfactory but with limitations

3. Using standardised measurements/units of expenditure for manpower, fuel, rations, ammunition, medical, materiel, water, spares.
4. Deficiencies may be reported here, or reference may be made to an associated LOGDEFREP.
5. Repeat as necessary for each item reported.
6. From the Land Forces Reportable Item List (LFRIL)
7. Surpluses may be reported here or reference may be made to an associated LOGSURPREP.

Issue 1.0: May 98 115 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 116 (6.1.7)

A 07 LOGSITUNIT Reference Number (10 Chars)

B Force weapons:
12 Code/stock number (1) (2) (10 Chars)
15 Holdings (4 Figs)
C Ammunition:
23 Code/stock number (1) (2) (3) (10 Chars)
26 Holdings (5 Figs)
D Petroleum products:
32 Code/stock number (1) (2) (4) (10 Chars)
35 Holdings (10 Chars)
E Rations:
42 Code/stock number (1) (2) (4) (10 Chars)
45 Holdings (10 Chars)
F 57 Additional information (as necessary for amplification) (500 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To advise on changes to holdings of equipment, ammunition, fuel
LW2 X X 22/06/98
(petrol, oil, lubricants (POL)) and rations at unit level.

Issue 1.0: May 98 116 - 1


1. Repeat as necessary where more than one item is being reported.

2. Use the appropriate codes from the Land Forces Reportable Item List (LFRIL).

3. Holdings are to be reported if over 5% used since the last LOGSITUNIT.

4. Holdings are to be reported if stocks vary over 5% since the last LOGSITUNIT.

Issue 1.0: May 98 116 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 117 (6.1.9)

A Information on surplus: (1)

05 Land Forces Reportable Item Code (LFRIC) (2) (7 Chars)
07 Item title (60 Chars)
12 Quantity of surplus (6 Figs)
15 Location description (100 Chars)
B 20 Effective Date-Time Group (DTG) of information on the DTG (12 Chars)
C 28 Amplification (as necessary) (100 Chars)
D 37 Remarks (as necessary) (100 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To provide NATO commanders with a summary of high value surplus
LW2 X 22/06/98
logistic holdings.


1. Repeat to report multiple deficiencies.

2. From the Land Forces Reportable Item List (LFRIL).

Issue 1.0: May 98 117 - 1



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 118 (6.1.10)

A Unit designator data of the unit being reported: (1)

01 Unit designation name (15 Chars)
04 Unit size indicator (6 Chars)
09 Nationality (2 Chars)
Unit role indicator - Code 'A' (6 Chars)
12 Unit role indicator - Code 'B' (6 Chars)
16 Unit role indicator - Code 'C' (6 Chars)
18 Unit role indicator - Code 'D' (6 Chars)
21 Higher formation name (15 Chars)
22 Armed Service/Civil Agency Code (8 Chars)
26 Unit ACE Identifier Code (if applicable) (9 Chars)
B 30 Land Forces Reportable Item Code (LFRIC) - from the Land (7 Chars)
Forces Reportable Item List (LFRIL) (2)
C 32 Item short title - from the LFRIL (40 Chars)
D 35 Actual on-hand holdings (10 Figs)
E 40 Actual total holdings (including reserves) (10 Figs)
F 47 Required on-hand holding (10 Figs)
G 48 Methodology used to calculate the on-hand holding (3 Chars)
requirement (3)
H 51 Required total to be held on hand (including reserves) (10 Figs)

Issue 1.0: May 98 118 - 1

I 54 Methodology used to calculate the total requirement (3) (3 Chars)
J 60 Effective Date-Time Group (DTG) of change DTG (12 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To provide NATO commanders with a dynamic update of changes to
core database information on stockpiles of specific equipment and
consumable materiel held by National Forces declared to NATO, as LW2 X 22/06/98
well as specified equipment and materiel held by Nations in support of
such forces.


1. Select from appropriate data codes/tables.

2. Repeat Serials B through J as a block to report multiple LFRICs.

3. Select from:

01 TRM Target Related Methodology

02 LOE Level of Effort

Issue 1.0: May 98 118 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 119 (5.21)

A 07 Pick Up Point (PUP) GR (15 Chars)

B 10 Time at PUP (Date-Time Group – DTG) DTG (12 Chars)
C 34 Drop of Point (DOP) GR (15 Chars)
D 44 Time at DOP (Date-Time Group – DTG) DTG (12 Chars)
E 51 Task Details (200 Chars)
F 62 Number of Aircraft (3 Figs)
G 64 Number of PAX (3 Figs)
H 69 Number of loads (3 Figs)
I 74 Callsign and frequency at PUP (20 Chars)
J 84 Callsign and frequency at DOP (20 Chars)
K 86 Additional information (150 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To request Mobile Air Operations team (MAOT) support PJHQ 23/06/98

Issue 1.0: May 98 119 - 1



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 120 (4.1.11)

A Exercise Identification (2)

03 Exercise Nickname
05 Additional Identified
B 22 Operation Codeword (2)
C Maps
30 List of maps to be used (3)
D 40 Geodetic Datum
E Map Correction
45 Displacement correction between authorised geodetic
datums stated in Eastings and Northings.
48 Estimated skew error remaining, stated in Eastings and

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To state mapping requirements for a specific exercise or operation. LW1 X 23/06/98

Issue 1.0: May 98 120 - 1


1. This Message is in the process of being developed (TOPWP). The above version is incomplete and included for guidance only.

2. Exercise Identification and an Operation Codeword are never to be included in the same message.

3. Simple list of the maps required for the particular operation or exercise, or reference to an agreed data set for GIS. If more than one
geodetic datum is in use, then maps are to be identified by geodetic datum.

Issue 1.0: May 98 120 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 121 (6.1.11)

A 07 Latest Date-Time Group (DTG) required DTG (12 Chars)

B Map details (1)
10 Series (10 Chars)
11 Sheet No. (4 Figs)
12 Quantity (4 Figs)
[Repeat as necessary]
C 90 Reason for demand (100 Chars)
D 93 Collection/delivery details (100 Chars)
E 95 Point of contact (POC) details (50 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To submit requests for map coverage. LW2 X X 23/06/98


1. Repeat as necessary where more than one map series/sheet number is required.

Issue 1.0: May 98 121 - 1



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 122 (6.1.12)

A 03 Demand Reference Number (10 Chars)

B 10 Item requested: (1) (50 Chars)
- Class of supply
- Code/stock no. (2)
- Relevant reference document
- Equipment/materiel name
- Unit of measure (as applicable)
- Quantity required
- Stocks on hand
[Repeat as necessary]
C 30 Delivery criteria: (1) (50 Chars)
- Coded priority
- Latest target Date-Time Group (DTG) for delivery
- Location
- Method of delivery - by whom; supply or collect
[Repeat as necessary]
D 50 Impact of non-compliance - if supply is not possible by the (100 Chars)
latest target date for delivery/collection (1)
[Repeat as necessary]

Issue 1.0: May 98 122 - 1

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised
To demand specific items or materiel. LW2 X X 23/06/98


1. Repeat as necessary where more than one item is required.

2. Use the appropriate codes from the Land Forces Reportable Item List (LFRIL).

Issue 1.0: May 98 122 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 123 (6.2.1)

A Map Data
04 Map/Chart Series (12 Chars)
08 Map/Chart Suffix Number (2 Figs)
10 Map/Chart Sheet Number (1) (14 Chars)
11 Map/Chart Edition Number (1) (6 Chars)
14 Geodetic Datum (1) (25 Chars)
B 20 Medical Organisation. Availability of medical units including (2000 Chars)
hospitals for each role of medical care. Include critical
information such as delays in medical mobilisation, crisis
expansion, or major reductions in capability. Summarise any
remedial measures taken or planned.
C 28 Medical Personnel. Availability of medical personnel. (2000 Chars)
Include critical information such as delays in medical
personnel mobilisation, shortages of personnel with required
skills and deficiencies in the training status. Summarise any
remedial measures taken or planned.
D 35 Medical Logistics. Availability of medical logistics for each (2000 Chars)
role in medical care. Include information on any serious
shortages of specific medical items, including blood, and
anticipated shortages. Summarise any remedial measures
taken or planned.

Issue 1.0: May 98 123 - 1

E 42 Medical Evacuation. Availability of assets to effect medical (2000 Chars)
evacuation between each role of medical care. Include
information on any major delays or breakdown in the
evacuation chain, and associated problems. Summarise any
remedial measures taken or planned.
F 57 Medical Intelligence. Medical, bio-scientific and (1000 Chars)
environmental information which may impact on force
conservation and would require preventive health measures.
G 63 Preventive Health. Preventive health measures that have (1000 Chars)
been taken, or are planned, to combat any known threats or
risks to the health of the deployed units.
H Personnel Casualties:
71 Total number - since last MEDSITREP (3 Figs)
74 Number by category of casualty (2) (4 Chars)
75 Casualty incidence – brief description of the circumstances (100 Chars)
resulting in the personnel casualties
I 82 Humanitarian Health Assistance. The extent to which in- (1000 Chars)
place forces have provided humanitarian medical assistance to
the local population and displaced persons
J 90 Medical and Health Assessment. The ability of the Medical (1000 Chars)
and Health Services to support operations.

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To provide commands with an overall assessment of the medical and
health services situation for in-place and reinforcing forces, together Med Ops 2 X 23/06/98
with any remedial action taken or planned.

Issue 1.0: May 98 123 - 2


1. Repeat as necessary.

2. Select the category of casualties from:

01 A Non-battle casualties
02 B Diseased
03 C Wounded in action
04 D Battle stress/Psychiatric

Issue 1.0: May 98 123 - 3



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 124 (6.2.2)

A Map Data:
05 Map/Chart Series (12 Chars)
08 Map/Chart Suffix Number (2 Figs)
10 Map/Chart Sheet Number (1) (14 Chars)
11 Map/Chart Edition Number (1) (6 Chars)
14 Geodetic Datum (1) (25 Chars)
B Medical facility/status: (2)
21 Nationality (2 Chars)
24 Location (grid reference) GR (15 Chars)
25 Status (3) (8 Chars)
C Beds established/occupied:
28 Beds established (5 Figs)
30 Beds occupied (by status) (4) (5 Chars)
D Medical personnel:
32 Surgical teams (2 Figs)
37 Non-posted physicians -numbers by speciality not posted (2 Chars)
to surgical teams (5)
E 40 Surgical casualties - numbers awaiting surgery (3 Figs)
F Casualties admitted:
42 Total numbers admitted since last MEDSITREP (3 Figs)
45 Numbers by category of casualty (6) (3 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 124 - 1

G Casualties evacuated:
50 Total casualties evacuated since last MEDSITREP (3 Figs)
56 Numbers evacuated by category (7) (3 Chars)
H Surgical operations:
59 Total surgical operations since last MEDSITREP (3 Figs)
63 Number of operated patients by category (8) (3 Chars)
I Deaths:
68 Total deaths since last MEDSITREP (3 Figs)
70 Number of deaths by category (8) (3 Chars)
J 76 Special diseases/injuries - narrative description of any (500 Chars)
special diseases or injuries experienced
K 80 Mission assessment. The facility's ability to carry out its (1000 Chars)
assigned mission using the following:
KA Mission can be fulfilled
KB Mission can be fulfilled with restrictions (to be
KC Mission cannot be fulfilled (reasons and
expected duration to be detailed)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To inform higher formations of the medical and health services
situation for friendly forces. The MEDSITREP provides detailed Med Ops 2 X 23/06/98
information which forms the basis of the MEDASSESSREP.

Issue 1.0: May 98 124 - 2


1. Repeat as necessary. 09 I Dentistry

10 J Gynaecology
2. Repeat Serials B through K for each medical facility being 11 K Psychology
reported. 12 L Other (to be detailed)

3. Select from: 6. Select category of casualties from:

01 OPEN 02 CLOSED 03 RESERVED 01 A Non-battle casualties

02 B Diseased
4. Select from: 03 C Wounded in action
04 D Battle stress/Psychiatric
01 A Friendly forces, military and supporting civilians
02 B Opposing forces, military 7. Select evacuation categories from:
03 C Local civilians (including evacuees/refugees)
04 D Total bed occupancy 01 A Returned to duty
02 B Evacuated to other medical facility
5. Select appropriate speciality from: 03 C Evacuated to home or holding country

01 A Primary Care 8. Select from:

02 B Surgical
03 C Anaesthetics 01 A Friendly forces, military and supporting civilians
04 D Internal Medicine 02 B Opposing forces, military
05 E Radiology 03 C Local civilians (including evacuees/refugees)
06 F Pathology
07 G Orthopaedics
08 H Head/Neck

Issue 1.0: May 98 124 - 3



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 125 (6.2.3)

A 21 Nature of item(s) required (1) (2) (10 Chars)

B 35 Amount of each item required (2) (10 Chars)
C 47 Latest Date-Time Group (DTG) for supply (3) DTG (12 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To request an emergency resupply of medical stores (including blood
Med Ops 2 X 23/06/98
and drugs).


1. Select from AMedP-1 (D) - NATO Table of Medical Equivalents.

2. Repeat Serials A through B for each different nature required.

3. The date by which other means - e.g. National - will have re-supplied and therefore the need will no longer exist.

Issue 1.0: May 98 125 - 1



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 126 (4.12.1)

A 04 Serial Number and Time of Issue (20 Chars)

B 19 Area (30 Chars)
C 22 Period DTG (12 Chars)
D 40 Special features (150 Chars)
E 55 Wind, Temperatures (50 Chars)
F 56 Low Cloud (100 Chars)
J 62 Visibility (100 Chars)
K 69 Weather (100 Chars)
W 89 Warnings (300 Chars)
Y 93 Outlook (300 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

Meteorological forecast – Air. Met Sp Gp 23/06/98


1. This shortened forecast for exercises and operations does not include winds and temperatures above 1,000 feet, cloud above 4,000 feet,
pressure changes unless rapid, turbulence unless severe, the zero degree isotherm and icing unless significant. When needed, all this data
would be contained under W (Warnings).

Issue 1.0: May 98 126 - 1



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 127 (4.12.2)

A 04 Serial Number and Time of Issue (20 Chars)

B 19 Area (30 Chars)
C 22 Period DTG (12 Chars)
D 40 Forecast (150 Chars)
E 55 Ephemerides: (100 Chars)
56 First light (4 Figs)
57 Maximum temperature (3 Figs)
58 Last light (4 Figs)
59 Minimum temperature (3 Figs)
60 Moon (10 Chars)
F 62 Impact on land operations (100 Chars)
G 64 Impact on air operations (100 Chars)
H 69 Impact on NBC (100 Chars)
J 89 Wider aspects (300 Chars)
K 93 Outlook next 2 days (300 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

Meteorological forecast – Land. Met Sp Gp 23/06/98

Issue 1.0: May 98 127 - 1



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 128 (4.1)

A 15 Location (50 Chars)

B 16 State of sky (1) (2) (20 Chars)
C 24 Wind (1) (3) (30 Chars)
D 35 Weather (1) (4) (30 Chars)
E 55 Visibility (1) (5) (30 Chars)
F 56 State of ground (1) (6) (20 Chars)
G 63 Trafficability (1) (7) (20 Chars)
H 67 Adjacent terrain (1) (9) (20 Chars)
I 72 Cloud (1) (10) (20 Chars)
J 77 Temperature (1) (11) (20 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

Meteorological report. Met Sp Gp 23/06/98


1. Designator numbers (see below) should be encoded if using insecure communications.

Issue 1.0: May 98 128 - 1

2. Select from: 6. Select from:

09 Clear Sky clear, or almost clear 57 Dry

11 Fair Cloud well broken 58 Wet
13 Cloudy Overcast, or almost overcast 60 Flood Flooded (standing pools of water)
16 Obscuration Sky obscured (fog or smoke) 63 Icy Lightly frozen
18 Sky N.O. Not observed (impossible to see 65 Frozen Frozen so that a space cannot be used
sky) 67 Snow Give average depth of snow when lying

3. Compass points or degrees/knots 7. Select from:

4. Select from: 72 Off Roads Little or no hindrance to going

74 Good
27 Nil No significant weather 77 Moderate Moderate hindrance to going
30 Rain If weather reported, precede by: 78 Poor Major hindrance for tracked vehicles
32 Sleet 01 Slight 79 Impassable Some areas impassable even for
34 Snow 02 Moderate tracked vehicles
37 Hail 03 Heavy
40 Storm/Thunder 04 Freezing (rain only) 8. Following Serials are optional.

5. Select from: 9. Select from:

46 Fog Less than 200 m, report visibility in m 85 Hill obscured Adjacent hills obscured by clouds
48 Poor 200 m to less than 800 m 87 Valley fog Fog in valleys
50 Moderate 800 m to less than 3000 m
53 Good 3000 m to 5000 m 10. Amount in 1/8ths, followed by height in feet.

11. Temperature in degrees C in 2 figures preceded by P (plus)

or M (minus).

Issue 1.0: May 98 128 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 129 (4.13.9)

A 05 MIJI incident type (10 Chars)

B 10 Unit designator(s) of affected unit(s) (1) (20 Chars)
C 20 System(s) affected (1) (20 Chars)
D Location (1)
30 Stage of confirmation (2) (4 Chars)
31 Geographic type (10 Chars)
32 Grid reference GR (10 Chars)
E 40 Frequency(s)/channel(s) affected and other relevant details (100 Chars)
F 50 Duration (Date-Time Group (DTG) followed by duration in (20 Chars)
minutes) (1)
G 60 Assessment/description of incident (1) (500 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To warn of hazardous electronic warfare situations caused by
meaconing, intrusion, jamming and interference (MIJI) incidents which Comd Sp X 23/06/98
are of hostile, friendly (inadvertent) or unknown origin.

Issue 1.0: May 98 129 - 1


1. Repeat as necessary for each different unit/system/frequency/channel affected.

2. Select 'Stage of confirmation' from:

01 REAL Confirmed
02 PLAN Planned
03 ESTD Estimated

Issue 1.0: May 98 129 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 130 (6.1.13)

A 10 Type Of Missile (1) (20 Chars)

11 Quantity (3 Figs)
B 80 Transport (20 Chars)
C 90 RV GR (15 Chars)
D 95 Additional Information (100 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To demand replacement missiles. LW2 X 23/06/98

Issue 1.0: May 98 130 - 1


1. Repeat as necessary for each type of missile.

2. Select from:

01 Javelin
02 Milan
03 Swingfire
04 TOW
05 Rapier

Issue 1.0: May 98 130 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 131 (4.15.3)

A 10 Introduction and assessment (1000 Chars)

B 20 Freedom of movement: (500 Chars)
C 30 Non-compliance: Designated Area(s) (1000 Chars)
D 40 Non-compliance: Separation Zone(s) (1000 Chars)
E 50 Non-compliance: Exclusion Zone(s) (1000 Chars)
F 60 Political developments (1000 Chars)
G 70 Conclusions/recommendations (1000 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To provide NATO HQ and Nations assessments of the parties'
compliance with accepted agreements on designated 'SAFE' or PJHQ X 23/06/98


1. The MNCCOMPASSESSREP is essentially a descriptive, free text message.

Issue 1.0: May 98 131 - 1



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 132 (6.3.7)

A 03 Organisation designator of the formation/unit for which (20 Chars)

movement details are being reported
B Start point/destination
12 Start Point - Grid Reference or GEOREF GR (10 Chars)
15 Release Point - Grid Reference or GEOREF GR (10 Chars)
C 30 Purpose of movement (100 Chars)
D 35 Routes - used/planned/alternatives/detours (500 Chars)
E 50 Changes in movement plans due to opposing forces action or (1000 Chars)
other significant events

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To provide immediate notification of any significant movement event
that has occurred or is planned to occur between submissions of QMG (Mov) X 24/06/98

Issue 1.0: May 98 132 - 1



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 133 (6.3.6)

A Overall movements situation - operational and logistic, to

03 Roads (1000 Chars)
04 Railways (1000 Chars)
07 Inland Waterways (1000 Chars)
12 Maritime (1000 Chars)
13 Air (1000 Chars)
15 Movements Communications Systems (1000 Chars)
B Summary information - for each of the following factors,
particularly where they have an impact on reduction in
capacity/efficiency of movement networks, installations or
facilities (NO CHANGE should be reported where there are no
remarks to make for a particular factor):
18 Road Networks (1000 Chars)
19 Rail Networks (1000 Chars)
23 Inland Waterways and Ports (1000 Chars)
25 Maritime Waterways, Ports and Beaches (1000 Chars)
29 Airports/Airheads (1000 Chars)
32 Movements Communications Systems (1000 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 133 - 1

C Remedial Action - summarises, as follows, action to remedy
the deficiencies, problems, concerns and shortfalls identified at
Serial BRAVO:
35 Action (1000 Chars)
37 Progress (1000 Chars)
D 50 Assessment of the course of movement according to (3 Chars)
schedule (1)
E Impact on forecast movements to cover:
67 Arrivals (1000 Chars)
69 Internal Moves (1000 Chars)
83 Departures (1000 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To report the movements and movements infrastructure situation,
together with detail of remedial action initiated or planned to QMG (Mov) X 24/06/98
overcome deficiencies experienced or anticipated.


1. The assessment should use the following standard codes in combination:

I Operational movements
II Logistical movements
A Traffic situation fully ensures movement operations
B Traffic situation limits movement operations such that planned movement times increase by up to 100%
C Traffic situation limits movement operations such that planned movement times increase by more than 100%
D Traffic situation can no longer ensure movement operations.

Issue 1.0: May 98 133 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 134 (8.4)

Message References: (1)

A1 05 A. ................... (50 Chars)
A2 08 B. ................... (50 Chars)
A3 12 C., etc (50 Chars)
B 20 Message cancellation - cite ALPHA1, ALPHA2 or ALPHA3, (3 Chars)
etc - otherwise NIL (1) (2)
C Amendment ID/Date-Time Group (DTG): (3) (4)
27 Amendment number (2 Figs)
32 Effective DTG of amendment DTG (12 Chars)
D Amendment details: (4)
38 Set/Serial ID in previous (referenced) message (1 Fig)
45 Amended text (100 Chars)
H 59 Acknowledge - YES/NO (3 Chars)
62 Instructions for acknowledging (50 Chars)
74 Force/unit to acknowledge (5) (30 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To cancel a message(s) and/or to amend, correct or delete
HQ R SIGNALS X 24/06/98
information in a previously transmitted message(s).

Issue 1.0: May 98 134 - 1


1. Repeat for each message referenced.

2. This serial is MANDATORY if Serial C is 'NIL', otherwise it is optional.

3. This serial is MANDATORY if Serial B is 'NIL', otherwise it is optional.

4. Repeat for each amendment.

5. Repeat for each force/unit to acknowledge.

Issue 1.0: May 98 134 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 135 (4.5.5)


A 01 Strike Serial Number (10 Chars)
B 05 Grid Reference (GR) of observer (2) GR (10 Chars)
C 10 Direction of attack from the observer measured clockwise from (50 Chars)
grid North, true North or magnetic North (state which) in
degrees or mils (state which) (2)
D 21 Date-Time Group (DTG) attack started DTG (12 Chars)
E 27 DTG attack ended DTG (12 Chars)
F 35 Location of attack or area attacked (co-ordinates or place, real (50 Chars)
or estimated - state which) (3)
G 38 Means of delivery or kind of attack (guns, mortars, multi rocket (30 Chars)
launcher systems (MRLS), missiles, bombs, spray- state
H 40 Type of agent (P, (Persistent) or NP (Non-Persistent)) and (20 Chars
type of burst (air, surface or unknown - state which) including
S 42 DTG contamination detected DTG (12 Chars)
Y 66 Representative downwind direction in degrees or mils (state (30 Chars)
which) and representative wind speed in Km/H or knots (state
ZB 89 If used, provides amplifying remarks (100 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 135 - 1

03 NUCLEAR (1) (11 Chars)
A 08 Strike Serial No. (10 Chars)
B 12 Grid Reference (GR) of observer (2) GR (10 Chars)
C 15 Direction of attack from the observer measured clockwise from (50 Chars)
grid North, true North or magnetic North (state which) in
degrees or mils (state which) (2)
D 19 Date-Time Group (DTG) of attack or detonation DTG (12 Chars)
F 23 Location of attack or area attacked (co-ordinates or place, real (50 Chars)
or estimated - state which) (3)
G 25 Means of delivery (suspected or observed - state which) (30 Chars)
H 30 Type of burst (air, surface or unknown - state which) including (20 Chars
J 32 Flash-to-bang time in seconds (3 Figs)
L 36 Nuclear burst angular cloud width measured at H+5 minutes in (20 Chars)
degrees or mils (state which)
M 47 Stabilised cloud-top angle and/or cloud-bottom angle (state (50 Chars)
which) or cloud-top height and/or cloud-bottom height (state
which) measured at H+10 minutes - in degrees/mils;
metres/feet (state which)
S 50 DTG of readings DTG (12 Chars)
ZB 54 If used, provides amplifying remarks (100 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To provide the observer's initial report giving basic data on a single
AD NBC X X X 24/06/98
NBC attack.

1. Use the appropriate section only for Biological, Chemical or Nuclear Reports.
2. Items BRAVO and CHARLIE are mandatory if FOXTROT is not used.
3. Item FOXTROT is mandatory if items BRAVO and CHARLIE are not used.

Issue 1.0: May 98 135 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 136 (4.5.6)


A 02 Strike Serial Number (10 Chars)
D 06 Date-Time Group (DTG) attack started DTG (12 Chars)
E 12 DTG attack ended DTG (12 Chars)
F 16 Location of attack or area attacked (co-ordinates or place, real (50 Chars)
or estimated - state which)
G 22 Means of delivery or kind of attack (guns, mortars, multi rocket (12 Chars)
launcher systems (MRLS), missiles, bomb(let)s, spray - state
H 28 Type of agent - P (Persistent) or NP (Non-Persistent) - type of (20 Chars
burst (air (with release height), surface or unknown - state
Y 32 Wind details: (20 Chars)
Representative downwind direction in
degrees/mils (state which)
Representative downwind speed in
Km/H or knots (state which)

Issue 1.0: May 98 136 - 1

ZA 40 Actual weather conditions: (50 Chars)
Air stability conditions
Surface air temp/unit of measure
Relative humidity
Significant weather phenomena
Cloud cover
ZB 52 If used, provides amplifying remarks (100 Chars)
03 NUCLEAR (1) (11 Chars)
A 05 Strike Serial Number (10 Chars)
D 13 Date-Time Group (DTG) of attack or detonation DTG (12 Chars)
F 17 Location of attack or area attacked (co-ordinates or place, real (50 Chars)
or estimated - state which)
G 23 Means of delivery (suspected or observed - state which) (30 Chars)
H 29 Type of burst (air, surface or unknown - state which) including (20 Chars
N 33 Estimated yield (in KT) (6 Figs)
ZB 57 If used, provides amplifying remarks (100 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To disseminate evaluated data of a single NBC attack. AD NBC X 24/06/98


1. Use the appropriate section for Biological, Chemical or Nuclear Reports.

Issue 1.0: May 98 136 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 137 (4.5.7)


A 04 Strike Serial Number (10 Chars)
D 12 Date-Time Group (DTG) attack started DTG (12 Chars)
E 16 DTG attack ended DTG (12 Chars)
F 28 Location of attack or area attacked (co-ordinates or place, real (50 Chars)
or estimated - state which)
H 32 Type of agent - P (Persistent) or NP (Non-Persistent) - type of (20 Chars
burst (air (with release height), surface or unknown - state
PA 34 Predicted hazard area – co-ordinates to define the geographic (50 Chars)
position of the hazard area, hazard area radius and unit of
PB 38 Duration of hazard (in days) for: (6 Chars)
Attack area
Hazard area
Y 40 Wind details: (20 Chars)
Representative downwind direction in degrees/mils
(state which).
Representative downwind speed in Kilometres per hour or
knots (state which)

Issue 1.0: May 98 137 - 1

ZA 42 Actual weather conditions: (50 Chars)
Air stability conditions
Surface air temp/unit of measure
Relative humidity
Significant weather phenomena
Cloud cover
ZB 44 If used, provides amplifying remarks (100 Chars)
01 NUCLEAR (1) (11 Chars)
A 05 Strike Serial No. (10 Chars)
D 15 Date-Time Group (DTG) of attack or detonation DTG (12 Chars)
F 19 Location of attack or area attacked (co-ordinates or place, real (50 Chars)
or estimated - state which)
H 23 Type of burst (air, surface or unknown - state which) including (20 Chars)
N 25 Estimated yield (in KT) (6 Figs)
PA 35 Predicted hazard area – co-ordinates to define the geographic (50 Chars)
position of the hazard area, hazard area radius and unit of
DY 37 Left and right radial lines and unit of measurement in (15 Chars)
degrees/mils (state which)
EZ 39 Fallout prediction parameters: (20 Chars)
Effective wind speed and unit of
Downwind distance of Zone 1 and
unit of measurement
Cloud radius and unit of measurement
ZB 43 If used, provides amplifying remarks (100 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 137 - 2

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised
To pass immediate warning of predicted contamination and hazard
AD NBC X 24/06/98
areas following an NBC attack.


1. Use the appropriate section for Biological, Chemical or Nuclear.

Issue 1.0: May 98 137 - 3



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 138 (4.5.8)


A 09 Strike Serial Number (10 Chars)
H 13 Type of agent - P (Persistent) or NP (Non-Persistent) - type of (20 Chars
burst (air (with release height), surface or unknown - state
K 23 Crater indicator and width (in m) or terrain and vegetation (20 Chars)
Q 29 Location of readings (50 Chars)
Location where samples obtained
Details of type of sample
S 37 Date-Time Group (DTG) of readings in ZULU-time or DTG (12 Chars)
DTG contamination initially detected in ZULU-time DTG (12 Chars)
ZB 55 If used, provides amplifying remarks (100 Chars)
10 NUCLEAR (1) (11 Chars)
A 22 Strike Serial Number (10 Chars)
K 24 Crater indicator and width (in Km or m) or terrain and (20 Chars)
vegetation description
Q 32 Location of readings (50 Chars)
Location where samples obtained
Details of type of sample

Issue 1.0: May 98 138 - 1

R 38 Radiation dose rate in cGy/H and other details about the (20 Chars)
sample, e.g. trend and delay
S 46 Date-Time Group (DTG) of readings in ZULU-time DTG (12 Chars)
ZB 84 If used, provides amplifying remarks (100 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To report monitoring and survey results following an NBC attack. AD NBC X 24/06/98


1. Use the appropriate section for Biological, Chemical or Nuclear.

Issue 1.0: May 98 138 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 139 (4.5.9)


A 12 Strike Serial Number (10 Chars)
D 14 Date-Time Group (DTG) of detonation or attack starting DTG (12 Chars)
H 24 Type of agent - P (Persistent) or NP (Non-Persistent) - type of (20 Chars)
burst (air (with release height), surface or unknown - state
S 26 DTG of readings DTG (12 Chars)
T 32 DTG in ZULU-time of latest survey of contamination in the DTG (12 Chars)
X 34 Area of actual contamination (Yellow) (15 Chars)
ZB 50 If used, provides amplifying remarks (100 Chars)
03 NUCLEAR (1) (11 Chars)
A 07 Strike Serial Number (10 Chars)
D 13 Date-Time Group (DTG) of attack or detonation DTG (12 Chars)
O 17 Reference DTG in ZULU-time for estimating contours when DTG (12 Chars)
not H+1 (2)
T 33 DTG of latest survey/H+1 in ZULU-time (3) DTG (12 Chars)
U 57 1000 cGy/H Line (Red) (15 Chars)
V 63 300 cGy/H Line (Green) (15 Chars)
W 67 100 cGy/H Line (Blue) (15 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 139 - 1

X 69 30 cGy/H Line (Black) (15 Chars)
ZB 75 If used, provides amplifying remarks (100 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To pass actual information on areas of NBC contamination. AD NBC X 24/06/98


1. Use the appropriate section for Biological, Chemical or Nuclear.

2. OSCAR is mandatory if TANGO is not used.

3. TANGO is mandatory if OSCAR is not used.

Issue 1.0: May 98 139 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 140 (4.5.10)


A 04 Strike Serial No. (10 Chars)
D 24 Date-Time Group (DTG) of attack or detonation DTG (12 Chars)
H 28 Type of agent - P (Persistent) or NP (Non-Persistent) - type of (20 Chars
burst (air (with release height), surface or unknown - state
Q 36 Location of readings (50 Chars)
Location where samples obtained
Details of type of sample
S 42 DTG of readings in ZULU-time or DTG (12 Chars)
DTG contamination initially detected in ZULU-time DTG (12 Chars)
ZB 58 If used, provides amplifying remarks (100 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To pass detailed information on a biological or chemical attack. AD NBC X 24/06/98

Issue 1.0: May 98 140 - 1



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 141 (4.5.1)

A 03 Serial Number (if applicable) (10 Chars)

B 07 AREAM - Name of Area of Validity (30 Chars)
C ZULUM - Period of Validity:
13 Date-Time Group (DTG) of observation DTG (12 Chars)
16 Effective DTG valid FROM DTG (12 Chars)
19 Effective DTG valid TO DTG (12 Chars)
D UNITM - Units of measurement:
22 Length (3 Figs)
24 Height (3 Figs)
25 Direction (3 Figs)
27 Speed (3 Figs)
29 Temperature (3 Figs)
E LAYERM - Wind conditions
E1 30 Layer indicator (3 Figs)
31 Wind direction (3 Figs)
32 Speed (3 Figs)

E2 30 Layer indicator, etc [Repeat as necessary]

Issue 1.0: May 98 141 - 1

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised
To report wind direction and speed for NBC Warning and Reporting. AD NBC X 24/06/98

Issue 1.0: May 98 141 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 142 (4.5.2)

A 02 Serial Number (if applicable) (10 Chars)

B 08 AREAM - Name of Area of Validity (30 Chars)
C ZULUM - Period of Validity:
12 Date-Time Group (DTG) of observation DTG (12 Chars)
16 Effective DTG valid FROM DTG (12 Chars)
19 Effective DTG valid TO DTG (12 Chars)
D UNITM - Units of measurement:
30 Length (3 Figs)
32 Height (3 Figs)
35 Direction (3 Figs)
37 Speed (3 Figs)
44 Temperature (3 Figs)
E WHISKEYM - Surface weather - 1st two hour period
52 Downwind direction in degrees True (3 Figs)
54 Wind speed in Kilometres per hour (Kph), or knots (3 Figs)
57 Detailed or simplified air stability category (1 Char)
61 Surface air temperature in C (2 Figs)
64 Relative humidity range (1 Fig)
65 Significant weather phenomena (1 Char)
69 Degree of cloud cover (1 Fig)
F 73 As for WHISKEYM but for the 2nd two hour period As for E

Issue 1.0: May 98 142 - 1

G 88 As for WHISKEYM but for the 3rd two hour period As for E

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To disseminate a forecast of the meteorological data required for
AD NBC X 24/06/98
NBC Warning and Reporting chemical hazard area prediction.

Issue 1.0: May 98 142 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 143 (4.5.3)

A 05 Serial Number (if applicable) (10 Chars)

B 07 AREAM - Name of Area of Validity (30 Chars)
C ZULUM - Period of Validity:
21 Date-Time Group (DTG) of observation DTG (12 Chars)
25 Effective DTG valid FROM DTG (12 Chars)
27 Effective DTG valid TO DTG (12 Chars)
D UNITM - Units of measurement:
34 Length (3 Figs)
36 Height (3 Figs)
39 Direction (3 Figs)
43 Speed (3 Figs)
47 Temperature (3 Figs)
E ALFAM - Effective downwind data for Yield Group ALFA:
52 Radius of Zone 1 in Kilometres or Nautical Miles (3 Figs)
56 Downwind direction in degrees True (3 Figs)
59 Wind speed in Kilometres per hour or knots (3 Figs)
61 Angle expansion indicator/actual expanded angle (3 Figs)
F 77 As for ALFAM but for Yield Groups BRAVO through GOLF As for ALFAM

Issue 1.0: May 98 143 - 1

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised
To provide the data needed for NBC Warning and Reporting to
AD NBC X 27/07/98
predict fallout areas following a nuclear burst.

Issue 1.0: May 98 143 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 144 (4.5.11)

SITREP (14 Chars)

A 07 SITREP Serial Number (if applicable) (10 Chars)
B 25 Free text summary of the general NBC situation as at (give (1000 Chars)
Date-Time Group (DTG))
C 36 Commander's assessment - if used, give a summary (1000 Chars)
evaluation of the current NBC situation and its real/potential
impact on current/future operations, together with conclusions,
recommendations and future intentions

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To pass free text information on the general NBC situation in the area
AD NBC X 27/07/98
of the unit originating the report.

Issue 1.0: May 98 144 - 1



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 145 (4.6.8)

A Map details: (1)

00 Map/Chart Series (12 Chars)
01 Map/Chart Suffix No (2 Figs)
03 Map/Chart Sheet No (2) (14 Chars)
04 Map/Chart Edition No (2) (6 Chars)
07 Geodetic Datum (2) (25 Chars)
B Options:
10 Primary option from: (3 Chars)
CAN - Cancel
XMT - Transmit
12 Secondary option: (3 Chars)
LST - Last Target
C 15 Fire plan name (6 Chars)
D 17 Target Number (6 Chars)
E 19 Target instance – identification of each instance of a specified (2 Figs)
target number which is repeated in the plan
F Target location:
20 UTM Easting (in metres) (6 Figs)
22 UTM Northing (in metres) (8 Figs)
24 Altitude (in metres) (5 Chars)
G 28 Target Grid Zone (6 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 145 - 1

H Target description:
31 Target type (3) (6 Chars)
34 Target subtype (3) (6 Chars)
35 Degree of protection (4) (6 Chars)
I 38 Target strength (4 Figs)
J 40 Report value accuracy of the target location (in metres) (3 Figs)
K Target size:
42 Length or radius (in metres) (4 Figs)
44 Width (in metres) (4 Figs)
46 Attitude - azimuth of the longest axis (in mils) (4 Figs)
L Timings:
50 Relative time - e.g. time relative to H-Hour (H+/H-?? mins) or (4 Chars)
55 the time zone (e.g. ZULU) time on target (4 Figs)
58 Duration of fire (in mins) (2 Figs)
M 60 Target priority from 1 (Highest) to 4 (Lowest) (1 Fig)
N 62 Target group name (6 Chars)
O 67 Target list designator from: (5) (3 Chars)
FPL Fire Plan Target List
TIS Target in the Schedule of Fires
ONC On-Call Target List
P Fire unit ID details: (6)
69 Section (1 Char)
70 Platoon/Troop (1 Char)
72 Battery/Company (1 Char)
73 Battalion/Regiment (3 Chars)
75 Regiment/Brigade/Division (3 Chars)
Q 77 Trajectory type from: (7) (4 Chars)
HIGH - High Angle
LOW - Low Angle

Issue 1.0: May 98 145 - 2

R Volleys:
80 Volleys First (8) (2 Figs)
83 Volleys Second (8) (2 Figs)
S 85 Effects required (as %) (2 Figs)
T Projectiles: (9)
91 First selected projectile (10) (3 Chars)
92 Second selected projectile (10) (3 Chars)
U Fuzes: (9)
95 First selected fuze (10) (4 Chars)
98 Second selected fuze (10) (4 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To transmit fire plan targets and/or orders in a specified target list, to
delete fire plan targets and/or orders from a specified target list in a HQ DRA X 24/06/98
fire plan, or to delete an entire plan.


1. Use of this serial is optional.

2. Repeat as necessary.

Issue 1.0: May 98 145 - 3

3. Select from following table:


MASNRY Masonry
ADA Air Defence UNK Unknown
CONCR Concrete
Artillery LT Light
MDM Medium
SPCL Special Purpose
HV Heavy
MSL Missile BRIDGE Bridge UNK Unknown
Position FTPON Foot Pontoon
VEHPON Vehicle Pontoon
ARMOR Armour UNK Unknown
CONCR Concrete
LT Light
MDM Medium
HV Heavy
APC Armoured Personnel
POS Carrier
ARTY Artillery UNK Unknown CEN Centre UNK Unknown
LT Light SMALL Small
MDM Medium BN Battalion
HV Heavy REGT Regiment
POS Position DIV Division
FWD Forward
ASSY Assembly Areas UNK Unknown
TRP Troops EQUIP Equipment UNK Unknown
TRPVEH Troops and Vehicles RADAR Radar
TRPMEC Mechanised Troops EW Electronic Warfare
TRPARM Troops and Armour SLT Searchlight
GDNC Guidance
LS Loudspeaker

Issue 1.0: May 98 145 - 4

MORT Mortars UNK Unknown TER Terrain Features UNK Unknown
LT Light ROAD Road
MDM Medium JCT Road Junction
HV Heavy HILL Hill
VH Very Heavy DEFILE Defile
POS Position LDGSTR Landing Strip
PERS Personnel UNK Unknown RR Railroad
INF Infantry VEH Vehicles UNK Unknown
OP Observation Post LTWHL Light Wheeled
PTL Patrol HVWHL Heavy Wheeled
WKPTY Work Party RECO Reconnaissance
POS Position BOAT Boats
RKTMSL Rockets/ UNK Unknown ACFT Aircraft
Missiles APERS Anti-Personnel HEL Helicopter
LTMSL Light Missile WPN Weapons UNK Unknown
MDMMSL Medium Missile LTMG Light Machine Gun
HVMSL Heavy Missile ATG Anti-Tank Gun
ATANK Anti-Tank HVMG Heavy Machine Gun
POS Position RCLR Recoilless Rifle
SUPPLY Supply Dump UNK Unknown
CLV Class 5
CLIII Class 3
CLIV Class 4
CLI Class 1
CLII Class 2

Issue 1.0: May 98 145 - 5

4. Select from:

01 PRAND Half Prone, Half Standing All Prone
02 PRONE Prone Prone
03 PRUG Prone Dug In
04 PROVER Prone Under Overhead Cover
05 DUGIN Dug In Dug In
06 COVER Under Overhead Cover Under Overhead Cover

5. Special Considerations - National Restrictions state that GE, UK and the US will reject the message if 'FPL' is specified. This interface
is limited to a single fire plan.

6. Fields 1 to 5 may be repeated as a group up to five times, initial plus four.

7. Repeat up to five times, initial plus four.

8. Repeat as a group up to five times, initial plus four.

9. Select from the following table:

Issue 1.0: May 98 145 - 6

105MM HEA High Explosive CP Concrete Piercing
HEC APICM Anti-Personnel sub-munition PD Point Detonation
PDD Delay
TI Time Action
VT Variable Time
VTD Variable Time de-sensitised
MRP Multi-Role Fuze Point Detonation
MRT Multi-Role Fuze Time
MRV Multi-Role Fuze Variable Time
MRD Multi-Role Fuze Delay
155MM HEA High Explosive GREEN CP Concrete Piercing
HEI DPICM Anti-Tank sub-munition WHITE PD Point Detonation
HED Dual Purpose ICM XRNGA = Extended Range – PDD Delay
HER Rocket Type A TI Time Action
AML Anti-Material Mine, long delay XRNGB = Extended Range – VT Variable Time
AMS Anti-Material Mine, short delay Type B VTD Variable Time Desensitised
APL Anti-Personnel Mine, long delay MRP Multi-Role Fuze Point Detonation
APS Anti-Personnel Mine, short delay MRT Multi-Role Fuze Time
MRV Multi-Role Fuze Variable Time
MRD Multi-Role Fuze Delay
MLRS JED Dual Purpose ICM TA Time Action
JEE DPICM Anti-Personnel and Anti-
Material sub-munitions
JEH Reduced Range Practice Rocket
JMT Anti-Tank Mine
JTA MLRS Terminally Guided Warhead
JTC ATCMS Brilliant Anti-Tank
JEL Extended Range Rocket

Issue 1.0: May 98 145 - 7



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 146 (1.5)

A Casualty Details
10 Service Number/ZAP Number (2) (10 Chars)
11 Rank (10 Chars)
12 Surname (20 Chars)
13 Christian Names (in full) (30 Chars)
14 Religion (10 Chars)
B Unit Details
20 Parent Unit (20 Chars)
21 Sub Unit (20 Chars)
22 Attached to (3) (20 Chars)
C 33 Exercise/Operational Details (4) (50 Chars)
D 45 Brief Outline of Circumstances (200 Chars)
To include where, when, how
E 52 On Duty (YES/NO) (3 Chars)
F 63 NOK Details (100 Chars)
G 74 Additional NOK Details (100 Chars)
H 88 NOTICAS Signal to be originated by (5) (20 Chars)
I 96 Any Other Information (200 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 146 - 1

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised
To notify serious casualties. HQ LAND
(Med Ops)


1. NOTICAS is an established non-operational procedure for the notification of casualties. This report format is included in order that the
necessary details can be passed to the originator of the NOTICAS signal.

2. ZAP Numbers may be used to maintain confidentiality. If used, identifying personal details should not be included.

3. Included where the casualty is serving with another unit.

4. Identify Operation/Exercise on which incident took place and whether Operational/Training, e.g. OP BOLD HAVEN.

5. Indicate originator of NOTICAS signal (normal casualty procedure).

The recipient of a NOTICAS Report must ensure that a NOTICAS Signal (where appropriate) has been originated. If not originated at
Unit level, this will normally be the responsibility of G1 at Formation Headquarters.

Issue 1.0: May 98 146 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 147 (4.8.8)

A Amendment
10 YES/NO (3 Chars)
15 Designator (1) (10 Chars)
B Map details:
22 Map/Chart Series (12 Chars)
25 Map/Chart Suffix Number (2 Figs)
34 Map/Chart Sheet Number (2) (14 Chars)
35 Map/Chart Edition Number (2) (6 Chars)
40 Geodetic Datum (2) (25 Chars)
C Location and nearest feature
42 Geographic place name (10 Chars)
47 Grid Reference (2) GR (15 Chars)
D Obstacle data:
49 Mines present indicator (3 Chars)
54 Generic mine type (2) (3) (1 Char)
55 Obstacle type (2) (4) (2 Chars)
56 Obstacle characteristics (2)(5) (3 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 147 - 1

E Dimensions:
60 Length in m (4 Figs)
62 Width in m (3 Figs)
63 Depth in m (2 Figs)
68 Height in m (2 Figs)
F Entry point:
70 Grid Reference GR (15 Chars)
Exit point:
72 Grid Reference GR (15 Chars)
G 80 Special remarks (100 Chars)
H 90 Acknowledge - YES/NO (3 Chars)
91 Instructions for acknowledging (50 Chars)
93 Force/unit to acknowledge (2) (30 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To report obstacles up the chain of command. HQ EinC X X X 24/06/98


1. If the answer at A is YES a unique amendment designator must be included here.

2. Repeat as necessary.

3. Select from:

30 A Area 35 P Anti-personnel
31 H Anti-helicopter 36 T Anti-tank
32 N No mines 37 U Unknown
33 O Off-route

Issue 1.0: May 98 147 - 2

4. Select specific obstacle type from:

40 BE Berm 50 CR Road crater

41 MF Minefield 51 DM Demolition
42 WO Barbed wire obstacle 52 DG Dry gap
43 TD Antitank ditch 53 WW Waterway
44 AB Abatis 54 FL Flooding
45 BP Beam post obstacle 55 LS Landslide
46 FB Falling block obstacle 56 UX UXO
47 BT Booby traps 57 OT Other (specified)
48 DT Dragon teeth

5. Select from:

60 IMP Prepared
61 PAS Passable
62 BRE Breached
63 MSL Mines surface laid
64 MRK Marked
65 COV Covered by enemy fire

Issue 1.0: May 98 147 - 3



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 148 (6.1.14)

A Offset request details: (1000 Chars)

Response - enter 'OFFSET REQUEST'
Description - a free text description of the offset request

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

Used by SACEUR/SACLANT to put nations in touch with each other
to discuss offsetting LOGSURPLUS(s) and LOGDEFREP(s) on LW2 X 24/06/98
receipt of a LOGASREQ (1)


1. The OFFTOFR is brief summary, free text message.

Issue 1.0: May 98 148 - 1



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 149 (1.6)

A 03 Date-Time Group (DTG) of Casualty Incident DTG (12 Chars)

B 04 Location of Incident GR (10 Chars)
C Identification of Casualty(ies)
08 National Force (20 Chars)
10 Name (20 Chars)
14 Service Number
15 Rank/Status (10 Chars)
17 Unit (20 Chars)
21 Disposition (20 Chars)
D 28 Brief description/circumstances of Incident (100 Chars)
Person(s) Having Knowledge of Incident
32 National Force (20 Chars)
34 Name (20 Chars)
36 Service Number
37 Rank/Status (10 Chars)
41 Unit (20 Chars)
44 Remarks (20 Chars)
E 59 Name of Point of Contact (POC) for this report (20 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 149 - 1

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised
To facilitate the timely return of Other Nation Casualties (ONCAS)
(including dead) to national control, and to provide information to the
JFHQ 27/07/98
appropriate national authorities responsible for national casualty
administration and personnel accounting.


1. Based on ARRC R2 format (new report).

Issue 1.0: May 98 149 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 150 (4.1.12)

A 03 Unit ID (20 Chars)

B Planned Command Relationship:
12 Operational Command (OPCOM), (10 Chars)
Operational Control (OPCON) or other
15 Planned Task (10 Chars)
18 National Superior HQ (before Transfer of Authority (TOA)) (20 Chars)
20 NATO Superior HQ (after TOA) (20 Chars)
23 Planned TOA (Command) Time DTG (12 Chars)
27 Planned TOA (Control) Time (4) DTG (12 Chars)
C Unit Status:
30 Readiness (2 Chars)
35 Availability (2 Chars)
39 Commitment (3 Chars)
D Unit Data
45 Level (20 Chars)
48 Type (Role) (5 Chars)
51 Category (5 Chars)
E 55 Organisation Readiness Code (30 Chars)
F 62 Sustainability Status Code (20 Chars)
G 67 Peace Location (30 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 150 - 1

H 74 War Location (30 Chars)
I 76 Deployment Data (100 Chars)
J 83 Major Equipments (100 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To inform commanders of changes to the ACE Order of Battle –
PJHQ X 24/06/98
Air Forces. (1) (2) (3)


1. Only changes in the ACE ORBAT should be reported.

2. In periods other than peacetime, information already reported by AIRSTAT (not an APP-9 or AFSOP format) should not be reported by

3. The whole report is repeated for each reported unit.

4. If not used this will indicate that OPCOM and OPCON have been transferred simultaneously.

Issue 1.0: May 98 150 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 151 (4.1.12)

A 07 Unit ID (20 Chars)

B Planned Command Relationship:
11 Operational Command (OPCOM), Operational Control (10 Chars)
(OPCON) or other
16 Planned Task (10 Chars)
23 National Superior HQ (before Transfer of Authority (TOA)) (20 Chars)
24 NATO Superior HQ (after TOA) (20 Chars)
27 Planned TOA (Command) Time DTG (12 Chars)
31 Planned TOA (Control) Time (4) DTG (12 Chars)
C Unit Status:
44 Readiness (2 Chars)
46 Availability (2 Chars)
47 Commitment (3 Chars)
D Unit Data
52 Level (20 Chars)
55 Type (Role) (5 Chars)
56 Category (5 Chars)
E 70 NATO Organisation Readiness Code (30 Chars)
F 78 NATO Sustainability Status Code (20 Chars)
G 83 Peace Location (30 Chars)
H 90 War Location (30 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 151 - 1

I 94 Deployment Data (100 Chars)
J 99 Major Equipments (100 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To inform commanders of changes to the ACE Order of Battle - Land
LW1 X 24/06/98
Forces. (1) (2) (3)


1. Only changes in the ACE ORBAT should be reported.

2. In periods other than peacetime, information already reported by OWNSITREP should not be reported by ORBATLAND.

3. Repeat the whole report for each unit reported on.

4. If not used this will indicate that OPCOM and OPCON have been transferred simultaneously.

Issue 1.0: May 98 151 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 152 (4.1.13)

A 00 Unit designator(s) of unit(s) to transfer (3) (20 Chars)

A1 01 Unit
A2 02 Unit
A3 03 Unit
B 12 Current command relationship (2) (4) (2 Figs)
C 15 Current commanding/controlling unit/formation (20 Chars)
D 17 New command relationship (2) (4) (2 Figs)
E 22 New commanding/controlling unit/formation (20 Chars)
F 23 Trigger (Location/Time/Event) (5) (3 Chars)
G 25 Location (100 Chars)
H 31 Time 1 (Related to 'Location') DTG (12 Chars)
I 37 Event (200 Chars)
J 44 Equipment (200 Chars)
K 52 Time 2 (Related to 'Equipment') DTG (12 Chars)
L 66 Remarks (200 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To report or direct the transfer of Operational Command (OPCOM)
and/or (OPCON) between nations and NATO or within the NATO LW1 X 24/06/98
chain of command. (1) (2)

Issue 1.0: May 98 152 - 1

1. Confirmation of the delegation of authority requested in ACTREQ and ACTWARN will normally be included in an ORBAT message.

2. Transfer of operational authority within the NATO chain of command will include Tactical Control (TACON) as a command relationship

3. Repeat as necessary for each unit to transfer.

4. Select command relationship from:

01 OPCOM Operational Command

02 OPCON Operational Control
03 TACON Tactical Control

5. FOXTROT indicates the trigger for the Transfer of Authority (TOA). This may be one or a combination of the entries at GOLF, HOTEL or
INDIA. Only the appropriate remaining serials are sent.

Issue 1.0: May 98 152 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 153 (4.1.14)

A 13 War ORBAT/TASKORG - Command/Controlling (20 Chars)

Unit/Formation, i.e. the unit/formation submitting the report
B 17 Command relationship (2) (5 Chars)
C 19 Time qualifier and DTG (20 Chars)
Subordinate unit(s)/formation(s):

D1 31 Unit/Formation (3) (20 Chars)

Command relationship
Subordinate sub-units/formations

D2 35 Unit/Formation (5 Chars)

D3 37 Unit/Formation (20 Chars)


Issue 1.0: May 98 153 - 1

E 50 Own situation - free text summary of own unit/formation HQ (2000 Chars)
locations, activities (present/planned) and details of opposing
forces. Plus following details for qualifying subordinate
(300 Chars)
E1 51 Unit/Formation being reported: (3)
- Locations (present/planned)
- FROM/TO DTGs for locations
- Unit/formation activity
- Current personnel status (4)
- Materiel status (5)
- Readiness status (6)
- Opposing forces activities (recent/current)
- Additional information as necessary

E2 52 Unit/Formation being reported: (300 Chars)


E3 53 Unit/Formation being reported:

etc (300 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 153 - 2

Control/Coordination lines:

F1 61 Unit/Formation responsible for setting up (7) (200 Chars)

- Type of line (8)
- Location (present/planned)
- Period of validity (present/planned)
- Additional information (to include nickname
if appropriate) (9)

F2 62 Unit/Formation responsible for setting up (200 Chars)

G 73 Non-ORBAT units - a brief free text overview of (500 Chars)
units/formations/installations not under command but related to
Own Forces and/or within the reporting unit/formation Area of
Responsibility (10)
H 83 Additional remarks as necessary (500 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To report the own land forces situation, including deployment, status
and/or Order of Battle (ORBAT) or Task Organisations (TASKORG)
LW1 X X X 24/06/98
of own and subordinate units/formations, and to report the presence
of units/formations/installations not under command. (1)

Issue 1.0: May 98 153 - 3


1. The OWNSITREP is a stand alone report that is linked to the ASSESSREP in order to avoid duplication of content and to provide a more
detailed presentation of the land forces situation.

2. Repeat BRAVO through DELTA where more than one command relationship applies. Select command relationship selected from:

01 Operational Command (OPCOM)

02 Operational Control (OPCON)
03 Tactical Control (TACON)

3. Repeat details for each unit/formation being reported.

4. Personnel strength is shown as a percentage of required organisational strength using a Current Personnel Status Indicator from:

P1 Above 80% P2 Less then 80% P3 Less than 60%

5. Materiel is shown as a percentage of mission essential equipment using a Materiel Status Indicator from:

M1 Above 90% M2 Below 90% M3 Below 70%

6. Select the Notice to Move (NTM) category from:

1 Above 72 hours 4 24 hours 7 1 hour

2 72 hours 5 12 hours 8 30 minutes
3 48 hours 6 6 hours 9 Immediate

7. Repeat where more than one unit/formation is tasked with setting up CCLs.
8. Repeat where more than one line is to be set up by a particular unit/formation.
9. If a line is a boundary the units separated or to be separated by it must be designated.
10. Detail should be provided in a separate PRESENCE message.

Issue 1.0: May 98 153 - 4



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 154 (1.7)

A 13 Formation/unit identification (20 Chars)
(of the formation(s)/unit(s) reporting or being reported) (1) (2)
Personnel data (1) (3)
B1 23 Total War Establishment (WE) (10 Figs)
B2 26 Total attachments (10 Figs)
B3 32 Total strength (10 Figs)
B4 45 Total incapacitated (10 Figs)
B5 47 Total dead (10 Figs)
B6 51 Total PW held (10 Figs)
C 60 Time (1) (4) DTG (12 Chars)
D 72 Personnel assessment (1) (5) (200 Chars)
E 83 Commander's assessment for the formation/unit preparing (500 Chars)
the message (i.e. the master PERSREP)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To provide commanders and staffs with a summary of personnel
LW1 X X X 24/06/98
information by quantities and categories.

Issue 1.0: May 98 154 - 1


1. Repeat as necessary for each formation/unit being reported.

2. All formations/units under command or operational control are to be included. Data of formations/units under operational or tactical
control are to be reported by the parent unit.

3. Personnel data by category - Officers, Non Commissioned Officers (NCOs), Other Ranks (ORs) - and numbers for each data element.

4. Time qualifier and Date-Time Group (DTG) of the information for each formation/unit being reported.

5. Provide an assessment of battle-worthiness, shortage of critical personnel, etc, of each formation/unit being reported.

Issue 1.0: May 98 154 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 155 (10.3)

A Situation
07 Overall media trends (500 Chars)
12 Extraordinary media events (500 Chars)
15 Assessment of PI situation (500 Chars)
18 Requests and/or proposals (500 Chars)
B 20 Media coverage - a summary of important media reports (2000 Chars)
C Public attitudes
23 Observed attitudes/reactions (1000 Chars)
27 Assessment of public opinion trends (1000 Chars)
32 Proposals for reactions/measures (1) (1000 Chars)
D Actions taken/planned:
35 PI actions (1000 Chars)
39 Projection of initiatives (1000 Chars)
41 Management of APIC/PIC operations to cover: (2)
43 Journalists accommodated by APICs/PICs (1000 Chars)
46 Journalists accredited as War Correspondents by (1000 Chars)
53 national officials at PICs
54 Cases requiring withdrawal of accreditation (1000 Chars)
E 70 Miscellaneous information (2000 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 155 - 1

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised
To keep commanders continually informed about the Public
Information (PI) situation during periods of crisis, peace support X 27/07/98
(G5 CA)
operations and war.


1. CIMICREP and PSYOPS reports may need to be considered.

2. PIC = Public Information Centre; APIC = Allied PIC.

Issue 1.0: May 98 155 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 156 (4.4.2)

A 06 Reporting unit (20 Chars)

B 17 Unit being reported (if different from the reporting unit at A) (20 Chars)
C 23 Time (1) (2) DTG (12 Chars)
D 34 Location (1) GR (10 Chars)
E 40 Duration (1) (3) (40 Chars)
F 45 Activity - a summary of current and planned activity at each (500 Chars)
location included in the report (1)
G 49 Additional information (500 Chars)
H 62 Commander's assessment (500 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To keep a commander informed on the deployment of all military
units/formations/installations within his area of responsibility (including LW1 X 24/06/98
those not under his command).

Issue 1.0: May 98 156 - 1


1. Repeat as necessary for each unit/formation/installation being reported.

2. The time qualifier and Date-Time Group (DTG) when the unit/formation/installation became or will become reportable by the originating

3. Use FROM/TO DTGs to indicate period(s) of time present and planned location(s) to be occupied.

Issue 1.0: May 98 156 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 157 (2.12)

A 11 Type of equipment and quantity (70 Chars)

B 23 Date-time of capture DTG (12 Chars)
C 35 Location of capture GR (10 Chars)
D 44 Capturing unit and circumstances of capture (70 Chars)
E 53 Enemy formation/unit from which captured (30 Chars)
F 69 Brief description of the CEE with distinguishing marks and, if (200 Chars)
possible, manufacturers marks
G 71 Technical characteristics (200 Chars)
H 85 Time and origin of message (20 Chars)
I 94 Present location or disposal of CEE (50 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To provide an initial technical report on items of captured enemy
Comd Sp X 24/06/98
equipment (CEE), material and ordnance.

Issue 1.0: May 98 157 - 1



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 158 (4.15.4)

A 10 General statement (500 Chars)

B 20 Aim of report (500 Chars)
C 30 Background (500 Chars)
D 40 Operation correlation(s) (2) (1000 Chars)
E 50 Operation assessment (500 Chars)
F 60 Commander's intentions/recommendations (500 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To provide the Commander's overall assessment of current Peace
PJHQ X 24/06/98
Support Operations (PSO).


1. The PSOCOMASSESSREP is essentially a descriptive, free text message.

2. Provide an assessment of the operation in the light of the objectives of the PSO Force, e.g. SFOR, and other (UN/OSCE) organisations
involved in the mission area. (OSCE = Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe).

Issue 1.0: May 98 158 - 1



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 159 (4.11.1)

A PSYOPS unit(s) (1)

07 Unit designator (20 Chars)
12 Location GR (10 Chars)
14 Specialist equipment (50 Chars)
B Capabilities: (1)
21 Primary capability (10 Chars)
25 Language skills (12 Chars each)
C 30 Planned PSYOPS (200 Chars)
D Enemy PSYOPS activity
32 Trend (100 Chars)
36 Methods in use (25 Chars)
43 Theme (100 Chars)
48 Target (Friendly Forces) (30 Chars)
E PSYOPS situation:
50 Overall summary (200 Chars)
52 Target audiences (50 Chars)
55 Vulnerability (100 Chars)
58 Availability/intentions of friendly PSYOPS forces (200 Chars)
63 Recommendations (100 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 159 - 1

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised
To inform commanders of psychological operations (PSYOPS)
capabilities and planned operations, and to report the results of own Comd Sp X 24/06/98
and opposing forces' PSYOPS activity.


1. Repeat as necessary for each unit reported.

Issue 1.0: May 98 159 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 160 (4.10.1)

A Patrol designation
03 Callsign (C/S) or nickname (10 Chars)
05 Parent unit/sub-unit (20 Chars)
B 10 Patrol leader (30 Chars)
C 12 Patrol size (2 Figs)
D 23 Composition of patrol (200 Chars)
E 25 Task/Mission (200 Chars)
F 27 Departure Date-Time Group (DTG) DTG (12 Chars)
G 28 Return DTG DTG (12 Chars)
H 30 Routes out and in (1) (300 Chars)
I 34 Terrain (100 Chars)
J Enemy/Opposing forces (OPFOR):
50 Location GR (10 Chars)
51 Time activity observed DTG (12 Chars)
52 Strength (10 Chars)
53 Activity/attitude (100 Chars)
54 Weapons and equipment (100 Chars)
55 Disposition (100 Chars)
56 Intention (100 Chars)
57 Additional observations (100 Chars)
58 Command Post(s) identified (100 Chars)
Issue 1.0: May 98 160 - 1
K 64 Map correction (400 Chars)
L 70 Miscellaneous information (including NBC, water points, (400 Chars)
helicopter landing strips (HLS), airstrips, civilian population)
M 75 Results of encounters with the enemy/OPFOR (400 Chars)
N Condition of patrol:
77 Wounded (2 Figs)
81 Killed in action (KIA) (2 Figs)
82 Missing (2 Figs)
84 Captured (2 Figs)
O 87 Conclusions and recommendations (500 Chars)
P 90 Identification (ID) of de-briefer (30 Chars)
Q 92 Additional remarks by interrogator (100 Chars)
R 95 Commander's assessment (500 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To report information from patrol activity. LW1 X X X 24/06/98


1. Include dropping off points (DOPs) and pick-up points (PUPs).

Issue 1.0: May 98 160 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 161 (4.10.2)

Formation/Unit ID to which the PTLTASKSUM applies (20 Chars)

Reporting period:
FROM: Date-Time Group (DTG) DTG (12 Chars)
TO: DTG DTG (12 Chars)
A 07 Patrol serial number (1) (2 Figs)
B Unit/Sub-unit ID (20 Chars)
C 12 Nationality (3 Chars)
D 23 Type of patrol (8 Chars)
E 28 Estimated DTG - out DTG (12 Chars)
F 32 Estimated DTG - in DTG (12 Chars)
G 35 Task/Mission (200 Chars)
H 40 Routes out and in (2) /Area of operations (300 Chars)
I 42 Patrol composition (200 Chars)
J Frequencies:
52 (To 2359 hrs ZULU) (10 Chars)
56 (From 2359 hrs ZULU) (10 Chars)
K 63 Callsign (C/S) (3 Chars)
L 65 Special ID measures (including dress) (50 Chars)
M 70 Special remarks (100 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 161 - 1

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised
To provide a summary forecast of planned patrol activity by each
LW1 X 27/07/98
subordinate/flanking unit/formation over the next 24 hour period.


1. Repeat serials A through M for each patrol included in the PTLTASKSUM.

2. Include dropping off points (DOPs) and pick-up points (PUPs).

Issue 1.0: May 98 161 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 162 (2.13)

A Map details:
11 Map/Chart Series (12 Chars)
12 Map/Chart Suffix Number (2 Figs)
13 Map/Chart Sheet Number (1) (14 Chars)
14 Map/Chart Edition Number (1) (6 Chars)
15 Geodetic Datum (1) (25 Chars)
B Place/time of capture: (2)
21 Place name (20 Chars)
22 Grid Reference GR (15 Chars)
23 Date-Time Group (DTG) of capture DTG (12 Chars)
C Personal details of the PW:
31 Name(s), rank, service number, date of (100 Chars)
birth, age, gender, nationality, ethnic
group, religion, marital status
32 First language (10 Chars)
33 Other language(s) (20 Chars)
34 Areas of specialist knowledge (3) (3 Chars)
35 Previous career details (4) (300 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 162 - 1

D Interrogation details: (1)
41 Sequence Number (2 Figs)
42 DTG of interrogation DTG (12 Chars)
43 Language used (10 Chars)
44 PW Category (5) (1 Char)
45 Co-operation rating (6) (1 Char)
E Interviewer:
51 Category of Interrogator (5 Chars)
52 Name (20 Chars)
53 Rank (5 Chars)
54 ID Number (10 Chars)
55 Unit ID (20 Chars)
56 Appointment (10 Chars)
57 Unit location GR (15 Chars)
F 60 Capturing unit designator (20 Chars)
G 70 Reference to other reports (20 Chars)
H 80 Points of interest (500 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To report the interrogation of prisoners of war (PW). Comd Sp X 24/06/98


1. Repeat as necessary.

2. Repeat serials B through H for each PW interrogation being reported.

Issue 1.0: May 98 162 - 2

3. Select areas of specialist knowledge selected from:

01 MIL Military 06 ECO Economic

02 SCI Scientific 07 SOC Sociologist
03 ENG Engineering 08 ENI Enemy Intelligence
04 PSY Psychological 09 ORG Organisational, Service methods
05 POL Political

4. For example dates/units/appointments.

5. Select PW Category from:

01 A General or Flag Officer, aircrew, senior staff officer, special forces, technical specialist of high intelligence value
02 B Staff officers, unit commanders, other technical specialists
03 C Other officers
04 D Other ranks

6. Select co-operation rating from:

01 E Talking military classified

02 F Talking military unclassified
03 G Talking other
04 H Resistant

Issue 1.0: May 98 162 - 3



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 163 (1.10)

A 07 Internment Number (5 Figs)

B 13 Personal details - name(s), rank, service number, date of (100 Chars)
birth, age, gender, nationality, ethnic group, religion, marital
status, first language
C 15 Date-Time Group (DTG) of capture DTG (12 Chars)
D 33 Location of capture GR (10 Chars)
E 35 Person to be informed of capture - name(s), relationship to (100 Chars)
PW, address details
F 46 Next of Kin (NOK) details - name(s), relationship to PW, (100 Chars)
address(es) (1)
G 48 Physical condition when captured - list wound(s), injury(ies), (100 Chars)
H 52 Description - sex, age, height, weight, colour of eyes, colour (100 Chars)
of hair, distinguishing marks
I 55 Personal property/valuables/money (100 Chars)
J 60 Holding unit ID details (20 Chars)
K 63 Holding unit location GR (10 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 163 - 1

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised
To record and give information on the personal details of a PW, in
Comd Sp X 24/06/98
accordance with the rules of the Geneva Convention.


1. Repeat for father and mother.

Issue 1.0: May 98 163 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 164 (1.9)

A Totals from last PWREP

10 Military PW: Male; Female (4 Figs); (4 Figs)
12 Civilian PW: Male; Female (1) (4 Figs); (4 Figs)
14 Retained Personnel: Male; Female (2) (4 Figs); (4 Figs)
B PW TOS since last PWREP
20 Military PW: Male; Female (4 Figs); (4 Figs)
22 Civilian PW: Male; Female (1) (4 Figs); (4 Figs)
24 Retained Personnel: Male; Female (2) (4 Figs); (4 Figs)
C PW transferred since last PWREP (3) (4)
30 Military PW: Male; Female (4 Figs); (4 Figs)
32 Civilian PW: Male; Female (1) (4 Figs); (4 Figs)
34 Retained Personnel: Male; Female (2) (4 Figs); (4 Figs)
D PW escaped since last PWREP (4)
40 Military PW: Male; Female (4 Figs); (4 Figs)
42 Civilian PW: Male; Female (1) (4 Figs); (4 Figs)
44 Retained Personnel: Male; Female (2) (4 Figs); (4 Figs)
E PW died since last PWREP (4)
50 Military PW: Male; Female (4 Figs); (4 Figs)
52 Civilian PW: Male; Female (1) (4 Figs); (4 Figs)
54 Retained Personnel: Male; Female (2) (4 Figs); (4 Figs)

Issue 1.0: May 98 164 - 1

F PW on strength as at DTG of this PWREP (5)
60 Military PW: Male; Female (4 Figs); (4 Figs)
62 Civilian PW: Male; Female (1) (4 Figs); (4 Figs)
64 Retained Personnel: Male; Female (2) (4 Figs); (4 Figs)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

Daily update to UK PW Information Bureau (PWIB) to establish total
numbers of PW held by the UK in PW Holding Areas and Camps Comd Sp 24/06/98
(required by Geneva Convention).


1. Include merchant seamen, civil aircrew, reporters etc.

2. Chaplains and Medical personnel.

3. Details of transfers are to be forwarded with the PWREP.

4. PW ISNs of PW transferred, escaped or who have died are to be enclosed with the PWREP.

5. All PW on the strength of the reporting unit, including those in military or civil hospitals.

Issue 1.0: May 98 164 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 165 (1.8)

A 10 Number awaiting backloading (3 Figs)

B 20 Collection point GR (10 Chars)
C 30 Additional information (400 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To report PWs held at Unit level in order to arrange backloading. Comd Sp 24/06/98

Issue 1.0: May 98 165 - 1



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 166 (6.3.8)

A 03 Type of Move. Either fully planned with detail based on (20 Chars)
definite data and for which all necessary movement and
transportation will be arranged as required or agreed other
type of planned road movement
B Unit/formation to move:
05 Unit ID (20 Chars)
08 Unit location GR (15 Chars)
11 Unit strength (4 Figs)
C 13 Unit/formation nationality (2 Chars)
D 15 Superior HQ/organisation ID (20 Chars)
E Timings. Either:
18 Earliest starting time at which the unit intends to move DTG (12 Chars)
20 Latest release time by which the release point is to be DTG (12 Chars)
passed by the last vehicle of the column
F Total number of vehicles, as follows:
21 Wheeled vehicles (3 Figs)
24 Tracked vehicles (3 Figs)
G Heaviest vehicles details:
27 Vehicle type (3 Chars)
29 Number of heaviest vehicles (2 Figs)
32 Vehicle load (20 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 166 - 1

H Maximum military load class (MLC)/weight of the heaviest
wheeled and tracked vehicles as follows:
35 Maximum MLC - wheeled vehicles (2 Figs)
38 Maximum MLC - tracked vehicles (2 Figs)
40 Maximum total weight - wheeled vehicles (in tonnes) (2 Figs)
43 Maximum total weight - tracked vehicles (in tonnes) (2 Figs)
I Maximum width/height/length (in metres) as follows:
45 Maximum width of the widest vehicle (2 Figs)
48 Maximum height of the highest vehicle (2 Figs)
51 Maximum length of the longest vehicle (2 Figs)
J Vehicle distance (in metres) as follows:
52 Distance between vehicles on autobahns/motorways (3 Figs)
54 Distance between vehicles on other roads (3 Figs)
K Vehicle speeds (in kilometres per hour (KPH)) as follows:
57 Average speed on autobahns/motorways (2 Figs)
58 Average speed on other roads (2 Figs)
L March column. Number of vehicle components in the march
column as follows:
63 Number of group (1 Fig)
65 Number of convoys (1 Fig)
66 Number of packets (2 Figs)
M Time intervals. Individual time intervals in minutes between:
69 Marching groups (2 Figs)
70 Convoys (2 Figs)
73 Packets (2 Figs)
N Point of origin of the march column giving:
75 Nation code (2 Chars)
76 Grid co-ordinates GR (15 Chars)
O Destination of the march column giving:
78 Nation code (2 Chars)
80 Grid co-ordinates GR (15 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 166 - 2

P Requested route. Include, as necessary: (1)
81 Start Point GR (15 Chars)
83 Sequence, or priority of move (allocated by next highest (1 Fig)
85 Control/crossing point(s) - if there are compelling GR (15 Chars)
reasons for following a particular route (2)
87 Halt locations - planned route exit and re-entry points. (3) GR (15 Chars)
92 GR (15 Chars)
94 Duration of long/short halts (in minutes) (2 Figs)
96 Release Point GR (15 Chars)
Q Axle details - if, required, provides axle details of the heaviest
wheeled vehicles as follows:
98 Number of axles on tractor and semi-trailer (1 Fig)
04 Axle weights (axle loads) (in tonnes) (2 Figs)
06 Axle centre distances (in metres) (1 Fig)
07 Maximum total weight (in tonnes) (2 Figs)
R 10 Special requirements - details of any special requirements (300 Chars)
associated with the move

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To bid for road movement. QMG (Mov) X 24/06/98


1. Conspicuous road crossings shall be scheduled as start points, crossing points and release points using precisely determined 6 digit UTM
grid co-ordinates.

2. Repeat where more than one control/crossing point is planned.

3. Repeat where more than one halt exit/route re-entry point is planned.

Issue 1.0: May 98 166 - 3



From: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 167 (6.3.9)

A 02 Movement Control Agency (MCA) movement ID Number (10 Chars)

B 04 ID of the MCA issuing the Movement Credit (20 Chars)
C 05 Type of Move. Confirms the type of move as either fully (20 Chars)
planned with detail based on definite data and for which all
necessary movement and transportation will be arranged as
required, or agreed other type of planned road movement
D Unit/formation to move:
08 Unit ID (20 Chars)
10 Unit location GR (10 Chars)
11 Unit strength (4 Figs)
E 12 Unit/formation nationality (2 Chars)
F 15 Superior HQ/organisation ID (20 Chars)
G Timings. Either:
17 Earliest start time at which the unit is to move DTG (12 Chars)
19 Latest release time by which the release point is to be passed DTG (12 Chars)
by the last vehicle of the column
H Total number of vehicles, as follows:
23 Wheeled vehicles (3 Figs)
24 Tracked vehicles (3 Figs)

Issue 1.0: May 98 167 - 1

I Heaviest vehicles details:
28 Vehicle type (3 Chars)
32 Number of heaviest vehicles (2 Figs)
35 Vehicle load (20 Chars)
J Maximum military load class (MLC)/weight of the heaviest
wheeled and tracked vehicles as follows:
39 Maximum MLC - wheeled vehicles (2 Figs)
40 Maximum MLC - tracked vehicles (2 Figs)
43 Maximum total weight - wheeled vehicles (in tonnes) (2 Figs)
44 Maximum total weight - tracked vehicles (in tonnes) (2 Figs)
K Maximum width/height/length (in metres) as follows:
47 Maximum width of the widest vehicle (2 Figs)
49 Maximum height of the highest vehicle (2 Figs)
52 Maximum length of the longest vehicle (2 Figs)
L Vehicle distance (in metres) as follows:
55 Distance between vehicles on autobahns/motorways (3 Figs)
56 Distance between vehicles on other roads (3 Figs)
M Vehicle speeds (in kilometres per hour (KPH)) as follows:
59 Average speed on autobahns/motorways (2 Figs)
61 Average speed on other roads (2 Figs)
N March column - confirms the number of vehicle components
in the march column as follows:
64 Number of groups (1 Fig)
66 Number of convoys (1 Fig)
67 Number of packets (2 Figs)
O Time intervals - individual time intervals in minutes to be
maintained between:
69 Marching groups (2 Figs)
70 Convoys (2 Figs)
73 Packets (2 Figs)

Issue 1.0: May 98 167 - 2

P Confirms point of origin of the march column giving:
75 Nation code (2 Chars)
77 Grid Reference GR (15 Chars)
Q Confirms destination of the march column giving:
80 Nation code (2 Chars)
84 Grid Reference GR (15 Chars)
R Confirmed route details to include, as necessary: (1)
87 Start Point GR (15 Chars)
90 Sequence or priority of move (1 Fig)
93 Control/crossing point(s) (2) GR (15 Chars)
95 Halt Locations – planned route exit and re-entry points (3) GR (15 Chars)
96 GR (15 Chars)
98 Duration of long/short halts (in minutes) (2 Figs)
99 Release Point GR (15 Chars)
S Axle details – if required, provides axle details of the heaviest
wheeled vehicles as follows:
01 Number of axles on tractor and semi-trailer (1 Fig)
06 Axle weights (axle loads) (in tonnes)r (2 Figs)
13 Axle centre distances (in metres) (1 Fig)
16 Maximum total weight (in tonnes) (2 Figs)
T 21 Special requirements - details of any special requirements (300 Chars)
associated with the move

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To grant road movement credits in response to a RDMOVBID
QMG (Mov) X 24/06/98

Issue 1.0: May 98 167 - 3


1. Conspicuous road crossings shall be scheduled as start points, crossing points and release points using precisely determined 6 digit UTM
grid co-ordinates.

2. Repeat where more than one control/crossing point is planned.

3. Repeat where more than one halt exit/route re-entry point is planned.

Issue 1.0: May 98 167 - 4



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 168 (6.3.10)

A 05 Route details - places/Grid References/nickname (100 Chars)

B 12 Route recommended - YES/NO (3 Chars)
C 13 Surface description - GOOD/BAD/ADEQUATE (8 Chars)
D 17 Potential bottle neck(s)/ambush position(s) (1) GRs (15 Chars)
E 20 Vulnerable Point(s) (VP) (1) GRs (15 Chars)
30 Bridge(s) GRs (15 Chars)
40 Tunnel(s) GRs (15 Chars)
F 52 Harbour area(s) on route (1) GRs (15 Chars)
G 63 Area(s) of air cover - YES/NO (3 Chars)
H 74 Possible diversion route(s) - YES/NO (3 Chars)
I 77 Traffic Post(s) (TP) (1) GRs (15 Chars)
J 83 Military Load Classification (MLC) (20 Chars)
K 89 Additional remarks, as necessary (200 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To report route details, conditions and suitability . QMG (Mov) X X 24/06/98


1. Give as a series of Grid References.

Issue 1.0: May 98 168 - 1



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 169 (4.4.3)

A 05 Unit designator of unit to move (20 Chars)

B 09 Present location (20 Chars)
C 12 Time of departure DTG (12 Chars)
D 15 Proposed location (20 Chars)
E 17 Point of contact (POC) at proposed location (50 Chars)
F 23 Planned time of arrival DTG (12 Chars)
G 26 Duration - Date-Time Group (DTG) new location is expected to DTG (12 Chars)
be vacated
H 32 Requesting unit (where this differs from the unit to move at A) (20 Chars)
I 35 POC at requesting unit (50 Chars)
J 39 General comments (300 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To request allocation of appropriate location(s) from a controlling
LW1 X 24/06/98
agency, for a defined period of time.

Issue 1.0: May 98 169 - 1



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 170 (4.4.4)

A 05 Unit designator of unit to move (20 Chars)

B 12 Decision (50 Chars)
C 14 New location (20 Chars)
D 17 Planned time of occupation DTG (12 Chars)
E 19 Duration - Date-Time Group (DTG) new location is expected to DTG (12 Chars)
be vacated
F 23 Point of contact (POC) at new location (50 Chars)
G 27 Allocating unit designator (20 Chars)
H 34 POC at allocating unit (50 Chars)
I 59 General comments (300 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

Used by controlling agencies to respond to requests for the allocation
LW1 X 24/06/98
of appropriate location(s) for a defined period of time.


1. See also REALESTREQ.

Issue 1.0: May 98 170 - 1



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 171 (8.5)


B Map details:
06 Map/Chart Series (12 Chars)
08 Map/Chart Suffix Number (2 Figs)
09 Map/Chart Sheet Number (1) (14 Chars)
11 Map/Chart Edition Number (1) (6 Chars)
13 Geodetic Datum (1) (25 Chars)
1 18 Frequency band/Quantity (50 Chars)
2 Period:
21 START Date-Time Group (DTG) DTG (12 Chars)
25 END Date-Time Group (DTG) DTG (12 Chars)
3 Service details:
28 Range (in Km) (3 Figs)
30 Height (in m) (5 Figs)
4 Transmitter (TX) location details:
34 Stage of confirmation (2) (4 Chars)
37 Type (3) (20 Chars)
41 TX ID (20 Chars)
44 Place name (3) (20 Chars)
45 Country (3) (20 Chars)
46 Grid Reference GR (15 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 171 - 1

5 Receiver (RX) location details:
50 Stage of confirmation (2) (4 Chars)
53 Type (3) (20 Chars)
56 RX ID (20 Chars)
59 Place name (3) (20 Chars)
64 Country (3) (20 Chars)
67 Grid Reference GR (15 Chars)
6 73 Station class/Service function (30 Chars)
7 75 Emission class (10 Chars)
8 78 Power (in Watts) (5 Figs)
9 80 Antenna details (20 Chars)
10 Service operating hours:
82 FROM DTG DTG (12 Chars)
85 TO DTG DTG (12 Chars)
11 88 Tuning increment (10 Chars)
12 90 Type of circuit (10 Chars)
13 93 Required by (20 Chars)
14 97 Air requirement (20 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To request the allocation of radio frequencies. CIS Engr Gp X 24/06/98

1. Repeat as necessary.
2. Select stage of confirmation from:

01 REAL Confirmed 02 PLAN Planned 03 REQ Requested

3. Optional.
4. This format is based on the ARFA 14 Point Frequency Report Form hence the use of numerical, rather than alphabetical serials in the first

Issue 1.0: May 98 171 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 172 (1.11)

A 05 Packets required (1) (100 Chars)

B 21 Individuals required (2) (3) (500 Chars)
C 25 Rendezvous (RV) GR (10 Chars)
37 Date-Time Group (DTG) DTG (12 Chars)
D 44 Additional information (200 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

Used for submitting demands for reinforcements of personnel. LW1 X X 24/06/98

Issue 1.0: May 98 172 - 1


1. Details of packets are:

Artillery 15 men 2 x Officers, 7 x Other Ranks

1 x CPA, 5 x Signallers
Engineers 25 men 1 x Officer, 23 x Combat Engineers (including 4 x NCOs, 1 x Plant Operator/Mechanic)
Infantry 35 men 1 x Officer, 1 x SNCO, 33 x Other Ranks
Others (e.g. Logisticians/ 10 men 1 x SNCO/JNCO, 9 x Other Ranks

2. Provide details of individual reinforcements required, giving the Mobilisation Employment Group (MEG) of each Battle Casualty
Replacement (BCR) by trade/specialisation.

3. Demands are not to include BCR to crew vehicles supplied through Armoured Delivery Regiments (ADR) or their National equivalent. Nor
must demands include BCR to drive (and in the case of 'A' vehicles to command) vehicles provisioned through the supply chain.

Issue 1.0: May 98 172 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 173 (4.2.1)

A 07 ROE(s) approved [Given as alphanumeric group(s) repeated (24 Chars)

once each]
B 12 Effective Date-Time Group (DTG) for implementation DTG (12 Chars)
C 30 Duration - the FROM/TO DTG(s) the ROE(s) are to remain in DTG (12 Chars)
32 force DTG (12 Chars)
D 37 Amplification - any amendments to be made to the ROE(s) (100 Chars)
being approved
E 40 ROE(s) denied [given as alphanumeric groups repeated once (24 Chars)
F 42 Remarks - includes an explanation for denial of any ROE(s) (100 Chars)
G 55 Political policy guidance or restrictions on the (200 Chars)
implementation of the authorised ROE(s)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To formally authorise or refuse the implementation of specific Rules of
PJHQ X 24/06/98
Engagement (ROE).

Issue 1.0: May 98 173 - 1



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 174 (4.2.2)

A 07 Controlling Authority ID (20 Chars)

B 11 ROE(s) to be implemented [Given as alphanumeric group(s) (24 Chars)
repeated once each]
C 15 Effective Date-Time Group (DTG) for implementation DTG (12 Chars)
D 23 Duration - the FROM/TO DTG(s) the ROE(s) are to remain in DTG (12 Chars)
24 force DTG (12 Chars)
E 25 ROE(s) cancelled [Given as alphanumeric groups repeated (24 Chars)
once each]
F 33 Effective DTG for cancellation of the ROE(s) detailed at ECHO DTG (12 Chars)
G 40 ROE summary - confirms all ROE(s) in effect including those (50 Chars)
implemented by this message [Given as alphanumeric groups
repeated once each]
H 47 Reporting policy (1) (100 Chars)
I 49 Remarks (1) (100 Chars)
J 60 Political policy guidance (200 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To formally implement or cancel Rules of Engagement (ROE) PJHQ X 27/07/98

Issue 1.0: May 98 174 - 1


1. Amplifying reporting instructions must be included at INDIA if designated forces or situations are being reported or reports are via
designated net circuits, ships or aircraft.

Issue 1.0: May 98 174 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 175 (4.2.3)

A 03 Requesting unit designator (20 Chars)

B 10 ROE(s) requested [Given as alphanumeric group(s) repeated (24 Chars)
once each]
C 21 Effective Date-Time Group (DTG) for implementation DTG (12 Chars)
D 34 Duration - the FROM/TO DTG(s) the ROE(s) are to remain in DTG (12 Chars)
force DTG (12 Chars)
E 37 ROE(s) cancelled if the ROEREQ is approved (24 Chars)
F 45 Effective DTG for cancellation of the ROE(s) detailed at ECHO DTG (12 Chars)
G 69 Justification - summary comments to justify the ROE(s) (100 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To request authority to implement specific Rules of Engagement
PJHQ X 24/06/98

Issue 1.0: May 98 175 - 1



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 176 (5.23)

A 07 Task Number (4 Chars)

B 12 Target Number (4 Chars)
C 15 Run Number (2 Chars)
D 20 Line Number (2 Chars)
E 23 Location (10 Chars)
F 28 Accuracy (1) (20 Chars)
G 32 Quantity (3 Chars)
H 35 Description (2) (150 Chars)
J 40 Activity (3) (20 Chars)
K 45 Movement Speed (4 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To report results from an RPV Mission or reconnaissance. PJHQ 27/07/98

Issue 1.0: May 98 176 - 1


1. Select from: 2. Select from:

01 Centre of Mass 10 AD Equipment 17 Personnel

02 100m 11 Armour 18 Rocket/Missile
03 200m 12 Artillery 19 Supply
04 300m 13 Assembly Area 20 Terrain
05 400m 14 Building 21 Vehicle
06 Area 15 Equipment 22 Weapons
07 Clear 16 Mortar

3. Select from:

01 Crossing 08 In Convoy 15 Built up

02 Deployed 09 In Action 16 Wooded
03 Static 10 Destroyed 17 Dug in
04 Moving North 11 Passable 18 Concealed/Camouflaged
05 Moving South 12 Not passable 19 Road/Track
06 Moving East 13 Open 20 Dispersed
07 Moving West 14 Probable

Issue 1.0: May 98 176 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 177 (5.24)

A 02 Air Request Number (6 chars)

B 03 Cancel task (YES/NO) (3 Chars)
C 07 Priority (10 Chars)
D Duration
10 FROM DTG (12 Chars)
12 TO DTG (12 Chars)
E Target Location
20 Line 1 GR (15 Chars)
23 FROM, TO GR (15 Chars)
25 Line 2 GR (15 Chars)
26 FROM, TO GR (15 Chars)
F 27 Target width (m) (4 Figs)
G 31 Target depth (m) (4 Figs)
H 33 Feature (50 Chars)
J 36 Purpose of task (1) (50 Chars)
K Task detail (2)
40 Line 1 (50 Chars)
43 Line 2 (50 Chars)
L 45 Required product (20 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 177 - 1

M 48 Latest acceptable time for mission (Date-Time Group (DTG)) DTG (12 Chars)
N 52 Specific Instructions (150 Chars)
O 57 Mission ACCEPT/REFUSE (6 Chars)
P 61 Reason(s) for refusal (4) (50 Chars)
Q 64 Estimated time of launch DTG (12 Chars)
R 68 Estimated TOT DTG (12 Chars)
S 70 Launcher position GR (15 Chars)
T 72 Bearing (mils) (10 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To task, cancel, accept and refuse RPV missions. PJHQ 24/06/98


1. Select from:

01 Confirm
02 In flight report
03 Report
04 Search for
05 Target Acquisition
06 Target Observation

Issue 1.0: May 98 177 - 2

2. Select from:

10 Armour 21 Axis/Axes 31 Route

11 Artillery 22 Crossings 32 Type of ground
12 Engineer equipment 23 Echelon 33 Bridge(s) Intact
13 Bridging equipment 24 Radar equipment 34 Activity
14 Headquarters 25 Convoys 35 See Special Instructions

3. Select from:

40 As soon as possible
41 On Call

4. Select from:

50 Out of range 60 Task Accepted

51 Not technically possible 61 Incorrect Detail – Resubmit
52 No RPV available 62 Not inter-visible
53 No stores available 63 Insufficient time for task
54 Launchers out 64 TOT not viable
55 Tasking overload 65 Contact PHOENIX CP
56 Bad weather

Issue 1.0: May 98 177 - 3



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 178 (8.6)


B Map details:
02 Map/Chart Series (12 Chars)
04 Map/Chart Suffix Number (2 Figs)
08 Map/Chart Sheet Number (1) (14 Chars)
10 Map/Chart Edition Number (1) (6 Chars)
12 Geodetic Datum (1) (25 Chars)
1 15 Request serial number (10 Chars)
2 18 Request from (20 Chars)
3 19 Request Date-Time Group (DTG) of origin DTG (12 Chars)
4 23 Link identity (20 Chars)
5 Site A details:
26 Stage of confirmation (2) (4 Chars)
27 Type (3) (20 Chars)
29 Site ID (20 Chars)
31 Place name (3) (20 Chars)
32 Country (3) (20 Chars)
35 Grid Reference GR (15 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 178 - 1

6 Site B details:
38 Stage of confirmation (2) (4 Chars)
42 Type (3) (20 Chars)
45 Site ID (20 Chars)
47 Place name (3) (20 Chars)
49 Country (3) (20 Chars)
50 Grid Reference GR (15 Chars)
7 51 Frequency band required (10 Chars)
8 55 DTG of activation DTG (12 Chars)
9 60 DTG of estimated deactivation DTG (12 Chars)
10 70 Additional remarks (200 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To request the allocation of radio relay frequencies. CIS Eng Gp X 24/06/98


1. Repeat as necessary.

2. Select stage of confirmation from:

01 REAL Confirmed
02 PLAN Planned
93 REQ Requested

3. Optional.

Issue 1.0: May 98 178 - 2

MOVEMENT REQUIREMENTS – SEA (b. Sailing Signal, Load Advice)


From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 179 (6.3.4)

A Details of vessel
03 Name of ship (40 Chars)
05 Ship nickname (25 Chars)
08 International call sign (C/S) (8 Chars)
B 10 Radio frequency (14 Chars)
C Loading port details:
13 Port of loading (20 Chars)
18 Date-Time Group (DTG) of docking DTG (12 Chars)
21 DTG of departure DTG (12 Chars)
D Arrival port details:
25 Port of arrival (20 Chars)
28 Estimated DTG of arrival DTG (12 Chars)
32 Estimated DTG off-loading complete DTG (12 Chars)
E Return port details:
39 Return port (20 Chars)
43 Estimated DTG of arrival DTG (12 Chars)
F 45 Plan serials (1) (3) (100 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 179 - 1

G Deck or hatch cargo information: (2) (3)
48 Data entry (2 Figs)
50 Consignee (10 Chars)
51 Stowage category (5 Chars)
54 Load type (6 Chars)
57 No of pieces of cargo (4 Figs)
62 Cargo container type (6 Chars)
65 Cargo weight in metric tons (5 Figs)
68 Cargo volume in cubic metres (5 Figs)
H Heavy cargo details:
73 Data entry (2 Figs)
75 No of pieces of cargo (4 Figs)
78 Stowage location (3 Chars)
80 Cargo weight in metric tons (5 Figs)
81 Cargo volume in cubic metres (5 Figs)
83 Cargo weight in long tons (5 Figs)
84 Cargo volume in measurement tons (5 Figs)
I Hazardous cargo details:
86 Data entry (2 Figs)
87 International Maritime Dangerous Goods Indicator (IMDG) (3 Figs)
90 IMDG compatibility indicator (1 Char)
93 Net explosive quantity (5 Figs)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To provide information on ship sailings and details on cargo. QMG (Mov) X 24/06/98


1. Conditional - this information must be provided if 'Cargo information' is not included.

2. Conditional - this information must be provided if 'Plan serials' is not included.
3. Serials F and G are mutually exclusive.

Issue 1.0: May 98 179 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 180 (4.8.10)

A 05 Amendment YES/NO (3 Chars)

08 Designator (1) (10 Chars)
B Map details:
12 Map/Chart Series (12 Chars)
14 Map/Chart Suffix Number (2 Figs)
15 Map/Chart Sheet Number (2) (14 Chars)
17 Map/Chart Edition Number (2) (6 Chars)
19 Geodetic Datum (2) (25 Chars)
C Task obstacle identifier:
21 Task Serial Number (10 Chars)
23 Obstacle Number (6 Chars)
26 Obstacle Nickname (21 Chars)
28 Obstacle Zone/Belt Name/Number (14 Chars)
32 Obstacle Zone/Belt Name/Number
D Location and nearest feature:
33 Geographic place name (10 Chars)
35 Grid Reference (2) GR (15 Chars)
E 38 Aim point - Grid Reference (2) DTG (15 Chars)
F Safety zone:
41 Zone identifier (1 Char)
43 Zone size in metres (3 Figs)

Issue 1.0: May 98 180 - 1

G Target type (6 Chars)
45 Target sub-type (6 Chars)
48 Degree of protection (6 Chars)
H Order data:
50 Tactical objective (3) (2 Chars)
52 Laying method (4) (2 Chars)
53 Approving authority (15 Chars)
57 General stopping power (5) (6 Chars)
59 Minefield density (3 Figs)
I Minefield composition: (2)
62 Mine type (6) (1 Char)
65 Mine description (10 Chars)
68 Quantity (4 Figs)
J Unit name and nationality:
72 Unit name (20 Chars)
75 Nationality (2 Chars)
K Mine emplacement:
78 No earlier than Date-Time Group (DTG) DTG (12 Chars)
84 No later than DTG DTG (12 Chars)
L Obstacle effective times
88 START DTG DTG (12 Chars)
90 END DTG DTG (12 Chars)
M 92 Special remarks (100 Chars)
N 94 Acknowledge - YES/NO (3 Chars)
95 Instructions for acknowledging (50 Chars)
98 Force/unit to acknowledge (2) (30 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To order a scatterable minefield. [Note: Enemy minefield occurrences
HQ EinC(A) X 27/07/98
should be reported using the OBSREP format].

Issue 1.0: May 98 180 - 2


1. If the answer at A is YES a unique amendment designator must be included here.

2. Repeat as necessary.

3. Select from:

01 BK Block
02 CD Canalize/deflect
03 DT Disrupt
04 PT Protect
05 RT Delay

4. Select from:

01 AS Artillery scattered
02 GS Ground scattered
03 FS Fast air scattered
04 LS Helicopter scattered

5. Select from - LOW/MEDIUM/HIGH.

6. Select from:

01 A Area
02 H Anti-helicopter
03 O Off-route
04 P Anti-personnel
05 T Anti-tank

Issue 1.0: May 98 180 - 3



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 181 (4.8.11)

A 05 Amendment YES/NO (3 Chars)

08 Designator (1) (10 Chars)
B Map details:
12 Map/Chart Series (12 Chars)
14 Map/Chart Suffix Number (2 Figs)
15 Map/Chart Sheet Number (2) (14 Chars)
18 Map/Chart Edition Number (2) (6 Chars)
21 Geodetic Datum (2) (25 Chars)
C Task obstacle identifier:
22 Task Serial Number (10 Chars)
25 Obstacle Number (6 Chars)
27 Obstacle Nickname (21 Chars)
30 Obstacle Zone/Belt Name/Number (14 Chars)
D Location and nearest feature:
32 Geographic place name (10 Chars)
35 Grid Reference (2) GR (15 Chars)
E 38 Aim point - Grid Reference (2) DTG (15 Chars)
F Safety zone:
41 Zone identifier (1 Char)
45 Zone size in metres (3 Figs)

Issue 1.0: May 98 181 - 1

G Record data:
47 Laying method (3) (2 Chars)
49 Approving authority (15 Chars)
53 Date-Time Group (DTG) of completion DTG (12 Chars)
H Minefield composition: (2)
55 Mine type (4) (1 Char)
56 Mine description (10 Chars)
58 Quantity (4 Figs)
I Unit name and nationality:
63 Unit name (20 Chars)
64 Nationality (2 Chars)
J Obstacle effective times
72 START DTG DTG (12 Chars)
77 END DTG DTG (12 Chars)
K 80 Special remarks (100 Chars)
L 90 Acknowledge - YES/NO (3 Chars)
93 Instructions for acknowledging (50 Chars)
96 Force/unit to acknowledge (2) (30 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To record a friendly forces scatterable minefield (enemy minefield
HQ EinC(A) X 24/06/98
occurrences should be reported using the OBSREP).

Issue 1.0: May 98 181 - 2


1. If the answer at A is YES a unique amendment designator must be included here.

2. Repeat as necessary.

3. Select from:

01 AS Artillery scattered
02 GS Ground scattered
03 FS Fast air scattered
04 LS Helicopter scattered
05 O Off-route

4. Select from:

10 A Area
11 P Anti-personnel
12 H Anti-helicopter
13 T Anti-tankfs

Issue 1.0: May 98 181 - 3



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 182 (4.8.12)

A Amendment
10 YES/NO (3 Chars)
15 Designator (1) (10 Chars)
B Map details:
20 Map/Chart Series (12 Chars)
22 Map/Chart Suffix Number (2 Figs)
24 Map/Chart Sheet Number (2) (14 Chars)
27 Map/Chart Edition Number (2) (6 Chars)
29 Geodetic Datum (2) (25 Chars)
C Task obstacle identifier:
32 Task Serial Number (10 Chars)
35 Obstacle Number (6 Chars)
37 Obstacle Nickname (21 Chars)
38 Obstacle Zone/Belt Name/Number (14 Chars)
D Location and nearest feature:
41 Geographic place name (10 Chars)
44 Grid Reference (2) GR (15 Chars)
E Report data:
47 Date-Time Group (DTG) of completion (12 Chars)
52 General stopping power (3) (6 Chars)
53 Minefield density (3 Figs)

Issue 1.0: May 98 182 - 1

F Minefield composition (2)
55 Mine type (4) (1 Char)
57 Mine description (10 Chars)
58 Quantity (4 Figs)
[Repeat as necessary]
G Unit name and nationality
65 Unit name (20 Chars)
69 Nationality (2 Char)
H Obstacle effective times
72 START DTG DTG (12 Chars)
76 END DTG DTG (12 Chars)
I 80 Special remarks (100 Chars)
J 90 Acknowledge - YES/NO (3 Chars)
93 Instructions for acknowledging (50 Chars)
98 Force/unit to acknowledge (2) (30 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To report a friendly forces scatterable minefield.
HQ EinC(A) X X X 24/06/98
[Enemy minefields should be reported using the OBSREP]


1. If the answer at A is YES a unique amendment designator must be included here.

2. Repeat as necessary.
3. Select from - 01 LOW 02 MEDIUM 03 HIGH
4. Select from:

01 A Area 04 P Anti-personnel
02 H Anti-helicopter 05 T Anti-tank
03 O Off-route

Issue 1.0: May 98 182 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 183 (4.8.11)

A 03 Amendment YES/NO (3 Chars)

07 Designator (1) (10 Chars)
B Map details:
12 Map/Chart Series (12 Chars)
15 Map/Chart Suffix Number (2 Figs)
20 Map/Chart Sheet Number (2) (14 Chars)
22 Map/Chart Edition Number (2) (6 Chars)
23 Geodetic Datum (2) (25 Chars)
C Task obstacle identifier:
25 Task Serial Number (10 Chars)
28 Obstacle Number (6 Chars)
32 Obstacle Nickname (21 Chars)
33 Obstacle Zone/Belt Name/Number (14 Chars)
D Location and nearest feature:
35 Geographic place name (10 Chars)
36 Grid Reference (2) GR (15 Chars)
E Safety zone:
38 Zone identifier (1 Char)
40 Zone size in metres (3 Figs)

Issue 1.0: May 98 183 - 1

F Target type (6 Chars)
42 Target sub-type (6 Chars)
43 Degree of protection (6 Chars)
G Request data:
44 Tactical objective (3) (2 Chars)
48 Laying method (4) (2 Chars)
50 Approving authority (15 Chars)
51 General stopping power (5) (6 Chars)
55 Minefield density (3 Figs)
H Mine emplacement:
58 No earlier than Date-Time Group (DTG) DTG (12 Chars)
60 No later than DTG DTG (12 Chars)
I Obstacle effective times
62 START DTG DTG (12 Chars)
63 END DTG DTG (12 Chars)
J 64 Special remarks (100 Chars)
K 75 Acknowledge - YES/NO (3 Chars)
78 Instructions for acknowledging (50 Chars)
82 Force/unit to acknowledge (2) (30 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To request a scatterable minefield. HQ EinC(A) X 24/06/98

Issue 1.0: May 98 183 - 2


1. If the answer at A is YES a unique amendment designator must be included here.

2. Repeat as necessary.

3. Select from:

01 BK Block
02 CD Canalize/deflect
03 DT Disrupt
04 PT Protect
05 RT Delay

4. Select from:

10 AS Artillery scattered
11 GS Ground scattered
12 FS Fast air scattered
13 LS Helicopter scattered

5. Select from - LOW/MEDIUM/HIGH.

Issue 1.0: May 98 183 - 3



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 184 (4.8.14)

A Amendment
03 YES/NO (3 Chars)
05 Designator (1) (10 Chars)
B Map details:
11 Map/Chart Series (12 Chars)
12 Map/Chart Suffix Number (2 Figs)
15 Map/Chart Sheet Number (2) (14 Chars)
17 Map/Chart Edition Number (2) (6 Chars)
18 Geodetic Datum (2) (25 Chars)
C Task obstacle identifier:
22 Task Serial Number (10 Chars)
24 Obstacle Number (6 Chars)
25 Obstacle Nickname (21 Chars)
27 Obstacle Zone/Belt Name/Number (14 Chars)
D Location and nearest feature:
33 Geographic place name (10 Chars)
34 Grid Reference (2) GR (15 Chars)
E Safety zone:
36 Zone identifier (1 Char)
39 Zone size in metres (3 Figs)
F 42 Laying method (3) (2 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 184 - 1

G Unit name and nationality:
44 Unit name (20 Chars)
48 Nationality (2 Chars)
H Mine emplacement:
51 No earlier than Date-Time Group (DTG) DTG (12 Chars)
55 No later than DTG DTG (12 Chars)
I Obstacle effective times
57 START DTG DTG (12 Chars)
62 END DTG DTG (12 Chars)
J 70 Special remarks (100 Chars)
K 86 Acknowledge - YES/NO (3 Chars)
92 Instructions for acknowledging (50 Chars)
97 Force/unit to acknowledge (2) (30 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To transmit a warning about a friendly forces scatterable minefield.
HQ EinC(A) X X X 24/06/98
[Note: Enemy minefields should be reported using the OBSREP.


1. If the answer at A is YES a unique amendment designator must be included here.

2. Repeat as necessary.
3. Select from:

01 AS Artillery scattered
02 GS Ground scattered
03 FS Fast air scattered
04 LS Helicopter scattered

Issue 1.0: May 98 184 - 2

MOVEMENT REQUIREMENTS – SEA (c. Sea Movement Resource Signal)


From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 185 (6.3.5)

A 02 Estimated Time of Departure (ETD) of first ship DTG (12 Chars)

B Details of vessel
05 Name of ship (40 Chars)
09 Ship nickname (25 Chars)
11 International call sign (8 Chars)
C 13 Radio frequency (14 Chars)
D Loading port details:
18 Port of loading (20 Chars)
21 Date-Time Group (DTG) of docking DTG (12 Chars)
24 Date-Time Group (DTG) of departure DTG (12 Chars)
E Arrival port details:
27 Port of arrival (20 Chars)
28 Estimated Date-Time Group (DTG) of arrival DTG (12 Chars)
30 Estimated Date-Time Group (DTG) off-loading complete DTG (12 Chars)
F Return port details:
32 Return port (20 Chars)
34 Estimated Date-Time Group (DTG) of arrival DTG (12 Chars)
G 39 Plan serials (2) (4) (100 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 185 - 1

H Deck or hatch cargo information: (3) (4)
40 Data entry (2 Figs)
42 Consignee (10 Chars)
45 Stowage category (5 Chars)
47 Load type (6 Chars)
50 Number of pieces of cargo (4 Figs)
52 Cargo container type (6 Chars)
55 Cargo weight in metric tons (5 Figs)
58 Cargo volume in cubic metres (5 Figs)
I Heavy cargo details:
62 Data entry (2 Figs)
65 Number of pieces of cargo (4 Figs)
67 Stowage location (3 Chars)
68 Cargo weight in metric tons (5 Figs)
73 Cargo volume in cubic metres (5 Figs)
75 Cargo weight in long tons (5 Figs)
76 Cargo volume in measurement tons (5 Figs)
J Hazardous cargo details:
80 Data entry (2 Figs)
82 International Maritime Dangerous Goods Indicator (IMDG) (3 Figs)
86 IMDG compatibility indicator (1 Char)
93 Net explosive quantity (5 Figs)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To notify shipping control, coordinating, and movement authorities at
origin and destination ports of shipping schedules and cargo carried. QMG (Mov) 6.3.5 24/06/98

Issue 1.0: May 98 185 - 2


1. This message is used to advise movements staffs and shipping control authorities of the shipping resource implications resulting from the
activation of specific plans.

2. Conditional - this information must be provided if 'Cargo information' is not included.

3. Conditional - this information must be provided if 'Plan serials' is not included.

4. Serials G and H are mutually exclusive.

Issue 1.0: May 98 185 - 3



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 186 (4.7.9)

A 03 SHORAD Unit ID (1) (20 Chars)

B 07 SHORAD Unit HQ location (1) GR (15 Chars)
C Sensor details: (1) (2)
21 Location – Grid Reference/Georef (20 Chars)
25 Readiness (2 Chars)
27 Availability (2 Chars)
29 Commitment (3 Chars)
D Weapon(s) details: (1) (2)
34 Location - Grid Reference/Georef (20 Chars)
35 Readiness (2 Chars)
37 Availability (2 Chars)
38 Commitment (3 Chars)
E 55 Remarks (100 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 186 - 1

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised
To summarise and report the location and status of a short range air
HQ DRA X 24/06/98
defence (SHORAD) unit to any higher headquarters.


1. Repeat serials ALPHA through DELTA to report on more than one SHORAD unit.

2. Repeat where more than one sensor/weapon system is reported for each SHORAD unit identified.

Issue 1.0: May 98 186 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 187 (6.3.11)

A Reply details to a SRFTRANSREQ:

07 Reply number (5 Chars)
09 Date-Time Group (DTG) DTG (12 Chars)
B Transport Control Agency:
12 Unit designator (20 Chars)
14 Unit location GR (10 Chars)
C Transport mode:
15 Mode (5 Chars)
18 ID number (5 Chars)
D Embarking/Loading details:
21 Loading location GR (10 Chars)
25 Planned start loading time DTG (12 Chars)
27 Planned end loading time DTG (12 Chars)
E Disembarking/Unloading details:
30 Unloading location GR (10 Chars)
32 Planned start unloading time DTG (12 Chars)
35 Planned end unloading time DTG (12 Chars)
F Agency transporting:
38 Unit designator (20 Chars)
41 Unit location GR (10 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 187 - 1

G 42 Transport means - describes each conveyance to be used, (100 Chars)
including numbers/types of means within each conveyance
H 48 Transport routing - gives locations/times of routing for each (100 Chars)
conveyance (1)
I 54 Special remarks (100 Chars)
J 57 Personnel information - gives passenger (pax) (50 Chars)
numbers/details by class per conveyance: (1) (2)
1 Class passengers:
Total male
Total female
Baggage per passenger (weight/dimensions)
Additional remarks
2 Class passengers:
Total male
Total female
Baggage per passenger (weight/dimensions)
Additional remarks
K Cargo information - gives details of groups of the same type (100 Chars)
of vehicle to be loaded: (1) (2)
70 Load 1
Type of vehicle
Rail sketch no.
Max weight per unit (in kg)
Total weight (in kg)
Dimensions/MLC (length/width/height)
Dangerous goods (ADNR, ADR,IMDG,RID)
71 Load 2

Issue 1.0: May 98 187 - 2

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised
To respond to a Surface Transport Request (SRFTRANSREQ) to
QMG (Mov) X 24/06/98
enable preparations for the requested transport.


1. Repeat for each conveyance as necessary.

2. Optional - give details as necessary or omit if not required.

Issue 1.0: May 98 187 - 3



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 188 (6.3.12)

A 05 Request originator (20 Chars)

B Consignor details:
07 Unit designator (20 Chars)
10 Unit location GR (10 Chars)
12 Priority (1) (7 Chars)
13 Transport mode requested (5 Chars)
15 Agency to be billed (20 Chars)
C Loading details: (2)
18 Preferred loading location GR (10 Chars)
21 Planned loading time DTG (12 Chars)
23 Desired departure time DTG (12 Chars)
D Consignee details:
28 Unit designator (20 Chars)
32 Unit location GR (10 Chars)
E Unloading details (2)
34 Preferred unloading location GR (10 Chars)
37 Planned unloading time DTG (12 Chars)
F 50 Special remarks (100 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 188 - 1

G 67 Personnel information - gives passenger (pax) (50 Chars)
numbers/details required by class per conveyance: (2) (3)
1 Class passengers
Total male
Total female
Baggage per passenger (weight/dimensions)
Additional remarks
2 Class passengers
Total male
Total female
Baggage per passenger (weight/dimensions)
Additional remarks
H 85 Cargo information – gives details of groups of the same type (100 Chars)
of vehicle to be loaded: (2) (3)
Load 1
Type of vehicle
Rail sketch number
Maximum weight per unit (in kg)
Total weight (in kg)
Dimensions/MLC (length/width/height)
Dangerous goods (ADNR, ADR, IMDG, RID)
Load 2

Issue 1.0: May 98 188 - 2

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised
To request transport by surface movement means to include road, rail
QMG (Mov) X 24/06/98
(without initial rail movements), inland waterways, and sea


1. Select from:

01 ALPHA Urgent operational requirement

02 BRAVO Routine operational requirement
03 CHARLIE Urgent administrative requirement
04 DELTA Routine administrative requirement

2. Repeat for each conveyance as necessary.

3. Optional.

Issue 1.0: May 98 188 - 3



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 189 (4.5.4)

AW 07 STRIKEWARN nickname or target number for multiple or

single strike(s), as appropriate (10 Chars)
DW 12 Multiple strike: Date-Time Group (DTG) strike (pulse) will start DTG (12 Chars)
followed by DTG strike (pulse) will end (ZULU time)
Single strike: DTG of strike followed by DTG after which strike DTG (12 Chars)
15 will be cancelled
F1 18 Multiple: Grid Reference (GR) of Minimum Safe Distance (18 Chars)
(MSD) 1 box
Single: MSD1 in 100s of m followed by GR of Ground Zero
(GZ) or Desired GZ (DGZ)
F2 22 Multiple: GR of MSD2 box (18 Chars)
Single: MSD2 in 100s of metres (followed by GR of GZ or
DGZ if not included in F1) (1)
F3 32 Multiple: GR of MSD3 box (18 Chars)
Single: MSD3 in 100s of m (followed by GR of GZ or DGZ if
not included in F1/F2) (2)
HW 45 Number of surface or sub-surface bursts (6 Chars)
IW 55 Number of bursts in multiple strike (3 Figs)
ACK 61 Acknowledge (3) (11 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 189 - 1

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised
To provide friendly forces with the necessary information needed to
AD NBC X X X 24/06/98
take safety precautions against a friendly nuclear burst


1. If F1 is used F2 must be completed.

2. If F2 is used F3 must be completed.

3. An acknowledgement is always required on receipt of a STRIKEWARN(NUC).

Issue 1.0: May 98 189 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 190 (2.14)

A 10 Text indicator - SUPPLEMENTAL INTELLIGENCE (35 Chars)

B 20 Narrative - free text which should contain all pertinent (5000 Chars)
intelligence which is not time-sensitive and not of such
immediate significance as to require inclusion of the
information in an INTSUM (1)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To provide comprehensive reviews of non time-sensitive intelligence
collected over an extended period of time, or detailed intelligence
Comd Sp X 24/06/98
studies on specific subjects to enable intelligence staffs to update the
intelligence database.


1. The INTSUM is used to periodically inform formations and other addressees on military and related political/economic intelligence and
assessment thereof where this gives an indication of change in potential OPFOR capabilities, preparedness, military posture, activities,
objectives and/or courses of action in peace, time of tension and hostilities.

Issue 1.0: May 98 190 - 1



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 191 (5.25)

03 Air Task/Mission Number (15 Chars)

A 25 Time on Target (TOT) DTG (12 Chars)
B 41 Number and type of aircraft and armament (100 Chars)
C 57 Control arrangements (100 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To confirm Time on Target (TOT) details. PJHQ 25/06/98

Issue 1.0: May 98 191 - 1



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 192 (6.1.5)

A Transfer response details: (500 Chars)

03 Response - enter 'TRANSFER COMPLETE'
08 Additional information - if used, provides in free text any
additional information with respect to the transfer response

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

Used by a nation that has received ACE/ACLANT LCC-initiated
assistance to inform all involved parties that receipt of stocks or LW2 X 25/06/98
equipment has been completed. (1)


1. The TRANSCPL is brief summary, free text message.

Issue 1.0: May 98 192 - 1



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 193 (2.15)

A Target location details:

02 Stage of Confirmation Code (1) (4 Chars)
04 Geographic shape (2) (7 Chars)
B Target type details:
07 Target description in free text (50 Chars)
08 Target ID (10 Chars)
11 Geographic place name (20 Chars)
13 Country (3 Chars)
C Time details:
14 Time Qualifier Code (3) (7 Chars)
16 Date-Time Indicator (4) (12 Chars)
D 19 Type of sensor (25 Chars)
E Results:
22 Degree of physical damage and confidence level (5) (50 Chars)
25 Functional damage and confidence level (5) (50 Chars)
26 Residual status (6) (7 Chars)
F Additional attack information: (500 Chars)
30 Collateral damage (7) - observed and/or assessed
34 Additional damage
36 Other TSA information

Issue 1.0: May 98 193 - 1

G Re-attack recommendation:
40 Indicator - from 'YES', 'NO' or 'NA' (not applicable) (3 Chars)
59 Justification - only used if the indicator above is 'YES' (100 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To report the results of an attack on a target and the residual status of
Comd Sp X 26/06/98
the attacked target.

Special Instructions:

1. There are three types of TSAREP, concurrent to the phases of the Target Status Assessment (TSA) process as stated in ACE Directive
Number 65-6, are used. These are:

a. Initial TSAREP - to report, as soon as possible and within 3 hours, the initial results of the attack.
b. Enhanced TSAREP - to report, within 12 hours, the assessed status of the attacked target.
c. Mature TSAREP - to report, within 36 hours, the definitive status of the attacked target.

2. Timely submission of all TSAREPs is essential for further conduct of the operation and the planning cycle. It also provides information
needed for the decision making process at the highest military political levels. The following therefore applies:

a. Unit Commanders are responsible for their Initial TSAREP to the Sub-PSC.
b. Sub-PSCs are to submit their Enhanced and Mature TSAREPs to the MSC. Initial, Enhanced and Mature TSAREPs have to be
submitted to other Sub-PSCs which have operational interest in that specific target.
c. When Mature Target Status Assessment takes place at the MSC, the MSC is to submit the Mature TSAREP to the Sub-PSCs
which have an operational interest in that specific target.
d. During Peace Support Operations (PSO) collateral damage is a political and military sensitive issue. Therefore, during PSOs, or
other operations as indicated by the MNC involved, all TSAREPs indicating collateral damage must be submitted via the MSC to the MNC
involved. [Collateral damage - see Note 7 below]
e. The MNC involved has the authority to request TSAREPs of targets of special interest. The MNC will notify the MSC in advance of
such TSA requirements.

Issue 1.0: May 98 193 - 2


1. Select Stage of Confirmation from:

01 REAL Confirmed
02 ESTD Estimated, assumed, suspected
03 EXEC Order to execute
04 PLAN Planned
05 HOLD Prepare for execution
06 REQ Request

2. Select Geographic shape from:

01 LINE Sequence of grid references describes a line from rear to front and from left to right facing the front.
02 POINT Each grid reference is displayed as a dot.
03 CIRCLE Each pair of grid references defines the centre of a circle (first point) and one point of this circle.
04 AREA Sequence of grid references describes an area clockwise; the first field may not be repeated at the end to close the
05 ARROW The first grid reference describes the beginning (arrow head or point), the second grid reference describes the end
of the arrow (shaft).
06 SECTOR The first grid reference describes the left forward extremity of the sector, the second reference describes the centre
forward, and the third reference describes the right forward extremity of the sector.
07 ELLIPSE The first reference describes the centre of the ellipse; the second reference describes the centre forward, and the
third reference describes the right forward extremity of the ellipse.

Issue 1.0: May 98 193 - 3

3. Select Time Qualifier Code from:

01 AFTER After 16 SINCE Since

02 ASOF As of 17 START Start
03 ASAP As soon as possible 18 TODT Time of detonation
04 ASAPAFT As soon as possible after 19 TODTNET Time of detonation not earlier than
05 ASAPNLT As soon as possible not later than 20 TODTNLT Time of detonation not later than
06 AT At 21 TOT Time on target
07 BEFORE Before 22 TOTNET Time on target not earlier than
08 CLEARED Cleared 23 TOTNLT Time on target not later than
09 DUE Due 24 UNTIL Until
10 END End 25 WEF With effect from
11 NET Not earlier than 26 BETWEEN Between
12 NLT Not later than 27 AND And
13 OFF Off 28 FROM From
14 ON On 29 TO To
15 ONCALL On Call

4. Date-Time Indicator - gives date and time details in one of the following ways:

a. Date-Time Group (DTG) - Day (01-31), hour (00-23), time zone indicator (from Table 1 below), month and year (00-99), e.g.

b. Day-Time and Month - Day (01-31), hour (00-23), minute (00-59), time zone indicator (Table 1), and month, e.g. 271500ZJAN.

c. Day-Time - Day (01-31), hour (00-23), minute (00-59), and time zone indicator (Table 1), e.g. 271500Z.

d. Reference Time Indicator - (from Table 2 below)

e. Adjusted Reference Time - Reference Time Indicator (Table 2) PLUS or MINUS unit of time measurement, e.g. T1MINUS12MIN

Note: For the TSAREP message 4c, Day-Time, is preferable.

Issue 1.0: May 98 193 - 4

TABLE 1 - Time Zone Indicator Code

GMT plus 1 hour A GMT plus 10 hours K GMT minus 7 hours T
GMT plus 2 hours B GMT plus 11 hours L GMT minus 8 hours U
GMT plus 3 hours C GMT plus 12 hours M GMT minus 9 hours V
GMT plus 4 hours D GMT minus 1 hour N GMT minus 10 hours W
GMT plus 5 hours E GMT minus 2 hours O GMT minus 11 hours X
GMT plus 6 hours F GMT minus 3 hour P GMT minus 12 hours Y
GMT plus 7 hours G GMT minus 4 hours Q GMT Z
GMT plus 8 hours H GMT minus 5 hours R
GMT plus 9 hours I GMT minus 6 hours S

TABLE 2 - Reference Time Indicator Code

C-time (day) C L-time (hour) L Time block/slot 4 T4
D-time (day) D M-time (day) M Time block/slot 5 T5
E-time (day) E P-time (hour) P Time block/slot 6 T6
F-hour F T-time (day and hour) T Time block/slot 7 T7
G-time (day and hour) G Y-time (hour) Y Time block/slot 8 T8
H-time (hour) H Time block/slot 1 T1 Time block/slot 9 T9
J-time (day) J Time block/slot 2 T2
K-time (day and hour) K Time block/slot 3 T3

5. Select Confidence Level from:

01 CONF Confirmed 02 PROB Probable 03 POSS Possible

Issue 1.0: May 98 193 - 5

6. Select Residual Status from:

01 FULL-OP Fully operational 03 MIN-O Minimally operational

02 LGLY-OP Largely operational 04 NON-OP Non-operational

7. Collateral damage is the result of any action which causes unwanted death or injury to neutral personnel or damage to their property. (See

Issue 1.0: May 98 193 - 6



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 194 (2.16)

A 10 Reporting period:
FROM DTG (12 Chars)
TO DTG (12 Chars)
B 20 Summary and Trends - a summary of results of attacks and (1000 Chars)
an indication of trends. (3) Particular attention should be given
to collateral damage. (4)
C 30 Status Target Systems - the overall status of target systems (1000 Chars)
attacked in the reporting period

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

Used to routinely report to the MNCs, and other addressees as
required, on summaries of and trends in Target Status Assessment Comd Sp X 26/06/98
(TSA) results, and status of target systems. (1) (2)

Issue 1.0: May 98 194 - 1


1. ACE Directive Number 65-6 is the reference document for the TSA process. APP-6 definition of "Target Systems" is applicable.

2. The TSASUM is essentially a descriptive summary, free text message.

3. Results of attacks are based on TSAREP(s) received during the reporting period.

4. Collateral damage is the result of any action which causes unwanted death or injury to neutral personnel or damage to their property. (See

Issue 1.0: May 98 194 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 195 (2.17)

A 07 Authentication codeword (15 Chars)

B Source
10 Evaluation (2 Chars)
12 Classification (i.e. type of source) (8 Chars)
13 Unit name/number (13 Chars)
15 Nationality (2 Chars)
21 Arm/Service (5 Chars)
24 Command level (5 Chars)
26 Amplification (Optional) (2) (30 Chars)
C 31 Incident Date-Time Group (DTG) DTG (12 Chars)
D Location
34 Accuracy of information (4 Chars)
37 Type (7 Chars)
40 UTM Grid co-ordinates/Georef (20 Chars)
45 Amplification (Optional) (2) (20 Chars)
E Enemy details
50 Strength/weapons (50 Chars)
55 Amplification (Optional) (2) (50 Chars)
F 61 Estimated enemy objectives/intentions (200 Chars)
G 72 Own measures taken/intended (200 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 195 - 1

H 85 Evaluation/recommendations (200 Chars)

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised

To notify that an armed attack is imminent or has begun. (1) Comd Sp X 26/06/98


1. Include the briefest possible statement of the essential facts and a concise appraisal. The event(s)/incident(s) should be described using
as many as possible of A to H without delaying the message.

2. If any of 'Source', 'Location', 'Enemy details' does not provide sufficient scope then use 'Amplification'.

Issue 1.0: May 98 195 - 2



From: Classification: Report Number:

As At/DTG: Precedence: 196 (4.7.10)

A 05 Period of time - effective Date-Time Groups (DTG) of start and DTG (12 Chars)
07 end of the period covered by the WCO DTG (12 Chars)
B 12 Weapons Control Order (WCO) (1) (2) (1 Fig)
C ID of AD Unit(s) affected by the specific weapons control
status imposed at BRAVO: (2)
20 Unit ID GRs (15 Chars)
[Repeat as necessary]
D 30 Definition of airspace control means (ACM) to be implemented (200 Chars)
- airspace corridors, designated beacons, other relevant
information (2) (3)
E 40 Area - the AD area of coverage affected by the weapons GRs (15 Chars)
control status imposed at BRAVO (2) (4)
F 62 Sector - definition of the arc(s) where the weapon control (20 Chars)
status imposed at BRAVO applies (2) (5)
G 65 Friendly aircraft information: (200 Chars)
Flight path(s)
IFF details (if appropriate)
ID details
H 83 Remarks - amplification of the WCO (as necessary) (100 Chars)

Issue 1.0: May 98 196 - 1

Purpose Sponsor APP-9 AUSOPs TAM Revised
To order a new Air Defence (AD) weapons control status over a
HQ DRA X X 26/06/98
specific area(s) for a given period of time.


1. Select from:



2. Repeat serials BRAVO through FOXTROT for each different Weapons Control Order to be in force during the period specified at

3. Select from:

01 AR Air Route 08 WFZ Weapons Free Zones

02 TC Transit Corridor 09 HIDACZ High Density Airspace Control Zones
03 TL Traverse Level 10 ACL Atlantic Co-ordinated Route Low
04 LLTR Low Level Transit Route 11 ACHR Atlantic Co-ordinated Route High
05 SC Special Corridor 12 IFFON IFF Switch On Line
06 BDZ Base Defence Zones 13 IFFOFF IFF Switch Off Line
07 ROZ Restricted Operations Zones 14 RBFA Rear Boundary of the Forward Area

4. Single locations are assumed to cover a 6km radius.

5. Arcs will vary where different WCO apply.

Issue 1.0: May 98 196 - 2

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