Power of Attorney: Sr. No. A/C Name DP Id Client ID Purpose

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Note: Execution of Power of Attorney is not mandatory

POA for pay - in of securities for the purpose of settlement

To all to whom these present shall come I/WE a, Indian inhabitant send greetings
Whereas I/We hold a beneficiary account No. 12080400 with Central Depository Services (India) Limited.
Through Depository Participant, Zebu Share and Wealth Managements (P) Ltd bearing DP-ID 12080400
And Whereas I/We am/are investor (Client code:................................) engaged in buying and selling of securities and their derivatives through. Zebu Share and
Wealth Managements (P) Ltd in its capacity as members of various stock exchanges in various market segments registered with SEBI
And Whereas due to exigency and paucity of time. I/WE am/are desirous of appointing an agent/attorney to operate the aforesaid beneficiary account on me/our
behalf for a limited purpose in the manner hereinafter appearing.
Now Know we all and these presents witness that I/We the above named do hereby nominate, constitute/and appoint Zebu Share and Wealth Managements (P) Ltd
as my/out true and lawful attorney (hereinafter referred to as the attorney) for me/us and on my/our behalf and in my/our name to do instruct the aforesaid deposi-
tory participant to debit securities and/or to transfer securities from the aforesaid account for the purpose of delivering the same to the clearing house of recognized
stock exchange towards any segment in respect of securities sold by me/us through them and for the margins towards NSE, BSE cash segments and F&O
Segments, MSE CD Segments for any other settlement obligations pertaining to my/our trading.
The authority is restricted to the pay-in obligations arising out of the transactions of sale effected by me/as through Zebu Share and Wealth Managements (P) Ltd
, and for the margins towards NSE, BSE cash segments and F & O Segments, MSE CD Segments or for any other settlement obligations pertaining to my/our trading
and also I ratify the instructions given by the aforesaid Clearing Member to the Depository Participant named hereinabove in the matter specified herein.

The Securities shall only be moved to the following accounts:

Sr. No. A/C Name DP ID Client ID Purpose

1. Zebu Share and Wealth Managements (P) Ltd 12080400 00012539 NSE POOL (CDSL)

2. Zebu Share and Wealth Managements (P) Ltd 12080400 00037851 BSE POOL (CDSL)

3. Zebu Share and Wealth Managements (P) Ltd 11000011 00019513 NSE EARLY PAY-IN

4. Zebu Share and Wealth Managements (P) Ltd 11000010 00023861 BSE EARLY PAY-IN

I/We further authorize Zebu Share and Wealth Managements (P) Ltd to do all the above mentioned acts in respects of trades undertaken by me/us on any other
market segment/exchange of which Zebu Share and Wealth Managements (P) Ltd may become a member in the future.

Further, any securities that may have been received by Zebu Share and Wealth Managements (P) Ltd erroneously or those securities that Zebu Share and Wealth
Managements (P) Ltd was not entitled to receive from the client(s) will be immediately returned upon discovery of the same.

I/We further agree and confirm that the powers and authorities conferred by this Power of Attorney shall continue until I/We have given to the Depository Participant
in writing to the contrary.

This document shall be subject to jurisdiction of the courts at Chennai

My/Our Mobile No .................................. for getting SMS

In witness whereof I/We set my/out hands at this ....................day of ............................20.....................


Signature 1st holder Signature 2nd holder Signature 3rd holder

I/We Accept

Name: Zebu Share and Wealth Managements (P) Ltd Witness

Signature of the Attorney


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