RPL Evidence For Dip Prereq Units

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RPL EVIDENCE FOR Dip FNS50210 – Pre requisite units FNS 10

9 Core units from FNS40610

Other evidence
Report3rd Party
Major Criteria –

Unit Code & Title All criteria should be in accordance with
organisations policies and procedures and statutory
legislation and requirements.

BSBFIA401A Maintain Asset Register Preparation of Asset Register

Prepare financial reports Calculating Depreciation
Record General Journal Entries & Depreciation Journals
Balance Day adjustments Adjustment journals (exp /rev/ prepayments and accruals)
Bad debt journals
Inventory adjustments
Prepare final general ledger accounts Journals to reflect Gross and Net profits.
Prepare end of period financial Revenue Statement
reports Balance sheets
Identification of correction of errors.
BSBITU306A Select & prepare resources Use of Technology, software, Choice of layout, style
Design & produce business Clarification of client requirements
Design Document Identify, open and generate files Efficiency of information input,
Use of functions
Operation of input devices
Produce document Completion of Document
Document meets requirements
Use of help tools to overcome difficulties.
Finalise document Proofreading
Name & storage of document
Print & Present Document
Other evidence
Report3rd Party
Major Criteria –

Unit Code & Title All criteria should be in accordance with
organisations policies and procedures and statutory
legislation and requirements.

BSBOHS303B Contribute to workplace hazard Hazard identification

Contribute to OHS hazard identification Tools, techniques, processes & methods used to identify hazard
identification and risk assessment Reporting of hazard
Gather information about workplace Record information on hazards and associated risks
hazards Research information from specialised advisors.
Conduct workplace inspection and record results
Contribute to data regarding hazard identification
Support knowledge base of OHS practitioners & employees.
Contribute to OHS risk assessment Use Risk assessment tools
Identify categorise & assess risk factors
Research OHS from different sources to identify consequences
of identified risks
Documentation of outcomes of risk assessment
FNSACC301A Check and verify supporting Identify, check and record information on documents
Process financial transactions and documentation Supporting documents check for accuracy and authorised
extract interim reports
Prepare & process banking & petty Deposits & withdrawals entered and balanced
cash documents Cheques & Cards checked for validity before processing
Banking reconciled
Petty Cash claims checked, processed, recorded and balanced.
Prepare & process invoices for Invoices prepared
payment to Creditors & for debtors Invoices checked against source documents
Invoices and related documents filed
Prepare journals and batch monetary Journals prepared accurately and completely
items Batch items matched to initial receipt records
Journals authorised
Other evidence
Report3rd Party
Major Criteria –

Unit Code & Title All criteria should be in accordance with
organisations policies and procedures and statutory
legislation and requirements.

FNSACC301A (cont) Post journals to ledger Accuracy of input

Process financial transactions and Enter data into system Accuracy
extract interim reports
Related systems updated to ensure integrity of financial systems

Prepare deposit facility & lodge flows Choice of deposit facility

Deposit batch is reconciled to deposit facility
Security & safety precautions are taken
Proof of lodgement is attained.
Extract a trial balance and interim Processing of special transactions
reports Cash & credit journals are completed and posted to General
Trial balance extracted and checked
Other reports prepared
Errors found and corrected.
FNSACC403A Identify the main roles and Functions of Courts and other regulatory bodies
Make decisions in a legal context responsibilities of the key bodies in Implications of relevant legislation identified & applied
the legal system
Implications of common law, negligence, contract, employment
law, business structures identified and applied in making
operations decisions.
Identify compliance requirements Interpret compliance requirements
Review compliance requirements
Review legislative & regulatory sources of information to ensure
currency of information.
Develop procedures in ensure Develop procedures insure requirements are met for
compliance compliance
Monitor Compliance requirements within organisation
Other evidence
Report3rd Party
Major Criteria –

Unit Code & Title All criteria should be in accordance with
organisations policies and procedures and statutory
legislation and requirements.

FNSACC404A Compile data Coding and classification of data checked for accuracy
Prepare financial statements for non- Internal & external financial data check for consistency and
reporting entities accuracy
Prepare reports Use of Charts, diagrams presented in appropriate manner
Reports clear & appropriate structure and format.
Statements and data error free and cross checked
Necessary corrections made, verified and authorised.
FNSACC406A Implement an integrated accounting General ledger, chart of accounts, subsidiary accounts
Set up and operate a computerised system. implemented
accounting system Customer, supplier & inventory items set up
GST reporting requirement set up
Technical help used
Process transactions within the Input data collated, coded and classified
system Cash & credit transactions processed
Balance day adjustments created
System reviewed for accuracy of data input
Corrections made
End of Year rollover performed
Maintain the system Addition of new accounts, customers, suppliers, inventory and
fixed assets.
Maintain & update existing records
Customise Chart of Accounts
Produce reports Produce reports that show financial performance and position of
Generate GST reports
Reports ensure subsidiary ledgers are reconciled.
Reports ensure reconciliation of bank accounts over at least two
reporting periods are generated.
Ensure system integrity Regular backups
Restoration of data from backups
Secure record maintained for audit purposes
Other evidence
Report3rd Party
Major Criteria –

Unit Code & Title All criteria should be in accordance with
organisations policies and procedures and statutory
legislation and requirements.

FNSBKG404A Identify individual compliance & other Research legislative, regulatory, organisational & industry
Carry out business activity and requirements requirements relating to Activity Statements.
instalment activity statement tasks Knowledge of requirements for information
Lodgement schedules identified and documented
Cash flow payment options identified assessed and discussed
with management.
Recognise and apply GST GST principles identified, applied and recorded.
implications and code transactions All data identified and coded as per GST classifications
Data processed to comply with tax reporting requirements
Report on payroll activities Total salaries, wages and other payments for the accounting
period are identified and reconciled
Amounts withheld from salaries, wages and other payments for
the accounting period are identified and reconciled in
conjunction with payroll department if applicable
Report on other amounts withheld, Amounts withheld from other payments are identified and
Pay As You Go (PAYG) instalments reconciled in conjunction with other departments if applicable
and taxes PAYG instalment amount is verified or, where applicable,
calculated or, where applicable, calculated for other taxes
Complete and reconcile the Activity Activity Statement reports are generated where required,
Statement checked and validated with any errors identified and correctional
bookkeeping entries made.
Adjustments for previous quarters, months or year-end are made
where necessary
BAS and/or IAS return is completed in accordance with up-to-
date statutory, legislative, regulatory and organisational
Figures completed on the BAS/IAS form are reconciled to journal
entries, profit and loss statement, GST and other control
Lodge Activity Statement Activity Statement is checked and signed off by an appropriate
Activity Statement is dispatched in accordance with statutory,
legislative and regulatory requirements
Other evidence
Report3rd Party
Major Criteria –

Unit Code & Title All criteria should be in accordance with
organisations policies and procedures and statutory
legislation and requirements.

Payment/refund is processed and recorded

FNSINC401A Identify the scope, sectors and External forces impacting on the financial services industry are
Apply principles of professional responsibilities of the industry identified and considered.
practice to work in the FS Industry Identify main sectors of the Financial services industry and their
Identify and consider the roles and responsibilities of other
participants in the financial services industry.
Information on relevant legislation, regulations and codes of
practice is collected, analysed and effectively applied to the job
Own work practice is clarified and regularly refined.
Relevant codes of practice are used to guide an ethical approach
to workplace practice and decisions
Identify sustainability issues for the Information on sustainability policies, strategies and
financial services industry impacts on industry is obtained and from a range of sources
and analysed
Environmental sustainability is identified as an integral part of
business planning and promoted as a business opportunity
Work planning incorporates and supports triple bottom line
Manage information Relevant documents and reports that could impact on work
effectiveness and compliance are read and understood, and any
implications discussed with appropriate persons
Documents, reports, data and numerical calculations are
analysed, checked, evaluated and organised to meet customer
and organisation requirements
Information is presented in a format appropriate for the

Participate in and facilitate work team Provide feedback to team members to encourage, value and
activities reward individual and team efforts and contributions
Actively encourage team members to participate in and take
responsibility for team activities and communication processes
Give the team support to identify and resolve problems which
Other evidence
Report3rd Party
Major Criteria –

Unit Code & Title All criteria should be in accordance with
organisations policies and procedures and statutory
legislation and requirements.

impede its performance

Ensure own contribution to work team serves as a role model for
others and enhances the organisation’s image within the work
group the organisation and with clients/customers
Plan work to be completed taking into Tasks to be done and relevant conditions are determined and
consideration time, resources and work planned either for working autonomously or with others in a
other constraints team environment
Work is planned for a given period managing resources, time
and priorities
Contributions are made to organisation planning process as
required to achieve service improvement
Changes in technology and work organisation are adapted to in
a timely manner
Develop and maintain personal Professional development needs and goals are identified and
competency reviewed on a regular basis
Competency, authorisation and licensing requirements are
clarified and complied with
Professional development opportunities that reflect needs
and goals are sought and completed in an agreed upon

Assessor’s Name:

Assessor’s Signature:


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