A Study On Stabilization of Black Cotton Soil Using Rice Husk Ash

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VANDANA RAO P, et al, International Journal of Research Sciences and

Advanced Engineering [IJRSAE]TM. Thomson Reuters Research ID: D-1153-

2018, Volume 2, Issue 22, PP: 01 - 10, APR - JUN’ 2018.




1. Asst. Prof, Dept of CE, Anil Neerukonda Institute of Technology and Sciences
2. Asst. Prof, Dept of CE, Vignan Institute Of Information Technology.
3. Asst. Prof, Dept of CE, Aditya Institute of Technology and Management srikakulam

Soil is defined as sediments or other accumulation of mineral particles produced by the physical or chemical
disintegration of rocks which includes the air, water, organic matter and other substances. Soil is typically a non-
homogeneous, porous, earthen material whose engineering behavior is influenced by changes in moisture content
and density.
Expansive soil is one among the problematic soils that has a high potential for shrinking or swelling due to change
of moisture content. Expansive soils can be found on almost all the continents on the Earth. Destructive results
caused by this type of soils have been reported in many countries. In India, large tracts are covered by expansive
soils known as black cotton soils.
Black cotton soils are expansive clays with high potential for shrinking or swelling as a result of changing moisture
content. Due to intensive shrink-swell processes, surface cracks resulting in openings during dry seasons. Cracks
disappear during wet season but an uneven soil surface stays as a result of irregular swelling and heaving. The black
cotton soils have low strength and are susceptible to excessive volume changes, making their use for construction
purposes very difficult. World over, problem of expansive soils have appeared as cracking and break-up of
pavements, railway and highway embankments, roadways, building foundations, irrigation systems, water lines,
sewer lines, canal and reservoir linings.
Due to their peculiar nature Black Cotton soils are challenge for engineers everywhere in the world, and more so in
tropical countries like India because of wide variation in temperature and because of distinct dry and wet seasons
leading to wide variations in moisture content of soil. The following problems generally occur in black cotton soil
High Compressibility
Black Cotton soils are highly plastic and compressible, when they are saturated. Footing, resting on such soils under
goes consolidation settlements of high magnitude.
SWELLING A structure built at the end of the wet season when
the natural water content is high, shows settlement
A structure built in a dry season, when the natural
and shrinkage cracks during subsequent dry
water content is low shows differential movement
as result of soils during subsequent wet season. season.
This causes structures supported by such swelling Replacement of expansive soil with a non-
soils to lift up and crack. expansive material is a common method of
reducing shrink-swell risk. In the case when
expansive soil or stratum is thin, then the entire
layer can be removed.

International Journal of Research Sciences and Advanced Engineering

Vol.2 (22), ISSN: 2319-6106, APR - JUN’ 2018. PP: 01 - 10

VANDANA RAO P, et al, International Journal of Research Sciences and
Advanced Engineering [IJRSAE]TM. Thomson Reuters Research ID: D-1153-
2018, Volume 2, Issue 22, PP: 01 - 10, APR - JUN’ 2018.

However, often the soil or stratum extends too USES OF RICE HUSK ASH
deep and in that case this method is not
As a stabilizer : The Rice Husk Ash would appear
economically efficient. Instability of these soils
to be an inert material with the silica in the
cause more damage to structures, than any other crystalline form suggested by the structure of the
natural hazard, including earthquakes and floods, particles, it is very unlikely that it would react with
unless proper black cotton soil stabilization
lime to form calcium silicates. It is also unlikely
that it would be as reactive as fly ash, which is
STABILIZATION more finely divided. So Rice Husk Ash would give
great results when it is used as a stabilizing
Soil stabilization means the improvement of
stability or bearing capacity of the soil by the use
of controlled compaction, proportioning and/or the In lightweight fill: The ash would appear to be a
addition of suitable admixture or stabilizers. very suitable light weight fill and should not
Broadly, it refers to any chemical or mechanical present great difficulties in compaction, provided
treatment given to a mass of soil to improve or its initial moisture content is kept within
maintain its engineering properties. Soil reasonable limits (say less than 50%). The very
stabilization is widely used in road, pavement and high angle of internal friction of the material will
foundation construction to improve the Strength, mean that its stability will be high. However, the
Volume stability and Durability of the soil. lack of cohesion may lead to problems in
construction due to erosion and shearing under
heavy rollers. To overcome these problems, it is
Rice milling generates a byproduct know as husk. desirable to place a 3 to 6 inch thick blanket layer
This surrounds the paddy grain. During milling of of cohesive material for every 2 to 3 ft.
paddy about 78 % of weight is received as rice,
Other uses: The low density of the compacted rice
broken rice and bran .Rest 22 % of the weight of
paddy is received as husk. This husk is used as fuel husk ash over a wide range of moisture contents,
in the rice mills to generate steam for the coupled with small pore size and high permeability
should make the material very suitable as a final
parboiling process. This husk contains about 75 %
filter for water supply. Un-burnt rice husk might be
organic volatile matter and the balance 25 % of the
used as a first stage filter. Because it is cheaper, it
weight of this husk is converted into ash during the
firing process, is known as rice husk ash (RHA). could be replaced frequently, if necessary. The low
This RHA in turn contains around 85 % - 90 % compacted RHA would suggest its use in light
weight concrete.
amorphous silica and 10 %-15% iron oxide. Large
silica content in rice husk ash makes it a good Influence Of Rice Husk Ash On Black Cotton Soil
pozzolanic material and can be used for soil
The physical properties of soil such as plasticity,
stabilization. The high angularity and friction
texture, volumetric stability and workability are
angle of rice husk contribute to excellent stability
and load bearing capacity.
Rice husk ash promotes the formation of macro
aggregates and resists aggregate slaking.

The chapter deals with the journals concerning the
work done by different authors with regard to Rice
Husk Ash and different admixtures in stabilization

International Journal of Research Sciences and Advanced Engineering

Vol.2 (22), ISSN: 2319-6106, APR - JUN’ 2018. PP: 01 - 10

VANDANA RAO P, et al, International Journal of Research Sciences and
Advanced Engineering [IJRSAE]TM. Thomson Reuters Research ID: D-1153-
2018, Volume 2, Issue 22, PP: 01 - 10, APR - JUN’ 2018.

of soil. Some of the case studies studied are Rao et al. (2011), [6] had studied the effects of
mentioned below. RHA, lime and gypsum on engineering properties
of expansive soil and found that UCS increased by
DIFFERENT ADMIXTURES ON BLACK 548% at 28 days of curing and CBR increased by
COTTON SOIL 1350% at 14 days curing at RHA- 20%, lime -5%
and gypsum -3%.
Bhasin et al. (1988), [1] made a laboratory study
Sabat and Nanda (2011), [7] had studied the effect
on the stabilization of black cotton soil as a
of marble dust on strength and durability of rice
pavement material using RHA, along with other
husk ash stabilized expansive soil and found that
industrial wastes like fly ash, bagasse ash, lime
addition of marble dust increased the strength,
sludge, black sulphite liquor independently with
and without lime. The RHA causes greater decreased the swelling pressure and made the soil-
rice husk ash mixes durable. The optimum
improvement than that caused by other wastes due
proportion of soil: rice husk ash: marble dust was
to presence of higher percentage of reactive silica
found tobe70:10:20.
in it. In combination with lime, RHA improved the
properties of black cotton soil significantly. Sabat (2012), [8] had studied the effects of
polypropylene fibre on engineering properties of
Muntohar and Hantoro (2000), [2] had studied the
stabilizing effects of RHA and lime on engineering RHA-lime stabilized expansive soil. Polypropylene
properties of expansive soil and had found fibre added were 0.5 to 2% at an increment of
0.5%.The properties determined were compaction,
improvement in engineering properties like IP,
UCS, soaked CBR, hydraulic conductivity and Ps.
CBR, shear strength parameters etc.
The effect of 0,7 and 28 days of curing ware also
Swami(2002) and Palaniappan and Stalin(2009) studied on UCS, soaked CBR, hydraulic
had stabilized expansive soil using marble dust and conductivity and Ps .The optimum proportion of
were successful in improving different properties Soil: RHA: Lime: Fibre was found to be 84.5 : 10 :
of expansive soil. 4 : 1.5.
Basha et al. (2003), [3] had studied the effects of Sabat (2013), [9] had studied the effect of lime
RHA and cement on plasticity and compaction sludge (from paper manufacturing industry) on
properties of expansive soil (bentonite) and had compaction, CBR, shear strength parameters,
recommended that 10-15% of RHA and 6-8% of coefficient of compression, and durability of an
cement as optimum percentages for expansive soil stabilized with optimum percentage
stabilization.Chandra et al.(2005), [4] had of RHA after 7days of curing. The optimum
stabilized a non-expansive clayey soil with RHA proportion Soil: RHA: Lime sludge was found to
and lime sludge. RHA added to soil was from 5 to be 75:10:15.
20% in steps of 5% and lime sludge from 4 to 16%
Zhang et al. (2013), [10] had found the positive
in steps of 4%. Properties of the stabilized soil
effect of marble dust on strength, swelling and
studied were, Atterberg’s limits, maximum dry
density (MDD), optimum moisture content (OMC), durability of biomass ash stabilized expansive soil.
unconfined compressive strength (UCS) and The optimum proportion of soil: biomass ash:
marble dust was found to be75:10:15.
soaked California bearing ratio (CBR) of soil.
Aparna Roy (2014), [11] has presented a study
Ramakrishna and Pradeep Kumar (2006), [5] had
which gives details about soil which is stabilized
studied combined effects of RHA and cement on
with different percentages of Rice Husk Ash and a
engineering properties of black cotton soil. From
small amount of cement. The results obtained show
strength characteristics point of view they had
recommended 8% cement and 10% RHA as that the increase in RHA content increases the
Optimum Moisture Content but decreases the
optimum dose for stabilization.
Maximum Dry Density. Also, the CBR value and
Unconfined Compressive Strength of soil are

International Journal of Research Sciences and Advanced Engineering

Vol.2 (22), ISSN: 2319-6106, APR - JUN’ 2018. PP: 01 - 10

VANDANA RAO P, et al, International Journal of Research Sciences and
Advanced Engineering [IJRSAE]TM. Thomson Reuters Research ID: D-1153-
2018, Volume 2, Issue 22, PP: 01 - 10, APR - JUN’ 2018.

considerably improved with the Rice Husk Ash The following work plan was formulated to
content. achieve project objectives:
Ashango and Patra (2014), [12] had studied the SOIL INVESTIGATION
static and cyclic properties of clay subgrade
Based on the proposed methodology, various
stabilized with RHA and Portland slag cement. The
Laboratory investigations are done. Soil samples
optimum percentage of RHA was found to be 10% obtained from the field are analyzed in the
and Portland slag cement as 7.5% for stabilization
laboratory for their index and engineering
of expansive soil. They concluded that the
properties. The detail description of laboratory
stabilized expansive soil was found suitable for
investigations are given in the below sections.
subgrade of flexible pavement as, there was
significant increase in strength and the stabilized
soil was durable Marble Dust.
The present study is aimed at, investigating the
influence of rice husk ash on engineering
properties of soil. To achieve the aim the work has
been planned with the following objectives.
To determine the geotechnical properties of black
cotton soil and rice husk ash.
To investigate the performance of the soil-RHA
with respect to compaction characteristics,
Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS) and
California Bearing Ratio (CBR) for the various
proportions like 5%, 10%, 15% and 20%.
HYDROMETER TEST (IS: 2720- (Part-4)
To study the effect of Rice Husk ash on 1980)
engineering properties of Black Cotton Soil.
A 50 gm of the oven dry soil is taken in a glass jar.
To determine the optimum proportion Rice Husk It is then mixed with 10% solution of dispersing
Ash. agent in water to get a known amount of
suspension by volume and stirred well. This
suspension is mixed using Electric mixer.
Following stirring with mixer, the suspension
GENERAL which is made up to 1000 ml in the measuring
For finding out of the influence of RHA, the cylinder is turned end to end for even distribution
compaction characteristics of soil – RHA was of particles. The hydrometer is gently immersed to
determined at various proportions like 0%, 5%, a depth slightly below the floating depth, and then
10%, 15%, 20%. After the determination of allowed it to float freely. Hydrometer readings are
compaction characteristics the specimen are taken after 1/2, 1, 2, 4, 8, 15, 30minutes, 1, 2, 4, 8,
prepared with 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% of RHA 12, 24 hours from the cylinder. From the obtained
for determination of unconfined compressive hydrometer readings the percentage fines are
strength. Simultaneously the soaked California determined.
bearing ratio at various proportions was
determined. The details of work plan are presented
in the flowchart 1.1.

International Journal of Research Sciences and Advanced Engineering

Vol.2 (22), ISSN: 2319-6106, APR - JUN’ 2018. PP: 01 - 10

VANDANA RAO P, et al, International Journal of Research Sciences and
Advanced Engineering [IJRSAE]TM. Thomson Reuters Research ID: D-1153-
2018, Volume 2, Issue 22, PP: 01 - 10, APR - JUN’ 2018.

LIQUID LIMIT TEST (IS: 2720- (Part-5) 1985)

Liquid limit is arbitrary water content between
liquid and plastic states of soil. Liquid limit of soil
is determined in the laboratory using
Cassagrande’s apparatus as per IS: 2720 Part 5
1985. Soil passing through IS 425 micron sieve is
taken and mixed with certain volume of distilled
water in an evaporating dish till the soil becomes
like a uniform paste. The brass cup of the liquid
limit apparatus is filled with the soil paste up to
SIEVE ANALYSIS (IS: 2720- (Part-4) 1985)
half portion of the cup using a spatula. A groove is
An oven dried sample of soil that weighs about then cut in the sample in the cup lengthwise by
1000 g is taken of particle size as 4.75 mm. Sieves using Cassagrande grooving tool (bottom width = 2
are stacked such that sieves having larger opening mm, top width = 11 mm and depth = 8 mm) so that
sizes are placed above the smaller opening sizes. the soil sample is split into two halves. The number
Sieves are kept clean and empty weight of each of blows required for the two halves of the soil
sieve is weighed. The soil is then poured into the sample to just come in contact with each other is
stack of sieves from the top and places the stack of noted. The water content – number of blows data is
sieves in the sieve shaker along with a cover plate. plotted. The water content corresponding to 25
The clamps of the sieve are fixed and continue numbers of blows is treated as the liquid limit of
sieving for about 10 to 15 minutes. Sieve shaker is the soil.
stopped and mass of each sieve along with retained
soil is measured.


1964) PLASTIC LIMIT TEST (IS: 2720- (Part-5)
A Clean and dry density bottle is taken and
weighed. About 7 to 10 gm of oven dried soil About 20gm of thoroughly mixed portion of the
sample is taken into the bottle and weighed. The material passing through 425 micron I.S. sieve.
bottle is completely filled with kerosene and The soil is thoroughly mixed with distilled water in
stopper is placed. Then the bottle is wiped with a the evaporating dish till the soil mass becomes
cloth and the weight of the bottle is determined. plastic enough to be easily moulded with fingers.
Now the bottle is emptied and cleaned thoroughly. Then about 10gms of this plastic soil mass is taken
The bottle is filled with only kerosene and and rolled it between fingers and glass plate with
weighed. The same process is continued for 2 to 3 just sufficient pressure to roll the mass into a
times, to take the average reading of it. thread of uniform diameter throughout its length.
The rate of rolling shall be between 60 and 90
strokes per minute. Rolling is continued till you get

International Journal of Research Sciences and Advanced Engineering

Vol.2 (22), ISSN: 2319-6106, APR - JUN’ 2018. PP: 01 - 10

VANDANA RAO P, et al, International Journal of Research Sciences and
Advanced Engineering [IJRSAE]TM. Thomson Reuters Research ID: D-1153-
2018, Volume 2, Issue 22, PP: 01 - 10, APR - JUN’ 2018.

a threaded of 3 mm diameter. Soil is kneaded with kerosene oil and the other with distilled water
together to a uniform mass and re-rolls. The up to the 100 ml mark. After removal of entrapped
process is continued until the thread crumbles air (by gentle shaking or stirring with a glass rod),
when the diameter is 3 mm. The piece of the the soils in both the cylinders is allowed to settle.
crumbled thread is taken in an air tight container Sufficient time (not less than 24 h) is allowed for
for moisture content determination. Once the liquid the soil sample to attain equilibrium state of
limit and plastic limit of soil are determined, the volume without any further change in the volume
plasticity index of soil is calculated by subtracting of the soils. The final volume of soils in each of the
the plastic limit from the liquid limit. cylinders is recorded and differential free swell is
calculated accordingly.

(Part-7) 1980)
About 100 gm of soil sample passing through 425- An oven-dried sample, approximately 5 kg is taken
in the pan and thoroughly mixed with sufficient
micron I.S. sieve is taken.30 gm of this soil sample
water. The proctor mould is weighed. The soil is
is placed in the evaporating dish and thoroughly
compacted in 3 layers giving 25 blows per layer
mixed with distilled water and a creamy paste is
prepared. Inside of the shrinkage dish is coated with the 2.5 kg rammer falling through. The
with a thin layer of Vaseline to prevent the soil compacted soil is trimmed by removing the collar
and weighed. The soil is removed from the mould
sticking to the dish. The dish is filled with soil and
by taking a small sample of soil for determination
tapped gently on a firm base until the soil flows
of moisture content of the soil sample. Then the
over the edges and no apparent air bubbles exist
and weighed. The wet soil cake is air dried for 6 to water is added in sufficient amounts to increase the
8hrs and oven-dried for about 12 to 16 hrs. moisture content of the soil sample by one or two
percentage points and the above procedure is
Remove the dried disk of the soil from oven and
repeated for each increment of water added. The
weighed. Volume of shrinkage dish is determined
procedure is continued until there is decrease in the
as follows. The shrinkage dish is filled with
mercury and it is pressed with plain glass plate wet unit weight of the compacted soil. The
firmly on its top to remove excess mercury. maximum dry density and optimum moisture
content is determined from graph.
Mercury is then poured from the shrinkage dish
into a measuring jar and the volume of the CALIFORNIA BEARING RATIO TEST (IS:
shrinkage dish is determined directly. This volume 2720- (Part-16) 1979)
is recorded as the volume of the wet soil pat. Then
A representative sample of the soil weighing
the volume of dry soil pat is determined by
approximately 5 kg is taken and mixed thoroughly
removing the pat from the shrinkage dish and at OMC. The mixed soil is compacted into the
immersing it in the glass cup full of mercury. mould using light compaction. For light
Excess mercury is removed by covering the cup
compaction, the soil is compacted in 3 equal layers,
with glass plate with prongs and pressing it. By
each layer is subjected to 25 blows by the 2.6 kg
pouring the mercury that is displaced by the soil
rammer. The mould, containing the specimen, with
pat into the measuring jar, the volume of the soil the base plate in position, but the top face exposed,
pat is determined directly. is placed on the lower plate of the testing machine.
(Part-40) 1970)
An oven dried soil passing through 425micron IS
sieve of about two 10g is taken. The soil specimen
is poured in each of the two glass graduated
cylinders of 100 ml capacity. One cylinder is filled

International Journal of Research Sciences and Advanced Engineering

Vol.2 (22), ISSN: 2319-6106, APR - JUN’ 2018. PP: 01 - 10

VANDANA RAO P, et al, International Journal of Research Sciences and
Advanced Engineering [IJRSAE]TM. Thomson Reuters Research ID: D-1153-
2018, Volume 2, Issue 22, PP: 01 - 10, APR - JUN’ 2018.


To prevent upheaval of soil into the hole of the DISCUSSION
surcharge weights, 2.5 kg annular weight is placed GENERAL
on the soil surface prior to seating the penetration
The chapter presents the results of laboratory
plunger after which the remainder of the surcharge
investigation carried out on subsoil prevailing at
weights is placed. The plunger is seated under a
the study area.
load of 4 kg so that full contact is established
between the surface of the specimen and the CHARACTERSTICS OF NATURAL SOIL
plunger. The stress and strain gauges are then set to The natural soil sample was collected from a site in
zero. Reading of the load is taken at penetrations Sattevanipalem, Sheela Nagar, Andhra Pradesh at
of 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 4.0, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0 and 1.5 m depth from the ground level by making open
12.5 mm. trench. The collected soil was dried and pulverized
UNCONFINED COMPRESSION TEST (IS: into the required sizes and tested for properties like
2720- (Part-10) 1913) gradation, compaction, strength as per IS: 2720 and
the results are shown in Table 5.1 and Figure 5.1.
The soil specimen is extracted by using sampling
tube extractor. The initial length, diameter and From the test results it is identified that it contains
weight of the specimen is measured and the fines (less than 75µ) of 65% .shows it is of alluvial
specimen is placed on the bottom plate of the origin and contains 32.45% of silt and 32.45% as
loading device and the upper plate is adjusted to clay particles. The presence of fines contributed for
make contact with the specimen. The dial gauge is high liquid limit (wL) of 49 % and plasticity index
fixed to measure the vertical compression of the of 26 % and classified as CI soil based on IS:1498-
specimen and it is adjusted to zero. Start applying 1970.It also exhibited high swelling characteristics
the load and the readings of the proving ring dial with Differential Free Swell of 50%. It exhibited
and compression dial are recorded for every 5 mm very low strength values under soaking condition
compression. The specimen is compressed until in terms of CBR as 1.18% .
failure surfaces have definitely developed or the
stress strain curve is well past its peak or until an
axial strain of 20 percent is reached.

International Journal of Research Sciences and Advanced Engineering

Vol.2 (22), ISSN: 2319-6106, APR - JUN’ 2018. PP: 01 - 10

VANDANA RAO P, et al, International Journal of Research Sciences and
Advanced Engineering [IJRSAE]TM. Thomson Reuters Research ID: D-1153-
2018, Volume 2, Issue 22, PP: 01 - 10, APR - JUN’ 2018.


Procter compaction test was conducted on soil with
increasing percentage of RHA by weight basis. The
results were obtained for soil with 0, 5, 10, 15 and
20% of RHA and listed in Table 5.4 and variations
are shown in Figure 5.3 and 5.4.
From the graph, it is observed that with increase in
rice husk ash content there is a decrease in
maximum dry density and increase in optimum
moisture content.
Unconfined compressive strength test was
conducted on soil with increasing percentage of


The rice husk ash was collected from Vijayanagar
Bio Tech, Vijayanagaram, Andhrapradesh. The
constituents of Rice Hush Ash are listed in Table
5.2. The collected Rice husk ash was dried and
subjected to various geo-technical characterizations
such as gradation, index properties etc., and the test
results are shown in Table 5.3 and Figure 5.2.

International Journal of Research Sciences and Advanced Engineering

Vol.2 (22), ISSN: 2319-6106, APR - JUN’ 2018. PP: 01 - 10

VANDANA RAO P, et al, International Journal of Research Sciences and
Advanced Engineering [IJRSAE]TM. Thomson Reuters Research ID: D-1153-
2018, Volume 2, Issue 22, PP: 01 - 10, APR - JUN’ 2018.

RHA by weight basis. The results were obtained

for soil with 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20% of RHA and
listed in Table 5.5and variations are shown in
Figure 5.5.

with 10% of RHA, and the percentage

improvement in strength was about 152%.

Based on the laboratory test carried out on soil rice
husk ash mix, following conclusion can be drawn.
1.Based on the compaction characteristics it is
found that, with increase in percentage of RHA,
MDD decreases and OMC increases.
2.Based on the UCS test, the optimum percentage
From the graph, it is observed that initially the of RHA obtained was 10%.The UCS value of the
UCS value increases with increase in percentage of soil increased from 30 KN/m2 to 74.02KN/m2 for
RHA, reaches a maximum, then it starts decreases. 10% RHA. The percentage improvement in
Maximum strength was obtained for soil treated strength was 147%.
with 10% of RHA, and the percentage 3.Based on the CBR test, the optimum percentage
improvement in strength was about 147%. of RHA obtained was 10%.The CBR value of the
soil increased from 1.18% to 2.97 % for 10%
RHA. The percentage improvement in strength was
4.From test result it is observed that, RHA can be
Soaked CBR test was conducted on soil with used as a soil stabilization material.
increasing percentage of RHA by weight basis. The
results were obtained for soil with 0, 5, 10, 15 and REFERENCES
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International Journal of Research Sciences and Advanced Engineering

Vol.2 (22), ISSN: 2319-6106, APR - JUN’ 2018. PP: 01 - 10

VANDANA RAO P, et al, International Journal of Research Sciences and
Advanced Engineering [IJRSAE]TM. Thomson Reuters Research ID: D-1153-
2018, Volume 2, Issue 22, PP: 01 - 10, APR - JUN’ 2018.

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International Journal of Research Sciences and Advanced Engineering

Vol.2 (22), ISSN: 2319-6106, APR - JUN’ 2018. PP: 01 - 10

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