FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets: 1.0 SCOPE
FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets: 1.0 SCOPE
FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets: 1.0 SCOPE
Table of Contents
©2018-2021 Factory Mutual Insurance Company. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced,
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1-2 Earthquakes
Page 2 FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets
List of Figures
Fig. C.1.2. Types of fault movement ........................................................................................................... 21
Fig. C.4.3.1. The three basic vertical seismic system alternatives (Figure 5-1 from FEMA 454) .............. 36
Fig. C.6.2. Mean recurrence interval (MRI) of earthquakes vs. MRI of damaging ground motion .............. 53
Fig. C.6.3A. World - Western Hemisphere ................................................................................................... 55
Fig. C.6.3B. World - Eastern Hemisphere .................................................................................................... 56
List of Tables
Table C.1.5. Average Number of Earthquakes per Year .............................................................................. 23
Table C.1.6A. Modified Mercalli Intensity (MMI) Scale ................................................................................. 25
Table C.1.6B. Modified Mercalli Intensity (MMI) Scale vs. Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) Shindo
Seismic Intensity Scale .......................................................................................................... 26
Table C.2. Site Classification from ASCE 7-16 ............................................................................................ 27
Table C.4.1. Increase in Construction Cost When Incorporating Earthquake Design in Memphis,
Tennessee ................................................................................................................................ 33
Table C.4.3.3. Comparison of Data Sheet 1-2 With FEMA 154 Earthquake Building Types ...................... 42
Table C.5.4.2. Approximate ASD Capacities vs. Earthquake Loading for a Single Post-Installed
Concrete Expansion or Wedge Anchor in 3000 psi (20.7 MPa) Normal Weight Concrete .. 52
Table C.6.1. FM Global Earthquake Zones .................................................................................................. 52
FM Global earthquake zone maps, as well as seismicity and earthquake background material, are presented
in this data sheet. This data sheet also includes recommendations and information related to earthquake
design and past earthquake performance of buildings and equipment.
Numerous other data sheets address earthquake in whole or in part. Most notably, Data Sheet 1-11, Fire
Following Earthquakes, and Data Sheet 2-8, Earthquake Protection for Water-Based Fire Protection Systems.
Most, but not necessarily all, other data sheets having additional earthquake-related recommendations are
listed in Section 4.1. These include Data Sheet 1-42, MFL Limiting Factors; Data Sheet 3-2, Water Tanks for
Fire Protection; Data Sheet 7-7/17-12 Semiconductor Fabrication Facilities; and Data Sheet 10-2, Emergency
1.1 Changes
January 2021. Interim revision. FM Global earthquake zones have been revised worldwide except for some
small islands, and the FM Global Worldwide Earthquake Map, available online, is now the authoritative
Editorial revisions have been made to align with these changes, as follows:
A. Revised Section 2.1.
B. Revised Appendix C Sections C.6, C.6.1, C.6.2, and C.6.3.
C. Revised Appendix C Figures C.6.3A and C.6.3B.
D. Deleted Appendix C Table C.6.3.
E. Deleted Appendix C Figures C.6.3C to C.6.3I.
1.2 Hazards
An earthquake is a sudden shaking of the earth caused by shifting rock at or beneath the earth’s surface.
Seismic events generate both vertical and horizontal motion, but the horizontal motion usually governs
earthquake performance of buildings and their contents.
Shake damage, typically the largest component of an earthquake-related loss, varies significantly among
sites depending on the intensity of the shaking and the particular characteristics of the facility. Earthquake
ground shaking at a facility can cause minor to moderate damage to many items, but also can include major
damage to just a few items.
The type of building material and earthquake-resisting system used in a structure can have a significant effect
on earthquake shake damage. Improperly protected equipment can move violently during an earthquake,
resulting in toppling, sliding, swinging, or falling equipment, even when structures are not significantly
damaged. A substantial reduction in earthquake shake damage is most cost-effectively achieved by
establishing and applying seismic design criteria for new equipment installation and building construction.
In-place contents and existing buildings can be retrofitted to increase their seismic resistance, but this can
be more costly and at times is impractical.
Similarly, bracing sprinkler system piping, anchoring fire protection system water supply equipment, and
protecting flammable gas and ignitable liquid systems when they are originally installed is the best way to
avoid shake damage and consequent loss from water leakage, fire protection system impairment, and fire
following earthquake. Finally, it is important to develop an effective earthquake emergency response plan that
establishes procedures to repair damage that occurred, to prevent further damage, and to facilitate
resumption of business.
2.1 Introduction
Recommendations are applicable to FM Global 50-year through 500-year earthquake zones shown in Figures
C.6.3A and C.6.3B in Appendix C and in detail on the FM Global Worldwide Earthquake Map, online at Appendix C also provides details regarding recommendations.
Provide FM Approved equipment, materials, and services whenever they are applicable and available. For
a list of products and services that are FM Approved, see the Approval Guide, an online resource of FM
Approvals (
• FM Global 500-year earthquake zone: SDS = 0.55 (g) SD1 = 0.25 (g)
SDS = the design spectral response acceleration parameter at a short (0.2-second) period (at 5% damping
and adjusted for Site Class [soil] effects), expressed as a portion of the gravitational acceleration (g).
SD1 = the design spectral response acceleration parameter at a period of 1 second (at 5% damping and
adjusted for Site Class [soil] effects), expressed as a portion of the gravitational acceleration (g). Meet the following recommendations for attachments to concrete using post-installed concrete
anchors (e.g., expansion anchors, screw anchors, and adhesive anchors installed in hardened concrete):
A. Use only post-installed concrete anchors that are prequalified for shear and tension in cracked concrete
for seismic applications in regions of moderate and high seismic risk (e.g., Seismic Design Category C
through F in ASCE 7) in accordance with American Concrete Institute (ACI) Standard 355.2, Qualification
of Post-Installed Mechanical Anchors in Concrete, or Standard 355.4, Qualification of Post-Installed
Adhesive Anchors in Concrete; and designed in accordance with ACI 318 Building Code Requirements
for Structural Concrete and Commentary; or equivalent local building code or standards.
B. Design post-installed concrete anchors and establish quality control procedures (e.g., special inspection,
including torque or tension testing, during installation) based on building code and manufacturers’
C. For post-installed concrete anchors, use a minimum nominal (i.e., before the anchor is set) embedment
of at least 7 times the bolt diameter (7•Db) for ¼ in. (6 mm) and ½ in. (12 mm) anchors, and (6•Db) for
other anchors; anchor spacing of at least (8•Db); and distance from concrete edges of at least (12•Db);
unless different values are allowed or required by the manufacturer and the calculated capacity of the
anchor is more than required.
D. In lieu of calculations, Allowable Stress Design (ASD) capacities for expansion or wedge anchors can
be taken from Table C.5.4.2 in Appendix C. Alternatively, calculate the appropriate fastener size based
on ASD capacities for post-installed concrete anchors selected from a manufacturer’s product line meeting
the conditions in Item A through Item C above as well as the following conditions:
1. Establish the shear and tension capacities of an anchor or group of anchors using ACI 318, or a
similar local building code or standard. Reduce the ACI 318 shear and tension capacities to account
for ASCE 7 overstrength (Ω0) and load factors by multiplying ACI 318 Load and Resistance Factor
Design (LRFD) values by 0.42 or by multiplying ACI 318 ASD values by 0.6.
2. The relationship between actual calculated shear and tension loads, and allowable shear and tension
loads, must conform to the following equations:
(SACT/SALL) ≤ 1.0
(TACT/TALL) ≤ 1.0
SACT = calculated actual shear load.
SALL = local governing jurisdiction-approved ASD allowable shear load capacity (including overstrength
[Ω0] and load factor reductions).
TACT = calculated actual tension load.
TALL = local governing jurisdiction-approved ASD allowable tension load capacity (including
overstrength [Ω0] and load factor reductions).
See Appendix C and Data Sheet 2-8, Section 3.1.9, for further information regarding post-installed concrete
anchors. Use cast-in-place (CIP) anchors or inserts (i.e., anchors or inserts cast into concrete during
construction) designed in accordance with ASCE 7 and ACI 318, Building Code Requirements for Structural
Concrete, (including overstrength [Ω0] and load factor reductions); or equivalent local building code or
standard; for use in cracked concrete for seismic application in regions of moderate and high seismic risk
(e.g., Seismic Design Category [SDC] C through F in ASCE 7). Proprietary CIP inserts that are prequalified
for use in cracked concrete in regions of moderate and high seismic risk using a combination of testing and
calculations specified by an essentially similar standard (e.g., ICC-ES AC446, Acceptance Criteria for Headed
Cast-in Specialty Inserts in Concrete) are acceptable. See Data Sheet 2-8, Earthquake Protection for
Water-Based Fire Protection Systems, recommendation and Section 3.1.9 for additional guidance. Do not use powder-driven fasteners (see glossary) to attach to steel or concrete elements of the
structure, except as allowed for lightweight acoustical tile ceilings in ASCE 7 and its referenced ASTM
International standards (see Data Sheet 2-8, recommendation and Section 3.1.11). Design fire protection water tanks (e.g., suction tanks, gravity tanks) per the requirements, including
the earthquake provisions, of Data Sheet 3-2, Water Tanks for Fire Protection. Design fire protection systems, including piping and fire pump systems (i.e., the pumps and drivers,
controllers, starter batteries, fuel tanks, emergency generators powering fire pumps, etc.) to meet the
earthquake protection requirements in Data Sheet 2-8, Earthquake Protection for Water-Based Fire Protection
Systems. See also 2.5.1. Follow recommendations to prevent fire following earthquake, including pipe bracing, equipment
anchorage, seismic shut off valves, etc., in Data Sheet 1-11, Fire Following Earthquake. Design Maximum Foreseeable Loss (MFL) fire walls to meet the earthquake protection requirements
in Data Sheet 1-42, MFL Limiting Factors. Meet the earthquake requirements specific to certain occupancies or facilities that are contained in
other FM Global data sheets (see Section 4.1 for a list of many, but not necessarily all, of these data sheets).
2.4 Occupancy
2.4.1 Keep heavier items on storage racks on the lower shelves or on pallets on the floor (but not in aisles).
2.4.2 Secure valuable storage kept on open shelves by installing a lip or horizontal barrier of appropriate
height on the shelf.
2.4.3 Chain or fasten valuable or vital equipment used or stored on workbenches to the supporting surface.
Brace or anchor the benches themselves to limit movement.
2.4.4 For portable liquid containers containing ignitable or corrosive substances, or that could cause extended
process interruption if released, do the following:
A. Provide unbreakable containers, located as close to floor level as practical and restrained from falling
from shelves or racks. If glass containers must be used for process reasons, place the glass container
within an outer fixed container constructed of unbreakable material that is restrained from movement.
B. Locate glass containers of corrosive liquids in ventilated cabinets or dedicated rooms to restrict the
spread of fumes.
C. Store chemicals that would react violently with one another in separate rooms or cabinets such that
the release of liquids from containers will not allow the liquids to mix.
2.5 Protection
2.5.1 Locate fire pumps in a structure that is earthquake-resistant. Provide diesel-powered pumps where
possible. If pumps are electric-powered, furnish an automatically activating emergency power supply that is
properly protected against earthquakes. (See also and
3.1 General
Refer to Appendix C, Supplemental Information, for general comments on recommendations.
4.1 FM Global
Approval Guide, an online resource of FM Approvals
Approval Standard Class Number 1950, Approval Standard for Seismic Sway Braces for Pipe, Tubing and
Approval Standard Class Number 4020, Approval Standard for Steel Tanks for Fire Protection
Country Building Codes Index, Publication P15105
Data Sheet 1-6, Cooling Towers
Data Sheet 1-8, Antenna Towers and Signs
Data Sheet 1-11, Fire Following Earthquakes
Data Sheet 1-15, Roof Mounted Solar Photovoltaic Panels
Data Sheet 1-23, Protection of Openings in Fire Subdivisions
Data Sheet 1-35, Green Roof Systems
Data Sheet 1-42, MFL Limiting Factors
Data Sheet 1-56, Cleanrooms
Data Sheet 1-62/17-16, Cranes
Data Sheet 2-0, Installation Guidelines for Automatic Sprinklers
Data Sheet 2-8, Earthquake Protection for Water-Based Fire Protection Systems
Data Sheet 3-2, Water Tanks for Fire Protection
Data Sheet 3-6, Lined Earth Reservoirs for Fire Protection
4.2 Other
American Concrete Institute (ACI), ACI 318, Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and
American Concrete Institute (ACI), ACI 355.2, Qualification of Post-Installed Mechanical Anchors in Concrete
and Commentary.
American Concrete Institute (ACI), ACI 355.4, Qualification of Post-Installed Adhesive Anchors in Concrete
and Commentary.
American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and Rack Manufacturers Institute (RMI), ANSI/RMI MH16.1,
Specification for the Design, Testing and Utilization of Industrial Steel Storage Racks.
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), ASCE 7, Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for
Buildings and Other Structures.
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), ASCE 25, Earthquake-Actuated Automatic Gas Shutoff Devices.
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), ASCE 41, Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Existing Buildings.
American Water Works Association (AWWA), AWWA D100, Welded Steel Tanks for Water Storage.
American Water Works Association (AWWA), AWWA D103, Factory Coated Bolted Steel Tanks for Water
Applied Technology Council (ATC), ATC 74, 2007, Collaborative Recommended Requirements for Automatic
Natural Gas Shutoff Valves in Italy.
European Seismological Commission, Luxembourg, 1998, European Macroseismic Scale 1998 (EMS-98).
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), FEMA 154, January 2015, Rapid Visual Screening of
Buildings for Potential Seismic Hazards.
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), FEMA 389, January 2004, Primer for Design
Professionals: Communicating with Owners and Managers of New Buildings on Earthquake Risk.
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), FEMA 412, December 2002, Installing Seismic Restraints
for Mechanical Equipment.
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), FEMA 413, January 2004, Installing Seismic Restraints
for Electrical Equipment.
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), FEMA 414, January 2004, Installing Seismic Restraints
for Duct and Pipe.
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), FEMA 454, December 2006, Designing for Earthquakes,
a Manual for Architects.
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), FEMA 460, September 2005, Seismic Considerations
for Steel Storage Racks Located in Areas Accessible to the Public.
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), FEMA 547, October 2006, Techniques for the Seismic
Rehabilitation of Existing Buildings.
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), FEMA E-74, December 2012, Reducing the Risks of
Nonstructural Earthquake Damage - A Practical Guide.
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), FEMA P-58-1, September 2012, Seismic Performance
Assessment of Buildings.
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), FEMA P-749, December 2010, Earthquake-Resistant
Design Concepts.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Power Engineering Society, IEEE 693, IEEE Recommended
Practice for Seismic Design of Substations.
International Code Council (ICC), USA, International Building Code.
International Code Council Evaluation Services (ICC-ES), USA, AC 156, Acceptance Criteria for Seismic
Certification by Shake-Table Testing of Non-Structural Components.
International Code Council Evaluation Services (ICC-ES), USA, AC 193, Acceptance Criteria for Mechanical
Anchors in Concrete Elements.
International Code Council Evaluation Services (ICC-ES), USA, AC 308, Acceptance Criteria for Post-Installed
Adhesive Anchors in Concrete Elements.
International Code Council Evaluation Services (ICC-ES), USA, AC 446, Acceptance Criteria for Headed
Cast-in Specialty Inserts in Concrete.
International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO), USA, Uniform Building Code.
Mercalli, G., 1902, Earthquake intensity scale. Modified by H. Wood and F. Neuman, 1931, and Richter, 1956.
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), USA, NIST GCR 14-917-26, December 2013, Cost
Analyses and Benefit Studies for Earthquake-Resistant Construction in Memphis, Tennessee.
National Research Council (NRC) of Canada, National Building Code of Canada.
Trifunac, M. D. & Brady, A.G., 1975, “On the Correlation of Seismic Intensity Scales with the Peaks of
Recorded Strong Ground Motion,” Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 65, No. 1.
United States Geological Survey (USGS), U.S. Government Printing Office, 1989-288-913, The Severity of
an Earthquake.
Wald, D. J., Quitoriano, V., Heaton, T. H. & Kanamori, H., 1999, “Relationships between Peak Ground
Acceleration, Peak Ground Velocity, and Modified Mercalli Intensity in California,” Earthquake Engineering
Research Institute (EERI) Earthquake Spectra, Vol. 15, No. 3.
Worden, C. B., Gerstenberger, M. C., Rhoades, D. A. & Wald, D. J., 2012, “Probabilistic Relationships between
Ground-Motion Parameters and Modified Mercalli Intensity in California,” Bulletin of the Seismological Society
of America, Vol. 102, No. 1.
Ductile Detailing: Special requirements (usually in building codes) needed so that an element remains ductile.
In concrete and masonry, for example, closely spaced hoops around longitudinal reinforcement confine the
concrete core so that it can still resist forces after being severely cracked.
Ductile Element: A (structural) element capable of sustaining large cyclic deformations and stresses
(e.g., beyond the yield point) without any significant loss of strength.
Earthquake: The shaking caused by an abrupt release of elastic energy stored in rocks within the earth.
Elastic: A mode of structural behavior in which a structure displaced by a force will return to its original state
upon release of the force.
Elastic Design: See Allowable Stress Design.
Epicenter: The point on the earth’s surface directly over the focus or hypocenter.
Equivalent Lateral Force Seismic Design Procedure: A simplified method of earthquake design in which a
single seismic response coefficient is determined and multiplied by the building mass to determine the design
base shear. The seismic response coefficient is based mainly on building characteristics (e.g., use, lateral
force-resisting system and natural period) and the design earthquake ground shaking at the site.
Essential Facility: A facility where buildings and equipment are intended to remain operational in the event
of extreme environmental loading from flood, wind, snow, or earthquakes.
Fault (see also active and dead faults): A fracture or fracture zone along which there has been displacement
of the sides relative to one another.
Fault scarp: The cliff formed by a fault.
Focal Depth: The depth to the focus (hypocenter) of an earthquake below the earth’s surface.
Focus: See hypocenter.
Frequency. The number of oscillations (cycles) in a second, expressed in Hertz. The frequency is the inverse
of the period of a cyclic event.
Geologic Hazard: Any geologic process (e.g., landslide or liquefaction) that causes damage to the built
Gravity (g): Acceleration due to the earth’s gravity (32.2 ft/s2 [9.81 m/s2]).
Hypocenter: The point of origin of an earthquake in three spatial dimensions.
Importance Factor: A factor used in building codes to increase, for example, the usual wind or earthquake
design forces for important or essential structures, tending to make them more resistant to those phenomena.
Inactive Fault: See dead fault.
Inelastic: A mode of structural behavior in which a structure displaced by a force exhibits permanent
unrecoverable deformation upon release of the force.
Intensity: A measure of the observed effects of an earthquake at a specific location (e.g., Modified Mercalli
Intensity and European Macroseismic Scale.
Isoseismal Lines: Imaginary lines connecting points on the surface of the earth experiencing the same seismic
Lateral Force-Resisting System: A structural system for resisting horizontal forces due, for example, to
earthquakes or wind (as opposed to the vertical load-resisting system, which provides support against gravity).
Lateral Spread: Landslides that occur on mildly sloping sites due to liquefaction of soil.
Lift Slab Construction: A construction process in which whereby reinforced concrete floor and roof slabs are
cast one upon another, then lifted into place.
Liquefaction: A process in which well-sorted, water-saturated sands or silts rotate out of point-to-point contact
under earthquake shaking, lose their shear strength, and behave as slurrys.
Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD): A method of designing structural members such that computed
stresses produced by service design loads multiplied by load factors do not exceed the theoretical nominal
member strength multiplied by a strength reduction (resistance) factor. (Also called strength design or
ultimate strength design).
Long Period: A relatively long time period (e.g., greater than about 0.5 s for structural design) to complete
one oscillation of ground motion or building vibration.
Magma: Molten rock material within the earth.
Magnitude: A quantitative measure of the total energy released by an earthquake independent of the place
of observation (commonly designated with “M” as in M6.6). Currently the most commonly used measure
is the moment-magnitude (Mw).
Masonry: Brick, stone, tile, or concrete block bonded together with mortar (with reinforcing steel, it is defined
as reinforced masonry; without reinforcing steel it is defined as unreinforced masonry [URM]).
Mean Recurrence Interval: The average time between events (e.g., earthquakes of magnitude ≥7 on a given
Moment-Resisting Frame (Moment Frame): A vertical structural frame comprised of beams and columns in
which the members and beam-column joints are capable of resisting lateral forces primarily by flexure (also
called a rigid frame).
Natural Period: The interval of time required for an oscillating body in free (i.e., unforced) vibration to complete
a cycle.
Non-Ductile Elements: Elements lacking ductility or energy absorption capacity due to the lack of ductile
detailing—the element is able to maintain its strength only for smaller deflections and/or fewer cycles (by
comparison to ductile elements).
Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA): The maximum amplitude of recorded acceleration at ground level during
an earthquake.
Period: The interval of time, usually in seconds, required for an oscillating body to complete a cycle. The
period is the inverse of the frequency of a cyclic event.
Plasticity: The property of a soil (or other material) which allows it to deform continuously under a constant
load and to retain its deformed shape when the load is removed.
Pounding: The collision of adjacent buildings during an earthquake due to insufficient lateral clearance.
Powder-driven fastener: A fastener that is shot (propelled) into a concrete or steel base, usually by the
explosion of chemicals (e.g., gun powder) in a small cartridge, similar to the process that discharges a firearm.
The end entering the concrete or steel is similar in shape to a wood nail and resists forces via friction between
the fastener and the base material. Also known as a power-driven fastener, an explosive-driven fastener,
a powder-actuated fastener, or a gas-actuated fastener.
Resonance: an abnormally large response of a system having a natural vibration period to a stimulus of
the same frequency.
Response Spectrum: A set of curves calculated from an earthquake accelerogram that plot maximum
amplitudes of acceleration, velocity, or displacement of a single-degree-of-freedom oscillator as a function
of its period of vibration and damping.
Restraint: Elements (e.g., anchors, braces, bumpers, chains, and cables) that prevent equipment, piping,
contents, etc. from excessive movement (e.g., sliding, swinging, and overturning) relative to their supporting
structure during an earthquake.
Rigid Frame: See moment-resisting frame.
Seiche: Oscillations of confined bodies of water due to earthquake shaking.
Seismic: Pertaining to or produced by earthquake or earth vibrations.
Seismic Design Category (SDC): A category used in building codes to classify buildings based on their use
and the expected seismic acceleration at a site. In the American Society of Civil Engineers Standard
SEI/ASCE 7, Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, these are designated as Seismic
Design Categories A to F (not to be confused with Site Class A to F based on soil type). The building code
provisions for a lower Seismic Design Category (e.g., SDC A) are typically less restrictive than those for
higher categories (e.g., SDC D). Ordinary buildings at sites with small expected accelerations require little
or no seismic design (SDC A and B); facilities at sites with higher expected accelerations require some (SDC
C) or full (SDC D and above) seismic design.
Seismic-Design-Load Effects: The actions (axial forces, shears, or bending moments) and deformations
induced in a structural system due to a specified criteria (time history, response spectrum, or base shear)
of seismic design ground motion.
Seismic-Design Loading: The prescribed criteria (time history, response spectrum, or equivalent static base
shear) of seismic ground motion to be used for the design of a structure.
Seismic Hazard: Any physical phenomenon (e.g., ground shaking, ground failure) associated with an
earthquake that may produce adverse effects on human activities.
Seismic Risk: The probability that social or economic consequences of earthquakes will equal or exceed
specified values at a site, at several sites, or in an area, during a specified exposure time.
Seismic Waves: The vibrations traveling through the body, and along the surface, of the earth, generated
by an earthquake.
Seismic Zone: A generally large area within which seismic design requirements for structures are constant.
Seismograph: An instrument for recording the motion on or within the earth as a function of time.
Seismometer: An instrument for measuring ground motion.
Sensitive (Quick) Clay: A clay soil that has a very low strength when disturbed (e.g., by earthquake shaking)
and so fails or flows.
Shear Wall: A wall designed to resist lateral (e.g., earthquake) forces parallel to the plane of the wall.
Short Period: A relatively short time period (e.g., less than about 0.5 s for structural design) to complete one
oscillation of ground motion or building vibration.
Sinkhole: An underground hole that develops when water-soluble underground rocks (typically limestone)
dissolve. Development of a sinkhole is a non-seismic occurrence, but collapse of the overlying soils into the
sinkhole may be hastened by an earthquake.
Snubbers: Resilient and strong anchored blocks placed next to equipment to prevent earthquake forces from
moving it laterally.
Soft Story: A story of a building significantly less stiff than adjacent stories (some codes define this as a lateral
stiffness 70% or less than that in the story above, or 80% of the average stiffness of the three stories above).
Strength Design: See Load and Resistance Factor Design.
Subduction Zone: A region where one of the earth’s lithospheric plates descends beneath another plate.
Tectonics: Pertaining to deformation of the earth’s crust.
Tilt-Up Construction: Reinforced concrete walls that are cast horizontally, usually on a concrete floor slab,
then lifted (or tilted up) into place.
Tsunami: Long period ocean waves, usually generated by large-scale seafloor displacements associated
with large earthquakes or major submarine slides.
Ultimate Strength Design: See Load and Resistance Factor Design.
Unreinforced Masonry: Masonry construction (e.g., bricks, concrete blocks) that does not incorporate steel
Velocity: The rate of change in displacement with respect to time resulting from earthquake ground motion.
Vertical Load-Resisting System: The structural system providing support against gravity (as opposed to the
lateral force-resisting system, which resists horizontal forces from earthquakes or wind).
Working Stress Design: See Allowable Stress Design.
Yield Point: The stress at which there is a decided increase in the deformation or strain without a
corresponding increase in stress. The strain is inelastic resulting in permanent deformation.
Gough Island, Jan Mayen, Johnston Atoll, Macquarie Island, Midway Islands, Nightingale Island, Norfolk
Island, Paracel Islands, Saint Helena, South Georgia Islands, South Orkney Islands, South Sandwich
Islands, Spratly Islands, Tristan da Cunha and Tromelin Island; also the southernmost islands of the
Maldives and some Indonesian islands (those near North Maluku and West Papua, and the Sangihe
Islands). The changes have been documented in Table C.6.3 and in Figure C.6.3A through Figure C.6.3I.
April 2016. Interim Revision. Revised FM Global earthquake zones in the continental United States (i.e., the
United States excluding Alaska and Hawaii).
July 2012.Made the following changes related to earthquake zones for the continental United States and
for worldwide islands/island groups:
• Revised FM Global earthquake zones in the continental United States (i.e., the United States except for
Alaska and Hawaii).
• Revised FM Global earthquake zones for thirty-nine worldwide islands/island groups including: American
Samoa, Azores, Baker Island, Bermuda, Canary Islands, Cape Verde, Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Cook
Islands, Easter Island, Fiji, French Polynesia, Galapagos Islands, Greenland, Howland Island, Iceland,
Jarvis Island, Kiribati, Madeira, Maldives, Malta, Marshall Islands, Mauritius, Federated States of
Micronesia, Nauru, New Caledonia, Niue, Palau, Palmyra Atoll, Phoenix Islands, Pitcairn Islands, Réunion,
Samoa, Seychelles, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Viringili Island, Wallis and Futuna.
• Confirmed that no changes to the previous FM Global earthquake zones are needed for the island/island
groups of Guam and Northern Mariana Islands, which remain 50-year zones; and for the Lakshadweep
Islands, which remain a >500-year zone.
• Replaced forty-two maps (Figure 2 through Figure 8D) with nine completely revised maps, including: Figure
2 (World - Western Hemisphere), Figure 3 (World - Eastern Hemisphere), Figure 4 (North America and
Caribbean), Figure 5 (South America and Caribbean), Figure 6 (Europe), Figure 7 (Europe, Africa and
Middle East), Figure 8 (Middle East and Asia), Figure 9 (Australia and Surrounding Area), and Figure 10
(Pacific Ocean Islands).
• Modified Table 3 to document the dates that earthquake zones were revised or confirmed in the countries/
regions noted above. Also removed the Table 3 column showing on which map(s) each country/region
can be found.
Made minor changes and clarifications in Section 2.1, Section, Section 4.2, Section C.3.3, Section
C.7.1, Section C.7.2 and Section C.7.3.
July 2011. Made the following changes related to earthquake zones in Central Asia and Africa:
• Revised FM Global earthquake zones in the Central Asian countries of Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India,
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Nepal, North Korea, Pakistan, Russia (east of 50° longitude), South
Korea, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan; and in the African countries of Algeria, Burundi,
Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Libya, Malawi, Morocco and Western
Sahara (including Ceuta and Melilla), Mozambique, Rwanda, Somalia, Sudan, Tanzania, Tunisia, Uganda,
Zambia, and Zimbabwe.
The changes have been documented in Table 3 and in maps showing the rezoned areas including Figure
4 (Africa); Figure 5 (Europe); Figure 5A (Eastern Europe); Figure 5A, Part 3 (Middle East); Figure 6 (Asia);
Figure 6, Part 2 (West Asia); Figure 6, Part 3 (Central Asia); Figure 6, Part 4 (East Asia); Figure 7 (Western
China and Mongolia); Figure 7, Part 2 (Eastern China and Mongolia); and Figure 8 (Oceania).
• Confirmed, and documented in Table 3, that no change to the previous FM Global earthquake zones is
needed for the Central Asian country of Sri Lanka; and for the African countries of Angola, Benin, Botswana,
Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central Africa Republic, Chad, Comoros (including Mayotte), Republic of the
Congo, Cote d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast), Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, The Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-
Bissau, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritania, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Sao Tome and Principe,
Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Swaziland and Togo.
April 2011. For the following countries in Europe, the Middle East, Asia and Africa, and near Australia:
• Revised FM Global earthquake zones in Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Belarus, Brunei,
Burma, Cambodia, Egypt, Georgia, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Laos, Malaysia, Moldova, Oman,
Papua-New Guinea, Philippines, Russia (west of 50°E longitude), Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Solomon
Islands, Thailand, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Vietnam and Yemen. Revised Table 3 and maps
showing the rezoned area including Figure 4 (Africa); Figure 5 (Europe); Figure 5A (Eastern Europe);
Figure 5A, Part 2 (East Europe); Figure 5A, Part 3 (Middle East); Figure 6 (Asia); Figure 6, Part 2 (West
Asia); Figure 6, Part 3 (Central Asia); Figure 6, Part 4 (East Asia); Figure 8 (Oceania); and Figure 8A
(Australia) to reflect the change.
• Confirmed that no change to the previous FM Global earthquake zones is needed for Estonia, Finland,
Latvia, Lithuania, Qatar and Timor-Leste, and revised Table 3 to reflect this.
April 2010. The following changes were made:
• Revised FM Global earthquake zones for Australia. Revised the maps showing the rezoned area, including
Figure 6, Part 1 (Asia); Figure 8 (Oceania); and Figure 8A, Part 1 (Australia). Added Figures 8A, Parts
2, 3, and 4 (Australia).
• Revised Table 3 entries for Australia to reflect earthquake zone changes.
• Revised Table 3 entries for Japan to reflect confirmation of current earthquake zones.
• Modified Section regarding post-installed concrete anchors.
• Modified Section regarding suction tanks.
• Updated Section 4.0, References.
• Updated Appendix A, Glossary of Terms
• Revised Section C.3.3 regarding equipment/nonstructural component anchorage and post-installed
concrete anchors.
• Revised terminology in Sections C.7.1 through C.7.3.
January 2009. Revised FM Global Earthquake Zones for Taiwan. Revised maps showing the rezoned area
including: Figure 6 (Asia), Figure 6-part 4 (East Asia), Figure 8 (Oceania) and Figure 8C (Taiwan). Revised
Table 3 to reflect the above change.
May 2008. Revised FM Global Earthquake Zones for the following countries/territories in Asia and Oceania:
Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Nepal, New Zealand, North Korea,
Pakistan, Russia (east of 60°E longitude), South Korea, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. Confirmed
that no change to the previous FM Global Earthquake Zones is needed for Sri Lanka.
Revised maps showing, or overlapping into, the rezoned countries/territories identified above including: Figure
2 (North America), Figure 5A Part 3 (Middle East), Figure 6 Part 1 (Asia), Figure 6 Part 2 (West Asia), Figure
7 Parts 1 and 2 (China and Mongolia), Figure 8 (Oceania) and Figure 8B (New Zealand). The mapped area
in Figure 6 Parts 1 and 2 has been revised from the previous version of this data sheet.
Added new maps: Figure 6 Part 3 (Central Asia) and Figure 6 Part 4 (East Asia). Deleted maps: Figure 7
Parts 3 and 4 (Eastern China).
Revised Table 3 to reflect the above changes.
July 2007. Revised FM Global Earthquake Zones for the following countries/territories in South America and
the Caribbean: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas),
Guyana, Paraguay, Peru and Venezuela (all in South America); and Anguilla, Aruba, Bahamas, Cayman
Islands, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Navassa Island, Netherlands Antilles, Puerto Rico, St. Kitts & Nevis,
St. Lucia, St. Vincent & the Grenadines, Trinidad & Tobago, Turks & Caicos Islands, and the Virgin Islands
(all in the Caribbean).
Confirmed that no change to the previous FM Global Earthquake Zones is needed for the following
countries/territories in South America and the Caribbean: French Guiana, Suriname and Uruguay (all in South
America); and Antigua & Barbuda, Barbados, Dominica, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Jamaica, Martinique, and
Montserrat (all in the Caribbean).
Revised maps showing, or overlapping into, the rezoned countries identified above including: Figure 2 (North
America), Figure 3 (South America), Figure 3A (Central America), Figure 3B (Northern South America and
the Caribbean) and Figure 3C (Southern South America). The mapped area in Figures 3B and 3C has been
revised from previous version of DS/OS 1-2.
September 2000. The document was reorganized and revisions of earthquake zones for Andorra, Canada,
France, Germany, Monaco, Portugal, Spain and Switzerland were added.
May 2000. Revisions of earthquake zones for the United States, Alaska and Hawaii were added.
1999. Revisions of earthquake zones for Taiwan, Mexico, Venezuela and Colombia were added.
1996. Earthquake zones were revised for much of Europe, Eurasia, and the Middle East, including Albania,
Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Georgia,
Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Moldova, Norway, Poland,
Romania, San Marino, Serbia and Montenegro (Yugoslavia), Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Ukraine, Vatican
City (Holy See), Russia, Turkey, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Cyprus.
1992. Australia earthquake zones were revised.
February 1987. The following changes were made:
1. A glossary of earthquake related terms was added.
2. Earthquake zones where recommendations apply were added.
C.1.1 General
Earthquakes are essentially oscillating ground movements, having horizontal and vertical components,
caused by sudden displacements along faults of adjacent strained rock masses.
The majority of earthquakes are best understood in the context of global plate tectonics. Plate tectonics
explains that the outer layer of the earth (the lithosphere) consists of several large and many smaller plates
that are drifting over the surface of the earth. The propelling force is convection in the mantle, or interior,
of the earth as it slowly cools.
The drifting plates collide with each other. Where collisions occur, two plates may grind laterally against each
other (as in the case of the San Andreas fault), or one plate may dive down under the other in a subduction
zone (as in the Pacific Northwest of the U.S.). About 90% of the world’s earthquakes occur at the boundaries
of adjacent plates.
Shallow-focus (less than about 20 miles [32.0 km]) earthquakes generally occur where plates are sliding
past each other.
Intermediate and deep-focus earthquakes generally occur in subduction zones. The subducting plate
compresses and thrusts upward the overriding plate, forming mountains. Offshore, the subduction zone forms
a deep trench. As the subducting plate descends, it becomes heated. Water and lower melting point minerals
become fractionated and rise to the surface within the overriding plate, producing volcanoes and also large
masses of granite rock intrusions.
Most earthquakes occur at plate boundaries. Some earthquakes occur in plate interiors (“intraplate
earthquakes”). Locations of some intraplate earthquakes within the North American plate are Charleston,
South Carolina; New Madrid, Missouri; and along the St. Lawrence Valley. These earthquakes occur on
ancient faults, driven by stresses transferred from the plate boundaries.
C.1.2 Faults
Nearly all large earthquakes are associated with faults. A fault is a fracture zone along which the two sides
are displaced relative to each other. Most faults are readily recognized by trained geologists or by
seismological methods. Not all faults are active, and there is currently no method of accurately predicting
the future activity of a given fault; however, faults associated with a plate boundary can be expected to have
future activity.
Displacement along a fault may be vertical, horizontal, or a combination of both. Movement may occur very
suddenly along a stressed fault, producing an earthquake, or it may be very slow, the rock undergoing what
is called “creep,” unaccompanied by seismographic evidence. Permanent displacement of the terrain during
an earthquake might be several inches (centimeters), or it might be tens of yards (meters). The Assam, India
Earthquake of 1897 produced 35 ft (10.7 m) of vertical displacement; the 1906 San Francisco earthquake
produced 21 ft (6.4 m) of horizontal displacement.
The total area of fault rupture varies with magnitude. Likewise, if the rupture reaches the earth’s surface,
the surface rupture length varies with magnitude. A magnitude (M) 6 earthquake may produce five miles (eight
km) of surface rupture, whereas an M8.8 earthquake may produce 1000 miles (1600 km) of surface rupture.
Faults are frequently described by the way one side moved relative to the other. When there has been no
lateral movement, the fault is “normal,” or “reverse,” according to whether the overlying side slipped down or
was thrust upward. If there has been lateral movement, the fault is termed a “strike-slip” fault. The fault is
“left lateral” if the opposite side moved to the left when the viewer faces the fault. Combinations of normal or
reverse and lateral faults are possible (see Figure C.1.2).
The width of the fault zone varies widely. Major strike-slip systems, such as the San Andreas system, may
be tens of miles (km) wide. Individual faults may be several hundred yards (meters) wide.
The displacement during an earthquake will vary considerably. Maximum displacement in strong earthquakes
can range from inches (centimeters) to about 50 yards (meters).
Earthquake waves decay, or attenuate, with each vibration cycle. Short-period waves require many cycles
to travel a short distance, and so attenuate quickly as a function of distance. However, long-period energy
does not necessarily quickly attenuate, and acceleration impulses of a long period, e.g., from 1 to 3 seconds,
will be sustained, and potentially damaging, quite some distance from the epicenter. These long-period
accelerations can produce serious damage to any building having a correspondingly long natural period (that
is, the building resonant period coincides closely with that of the long period wave). For example, the 1952
Kern County, California earthquake damaged tall (taller than 5 story) steel and concrete frame buildings in
downtown Los Angeles some 75 miles (121 km) from the epicenter.
Local geologic conditions affect the strength and frequency content of shaking. Generally, soft ground shakes
more strongly than firm soil or bedrock, and thicker sediment layers amplify shaking more than thinner layers.
An extreme example of this exists in Mexico City, Mexico, where unconsolidated lakebed sediments
amplified motions from a distant (about 250 miles [400 km] away) M8.1 earthquake in 1985. Several hundred
buildings collapsed and several thousand buildings were damaged in Mexico City. A large percentage of
the buildings damaged in Mexico City were between 8 and 18 stories high, indicating a resonance effect,
with the long period horizontal ground accelerations exciting motions in the lakebed sediments, which in turn
resonate with the buildings.
Depth of the earthquake also affects surface ground motion in the same way as distance from the fault. Where
soils are homogeneous, ground motions attenuate (decrease) as the distance from the earthquake hypocenter
increases. The difference between the distance to the epicenter and the distance to the hypocenter is not
as great for a shallow earthquake as it is for a very deep earthquake. The deeper the energy release, the less
energy is available per unit surface area. The 1949 and 1965 Puget Sound, Washington earthquakes
(magnitudes 7.1 and 6.5) had focal depths of about 35 miles (56 km) and produced maximum Modified
Mercalli Intensity (MMI) levels of VIII and VII, respectively. The 1971 San Fernando, California, Earthquake
(M6.6) had a focal depth of about 8 miles (13 km), and produced a maximum MMI of XI.
that of about one magnitude higher. A later worldwide study by J.P. Rothe covering the period 1953-1965
found this frequency to be roughly 13-22 times, while 2012 USGS data shows it to be roughly 9-15 times
(based on catalogs of M7+ earthquakes since 1900, and of M5 to M6.9 earthquakes since 1990).
Earthquakes of M6.0 or greater generate ground motions sufficiently severe to be damaging to well-built
structures, whereas the threshold for damaging poorly-built structures (e.g., unreinforced masonry walls) may
be as low as M5.0.
Despite their many shortcomings, intensity scales are an important consideration in areas where no
seismographs have been installed, and they afford the only means for interpreting historical information.
Additionally, expected damage levels can be quickly identified based on post-earthquake isoseismic intensity
maps prepared and issued by various agencies (such as the USGS as described above). Damage to
unreinforced masonry structures, unbraced fire protection sprinkler piping and similar systems built with little
or no consideration for earthquake resistance begins at about MMI of VI (JMA Shindo 5L [4.5-4.9]) and
becomes significant at an intensity of VII (JMA Shindo 5U [5.0-5.4]). As described in Data Sheet 1-11, Fire
Following Earthquake, seismic shutoffs compliant with the 2006 edition of ASCE 25, Earthquake-Actuated
Automatic Gas Shutoff Devices, are expected to actuate at about MMI of VII (JMA Shindo 5U [5.0-5.4]).
Likewise, in the 1994 Northridge, California, USA earthquake (M6.7), most gas fires occurred at MMI VII (JMA
Shindo 5U [5.0-5.4]) or higher according to ATC 74, Collaborative Recommended Requirements for
Automatic Natural Gas Shutoff Valves in Italy. Generally speaking, MMI of VIII (JMA Shindo 6L [5.5-5.9]) is
the threshold of serious damage to well-built structures.
Magnitude and maximum intensity of an earthquake are interdependent to some degree, but there is no
direct correlation between them. For example, an earthquake might have relatively low magnitude but,
because of shallow focus or poor soil condition, it might cause a great deal of damage (i.e., have a high
intensity) at certain locations. A larger earthquake with a deeper focus or that shakes a region of firm soil or
rock may generate lower intensities.
While an earthquake can have only one magnitude, the intensity is a function of location. The intensity is
typically highest near the epicenter and, if geologic conditions are uniform, it gradually decreases as distance
from the epicenter increases. However, intensity may vary considerably at two points that are equidistant
from the epicenter because it is so dependent on the particular ground (i.e., local soil conditions). For this
reason, it is difficult to equate magnitude with estimated intensity.
In order to develop shaking intensity maps for earthquakes that may occur in the future, crude correlations
have been developed for the relationship of an earthquake’s magnitude with the area enclosed by each MMI
isoseismal. These correlations can be complex and depend on variables such as the earthquake magnitude,
the distance to the earthquake hypocenter, the type of faulting (e.g., subduction vs. crustal), the subsurface
bedrock energy absorption (i.e., attenuation) characteristics, and the surface soil type.
Table C.1.6B. Modified Mercalli Intensity (MMI) Scale vs. Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) Shindo Seismic Intensity
MMI Approximate Corresponding JMA Shindo Intensity
Less than V 0 to 3 (0.0 to 3.4)
V 4 (3.5 to 4.4)
VI 5L (4.5-4.9)
VII 5U (5.0-5.4)
VIII 6L (5.5-5.9)
IX to X 6U (6.0-6.4)
XI to XII 7 (6.5-7.0)
Structures built on hillsides need special consideration, as a landslide could occur to the soil on which they
rest. Retaining walls of concrete, sheet piling, etc. can be utilized to stabilize the foundation soil downhill
of the building, or to prevent a landslide uphill of the structure. The hillside may require dewatering to prevent
A geotechnical engineer can determine the soil classification and the potential for seismically induced soil
failures (e.g., liquefaction, landslide, lateral spread, or sinkholes). The site classification is typically based on
Vs30 (i.e., the average shear wave velocity in the upper 30 m of soil) or blow counts (i.e., from a Standard
Penetration Test, the number [N] of blows needed to advance a sample tube 12 in. [300 mm] into the soil). Site
classifications taken from ASCE 7-16 (upon which the International Building Code [IBC] is based) are shown
in the table below (see ASCE 7-16 for more information):
Sites ideally should be located in areas of firm soils (Site Class A [hard rock] to D [stiff soil]). Soft soil and
soil subject to failure (Site Classes E and F) are very undesirable. Site selection should be made to limit the
potential for damage to the facility due to fault rupture or creep and other soil failures (landslide, etc.).
period of the design earthquake ground motion (e.g., 500-year, 2500-year), the type of lateral force-resisting
system, the building use, the likelihood that damage to lateral force-resisting elements will result in building
instability (e.g., damage to shear walls that are also bearing walls is more likely to trigger a vertical collapse),
and observed performance of similar buildings in past earthquakes.
• Analyze the system based on the above parameters and compare to code provisions for strength and
deformation limits.
design forces) and detailing is often more restrictive. Buildings and equipment designed and constructed
incorporating these essential facility criteria will have a lower probability of earthquake-induced loss of
functionality and operability.
In some cases non-traditional methods, such as base isolation or energy dissipating devices installed within
the structure, should be considered for critical facilities. Base isolators are devices added between the
building or equipment and the foundation to separate or isolate the motion of the building or equipment
from the motion of the ground, thus reducing (but not eliminating) seismic forces and deflections. Energy
dissipating devices can be installed within the building to dampen earthquake motions.
Where a corporation considers a facility or building or equipment as essential (although these items may
not be classified as essential or hazardous per building code criteria), or for important one-of-a-kind or
hard to replace items, limiting damage and lessening downtime should be corporate objectives. Using
‘‘essential’’ or ‘‘hazardous’’ facility building code provisions (or possibly even more restrictive owner-
imposed criteria) or using non-traditional techniques (e.g., base isolation), along with peer review and
construction observation (see below), should be seriously considered to meet these objectives.
• Peer Review: Peer review is an independent professional assessment of the design assumptions, analysis,
and construction documents to judge whether the design is adequate to meet the owner-established
performance objective. It is performed by an engineering consultant or consultants having recognized
technical expertise in the design and seismic performance of buildings, equipment, and nonstructural
components similar in configuration to the project being reviewed. The reviewing engineer(s) should be
hired directly by the owner to guarantee impartiality. The final responsibility for the design remains with the
engineer of record, not the peer reviewer. Unresolved issues should be brought to the attention of the
owner for resolution. Independent peer review should be strongly considered for:
• facilities, buildings, and equipment designated by the owner as critical
• buildings having highly irregular or unusual designs
• one-of-a-kind or hard to replace items that are important to production
• facilities located in areas without experienced building officials
• facilities having high overall property and business interruption values;
• Building Design: Symmetrical, regular building configurations incorporating ductility and redundancy
should be used where possible. Uniform, continuous distribution of strength, stiffness, ductility, and energy
dissipation capacity is desirable. Designs that incorporate horizontal or vertical irregularities, such as weak
or soft stories, roofs or floors with abrupt discontinuities, etc., have not performed satisfactorily in past
earthquakes because concentrated forces or drifts tend to occur in buildings having these features. Irregular
structures need to be well engineered and detailed, especially at discontinuities, for satisfactory results.
Some specific considerations with respect to building design include the following:
• Unreinforced masonry should not be used in any way, even if allowed by the local building code–not
as part of the lateral force-resisting system nor as non-structural infill, partitions, or facade.
• When concrete or masonry frames are used, they should be detailed using the most stringent code
ductility requirements (less restrictive detailing such as that allowed for “ordinary” or “intermediate”
frames should not be used).
• Plain or minimally reinforced concrete or masonry walls should not be used.
• Structural irregularities should be avoided (in particular, vertical lateral force-resisting elements should
be continuous to the foundations, weak or soft stories should be avoided, and horizontal diaphragms
having abrupt discontinuities or variations in stiffness should not be used).
• Use of a lateral system that relies on cantilevered column elements for lateral resistance should
be avoided.
• Rigid nonstructural elements that resist forces before more flexible structural elements (e.g., masonry
infill walls that restrict the movement of steel or concrete moment-resisting frames) should not be
• Ideally, the maximum span (i.e., the distance between shear walls, braced frames, etc.) and the
maximum span to depth ratios (s:d) of horizontal diaphragms (i.e., roofs and floors) should not exceed
the following:
• 200 ft (61 m) and 3:1 for flexible wood diaphragms (e.g., plywood)
• 300 ft (91 m) and 3:1 for flexible bare metal deck diaphragms or rigid diaphragms of a concrete
topping slab over precast concrete elements
• 400 ft (122 m) and 4:1 for other rigid diaphragms (e.g., cast-in-place concrete or concrete on
metal deck)
• Precast concrete diaphragms without a topping slab should not be used.
• Ideally, straight or diagonal wood sheathing should not be used and plywood, oriented strand board,
or similar sheathing should be at least 1⁄2 in. (13 mm) thick for shear walls and 5⁄8 in. (16 mm) thick
for horizontal diaphragms.
• Use of walls sheathed with lath and plaster or gypsum board as shear walls should be avoided if
possible (if these materials must be used, the wall height to length ratio should be less than one
[i.e., the wall should be at least as long as it is tall]).
• All detailing and design requirements imposed by the building code for buildings with irregular
features should be met.
• Drift should be limited as required by the code and there should be no pounding of adjacent
• Special attention should be given to the system anchoring concrete and masonry walls to roof and
floor diaphragms (ties from the roof or floors to walls, and all connections within the diaphragm
necessary to develop the anchorage forces into diaphragms and tie each diaphragm together to act
as a unit).
• Equipment Restraint/Location and Nonstructural Component Anchorage: Anchorage of equipment
is an often overlooked item. When anchorage requirements are specified at the time the equipment is
ordered and installed, it is typically a low- or no-cost item. However, it can be costly to anchor equipment
later. Advantageously locating equipment and piping is another low- or no-cost way to reduce the potential
for earthquake-induced damage.
Anchorage of all equipment is strongly recommended, including in those buildings in which base isolation
or energy dissipating devices have been installed. It may be reasonable to leave non-critical equipment
unanchored if it will not overturn, fall from supports or be damaged from swinging or impact, and if
misalignment or utility damage caused by sliding or swinging are not concerns. In addition, anchorage of
some equipment with unusually fragile or sensitive interior components (e.g., steppers and diffusion
furnaces in semi-conductor manufacturing occupancies) may need to account for the unique qualities of
this equipment. In some cases, damage to the internal components may not be preventable; for these items
preventing damage to attached utilities and piping, and preventing gross failure (e.g., overturning, falling)
may be the only practical solution.
An engineering consultant experienced in the seismic performance of equipment and nonstructural
components should base the design of these items on reliable codes and considering the equipment
importance (see discussion above). Anchorage design may be provided by the equipment vendor or
installer but should be confirmed by the engineer of record for the project.
Some specific considerations with respect to equipment anchorage include the following (see Section C.5
for more information):
• Equipment should be located at grade or as low in the structure as possible to avoid the amplified
forces that occur at higher levels in the building.
• It is best to locate equipment and piping subject to leaking away from sensitive areas such as clean
rooms, sterile areas, susceptible high-value storage (e.g., pharmaceuticals), etc.–if this is not possible
it is important to specifically review this equipment and piping for adequacy.
• It is important to specifically review equipment and piping used to store or move hazardous materials.
• Items that may pose a fire hazard (e.g., gas-fired equipment, high-voltage electrical equipment that
could arc) should have earthquake protection and seismic shutoff valves per Data Sheet 1-11.
• Fire protection systems (e.g., sprinkler piping, suction tanks, fire pumps and their associated
batteries) should have earthquake protection per Data Sheet 2-8 and Data Sheet 3-2.
• Anchorage of equipment that is expensive or unique and is critical for production, perishable product
storage, or emergency operations merits special attention, particularly if the item will overturn or
fall from its supports, or if sliding or swinging will result in significant damage due to impact or damage
to rigidly connected utilities.
• Site Observation and Review of Submittals: Construction errors caused by misinterpreted drawings
and specifications can result in significant earthquake-induced damage to an otherwise well-designed
structure or equipment item. Observation of the construction by a qualified engineer with a good
understanding of the building design has been determined to be critical to limit construction errors that
could affect earthquake performance. For similar reasons, the design engineer should also review shop
drawings and other submittals during construction to confirm the design intent is being met. Generating
shop drawings should be required only if they are necessary to properly perform the work.
The geotechnical engineer should provide an appropriate level of foundation review/inspection during
construction. The design engineer should review shop drawings, special inspection reports and other
submittals during construction. Structural observation (separate from and in addition to any code-required
special inspection and testing requirements performed by a qualified inspector) should be performed by
the design engineer or another qualified engineer for all buildings and major equipment. Structural
observation by the design engineer during the course of construction should consist of visual reviews of
critical elements of the lateral force-resisting system for general conformance with the approved plans.
Observations should be made at significant construction stages and should be timed to allow for
identification and correction of deficiencies without substantial effort or uncovering of the work involved.
The engineer should provide his written record of the observation to the owner noting conformance or
nonconformance with the approved plans.
C.4.1 General
The objective of the earthquake design is to provide a continuous load path capable of transferring all seismic
loads and forces from their points of origin to the final points of resistance for the building (including
nonstructural elements).
Designing for wind loading will provide very little earthquake resistance in the lateral force-resisting systems.
Except for very light weight buildings (e.g., light metal structures), this resistance is not sufficient to resist
major earthquakes. For common buildings in the most severe seismic zones, today’s building codes with
earthquake design requirements apply an Allowable Stress Design (ASD) static loading in the range of
5%-20% of the building’s mass horizontally (about 7%-28% for Load and Resistance Factor Design [LRFD]).
The percentage varies due to code, zone location, building type, foundation soil, natural period of vibration,
etc. Design forces for taller (i.e., more flexible) buildings and more ductile lateral systems (e.g., well-
reinforced concrete moment frames - see Section C.4.3) are typically lower than design forces for shorter
(i.e., stiff) buildings and less ductile lateral systems (e.g., poorly reinforced concrete moment frames).
An example of the approximate increase in construction cost for buildings designed to resist earthquake,
relative to the cost if they were designed for wind resistance only, is addressed for six typical buildings in the
study entitled Cost Analyses and Benefit Studies for Earthquake-Resistant Construction in Memphis,
Tennessee (NIST GCR 14-917-26, December 2013). The average SDS and SD1 values used in the study
were 0.67g and 0.37g, respectively. These are about midway between the generic SDS and SD1 values, given
in, for FM Global 100-year earthquake zones and those for FM Global 250/500-year earthquake
For Memphis, the premium to incorporate seismic resistance (which includes the earthquake lateral system
for the structure as well as detailing of connections and anchorage of building support equipment) relative
to the design for wind only is shown in Table C.4.1. The “structure only” cost includes the structural framing
(beams, columns, floor slabs, shear and perimeter structural walls, braces, etc.) and foundation. The “total
building” costs include the structure, non-structural cladding/curtain walls, roofing, stairs, partitions, building
support equipment, etc. but excludes grading, landscaping, parking lots, buried utilities, furnishings and
tenant improvement.
Table C.4.1. Increase in Construction Cost When Incorporating Earthquake Design in Memphis, Tennessee1
ASCE 7-10 Seismic Design Premium Relative to Building
Building Earthquake Lateral Designed for Wind Only
Building Description System Structure Only Total Building
Three-story (54,000 ft2 Stucco and wood-sheathed 4.1% 1.2%
[5015 m2]) wood-framed shear walls
apartment building
Four-story (100,000 ft2 Steel braced frames 19.6% 2.8%
[9290 m2]) steel-framed
office building
One-story (38,000 ft2 [3530 Flexible steel deck roof to 0.6% 0.5%
m2]) concrete tilt-up retail perimeter concrete shear
building walls
One-story (400,000 ft2 Flexible steel deck roof to 2.9% 1.4%
[37,160 m2]) concrete tilt-up perimeter concrete shear
warehouse walls and interior steel
braced frames at an
expansion joint
Six-story with basement Steel braced frames 17.1% 2.5%
(162,000 ft2 [15,050 m2])
steel-framed hospital
One-and two-story (51,200 Concrete slab second floor 4.4% 1.4%
ft2 [4760 m2]) masonry and steel deck roof to
elementary school masonry shear walls
NIST GCR 14-917-26 Study, Memphis, Tennessee (Average SDS = 0.67g; Average SD1 = 0.37g)
Stresses are introduced into buildings and other structures when subjected to forces from earthquake vibration
because of the inertia of the structure (i.e., the tendency of a body at rest to remain at rest). Designing
buildings to resist earthquakes requires that ground motions be translated into forces acting upon a building.
Earthquake forces are called lateral forces (and the system that resists these forces is called the lateral
force-resisting system) because their predominant effect is to apply horizontal loads to a building. Vertical
earthquake forces are usually only accounted for in special cases because reserve strength in the vertical
load-resisting system (i.e., the system resisting gravity loads such as the weight of the building, snow, etc.)
normally provides sufficient resistance.
The response of a structure to ground shaking depends on several building characteristics. For this reason,
different buildings can respond differently even if the ground shaking to which they are subjected is exactly
the same. The response of a building depends in large part on its fundamental period of vibration (which
in turn depends on the building height, the structural system stiffness, and the building mass distribution).
Seismic waves are amplified when the building’s fundamental period of vibration is similar to that of the ground
shaking motion. Since earthquake shaking is dominated by high frequency waves, short-period buildings
(e.g., low-rise shear wall or braced frame structures) are designed for higher forces than long-period buildings
(e.g., tall moment frame structures). In some cases, longer period earthquake waves that are more dominant
farther from the earthquake or on softer soils can cause more flexible (e.g., taller moment frame) buildings
to experience amplified forces.
Another important building characteristic is whether the building is regularly or irregularly shaped. Earthquake
force distribution in a simple rectangular building will be fairly uniform. In other buildings having vertical (e.g.,
“soft” stories) or plan (e.g., L-shaped) irregularities, forces will tend to concentrate at the irregularities. The
stiffness of individual structural elements also has an effect. When structural elements having different
rigidities are used in combination, the stiffer elements (e.g., walls) will attract higher forces than the more
flexible structural elements (e.g., moment frames) whether they are part of the lateral force-resisting system
or not.
To prevent pounding of adjacent structures against each other, a seismic joint is provided with a clearance
or gap greater than the combined (seismic) displacements of each structure. Seismic joints should not be
confused with expansion joints. Expansion joints are “slip joints” within the structure provided to compensate
for thermal expansion and contraction. They are usually points of damage concentration during earthquakes.
In rare cases a specially designed combination of a seismic and slip joint is utilized.
Finally, though less common, the response of the building to ground shaking can be modified using base
isolation (i.e., devices added between the building and the foundation to separate or isolate the motion of the
building from the motion of the ground) and energy dissipating devices installed within the structure (to
dissipate and dampen earthquake motions).
Additional helpful information regarding design of buildings for earthquake, generic earthquake building types
and retrofit (Section C.4.3), and earthquake irregularities (Section C.4.4) is available in the following United
States Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) documents:
• FEMA 454/December 2006, Designing for Earthquakes, a Manual for Architects
• FEMA P-749/December 2010, Earthquake-Resistant Design Concepts
• FEMA 154/January 2015, Rapid Visual Screening of Buildings for Potential Seismic Hazards
• FEMA 547/October 2006, Techniques for the Seismic Rehabilitation of Existing Buildings
These documents are available for download at:
C.4.2 Foundations
The type of foundation is extremely important to the overall earthquake performance of a structure. The lateral
and vertical motion of an earthquake will tend to make the structure rock on its foundation, thus increasing
the pressure on the soil. The foundation must be capable of transferring lateral forces from the structure
to the supporting rock or soil, and preventing excessive settlement. The type of foundation system selected
depends on the soils, loads, and the structural system. Foundations are typically constructed of reinforced
concrete although piles are sometimes wood or steel.
Foundations can be classified in two main groups: shallow and deep.
Shallow foundations are the most common and are generally appropriate for most buildings unless the soils
are poor or column/wall loads are very large. Typical shallow foundations include the following:
• Spread footings: square or rectangular concrete pads, usually reinforced, supporting a single or multiple
columns. The plan dimensions of the footing must be large enough to spread out the load such that the
allowable soil pressure is not exceeded. In some buildings individual footings may be tied together to form
a grid foundation.
• Continuous footings: a narrow concrete pad, unreinforced or reinforced, supporting a wall or a row of
• Mat foundation (also known as a ‘‘raft’’ or ‘‘floating’’ foundation): generally a thick reinforced concrete slab
designed to spread the structure’s load over the greatest possible area and minimize settlement. Mat
foundations are often used when the soils are relatively poor and the total area of individual spread footings
would constitute a very large percentage of the plan area of the building, or when deep foundations are
not feasible.
Deep foundations are commonly used where soils are poor or foundation loads are high. For example,
structures at sites having soils subject to liquefaction should be supported on deep foundations. The deep
foundations usually are used only to support the building. Concrete slabs, asphalt paving, utilities, tanks, etc.
supported directly on or in the ground may be damaged if soils liquefy. Typical deep footings include:
• Piles: slender vertical structural members that are forced into the ground by impact (from a machine called
a ‘‘pile driver’’). They are driven through poor soils to bedrock or, more commonly, ‘‘to refusal’’ into firmer
soils beneath. Piles distribute their loads at the tip or by friction on the sides of the pile, or a combination
of both. Piles most commonly are made of reinforced or prestressed concrete but can be wood (usually only
in older structures) or steel. As wood needs to be constantly wet or dry for decay prevention, the ground
water table must be above the top or below the tip of wood piles. Piles usually are driven in clusters or
groups, and there is a heavy pad or cap of reinforced concrete placed over their tops to distribute building
loads into the piles.
Building codes usually require pile caps to be tied together with concrete beams in seismic areas to prevent
lateral movement of the pile caps. For example, in ASCE 7-16 the tie design force in tension or compression
is 10% of SDS times the largest factored dead plus live vertical load on any one of the connected pile caps.
• Caissons (or drilled piers): foundations in which deep holes are drilled and then filled with concrete. Steel
reinforcement usually is used for at least a portion of the caisson length. Caissons usually are bigger in
diameter than the columns they support and are larger members than piles. Unlike the pile, which may get
its support from the sides, the caisson depends mainly on its bearing capacity in the soil or rock that
supports it. When caissons rest on soil, they generally are ‘‘belled’’ at the bottom to spread the load over
a wider area. The greater the bell diameter, the larger the area and the greater the bearing capacity.
Fig. C.4.3.1. The three basic vertical seismic system alternatives (Figure 5-1 from FEMA 454)
Some guidance regarding appropriate retrofit of generic building types to prevent major damage is discussed
in Section C.4.3.3. Comprehensive conceptual retrofit details are available in FEMA 547, Techniques for
the Seismic Rehabilitation of Existing Buildings. Again, in some cases, such as URM structures, a retrofitted
structure may still experience substantial damage due to the inherent vulnerability of the construction.
A rigorous methodology for determining how structures and equipment should be seismically retrofitted is
provided in the American Society of Civil Engineers standard ASCE 41, Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of
Existing Buildings. Building retrofits can be performed to meet a particular performance target (i.e., collapse
prevention, life safety, immediate occupancy, or operational). It is recommended that building retrofits be
made at least to the life safety level, which would entail, according to ASCE 41, “somewhat more damage
and slightly higher life safety risk” as compared to a new code-compliant building. ASCE 41 also has retrofitting
guidance for equipment and non-structural systems - see Section C.5.2.
walls, and hold-down hardware; disallowed the use of stucco and drywall shear walls in the bottom of
multi-story buildings; and disallowed the use of diaphragm rotation to transfer forces.
Retrofits of wood frame structures commonly address items such as:
• Adding elements to correct significant irregularities in plan and elevation (e.g., tuck-under parking)
• Strengthening inadequate bracing or poorly-designed shear wall systems, especially in buildings
having heavy tile roofing, or in the bottom floor of multi-story buildings
• Strengthening of large wall and floor openings and inadequate connections between floors and
• Adding bolts from the structure to its foundation
• Strengthening short walls between a slightly raised first floor and the ground (called cripple walls)
that can tip
• Steel Braced Frame Structures. Many different vertical load-carrying systems can be used in a steel
braced frame structure. A common construction is concrete-filled metal floor and roof decks that are
supported on steel beams, girders and columns. Other systems having concrete or wood floors and roofs
are possible.
The lateral force-resisting system typically consists of rigid concrete diaphragms that distribute earthquake
forces to steel braced frames. Wood sheathing or steel bracing at floors and roofs also can serve as flexible
diaphragms to transfer lateral forces.
Braced steel frames are commonly used in mid- and low-rise steel construction. These structures derive
their lateral strength through the presence of bracing between their beams and columns. These braces
resist lateral forces primarily through tension and compression. Braced frame structures tend to be much
stiffer than moment-resisting frames, another common form of structural steel construction, and therefore
are often used in buildings to reduce earthquake and wind-induced swaying. The rigidity inherent in this
system tends to minimize the amount of damage experienced by architectural elements.
Braces commonly will yield and buckle, and may even fracture, during strong ground shaking; however,
such damage is easily repaired. If the braces are not adequately connected to the beams and columns, the
connections themselves may fail at premature load levels. Modern codes (e.g., 1973 and subsequent
editions of the Uniform Building Code [UBC]) usually require that connections be designed to be stronger
than the braces themselves to prevent such failures. Braces that terminated in the middle of a column
(e.g., “K” braced frames) have performed poorly in past earthquakes because they induce large stresses
on critical column elements. Particularly in buildings greater than two stories in height, ‘‘K’’ braced systems
and tension-only bracing (e.g., rods or cables) have performed poorly and usually are not permitted for
earthquake load resistance in modern codes.
Retrofits of steel braced frame structures commonly address items such as:
• Strengthening braced frames or adding new elements (e.g., replacing tension-only bracing,
strengthening connections at ends of braces, or adding braced frames or shear walls)
• Adding elements to correct significant irregularities in plan and elevation (e.g., soft stories)
• Adding collectors in the roof or floor diaphragms to transfer forces at openings or to braced frames
• Strengthening connections of frames to foundations.
• Steel Moment Frame Structures. Steel moment-resisting frames commonly have a vertical load-carrying
system of concrete-filled metal floor and roof decks supported on steel beams, girders, and columns. The
lateral force-resisting system typically consists of rigid concrete-filled metal deck diaphragms that distribute
earthquake forces to steel moment frames at discrete locations at each level in the structure. Typically
only some of the building frames are utilized as moment frames. At these locations the beams are rigidly
attached to columns, and lateral forces are resisted by bending of the beams and columns through the
rigid beam-column joints. Early steel moment frame structures made these connections with bolts; since
the 1950s connections have been made by heavy welds from beams to columns. Moment frames (steel or
concrete) can be designed with various levels of ductility. ‘‘Special’’ (i.e., ductile) moment frames are
typically required by current building codes in areas of high seismicity. ‘‘Intermediate’’ (i.e., limited ductility)
and “ordinary” (i.e., little ductility or nonductile) moment frames are usually allowed only in areas of
relatively low seismicity.
Prior to the 1994 Northridge, California (USA), earthquake, steel moment frames were generally considered
by many in the structural engineering profession to be among the most reliable seismic force resisting
systems. During the Northridge earthquake, over 200 steel moment frame buildings experienced cracking
in the welds of the moment connections (located at beam-column joints), which led to further cracking
of beam and column flanges and webs. None of the damaged steel moment frame buildings collapsed
or caused serious injuries or death. However, at least two buildings were subsequently demolished, and
the repairs for the other identified structures were expensive. Some structural engineers believe a larger
earthquake with longer duration would have resulted in at least partial collapse of some of these structures.
Following the earthquake, the industry quickly issued interim guidelines for the design of new moment frame
structures; these guidelines were incorporated into subsequent codes. Newer steel moment connections
(e.g., having a reduced beam cross-section near the column, or employing cover or side plates) have been
developed to mitigate the concern with brittle fracture of welds at beam ends.
Retrofits of steel moment frame structures commonly address items such as:
• Strengthening moment frames (especially the beam-to-column connections) or adding new
elements (e.g., braced frames or shear walls)
• Adding elements to correct significant irregularities in plan and elevation (e.g., soft stories)
• Adding collectors in the roof or floor diaphragms to transfer forces at openings or to moment
• Strengthening connections of frames to foundations.
• Rigid Shear Wall/Rigid Diaphragm Structures. This generic building type includes buildings with
reinforced concrete or masonry walls and concrete diaphragms. Common vertical systems include concrete
slabs supported by concrete framing and columns, or concrete-filled metal deck supported by steel framing
and columns.
The lateral force-resisting system typically consists of the rigid concrete diaphragms that distribute
earthquake forces to reinforced concrete or masonry shear walls. Concrete walls can be cast-in-place or
The performance of rigid shear wall/rigid diaphragm buildings is highly dependent on the number of
concrete or masonry shear walls, their location within the building, their configuration, the size and number
of openings in the walls, and steel reinforcing details.
Well-designed concrete or masonry walls have adequate reinforcing throughout (both horizontally and
vertically) as well as special reinforcing around openings and at edges. Walls with extensive openings often
are subject to significant cracking and spalling of the masonry units or concrete around openings. For walls
greater in height than width, vertical reinforcing steel at edges typically is provided with horizontal steel
ties that wrap around this steel and the concrete within to hold it together. The pattern in which the masonry
is laid-up also is important. Most concrete masonry is laid-up in a running bond pattern, in which the joints
of the masonry units in each layer are staggered relative to the layers above and below. This is a preferred
form of construction. Walls incorporating a masonry pattern known as stack bond, in which the joints
between units align vertically from the top of the wall to the bottom, will probably suffer a higher level of
damage than walls utilizing running bond.
Rigid shear wall/rigid diaphragm buildings with abrupt changes in lateral resistance often have performed
poorly in earthquakes. Damage tends to be located in weak or flexible stories, or at locations where shear
walls at upper levels do not continue to the foundation level. Buildings with walls distributed primarily at
only two or three sides are subject to large torsional displacements (twisting) and have been severely
damaged in past earthquakes.
Retrofits of rigid shear wall/rigid diaphragm structures commonly address items such as:
• Adding new elements (usually shear walls, sometimes steel braced frames)
• Strengthening existing shear walls (e.g., by concrete overlay)
• Adding elements to correct significant irregularities in plan and elevation (e.g., discontinuous shear
walls or soft stories).
• Rigid Shear Wall/Flexible Diaphragm Structures. This generic building type includes buildings with
reinforced concrete or masonry walls and wood-sheathed or metal deck diaphragms. They have historically
had wood roofs in California (USA) and metal roofs elsewhere, but metal roofs are becoming more
prevalent in California. They typically are low-rise structures (less than three stories) and often are one-story
buildings. A common vertical system is wood sheathing supported by wood or steel members/trusses/
columns. In many buildings metal deck without concrete fill (or with non-structural insulating concrete fill)
is supported by steel framing and columns. Concrete tilt-up structures (buildings constructed with large,
site-cast concrete panels that are “tilted-up” to form the exterior walls) are a typical example of this type of
The lateral force-resisting system usually consists of the flexible wood-sheathed or metal deck roof
diaphragm that distributes lateral forces to concrete (often tilt-up) or masonry shear walls. These walls will
be located at the building perimeter and also can be located at the interior of the building.
The performance of rigid shear wall/flexible diaphragm buildings, particularly those with timber floors and
roofs, is strongly related to the capacity of the wall anchorage to the roof and floor diaphragms. The heavy
concrete or masonry walls tend to separate from the roof framing when subjected to seismic ground shaking
perpendicular to the plane of the walls unless engineered connections (referred to as wall anchors) are
provided to tie them together. When provided with good wall anchorage details, these buildings often
perform well.
Proper wall anchorage was not required by United States codes until after the 1971 San Fernando,
California, earthquake, when many concrete tilt-up and masonry walls separated from their roof
diaphragms. A series of code changes requiring improved anchorage of concrete and masonry walls to
diaphragms was enacted following that earthquake to avoid these failures. Design forces for positive, direct
roof-to-wall anchorage and continuity ties (first required in the 1973 Uniform Building Code [UBC]) were
increased in the 1976 UBC for many structures, and were again increased in the 1991 UBC. In the 1994
Northridge, California earthquake, over 400 late-vintage concrete tilt-up structures experienced either
partial or total collapse of their roof framing systems and the relevant UBC provisions were again revised
in the 1997 edition.
Retrofits of rigid shear wall/flexible diaphragm structures commonly address items such as:
• Adding or strengthening anchorage from concrete or masonry walls to floor and roof diaphragms
(roof-to-wall or floor-to-wall connections), and adding connections between members at the
diaphragm interior (continuity ties)
• Adding collectors in the roof or floor diaphragms to transfer forces at openings or to shear walls
• Strengthening floor or roof diaphragms (e.g., by increasing the nailing of plywood sheathing to
roof members)
• Adding elements (often shear walls or steel braced frames) to correct significant irregularities in
plan (e.g., reentrant corners or open fronts).
• Concrete Moment Frame Structures. Concrete moment frames resist seismic forces by the bending of
their beams and columns through the rigid beam-column joints, similar to steel moment frames. The vertical
load-carrying system often consists of concrete slabs supported by concrete framing (joists, beams, and
girders) and concrete columns. Rigid concrete diaphragms transfer earthquake forces to concrete moment
frames, which may be distributed throughout the building or only in discrete locations.
The performance of concrete moment frame structures in earthquakes is strongly dependent on detailing
of reinforcing steel in beams, columns and connections. Frames that are designed to dissipate energy
from major earthquakes without failure are termed “ductile”. Some concrete frame buildings constructed
without ductile detailing or using precast concrete moment frames have been severely damaged and/or
have collapsed in past earthquakes. Columns with insufficient ties to prevent buckling of longitudinal
reinforcing steel after the concrete cracks and spalls frequently have been the source of major damage.
Few considerations for seismic detailing were incorporated into the design of these structures until the early
1970s. Extensive modifications of code detailing requirements to provide ductility in concrete frames were
made in the 1967 and subsequent editions of the Uniform Building Code (UBC). However, provisions
requiring that concrete frames be designed as ductile frames in areas of high seismicity were first adopted
in the 1973 UBC. Good detailing of reinforcement to provide ductility did not become common in California
(USA) until the late 1970s. It is expected that concrete-frame structures designed after adoption of these
criteria will perform substantially better than those designed prior to the more stringent codes. Ductile design
of concrete moment frames may not have been required in other jurisdictions until much later; even today
some allow construction of nonductile reinforced or precast concrete moment frames in high seismicity
Retrofits of concrete moment frame structures commonly address items such as:
• Adding new elements (usually shear walls, sometimes steel braced frames or concrete moment
frames), especially when existing concrete moment frames are non-ductile or precast
• Strengthening existing non-ductile concrete frame or gravity columns (e.g., using a concrete/steel
jacket or fiber composite wrap)
• Adding elements to correct significant irregularities in plan and elevation (e.g., soft stories).
• Unreinforced Masonry Structures. The “unreinforced masonry” (URM) in this type of structure refers to
building walls, which have no steel reinforcement. A vertical load-carrying system of wood sheathing
supported by wood members and the masonry walls is common. Buildings of confined masonry construction
would also be considered URM structures. In these buildings, unreinforced masonry wall panels (that will
eventually bear loads from concrete floor and roof slabs) are constructed and have horizontal and vertical
reinforced concrete ties (typically about the same thickness as the wall) cast directly against them on all four
sides to confine the masonry. URM construction can also include a building having concrete or steel vertical
load-carrying elements with bearing or infill URM shear walls (in these structures the masonry walls are
constructed after the frame).
Walls constructed without steel reinforcing have consistently suffered severe damage during earthquakes.
Walls can crack extensively due to in-plane shear forces, or can fall away from the building due to forces
perpendicular to the wall. For URM structures without frames or confining ties, only the existence of
numerous wood-frame interior partitions-typical of older brick office and apartment buildings but less typical
in industrial structures has prevented collapse during strong ground shaking. Confined or infilled
unreinforced masonry structures are less likely to collapse than structures where entire walls are URM,
but in-plane cracking or out-of-plane failure of masonry walls can still result in large economic losses.
Construction of URM buildings generally has not been allowed in California (USA) since the 1933 Long
Beach earthquake; however, they may not have been phased out in some seismically-active California,
Oregon and Washington state (USA) localities until the mid-1950s. Later vintage URM construction was
allowed in other regions of the United States (e.g., into the 1970’s in Utah, and into at least the 1980’s
in the New Madrid Seismic Zone [NMSZ] states of Missouri and Tennessee). URM is also one of the least
expensive building techniques and for that reason is still common, particularly confined masonry
construction, even today in some places having a high seismic risk (e.g., Mexico, and Central and South
America). Retrofits of URM structures typically are for collapse prevention only. Unreinforced masonry
buildings located in areas of high seismicity probably will suffer high losses whether they have been
retrofitted or not.
Retrofits of URM structures commonly address items such as:
• Adding or strengthening anchorage from URM walls to floor and roof diaphragms (roof-to-wall
or floor-to-wall connections) and sometimes to partition walls, and adding connections between
members at the diaphragm interior (continuity ties)
• Adding steel (usually) vertical members (strongbacks) or horizontal members (similar to wind
girts) to transfer wall out-of-plane forces to the structure
• Stabilizing or strengthening URM walls with concrete overlay or fiber composite fabric
• Removing non-structural URM partition walls
• Adding new elements (usually shear walls, sometimes steel braced frames)
• Adding collectors in the roof or floor diaphragms to transfer forces at openings or to shear walls
• Strengthening floor or roof diaphragms (e.g., by increasing the nailing of wood sheathing to roof
members or applying plywood over wood boards)
• Adding elements (often shear walls or steel braced frames) to correct significant irregularities in
plan (e.g., open fronts)
• Bracing parapets (preventing them from falling - does not significantly reduce the economic loss).
Additional information regarding generic earthquake building types can be found in FEMA 154, which uses
similar building classifications. Table C.4.3.3 correlates the nine categories discussed above (the concrete
moment frame category above is split into reinforced concrete and precast concrete in the table) with FEMA
154 categories.
Table C.4.3.3. Comparison of Data Sheet 1-2 With FEMA 154 Earthquake Building Types
Data Sheet 1-2 FEMA 154
EQ Building Type EQ Building Type Description
Light Metal (LM) S3 Light metal frame
Wood Frame (WF) W1, W1A Light wood frame, residential/commercial,
<5000 ft2/floor (465 m2/floor)
W2 Wood frame buildings, >5000 ft2/floor
(465 m2/floor)
Steel Braced Frame (SBF) S2 Steel braced frame
Steel Moment Frame (SMF) S1 Steel moment-resisting frame
Rigid Shear Wall/Rigid Diaphragm S4 Steel frame with cast-in-place concrete
(RSW/RD) shear walls
C2 Concrete shear wall
RM2 Reinforced masonry with rigid diaphragms
Rigid Shear Wall/Flexible Diaphragm PC1 Tilt-up construction
(RSW/FD) RM1 Reinforced masonry with flexible floor and
roof diaphragms
Reinforced Concrete Moment Frame - C1 Concrete moment-resisting frame
Ductile, Non-Ductile, or Unknown Ductility
(CMF/RC/D, ND, or U)
Precast Concrete Moment Frame PC2 Precast concrete frame
Unreinforced Masonry (URM)2 S5 Steel frame with unreinforced masonry
C3 Concrete frame with unreinforced
masonry infill
URM Unreinforced masonry bearing-wall
1. FEMA 154 PC2 might sometimes be a RSW/RD
2. FEMA 154 C3 might sometimes be a CMF/RC
• Stories that are significantly weaker/softer than adjacent stories (i.e., ″soft stories″); commonly
occurs in the first story of a building
• Vertical elements (e.g., shear walls) that are not continuous to the foundation, don’t ‘‘stack’’, or
that have radically different lengths in adjacent stories
• Very significant mass changes between adjacent floors (not including lighter roofs)
• Short concrete columns (e.g., at parking garage ramps and where partial height masonry infill
adjacent to columns restricts column movement)
Plan irregularities:
• Torsionally irregular rigid or semi-rigid diaphragm (i.e., the layout of lateral elements [e.g., shear
walls] is such that there will be significant twisting or rotating of the floors or roof)
• Large re-entrant corners (e.g., L- or U-shaped configurations)
• Significant discontinuities or variations in floor or roof diaphragm stiffness or strength (e.g., large
cutouts in the floor or roof interior)
• Vertical elements (e.g., shear walls) not aligned with the major orthogonal axes of the lateral
force-resisting system (i.e., skewed walls)
• Poor condition or modifications: While newer structures may have been built in conformance with
earthquake code provisions, seemingly minor modifications may severely reduce the structure’s ability to
withstand an earthquake if they are performed without the review of a knowledgeable structural engineer.
Such modifications as retrofitted doorways and windows (that may result in removed braces or weakened
shear walls); or added mezzanines, penthouses, and roof-supported heavy equipment would be examples
of this. A large loss in the 1971 San Fernando, California (USA) earthquake was attributed to a
concentration of air-handling equipment added in one corner of the roof. Similarly, poor maintenance of
the structure that results in significant deterioration of structural members may have an adverse effect on
seismic performance of these members.
• URM Partitions/Infill: Non-structural unreinforced masonry (URM) infill or partitions (e.g., hollow clay tile)
most often occur in buildings of similar vintages as discussed for URM buildings in Section C.4.3.3, but
can be found in buildings having any type of building lateral force-resisting system. Often the URM materials
are covered with plaster or stucco, or are painted such that it is difficult to recognize them in an existing
building. During an earthquake the non-structural URM cracks in-plane due to deflections of the building,
and can crack or fail outofplane as well. Extensive cracking of non-structural URM has occurred in
relatively moderate shaking and can require costly removal and replacement of substantial amounts of
URM even if the building structure itself is relatively undamaged.
• Other factors: Several other factors can modify generic performance (for better or worse). Examples
Negative factors:
• Unusually heavy façade, mezzanines, etc. in an otherwise light weight building (e.g., light metal
• Pounding between adjacent buildings
• Unusually long or narrow roofs or floors
• Incomplete or inadequate lateral load paths
• Poor quality building materials
• Use of relatively earthquake-vulnerable material (e.g., some precase concrete)
Positive factors:
• Enhanced design (e.g., utilizing building code criteria for critical buildings)
• Base isolated buildings
• Utilization of energy dissipation devices within a building
support is maintained and the items don’t impact or impose large loads on other equipment. However,
piping systems having threaded or grooved mechanical couplings and smaller pipe branching off larger
pipe (similar to fire sprinkler systems), unbraced suspended ceilings, and items that can swing into other
objects have proven to be highly damageable. Additionally, distribution systems (e.g., piping) that span
across seismic joints or between individual buildings can be damaged if the differential movement between
the structures is not accommodated (e.g., by a flexible pipe loop).
• Vibration-isolated equipment can be particularly vulnerable to earthquake damage. Horizontal forces are
amplified in such equipment and the vibration isolators themselves are often not adequate internally to
resist horizontal forces. In addition, vibration isolators, or independent bumpers, can be tall and narrow.
Forces applied at or near the top of these (i.e., where the equipment is attached or impacts) will tend to
overturn the vibration isolators or bumpers themselves. If they are narrow, this can result in high tension
forces in the bolts that attach the vibration isolator or bumper to the structure.
• Forces are amplified by structures; items at the tops of buildings are more likely to shift, overturn or swing
than items at grade.
• In some cases, the equipment itself may be vulnerable to damage from earthquake shaking such that
rigid anchorage is not a total solution or such that rigid anchorage is not a preferred solution. Some
examples include:
• Tanks - For leg-supported tanks, buckling of legs and damage at their attachment to the tank
sometimes occurs if legs are not adequately braced, or if legs or the tank shell are constructed
of thin steel or weak material (e.g., plastic). For base-supported tanks (e.g., stainless steel wine
tanks) damage to thin shells (e.g., “elephant foot” buckling) or ripping of shell-to-floor plate
connections are common. In addition, tanks can be damaged if pipe is rigidly attached or if access
walkways are rigidly attached between the tanks.
• Storage racks are often marginally designed for earthquake forces. Racks have failed even when
they are anchored, especially when they are heavily loaded or damaged (e.g., from forklift impact).
But, except for providing base anchorage and replacing damaged frames, retrofit of existing racks
themselves is usually not cost effective. Damage to inadequately-designed racks may include
column or brace buckling as well as tearing of beam-to-column connections or column-to-base
plate welds. Retrofit measures to prevent items from falling from racks are often not easily
implemented due to their impact on operations.
• Some equipment is inherently fragile, or has fragile internal components. In certain cases, rigidly
anchoring this equipment may invalidate its warranty (rigid anchorage increases the internal forces
within the equipment) and more complex solutions, like base isolation, are needed to mitigate
earthquake damage (an example might the steppers used in semiconductor fabrication). At times,
the only practical solution to mitigate earthquake losses for equipment incorporating fragile
components may be to stock spare parts (examples are tall porcelain transformer bushings [which
can be qualified for use in seismic zones but may still be seismically vulnerable] and quartz tubes
in diffusion furnaces used in semiconductor fabrication).
and in many cases will allow significant and costly damage. Therefore, it is recommended that retrofits of
typical equipment be made to at least the position retention performance level (i.e., to the ASCE 7 provisions
discussed below).
Restraint of equipment, piping, etc. is still required in buildings that are base isolated or have energy
dissipating devices installed. Design forces can be conservatively determined as outlined below, or more
detailed calculations per ASCE 7 can be made to establish whether lower design forces could be used.
Restraint design and flexibility provided for elements spanning across the isolation interface (e.g., piping or
stairs) needs to consider expected differential displacements.
LRFD Combinations:
[Combination A] (1.2 + 0.2·SDS)·Wp + Ωo·Fp
[Combination B] (0.9 - 0.2·SDS)·Wp + Ωo·Fp
ASD Combinations:
[Combination C] (1.0 + 0.14·SDS)·Wp + 0.7·Ωo·Fp
[Combination D] (0.6 - 0.14·SDS)·Wp + 0.7·Ωo·Fp
SDS, Wp and Fp are as defined previously.
Ωo = overstrength factor used to amplify prescribed seismic forces that varies from 1.0 to 2.5. Where anchors
do not attach to concrete or masonry, take the factor as 1.0. For anchors to concrete or masonry that are
deemed non-ductile (e.g., most post-installed anchors), the overstrength factor (from ASCE 7 tables) is most
commonly 2.0 for LRFD load combinations (and 2.0/1.2 = 1.67 for ASD load combinations). Rather than
applying the Ωo factor to the loads, an equivalent method when all loads on the anchors result from earthquake
would be to reduce capacities of post-installed by the Ωo factor (as has been done in Table C.5.4.2).
ASCE 7-02 (a previous edition of ASCE 7) set a criterion that post-installed concrete anchors should have
an embedment of at least 8 times the bolt diameter (Db) to be considered “deep” anchors that act in a ductile
manner. Later editions of ASCE 7 have modified this criterion such that the embedment depth and other
features necessary for the anchor to be considered ductile require prequalification in accordance with
American Concrete Institute (ACI) Standard 355.2, Evaluating the Performance of Post-Installed Mechanical
Anchors in Concrete. It is unlikely most post-installed concrete (or masonry) anchors would meet the ACI
355.2 requirements for ductility, so the overstrength factor should generally be applied where anchorage is
made to concrete or masonry.
Some components may list capacities based on Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD), while others
may list capacities based on Allowable Stress Design (ASD). It is important to understand how capacities are
reported and use the load combinations appropriate for that listing.
Post-installed concrete anchor capacities given in this data sheet are based on ASD.
From ASCE 7-16, for typical non-vibration-isolated (i.e., rigid mount), floor-supported equipment: ap = 1.0,
Rp = 2.5 and Ω0 = 2.0 (LRFD) or 1.67 (ASD) for floor-supported storage cabinets and for substantial items
constructed of high-deformability materials (for example transformers, generators, batteries, manufacturing
and process machinery, wet-side HVAC, chillers, and boilers); and ap = 2.5, Rp = 6.0 and Ω0 = 2.0 (LRFD)
or 1.67 (ASD) for equipment constructed of sheet metal framing (for example motor control centers, switch
gear, air-side HVAC, air handlers and air conditioning units). These two result in essentially the same required
design forces. Fp (LRFD) is (note that for design of non-ductile anchorage to masonry or concrete, the values
below must be doubled, or allowable anchor capacities must be halved, because Ω0 = 2.0):
• 0.3·SDS·Ip·Wp up to 0.4h (i.e., constant in the lower 40% of the building height)
• 0.5·SDS·Ip·Wp at the roof
• determined by linear interpolation between 0.4h and the roof
For equipment that is vibration-isolated with springs, ap = 2.5, Rp = 2.0 and Ω0 = 2.0. The required design
force, Fp (LRFD) is (again, for design of non-ductile anchorage to masonry or concrete, the values below must
be doubled, or allowable anchor capacities must be halved, because Ω0 = 2.0):
• 0.5·SDS·Ip·Wp at or below the base of the building
• 1.5·SDS·Ip·Wp at the roof
• determined by linear interpolation between grade and the roof
Note that for the two cases above, the Fp (LRFD) values would be multiplied by the 0.7 load factor to get
ASD loads. If attachment is to concrete or masonry using non-ductile anchors, the resulting ASD loads would
then be multiplied by the ASD Ω0 of 1.67 (or the allowable anchor capacities would be divided by 1.67 as
they are in Table C.5.4.2).
For raised access floors ap = 1.0, Rp = 1.5 and Ω0 =1.5 (LRFD) or 1.5/1.2 = 1.25 (ASD) unless they are
detailed as “special” access floors, in which case ap = 1.0, Rp = 2.5 and Ω0 = 2.0 (LRFD) or 1.67 (ASD).
Special access floors have positive connections (i.e., mechanical fasteners, welds or concrete anchors) from
floor stringers to pedestals, pedestals to floors and at ends of braces. Additionally, floor stringers must be
adequate for the axial force, and bracing and pedestals must be structural or mechanical shapes produced
to specifications that require minimum mechanical properties (e.g., not electrical tubing).
For steel piping that has threaded joints, compression couplings or grooved couplings, design parameters
are typically ap = 2.5, Rp = 4.5 and Ω0 = 2.0 (LRFD) or 1.67 (ASD).
R = response modification coefficient (= 4.0 for storage racks from ASCE 7-16; allowed in ANSI/RMI
MH16.1-2012 to be 4.0 in the cross-aisle [transverse] direction and 6.0 in the down-aisle [longitudinal]
SD1 = the site (soil) adjusted, 5% damped, design spectral response acceleration at a period of 1 second,
expressed as a portion of the gravitational acceleration (g).
S1 = the mapped, 5% damped, spectral response acceleration, assuming a soil at the boundary of Site
Classes B and C, for a period of 1 second, expressed as a portion of the gravitational acceleration (g).
T = fundamental period of the rack, in seconds.
The total design lateral force (V) is distributed on the rack based on the formula:
Force at Level “X” (Fx) = Cvx·V
Cvx = w
x hx
Σ wihi
wx, wi = the weight at Level x or Level i.
hx, hi = the height (above the base of the rack) of Level x or Level i.
k = an exponent related to the fundamental period of the rack (T) that equals 1.0 for T ≤ 0.5 seconds; equals
2.0 for T ≥ 2.5 seconds and is determined by linear interpolation if “T” is between these points.
Where the weight at each rack level is equal and the fundamental period of the rack is 0.5 seconds or less,
the force distribution on the rack will be roughly an inverted triangular shape. In ANSI/RMI MH16.1-2012,
the exponent “k” is always taken as 1.0.
Per ASCE 7-16, steel storage racks are designed for two cases:
A. Weight of the rack plus every storage level loaded to 67% of its rated load capacity.
B. Weight of the rack plus the highest storage level only loaded to 100% of its rated load capacity.
Most racks are fairly light in weight by comparison to their rated load capacity; neglecting the rack self-weight
usually will not introduce large inaccuracies in anchorage requirements.
C.5.3.3 Determine Total Storage Rack Restraint Design Forces (LRFD or ASD)
Design forces for rack anchorage are determined using appropriate LRFD or ASD load combinations. Note
that the horizontal earthquake force can come from any direction and the design should be based on the
direction (cross-aisle [transverse] or down-aisle [longitudinal]) that results in the most conservative anchorage.
Forces are assumed to be applied in either the transverse or longitudinal direction; they are not applied in
both directions simultaneously.
The load combinations in Section C.5.2.3 can also be used for storage rack anchorage. Replace Wp and
Fp in the Section C.5.2.3 load combinations with W and V, respectively, determined for the rack in the previous
ASCE 7-16 modifies ANSI/RMI MH16.1-2012 to require the overstrength factor (Ωo) for storage rack
anchorage be taken as 2.0 (LRFD) or 1.67 (ASD) for anchors to concrete or masonry that are deemed
non-ductile (e.g., most post-installed anchors). For ductile concrete or masonry anchors, and for other anchors
(e.g., bolts to steel) it is suggested that the overstrength factor be taken as 1.3. This is based on the likelihood
that the rack design forces will be required to be increased by a redundancy factor (ρ) of 1.3, and this
increased force should also be used to determine anchorage. If analysis of the racks shows that a redundancy
factor of 1.0 is appropriate, then Ωo = 1.0 can instead be used.
Because cracks will form in concrete during an earthquake, anchors that are cast into the concrete during
construction (i.e., cast-in-place [CIP] anchors) or installed after the concrete is set (i.e., post-installed anchors)
must be designed and/or tested to determine their resistance for the cracked concrete condition. Anchors
must be designed and/or listed for use in regions of moderate to high seismic risk (e.g., ASCE 7 Seismic
Design Category [SDC] C-F; or UBC Zones 2B, 3 and 4). Anchors that are adequate only in ASCE 7 SDC A
and B; or UBC Zones 0, 1, and 2A are not acceptable.
Anchors that are not qualified for cracked concrete and seismic applications should not be used in FM Global
50-year through 500-year earthquake zones.
D. Before installing anchors in precast/prestressed planks or post-tensioned concrete slabs, make a proper
non-destructive evaluation to locate cables, tendons, and/or anchorages so they will not be damaged.
Locate embedded items (e.g., conduit, etc.) prior to anchor installation. Avoid cutting reinforcing steel,
particularly in elevated slabs or beams.
E. Do not use adhesive anchors in areas with conditions that adversely affect their capacity (e.g., ambient
temperatures above 100°F [38°C], substantial radiation, or chemical exposure). Do not use adhesive
anchors in overhead installations supporting gravity loads.
F. A common type of post-installed concrete anchor is an expansion or wedge anchor. Allowable forces
for concrete expansion or wedge anchors often are reported for a service load (i.e., ASD) condition. There
is a great deal of variability in embedment depths, capacities, methods of combining shear and tension
forces to determine adequacy of these anchors, etc. The following conditions, though not universal, are
fairly representative for concrete expansion or wedge anchors:
• Anchor bolt capacities depend on embedment depth, and typically several embedment depths are
listed for each anchor. It is strongly recommended that a minimum embedment depth of 6 to 7 times
the bolt diameter (see Table C.5.4.2) be used to increase the likelihood that the anchor will behave
in a ductile manner as discussed above.
• Currently, determination of allowable shear (VA) and tension loads (TA) is based on a very complex
methodology (e.g., such as that found in ACI 318) and depends on multiple variables (concrete
strength, depth of embedment, edge distance, anchor spacing, placement of steel reinforcement,
etc.). It is therefore difficult to provide generic capacities for post-installed anchors. The reader is
directed to ACI 318 if a complete understanding of the analysis is needed.
• Use of an earthquake increase factor on calculated non-earthquake capacities for tension (designated
as TEI) and shear (designated as VEI) was common in the past, but typically is no longer allowed.
• The anchor stress ratio (SR) usually is determined through an interaction equation accounting for
the actual tension and shear forces on the anchor. In the past, the form of the interaction equation
typically was: (Tactual /[TTE ·TA])Y + (Vactual/ [TTE ·TA])Y ≤1.0. The value of the exponent “Y” varied
from 1 to 2, but commonly was 5/3 for expansion/wedge anchors. Currently, ACI 318 requires the use
of a linear interaction formula of the form (Tactual/TA) + (Vactual/VA) ≤1.2 (with the additional
restriction that neither [Tactual/TA] nor [Vactual/VA] can exceed 1.0). An SR greater than that allowed
indicates an overstress condition.
• Anchors need to be installed an adequate distance from concrete edges. This distance varies based
on the anchor, concrete type, embedment, reinforcement, etc. Use a minimum edge distance of 12
times the bolt diameter unless otherwise allowed by the manufacturer and calculations are provided
to verify adequacy.
• Requirements for spacing between anchors also vary depending on the manufacturer, concrete
strength, etc. Use a minimum spacing of 8 times the bolt diameter unless otherwise allowed by the
manufacturer and calculations are provided to verify adequacy.
• When multiple anchors are installed near each other, the tension and shear allowed for the group
of anchors will be less than the capacity of a single anchor multiplied by the number of anchors used.
There can be significant variation in the reduction factor, but for very close spacing the group
reduction factor on TA or VA could be significant. For an effective group reduction factor of 0.5, if
the capacity of one anchor = TA, the capacity of two anchors may be as little as (0.5)·(2)·TA or the
same as a single anchor. The exact reduction for a group of anchors must be calculated based on
the configuration.
• The thickness of concrete typically is required to be approximately 1.5 times the depth of embedment
of the anchor.
Again, concrete expansion anchors vary in their allowable capacity, but representative average values for
single expansion or wedge anchors are given in Table C.5.4.2.
Table C.5.4.2. Approximate ASD Capacities vs. Earthquake Loading for a Single Post-Installed Concrete Expansion or
Wedge Anchor in 3000 psi (20.7 MPa) Normal Weight Concrete1
Nominal Bolt Diameter Minimum Nominal
in. (mm) Embedment2 in. (mm) Tension Allowable3 Lb (kN) Shear Allowable4 Lb (kN)
¼ (6) 1-3/4 (44) 200 (0.89) 250 (1.1)
3/8 (10) 2-1/4 (57) 450 (2.0) 500 (2.22)
½ (12) 3-1/2 (89) 600 (2.67) 1100 (4.89)
5/8 (16) 3-3/4 (95) 900 (4.0) 1500 (6.67)
¾ (20) 4-1/2 (114) 1300 (5.78) 2200 (9.79)
1. Table values are for earthquake loading, using Allowable Stress Design (ASD) assuming cracked concrete, for single anchors determined
based on averages across several manufacturers. The table ASD values are based on 0.42 times the normally allowed LRFD capacity,
and so already account for the 0.7 LRFD to ASD load factor adjustment and the 1/1.67 = 0.6 adjustment for the ASD overstrength factor
(Ω0) - see Section C.5.2.3 and Data Sheet 2-8, Section 3.1.9 for more information. Where attachments are made to light weight concrete (e.g.,
light weight concrete-filled metal deck) use 60% of table values.
2. Manufacturers typically supply bolts in many lengths; choose bolts with a nominal embedment (i.e., embedment before the anchor is
set) at least equal to that shown in the table (nominal embedment values should typically be 6 to 7 times the bolt diameter [6Db to 7Db]).
Use anchor distance from concrete edges of at least 12·Db For anchor groups (anchors spaced closer than 18·Db) use an anchor spacing
of at least 8·Db and use 75% of the capacity given in the table (i.e., for a two-anchor connection, take the capacity), as [0.75] ·[2]·[allowable
from table]). Analysis for a specific installation may result in capacities, embedments, edge distances, and / or spacings that vary from those
assumed for this table.
3. Tension allowable assumes a high-quality installation (e.g., achieved by requiring special inspection or by verifying installations by testing
a percentage of installed anchors). If concrete can be demonstrated to remain uncracked, values in the table for tension may be increased
by a factor of 1.4; no other earthquake increase factor is applicable.
4. Shear allowable assumes a distance from concrete edges of at least 12·Db. There is no increase allowed when concrete can be
demonstrated to remain uncracked.
C.6.1 Scope
The FM Global Worldwide Earthquake Map displays zones that convey mean return times of soil-adjusted
“damaging” earthquake ground motions (i.e., sufficient to cause non-trivial damage to structures and contents
that are not properly designed to resist earthquake forces). The FM Global map differs from building code
maps, which display motions (e.g., spectral accelerations) damaging or otherwise for a uniform soil or rock
site condition and a single return period (often approximately 500 years or 2,500 years) or probability of
collapse (i.e., in ASCE 7 earthquake hazard is based on a 1% in 50-year probability of collapse). In other
words, the FM Global map displays earthquake risk (showing the mean return times of damaging ground
motions at a site) while building code maps are earthquake hazard maps (showing underlying bedrock
accelerations, unadjusted for the typically amplifying effects of local soils, for a single return period or
probability of collapse). Although they map different parameters, the underlying science of the hazard
calculation is the same. Table C.6.1 presents the mean return times of damaging ground motions and the
relative risk for FM Global earthquake zones. The table also shows the likelihood that damaging ground
motions will occur at least once for a commonly assumed 50-year facility life (see Section C.6.2 for more
C.6.2 General
The mean recurrence interval (MRI) of an event (e.g., damaging ground motion) is the average number of
years between successive events. A MRI of 500 years does not imply that successive events will be exactly
500 years apart. Nor does it imply that there is 100% probability of its occurrence in a 500 year period.
(Compare rolling a 6-sided die. There is a one-in-six chance of rolling a “3” [i.e., a “recurrence interval” of
6]. However, in six rolls of the die, it is possible that a “3” will not be rolled and it is also possible that a “3”
will be rolled more than once.) The following relationship gives the probability of an event in a given period:
P = 1-exp(-t/T)
where, P is the probability that an event of MRI ″T″ will occur at least once in a time period t.
The probability of a 500-year event occurring at least once in 50 years is:
P = 1-exp(-50/500) = 0.0952 (9.5%).
The probability of a 500-year event occurring at least once in 500 years is:
P = 1-exp(-500/500) = 0.632 (63.2%).
Put another way, there is about a 37% chance that a 500-year event will not occur in a given 500-year period.
However, assuming independence of seismic events, there is also about the same probability that a 500-year
event will occur at least twice in 500 years (i.e., 0.632 × 0.632 = 0.4 [40%]).
The FM Global Worldwide Earthquake Map conveys the MRI of damaging ground motions, not the MRI of
damaging earthquakes, at the site. To distinguish between the two, refer to Figure C.6.2. In that figure, assume
seismic source A and source B produce earthquakes of magnitude 7.5 and 6.7 respectively, at a 500-year
MRI, and the region of damaging ground motions is shown by oval areas surrounding these sources. In the
non-overlapping (green) region, damaging ground motions occur at a 500-year MRI. In the overlapping (tan)
region, the damaging ground motions occur at a 250-year MRI. Further, assume source C produces
earthquakes of magnitude 5.7 at a 125-year MRI and the region of damaging ground motions due to this
source is contained entirely within the region of damaging ground motions due to source A. The annual chance
of damaging ground motions in this region is then: 1/500 (due to source A) + 1/125 (due to source C) =
0.01/year. The MRI of damaging ground motions is 1/0.01 = 100 years (shown by red).
Fig. C.6.2. Mean recurrence interval (MRI) of earthquakes vs. MRI of damaging ground motion
FM Global Worldwide Earthquake map zones are based on the following methodology:
1. Seismic sources that are likely to rupture again are identified.
2. The magnitude of the maximum earthquake in a seismic source is established from fault dimensions,
tectonic considerations, historic earthquake records, or geodetic observations. Geological, historical, and
instrumental data are used to establish the magnitude-frequency relations using a Gutenberg-Richter model,
or a modified version; this defines the rates of earthquakes of different magnitudes. This model assumes
a fault produces earthquakes of different magnitudes at different rates. It produces smaller earthquakes more
frequently than larger earthquakes (as discussed in Section C.1.5).
3. The ground motion prediction relationships appropriate for the region are selected. These relations provide
the variation of ground motion parameters (e.g., spectral accelerations) as a function of distance from the
earthquake, magnitude, type of faulting, and other parameters.
4. The magnitude-frequency and ground motion prediction relations are used to generate the ground motions
for uniform site conditions for selected mean return times of 50, 100, 250, and 500 years.
5. The ground motions are adjusted for local site conditions by applying the soil amplification factors. This
gives the surface motions at selected return periods. “Local site conditions” used are established based on
the best available geologic mapping or other site condition proxies over large areas-they may not be
representative of the soils at a particular site.
6. The threshold for non-trivial damage to average weak buildings, derived from a broad range of global
building types and also aligned with shake damage thresholds of non-structural components, is applied to
the free-surface motions (at various mean return times) to identify regions over which a reasonable amount
of damage could occur to structures, to nonstructural systems (e.g., suspended ceilings, raised access floors)
or to equipment (e.g., sprinkler piping, storage racks) lacking seismic protection. The outer zone boundary
represents the threshold ground shaking that can cause reasonable losses; facilities closer to the center of
the zone may experience much higher levels of ground shaking.
For building or equipment design, local building codes, where available, should be followed, with the caveat
that the earthquake protection recommendations included in the data sheets should be used where they
are more stringent. In the absence of local codes with earthquake design provisions, consult an FM Global
earthquake technical specialist for guidance.