Development of An Open-Circuit Low-Speed Wind Tunnel: January 2015

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Conference Paper · January 2015

DOI: 10.20906/CPS/COB-2015-1949


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3 authors, including:

Ronaldo Menezes Andre Mesquita

Federal University of Pará Federal University of Pará


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23rd ABCM International Congress of Mechanical Engineering
December 6-11, 2015, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil


Ronaldo Menezes dos Santos Jr

André Luiz Amarante Mesquita
Department of Mechanical Engineering – Federal University of Pará A
Rua Augusto Corrêa, n. 1, CEP 66075-110, Belém, Pará, Brazil

Miriam Lys Gemaque

Department of Mechanical Engineering – Federal University of Pará – UFPA
Rua Augusto Corrêa, n. 1, CEP 66075-110, Belém, Pará, Brazil

Abstract. Alternative systems of power generation has become increasingly intense in Brazil, and generation using wind
power arouses great interest due to the good existing wind potential in coastal regions of the country. As part of the
research in this area in the Amazon, Professors and Researchers at the Federal University of Pará and other research
centers have developed mathematical tools for optimal aerodynamic design of wind turbines with and without diffuser,
which have been well accepted in the scientific community. Despite these professionals to develop scientific work of
international significance, their laboratories do not have adequate apparatus and instrumentation for testing dedicated
to the development of research and wind systems technologies. Thus, in this work it was performed the design and
fabrication of a blower open-circuit low-speed wind tunnel with 600 x 600 mm² test section, contraction ratio equal to 9
and maximum speed in the test section of 30 m/s. The resulting tunnel showed to have a good flow quality in its test
section with a well-developed and flat speed profile along both vertical and horizontal directions.

Keywords: Wind Tunnel, Low-Speed, Open-Circuit


The pursuit of new energy sources and the impacts caused by traditional forms of electricity generation have led to
demand for cleaner energy sources that complement the energy matrix. The increase in consumption and the growing
economic and environmental pressures have justified the use of alternative sources such as wind energy. In this context,
Professors and Researchers at the Federal University of Pará have been developing mathematical tools for optimum
aerodynamic design of wind turbines with and without diffuser. Despite these professionals to develop scientific works
of international importance, their laboratories do not have adequate equipment and instrumentation for testing dedicated
to the development of research and wind systems technologies. Therefore, it is necessary to develop suitable conditions,
such as a wind tunnel and measuring instruments.
Wind tunnels are powerful facilities which reproduce an air flow in a controlled manner (continuous or intermittent),
with low turbulence (desirable for wind turbine testing), which will interact with the model located at the test section.
According to Barlow et al. (1999) it is possible to classify the wind tunnel based on the air speed in the test section
(Subsonic, transonic, Supersonic and Hypersonic), test section configuration (Open or Closed) and the type of circuit
(closed circuit and open circuit). Moreover, there are two settings for open circuit wind tunnels, depending on whether
the fan is at the air inlet (Blower Tunnel) or at the air outlet (Sucker Tunnel). It is extremely important to classify the
wind tunnel before starting the project, since this classification defines features and application of the project.
The wind tunnel is of fundamental importance as it allows advancing the current knowledge of physical phenomena
involved and the assurance of models used for the wind turbine project. Thus, this work aims to design and build a an
open-circuit low-speed wind tunnel, designed for the insertion of instrumentation aimed at measuring flow parameters,
in order to assemble a laboratory infrastructure capable of producing testing of small wind turbine models, capable of
operating with good aerodynamic efficiency when placed at low wind speed characteristics found on the Atlantic coast
of Brazil.


2.1 Test Section

Santos Jr, R. M, Mesquita, A. L. A. and Gemaque, M. L.
Development of an Open-Circuit Low-Speed Wind Tunnel

The test section design totally depends on the requirements of each experiment being performed in the wind tunnel,
which include the dimensions of the tested model, operating rate and the desired flow quality. The flow velocity obtained
and the dimension of the test section determine the maximum size of the model to be tested and the maximum Reynolds
number obtained (Barlow et al., 1999).
The test section shape depends on the wind tunnel application. For tunnels in which the tested models are mounted
inside the test section, the section size and shape are generally prepared in order to minimize the interference from the
wall to a model of predetermined dimensions. For civil and industrial applications, most of the time, the square section
test chamber is recommended. Rectangular section of test chambers are recommended and very popular, especially in
aeronautical applications (Mehta, 1977).
According to Mehta (1977), the test section length should be 0.5 to 3 times its hydraulic diameter. This design
criterion is considered due to the flow in the contraction outlet, in general, needs a distance of 0.5 times the hydraulic
diameter of the test chamber so that non-uniformities in the flow are reduced to an acceptable level. This requirement
establishes the minimum length of the test section. On the other hand test section with lengths greater than 3 times the
hydraulic diameter results in unnecessary increase of the boundary layer thickness along this section, which may result in
detachment of the boundary layer at the exit of the test section (Mehta, 1977).

2.2 Contraction Section

The contraction is an integral part of practically all wind tunnel projects. It is usually installed upstream of the test
section and has great influence on the flow quality. The two main purposes of this section are: (i) reducing the variations
of both average speed and its fluctuations over time, for a given cross-section. This is due to the fact that the total pressure
through the contraction remains constant. (ii) Increasing the average flow velocity from the settling chamber, thereby the
flow straightener elements (honeycomb and screen) may be installed in a low speed region reducing pressure loss and,
consequently, the wind tunnel power factor. Consequently, a smaller amount is required of screens in stabilizing section,
further reducing the pressure loss (Bell and Mehta, 1988).
The most important parameter to achieve these two effects is the contraction ratio (c), defined as the ratio between the
input and output contraction area. The choice of contraction ration value is influenced by the space available, flow quality
and cost. Contraction ratio between 6 and 10 were found as being most suitable for most low speed wind tunnel
(Pankhurst and Bradshaw, 1964; Mehta and Bradshaw, 1979; Bell and Mehta, 1988). The upper limit of c is generally
limited by the maximum length of the contraction or the maximum acceptable distance between the center line of the
tunnel and the floor (Bell and Mehta, 1988).
The contraction shape is another very important parameter and many methodologies for determining the contraction
wall profile have been developed. Among them, the 5th order polynomial developed by Bell and Mehta (1988) has been
widely used in many wind tunnel projects by the fact that there is no present flow separation in both the center line and
in the corners of the contraction, satisfies the minimum requirements for the number of Reynolds and provides excellent
uniformity in the flow.
According to Mehta and Bradshaw (1979), it is always possible to avoid flow separation increasing sufficiently the
contraction length, since it has a reasonable wall shape. The flow uniformity in the contraction outlet improves as the
length increases. This is related to the fact that the radius of curvature decreases with increasing length. Bell and Mehta
(1988) state that for the profile created from the 5th order polynomial, flow separation occurs when the ratio L/Hi
(length/height of contraction) is equal to 0.667. In addition, also detachment of the boundary layer occurs when
the contraction is too long (L/Hi values greater than 1.79). This flow separation occurs due to adverse pressure gradient
region near the contraction exit. Whether the contraction is too short, then detachment of the boundary layer also tends to
occur, but this time, near the contraction entrance (Bell and Mehta, 1988).

2.3 Settling Chamber

The settling chamber, located between the diffuser outlet and the contraction inlet (open circuit type) is the wind
tunnel component that has the largest cross-sectional area. This component has the greatest influence on the flow quality
obtained in the test section due to the high local drop pressure generated by the honeycomb and screens. Due to its larger
area, the speed in the settling chamber is the smallest along the wind tunnel, which makes it important to place such
straightener elements in this section, since their contribution to the overall pressure loss is minimized. This section is very
important for the wind tunnel project as it smoothes out irregularities caused by the fan and minimizes inconsistencies
generated in the diffuser expansion (Lindgren and Johansson, 2002). When the flow requirements are of low quality, this
section is a simple duct of constant section, which connects the diffuser outlet to the contraction inlet. However, when
high quality flow is desired, the straightener flow devices are installed to improve flow uniformity and reduce turbulence
levels at the contraction inlet. The most commonly used devices are screens and honeycomb (Hernández et al., 2013).
The screens are usually made of metal woven wires into the form of square or rectangular meshes, and installed
generally in the settling chamber to increase the flow uniformity and reduce turbulence levels. The screen makes the flow
velocity profile more uniform, imposing a static pressure loss proportional to the speed square. Thereby reduces the
23rd ABCM International Congress of Mechanical Engineering
December 6-11, 2015, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil

boundary layer thickness and increases its ability to withstand a certain pressure gradient. The flow quality is based on
the blockage created by the screen, thus the wire diameter and the screen mesh are important parameters. These two
parameters can be related by the porosity (β), defined as the ratio of the projected open area and the total area of the
In order to find appropriate values of porosity screens, Mehta and Bradshaw (1979) conducted a series of experiments
using several screens with different porosities, in which concluded that screens with very low porosity (β≈0.3) produce
large fluctuations in flow. For low porosity (0.3<β<0.57), the screens also produce instabilities resulting from random
streamlines coalescence which supposedly set to form longitudinal vortexes, persisting throughout the contraction. They
concluded then that to be effective in reducing the turbulence, a screen must have a porosity in the range 0.58 to 0.8.
Screens are not very efficient to remove swirls and lateral velocity variations. Thus, honeycombs are used to solve
this problem. It is a passage of ducts, laid along the axis of main air stream to minimize the lateral velocity components
caused by swirling motion in the air flow during settling chamber entry. Many researchers have conducted studies to
investigate the optimal setting, aspect ratio and effect of the honeycomb in the flow conditions. Loehrke and Nagib (1976)
conducted some tests using a honeycomb made of plastic straws and found that fluctuations in the cross-flow components
were inhibited depending on the honeycomb cells length. According to Mehta (1977), to obtain the maximum benefit
from the honeycombs, the length/diameter cells ratio should be around 7-10. The cross sections of honeycomb cells
are not critical and they are chosen according to availability. However, to suppress the turbulence the use of small cells
is advisable. Kulkarni et al. (2011) conducted some numerical simulations to honeycombs of different shapes, in which
it was observed that the turbulence intensity decay rate is high up to a distance of around eight times the cell
diameter and there onwards the turbulence intensity decay rate has a much lesser effect. Using shorter honeycombs with
length-to-diameter ratio less than eight should not be preferred because of the initial high turbulence intensity decay rate.
Therefore, this ratio is considered as optimum for the honeycomb structures in wind tunnels.

2.4 Diffuser

The flow behavior through diffusers depends on its area ratio (A), the diffuser angle (2θ), its cross section shape and
walls contour. Other parameters such as flow conditions at the diffuser entrance and exit and the boundary layer control
elements, also influence the diffuser performance. Any combination of these parameters makes the flow passing
throughout the diffuser difficult to predict in detail. This problem is further complicated when there is occasionally the
presence of boundary layer separation caused by adverse pressure gradients present in the diffuser. These characteristics
make the diffuser one of the least understood flow devices (Barlow et al., 1999).
Many problems that occur in wind tunnels are caused by inappropriate diffusers designs. These problems are more
evident in large tunnels with high Reynolds numbers, where the boundary layer separation occurs suddenly for diffusers
angles greater than 8°. The problem of flow separation is caused by the sudden change in the wall curvature at the diffuser
inlet. This abrupt change is related to a strong decrease in pressure followed by a sharp increase of static pressure along
the wall. The higher the Reynolds number and the higher the speed at a certain distance from the wall, more the boundary
layer will be affected due to this change in wall contour. However, in order to keep the space requirements and the cost
as low as possible, most wind tunnels have large diffuser angles, known as wide-angle diffusers. Also, most diffusers,
especially those with area ratio larger than 3, have rectangular or square cross section. This is because rectangular diffusers
are much easier and cheaper to build than circular (Kramer and Gerhardt, 1984).
One of the most popular means of preventing separation in wide-angle diffusers is by introducing screens of perforated
metal or, more usually, woven wire gauze. Screens remove the direct effects of the boundary layer growth and flow
separation. Other boundary layer control methods include splitter system, suction slots, trapped vortex and vanes, and
their use is preferred with diffusers in very severe geometries (A> 5, 2θ> 50 °) (Mehta and Bradshaw, 1979). A clear
evidence of the effect of these methods on the flow quality can be observed in the study performed by Calautit et al.
(2014), in which a diffuser with 3 horizontal splitting plates with 0.25 m spacing and 3 vertical splitting plates with 0.17
m spacing were installed inside the diffuser. The effect of the splitting plate was investigated by CFD simulations and
they showed that without the splitting plate, the flow separation occurred at the downstream part of the diffuser. The
separation was reduced significantly following the integration of the splitting plate. This was evident from the uniformity
of the flow field at the diffuser exit which showed that velocity variation was reduced from 30% to 5%.


3.1 Specifications

The wind tunnel configuration chosen in this work is a blower open-circuit tunnel. This configuration was chosen due
to the characteristics of the tests to be performed. Knowing the dimensions of the test section cross section, speed and
contraction ratio desired, the other components can be sized. The choice of these parameters for this project originated in
the evaluation of the room space available for the tunnel installation. The wind tunnel shall be installed in the
Turbomachinery Laboratory of the Federal University of Pará, which has a total length of 12 m available. However, it
Santos Jr, R. M, Mesquita, A. L. A. and Gemaque, M. L.
Development of an Open-Circuit Low-Speed Wind Tunnel

was established that the total length of the wind tunnel must not be more than 9 m, including all its components. Thus,
three test sections were evaluated (1.0 x 1.0 m², 0.60 x 0.80 m² and 0.60 x 0.60 m²) for contraction ratio values between
6 to 10, as stablished in Section 2.2, to obtain the best combination that meets to the design requirements. Based on the
values obtained, the 1.0 x 1.0 m² test section was discarded because its total length exceeded the upper limit for all
contraction values. By comparing the remaining two sections, it was concluded that the best section would be 0.60 x 0.60
m². This is due to the fact that although the 0.60 x 0.80 m² section is within the established total length limit, this criterion
is achieved only for contraction ratio smaller than 8. Considering that the greater the contraction ratio, the better the flow
quality obtained in the test section, it is concluded then that the section which best meets the design requirements, using
the largest contraction ratio possible, is the 0.60 x 0.60 m² section with contraction ratio equal to 9 and total length of
8.25 m. Moreover, the desired speed on the test section is equal to 30 m/s, a value which is widely used in low speed wind

3.2 Dimensions of the wind tunnel components

As the input data has been established, it is possible to dimension the other components. Since the test section cross-
sectional area has been set, its length can be calculated. It was then decided by the length equal to 3 times the hydraulic
diameter of the test section, which is in accordance with the criterion defined in Section 2.1. The length of the test section
is therefore equal to 1.8 m.
The contraction outlet cross-sectional area is equal to the area of the test section, and since the contraction ratio is
ratio of the inlet and outlet areas of the contraction, the contraction inlet area, which is equal to the area of the settling
chamber, can be found.
The stabilizing section is square and therefore the contraction input is also square. Thus, its dimensions, height (Hi)
and width (Wi) can be calculated by the square root of the contraction inlet area. The contraction length is calculated using
the restrictions set by Mehta (1977), showed in Section 2.2. It was used then the ratio L/Hi as being equal to 1, resulting
in a contraction length of 1.8 m.
Following the design recommendations already discussed, the screen should have a porosity greater than 0.6 and less
than 0.8. Thus, among the screens commercially available, it has been chosen a galvanized steel screen with the wire
diameter (d) equal to 0.45 and mesh (M) equal to 2.08 mm. The screen porosity is therefore equal to 0.61, which is in
agreement with the reviewed literature. Two screens are installed in the settling chamber in order to improve the flow
Aiming at low cost and ease of manufacture the honeycomb, plastic straws having an inner diameter of 10 mm and
thickness of 0.05 mm were used. Thus, it is possible to calculate the cell length, which is equal to 8 times the diameter of
the cell. This value was found to be optimal for the length of the hive, as already presented in this paper. Therefore, the
honeycomb has a length of 80 mm.
Finally, the total length of the settling chamber can be found. For this purpose, the expression developed by Mehta
and Bradshaw (1979), which states that the distance between the screens should be 0.2 times the hydraulic diameter of
the settling chamber has been used. As the configuration of the test section consists of two screens, a honeycomb
(considered as a screen for this purpose) and an accommodation section, there are 3 free spaces among these components,
leading to a settling chamber with an overall length of 1.16 m.
The diffuser was the last component to be dimensioned due to its dependence with the discharge area of the blower.
Thus, it was chosen a diffuser to have an area ratio of approximately equal to 4, resulting in a diffuser angle equal to
2θ = 42°. The last parameter to be dimensioned is now the diffuser length, which can be calculated since the area ratio
and the diffuser expansion angle are known. Table 1 summarizes all the dimensions of the wind tunnel components.

Table 1. Dimensions of the wind tunnel components.

Test Section Contraction Settling Chamber Diffuser Blower Total Length

Cross Section 0,6 x 0,6 m² - 1,80 x 1,80 m² - 0,71 x 106 m²

Length 1,8 m 1,8 m 1,16 m 1,20 m 2,30 m 8,25 m

3.3 Blower Selection

To select the ideal fan to the wind tunnel, it is necessary to know the required flow rate in the test section and the
overall pressure drop of the wind wind tunnel. As the desired speed in the test section is 30 m/s and its cross section is
0.6 x 0.6 m², the wind tunnel has a volumetric flow rate required equal to approximately 38880 m³/h. Table 2 shows the
pressure loss of each wind tunnel component, the total drop pressure, and the speed throughout each component.
As the tunnel flow rate and total pressure drop are known, the next step is to select the fan among those available in
the market which can overcome this pressure drop and supply the required flow. The Vortex Software available for free
23rd ABCM International Congress of Mechanical Engineering
December 6-11, 2015, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil

from OTAM fans has been used to select the suitable fan. Among the many fans applicable to the project, the OTAM
RLD 710 double inlet was chosen for meeting the project requirements, having a reasonable cost and not occupy too
much space of the available room.

Table 2. Pressure loss and speed of each wind tunnel component.

COMPONENT Vi [m/s] Ki ΔPi = 0.5KiVi2 [Pa]

Discharge 30 1 553,5
Teste Section 30 0,0580 32,23
Contraction 16,67 0,0063 1,07
Settling Chamber 3,33 0,0106 0,07
Screens 3,33 0,2411 1,65
Honeycomb 3,33 0,0008 0,0016
Diffuser 14,3 0,7675 97,19
Damper 14,3 1,5 189,72
TOTAL 685,72


The test section was constructed in a square section of 600 x 600 mm², which has three sides made from plywood of
15 mm thickness and a side made of acrylic, in order to enable the visualization of the interior section and facilitate
observation of models and instruments that may be installed in the test section.
The contraction was built from the generation of its profile through the medium lines (Fig. 1a) obtained by the Bell
and Mehta (1988) polynomial. With the profile completely generated (Fig. 1b), it is now possible to fabricate the
The procedure used to build the contraction is to extract the profile of one side from the Fig 1b, print it in full scale
and then place the paper printed over the plywood sheets to draw the profile, in order to create a mold. This mold is than
used to cut all the plywood sheets necessary to fabricate the contraction.

Figure 1. Medium lines (a) and contraction contour (b)

Due to the great flexibility required to follow the contraction contour, three layers of plywood of 5 mm thickness were
used to construct contraction. To maintain the rigidity of the structure, each layer is fixed with screws.
The walls of the settling chamber were constructed with plywood sheets 15 mm thick, since flexibility is not needed
in this section. This section is divided into three parts: module with screens, module with the honeycomb and a constant
section to accommodate the flow before entering the contraction. The first module has two galvanized steel screens (Fig.
2a) fixed on supports made of square section steel bars 10 x 10 mm² welded (Fig. 2b), to promote greater rigidity to the
screen and prevent them to vibrate due to the flow. To secure screens in the settling chamber, notches were made in the
flanges where the flaps of the screens holders can be accommodated, not allowing any movement.
Santos Jr, R. M, Mesquita, A. L. A. and Gemaque, M. L.
Development of an Open-Circuit Low-Speed Wind Tunnel

Figure 2. Galvanized steel screens (a) and screens fixed on the support (b)

Still in the settling chamber, the honeycomb was constructed with plastic straws of approximately 10 mm diameter
and 80 mm in length. It was estimated that approximately 41000 cells would be required to fill the honeycomb. The straws
were glued together with faster drying glue on supports made of steel plates (50.8 mm x 3175 mm x 1800 mm) welded
together, similar to the screens supports. Figure 3 shows the honeycomb completely constructed. The rigidity of the
honeycomb is much larger than screens thus justifying its position at the end of the settling chamber.

Figure 3. Honeycomb completely built

The diffuser was designed to have 2 horizontal splitting plates with 600 mm spacing and 2 vertical splitting plates
with 600 mm spacing, technique similar to that used for Calautit et al. (2014) mentioned in Section 2.3. To maintain
structural rigidity of the component, both the diffuser walls and its splitter clusters are constructed of plywood sheets of
15mm thickness. Figure 4 shows the diffuser built with the splitting plates.

Figure 4. (a) Diffuser entry and (b) diffuser exit.

To attach a component to the other, flanges 2 cm thick and 5 cm height were constructed. Holes were made around
the flange in which screws 25.4 mm diameter 177.8 mm in length, washers and nuts are used to connect the system
components. In order to seal the internal environment from the external environment, to prevent flow leakage of the tunnel
to the environment, 8 mm thick rubbers were glued between the flanges.
In order to prevent the fan vibration to be transmitted directly to the wind tunnel body, a tarpaulin 30 cm in length has
been inserted. This device is important even though the vibration caused by the double-suction centrifugal blower is low.
In addition, the blower was provided with six vibration damper arranged at the corners of the fan base reducing the
vibration even more.
All wind tunnel components were reversed with laminate to provide a smoother outer surface and good aspect. In the
inner tunnel walls, plaster was used subsequently sanded to remove imperfections from the wood surface, which would
affect the flow within the tunnel. Finally, all components were painted with a special paint that provides a smoother
surface which can be cleaned without ink to be removed. Figure 5 shows the tunnel completely built with the fan
connected to it. The entire fabrication process lasted two months and the wind tunnel had a total cost of R$ 51,304.78,
which can be considered low relative to the price of wind tunnels available on the market.
23rd ABCM International Congress of Mechanical Engineering
December 6-11, 2015, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil

Figure 5. Wind tunnel


After the construction and assembly of the wind tunnel, the commissioning is necessary to ensure that all components
are operating under the expected conditions. One way to confirm that the wind tunnel is operating in good condition,
meeting the design conditions, is the evaluation of the velocity profile in the test section at different speed values. To
assess the velocity profile in the test section, it is divided into two lines (horizontal and vertical) through the cross section
center, which have been selected 25 points of interest within the mesh, as shown in Fig. 6a. The test was conducted for
three different speeds, 5, 15 and 25 m/s to verify the velocity profile behavior with increasing flow velocity. To measure
speed, a Pitot tube and a manometer KIMO MP 200, with pressure range of 0 to ± 500 Pa and accuracy of ± 1.5 Pa, were
used as shown in Fig. 6b.

Figure 6. Test section mapping points

In each point of the mesh, for each of the three speeds evaluated in this experiment, 12 velocity values were measured.
Thus, since there are a total of 25 measurement points in the mesh, 336 data points for each velocity are measured in an
interval of 1 min between each point. Figure 7a shows velocity profiles in a vertical direction and Fig. 7b the velocity
profiles in a horizontal direction for the three different speeds.

Figure 7. Velocity profiles in the (a) vertical and (b) horizontal directions
Santos Jr, R. M, Mesquita, A. L. A. and Gemaque, M. L.
Development of an Open-Circuit Low-Speed Wind Tunnel

It is noticed from both Fig. 7a and Fig. 7b that the flow profile for the three speeds is well developed and flat along
the vertical and horizontal positions in the test section, showing a good flow quality. It is also observed that as the speed
increases, the effect of wall roughness increases and speed decreases near it.


The main objective of this work was to develop a laboratory infrastructure for testing, mainly models of wind turbines
through wind tunnel construction, since the researchers involved in this area of research at the Federal University of Pará,
although they have extensive experience in numerical simulations in wind turbines, are lacking equipment for
experimental study and evaluation of these turbines.
After the design of wind tunnel components, the construction of its components began. All wind tunnel components
are made of plywood 15 mm thick, except that the contraction that was made with three layers of plywood of 5 mm
thickness. The overall duration of construction stage was 2 months. Finally, the wind tunnel commissioning was carried
out to ensure that all components of the tunnel were operating properly according to design requirements. One of the
design requirements was to obtain a wind tunnel, which flow in the test section was as stable as possible. To confirm that
this requirement was achieved, it was performed a mapping of the center lines in the horizontal and vertical positions,
which was divided into 25 points. To check the behavior of the wind tunnel operating at various speeds, three speeds were
evaluated (5, 15, 25 m/s). The results were very satisfactory, presenting a profile well developed in all tested velocities,
confirming the quality of the wind tunnel constructed.
It was concluded that the available literature for wind tunnel design, although they are quite old (majority), are still
very effective in wind tunnels project. The new wind tunnel acquired by the Federal University of Pará, especially the
Turbomachinery Laboratory, has a total length of 8.25 m, with contraction ratio equal to 9 and area of the test section of
600 x 600 mm², operating in good condition with a maximum speed of 30 m / s in the test section.


The authors would like to express their gratitude for the financial support from CNPQ (proc. no. 482.454/2013-0),
without which this paper would be impossible.


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Technical Reports from Royal Institute of Technology, Department of Mechanics, SE-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden.
Loehrke, R.I. and Nagib, H.M., 1976. “Control of free stream turbulence by means of honeycombs: a balance between
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Aeronaut. Soc., pp 443–449.


The authors are the only responsible for the printed material included in this paper.

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