Which Model Is Better, OSI or TCP - IP
Which Model Is Better, OSI or TCP - IP
Which Model Is Better, OSI or TCP - IP
Admin AfterAcademy
11 Feb 2020
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3/8/2021 Which model is better, OSI or TCP/IP?
It has rightly been said that each coin has two faces. Likewise, we can not
say that one model is the best and the other is the worst. Both of them have
some advantages and disadvantages as well. One model can work fine for
one case and worst for the other. So in this blog, we'll take some major
points which are essential in a network connection and communication,
and then evaluate which model is better for which case.
First, we will see the various similarities between the OSI and TCP/IP
models. The similarities between them are as follows:
1. Reference Model: Both the OSI as well as the TCP/IP are reference
models. This means that we can take a reference or help from the
specification of these two models during implementing the network.
2. Layered Architecture: Both the OSI and TCP/IP model have a layered
architecture. Each layer provides different functionalities in the
network. The OSI model has generally 7 layers, while the TCP/IP has 5
3. Protocols: Both the OSI as well as the TCP/IP model makes use of
different protocols in different layers for the proper implementation of
the model over the network.
4. Functionalities: The layers of the OSI and the TCP/IP model provides
approximately the same functionality. The Application layer of the
TCP/IP model acts as the upper three layers(Application, Presentation,
and Session layer) of the OSI model, while the Internet layer in the
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3/8/2021 Which model is better, OSI or TCP/IP?
TCP/IP model acts as the Network layer of the OSI model. Rest of the
layers in both the models works the same.
Now, we will see which model is better in which case, and we'll also see the
dissimilarities between the models.
Following are the dissimilarities between the OSI and the TCP/IP model:
3. Area Focused: The OSI model is a generic model, and hence universal
in nature. It can be used accordingly in different types of networks as
per the specifications. On the other hand, the TCP/IP model is
dependent on protocols and is compatible with the current Internet
architecture. Thus, the TCP/IP model is able to solve only a specific set
of problems. So, if someone needs a universal model that can be
applied to different networks, they should choose the OSI model. But if
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3/8/2021 Which model is better, OSI or TCP/IP?
6. Modularity: Both models are modular in nature. But the OSI model
has more layers(7) as compared to the TCP/IP model(5 layers). Hence,
the OSI model is more modular then the TCP/IP model, and the
functionalities of each module are clearly specified in the OSI model.
So, if someone is focusing on a more modular network with proper
functionalities, they should go for the TCP/IP model.
packets. On the other hand, in the TCP/IP model, the transport layer
facilitates both connection-oriented as well as connectionless transfer,
and hence it does not guarantees the delivery of data packets. So, we
can use the OSI model if we want to guarantee the proper data delivery
over the network.
9. Reliable and Secure Connection: The OSI model does not have any
special mechanism for providing a reliable and secure connection for
data transmission. On the other hand, the TCP/IP model has a 3-way
handshake mechanism for providing a reliable and secure connection
link oner the network. So, we can opt for the TCP/IP model is we want a
reliable and secure network connection.
Thus, we can conclude that both models have their own advantages and
disadvantages. If someone is focusing on the proper documentation,
specification, and modularization, they should prefer the OSI model over
the TCP/IP model. But if someone is focusing more on the implementation,
reliability, and security of the network, they should prefer the TCP/IP
model over the OSI model.
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