Adjective Opinions: Activity Type
Adjective Opinions: Activity Type
Adjective Opinions: Activity Type
Adjectives that end -ed describe emotions. They tell us how people
Aim feel about something, e.g. 'I was very bored in English class. I
To practice -ed and almost fell asleep'.
-ing adjectives and
Adjectives that end -ing describe the thing that causes the
understand how they are
emotion, e.g. 'Boring English lessons make me feel sleepy'.
Provide the students with more examples if necessary.
Next, divide the class into pairs (A and B).
Make one copy of the
worksheet for each pair Give each student a corresponding part of the worksheet.
of students.
Tell the students to complete the sentences with true information
about themselves.
Level When the students have finished, they take it in turns to read
Intermediate their sentences to each other.
35 minutes After that, have the students test each other by exchanging
worksheets and reading their partner’s completed sentences, but
instead of saying the adjective, they use the word 'blank'.
Student A
B. Now, take it in turns to read your sentences to each other. Explain your answers and
keep the conversation going by asking questions.
C. Exchange worksheets and read your partner’s completed sentences, but instead of
saying the adjective, use the word 'blank'. Your partner must repeat the sentence back,
adding in the adjective.
Student B
B. Now, take it in turns to read your sentences to each other. Explain your answers and
keep the conversation going by asking questions.
C. Exchange worksheets and read your partner’s completed sentences, but instead of
saying the adjective, use the word 'blank'. Your partner must repeat the sentence back,
adding in the adjective.