Expressions of Time - Race (Pre-Intermediate)

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ESL / EFL RESOURCES Time Prepositions Race

Activity Type Introduction

Reading and matching In this entertaining activity, students play a board game where
activity, group work they race against each other to land on time expression squares
that match with a time preposition on their card.

Language Focus Procedure

Time prepositions: in, on,
Divide the students into groups of three. Give each group a copy
of the game board, a dice and counters. Give each player one of
the three time preposition cards (in, on, at).
Time expressions with
and without a preposition
The game board contains time expressions that go with the three
time prepositions: in, on, at. However, there are also decoy time
expressions included on the board that have no preposition.
To play a board game The aim of the game is to be the first player to complete their
where you race against time preposition card with eight matching time expressions.
other students to land on
time expression squares Players take it in turns to roll the dice and move their counter
that match with a time along the board in any direction.
preposition on your card.
When a player lands on a time expression square that they think
matches with their time preposition, they tell the other players
Preparation that they want to write the time expression on their card.
Make one copy of the
The other players then confirm whether the time preposition and
game board and time
time expression match. If they agree, the player writes the time
preposition cards for each
expression on their card.
group of three. Cut the
cards out as indicated.
If the preposition and time expression don't match, the player
Also, provide a dice and
misses a turn. If the students are unsure, they can ask you for
counters for each group.

Level When a player lands on a square that they cannot use, play passes
to the next student.
When a player thinks they have won, check their card to make
sure their answers are correct.
25 minutes The first player to complete their card with eight matching time
expressions wins the game.

"Answer key on the next page"

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ESL / EFL RESOURCES Time Prepositions Race

Activity Type Answer key

Reading and matching
activity, group work At On

night Tuesday afternoon

Language Focus the weekend (UK) Sunday
Time prepositions: in, on, 2:30 p.m. the weekend (US)
lunch time my birthday
Time expressions with
Christmas New Year's Eve
and without a preposition
noon the 8th of June

Aim 3 o'clock the 6th of March

To play a board game sunset Friday
where you race against
other students to land on the moment Christmas Day
time expression squares
that match with a time In No preposition (decoys)
preposition on your card.
July today

spring tomorrow
Make one copy of the 2018 every day
game board and time the 20th century yesterday
preposition cards for each
group of three. Cut the the afternoon this morning
cards out as indicated.
Also, provide a dice and the future last night
counters for each group. the 1990s next week

10 minutes next year

a moment last year
this month

Time every night

25 minutes

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PDF tool in Acrobat. © 2017 Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.


ESL / EFL RESOURCES Time Prepositions Race

this the
sunset last night my birthday 3 o'clock next week
morning afternoon

New Year's the 20th

Eve century

Friday Christmas

the future 10 minutes next year

every day lunch time this month 2018 weekend tomorrow

the 1990s weekend 2:30 p.m.

Tuesday the 8th of

a moment
morning June

every night last year spring

the 6th of
July today night Sunday yesterday © 2017 Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.


ESL / EFL RESOURCES Time Prepositions Race



at © 2017 Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

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