419281162-Dm1-Syllabus-19-20-Fall 1

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Media I - 7935 Course Syllabus - Fall

Career and Technical Education - Trade and Industrial Program of Study

Course w ebsite : h

Course Description:
This course is intended to engage student learning in the field of Digital Media with hands-on
projects and “real world” activities. This course is based upon the development of a specific set
of skills that would be required in the field of Digital Media. Five specific competencies or skills
areas will be covered:
1) Graphic design
2) Animation
3) Audio production
4) Video production
5) Web design

Upon completion of this course students will be able to:
● Understand digital media and the relationship to society
● Understand business, safety, and legal issues in digital media
● Understand concepts and apply production methods to create digital graphics
● Understand concepts and apply production methods to create digital animations
● Understand concepts and apply production methods to create digital audio
● Understand concepts and apply production methods to create digital video
● Understand concepts and apply production methods to create web-based digital media

Required Materials:
1) Pen or Pencil
2) Google Drive account (provided by the school)

Structure of the Course:
Quizzes : Quizzes will be given over the period of the course to prepare for weekly tests.
Tests : Tests will be given over the period of the course to prepare for the Post-Assessment
Final Exam.
Exam: A Post-Assessment Exam will be given by the state at the end of the semester. This a
required exam for which there are NO exemptions.
Projects & Activities : Weekly projects will be assigned to develop the five specific
competencies or skills areas of the course. All projects and activities will follow strict deadlines
that must be met.

Digital Media I - 7935 Course Syllabus - Fall
Career and Technical Education - Trade and Industrial Program of Study

Grading Criteria
The grading criteria is broken into classroom quizzes, tests, projects and the final assessment.
The Final exam is 20% of the overall final grade, while quizzes, tests and project work are 80%
of the overall final grade.

Exam 20%
Tests/Projects & Activities 80%

TOTAL 100%

Expectations and Policies:
All students should be mature, motivated, and willing to broaden their understanding of the
course material, and be ready, willing, and able to work hard every day. This course is
demanding, and successful completion requires full determination and dedication from
beginning to end.

- Log onto the computer and begin the daily assignment upon entering the classroom.
- Respect your teacher, your classmates, and the equipment.
- Be quiet and respectful when the teacher is talking or when a student is asking/answering a
- Food and drink are not allowed so as to protect the equipment.
- Projects and Assignments will have specific deadlines that must be met.

All school policies and classroom rules will be rigidly enforced -- no exceptions! Students must
be familiar with and abide by the guidelines in the Student Handbook pertaining to such areas
as discipline, attendance, appearance, electronics policy, academic honesty, etc.

Digital Media I - 7935 Course Syllabus - Fall
Career and Technical Education - Trade and Industrial Program of Study

Course Calendar

Date Competency Assignment Essential Standard

Aug. 26-30 Graphics PS1 - Sandwich project 102.01 - 102.04

PS2 - Warhol project

Sept. 3-6 Graphics PS2 - Warhol project 102.01 - 102.04

PS3 - B/W Color project
Q1/T1-Elements/Principles of Design

Sept. 9-13 Graphics PS3 - B/W Color project 102.01 - 102.04

PS4 - Reflection project
Q2/T2 - Graphic Production

Sept. 16-20 Graphics PS5 - Magazine Cover project - Part A 102.01 - 102.04
DMA - Graphic Ad Campaign
Q3/T3 - Graphic Editing

Sept. 23-27 Graphics PS6 - Magazine Cover project - Part B 102.01 - 102.04
DMA - Graphic Ad Campaign
Q4/T4 - Graphic Tools

Oct. 1-4 Animation AN1- Bouncing Balls project 103.01 - 103.03

AN2 - Fly Swatter project
Q5/T5 - Animation (10/3)

Oct. 7-11 Animation AN2 - Fly Swatter project 103.01 - 103.03

AN3 - TV Ad project
DMA - AE Motion Graphics
Q6/T6 - Animation Production

Oct. 14-18 Animation AN4 - Snowboarder project 103.01 - 103.03

DMA - AE Motion Graphics
Q7/T7 - Animation Tools

Oct. 21-25 Audio AU1 - Billy Bob project 104.01 & 104.02
AU2 - Medley Mash UP project
Q8/T8 - Audio

End of First Quarter

PS=Photoshop project - AN=Animate project - AU=Audition project - GB=GarageBand project
PR=Premiere project - DW=Dreamweaver project - Q=Quiz - T= Test

Digital Media I - 7935 Course Syllabus - Fall
Career and Technical Education - Trade and Industrial Program of Study

Course Calendar

Date Competency Assignment Essential

Nov. 4-8 Audio GB1 - Foley project 104.01 & 104.02

DMA - Narrative Book project
Q9/T9 - Audio Production

Nov. 12-15 Audio GB2 - Album project 104.01 & 104.02

DMA - Narrative Book project

Nov. 18-26 Video PR1 - Jazz project 105.01 & 105.03

PR2 - Long Portrait project
DMA - Outliers book video project
Q10/T10 - Video (11/22)
Q11/T11 - Video Production (11/22)

Nov. 27-29 Thanksgiving Break

Dec. 2-6 Video PR2 - Long Portrait project 105.01 & 105.03
DMA - Outliers book video project
Q12/T12 - Camera Composition

Dec. 9-19 Web DW1 - Behance Portfolio Website 106.01 & 106.02
Design/ DMA - Outliers book video project
Portfolios/ Q13/T13 - Web Design (12/13)
Q14/T14 - Portfolios (12/13)

Dec. 20-Jan. 3 Holiday Break

Jan. 6-10 DM Society DM1 - Choice project 101.01 & 102.02

Q15/T15 - DM Society (1/10)
Q16/T16 - Safety/Legal (1/10)

Jan. 13-17 DM Exam Review Week 101-106

Jan. 21-27 DM Exam Period 101-106

End of 2nd Quarter

PS=Photoshop project - AN=Animate project - AU=Audition project - GB=GarageBand project
PR=Premiere project - DW=Dreamweaver project - Q=Quiz - T= Test

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