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“The Voice of Branch 68”

August 2021

The North Canterbury Amateur Radio

Club Inc. PO Box 14, Woodend 7641

E Mail: branch68radioclub@gmail.com

Meetings are held at the Woodend Youth Centre, unless

otherwise advised.


Meetings start at 1930hrs, unless otherwise stated.

Sunday August 1st 12:00pm

Mid Winter Dinner. Gardens Hotel, 110 marshlands Road, Shirley

Please RSVP to Don ZL3DMC. “don.macdonald379@gmail.com”

Host for August – Simon ZL3SI

August 12 – General Meeting followed by a presentation by Geoff ZL3GA.
Geoff is going to talk about the Banks Peninsula SOTA Epic which was held on Saturday 17th
July. This will be a great tale of determination and endurance – Not to be missed.
Nets and Frequencies
Canterbury 2M SSB Net 144.200MHz every Tuesday from 2000hrs (vertical polarisation)

Canterbury 6M Net 3850 6M Repeater Thursdays from 2000hrs (vertical polarisation)

Canterbury Area Net 5625 Repeater, 2000hrs on Sundays

National Broadcast last Sunday of the month at 2000hrs on 3.900MHz, National

System, 6975 and 705 Repeaters

Repeater Reports

Mount Grey 675 Repeater

On 19th September, the existing FM repeater was replaced by a Yaesu Fusion FM/Digital repeater.
For FM operation now, a ctcss subtone of 123.0 is required on both the tx and rx of radios to be able
to work it.
August update. All sections of the repeater are now working.

Mount Noble 6975 Repeater

MT Noble’s battery capacity has reduced to approx 50% due to

problems caused last year due to mice destroying the control board.
There is also a possible sensitivity issue under weak incoming signals.
This will require all cables and connectors to be checked on the next
visit. It is hoped to install the new solar panels on the next visit and
to also look at reinstating the link to the West Coast.
EastFest 2021

Saturday 11 September: 1000-1730 hr

Sunday 12 September: 0900-1230 hr
Venue: Ashburton Masonic Lodge, 111 Havelock Street, Ashburton

We will provide morning and afternoon refreshments but not lunch or

evening meals.

However, Saturday evening meal has been booked at:

Armadillo's, 246 Burnett Street, Ashburton at 1830 hr.

This will be a 2-course meal at $35 to be paid on the night.

Cost for the weekend - $15

There will be a raffle.

Tony ZL3HAM [ZL3HAM@scorch.co.nz]
General Meeting
The North Canterbury Amateur Radio Club
Held in the Clubrooms – 8 July 2021 at 1930hrs.

Don ZL3DMC (Chair) and 19 members and visitors as per the attendance book.

Were received and sustained from Bev ZL3OV and Mike ZL3TMB

Minutes of Previous Meeting:

Held on 10 June 2021 as circulated to members were taken as read and confirmed as a
true and correct record. (ZL3COL/ZL4WX)

Matter Arising: Nil


Inward - nil

Outward - nil

Accounts for Payment: Nil

Council Report:

Don ZL3DMC mentioned that ELG information will no longer be reported in Infoline.
Instead it can be found on the NZART website.

A new person has been added to the AREC Trust.

Council have created a Strategy Group to look into future planning of the organization.

Member News:

Geoff ZL3QR mentioned hearing some news of ZL3WZ Wynn Morgan recently, a past

Fire report: - Forest Rural Fire: (AREC supplied Comms / Logistics to Forestry Fire

Mon. 14/6/21. - Assistance call, one Forestry unit as second tanker, to a ceiling fire in a
rural house near Loburn. On arrival, fire was deemed to be out and they were not
Thurs. 1/7/21. - Assistance call, one Forestry unit to a hedge fire near Leithfield. First
arrival (Amberley) found it to be a controlled burn in the middle of a field, no action
required and stood Forestry unit down when just about to leave the station.

Geoff ZL3QR
Dep. S/L

AREC Report: Nil

Repeater report:
- Mt Noble going well. Brian ZL4WX is going to make some enquiries into the status
of the Greymouth link.
- Mt Grey has been sorted and is now going OK on both modes.

General Business:

- Don ZL3DMC advised that the Mid Winter Luncheon will be held on 1 August at
the Garden Restaurant at 12 noon. A subsidy of $10.00 per member was moved
by Denise ZL3HI/ZL3HAM

- Tony ZL3HAM reported on progress with Br 01’s Eastfest event to be held on

111/12 September – more info to come.

- Our Guest Speaker for the evening was Kelvin Barnsdale ZL3KB who gave a very
interesting talk on testing 7 Mhz groundwave signals over various terrains using
WWII No.48 and No.18 sets.

Meeting declared closed at 1950hrs.

Congratulations to 8 new Hams from the latest Ham Cram held 24/25 July
They are: Aston ZL3TA
Ben Jones ZL3BCJ
Ben Wolperts ZL4WO
Connor ZL3JCW
Robert ZL3RAP
Shawn ZL3SSR
Paddy ZL3PWL
If you hear them air give them a warm welcome to the hobby.
Annual Subscriptions
$40 Single, $50 Family

Payment by instalments can be arranged with the Treasurer

Bank details for Internet payment. Please include your Callsign / Name. ANZ Bank: 01 0877

Branch 68 Officers

President Don MacDonald ZL3DMC 03 327 7415

Vice President Tony Buckland ZL3HAM 03 312 5352
Secretary Grant Daniel ZL2GD 027 439 4234
Treasurer Denise Hider ZL3HI 03 313 4907
AREC S/Leader Don MacDonald ZL3DMC/ZK9EG 03 327 7415
Ragchew Editor Don MacDonald ZL3DMC 03 327 7415
Committee Tony Buckland ZL3HAM 03 312 5352
Grant Daniel ZL2GD 027 439 4234
John Van Dijk ZL3MR 0274879057
Geoff Gooch ZL3AL 03 920 2800
Simon Hill ZL3SI 021 210 1786
Brian Holland ZL4WX 021 793 871

Webmaster Don MacDonald ZL3DMC/ZK9EG 03 327 7415

Repeater Trustees
6975 Geoff Gillman ZL3QR 03 313 7137
Brian Holland ZL4WX 021 793 871

675 Geoff Gillman ZL3QR 03 313 7137

Richard Smart ZL4FZ 03 385 8355

ZL3RR Geoff Gillman ZL3QR 03 313 7137

CALENDAR for 2021

General Meeting - Second Thursday at 1930 (7.30pm)

Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

12 9 14 11 9

Committee Meeting - Fourth Thursday at 1930 (7.30pm)

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

26 23 28 25

Branch 68 Marketplace
Club Monograms (cloth) $9.00 - Club Badges (metal) $6.50

Enquiries to Denise ZL3HI, phone (03) 313 4907

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