Table / There Are / Behind / Apartment / Sofa / Are There / Kitchen / There Is / Bus Stop
Table / There Are / Behind / Apartment / Sofa / Are There / Kitchen / There Is / Bus Stop
Table / There Are / Behind / Apartment / Sofa / Are There / Kitchen / There Is / Bus Stop
table / there are / behind / apartment / sofa / are there /
kitchen / there is / bus stop
Laura: I need a place where I can practice sports and ride
my bike. I also like nature. I love walking in the forest. I do
not like noisy places.
Person Example: Oak is appropriate for Luis because there
is a park.
There are many parks where you can play sports and
ride bicycles.
Laura Lakeview There are natural places you can enjoy and walk.
There is no noise in this place, because it’s far from
the city.
In this neighborhood there is a commercial district
and usually there are restaurants and bars.
Dominic Palm Boulevard You can go shopping because there are many shops.
Traffic jams aren’t a problem for Dominic has a bike
and rides it.
Daniel would like the neighborhood, because there is
Daniel New Aurora an airport and a subway station nearby.
There is also a park where you can walk your dog.