AA3-Evidence 2 The Perfect Neighborhood For Each Person
AA3-Evidence 2 The Perfect Neighborhood For Each Person
AA3-Evidence 2 The Perfect Neighborhood For Each Person
a. Lisa and David are talking about Lisa’s new apartment. Complete the
conversation using the words from the box. There are more words than
options: / Lisa y David están hablando sobre el nuevo apartamento de Lisa.
Complete la conversación usando las palabras del recuadro. Hay más
palabras que opciones para completar:
b. You are going to read about three people and three neighborhoods. After you
read, select the best neighborhood for each person by completing the chart
next to the text. / Usted va a leer sobre tres personas y tres barrios. Después
de leer, seleccione el barrio apropiado para cada persona completando el
cuadro que aparece después de la actividad.
Appropriate Example: Oak is appropriate
neighborhood for Luis because there is a
Laura Lakeview The place is far from the
central city, so there isn’t any
Dominic NEW AURORA There are many stores,
restaurants and bars. The
place is really modern
Daniel Palm Boulevard The place is surrounded by a
lake and there is a park next to
it. It is near the metro station,
5 minutes from the airport and
10 minutes from the city .there
is good transportation and
there is a park from the dog!!
When you finish your work, send the file to your instructor through the platform
as follows:
Criterios de evaluación
Describe su entorno respecto a lugar de residencia, estudio y/o trabajo
usando la estructura y vocabulario requeridos.
Describe la existencia y ubicación de algo singular y plural con la
estructura y el vocabulario requeridos.
Usa las preposiciones de lugar con la estructura y el vocabulario