Listening Terry Butler

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Occupational English Test

Listening Test
This test has three parts. In each part you will hear a number of different extracts. At the start of
each extract you will hear this sound:-beep. You will have time to read the questions before you
hear each extract and you will hear each extract once only. Complete your answers as you listen.
At the end of the test you will have two minutes to check your answers.

Part A
In this part of the test, you will hear two different extracts. In each extract, a health professional
is talking to a patient. For questions 1-24, complete the notes with information you hear. Now
look at the notes for extract one.

Extract 1: Questions 1 to 12
You hear an otolaryngologist talking to a patient named Terry Butler. For questions 1-12,
complete the notes with a word or short phrase.
You now have thirty seconds to look at the notes.
Patient: Terry Butler
Reason for referral: possible vasomotor rhinitis
 Experiences (1)……………… especially in the morning
 Noticed some (2)…………………..
 Reduced (3)…………………….
 Has been (4)…………………… throughout the day
 Painful blockage at times
 (5) ……………………
Treatment history
 (6)……………………..test
 Blood test
GP Investigation
 Nil medications
 -nil viral infection
 Ceased (7)………………..
GP advice
 (8)…………… help to
 (9)………………several times a day
 (10)………………before sleep
General health
 Generally fit and healthy
 Ex-smoker (14 years) quit due to (11)………….
 Moderate drinker
 Has regular exercise
 Member of a (12)…………….

Patient: Jane Brown

New patient after moving to the area

Patient’s description of symptoms: ulnar sided pain and numbness

 Radiates to the (13)…………………………….

 Intermittent for two weeks
 Pain worsens (14)…………………….
 Feels like a (15)…………….being tightened
Initial treatment
 Rested the arm (16)………….
 Alternated ice and warm compress
 Tried (17)…………….medication (one week)
Vacation: Student
 In her (18)………………at University
Daily Routine
 Sitting 10 hours+ per day
 (19)………………regularly pressed against the desk
 Arms stationery for extended periods
 Noticeable (20)…………….in arms
 -university tutorial –leans against desk
 University lectures uses (21)………with correct posture

Physical activity

 Plays (22)……….once per week

 Swims twice per week
 Started (23) six months ago
 Hasn’t played (24)…………………

Part B
In this part of the test, you’ll hear six different extracts. In each extract, you’ll hear people
talking to different healthcare setting. For questions 25-30 choose the answer (A, B or C)
which fits best according to what you hear. You will have time to read each question before you
listen. Complete your answer as you listen.
Now look at question 25 - 30
25. You hear a nurse talking to her colleague about a patient’s request to leave the ward. The
nurse is concerned that the patient
A. should not be left unaccompanied
B. has overestimated his progress
C. Is not physically ready to walk

26. You hear a paramedic briefing a doctor on a recent emergency admission. The paramedic
says it’s important to
A. try to settle the patient
B. notify the patient’s family
C. keep the patient hydrated
27. You hear an anesthetist talking with a patient prior to her surgery. What does the patient want
to know?
A. Potential risks while anaesthetized
B. Post-operative pain management
C. The length of sedation involved

28. You hear a trainee doctor telling her supervisor about an uncomfortable situation she recently
encountered with an end of life patient. The trainee found it difficult to
A. connect with the family member
B. maintain control of her emotions
C. provide advice on the best course of action

29. You hear a nurse briefing a colleague at the end of his shift. What does he instruct his
colleague to do?
A. monitor the patient’s pain level
B. Ensure the patient remains lying down
C. keep the patient’s wife up to date

30. You hear a veterinarian and the owner of a cat discussing how to give insulin to her pet.
What does the veterinarian say is most important?
A. giving more than the recommended dose
B. keeping the insulin refrigerated
C. Avoiding shaking the bottle
Part C
In this part of the test, you will hear two different extracts. In each extract, you will hear a health
professional talking about aspects of their work. For questions 31-42, choose the answer (A, B
or C) which fits best according to what you hear. Complete your answers as you listen. Now
look at extract one.
Extract 1: Questions 31-36
You now have 90 seconds to read questions 31-36
31. What began Henry’s special interest in macular degeneration?
A. seeing the impact it had on his own family
B. treating many patients over a 30 year career
C. observing the isolation that comes from the disease

32. In Henry’s opinion, what is the most troubling aspect of the disease?
A. the inability to recognize the faces of loved ones
B. the psychological impact it can often generate
C. the changes it causes to a person’s daily existence

33. Henry thinks that the traumas associated with loss of vision are
A. Sometimes overlooked within the optometry community
B. commonly misconceived as part of the aging process
C. less understood than with many other diseases

34. Henry believes that macular degeneration patients initially keep their fears to themselves
because they
A. are scared to admit they have a serious condition
B. do not feel completely comfortable discussing their disease
C. consider their disease minor in comparison to total blindness
35. Why did Henry choose his patient called Jennifer to test his new method?
A. because she had a special kind of macular degeneration
B. because of her negative reaction to her condition
C. because her illness was worsening at a fast rate

36. Henry says that preventing macular degeneration is about

A. checking signs of visual impairment immediately
B. continuing current research into treatment
C. beginning with positive changes into one’s life

37. Rebecca says that a challenge many healthcare providers face with overweight patients is
A. establishing a strong relationship
B. balancing aspects of communication
C. timing their discussions effectively

38. Rebecca believes that demonstrating sensitivity when discussing weight is

A. established from the outset of the consultation
B. sometimes misunderstood by healthcare providers
C. directing language away from term obesity

39. Rebecca suggests that asking open-ended questions

A. helps eliminate any personal prejudice
B. covers many barriers with a single sentence
C. is the ideal way to begin the consultation
40. When consultations prove difficult, Rebecca suggests
A. focusing on the patient’s general health rather than obesity
B. convincing the patient that support is never out of reach
C. changing the way the patient views their weight problem

41. Rebecca thinks that a patient’s continuing education

A. should include of a small amount of obtainable objectives
B. can present new demands for the healthcare provider
C. must include the family in order to be successful

42. According to Rebecca, motivational interviewing is about the healthcare provider

A. utilizing well established practices in patient conduct
B. taking charge of the changes to a patient’s behavior
C. understanding the patient’s individual situation

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