Task 2 Case Notes: James Hutton: Time Allowed

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Task 2 Case Notes: James Hutton

Read the case notes below and complete the writing task which follows.

Time Allowed
Reading Time: 5 minutes
Writing Time: 40 minutes

Today’s Date

You are a registered nurse at the Queensland Eye Hospital and you are responsible for
the care of Mr James Hutton following the operation he had today (Right Corneal

Patient Details

 Name:              James Hutton

 Address:          “Lilyvale" Mugalala
 Queensland, 4461
 Phone:              07 45678910
 Date of Birth:   25/03/1926
Medical History 

 Blind in left eye following corneal tear in 2006

 Corneal graft to right eye in 2009 

 Cornea in right eye is now distorted and needs replacement
 Hypertension diagnosed 2008 
Social History 

 Marital status:            Widowed

 Next of kin:                 William Hutton (son)
 Employment:               Retired grazier
 Religion:                      Church of England
Background Information 

 Lives in separate accommodation with his son and his family on the family

 Is generally independent despite limited navigational vision in his right eye

and no sight in his left eye

 Able to walk without assistance and assist with light work on farm
 World War 2 veteran and has a Gold Card which means his expenses for all
health care and related transport are paid by the Department of Veterans’
Affairs (DVA)   

Current Medication 

 Atacand  4 mg mane

 Lipex 10mg nocte

 Chloromycetin Eye Drops 1 drop in right eye QID

 Prednefrin Forte Eye Drops 1 drop in right eye QID (Shake well before use
and give 1 – 2 minutes after Chloromycetin)

 Tenopt Eye Drops  1 drop to left eye only  BD

 Panadol  1 gram PRN (Maximum 4 grams per day)

Nursing care needs 

Mr Hutton was given sedation and a local anaesthetic to his right eye. The local
anaesthetic was a full block and he will not be able to open the right eye for several
hours.  He will be totally without sight until this occurs and should then have
restricted vision.  A clear eye shield must remain on his right eye at night, to protect
from knocks while sleeping.  He will need assistance with mobility, showering and

Dark Glasses have been provided by eye hospital to cut down glare when outdoors, if

Mr Hutton has an appointment with his eye surgeon at 11am tomorrow.  He should be
ready for discharge by 10.am when a carer will transport and assist him to the
doctor’s surgery.   

Writing Task

The Queensland Eye Hospital provides day surgery only and does not provide over-
night care.  Patients who need nursing care over-night are sent to a Post -Operative
Care Residence.  Using the information in the case notes, write a letter to the
Registered Nurse at the Post Operative Care Residence explaining Mr Hutton’s
condition and the care he will require.

In your answer:

 Expand the relevant case notes into complete sentences

 Do not use note form 
 The body of the letter should be approximately 180~200 words
 Use correct letter format

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