Many thanks to Dr. Max Quanchi of the University of the South Pacific (USP) for his professional expertise in providing
advice in the progress of the writing of this text. We also acknowledge Ms Angela Lee of BEMTUP for designing the cover.
The Social Science workgroup is also acknowledged for their contribution in the final editing of the text; Ms Tulia Tuiqilai of
St. Joseph’s Secondary School, Mrs. Saleshni Chandar of Nabua Secondary School, Mrs Hakil Dil of Jai Narayan College,
Mr. William Fonorito of Assemblies of God High School and Mr. Kunau Veibataki of Lami High School.
Also acknowledged is the 2011 moderation team of Labasa and Lautoka, the Social Science Department of AOG High
School, Mrs Vaseva Saulekaleka, Mrs Sisilia Vurewa for their contribution and the following people who were engaged in the
initial stage of the book; Mr. Mikaele Vakasilimiratu [CDU], Mr. Seci Waqabaca [CDU], Miss Lanieta Veibataki [CDU] and
Mrs. Sovaia Dokonivalu of Ratu Kadavulevu School.
The book is to assist Social Science teachers and students in the teaching and learning of the subject and also to enable
teachers to identify related resources and information that will contribute to effective teaching and learning.
There are three chapters in the book with a number of units making up a chapter. Each chapter represents a major theme
from the syllabi and teachers can identify the relevant chapter to support the topic or unit in discussion. Students will also
find the book user friendly and simple to follow.
Unit 2 of Chapter 2 is about Current affairs. We are living in a forever changing global village. Teachers are encouraged to
integrate these topics into lessons throughout the year. It is important for students to know what is happening around them,
the events and changes and how these changes influence their lives and society.
This chapter discusses why and how people organize themselves into cultural and social
groups and the processes involved in demonstrating acceptable cultural and social
• Groups • Citizenship
• Types of Culture
• Traditional Society
• Modern Society
• Society that blend both modern and traditional aspects
A. Traditional Society
Traditional societies are normally smaller in size and people living in it are related. They share similar lifestyle and common
values. Changes also take place in this society but at a slower rate. They may adopt new technology, clothes and food, but
still keep their core values and beliefs.
Such society can be found in rural areas, villages and areas which are still developing. They use varieties of skills to provide
for their needs and wants for their everyday survival. Many of these skills are learnt from the older generation in the society
and are passed down to the younger generation. For example, gathering of food, building of homes and means of
Many of these societies today have been transformed due to the influence of other societies and the outside world.
Horticultural Pastoral
In this society, people survived by gathering edible wild plants, by hunting and killing wild animals and collecting seafood.
These skills were obtained through observation and imitation.
People who live in this type of society are usually known as hunters and gatherers. They are nomadic in nature. They
lived in smaller groups of less than 50 and worked together to get enough food to survive. Hunters and gatherers are known
to have expert knowledge about their natural environment. If foods became scarce, they picked up their few possessions
and moved to another area. They did not build permanent shelters. In places where permanent supply of water and food
were available they began to settle down.
- They learnt to anticipate the seasons. For example, when fruits and root crops would mature and when animals
- Used primitive weapons for hunting and gathering
- Had simple life and needs
- Eskimos of Iceland
- Bushmen of Africa
- Highlanders of Papua New Guinea
- Hadza of Tanzania
- Aborigines of Australia
- Dani of West Papua
- Masai of Africa
- Mongolians of Mongolia
(Source: http/
I. On the outline Map of the World provided by the teacher, locate and name well known Hunting and Gathering
II. With the help of the teacher, make a poster of simple tools used by this type of society.
b. Pastoral Society
About 10 000 years ago, a cultural shift, known as the first agricultural (or Green) revolution began at several places in the
world. There was a shift from small mobile hunting and gathering bands to settled agricultural communities where people
learnt to breed and raise animals and cultivate wild plants. They were able to mass produce food to provide for the whole
village and developed small societies.
Pastoral people commonly believed in God/gods who take an active interest in human affairs and look after the people who
worship them. Hence, Christianity, Judaism and Islam began among pastoral people.
The two types of Pastoral Societies include Nomadic Pastoralist where there is no permanent home. Their movement is
determined by the seasonal rainfall and the need to find new sources of grass for their animals. For example, Bedouin and
Tuareg in Sahara, Rendile and Masai in Kenya, Fulani in West Africa. Semi-Nomads include animals as the source of life.
They provide food, milk, meat and blood, dung for fuel, transport, wool and skins for shelter and clothing.
Use the photograph given below and your knowledge to answer the questions that follow:
(ii) Give two reasons why the tender keeps moving his animals throughout the year.
People discovered that they could grow wild plants by digging holes with a stick (a primitive hoe) and placing roots or tubers
(fleshy stems of plants) of these plants in the holes. They cleared small patches of forests by slash and burn cultivation.
They used shifting cultivation, moving to a new plot once the fertility of the current plot decreases. This will allow the soil
to regain its fertility. Horticultural societies also practiced subsistence farming, just growing enough to feed the families.
• They have a fair knowledge of the soil, plant needs and climate that would enable them to obtain the maximum
yield without endangering the soil
• Few labourers
• No capital needed
• Harvest/yield is low ( only enough for the family and community need)
List some advantages of shifting cultivation in one column and disadvantages in another column.
About 7000 years ago, the use of agriculture increased with the invention of the wooden and then metal plough, pulled by
domesticated animals and steered by the farmer. Animal -pulled ploughs allowed farmers to cultivate larger plots of land and
to break up fertile grassland soils, which previously couldn’t be cultivated due to their thick and widespread root systems
(Source: https://www.=agriculture+in+fiji_images)
In some dry regions, early farmers further increased crop output by diverting water from nearby streams into hand dug
ditches and canals to irrigate crops.
• Towns and cities developed ( large population) relying on mass food production
• Transport and communication improved as roads were to be built to link settlement (For example, Ancient Egypt,
Roman Empire, and Chinese Civilization)
In the world today many people still practice hunting and gathering (called indigenous) while others still practice horticulture
and pastoral lifestyles. But most people live modern lifestyles usually in towns and cities – this is called industrial society. All
these exist side by side across the world. For example, in Buliya, Dravuni and Ono in Astrolabe Lagoon, Fijians still farm and
fish and care in small villages but other Fijians - 300 000 at least live and work in factories, shops and officers in a city –
A modern society is larger, has more diverse population and experiences more rapid and uneven cultural changes. This type
of society normally includes urban areas, industrial areas and areas where a lot of development is taking place.
• postindustrial societies [advanced industrial societies] are called information societies; produce information
Horticultural [C]
Segments of A, B, C
a. Industrial Societies
The next cultural change, known as the Industrial revolution began in Europe in the mid-1700s and spread to the US in the
1800s. This type of society greatly increased energy consumption and also used mass labour to alter and shape the earth to
meet their needs and wants. This led to increased production, trade and distribution of goods. It created industrial workers
who lived in cities, often overcrowded, informal housing (called slums), pollution and environmental damage. It also caused
a huge movement of people to the cities and overseas.
Companies made and used new machines powered by coal, oil and natural gas. Thus, the industrial revolution shifted from
use of wood and water fuel to coal, oil and natural gas.
• Huge centers of trade developed near raw materials and transport routes
• Urban areas functions different from rural functions ( for example, people in urban areas work in factories and
people in rural areas work in farms)
• More services are found in urban areas
• Rural areas have poor health, education, transport and support services
• Rural to urban drift began thus, new problems such as overcrowding, congestion and pollution arises
• Factories produced many goods ( mass production)
• Green Revolution ( shift from Agricultural base economy to cash/ commerce and Industries, air pollution,
congestion, urban problems and mass production of white goods)
• Increased production led to increased trade with the rest of the world
After WWI (1914-1918), more efficient machines and mass production techniques were developed forming the basics of
today’s advanced industrial societies in the USA, Canada, Japan and Western Europe. These societies are characterized
• Dependence on synthetic fiber rather than natural material which decomposes easily.
• New challenges/ problems such as global warming/ pollution exploitation of raw material or natural resources.
• Advance technology (computer age/space age) in transport, communications ,robots, satellites communications
• Tertiary industries (not primary or secondary)
Traditional societies had little or no impact on the natural environment because they
took only what they needed. However, there is huge destruction by modern societies in
terms of deforestation, emission of harmful gases, waste and industrialization.
2. Cut pictures from a magazine or newspaper and create a collage which shows the features Society
of modern society. Add a Title to the collage and one sentence to explain your message. Traditional Society
Collage: a lot of different pictures in one page – but which have one clear Modern society
Green Revolution
Hunting and gathering
Slash and burn
In a traditional i-Taukei society, the people are led by the chief or Turaga who, in the past happened to be the strongest,
powerful and could defeat his fellowmen in fights. Thereafter, his descendants also became chiefs or leaders. Status as a
chief in the society is known to be ascribed, meaning passed down from generations through inheritance.
In any i-Taukei society, everyone fits into the social structure because their place is followed according to their family and
social hierarchy. Their hierarchy determines the task and the responsibility they should carry out in their community. This is
known to be their social obligations/roles towards their vanua. An example of an i-Taukei hierarchy system is shown below.
Sau Turaga (the chief
(the chief) executive)
Matanivanua (the
Bati (the warrior)
(the priest)
Mataisau (The fisherman)
(The commoner)
Discussion Point!
With your teacher, discuss the roles and responsibilities of the above status in an i-Taukei society.
Social structure in the Indian society is demonstrated through the caste system whereby people are strictly divided
according to birth and occupation.
The Brahmins were of the highest caste while the Shudras were of the lowest caste.
Brahmins (Priests)
Kashtriyas (Warriors)
Vaishyas (Cultivators)
Shudras (Slaves)
Below the castes were the untouchables whom Gandhi (pictured above) called the Harijan (‘Children of God’)
The first Indians came to Fiji in 1879 as indentured labourers. Their caste system was broken down during their journey to
Fiji because the castes mingled and socialized with others on the crowded ships and labor lines. This mixing was strictly
prohibited back in India.
(iii) Identify and describe the caste that is still practiced in Fiji.
(iv) Identify any other racial group you are familiar with and describe their social structure.
(v) State the differences and similarities between the Indian Caste System and i-Taukei Social System.
(vi) Identify your social status and describe your roles and responsibilities.
Discussion Point! Social Structure
First world
Third world
In modern societies, people still follow old methods of awarding class and status. But new ways of dividing societies have
In a more contemporary setting, organisations are still structured today in such a way that there is a leader who makes sure
that the society is well under control.
In schools, companies and organizations, the leader is chosen by looking at a person’s educational qualifications, skills and
years of experience. Hence, status is achieved, meaning one has to work hard to get a leadership position. In modern
A family’s status is determined by different criteria. These include wealth, level of education, occupation as well as place of
origin, ancestors and personal qualities. Gender is another criterion in determining your place in a social structure. Each
family has a social structure – Mother, Father, Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents, older children and younger children.
Vice Principal
Assistant Principal
Each level in a school has different functions and their functions contribute to the administering and running of the school.
Teacher to divide the class into 5 groups and each group must be allocated to one of the levels of leadership in the school
organization. The group then should list down at least 5 roles of the level allocated to them.
Factory Quality
The diagram above shows a general organization in a service, retailing or production company.
Structure in organizations may differ from each other as it depends on the function of that organization. For instance, a
service organization would be different from a factory, an army, a church group or a sports club. The structure therefore
determines and contributes to the operation and day to day running of the organization.
People organize themselves into groups and they have different structures. There are mainly two types of groups, primary
and secondary.
[Informal] [Formal]
Primary group is also known as informal group. It is usually the first group that a person belongs to e.g. family, friends.
Members of this group have personal knowledge of each other and interaction always occur in informal ways. The groups
have expected norms of behaviour which are not written but have ways of understanding each other.
• Unwritten rules
• Small in number
Secondary group or formal group on the other hand has written rules and regulations.
Secondary group is made up of a wider collection of people who do the same type of work and share same interests e.g. co-
operatives, clubs and political parties. Leaders in such groups are elected.
Traditional and modern societies never stop needing and wanting things. Changes that are occurring in our society and
around us have influenced our needs and wants. Things may have been our ‘wants’ at one time but is now becoming our
‘needs’. For example, money and mobile phones.
Needs are always defined as those things we must have in order to survive. Our basic needs are food, clothing, water and
shelter. For some who live in the city, now also consider having a car as a need as they need transport to take them from
point A to point B.
Other needs include our interaction with one another, as well as our emotional and spiritual development as individuals and
as a society. For example, the need to be loved, need to feel safe and the need for companionship. It is also believed that
our needs help shape our behaviour.
Wants are those things which make life more enjoyable. At times these wants becomes a need. For example a radio would
become a need during disaster.
iii. Collect 3 or 4 pictures of needs and wants and paste them in your book under separate headings.
Human beings are not born with rigid, complex behaviour patterns. They are not born with skills to survive in specific
habitats. We must therefore learn and invent ways to adapt to any type of society no matter how extreme it could be. From
the rainy hills and mountains of Naitasiri, to the wetter areas of Rewa or the hot sunny weather of Western Viti Levu, we
must learn to adapt. In other words, the members of each society gradually develop and share a culture – an entire way of
life that is acceptable to everyone.
Culture can be expressed in many ways, in songs, food we eat, clothes we wear, Arts, designs of buildings, stories and
many more. It also becomes part of our identity and people can be identified through their cultural activities, for example,
traditional dances and songs, costumes and artifacts.
- Material Culture
(i) Material culture –includes all the artifacts, clothing, schools, totems, (physical objects).
(ii) Non Material culture- includes all abstract human creations such as language, beliefs, rules, customs, myths and
Anthropologists say that material culture can change easily and fast. For example, a person can quickly change fish
bone to iron tools, from wooden clubs to machine guns, from masi to Levi jeans but non-material culture is slow to
change. Ideas, languages and customs are much slower to change and often remain the same for hundreds of years.
(i) Find out the meaning of your name and share it with the class.
(ii) Describe two important aspects of material and non - material culture
Each society has its own way of celebrating traditional ceremonies, customs and rites. Common ceremonies celebrated or
observed by all societies are births, weddings and deaths.
In Fiji, different cultural groups have different ways of carrying out celebrations and in many cases take a number of days to
end. For example, mourning a death may last a week for certain cultural groups and as for the i-Taukei community, it may
last 100 nights. Likewise births and weddings also take few days to end its celebration. Wallis and Futuna people in Fiji
celebrate a marriage differently to iKiribati or Solomon Islanders now living in Fiji.
However, due to changes taking place in our culture and society, changes have influenced these traditional celebrations. An
example of i-Taukei custom changing is evident in the fire walking of Beqa. It had traditional significance for the people of
Beqa. However, it has now become commercialized for the sake of tourism.
Debate: organize the class in to two teams and debate on the given topic
(i) In a group, prepare a role play on how a birth, death or wedding is celebrated in your culture.
The norms of a society are an expression of its values. Almost at all times we dwell on what we value the most in life. Some
values are written in the Constitution, others become Laws.
The difference between values and norms are that values are abstract, general ideas, whereas norms are specific
guidelines for people in particular kinds of situation. For example, if we share a value called “knowledge, learning and
education” then certain norms are established – the government provides schools, parents save to pay for the fees or
uniforms and attendance at school is compulsory.
• Religion - which tries to explain the meaning of life and the standards through which men find the good life
• Family - which by shaping attitudes and understanding of oneself, passes on its moral values of right and wrong
from generation to generation
• Society – which sets standards of behavior and creates rules and laws
However, you may discover that some of your values and attitudes are in conflict with those of your parents and
grandparents. One of the factors that bring about this conflict is Generation Gap.
1. List two values which causes conflict between you and your parents.
2. Carry out a role paly to demonstrate ways in which conflict arises from these differences can be resolved.
3. Relate to the class an example of a conflict that took place between you and your parents or grandparents.
These are shared rules and guidelines that prescribe the behaviors appropriate in a given
Social norms define how people ought to behave under particular circumstances in a particular society. For example,
certain behaviour is expected when visitors are in the house or when you visit someone else’s home.
Norms ensure that social life proceeds smoothly. Norms shape our behavior and those of others. Norms are set by parents,
religion and society.
All of us break some norms one time or the other, however we still make sure that we improve and continue practicing that
which is expected.
4. How are traditional values different from western values? (you might mention freedom, property ownership, time, wealth
and success)
Virtues usually mean leadership, integrity, strength and inner quality, (The Virtue Project, 2004). Virtues helps us to realize
who we are, what we can do and also enable us to work towards becoming a better person.
Discussion Point
(i) As a student, identify one way you can practice one of these virtues successfully?
(ii) Identify a virtue and explain how it has helped you to become a better student.
(iii) For you personally, which are the three most important virtues – list them.
(iv) Compare your list with classmates. See if you can agree on the most important virtues - make these a ‘Class List of
These are behaviours that are considered to be polite, courteous, and respectful and are acceptable in society. Acceptable
behaviour is important because it brings about order in the society, respect and good attitudes.
Behaviour in school may differ with those expected at home or church. However, some behaviours are common at all
places. For example, you are expected to speak politely in school, at home or in church, in parliament or in public.
A goal is an aim in life which you desire very much and which you are willing to work towards. Your goals will help you
determine the kind of life you will eventually live.
There are two types of goals one can work towards, mean goals and end goals. Both goals are important as it makes you
become a better person and also achieve something in life. Without setting these goals, one may not be able to identify what
is needed in life and how to achieve it.
1. Mean Goals: are those things you would like to acquire. They are habits you usually see in a person you respect
and admire and those which you want to adopt yourself such as honesty, being ambitions, being responsible,
patient, forgiveness, loving and politeness.
2. End Goals: are ultimate goals you set for yourself and what you want to do with your life such as travel overseas,
having many children, get a university degree, be an investor, become Prime Minister or a rock star.
ii. Explain three ways in which End goals can influence the life of a young person.
Patterns are found in language, marriage, etiquette, myths and rituals and so forth. Universal culture encourages cultural
diversity or multiculturalism.
Cultural Diversity refers to the many ethnic groups living together with various cultural characteristics.
Multiculturalism occurs in societies where people of various cultural backgrounds integrate and share values and ideas.
There are certain aspects of behavior that all societies will experience. Here are four important aspects of behaviour found in
nearly all societies;
i. Integration – process whereby one keeps his or her own culture and adopts good things from other cultures, for
example, i-Taukei learning to make roti, Indian males wearing Sulu vakataga.
ii. Culture Shock- Due to contact with other cultures, many people have been influenced and have experienced
culture shock. Culture shock occurs when an unprepared person finds himself/herself in a strange culture. Usually, he
or she will not know and not be able to identify what is best for him or her to do in a certain situation they have been in
iii.Marginal People- When realizing the types of culture around them, many may find it difficult to decide which is best. A
person may become a marginalised because they become torn between two cultures. They know the aspects of both
cultures, for example, modernized and traditional, or in a refugee or migrant camp, in town different from their village, in a
new language area, but do not know which one to follow.
iv. Acculturation- means borrowing parts of another culture, while keeping to the basics of your own culture.
Other aspects of behaviour that can be found in our universal culture are:
a. Segregation: when one opts to cling to his/her culture and does not mix or integrate with people of other cultures
b. Assimilation: when a dominant culture absorbs or takes over an existing culture. Intermarriage in Fiji leads to
assimilation of culture to some extent. For example, an Indian woman marrying into a Fijian family.
c. Racism: normally occurs in society where many races of people are living together. It is when one favours his/her
own race over the others in terms of jobs, admission to institutions and use of facilities.
d. Discrimination: usually means a powerful group prevents another group from sharing. They either are pushed
away, not included in activities or abused and ignored by people. This can be because of language, ethnicity, being
weak, disabled and even competing clan or tribal identity.
e. Ethnocentrism: means believing that one’s own ethnic group or culture is superior. It is based on the view that
one’s own group is the center of everything and is the most important.
f. Prejudice: a strong feeling of like or dislike towards someone or something. It is not based on reason or
g. Apartheid: originated in South Africa whereby people of different races were separated and made to live apart for
example, “schools for whites only”. In the USA it took a “civil rights” movement of the 1960s to get equality for
African Americans. In Australia, the government did not give sovereignty to indigenous Australians (Aborigines)
until 2002.
It is therefore important to understand that there is one world/earth that we all share and need to KNOW, UNDERSTAND
AND TOLERATE one another and our differences for peaceful living.
With the help of your teacher, illustrate and discuss how the terms mentioned above (i)-(x)
affect the desire for peace building.
(i) Read the article below and with the help of your teacher, discuss the key issues.
Message from Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO, on the occasion of World Day for Cultural
Diversity for Dialogue and Development, 21 May 2011
Ten years ago, the international community came together to highlight the importance of dialogue among cultures and its
commitment to diversity by unanimously adopting the UNESCO Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity.
With this historic declaration, the States of the world recognized cultural diversity as the common heritage of humanity.
All cultures and civilizations contribute to the enrichment of humankind. Cultural diversity is strength. Its defense is an ethical
imperative, inseparable from respect for human dignity. Recognition of this diversity can accelerate mutual understanding
and crafting a common space around shared values. No one may invoke cultural diversity to infringe human rights or to limit
their scope.
An understanding of cultural diversity is an ally in the pursuit of development. Several decades of international programmes
have shown that there is not a single development model that is applicable to all countries and to all cultures.
Acknowledgement of cultural diversity is the only thing that can help us to implement appropriate programmes.
UNESCO has sought to promote the importance of cultural diversity for more than 20 years by drafting international
development policies that are more effective and more sustainable. The groundswell of democracy surging through the Arab
The adoption of the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (2003) and that of the
UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions (2005) were major steps
forward in winning recognition of such diversity. The United Nations resolution on culture and development, adopted by the
United Nations General Assembly on 20 December 2010, is another major breakthrough that underlines the contribution of
culture and cultural diversity to sustainable development and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals.
Such progress reflects a positive trend. This new awareness must take material form in action to support population groups
and cultural dialogue. We must understand such diversity if we are to strengthen cooperation among States, tackle common
challenges together and learn to live together in modern, often heterogeneous, societies.
Therefore, I appeal to governments, NGOs and civil society to contribute to the improvement of our intercultural skills
through the arts, sport, humanities and language learning and to enhance our diversity for the benefit of all.
Read the case studies below and answer the questions that follow. The following incidents recount events that actually
happened, though names have been changed. The stories illustrate different cultural frameworks for understanding the
An Indo- Fijian girl used to go to her next-door neighbor often to ask for ice cubes or ice water. The first time she asked she
was given the ice-cubes but when she continued to come to the front door and shout “Auntie, Thanda Pani (cold water)” the
i-Taukei woman either gave her the cold water grudgingly or sent her away empty handed.
a. Why was the i-Taukei woman later reluctant to give the Indo- Fijian girl water?
Where do I belong?
Clara, a girl of mixed ethnic background, (part Indian, I-Taukei and Tongan) was told to go to the Indo-Fijian group. When her
class was divided into cultural groups during a school session, because her family name was Indian. Clara was upset. She
valued the three ethnic groups that constituted her background. She told her parents and they asked the teacher to allow
Clara to choose the group she wanted to identify herself with.
c. What could the teacher (and school) do to avoid this situation occurring
d. If you were to live and work amongst a group of people who hold customs and beliefs different from yours, would
you choose to be assimilated. Why?
National identity
National identity reveals who you are as a citizen of a nation, or ethnic group. Some features of identity are:
i. Citizenship – is the state of being a citizen or legal member of a particular country and enjoying the rights and
protection of the constitution. By this right, one carries the passport of that country. Citizenship is a two-sided coin
because the government protects citizens’ rights and in return citizens need to be loyal to the government. The
duties of a citizen include obeying laws, paying taxes, avoid harboring prisoners, by exercising a right to vote and
exercising civic duties.
ii. Passport – an official document that identifies you and your nationality which you have to show when you are either
entering or leaving a country.
iv. Flag – is an important national identity which citizens honuor and salute.
v. National Anthem – the national song which we should all have pride in while singing because it is our identity.
vii. National Flora and Fauna - these are also symbols of our nationality. For example, coconut palm, crested iguana
and Tagimoucia plant of Taveuni
(iii) Which are the most popular symbols of Fiji. List the top five. Loyalty Honour
As a citizen of Fiji, I am a
Fijian. I must also abide by
its rules and regulations.
The developed world is now becoming a single global village and we cannot stop people and their culture from integrating.
For example, Europe and the United States are linked in many ways so are cities – New York, Beijing and Singapore.
We cannot avoid changes that are taking place and we cannot shut out influence of other societies and communities.
However, it is important to know of who we are and our identity, at the same time know that we are part of one world.
Agents of globalization :
- Information and communication technology (social networking – facebook, internet, mobile phone)
- Mass media (Television companies- BBC, CNN, ABC, magazines, newspapers, movies, MTV)
- Sport
- Art
- Tourism
- Banking/Money
(i) Apart from the global products, describe some other events or issues that demonstrate globalization.
(iii) In what way can thinking about a global village contribute to our role in global peace building?
(iv) Resource Interpretation: Use the diagram below to answer questions (a) and (b).
a. With the teacher’s assistance give an example of globalization for each of the five aspects.
b. In your opinion, will Fiji be able to benefit from the influence of globalization? Explain your answer. (use
the nine “agents of globalization” to describe how globalization will influence Fiji).
In this unit you have studied the very first humans and how they began to become farmers, hunters and gatherers and
pastoralists. We then jumped to the present – and studied how humans organize their family, clan, community, village and
even organisations like schools and companies.
We then looked at how humans change and how they adapt to and absorb new ideas. Finally, we introduced an exciting
concept – globalization. This is a tricky topic because we are still in the middle of a process of learning to understand what it
is and how it will affect us. In the next unit we go back and look more closely at the “community” – how it creates rules and
rights and responsibilities. We will look at how humans create organisations to help their own community and other
communities around the world
2.1 Social Control
2.4 Religion
a. Formal Control (written rules) – these are rules that are formally written down in black and white. For example, school
rules, constitution, decrees, laws and Regulations.
b. Informal Control (unwritten rules) - these are unwritten rules passed down verbally from one generation to another.
For example, customs, traditions and family rules.
Family members give their opinions, ideas, and suggestions towards the organization of the family freely and separate from
place as father, mother, oldest sibling.
y To emphasize family and moral values, for example, respect for elders, obedience and maintain traditional culture.
There are advantages and disadvantages of having family councils. All members of the family must look into both of these
before deciding on establishing a family council.
y It gives all family members an opportunity to y At times family members are not able to
actively take part in family decision making, provide positive contribution towards family
especially the young ones. discussion.
y Problems experienced by any of the family y Some cultures do not encourage the
members are discussed and experience are participation of children in decision making
shared thus problems are solved collectively as of the family.
a group.
y It is a sign of disrespect when children
y It encourages family togetherness or bond. speak out especially in the presence of
respected elders.
y Encourage family members to speak freely
Should children
children contribute
contribute to decision
to decision making
making in the
in the family?
In today’s world, everyone’s rights are important. It is important to know that we are responsible for our rights. For example,
corporal punishment is no longer allowed in school. So how do you learn what is not acceptable? We are responsible for our
own actions.
Freedom and rights go together. One of the rights is the right to be free. These are called “Freedom of Movements”. The law
of the country consists of many rights for individuals to practice freedom. In any country there are three distinguished sets of
(i) Select an article from the list above and discuss what it means to you personally.
(iii) Describe how one article influences your interaction with other young people.
What are the differences between listed laws, customary/unwritten laws and human rights?
Not all countries practice all the “rights” to which they have signed to protect.
There are occasions when some governments deliberately intervene in the rights of individuals. For example, during a
national crisis, our rights of movement will be restricted. When a person becomes a threat to the society or peace, he/she
can be put under house arrest, when his or her movement is restricted within a certain area. However, there are common
basic rights to which everyone is entitled to and we must try to learn to exercise these rights accordingly with responsibilties.
Our rights as children are what we are allowed to do and what the people responsible for us are allowed to do. We
have the right to be heard and express our opinion.
(ii) Cut and paste pictures or draw an example of rights under the following headings:
Discussion points.
[Source: Fiji National Action Plan for Human Rights Education 2003 – 2005: 2003]
Scenario 1 Scenario 2
Mere and Anare’s dad has been unemployed for over Uraia is 11 years and wants to be a newsagent to earn
six months, since the gold mine he used to work in some extra pocket money for a new electronic game.
closed down. Their mum has got a part-time job in He would have to start work at 5:30am every morning.
the local bakery; she does not get paid very much. His parents think he is too young to do the job and are
The benefits the family receives and mum’s salary is worried about his health and safety.
just enough money to buy the amount of food the
family needs. Mere and Anare do not have enough to
eat, they are small for their age and are not doing
well at school.
(iii) Study the picture below and answer the questions that follow:
Heaps of rubbish dumped in front of a school gate. (Source: Personal Photo File)
iii. According to the picture, in what way are rights and responsibilities misused.
With freedom comes rights and with rights comes responsibilities. To be responsible is to be accountable for your actions.
Being a student, you are responsible in following the school rules, taking care of the facilities and using the resources wisely.
This would result in others respecting, trusting and believing in you.
Your rights
Your responsibilities
2. Read the story and look at the poster then answer questions (a) and (b).
[Source: Fiji National action Plan for Human Rights Education 2003 – 2005: 2003]
(b) In the poster, which ‘Human Rights’ has the artist included. List four.
There are many ways of defining and explaining freedom- a person may be free to make his/her own decision or a country
has been free from the rule or control of another. At times, situations determine how freedom is defined and considered.
It is important to value the freedom we have and given to us because it enables us to make decisions concerning our life,
family, location, career and leisure.
Two major examples of social deviance are delinquency (a young law breaker) and truancy (the act of missing school
without permission). They create a habit or attitude that would be difficult to control and change.
• Rehabilitation
• Counseling
• Positive encouragement
Social deviance can also mean simple protests – having a lip pierced when it is against school policy; J-walking instead of
using the pedestrian crossing; whistling instead of clapping after a performance; wearing a short dress when everyone else
is wearing ankle-length sulu.
Meru misses school a lot, from home he is known to be at school. He spends most of his time with his friends in
the amusement centre. He comes from home in school uniform and goes back in school uniform.
(i) problem
Meru’s Identify Jovesa’s
was knownproblem.
during the parents’ teachers’ interview when his parents found out that he failed his
examination and the number of days he stayed away from school.
(ii) What do you think is the cause of problem?
(iv) If you were Meru’s parents what would you do to resolve Meru’s problem?
There are people and organisations responsible for making sure that people behave as expected without causing conflict
and unrest in the society. Those who break the law are taken to court.
a. Police Force
The main function of the force is to maintain law and order. Other roles they play are:
y Provide security.
y Control traffic.
b. Military Force
They also assist in the maintaining of law and order but their main role is to provide national security and defence. Other
roles are:
The Judiciary is made up of Judges and Magistrates who protect the legal aspect of the law. Some of their roles are:
y Interpret the Constitution and make sure it is the basis for all laws.
(i) What do you understand by the term ‘House Arrest” and explain why it is a necessary action.
Identify one Fiji law which protects the health and welfare of young people (for example, by forbidding them to do
certain things until they are old enough).
Discuss two advantages and two disadvantages of that particular lawǤ VOCABULARY
There are also traditional laws and customary laws in our traditional
society. These laws normally determine the use and ownership of resources.
Our religion plays an important role in our life. Many families, individuals and society focus on religion to help them
determine how they function, their values, and the expected behaviour. There are many religious group or denomination
and they have different values and beliefs. These values and beliefs influence our decision making and how we live our
1. Choose a religion you feel is completely different from yours and identify and explain the differences.
2. Suggest ways religions can work together to bring peace and harmony within the society.
(i) Name a ritual that is practiced in your religion and briefly describe how it is carried out.
(ii) Make a presentation to your class on the topic “How my religion influences my life?”
Conflicts are always present in human beings. We must accept that conflict is part of life so that it can also be resolved.
People experience disagreements at one time of their life and these disagreements are normally called conflicts. Conflict
can either be constructive or destructive.
(I) Constructive Conflict – These are conflicts from which one can learn and these conflicts can make our life better.
(II) Destructive Conflict – These are conflicts that lead to the downfall of people or death.
In some societies, some people still appreciate their traditional values and thus use their traditional means of resolving
conflict. For example, Maori tradition in New Zealand, the Council of Chiefs in Vanuatu or the unimare (old men) in Kiribati.
In a traditional i-Taukei society, resolving conflict does not only include the two parties involved but the families, communities
as a whole and even the church. When a person is wronged or created conflict, in order to seek forgiveness, the people will
carry out the Bulubulu - which is the i-Taukei traditional way of resolving conflicts.
This is where the presentation of ‘yaqona’ and other food items is followed by a verbal apology. When the items are
accepted, that shows that the hostilities are forgotten. This is commonly practiced in the i-Taukei communities.
The girl’s parents on the other hand felt that their (iv) State the way this conflict should be handled or
daughter is not ready for marriage and they should wait resolved.
for another two years. These decisions made Viliame and
Roselyn unhappy and they have decided to elope.
Students to identify a conflict situation they were involved in. state the cause, who was involved and
how it was resolved? What lesson they have learnt from there?
In a traditional Indian society, conflict is resolved through the Panchayat, where a group of 5 elderly people are chosen to
settle disputes in traditional Indian rural societies.
In some traditional settings, there is the Village Council where a village meeting deals with conflicting matters.
In Europe for example, conflicts are usually resolved within the legal system. That is, by the court or the arbitrator.
Court/ Legal system – conflicting matters are brought forward in a court system in front of a judge where lawyers fight your
Arbitration – Disputing parties are brought before an arbitrator who leads a discussion to settle disputes especially between
employers and employees.
∗ As a class, carry out a research on the procedure used by the Law Court in resolving conflict.
There are also ways that people use to demonstrate their disagreement on ways conflicts are resolved. For example:
(i) Strike – disagreement between employees and employer over wages, working conditions, management. Workers
refuse to attend work until their demands are met or they come to a compromise.
(ii) Petition – a document signed by citizens opposing the government or a higher authority..
(iii) March/ Protest - gathering of people to walk and show their opposition to certain issues publicly. For example, an
Anti-Nuclear Protest march.
I. Read the article below and answer the questions that follow:
A Role Conflict
(ii) What did his friends expect of him and did this create a problem for him?
(iv) If you were Anare, how would you resolve this conflict?
(i) Describe the conflict in the article and the parties involved.
(iii) What would be the best way to resolve this type of conflict?
Water Numbers: Either one-third of a Fiji cent or 15 Fiji cents per liter.
This week, Fiji Water threatened to close their water bottling plant in Fiji in a game of high-stakes industrial chicken. Why?
Not because they object to the military regime or the unelected government or the martial law. But because the government
of Fiji announced that they intend to increase the business tax on bottled water from F$0.003 per liter (a third of a Fiji cent)
to F$0.15 per liter (15 Fiji cents). This is the second time this chain of events has unfolded: a previous effort to increase the
tax on bottled water also led to a threat to close the Fiji Water plant, and the government backed down.
Fiji Water bottles around 3.5 million liters of water each month for sale (at a typical list price of $3-4 per liter) mostly in
affluent U.S. markets. Current Fiji water taxes generate only F$0.5 million annually, but the proposed increase would raise
this to over F$22 million. The company can certainly afford to pay something more. For comparison, the trade journal
Brand Week put Fiji Water's 2008 marketing budget at US$10 million, just for marketing and advertising.
According to the Fiji Prime Minister Bainimarama, Fiji Water has enjoyed a huge corporate tax holiday for over a decade,
paying less than a million dollars in total corporate tax over the past two years, despite earning hundreds of millions in
revenue from sales of product. The government of Fiji also accuses the company of manipulating the way the value of
water exports is computed to minimize their tax payments. In a war of numbers, the company in turn argues that it provides
lots of jobs, 20 percent of Fiji's exports and 3 per cent of its gross domestic product.
As human beings, we must understand that conflict is inevitable and we must learn to accept and deal with with
challenges. It is also important to understand that outcomes of any conflicting situation will either be positive or
negative and we need to be prepared to analyse the outcome.
A “relationship” is the way in which two people, groups or countries behave towards each other.
The way in which a person is related to somebody else in the family, for example, is a father- son relationship.
(I) Complete the table below to explain the relationship between the following groups.
a. List ten different kinds of work done by people living in your area.
b. Identify three people doing different kinds of work and find out about the following:
(iii) What sort of things do the employees expect from the employers?
There are many disadvantaged groups in our society. Being disadvantage means not being able to support yourself or
having very less or no excess at all to services and means that can provide for our survival.
These groups are also known as the “Disempowered Group”. Two examples of such groups are the physically disabled
and the elderly.
‘Disabled usually refer to people with physical or mental disabilities. Most of these disabilities are beyond their control thus
making them disadvantaged.
ii. Physical disability – these are people who have physical disabilities such as not being able to walk or talk properly,
hearing problem, speech problem, poor eye sight or even blindness.
iii. Old Age Disability – this type of disability is inevitable as people are not able to do things properly due to old age.
Many of them become sickly, weak or cannot do things by themselves. Some of the problems they encounter are:
y Loneliness.
There are many ways societies can help the disabled. It is important that they are empowered to be able to live an
independent life and support themselves. Some of the ways they could be helped are:
y Treating them
y Providing workshops /training where they could learn basic skills for activities as printing, weaving and baking so it
can become their source of income.
There are institutions that provide assistance to advocate for such group of people. With their help many have found
employment, started their own business and adapted into the main stream of activities in the society.
y St Giles Hospital
Physically Disabled
Needy people
( Beggars, Shoeshine
boys, Homeless)
Fiji as a multiracial society have had great leaders from all ethnic groups who have contributed to their country and also to
their own ethnic group. Some of the leaders had impacted our country were:
y Ratu Sir Josefa Lalabalavu Vanayaliyali Sukuna was born into a chiefly
family in Bau..
y He was the first Fijian to graduate from a university, graduated with a law
degree from Oxford University
y Returned to Fiji when his father died in 1920 and brought with him a
tailored ‘sulu vakataga’ (pocket sulu), which became a national dress.
y In 1938, Sukuna was crowned the Tui Lau .In 1940, he became the Native Lands Reserves Commisioner.
y He encouraged the formation of Fiji’s first political party, the Fijian Association under the leadership of Ratu Epeli
Other Achievements
• Ratu Sukuna’s greatest achievement was his role in establishing the Native Land Trust Board.
• In 1944, he established the Native Regulation Board renamed the Fijian Affairs Board.
• He mentored several of the men who were to play pivotal roles in the post independence year.
In summary, Ratu Sukuna was a high chief, great statesman, a scholar, a teacher, a soldier and should be an example to all
of us. Ratu Josefa Iloilo, a former President of Fiji described him as “a great and noble man….. whose foresight and
vision still impacts on our future”.
y Paramount chief of the Lau ; succeeded to the Tui Nayau title in 1969
• Educated at Sacred Heart College in Auckland, Knox College, Otago University where he studied medicine.
y He contributed a lot to the social, economic and political development of Fiji and its people.
y He died in 2004
Ratu Mara was regarded as the modern Fiji’s founding father. He contributed to the development of the sugarcane
industry, pine industry and even well known internationally .
Identify one of Ratu Mara’s contributions, either socially, economically or politically to Fiji and describe
how the local people benefitted from his contribution.
y Was a barrister.
There are women leaders who have contributed a lot ot the development of our country socially, economically and politically.
For example, Adi Kuini Speed who was once a well known woman politician, Adi Finau Tabakaucoro who contributed al lot
to the welfare of women, Shamima Ali who is very much concerned about the protection of women from violence, Irene Jai
Narayan, a well known politican during her time and so many more.
Research Work
(i) Choose a local leader in your community and complete the table below. Include three women and three men.
In this unit you have studied how a community functions. The key words have been Social Control, Rights,
Responsibilities, Deviance, Law and Order, Conflict, Disadvantage and Leadership.
To see if you are ready to move on to the next topic, challenge your classmate to explain what each of these words mean -
Social Control, Rights, Responsibilities, Deviance.
Now, ask your classmate to test you on the other four key words – Law and Order, Conflict, Disadvantage and
If you pass this little test, you are ready to move on to part 3 of this unit. It looks at the role of Non-Government
Organisations (NGOs) and how they help to resolve issues and problems and how they make society peaceful and
3.1 Non-Government Organizations – Brief history, Functions, Contributions
3.2 Regional Organizations – Aims, Roles and Functions, Importance and Contribution to People’s Welfare
There are many Non-Government Organizations in Fiji. They have different functions and play different roles in the country
and within the local community. However, they have the same goal that is to provide assistance to those who need help for
survival whether in terms of food, education, sanitation, home and health.
The Fiji Red Cross Society was established in 1954 as a branch of the British Red Cross. It was recognized as an
independent National Society in 1973. The Society is officially recognized by the government of Fiji as a voluntary relief
organization, an auxiliary to public authorities and is the only Red Cross Society in Fiji. It is the most widely recognized and
respected humanitarian organization in the country.
The Society has a National Council, a National Board, a National Office in Suva and 15 active branches and two Divisional
Service Centers (DSC Northern and DSC Western ) throughout Fiji, covering 80% of the country.
The Branches function primarily as relief operators and as a network system for implementing and promoting various
programmes and services within their communities. The DSC Northern and DSC Western are the link on the ground for the
National Office and the branches and each are responsible for their divisionsrespectivelyǤ
Depending on capacity, the Society fills the gaps where they can by providing the following free services and programmes:
AIM The aim or purpose of the Red Cross is to provide relief to victims of disaster and help people
prevent, prepare for, and respond to emergencies.
FUNCTION The Branches function primarily as relief operators and as a network system for implementing and
promoting various programmes and services within their communities
The Fiji Women's Crisis Centre" (FWCC) is a Non-Government Organization (NGO) established in 1984. It offers
counseling and legal, medical, and practical support to woman and children victims of violence.
The Women's Crisis Centre started in August 1984. The founding group met in 1983, when women of a variety of races,
nationalities, religions and beliefs, got together and expressed a fear about the number of sexual attacks on women in and
around the city of Suva. The group was worried about the lack of support for women.
There was no official body to provide help, so the women decided to work towards providing such a service themselves. The
result was the Women's Crisis Centre. The Centre is funded by donations and by small grants, occasionally from the
government. It is a charitable trust affiliated to the National Council of Women. However, the National Council of Women has
not provided much help to the Centre; the WCC however still wished to be affiliated to the NCW.
Presently, the centre is made up of about 30 women, mostly locals and some expatriates. Its aim is to continue to increase
the number of local women members, and the Centre constantly works to this end.
CHOOSE either the Red Cross or Fiji Women’ Crisis Centre and complete the table below.
Save the Children Fiji promotes children's rights and responds to their needs by facilitating lasting improvements that enable
children to become responsible.
Save the Children’s first started as a Sponsorship Scheme where the organization assisted children with their education
expenses. Assistance was both on a short term and long term basis. In 1998, the organization resolved to focus on two key
strategic directions – promoting equity in education and advancing children’s rights in line with the United Nation’s
Convention on the Rights of the Child.
This shift led to the organization branching out into other areas of programming and eventually phasing out the sponsorship
Save the Children Fiji involves itself on projects and activities that benefit children and the society as a whole. Some of the
projects and activities include:
a. Child’s right Awareness Training - It aims to protect children at risk of abuse, exploitation and violence.
b. Early Childhood Education - Using Mobile Playground Programme to provide basic education for economically
disadvantaged children.
c. Research and Advocacy – Provide information necessary to advocate for policy changes to bring about
improvement to children’s lives.
d. School Development Program – it was initiated in 1998. Schools benefitted through a textbook hire scheme,
provisions of water tanks for schools in drought prone areas, dormitory and classroom furniture, library blocks and
books, sanitation projects and classroom block construction.
e. Emergency Relief – during emergencies and natural disasters, Save the Children Fiji provide support for children in
the form of a school feeding programs, bus fare assistance, clothing, stationery, books and fees.
Regional Agencies
The Regional Agencies are agencies that were established to focus on issues in the Pacific Region. The statutory objectives
of the Regional Agencies are, at present:
a. To offer efficient and modern shipping services among the Pacific Islands.
b. To help ensure trade between islands.
PFL operates a few vessels on 3 routes……all connecting NZ, Australia and the Pacific Islands.
a. The bulk of the cargoes carried are containerized ( large steel container boxes)
To enable member countries to manage, conserve and use the tuna resources in their exclusive economic zones and
beyond, through enhancing national capacity and strengthening regional solidarity, (Council of Regional Organization in
the Pacific, 2003: pp4).
Body formed by the Pacific leaders to enhance and support the social wellbeing of the people of the Pacific.
Member Countries
Some of the member countries are New Zealand, Tonga Australia, Western Samoa, Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu, Solomon
Islands, Niue, Palau. Cook Islands, Marshall Islands, Tuvalu, Micronesia, Kiribati.
One of the major agreement signed by the forum as a way to help the Pacific Island countries was SPARTECA
• Was signed by the Forum Heads of Government at their meeting on the 15th of July, 1980 in Tarawa, Kiribati.
• Since it started, export from the Forum Island Countries (FIC) to Australia and New Zealand has increased in several
areas including timber and coconut- products, canned fish and clothing items.
• The aim is to enhance the export capabilities of the Forum Island Countries. (FIC).
• To provide island countries markets for their export like garments, fruits and food crops
• To promote investments planning in the South Pacific Region.
• It looks after the Regional Economic Issues.
The Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) is a regional technical and development organization. SPC work
programmes develop the technical, professional, scientific, research, planning and management capability of Pacific
island people.
The agency has three main divisions: land, marine and social. SPC's headquarters are located in Noumea with a sub-
branch in Suva.
The Secretariat is the administrative arm of the Pacific Islands Forum. Its programmes are aimed at promoting
regional cooperation among member states through trade, investment, economic development and political and
international affairs.
The Forum Secretariat implements work program through three main areas;
- Trade and investment (Council of Regional Organization in the Pacific, 2003: pp10)
History: 1972 was known as the South Pacific Bureau for Economic cooperation (SPEC) and later change to the South
Pacific Forum in 1988. It adopted its present name in the year 2000.
The South Pacific Regional Environment Programme's (SPREP) charter is to strengthen the capacity of Pacific island
members to plan and manage their own national environmental programmes and to enhance regional cooperation to
deal more effectively with issues that are transboundry in nature or which require interventions at the global level.
The work of the organisation covers nature conservation, pollution prevention, climate change and economic
The South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission (SOPAC) work focuses on providing assistance to its 20 member
countries in three key programme areas: Ocean and Islands Programme, Community Lifelines Programme and
Community Risk Programme.
The University of the South Pacific provides tertiary and higher education to the Pacific region. It has 12 member
countries and based in Suva Fiji. There are also small centers located in each member country.
USP was established in 1968 by the Privy Council of the United Kingdom, at the request of the Pacific Island leaders to
meet the training and the development needs of the newly emerging island states of the Pacific and to strengthen
institutional capacity in the region, (Council of the Regional Organization in the Pacific, 2003: pp23).
The organization was set up in the 1980s and was known as the Tourism Council of the South Pacific. The organization
is based in Suva, Fiji and it plays an important role in both the social and economic development of the Pacific region,
through its support of the tourism industry.
i. Choose a Regional Agency apart from the ones mentioned above, state its headquarters and explain three
ways in which it provides assistance to Pacific Countries.
ii. List ten key problems that Regional Agencies try to solve.
iii. Paragraph
(a) Choose any two regional agencies specifically set up to cater for the South Pacific Countries.
(b) Outline three ways in which these agencies have improved the island’s economies.
In this section you looked at three non-government agencies (Red Cross, Fiji Women’s Crisis Centre and Save the
Children Fiji) and the sort of work they do to help Fijians.
You also looked at regional organisations that try to help people right across the Pacific.
Before you change direction and study Chapter 2, here is a small test. Stand up in front of the class for three (3) minutes
and begin by saying “For me personally the organization that most helps Fijians is ………”.
In your talk you could go all the way back to the earliest Topics on how humans create communities, social control,
rights, and conflict resolution, or you could focus on local and regional organisations that help society in general.
You are now ready to move to Chapter 2 and change direction and study that past (our early History) and how Fiji is
caught up in world affairs and current events.
(Source: photographs from the King of the Cannibal Isles, by Brewster A B, 1937)
Most information in this chapter was adapted from Fiji in the Pacific, By Kerr, M Quanchi and Donnelly, Fiji
in the Pacific, Jacaranda, 1992.
Before the arrival of the Europeans, Pacific Islanders have already settled in the Pacific at least for 40 000 years. They
established themselves and created a social structure and organization. Many theories have been put forward to explain the
way in which the Pacific was settled.
Movements of people from South China and the first Aboriginal people moved to Continent Australia and New Guinea.
People continued to move into South East Asia, Australia and mainland New Guinea islands and nearly Solomon Island.
People moved quickly through voyaging from Melanesia out into the South Pacific, and into the North Pacific from
Philippines/Taiwan into the atolls of Micronesia.
• Stone adzes found in Samoa and Fiji suggested that Fijian culture has a link to Samoans culture.
• Huge canoes made from Fiji trees were found in Tonga and also some of the words used by the people of Lau
were similar and this suggested that there was also a link between Fiji and Tonga. Marriage linked many Fijian and
Tongan families.
• All these contacts could have been the result of people of other places coming to, through
and from Fiji. This could also explain the number of languages or dialects used within the
Fiji Group.
As the population increased, people settled permanently which resulted in the formation of social organization known as the
“mataqali” or the family unit.
These chiefs had power of all life and death over their people and they commanded great respect. Several “mataqali” who
were linked to a common ancestor began to form “yavusa” or clans.
As the population grew and competition for power and status increased, the “yavusa” joined to form a “vanua” (a small
alliance).Later, several vanua would join to form a larger political group the “matanitu”.
However, this organization of “mataqali”, “yavusa”,” vanua” and “matanitu” was not exactly the same all over Fiji. This was
also not permanent, like the “mataqali” of one “yavusa” might disagree, break away and form another “yavusa”, or move to
another district. By 1800, there were 12 powerful “matanitu” in Fiji each led by great chiefs competing for power.
The i-Taukei lived a life regularly threatened by war but were busy tending animals, fishing, ceremonies and domestic
chores each day. Agriculture was very important. They used wet-field methods to grow taro and protected the soil by leaving
fields fallow. Another characteristic of early life was the practice of sacrifice - for ceremonial and spiritual reasons; people
were used as rollers to launch huge war canoes or buried in the postholes of new buildings. A barter system was used for
trading mostly by people living in the interior with those along the coastal area or by a “mataqali” living along a river, or on
neighbouring islands
The evidence of the past has been shown and demonstrated in many ways. The older generation are able to interpret and
explain what took place earlier in life by the evidence around them. Such evidence is in the form of:
a. Old structures such as forts and ditches
b. Customs passed down through the generations
c. Messages in the forms of ceremonies, rituals, songs, myths, chants, body decorations, house carvings, “masi”
d. The shape of sail
e. Hand and body movements in dances
f. Stories passed down through generations
g. Diaries and letters of Europeans who saw Fiji before it was affected by western habits, goods and ideas
h. Photographs (after1840)
Why do you think is important to know how the Fijians live their lives in the past?
ABEL JANSOON TASMAN 1643 Heemskerch & * Entered the Fiji Group. Came down to Taveuni
Zeehaen through the Ringgold islands from where he
turned North, leaving Fiji by way of Cikobia.
1774 Resolution & *He sighted the islands of Vatoa and named it
Adventure Turtle Island.
( 2nd Voyage) 1792 PROVIDENCE *Bligh’s second voyage added new islands to his
chart (map)
CAPTAIN JAMES WILSON *He saw Yagasa, Moce & Recorded Ogea and
1779 DUFF
*The Duff was almost wrecked on a reef which
he named “ Providence Reef”
CAPTAIN BENTLY 1799 ANN & HOPE *Sighted Kadavu, Beqa, Vatulele and Malolo.
i. What was the daily lifestyle during the pre-contact period? Archeologist
ii. Why was the need for social structure in the Early Fijian Societies? Lapita
iii. Who was the first- European explorer to visit Fiji? Micronesians
iv. Which people did Captain James Cook make contact with?
v. How did Bligh find the Fiji Islands- Explain what happened? Pre – history
vi. On a map of the Pacific mark in the routes of Tasman and Bligh. Radio carbon dating
Voyaging corridor
vii. Draw a map of the Fiji area, showing the routes of Tasman, Cook, Bligh and Wilson.
Barter system
- Was picked up by the ship El Plumier ( was sailing to Manila in the Philippines)
1804 – Slater found a market for sandalwood & passed on the news to Simeon Lord, the owner of the schooner, Marcia.
1813 – Very little sandalwood left and traders turned their attention to beach- de-mer.
Chiefs learnt skillful bargaining. Often the price included the use of a trader, his ship, his men and muskets in war against a
neighbouring chief.
• New western items were traded in the exchange of goods by the tribes. ( It had greater gain for Fiji than for
• These new items brought other benefits to Fiji.
• Fijians became exposed to European diseases such as measles and the common cold.
• Men were away from their village a long time cutting trees and loading them on trader’s ships.
• Fijians started to get jobs on board the trader’s ships like temporary pilots, cooks and translators.
• Woman had to make do while men were away from the village
Beachcombers were such men as shipwrecked sailors, runaway convicts and ship deserters.
They brought with them not only their immoral ways of life, but also firearms and alcohol thus more serious changes were
brought by these people which influenced the Fijian way of life.
• Bau was then able to conquer its rivals and establish itself as one of the
most powerful links in Fiji.
• With his ability to speak both Tongan and Fijian made him become accepted
as the Vunivalu of Bau’s Whiteman.
Bech de mer trading became popular in Fiji after sandalwood trade. It was a thriving activity to many Fijian villages and
many villagers decided to live their village and move to areas where work is provided. The activity had a great impact to the
villagers and at the same time interrupted their village organization.
• Many decided to live near the bech –de –mer station. It meant an increase in some Fijians. ( people escaped from
village / community work )
• Led to increasing competition between Vanua and Matanitu for access to bech-de-mer station.
• Change in communal lifestyles because temporary villages were started near trading stations
• Concentration on getting bech-de-mer and neglecting daily task.
The first missionaries to reach Fiji were two Tahitians, Hanea and Atai of the London Missionary Society(LMS). After being
driven out of Lakeba, they established themselves in Oneata in 1830 and soon built a small group of converts.
I led the
to the Pacific
In 1840, an American expedition of (four) 4 ships arrived in Fiji. Led by Commodore Wilkes carrying out expedition work in
the Pacific and included many scientists and artist and a language expert. It was called the USXX – the United States
Exploring Expedition.
In the three months which they spent in Fiji waters, the Americans produced the first reasonably complete chart of the Fiji
• Tanoa and other chiefs agreed to give protection to foreign ships and to supply them with water and provisions.
• Crews of wrecked ships were to be protected
• Alcohol was not to be brought ashore
• Deserters were to be captured and returned to their ships
• No seamen were to remain ashore after nine o’clock in the evening.
• Ships were required to pay three dollars for port charges and seven dollars for a pilot’s services.
• Permanent settlers in Fiji after 1860 became involved more directly with Fijian life and Politics (they wanted land
and labor for their plantations and settled government which would give them a firm title to their land as well as
• Most Europeans arrived in Fiji in 1860s as there was the boom in cotton prices (a.k.a the GREAT FIJI RUSH). Fiji’s
climate and cheap land attracted settlers and planters.
• In between 1860 – 1871, the numbers increased from 30 to 2760.
• Attracted many who had failed to make good on the goldfields of Australia and New Zealand or in the towns of the
• Some saw an opportunity to make their fortune by investing money in Fiji (as a result, the Polynesian company was
formed comprising of Europeans and Settlers who invested in Fiji). They bought men to run shops and other
services so Levuka then Suva sprang up as pioneer towns.
• 1868 – 1871 – Levuka changed from a village for i-Taukei to a European style town. It served both as a business
centre for Fiji and a place to which Europeans came for social and cultural events.
• Wooden houses were built and proper furniture was brought in.
• Fijians were not included in activities as before, and the gap between the two races grew.
These two planters saw the only way to maintain a stable society was for the Europeans and Fijians to trust each other and
work together. They tried to create a government with both Fijian and European members.
Land was sold to the Europeans by the i-Taukei in many parts of Fiji. At times, the same piece of land was sold many times
and this caused a lot of disputes over titles. Sometimes chiefs sold land belonging to another tribe in order to attract the
white settlers to the area and obtain the protection of his guns. As a result, the settler could then find himself attacked by the
real owner and could often get driven off the land in dispute.
Labour was needed for the plantations and this led to the LABOUR TRAFFIC where labourers were shipped from other
Pacific Islands and Melanesian Islands (often against their will) to work in plantations. The two new groups were from Kiribati
(then called Gilbert Islands) and the Solomon Islands.
i. Draw a timeline showing the events that occurred from 1859 to 1871.
• Intermarriages between Bauan chiefs and chiefly families of neighboring Vanua, especially Rewa and Cakaudrove.
• The increasing number of Vasu to Bau
• Bau’s influence spread and its huge canoes enabled Bau to intervene in disputes and carry out raids along the
northern and western coasts of Viti Levu and in Lomaiviti.
In 1837, Cakobau remained the real power in Bau (Tanoa was old and weak). Cakobau restored his father’s power.
Tanoa died in 1852 and was succeeded by his son, Seru who took the name Cakobau.
• 1843 – Cakobau succeded in capturing Rewa and placing his own King, Cokanauto,
in charge of the captured part. He could not seize the Rewan chief, Qaraniqio, who
had fled to the hills.
• 1852 – Cakobau went to Macuata to fight Ritova who had refused to recognize
Bauan claims; he stripped Ratu Mara Kapaiwai (a great grandson of Tui Nayau) of
his canoe to make him less powerful.
• Ratu Mara had good terms with the Europeans at Levuka who blamed Cakobau for
the attacks by Lovoni tribesmen on Levuka. At the same time, the Ovalau tribes
• 1854 – Cokanauto died, Qaraniqio returned, recaptured Rewa, and held off all
Cakobau’s attempts to win it back.
• On the same year, Cakobau was so downcast that he was persuaded to accept Christianity and to renounce his old
heathen beliefs.
• This led to further trouble for many of the allies who, disliking Christianity, went over to the enemy.
• 1855 – Qaraniqio died and the Rewan chiefs, tired of war, sought peace. Cakobau agreed but rebel Bauans at Kaba
• Led by Mara they opposed Cakobau’s conversion to Christianity.
• This resulted to the Battle of Kaba which was seen as a victory for Christianity over heathenism, a victory which led to a
series of mass conversions of Fijians to Christianity.
• The battle was won by the unorthodox tactics of the Tongans. They insisted on charging at a time when the normal
tactics would be to and thus made the enemy confused.
• The Bauan Kingdom became the leading kingdom of Fiji.
(v) Draw a timeline showing Cakobau’s success during his time of leadership.
• Apart from his inability to pay the American debt, Cakobau was also worried over Ma’afu’s growing power which
had now spread to Beqa and Rakiraki.
• Cakobau approached the British consul, W.T.Prichard with an offer to cede Fiji to Great Britain.
• Cakobaus conditions were;
a. He should be allowed to keep the title Tui Viti
b. Britian should pay the American debt in return for eighty- two thousand hectares of land (200,000 acres).
• Pritchard did not like the Tongan expansion in Fiji and also he was worried over the increased activity of German
traders in the South Pacific.
• Pritchard went to England to urge the British government to accept the offer.
• There was much support from outside Fiji to see that the British accept the offer. The Methodists of New South
Wales were anxious to see law and order restored, the Wesleyan Missionary Society and the Aborigines Protection
Society both strongly advised the British Government to accept the offer.
• The strongest pressure came from the cotton manufacturers who were interested about the prospects of new
sources of raw materials.
• The Legislative Assemblies of both NSW and Victoria sent petitions to the British Government urging to accept the
• They were worried not only over the lawlessness in the group but also over another power – the US or France
taking possessions and be a threat not only to the safety of British ships in the South Pacific but also the security of
Australia itself.
• Therefore Colonel W.J.Smythe was sent to Fiji in 1859 to investigate on the situation on :
a. Whether Fiji would be a useful port of call, for ships between Panama and Australia?
b. Whether the islands were suited for large-scale cotton production?
c. Would it be possible to stamp out the savage practices of the i-Taukei?
d. Would the acquisition of Fiji add to Britain’s power in the South Pacific?
e. Could the scattered European settlement be maintained?
f. What was the system of land tenure in Fiji?
g. Would the Fijians readily sell land to the Government and to individuals?
Dr Seeman, a famous botanist accompanied Smythe to Fiji to look into the possibility of growing cotton. Although Seeman
made a favorable report about the ‘cotton’ that could be grown in Fiji Smythe thought otherwise. In his report he wrote the
a. Cakobau had no claim to be King of Fiji and that the land he offered was not his and was doing it solely to
escape the American debt.
As the result of Symthe’s report, the British Government, in 1862, rejected the offer of cession.Pritchard was dismissed from
his post and Fiji was now thrown in to a state of political turmoil.
The rivalry between Cakobau and Maafu was scaled down in 1864 when Ma’afu was threatened with possible intervention
by the Americans if his actions prevented Cakobau from paying his debt. He decided to establish his rule as peacefully as
The suggestion was taken up in 1865 by Captain Jones to form a Confederation which would rule over the whole group.
After years before this experiments broke down- the chiefs lacked the experience in this type of government and the
European secretaries who attached themselves to the individual rulers attempted to control through the interest of the
In place of the old Confederation two new governments sprang up. In the east, Ma’afu formed the confederation of the North
and East, while the Kingdom of Bau was formed in the west by Cakobau.
Ma’afu introduced a new system of land holding in which individual allotments were made to each adult male in return for
taxes of coconut oil. This proved to be effective and Ma’afu was quick to punish his subjects who did not make full use of
their allotments. He deprived them of their land, often leasing it to Europeans and so profiting from the rents
The constitution of the Bau Kingdom stated that Cakobau was to be king of all parts of Fiji not included in the Conference of
the North and East. He could make his own laws, levy his own taxes and call meetings of chiefs when he wished. The
constitution soon failed - when asked to pay taxes most settlers refused and soon there was no money in the treasury thus
the Bau Kingdom failed.
In 1868, an Australian group (the Polynesian Company) agreed to pay the American debt in return for a grant of land of the
same size as that offered to the Britian in the first offer of cession. Cakobau also agreed to the following terms:
¾ Letting the company have full rights to make laws for i-Taukei and settlers in the land granted to them.
¾ The company was allowed to acquire the sole rights over currency and banking, customs duties and harbor
charges, courts and trading activities in the kingdom
¾ That Cakobau would plant an area of land in cotton for the company
¾ Giving guarantee to assist the company to stay in Fiji.
J.B Thurston, the acting British Consul felt that the company was taking advantage of the situation Cakobau was in, and
strongly opposed the terms and the amount of land the company would acquire. The company eventually paid the American
claim but its great plans were never to come into being.
In the late 1860s as more Europeans settlers came, the search for a form of government became more intense. There was
divided opinion among the Europeans as to what part the Fijians should play in any government. This made it difficult to find
a suitable form of government. In March, 1869 another attempt was made to set up Cakobau as King. Again this failed
because the Europeans would not pay the taxes and the British subjects could not be subjects both of Cakobau and the
Queen. The attempt was weakened further when the traders at Levuka refused to support Cakobau. Meanwhile the labour
traffic was increasing and there was a great deal of gambling and drinking among both the Europeans and the i-Taukei in
Levuka. As a result, an attempt was made to set up a form of government in Levuka. It failed because it had no power to
enforce its laws.
In February 1873, the Burns family, who had settled on the Ba River were murdered by a mountain tribe threatened to break
away from the government.
Economically Fiji was in a bad way. The price of cotton had fallen and many settlers were in difficult.
The Fijians were discontented.
The government ruled more in the interests of the settlers who regarded the Fijians as a source of cheap labor.
Fijians were sentenced to work for the planters if they failed to pay a poll tax.
In 1873 – Ma’afu threatened to leave the Kingdom after expressing his dislike of European control.
The government had failed to solve the planter’s problems in the way that the planters would have liked them solved.
In January 1873, Thurston made another appeal to Britain asking if the British Government would consider annexing Fiji.
This time it was successful. Fiji was annexed in 1874.
Cession Explorer
i. State two reasons why the offer of cession
Expedition Missionary
was rejected in 1862.
ii. Give two reasons why land ownership was Shipwrecked Intervention
a constant cause of conflict between Fijians
and Europeans. Great Fiji Rush
iii. How did John Williams lose his property?
As a Form three student, it is important to be aware of what is happening around us. There are many events that we can
identify as important which may somehow contribute to our wellbeing as a family, society and community or even as a
(i) In a group, identify one of the major event that took place in your community and
(ii) Collect pictures of local events and place them in the following category
a. Social
b. Political
c. Economical
d. Sports
(iii) In your group, list down important people in your country and
• Bosnia (1992-1995)
• Israel-Palestine (1948)
c. Natural Disaster
• Volcanic eruption
• Tornado
d. Social Problems
• Crime Malaria
• Poverty
Create a special noticeboard for ‘Current Affairs’. Put pictures and cuttings from newspaper.
Once a week a student should report to the class on Fiji Current Affairs, Regional Current Affairs and
World Current Affairs
Once a month, have a class discussion on the topic”The major event in the last month was…………”
Create a poster of portraits of key people in Current Affairs (eg. President Obama)
Strand Outcome:
What is a map?
Maps are representation of an area of the earth and they come in varieties of forms. Maps have different features which help
us to gather important information.
A map should has a legend (a guide explaining the map’s symbols), a notation of which way is north, and an indicator of
scale. We must keep in mind that no map is perfect and every map is unique. Maps are useful in Geography, History,
Sociology (about societies), Law, Science, Weather, Environment and many other subjects.
• Maps may be used as an aid to detailed conservation or planning and development of an area of land.
Education Elevation
Forms of Maps
• Wall maps
An atlas is a collection of maps bound in a
• Atlases
book; it may include additional information,
• Globes such as illustrations, statistical tables,
topography, and other important information
about a place or places.
• Maps can be classified in a different ways according to scale. Large scale map and Small scale map. For example,
1 cm on a map equals 100km or 1000km or just 1km
• Large Scale Maps shows features of a small area in great detail
• Small Scale Maps show features of a large area in less detail.
• There are several types of maps. Each map shows different information. Most maps include a compass rose, which
indicates which way is north, south, east and west. They also include a scale so you can estimate distances. Here's a
look at some different types of maps.
Give general information about the climate and precipitation (rain and snow) of a region. Cartographers, or mapmakers, use
colours to show different climate or precipitation zones
A physical map shows natural features of the land such as mountains, rivers, lakes, streams, and deserts.
A political map shows human-made features and boundaries such as cities, highways, and countries.
Feature the type of natural resources or economic activity that dominates an area. Cartographers use symbols to show the
locations of natural resources or economic activities.
• On these maps, mountains are displayed as red or brown while lowlands are shown in shades of green.
• Include contour lines to show the shape and elevation of an area. Lines that are close together indicate steep
terrain, and lines that are far apart indicate flat terrain.
For example:
00 01 02 03 04 05
0005 01 02 03 04
*POINT A == 010
Point 01 B
Point B=
B= 040 010
030 010 B
i. Locate on the following points on the grid. Northing
a. 110 225
b. 135 234
c. 120 215
For example:
50 51 52 53 54 5433(grid
5333(grid reference
5132 (grid reference)
I Shade in different colors the square which have the following grid reference (use the grid from Activity 3.1)
a. 1221
b. 1323
c. 1422
d. 1520
• Lines of latitude and longitude make up a grid system that was developed to help determine the location of points on the
• These lines run both north and south and east and west across the planet.
Lines of longitude (those that run north and south) begin at the Prime
Meridian, which is the imaginary line that runs through the Royal
Observatory in Greenwich, England.
The lines of longitude extend both east and west from the Prime Meridian (also GMT, Greenwich Mean Time), which is zero
degrees, and converge on the opposite side of the Earth at 180 degrees (also called the International Date Line).
(I) Use an atlas – identify which latitude and longitude run through Fiji.
1. Work out the time different between a place on longitude 30º and another place on longitude 60º.
(iii) Why is a day ‘lost ‘ when crossing the International Date Line from West to East?
(iv) Use your atlas - on which latitudes and longitudes are the following cities located?
a. Suva d. Wellington
b. London e. Sydney
• TITLE – A description of the location, be must be written outside the frame and in BLOCK LETTERS.
• KEYS/ LEGENDS- A standard set of symbols which show the special features which apply to the map. The key
should be clear, complete and self- explanatory.
Maps are drawn from actual objects seen on the land. Since the objects are always larger, there must be a reduction in their
sizes when reproducing it on paper. This relationship between the sizes of the drawing and that of the object on the ground
is known as scale.
a) Statement – the scale is expressed or written in words or sentences. For example: One centimeter on the map
represent one kilometer on the ground.
b) Representative Fraction – scales may be represented as a fraction .For example: 1»100 000 (The numerator is
always one- represents the distance on the map and the denominator represents ground distance).
c) Ratio – scales may also be expressed as a ratio. For example: 1: 100 000. (This means that one unit on the map
represents 100 000 units on the ground.
I. Use the scale 1: 50 000, calculate the actual distance in kilometers if the following measurements are given:
a) Statement
b) Ratio
c) Representative fraction
• Directions must be indicated on a map or plan by means of an arrow pointing to the north. The north point is found
by using an instrument known as the compass.
• A compass has four main points known as the cardinal points. They are North, South, East and West. Besides
these cardinal points other directions may be added in.
In the eight- point compass, the north-east, south- east, north- west and south –west directions are shown. This can be
subdivided to produce a sixteen- point compass as shown above
• Bearings are calculated by measuring the angle from the North in a clockwise direction.
• It is always written in three digits. For example: A bearing of 45º will be written as 045º East.
In a compass there are 360 degrees. If a compass is pointing North, North is 0º, East is 90º, South is 180º and West is 270º
Study the diagram of a modern compass card, and then convert the following compass points into bearings.
NE - ESE -
SE - WNW -
NNW - SW -
NW - SSW -
• Symbols are used on maps to represent features which exist on the ground. In many cases these features are
easily recognized- building, streams, trees and roads for example.
• Other symbols represent features that may not be seen. Contour lines, for example, will not be seen lying on the
ground although they are one of the most important and useful symbols on the map.
• The use of color is an additional aid to identification. For example: blue for water, green for vegetation, black for
man-made culture, yellow for deserts
Maps use different methods of illustrating relief, the most common is to use contour lines.
• So far this is the best way of representing relief. (height below and above sea level).
• A contour line is an imaginary line joining all places (height above and below sea-level).
• It is drawn at intervals and their values are usually in meters.
• The difference between successive contour lines is known as the vertical interval (V.I).
N contour lines
¾ Contour lines
¾ Spot heights – these are points on a map with the exact heights above sea level (are usually marked by a dot with
the height written next to it, usually in meters.
spot height
• Notice that when contours are closer together, they represent a steep slope, while those that are widely spaced,
represent the gentle slope.
• Where contours have crossed a valley, the lines will bend upstream direction. If there is a ridge they would bend in
a downhill direction.
A concave slope has a shallow gradient at the base and a steep gradient at the top.
A convex slope has a steep gradient at the base and a shallow gradient at the top.
9. Knoll
A spur is a figure of high land pointing in to low land or it is a high land jutting out towards the lower ground.
A cross- section shows the side view of a landform. From the cross- sections the shapes of hills, mountains, valleys and
other features of the landscape can be learnt. It is useful to know how to draw cross sections.
Step i
Step ii
1. Draw the axes on which you will draw your cross section.
2. Make sure that the x-axis is exactly the same length as line AB.
3. On the y-axis, mark the height scale from 0-500m. (One centimeter on the y-axis should represent 100 meters.)
1. Place the strip of paper with the contour markings along the x-axis, lining the points A and B.
2. Draw a vertical line from each of the marks until it touches the correct height on the vertical scale.
Step v
1. Finally shade the landform and do not forget to check that the y-axis is fully marked and your cross-section has
a title.
vii. State two outdoor activities that tourists could enjoy at Mali Resort.
ix. State a source of income for the people of Kito and Tuva Villages.
The Fiji archipelago lays central position among the island groups of the South- west Pacific Ocean mid-way between the
Kingdom of Tonga and Vanuatu.
The islands lie between longitude 176º 53´ east and 178º 12´ west and the 180º meridians runs through Taveuni although
the International Date Line is bent conveniently to form Fiji time.
I Sketch the outline map of Fiji and locate and name the following:
ii. Sketch the outline map of Fiji. Locate and name the following:
a. The Kings road
b. The Queens road
c. The Hibiscus Highway
d. The province that is influenced by the Polynesian group.
e. The South- East trade wind
iii. Sketch the outline map of Fiji. Locate and name the following:
a. An International port of entry in Nadi
b. Lautoka Wharf
c. Nabouwalu port
d. Bouma Historical site
e. Bligh water
iv. Sketch the outline map of Fiji. Locate and name the following:
People have made good use of the environment to suit their needs and wants. Different people have different opinions on
the use of environment. It is important that precautionary measures are taken if our environment is to be sustained. In this
way, there is a chance for future generations to enjoy the same environment that we are enjoying today
Physical Environment
This includes our environment and everything that exists around naturally, such as rivers, vegetation, mountains, animals,
plants and insects that live in this environment
Cultural Environment
This environment includes people and their activities, for example, roads, settlements, infrastructure and many more. Today
we often use the word Biosphere – it means the natural and physical environment (and atmosphere) as well as humans.
Everyone on earth has the right to use the resources provided by the environment. However, there are certain ways in which
different groups of people use the environment. As a result, we are starting to experience environmental problems like
pollution and global warming. Some groups are also concerned about the use of the environment (Greenpeace) and have
decided to design policies and take actions in order for everyone to take care of the environment and its resources.
Apart from the list below, identify some other ways humans use their
(i) Conduct a survey on how people are using their environment in your area. State whether they are managing or
destroying their surroundings.
(ii) In a paragraph, explain why and how people try to manage their environment in different ways
a. Snowfelds b. Reef c. Forest
(iii) Study the three pictures above and describe how they can be used by humans without causing destruction.
Continuous use of environment without proper care can cause serious damage to the environment. Fortunately, there are
also ways in which we can make sure that our environment is not affected by our action. Taking proper care of the
environment means using proper conservation method.
(iii) .What is the role of the government in trying to conserve the environment?
(iv) Students to work in groups and demonstrate their conservation skills within the school compound.
(v) Discuss the message sent by the two pictures below. [Teacher to facilitate discussion}
Source: Internet
(v) Apart from the government, name two other organizations who are involved in the conserving of our environment.
Our ocean is part of our environment so it is also important that we look after it and conserve it just like our land and forest.
The ocean is a habitat for marine life and also a source of food for people.
Oceans shape the earth’s climate and influence the distribution of the globe’s ecosystems and biodiversity. This 2011 World
Oceans Day is an opportunity to celebrate the importance of oceans for the well-being of the planet and humanity and to
take a step forward in championing their cause.
The ‘blue economy’ of oceans is central to our daily lives. At least one in four persons relies on sea food as their primary
source of protein. Half of the world’s population is settled on the first 50km of coastal areas. Ninety percent of the world’s
trade is carried by shipping. With technological progress, economic activities in coastal zones and deeper waters continue to
intensify and to diversify.
The importance of oceans is not matched by our knowledge. More than 1,500 people have climbed Mount Everest, and 12
have walked on the moon, but only two divers have descended to and returned from the deepest part of the ocean.
UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission has promoted marine science and research for fifty years, but
the fact remains that oceans are still relatively unexplored.
Knowledge of oceans has long been driven by the need to access and exploit their resources. This must change. The
challenge today is to use marine science to understand and protect oceans, in order to better manage their ecosystems and
biodiversity for present and future generations.
The United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, to be held in June 2012 in Brazil, provides a unique
opportunity to tackle this challenge. We must work now to prepare concrete commitments on oceans for the 2012
We have one year to consult with all major actors, to coordinate visions and to secure new political commitment on ocean
sustainability. The challenge is high, but so is our collective responsibility to develop a new approach to oceans that
champions their central role for the planet and our lives. These are the stakes of this World Oceans Day.
With your teacher, discuss ways in which you can conserve the marine environment/ocean.
The environment also contains resources that are useful to people. There are different types of resources that can be
found in our environment like, mineral resources, gas, oil, timber and water. These are known as natural resources.
Within the cultural environment, people invent machines and technology in order to extract these mineral resources.
Matching: Resource
Column A Column B
For each Resource type choose its correct example by identifying the nine pictures below.
1. _________________________________________
2. _________________________________________
3. _________________________________________
4. _________________________________________
5. _________________________________________
6. _________________________________________
7. _________________________________________
8. _________________________________________
9. ________________________________________
• Tourist Attraction
• For future generation
• Provides evidence of living in the past
• To protect unique aspects of our natural environment
• Raise public awareness on the importance of heritage and the consequence of its loss
(ii) Puzzle
Look for the given words by circling the letters in the grid.
Carry out a rubbish auditing activity, analyze your finding and make recommendation on how to
Achieved Status Person nominated to represent a certain group of people
Status a person earned through hard work and in an election.
Acquitted Grouping of people according to work and occupation-
Found not guilty in the court of law mainly used in India
Anthropologist Cession
Researchers who study about human beings especially Formal giving up of rights, property or territory
their origin, development, customs and belief
Self-assurance rising from an appreciation of one’s
B ability
Ballot Paper (1) Preservation of items to avoid wastage and misuse of
Used for voting to indicate choice in an election resources or (2) preserving of natural environment,
wildlife ,ecological, historical and cultural sites and
Beliefs artifacts
What one feels is right or a set of rules which exists in a
particular society of culture Constitution
Sets of rules and regulations that govern a country or
Contempt of Court
Showing disrespect to the court of law
Found guilty of a criminal offence in the court of law
Unwritten rule or traditional way of behavior that is
practiced by specific group of people
First World
Advanced country in terms of development and
technology (industirliased capitalist society, usually
meaning Europe and USA)
Officially recognized
Process of making a decision (a judge’s final decision is Forgiveness
called a determination) State of being forgiven
Deviance Flexibility
Behavior that goes against custom or tradition (or laws) Able to change and respond to different circumstances
Dynamic Friendliness
Full of ideas – a process or change characterized by a Not harmful but favourable; happy relation between
change or activity people
Social norms
Standard behavior expected by people in the society and
Community of people living together, who share Values
customs, laws and organization Standard or qualities considered worthwhile desirable
Structure Virtues
Quality of being well organized; usually means that roles Power, strength and inner quality that helps us to work
and responsibilities are clearly laid out towards becoming a better person.
Theory Writ
A set of principles which describe how events should Form of written command in the name of the court or
occur other legal authority directing a person to act or refrain
from acting in a spe
Third World
Developing countries, usually meaning Asia, Africa and
the Pacific
Natural object or animal believed by a particular society
to have spiritual significance and adopted by it
Being reliable, honest and responsible
Donelly, T.A., Kerr,G.J. and Quanchi,M.1994.Fiji in the Pacific.Heinemann Ltd., Sydney, Australia.