Doared Uor, Dnod, D:Od9: Karnataka Pollution Control
Doared Uor, Dnod, D:Od9: Karnataka Pollution Control
Doared Uor, Dnod, D:Od9: Karnataka Pollution Control
Sub: Guidelines for Design and location ofsewage Treatment plants (STps)- Reg
The Responsibility prescribed under the Section 24 and Section 25 of Water (prevention
and Control of Pollution) A'ct, 1974, indicates the wholesomeness water to be maintained in all
the water bodies like River, well, Lake, etc. Therefore, regulatory agency viz. Kamataka State
Pollution Control Board (KSPCB), in exercise of its power has specified the mandatory
condition to provide the Sewage Treatment plants (srp) for a) Apartments with 20 Units and
above or having a total built up area of 2,000 square meter including basement, b) commercial
constructions Projects (Commercials Complexes, office, IT related activities etc.) with total built
up area of 2000 Square meter and above, c) Educational Institutions with or without Hostel
facility having total built up area of 5.000 square meter and above and d) Townships and Area
Development Projects with an area of l0 acres and above shall install STp.
The location of these STPs is equally important besides its Operation & Maintenance. It
is observed that majority of STP'smainly of the Residential apartments are either
not provided in
the proper location leading to the frequent complaints by the residents about noise and odor
nuisance. Also in many cases, the unit operations are not properry desigred and the
technology is not properly adopted reading to non conformity to the standards prescribed
by the
Board. The Plant operators may not be aware ofthe functioning of various unit operations
this may result in discharge of untreated sewage which ultimately joins the water
bodies and may
also lead to seepage of water from the tanks thereby contaminating the ground
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l lPage
The violations observed in many instances indicated improper location leading to Noise,
Smell, unapproachable passage entry etc. and attracted neighboring complaints, spillages/ illegal
Cross connection olsuch sewage entering intothe Groundwater.
In view of the above, general guidelines are framed considering various Environmental
aspects and field conditions and are enclosed as Annexure-1. However, it is to be made clear that
the guidelines are general in nature & may require certain modifications/ stringent practices to be
adopted depending on the specific field conditions.
Hence ROs are hereby directed to advice the Project Proponents and also insist for best
appropriate avai lable technologies for implementation.
A) Activated Sludge Process(ASP) only in the case where the Sewage generated is 500 KL
and above.
B) Sequential Batch Reactor(SBR)
C) Membrane Bio Reactor (MBR)
D) Moving Bed Bio Reactor (MBBR) / Fluidized Aerobic Bed rector (FAB)
Note: As and when new technologies are brought to the notice of the Board, the Technical
committee review and decide if it can be adopted.
.P.c.B. 2lPage
II. Unit ooeration deta ils for the a bol'e Technolosies
Shall have a Minimum Shall have a Minimum Shdl have ^ Shall have a
I Equalization Tank Holding Period of 8 Holding Period of 8 Minimum Holding Minimum Holding
hours hours Period of 8 hours Period of 8 hours
Sludge Recirculation
Not required, however
if the same is done by Retum Activated Retum Acti vated
Retum Aclivated sludge sludge shall be sludge shall be
Anoxic Tank - To pumping the contents
shall be pumped into the pumped into th€ pumped inlo the
Achieve De- of the SBR Reactor
Anoxic Tank to achieve
Nitrificarion back to the Pte- Anoxic Tank to Anoxic Tank to
De-Nitrification achieve De- achieve De-
Aeration Tank. a better
control on De_ N itrification Nitrification
Nitrification can be
Sludge Holding
This tank shall be mandatorily provided, to hold the excess sludge prior to dewatering
Final Treated
A minimum of 2 days capacity (Design Capacity of STP) shall be provided to store and use the
Water Holding
water in case ofaainy s€asons.
The sludge drying beds and filter press shall not be used due to the operaliona.l issues llorizontal
7 Sludge Drying centrifuge system shall be used for the STP of more than 500 KLD and Vertical c.€ntrifuge / B€lt
Prcss / Screw Press system shall be used for the STP ofless than 500 KLD
ril) Mechanical EquipmentSoecifications Guidelines(These equioment / Units shall be
nrrt of the STP)
Nloving B€d Bio Reactor
Activated Sludge Sequentisl Batch !lembran€ Bio (MBBR) / Fluidizcd
('n il Reacto(SBR) Rcactor (lltBR)
Io. Process(ASP) Aerobic B€d rector (FAB)
Bar Screen
I To screen the incoming sewage ofrags and lloating solids
Acoustic Enclosutes shall be provided to ensurc the noise fiom the Air Blower should
be less than
65 dll 55 dB
Residential 55 dtl 45 dB
Shall mandatorily be
provided for the treated
Shall mandatorily be provided tbr the treated Not Required fo,
Ultra filration sewage reuse for toilet flush
sewage reuse for toilet flush and also to avoid MBR
System and also to avoid
.ec.ntaminalion al the hnal holding tank
recontamination at the linal
holding tank
fi lcr 111 vllus and bacteri a also
n thc ran pe of
The liltration efficien ol ihe mem brane shall
be tu l)' PLC based autom allc plitnl lor
ten 10 the power of mrnus l,,g reduction. he s) \1 cm shall
I1lc tno brane lile shall b€ c uaranteed for period oi 5
1 Membranes years
both fi tratl on and back h c]. cl
of operation
dual approach of ha llt UV S ab d ts lcct the treated seNage fo lou'ed by chltr n nator
Coliform ach I aecal
marntaln IC SI dual ch kr flne lc cl f Ppm n h reated
Faecal wage shal be adopted
IJ .t 5 ppm
Conrol 00m 0zonation m al also be cons dered rh ozone do sape a1
Co form 00 MPN
III (A) Mechanical EquiPment's
l. Bar Screen Chamber and oil & Grease Chamber shall have clear and easy access.
2. To avoid sound and vibration issues, as far as possible the equipment shall be
submersible type with provision of easy removal when maintenance is required
without the need to empty the tanks.
3. Air Blowers should be away from residential units to mitigate its effect of vibration
and noise. Air blowers shall be provided with anti- vibration mounts and acoustic
o STP shall be located, preferably under drive way. clubhouses, play area and as far as
away from apartment comPlexes.
o Never locate the STP in the basement ofany flats ofapartment towers'
r The access fiom the lowestbasement is not permitted for the reason of flooding of rain
water, smell and sound nuisance.
o The access to the sTP should be from the ground level / Upper Basement, all tanks
should be open, and access shall be through well designed walkways and head room
o Mechanical Ventilation shall be provided to ensure adequate ventilation with a minimum
of25 air changes per hour shalt be provided inline ofpara(l) along with the guidelines
of NBC. in case if the STP is in the basement.
o The exhaust should be terminated at the terrace level. All ducting running inside the shaft
shall be provided with acoustic insulation. This ducting and routing shall not be along
with flats and shall be along the common utilities.
o STP Shall never is fully closed.
o Activated Sludge Process shall be avoided for all decentralized STPs less than 500 KLD.
o Preferably go for Sequential Batch Reactor (SBR) with tjltrafiltration Or Membrane Bio
Reactor 1'N4BR; or Moving Bed Bio Reactor (MBBR) with Ultrafiltration'
V)Treated Sewase Standards: The final treated sewage shall confirm to the following
V.Installation of Sensors:
The Sensors are made mandatory for all the STPs,( Including BwssB, Municipalities, ULBs,
Residential, Commercial, lT, Educational lnstitutions, Railway Stations, Airports etc., ) for the
parameters listed below:
The online monitoring shall be strictly comply with the specifications by CPCB. The
brief Guidelines are as shown below:
l. The Concemed Regional Officers shall properly indicate the above Technical status in
their Inspection Report at the time of cFE for all the new applicants and shall follow
strictly during the CFO to ensure full compliance'
RSEOs shall monitor on the aspects during the Monitoring/ Inspection of these units
report the action proposed suitably.
This Circular shall come into effect for newly proposed STP's or modifications or
circulars/office Memorandums/any directions issued in respect of STPs will become
null and
VI. Usa se of Treated Sewase: I ) Mandatorily the treated sewage shall be used for the toilet
flushing with dual plumbing system.
2) For gardening, lawn maintenance and land scape including vertical garden. The usage is
considered at 5 Lt per every Square Meter of landscape area.
3) The treated water shall be used for the construction activity other than for the load bearing
structures like curing, dust suppression, road consolidation, brick work etc., where the treated
water does not come in contact with the steel either directly or indirectly (Until the Final study
report from IISc obtained).
l) The STP owner shall provide 'DANGER' sign board near the STP to maintain safety of the
operational personnel and shall maintain operational safety protocol. Proper signages shall be
displayed in both Kannada and English at the taps where treated sewage is flowing as "not fit for
2) Whenever there is a maintenance and staff get into STP, especially in the basements a display
Board ,.Caution - Danger,' shall be put up. The gases generated might choke & create
breathlessness and may be fatal. During such activities the person entering shall do so with all
protective equipment's including the Oxygen portable cylinder with a mask. Two more persons
ihull b. watching from outside and shall immediately evacuate the person inside if such a
situation arises. A minimum of two sets of such protective gear shall always be kept available in
a working condition.
VIII. AdoDtion of Modular Based a nnroach It is found that in many large projects especially
the layouts, the occupancy is minimal in the initial stages. The adequate quantities of sewage is
not generated at the time of occupancy for the effective operation of STPs. Hence, the design
and ixecution shall be on a modular basis so that the STP can be made operational during the
lean occupancy also.
IX. Plan Sanctions: The approved Plan sanction shall include the location ofthe STP as per the
guidelines of KSPCB.
,tfRll C Eos,lsgos/ZSEos/ROs for information and to strictly follow above.
2) Website of KSPCB
3) Mobile App
4) Office Master file