Wiener Filter

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Wiener Filter

The inverse filtering approach makes no explicit provision for handling noise. The Wiener filtering

approach incorporates both the degradation function and statistical characteristics of noise into the

restoration process. The method is founded on considering images and noise as random variables,

and the objective is to find an estimate of the uncorrupted image f such that the mean square error

between them is minimized. This error measure is given by

𝑒 2 = E{(𝑓 − 𝑓 ^ )2 } ……………………………(1)

where E{●}is the expected value of the argument. It is assumed that the noise and the image are

uncorrelated; that one or the other has zero mean; and that the intensity levels in the estimate are

a linear function of the levels in the degraded image. Based on these conditions, the minimum of

the error function in Eq. (1) is given in the frequency domain by the expression


where we used the fact that the product of a complex quantity with its conjugate is equal to the

magnitude of the complex quantity squared. This result is known as the Wiener filter, after

N.Wiener [1942], who first proposed the concept in the year shown. The filter, which consists of

the terms inside the brackets, also is commonly referred to as the minimum mean square error filter

or the least square error filter.

Note from the first line in Eq. (2) that the Wiener filter does not have the same problem as the
inverse filter with zeros in the degradation function, unless the entire denominator is zero for the

same value(s) of u and v. The terms in Eq. (2) are as follows:

H(u,v) = degradation function

𝐻 ∗ (𝑢, 𝑣) = complex conjugate of H(u,v)

|𝐻(𝑢, 𝑣)|2 = 𝐻 ∗ (𝑢, 𝑣)H(u, v)

𝑆𝜂 (𝑢, 𝑣) = |𝑁(𝑢, 𝑣)|2 = power spectrum of the noise

𝑆𝑓 (𝑢, 𝑣) = |𝐹(𝑢, 𝑣)|2 = power spectrum of the undegraded image

As before, H(u,v) is the transform of the degradation function and G(u, v) is the transform of the

degraded image. The restored image in the spatial domain is given by the inverse Fourier transform

of the frequency-domain estimate 𝐹 ^ (𝑢, 𝑣). If the noise is zero, then the noise power spectrum

vanishes and the Wiener filter reduces to the inverse filter.

A number of useful measures are based on the power spectra of noise and of the undegraded

image. One of the most important is the signal-to-noise ratio, approximated using frequency

domain quantities such as

This ratio gives a measure of the level of information bearing signal power (i.e., of the original,

undegraded image) to the level of noise power. Images with low noise tend to have a high SNR

and, conversely, the same image with a higher level of noise has a lower SNR. This ratio by itself

is of limited value, but it is an important metric used in characterizing the performance of

restoration algorithms.
The mean square error given in statistical form in Eq. (1) can be approximated also in terms

a summation involving the original and restored images:

In fact, if one considers the restored image to be “signal” and the difference between this image

and the original to be noise, we can define a signal-to-noise ratio in the spatial domain as

The closer f and 𝑓 ^ are, the larger this ratio will be. Sometimes the square root of these measures

is used instead, in which case they are referred to as the root-mean-square-signal-to-noise ratio and

the root-mean-square-error, respectively.

When we are dealing with spectrally white noise, the spectrum |𝑁(𝑢, 𝑣)|2 is a constant,

which simplifies things considerably. However, the power spectrum of the undegraded image

seldom is known. An approach used frequently when these quantities are not known or cannot be

estimated is to approximate Eq. (2) by the expression


where K is a specified constant that is added to all terms of |𝐻(𝑢, 𝑣)|2

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