Applied Tech Curriculum (Grades 10-12+) : Python Programming
Applied Tech Curriculum (Grades 10-12+) : Python Programming
Applied Tech Curriculum (Grades 10-12+) : Python Programming
Class Python Programming & Class Supervised Machine Learning: Class Unsupervised Machine Learning:
1-48 Exploratory Data Analysis 49-96 Regression & Classification 97-144 Clustering & Modelling
1 5 9
Students will learn basic Students will make probabilistic Students will learn to find out the
programming constructs and use estimation right target variable.
of libraries.
2 6 10
data into a meaningful own Python libraries using OOP data based on features.
Data Structures with Python Machine Learning: Regression Principal Component Analysis
3 7 11
Students will learn how to build Student will learn to forecast Students will learn to identify
principal components in the
No. of vistiors
Python applications with back-end. events using data.
4 8 12
Students will take a plunge into AQI
PM 2.5
Student will deploy binary classification Students will learn to choose the best
feature variables and & multi-class classification models prediction model based on their
probabilistic estimations. accuracy