Data Science & Machine Learning 2024

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Dice Analytics Presents

Data Science & Machine Learning

About the Course

In this hybrid training, you will learn about machine learning algorithms and its applications. Further, you will also be guided how
to use the machine learning algorithms in Python. This course will cover data sets from multiple domains and how to apply Machine
Learning algorithms to the available data, how to get value out of Machine Learning algorithms, and how to present the output of
those algorithms.
By the end of this training, you will have enough knowledge and hands-on expertise in Python to use and apply them in the real
world around you. Also, you will be able to get prepared for certifications of Data Camp and Cognitive AI.

Who Should Attend?

 Graduate or Masters Students who want to start their career in the Data Science domain
 People who are working in the BI domain and want to advance their career in the field of Data Science.
 Executive who want to build a Data Science department in their start-ups/organizations

About the Instructors

 Mr. Ahmed Niazi : AM Data Analytics at EY | Lead Trainer at Dicecamp || exTelelnor exHuawei.


 Interactive Discussions on Last Week’s

 Basics of Data Science Flow Assignments
 Anaconda Installation  Types of Variables
 Intro to Jupyter Notebook  Data Visualizations (Scatter plot, Histogram, Bar
 Intro to Python plots, Line plots, Heat maps)
 Python Objects & Data Structure  Data Centricity (Mean, Modes, Median, STD,
 Subsetting (Strings, Lists, Dictionaries) Variance, Interquantile Range)
 Python Comparison Operators  Box plot
 Python Statements  Data Transformation (Log, Natural Log, Min


 Methods & Functions Max)

 Importing Data in Python  Data Cleaning in Python
 NumPy & Pandas Basics in Python  Visualization on Matplotlib
 Subsetting Data frames in Pandas  Visualization on Seaborn
 Data Aggregation using Group By, Pivot and  Exploratory Data Analysis of Titanic dataset
Melt  Feature Engineering
 Hands-On Assignments of Python  Techniques of Filling Missing values in EDA
 Correlation Matrix
 Hands-on Assignment of EDA
 Interactive Discussions on Last Week’s  Interactive Discussions on Project
Assignments  Multivariate Regression
 What is Probability  Residual Plots, R square, Adjusted R Square
 Conditional Probability (Disjoint Events +  Polynomial Regression
General Addition Rule).  Model Complexity, Model Selection
 Dependence vs Independence  Lasso Regularization
 Probability Trees & Bayesian Inference with  Ridge Regularization



their examples Classification

 Machine Learning Basics  Logistic Regression
 Machine Learning Playground  Confusion Matrix
 Supervised Learning  True Positive, True Negative, False Positive ,
 Train Test Splittng False Negative
 Overfitting vs Underfitting  Precision, Accuracy, Recall, F Measure
 Cross Validation using K-folds  ROC Curve, AUC, TPR, FPR
 Linear Regression  Project-2 Assigned to Students
 Gradient Descent, Ordinary Least Squares
 Project-1 Assigned to Students

 Interactive Discussions on Project

 Interactive Discussions on Project
 External Indexes, Adjusted Rand Index
 Decision Trees
 Cluster Profiling using Radar Chart
 Information Gain, Gini Index, Chi Square
 Feature Scaling
 Random Forest
 DBSCAN Algorithm
 Grid Search CV of Random Forest Hyper-
 Cluster Validation using DBCV
 Hierarchical clustering
 What is Boosting
 Average vs Complete vs Ward linkage
 What is Bagging


Dendrogram Creation and Reading clusters

 AdaBoost on Python  External Indexes, Adjusted Rand Index
 Multi-Classification and Analyzing its Confusion  Hierarchical clustering Use Cases
Matrix  Association Rules
 Unsupervised Learning  Apriori Algorithm
 Clustering  Support, Confidence, Lift, Leverage, Conviction
 K-Means algorithm
 Elbow Analysis, Internal Indexes,
Silhouette Score
 Project-3 Assigned to Students

 Interactive Discussions on Project  Data Science Test

 Visualizing Association Rules  Project & Presentation
 Network Graph Theory  Self-learning Path Guidance

 Social Network Analysis by Network Graph

 Dimensionality Reduction Concept
 Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
 Principal Vectors/Components
 Composite Features

 Maximal Variance
 Info Loss and Principal Component Analysis
 Image Classification using PCA TOOLS
 Model Deployment Basics
 Flask App Introduction • Python • Anaconda • Jupyter
 Model Deployment on Flask App

Duration: 8 Weeks
Contact Us: 051-8356065-6

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