Multiple Couple Circuit Modeling of Induction Machines

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2, MARCWAPRIL 1995 31 1

Multiple Coupled Circuit Modeling

of Induction Machines
Xiaogang Luo, Yuefeng Liao, Member, IEEE, Hamid A. Toliyat, Member, IEEE,
Ahmed El-Antably, and Thomas A. Lipo, Fellow, IEEE

Abstruct-A new multiple coupled circuit model is presented to be m stator circuits instead of m stator phases). The cage
for simulation of induction machines with both arbitrary winding can be viewed as n identical and equally spaced rotor loops.
layout and/or unbalanced operating conditions. The model is Then the equations for the induction machine can be written
derived by means of winding functions. No symmetry is assumed.
The parameters of the model are calculated directly from the in vector-matrix form as
geometry and winding layout of the machine. The behavior of an dA,
induction machine during starting is simulated using this model. V, = RsI,+ - dt
The results are shown to be in good agreement with the solution
obtained by a conventional d - q model for symmetric conditions. V, = R,I, d L
The new model is then extended to the solution of a wide variety dt
of fault conditions such as broken bars and end rings and open A s = LssIs + LsrIr (3)
or short circuited motor coils. A, = LTrIs +L A , (4)
where the matrix LF, is the transpose of matrix L,,, and
HILE the literature on the analysis of induction ma- I , = [isl is2 . . ' ism]T (5)
chinery is rich and extensive, suitable models to ana- I , = [i,l i,2 . . . irn]T (6)
lyze the transients involving multiple internal fault conditions v,= ['Ud vs2 ' . ' 'Us,] T . (7)
within the motor itself have yet to appear. It is well known
that the conventional d - q model of an ac machine is based In the case of a cage rotor, V, = [O]. Note that with
on the assumption that the stator windings are sinusoidally this formulation, the currents in the 7n stator circuits and n
distributed, so that this model is not suitable for study of a rotor bars are assumed as independent. The circuits can be
general machine with arbitrarily connected windings. It ap- later connected in any fashion whatsoever to form the stator
pears, however, that a model based on the basic geometry and winding phases and the rotor barlend ring configuration to be
winding layout of an arbitrary n phase machine would be much investigated.
more suitable for a general purpose, time domain simulation The torque and mechanical equations for the machine are
of an ac machine [ 11. In such a model, parameters (particularly
the mutual inductances between stator and rotor windings) are
considered to be time-varying and can be evaluated (or looked dw 1
up) in real time, while secondary parameters such as end- - = - (T, - T L )
dt J
turn effect, leakage inductances are precalculated and treated dB
- =W
as constants. A detailed depiction of the procedure needed dt
to implement such a general purpose model together with
where B is the mechanical angle, w is mechanical speed, TL
simulation results of the completed model are the subjects
is load torque, and J is the inertia of the rotor.
of this paper.
It is apparent that the calculation of all the machine induc-
Consider, for generality, an induction machine having m tances as defined by the inductance matrices in the previous
stator circuits and n rotor bars. (Note that there are assumed section is the key to the successful simulation of an induction
Paper IPCSD 94-77, approved by the Electric Machines Committee of the machine. These machine inductances are conveniently calcu-
IEEE Industry Applications Society for presentation at the 1993 IEEE Industry lated by means of winding functions. This method assumes
Applications Society Annual Meeting, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, October 3-8.
Manuscript released for publication September 9, 1994. no symmetry in the placement of any motor coil in the slots.
X. Luo and T. Lip0 are with the Department of Electrical & Computer According to winding function theory, the mutual inductance
Engineering, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706-1 691 USA. between any two windings "i" and "j" in any electric machine
Y. Liao is with General Electric Company, Corporate Research & Devel-
opment, Schenectady, NY 12301 USA. can be computed by the equation (assume that permeance of
H. A. Toliyat is with the Electrical Engineering Department, Texas A&M iron is infinite) [2]:
University, College Station, TX 77843-31 28 USA.
A. El-Antably is with Delco Remy Division of General Motors, Anderson,
IN 46018-2439 USA.
IEEE Log Number 9408 187.

0093-9994/95$04,00 0 1995 IEEE

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where cp is the angular position of the rotor with respect

to some stator reference, 0 is a particular angular position
along the stator inner surface, g-’(cp, 6’) is termed the inverse
gap function which becomes l / g due to the assumption of
uniform air gap. The quantity L is the length of stack and
r is the average radius of air gap. The term N;((p,d) is
called the winding function and represents, in effect, the MMF
distribution along the air gap for a unit current flowing in
winding i. The self-inductance terms can be calculated by
merely setting i = j. Equation (1 1) is the general expression of
inductances between any two windings in an electric machine.
Since our goal is to deal with arbitrary distribution of windings,
it is convenient to employ another form of this equation
to complete the task of calculating the inductances of the
From winding function theory it is also known that the MMF
at any 8 of the air gap produced by current i~ flowing in coil
A is Fig. 1 . Spatial positions of coil A and coil B

FA(d) = N A ( ~. i) ~ . (12)

Consider now a second coil B having ng tums (where winding function of coil i is
n g ( d ) is the winding distribution of coil B ) as shown in
Fig. 1. It is desired to calculate the flux linking this coil due
to current flowing in coil A . For this purpose, the flux in the
gap is related to the MMF by

@=F.P (13) and winding distribution of loop j is

where P is the permeance of the air gap of cross-section A
and air gap length g, and F is the MMF drop across the length nj(0) = 1 Ojl 5 d 5 d j 2

g. Referring to Fig. 1 the differential flux across the air gap nj (0) = 0 the rest of 0 (19)
from rotor to stator through cross section ( r . d d ) . L is
where ai = Oi2 - Oil is the pitch of coil i , and w; is the
number of tums of coil i .
From (17) and Fig. 2 the mutual inductances between stator
Consider now the flux linking coil B. The differential flux coils and rotor loops can be written as follows:
linkage of coil B now is a) For djl < O j 2 5 Oil < 8 i 2 and Oil < 0;2 5 d j l < d j 2

PorL .
d h B A = -%AnB(d)NA(O)
do. (15)
where C Y , = 1932 - Ojl is the pitch of rotor teeth.
The gross flux linkage in winding B is b) For Ojl < Oil < 0 j 2 < di2

Therefore the inductance between coil A and coil B is

Equation (17) is now ready for calculating inductances based

on the coil geometry. The following is an example of how this
equation is used to calculate inductances between stator coils
and rotor loops. In the same manner the inductances between all stator coils,
Referring to Fig. 2 (assuming that the pitch of any coil between rotor loops can be calculated.
in the stator is greater than that of rotor slot), there are The next step is to calculate the inductances between stator
five different relative positions between any stator coil and circuits, and between stator circuits and rotor loops based on
rotor loop. Because a coil is simply a concentric winding, the the inductances already obtained for stator coils. In the general

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( 5 ) eilsejl<e,Z sei2
Fig. 2. Five different positions between stator coil z and rotor loop j .
and the mutual inductance between circuit m and circuit n is
given by
case a circuit is composed of several coils. Fig. 3 shows two
arbitrarily connected circuits m and n. Circuit m and circuit
n have IC and I coils respectively. From the connection and
linear circuit theory, the voltage equation for circuit m is

In general, the mutual inductance between any circuit m

+...+ Lmimk) di,, and circuit n can be written as

where Lminj is the mutual inductance between coil mi and

coil nj. The sign before Lminj is determined according to the
manner of connection of these coils. When m = n, (28) yields
the self inductance of circuit m.
In the simulation program an input matrix is needed to
describe the connection of stator circuits in terms of coils
for calculating the circuit inductances using (28), so that the
sign before Lminj can be determined. Finally the leakage
inductances calculated from design data must be added to form
the corresponding circuit self inductances [3].
All the inductances except the mutual inductances between
stator and rotor are rotor position independent because of
the round stator and rotor structure. Although it is possible

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to calculate these inductances at any position during the

simulation iteration loop, the task typically consumes too much
calculation time. The solution to this problem is simple inter-
polation. Discrete curves of inductance versus rotor angular
position are calculated outside the iteration loop. Inside the
loop the inductances are obtained by a simple look-up table
method, i.e., by interpolation. The accuracy of the interpolation
is crucial to the success of the simulation because a small
error in the mutual inductances can be reflected as additional
stator and rotor winding leakage inductances, or the decrease Re Le Re Le
of mutual coupling between stator and rotor windings. Fig. 4. Three phase stator windings and rotor loop windings adapted from
For an accurate interpolation, the discretization of the in- [I].
ductance curve is important. The inductance variation curve is
continuous, piecewise linear function, and the derivative of it
Subtracting each row in (31) and (32) by the following row,
is piecewise continuous function due to the nature of winding
one obtains
function method. From Fig. 2 one can determine that when
any two stator coil side and rotor loop side align, the curve r---
dAsa dAsb1
reaches its tuming point, i.e., its derivative changes abruptly.
Denoting the stator slot pitch rs and rotor slot pitch T,, and
defining the step (angle increment) as A8, the number of steps
or angle increments must meet the following equations which
guarantee that all the tuming points of the curve fall in the
discretization points
=integer (29)
- =integer. (30)
When the number of steps over 27r is chosen to be the
least common product of the number of stator slots and the
number of rotor slots, the above requirements are met. Under
these circumstances the variation of the inductances between
any adjacent two point is linear, so that linear interpolation
provides fast, accurate results.

Unfortunately, the above model is still not suitable for a No matter if the phases are balanced, symmetrical and
general purpose simulation because it requires stator phase identical or not, if the stator windings are Y connected, the
voltages as inputs, whereas usually what are known are the sum of stator currents is zero. Hence, (34) can be written as
line-to-line voltages. Although under symmetrical, balanced
operation it is not difficult to obtain the phase voltages from
line-to-line voltages, the problem is much more difficult for
the case of a general unbalanced connection. Hence, there is
a need for establishing a model which can employ line-to-line
voltages as inputs.
The circuits can now be connected to form the machine
stator winding configuration. While the approach is general,
it is useful to consider the particular case of a three phase
circuit case as shown in Fig. 4 [l], [4]. From this sketch one
can write the stator equations as follows:
Equations (2), (4), (8)-(lo), (33), and (35) form the line-to-
line model useful for purposes of simulation. Although three
(3 stator phases have been considered here explicitly, one can
derive a similar model for an arbitrary number of stator circuits
dt following the same procedure. Also, in the same fashion one
Lsaa Lsab Lsac can derive the models for any number of phases and circuits.

As = Lsba
Lsa,, L s b r ,
Lscc] ]:1: [
IS + Lsbr

and Lscr are 1 by n row vectors.

Ir (32) Note that because the rotor windings are short circuited, SO
that there is no need for modification of the equations on the
rotor side.

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Read in Design Data
Calculate Rs, Lss Fxl I

1 1 1
Calculate Curves Lsr(8) & dLsr(e)/de I -0
0 time(=)
Fig. 6. Acceleration transient using new model under sinusoidal voltage


IFind Lsr & dLsr/de I

1Calculate Lsrl-1I

Calculate Ad-I, Ar by Integration

voltage excitation.
time(SCC) 0.6

Fig. 7. Acceleration transient using conventional d - y model with sinusoidal

Calculate or, 8 by Integration1

Fig. 5. Flow chart of simulation program.

Using the model derived, a simulation study has been
conducted on a typical induction machine. Fig. 5 is the flow
chart for the simulation program. The method described pre- Lb
viously is used to calculate the inductances. The resistances
are calculated in the conventional manner [ 3 ] . Note that this
is simply a linear model and accurate values of parameters are
difficult to obtain when saturation occurs. Fig. 8. Fault conditions of rotor. (a) Normal. (b) Last bar broken. (c) Last
end ring segment broken.
For purposes of comparison the model is first used to
simulate the acceleration transient of a symmetrical three-
phase machine from rest under sinusoidal voltage excitation Figs. 6, 7, 9, and 10 denotes the current of first circuit of
and the results are shown in Fig. 6. The quantity Icktl in phase A. In Fig. 7 the same machine is simulated using the

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0 -sec) 2
Fig. 9. Acceleration transient under CRPWM excitation wherein a bar
broken fault occurs. I b a r ( n ) is the current of nth bar.

conventional d - q model under the same conditions for

comparison. Comparison of the two simulation traces shows
very good correlation. The slight deviation appears to be
caused by the harmonic effects created by the simulation
of each separate winding circuit. The effects of harmonics 0 time(=) 2

caused by these nonsinusoidal distribution of the windings are Fig. IO. Acceleration transient under CRPWM excitation in which an end
ring segment broken fault occurs. I r i n g ( n ) is the current of nth end ring
completely represented by winding function theory. segment.
The model which has been developed can also be used with
simulation techniques to solve nearly any asymmetrical condi- In the case of a broken end ring segment shown in Fig. 8(c),
tions including broken bars, broken end ring segments, stator it can be seen that there is no change in parameters except for
winding circuit open circuits, and circuit terminal to terminal Re and Le of end ring segment n. However, the equations
short circuit faults. The open circuit faults are assumed to related to loop 1 and n - 1 must be modified and the equation
occur when the relevant current reaches zero because of the related to loop n is dropped. Further observation leads to the
existence of inductances in all current paths. conclusion that as long as loop current in is forced to be zero,
Fig. 8 shows the circuit presentation of a broken bar and a it has no influence on any other loop and circuit. Hence, in the
broken end ring segment faults. Though we assume here that simulation it is sufficient to set the current to be zero to solve
bar n or end ring segment n is broken for the convenience of the problem. The simulation results are shown in Fig. 10. The
simulation, it makes no difference if any other bar or end ring effects of broken end ring segment can be observed to have a
segment is selected because of the identical nature of the rotor more significant affect on the torque than bar broken case. All
loops. In the case of the broken bar, it is apparent from the the loop currents are substantially affected as well as stator
theory that all parameters related to the loop n- 1must change, currents.
while the equation remains the same except that the equation Fig. 11 shows two fault conditions of stator windings. In
related to loop n is dropped. Inductances related to the fault bar Fig. ll(a) it is shown that one of the four parallel circuits of
are recalculated when fault occurs. Fig. 9 shows the simulation one of the phase windings is open circuited and the simulation
results. Since the number of bars of the machine is quite large results are shown in Fig. 12. It can be seen that one circuit
(68 bars), the broken bar does not have a significant effect on open circuited causes substantial unbalanced operation but is
the behavior of the machine. not so significant as the case when the entire phase is open

R, = 9.737e-3 R R, = 5.639e-3 0 LSl = 2.685e-5 H LVl= 6.376e-5 H

L , = 1.306e-3 H Y connection 4 circuitslphase k("110 v


f = 110 Hz J = 0.1 kgm2 CRPWM carrier frequency = 5 kHz

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Fig. 11. Stator winding connection and fault conditions.


8' I
1 Bm
N? 80
p0 1.45 dm(wc)

Fig. 13. A sudden line-to-line short circuit of two circuits.


wherein the fault occurs within the winding itself. A general

purpose simulation program has been developed employing
this model. Several fault operations of the induction machine
have been simulated to demonstrate its versatility. It has also
been shown that the results are consistent with the results of
the conventional method for balanced, symmetrical operation.

"R Machine Ratings:
1.45 dme(wc) 1.65
Fig. 12. A sudden open circuit of one of four parallel circuits making up 114 hp 110 V 80 NCircuit 4 Poles 220 Hz.
one of the three stator phases.
Machine Parameters: [see table at the bottom of previous
circuited. Finally, a line-to-line short circuit fault which was
depicted in Fig. 1l(b) was simulated and the results are shown ACKNOWLEDGMENT
in Fig. 13. In this case, one of the four circuits of one phase
The support and encouragement of Ron Martin of Delco-
of the machine is shorted to corresponding circuit of another
Remy of GM during the course of this project is gratefully
phase. A large pulsation in torque is observed followed by a
continual double frequency torque pulsation.

A new approach to induction machine modeling has been
introduced in this paper. The model is based directly on the
geometry of the induction machine and the physical layout of H. A. Toliyat, "Analysis of concentrated winding induction and reluc-
all windings. Calculation of inductances is further carried out tance machines for adjustable speed drive applications," Ph.D. thesis,
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of
on coil-by-coil basis. For the general case where the phase Wisconsin, Madison, 1991.
voltages are difficult to obtain, the line to line model has T. A. Lipo, "Analysis and control of synchronous machines," Course
been derived. This model only needs line to line voltages as Notes for ECE 5 11, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1986.
excitation, so it can be readily applied for analysis of arbitrary -, "AC machine design," Course Notes for ECE 7 13, Department
unbalanced operation of an induction machine. Simulation of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Wisconsin,
results have confirmed the validity of the model. Because the Madison, 1991.
H. R. Fudeh and C. M. Ong, "Modeling and analysis of induction
coupled circuit model takes into account arbitrary winding machines containing space harmonics, Part I," IEEE Trans. PAS, vol.
distributions, it should prove very useful for fault analysis 102, no. 8, pp. 2608-2615, Aug. 1983.

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Xiaogang Luo was born in Guangdong, China, in Ahmed El-Antably received the B.S. degree in
1957. He received the M.Eng. degree from Fuzhou electrical engineenng, Cairo University, Egypt, in
University, Fuzhou, China, in 1987, and the B.Eng. 1968. He received the M.S. degree in control engi-
degree from South China University of Technology, neering and the Ph.D. degree in electncal engineer-
Guangzhou, China, in 1982. ing from the University of Sussex, England, in 1975
He was with the Department of Electric Power and 1980, respectively
Engineering, South China University of Technol- He worked in the oil fields pumping stations from
ogy, Guangzhou, from 1985 to 1991, as a lecturer. 1968 to 1973. He was employed by Westinghouse
He has been a graduate student at the University Electnc Corporation from 1980 to 1989. During
of Wisconsin, Madison, since 1991, pursuing the this period, he was involved in the design, analysis,
Ph.D. degree. His research interests are in electrical manufacturing, testing, and service of electnc drive
machines, machine drives, and power electronics. motor systems of the direct-current, induction, synchronous, and permanent
magnet motors of many sizes for industrial, commercial, and military ap-
plications. He spent some time at Westinghouse R&D Center, designing
energy-efficient synchronous reluctance machines. He also worked at control
systems analysis for Westinghouse nuclear power plants. In 1989, he joined
Yuefeng Liao (S’91-M’92) is a native of Canton, AC Delco Systems “General Motors Corporation,” where he is a staff engineer
China. He received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in the development, design, and support of the electric drive motors for various
in electrical engineering from Tsinghua University, electric propulsion systems, including the drive motor for the electric vehicle
Beijing, China, in 1983 and 1986, respectively. He (IMPACT) program, electric hybrid shuttle buses, electric hybrid vans, and
received the Ph.D. in electrical engineering from the large electric drive motors for military applications. He is also responsible
University of Wisconsin, Madison, in 1992. for developing advanced second generation drive motors for future electric
He was a lecturer at South China University propulsion applications. He has 15 publications and four patents.
of Technology, Canton, from 1986 to 1988. From
1992 to 1994, he was an Engineering Specialist
with Emerson Motor Technology Center, Emerson
Electric Company, St. Louis, MO. He is presently
an Electrical Engineer in the Corporate-Research and Development Center of Thomas A. Lip0 (M’@-SM’71-F’87) is a native
General Electric Company. His interests are focused mainly on new ac motor of Milwaukee, WI. He received the B.E.E. and
and drive system development and its applications. M.S.E.E. degrees from Marquette University, Mil-
Dr. Liao has published 20 papers in this area, including a second-prize paper waukee, in 1962 and 1964, respectively, and the
from the IEEE Industry Applications Society in 1994, a first-prize paper from Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the
the Industrial Drives Committee at the 1993 Industry Applications Annual University of Wisconsin, Madison, in 1968.
Meeting, and a second-prize paper from the Electric Machines Committee at From 1969 to 1979, he was an Electrical Engineer
the 1992 Industry Applications Annual Meeting. He is co-recipient of several in the Power Electronics Laboratory of Corporate
U.S. patents. He serves on the Industrial Drives Committee and the Electric Research and Development of the General Electric
Machines Committee of the Industry Applications Society of the IEEE. Company, Schenectady, NY. He became Professor
of Electrical Engineering at Purdue University, West
Lafayette, IN, in 1979, and in 1981, joined the University of Wisconsin,
Madison, in the same capacity, and where he is presently the W. W. Grainger
Professor for Power Electronics and Electrical Machines. He has been engaged
Hamid A. Toliyat (S’87-M’91) was born in Mash- in power electronics research for over 30 years.
had, Iran, in 1957. He received the B.S. degree from Dr. Lip0 has received 17 IEEE prize paper awards for his work, including
Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, in co-recipient of the Best Paper Award in the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY
1982, the M.S. degree from West Virginia Univer- APPLICATIONS in 1984. In 1986, he received the Outstanding Achievement
sity, Morgantown, in 1986, and the Ph.D. degree Award from the IEEE Industry Applications Society for his contributions to
from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, in 1991, the field of ac drives, and in 1990, received the William E. Newell Award of
all in electrical engineering. the IEEE Power Electronics Society for contributions to the field of power
Between 1982 and 1984, he worked for power electronics. He served as the President of the IEEE Industry Applications
companies in Iran. While working toward the Ph.D., Society in 1994.
he was a teachinghesearch assistant at the Uni-
versity of Wisconsin, and a consultant to several
industrial concerns. In 1991, he joined the faculty of Ferdowsi University,
Mashhad, as an Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineenng. He is currently
employed by Texas A&M University, College Station, as a Visiting Assistant
Professor, where he is involved in teaching and research with a multidisci-
plinary team, workmg on hybrid electnc vehicles. His main research areas
include converter optimized induction and synchronous reluctance machines,
power electronics, power systems, and control.
Dr. Toliyat is a member of the IEEE Power Engineering Society and Sigma

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