Coke Drum Drum Monitoring

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The document discusses Stress Engineering Services and their structural health monitoring program called SES DrumBeat for monitoring coke drums. SES provides various engineering services related to assessing, monitoring, predicting reliability and extending the life of coke drums.

SES provides health monitoring systems, defect identification and assessment, crack growth prediction, bulge analysis, drum design and modeling, life assessment and extension recommendations, metallurgical consulting and testing, heater condition and life assessment, root cause failure analysis, and forensic and litigation support services related to coke drums.

The SES DrumBeat program involves installing sensors to monitor coke drums, retrieving and evaluating strain and process data, providing feedback and analysis to operators, and engineering analysis and support to extend drum life. It aims to become an automated on-site system for continuously monitoring drum operation in real-time.

Stress Engineering Services

Coke Drum Health Monitoring
And Reliability Improvement

April 12, 2001 Stress Engineering Services, Inc 1

SES Engineering Services to Owners,
Operators, and Designers of Delayed Coke
4 Health Monitoring Systems 4 Drum Design and Modeling
h Short and Long Term Strain Using Actual Operating
Monitoring of Coke Drum Transients
Response to Daily Operation
h Skirt
h Cause and Effect of
Operation on Drum Damage h Shell
h Integration into local DCS h Piping and Nozzles
4 Defect Identification and 4 Life Assessment and
Assessment Extension Recommendations
h Acoustic Emission Testing
4 Metallurgical Consulting and
h Inspection Planning &
Coordination Testing
h Weld Repair Procedures
4 Crack Growth Prediction
h Fracture Mechanics and h Creep Analysis and Omega
Probabilistic Crack Growth Testing
evaluations using actual 4 Heater Condition and Life
operating data
h Low Cycle Fatigue Damage
Accumulation 4 Root Cause Failure Analysis
4 Bulge Analysis 4 Forensic and Litigation
h Severity of bulges and Support
growth rate
April 12, 2001 Stress Engineering Services, Inc 2
SES DrumBeat Coke Drum
Structural Health Monitoring Program

April 12, 2001 Stress Engineering Services, Inc 3

Benefits of SES Program to
Coke Drum Operators
l Record and analyze actual measurements from
drum response to daily operation essential to
accurately assess, predict and extend drum Health
l Achieve a better understanding of cause and effect
of operation and processes on drum reliability
l Allow Operators to monitor, improve and
optimize daily operation versus drum damage to
create “Best Practices”
l Make and Save Operators $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

April 12, 2001 Stress Engineering Services, Inc 4

What SES does to improve
Coke Drum Economics and
4 Install High Temperature Strain Gages,
Thermocouples and Intrinsically safe system to
monitor Shell and Skirt Regions
4 Hook Intrinsically Safe Logger into Local DCS or
Directly to SES
4 Retrieve Strain and Process Data routinely
4 Evaluate trends of recorded strain and damage
versus daily operation: Cause and Effect
4 Provide Prompt Feedback and Analysis to
Operators to allow for improvement
4 Provide Engineering Analysis and Support to
Extend Life
April 12, 2001 Stress Engineering Services, Inc 5
What SES does to improve
Coke Drum Economics and
4 Install High Temperature Strain Gages,
Thermocouples and Intrinsically safe system to
monitor Shell and Skirt Regions
4 Hook Intrinsically Safe Logger into Local DCS or
Directly to SES
4 Retrieve Strain and Process Data routinely
4 Evaluate trends of recorded strain and damage
versus daily operation: Cause and Effect
4 Provide Prompt Feedback and Analysis to
Operators to allow for improvement
4 Provide Engineering Analysis and Support to
Extend Life
April 12, 2001 Stress Engineering Services, Inc 5
Temperature distribution soon after Switching

April 12, 2001 Stress Engineering Services, Inc 6

Skirt is forced outward during Fill transient

April 12, 2001 Stress Engineering Services, Inc 7

High Temperature Strain Gage
with Intrinsically Safe

April 12, 2001 Stress Engineering Services, Inc 8

Structural Health Monitoring
Data Processing Tasks

l Review Recorded Data for

– High Temperature Strain Gages
– Thermocouples
l Correct Readings for Temperature Error
l Calculate each pair for Bi-Axial Principal Stress
and Stress Intensity
l Determine Stress Range each Cycle
l Compile Histograms and Damage Accumulation
l Evaluate Process Cause and Structural Effect
l Compare Different Operating Procedures for
resulting Structural Damage

April 12, 2001 Stress Engineering Services, Inc 9

Measured Stress is caused by
several conditions

l Measured Stress is l Stress is composed of

due to – Average stress in wall :
– Pressure Membrane
– Gravity and – Bending Stress
Hydrostatic inside/outside wall
– Thermal gradients – Secondary Stress for
– Flattening of Bulges Geometric Equilibrium
– Solid Coke – Peak Stress at defects,
Interference undercuts, weld caps,
radius transition
– Solid Coke Friction
– Ring Bending from l Stress measurement on
Bulge Diameters OD is independent of
source of stress

April 12, 2001 Stress Engineering Services, Inc 10

Typical Coking Cycle for Process and Stress

April 12, 2001 Stress Engineering Services, Inc 11

Plot Stress Range for each Cycle

April 12, 2001 Stress Engineering Services, Inc 12

Histogram of Stress Ranges describes how
often a stress happens

April 12, 2001 Stress Engineering Services, Inc 13

Calculate Fatigue Damage for each Stress
Component and Determine Cycle Life

April 12, 2001 Stress Engineering Services, Inc 14

Histogram of Stress Ranges and Damage
for Low Cycle Fatigue

April 12, 2001 Stress Engineering Services, Inc 15

Integration With SES
“DrumBeat” Analysis
DCS Sensors Critical Control
Information Factors

Operator Observations
Logs Outputs

Operational Intelligence to Fatigue crack Growth Prediction

reduce fatigue damage Low Cycle Fatigue Damage
Remaining Life Assessments Accumulation

April 12, 2001 Stress Engineering Services, Inc 16

The Future DrumBeat….

An Automated and On Site

Structural Health
Monitoring System
Improved Reliability of
Delayed Coke Drums

April 12, 2001 Stress Engineering Services, Inc 17

SES Drumbeat Information Links
l Remaining Life Evaluations of Coke Drums

l Assessing Structural Integrity of Coke Drums


l SES DrumBeat PowerPoint notes (pdf)

l Stress Engineering Services at

April 12, 2001 Stress Engineering Services, Inc 18

SES DrumBeat Coke Drum
Structural Health Monitoring System
4 SES DrumBeat is a collection of procedures for processing
strain gage, thermocouple, and process data measured on a
coke drum.
4 SES DrumBeat is becoming an automated software to routinely
manage large volumes of data in real time for cyclic damage
4 SES DrumBeat will become an on-site system available to
provide clients with continuous update on coke drum operation.
4 is under development to provide clients a
secure access to their results.
4 is under development to provide clients with
information about SES and coke drum services.
4 is the Stress Engineering Services web site for
complete introduction to our upstream and downstream
engineering services.
April 12, 2001 Stress Engineering Services, Inc 19
April 12, 2001 Stress Engineering Services, Inc 20
Stress Engineering Services, Inc
13800 Westfair East
Houston, Texas

This CD is the property of Stress

Engineering Services Inc. The information
herein is confidential and is issued on the
understanding that no part thereof shall be
copied or communicated to a third party
without authorization in writing from Stress
Engineering Services Inc.
April 12, 2001 Stress Engineering Services, Inc 20

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