02jai Et Al
02jai Et Al
02jai Et Al
E-ISSN: 2278-4136
P-ISSN: 2349-8234
JPP 2018; 7(1): 1017-1025 Optimization of seed technological parameters
Received: 04-11-2017
Accepted: 05-12-2017 and micronutrients supplementation on yield
contributing characters, seed recovery and
Jai Prakash Gupta
Seed Technology Section, quality in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
Department of Genetics and
Plant Breeding, NDUAT,
Kumarganj, Faizabad, U. P.,
Jai Prakash Gupta, SC Vimal, Ajay Kumar, GD Kushwaha and Pankaj
SC Vimal
Seed Technology Section,
Department of Genetics and
Plant Breeding, NDUAT,
The present investigation were conducted during Kharif 2015 and 2016 at Student Instructional Farm and
Kumarganj, Faizabad, U. P., lab experiments were carried out in Seed Testing Laboratory of Seed Technology Section, N. D.
India University of Agriculture and Technology, Kumarganj, Faizabad (U.P.) India with objective of the study
was to optimization of seed technological parameters and micronutrients supplementation on yield
Ajay Kumar contributing characters, seed recovery and quality in rice (Oryza sativa L.) for yield contributing traits
Seed Technology Section, and seed quality parameters i.e. days to 50% flowering, no of tillers per plant, productive tillers per hill,
Department of Genetics and Plant height (cm), panicle length, Days to maturity, spikelet fertility, harvest index, seed recovery, seed
Plant Breeding, NDUAT, yield (q/ha), 1000 seed weight (g), germination (%), vigour index and electrical conductivity. The
Kumarganj, Faizabad, U. P., experiment was laid out in Split Plot Design with three replications keeping two methods of transplanting
India viz. C1 (Normal method) and C2 (SRI method) in the main plot and three foliar spray of micronutrient
doses viz. M1 (Zn, Fe and Mn @0.25%, 0.50%&0.25%), M2 (Zn, Fe and Mn @0.50%, 1.00%&0.50%)
GD Kushwaha
and M3 (Zn, Fe and Mn @0.75%, 1.50%&0.75%) in sub plot. The two transplanting spacing viz. S1
Seed Technology Section,
(15×20 cm) and (25×25 cm) were also applied in the sub plots with three genotype viz. NDR 97,
Department of Genetics and
Plant Breeding, NDUAT, NDR359 and BPT 5204. The result revealed that inoculation of transplanting method, spacing and foliar
Kumarganj, Faizabad, U. P., spray of micronutrients doses significantly improved days to 50% flowering, no. of tillers per plant,
India productive tillers per hill, Plant height (cm), panicle length, Days to maturity, spikelet fertility, harvest
index, seed recovery, seed yield (q/ha), 1000 seed weight (g), germination (%), vigour index and reduce
Pankaj Kumar electrical conductivity. Overall the treatment of findings revealed that rice crop should be transplanted on
Seed Technology Section, 25×25 cm under SRI method with the foliar spray application of Zn, Fe and Mn @0.75%,
Department of Genetics and 1.50%&0.75%, for obtaining high seed yield potential of the variety producing good quality seeds.
Plant Breeding, NDUAT,
Kumarganj, Faizabad, U. P., Keywords: Micronutrients supplementation, Foliar spray, SRI method, Transplanting spacing, seed
India recovery, Rice seed.
1. Introduction
Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is a semi-aquatic annual grass plant belongs to the genus Oryza, tribe
Oryzeae and family Poaceae. It is the second largest principal food crop in the world after
wheat and is one of the main staple food crop in India. Besides being the staple food crop, it
has been the cornerstone of food and culture for our people. Among seven billion people on
the earth, more than half of them depend on this crop for principal source of energy in their
daily diet. Rice is distributed over a wider range of latitude from 50 0 N to 40 0 S and is being
grown up to an altitude of 2500 meters. It evolved in humid tropics as a semi aquatic plant and
it has got unique adaptive nature to hot humid environment, which is not seen in any other
major cereal crop.
Rice yield in India fluctuate greatly in time and space on account of its cultivation under
diverse weather, ecological and socio-economic conditions. Out of the total 43.86 million ha.
under rice, 20 million ha. area is irrigated and the remaining 23.86 million ha. area is
cultivated in rainfed conditions. Rice can be grown under different agro-ecological
Seed quality plays a crucial role in realizing the full genetic potential of varieties as well as
Correspondence benefits of other agricultural inputs (Seshu and Dadlani, 1993) [21]. The use of quality seeds
Jai Prakash Gupta alone increases the productivity to the extent of 15-20 per cent (Dahiya et al., 1993) [7]. Only
Seed Technology Section, seeds with assured genetic and physical purity can be expected to response to the other inputs
Department of Genetics and
in agriculture. Among the inputs used by the farmers for agriculture production seed is the
Plant Breeding, NDUAT,
Kumarganj, Faizabad, U. P., cheapest one and it forms only part of the cultivation expenses. All the efforts and investment
India would be unremunerative if farmer does not get good quality seeds. Only seed with good
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Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
germination and vigour can give a good stand of the crop, SRI Method- Twelve day old seedlings of all the varieties
otherwise there will be inadequate plant population and low were transplanted at single seedling per hill with the spacings
yields. A mere increase in the seed rate may compensate for of 25 cm × 25 cm.
poor germination, but it cannot ensure vigourous and uniform
growth of the crop. Thus, quality seed is a crucial factor to Simple Method- Twenty one day old seedlings of all the
enhance grain production in rice. varieties were transplanted at single seedling per hill with the
Plant spacing directly affects the normal physiological spacings of 20 cm × 15 cm.
activities through intra-specific competition. When the Before transplanting, 50 per cent of the recommended
planting density exceed the optimum level, competition nitrogen as ammonium sulphate entire dose of phosphorus as
among plants for light above ground or for nutrients below the single super phosphate and potassium as Muriate of potash
ground becomes severe and consequently the plant growth were applied to the experimental plot as basal dose. Nitrogen
slows down and the grain yield decreases. On the other hand, was applied in 2 equal splits, 10 and 50 days after
wider space allows the individual plants to produce more transplanting.
tillers but it provides the smaller number of hills per unit area After transplanting the seedling applied micronutrient
which results in low grain yield. Therefore, optimum plant treatment combination wise Zn, Fe and Mn @0.25%,
spacing for a specific crop is needed to be explored. 0.50%&0.25%, Zn, Fe and Mn @0.50%, 1.00%&0.50% and
In the case of rice production seedling stage and method of Zn, Fe and Mn @0.75%, 1.50%&0.75% in the form of Foliar
transplanting also performance of individual hills was spry at vegetative stage (30 day after transplanting) and
significantly improved with wider spacing compared with reproductive stage (at flowering) respectively. The
closer-spaced hills in terms of root growth and xylem observations were recorded at days to 50% flowering, no. of
exudation rates, leaf number and leaf sizes, canopy angle, tillers per plant, productive tillers per hill, Plant height (cm),
tiller and panicle number, panicle length and grain number per panicle length, Days to maturity, spikelet fertility, harvest
panicle, grain filling and 1000grain weight and straw weight. index, seed recovery, seed yield (q/ha), 1000 seed weight (g),
Micronutrient deficiency is considered as one of the major germination (%), vigour index and electrical conductivity.
causes of the declining productivity trends observed in rice In each plot, number of plants at flowering was recorded on
growing countries. Zinc plays an important role in different alternate days. The date on which about 50% of plants
metabolic processes in plant. Iron deficiency chlorosis is attained flowering was taken as the date of 50 % flowering
caused by imbalance of metallic ions as Cu+2 and Mn+2. The and days taken for the same was computed.
levels of micronutrients in soil is depleted due to continuous Total number of tillers were observed and recorded manually
rowing of high yielding crop varieties and non-addition of on ten randomly selected plants in the field from each plot of
organic manures having these elements which are essential for different rice varieties. Among the total number of tillers
normal growth and development of plants for profitable crop recorded on ten randomly selected plants in each plot, the
yield. tillers which were bearing panicles were counted and recorded
Foliar sprays are widely used to apply micronutrients, as productive tillers.
especially iron and manganese, for many crops. Soluble Plant height was recorded on ten randomly selected plants in
inorganic salts are generally as effective as synthetic chelates each plot at the time of maturity from the base of the stem at
in foliar sprays, so the inorganic salts are usually chosen ground level to the base of main panicle.
because of lower costs. Correction of deficiency symptoms The mean length of panicle was obtained by measuring from
usually occurs within the first several days and then the entire the base to the tip of panicle on ten randomly selected
field could be sprayed with the appropriate micronutrient panicles in each plot.
source. It was found that micronutrients showed towards to In each plot, the number of plants at maturity was recorded on
increasing the yield of different crops. alternate days. The data on which about more than 50% of
plants attained maturity was taken as the date of maturity and
Material and methods days taken for the same was computed.
The field experiments was conducted on three varieties of rice Numbers of fertile spikelet ware recorded from ten selected
(Oryza sativa) viz. NDR-97, NDR-359 and BPT-5204 to plants from each plot and the data obtained was computed in
study the optimization of seed technological parameters and to percentage.
micronutrients supplementation on yield contributing Filled grains per panicle
characters, seed recovery and quality in rice (Oryza sativa L.) Spikelet fertility (%) = x 100
during kharif season 2015 and 2016 at Narendra Deva Total grains per panicle
University of Agriculture & Technology Kumarganj
Faizabad. It is situated at 26.470 N latitude and 82.120 E Harvest index was calculated by using following formula,
longitude and at an altitude of 113 m above mean sea level. Economical yield (kg)
The soil is silty loam in texture with moderate salinity. It has Harvest index (%) = x 100
a semi-arid and sub-tropical climate characterized by extreme Biological yield (kg)
hot and cool winters. The experiment was conducted in Spilt
plot design in field and CRD in laboratory. Total amount of pure seed was obtained by separating under
The nursery beds of 8 m (length) X 1.5 m. (width) and 4 sized and light seeds after processing of raw seed. The
inches height were prepared and seeds of all the varieties were amount was recorded in the kilogram and it was recorded in
line sown in month of June. The seeds were then covered with percentage by computing with suitable conversion factor. The
soil and sprinkled with water. Fertilizer application, plant seeds obtained from the corresponding plots were sun dried,
protection measures and regular watering were done as per weighed and recorded. The seed yield per hectare was
recommendations. computed with appropriate conversion factor.
Test weight (g) was determined by counting manually one
hundred seeds of eight replicates from each genotype and
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Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
weighed up to four significant figures on top pan precision Number of tillers per plant was significantly influenced with
balance. Coefficient of variation was calculated, replication the transplanting spacing in both the years of present
showing C.V. less than 6.0 were selected and mean was investigation. Maximum number of tillers per plant (17.75
calculated. The mean was multiplied by 10 to get the final and 19.75) was recorded with transplanting spacing 25×25 cm
1000 seed weight. The weight was expressed in grams. than transplanting spacing 15×20 cm (16.92 and 18.92) in
Germination test was conducted by using ‘between paper’ 2015 and 2016, respectively (Table 1 & 2). Similar results had
method as per (ISTA, 2008). Four replicates of one hundred been observed by Aziz and Hasan (2000) [5]. Number of tillers
seeds from each treatmented genotype were placed per plant was also significantly influenced with the
equidistantly on moist germination paper. The rolled towels transplanting method in both the years of present
were incubated at 25±1 0C for fourteen days. The first and investigation. Higher number of tillers per plant (20.76 and
final counts were recorded on fifth and fourteenth day, 22.76) was recorded with transplanting SRI method than
respectively. The germination percentage was recorded on the normal transplanting (13.92 and 15.92) in 2015 and 2016,
basis of normal seedling only at the final count and expressed respectively (Table 1 & 2). Similar results had been observed
in percentage. Ten seedlings from each replication were taken by Saina (2001) [18]; Garcia et al. (1995) [9] and Akbar (2004)
at random after fourteenth day of incubation to determine the . A significant increase in number of tillers per plant was
seedling length. The seedling length was measured from the noticed under each increment of micronutrients doses in both
tip of the primary root to the tip of the primary leaf and mean the years. The maximum number of tillers per plant (20.06
of ten seedlings was calculated and expressed in centimetres. and 22.06 respectively) was observed under foliar spray Zn,
The seedlings used to measure seedling length were dried in a Fe and Mn @0.75%, 1.50%&0.75%, which was found
hot air oven maintained at 80 ± 20C for 24 hours. Later they significantly superior to other levels of micronutrients
were cooled over silica gel and weighed. The mean dry supplementations in 20015 and 2016 (Table 1 & 2). The
weight of seedlings was computed and expressed in present findings are in accordance with the results obtained by
milligram. Seedling vigour index was calculated by using Zayed et al. (2011) [25].
seedling growth parameters and expressed as a whole number
as suggested by Abdul-Baki and Anderson (1973) [1] and it is Productive tillers per hill
given below. Number of productive tillers per hill was significantly
Vigour index I = Germination (%) x Mean seedling length influenced with the transplanting spacing in both the years of
(cm) present investigation. Higher number of productive tillers per
Vigour index II = Germination (%) x Mean seedling dry hill (15.75 and 15.58) was recorded with transplanting
weight (mg) spacing 25×25 cm than transplanting spacing 15×20 cm
Four replicates of fifty seeds each for each treatmented (14.92 and 15.22) in 2015 and 2016, respectively (Table 1 &
genotype were soaked in 50 ml distilled water for 24h at 20 2). Number of productive tillers per hill was also significantly
10C. At the end of soaking, the steeped water (seed leachate) influenced with the transplanting method in both the years of
was decanted and electrical conductivity of the seed eachate present investigation. Higher number of productive tillers per
was measured with the help of Conductivity Bridge and hill (18.76 and 18.93) was recorded with transplanting SRI
expressed in dS/m/gm (ISTA, 2008). method than normal transplanting (11.90 and 11.88) in 2015
and 2016, respectively (Table 1 & 2). A significant increase in
Results and Discussion number of productive tillers per hill was noticed under each
The data recorded on various characters were analyzed increment of micronutrients doses in both the years. The
statistically to authenticate the effects of different variety, maximum number of productive tillers per hill (18.06 and
transplanting spacing, transplanting methods, varied doses of 18.81 respectively) was observed under foliar spray Zn, Fe
foliar spray micronutrients (Zn, Fe and Mn) on rice seed and Mn @0.75%, 1.50%&0.75%, which was found
production and its quality. The conspicuous findings of the significantly superior to other levels of micronutrients
present investigation entitled “Optimization of Seed supplementations in 2015 and 2016 (Table 1 & 2). Similar
technological parameters and micronutrients supplementation results had been observed by Sarkar et al. (2002) [20].
on yield contributing characters, seed recovery and quality in
rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties” have been elaborated under Plant height (cm)
following heads and presented in corresponding tables. The transplanting spacing had significant effect on this
character in both the years of study. Significantly higher plant
Days to 50 % flowering height (92.44 cm and 93.81 cm) was recorded with
The days to 50% flowering differed significantly due to transplanting spacing 25×25 cm as compared to transplanting
different varieties. The number of days to 50% flowering was spacing 15×20 cm in 2015 and 2016, respectively (Table 1 &
recorded maximum (119.38 days and 121.38 days) with 2). The methods of transplanting had also significant effect on
variety BPT 5204 and minimum (69.85 days and 71.85 days) this character in both the years of study. Significantly higher
with variety NDR 97 in 2015 and 2016, respectively. (Table 1 plant height (91.22 cm and 92.59 cm) was recorded with SRI
& 2). A significant decrease in days to 50% flowering was method of transplanting as compared to normal method of
noticed under each increment of foliar spray of micronutrient transplanting in 2015 and 2016, respectively (Table 1 & 2).
doses in the year 2015 but non- significant effect was noticed The present findings are in accordance with the results
during 2016. The minimum days to 50% flowering (95.53 obtained by Hossain et al. (2003) [13] and Husain et al. (2003)
days) was observed under foliar spray Zn, Fe and Mn . The verity had significant effect on plant height both the
@0.75%, 1.50% & 0.75%, which was found superior to other year of study. Significantly higher plant height (94.93 cm and
levels of foliar spray micronutrients doses in 2015. Similar 97.14 cm) was recorded in NDR359 as compared to others
results had been observed by Rao and Shrivatsav (1999) [17]. genotypes in 2015 and 2016, respectively (Table 1 & 2).
Other treatment and possible interactions had non-significant
No. of tillers per plant influence on plant height in both the years.
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respectively (Table 3 & 4). The present findings are in
Panicle length (cm) accordance with the results obtained by Yassen et al. (2010)
The transplanting methods showed significant influence on and Zayed et al. (2011) [25].
the length of panicle in both the years of present investigation.
The maximum panicle length of 23.67 cm and 24.71 cm were Seed recovery (%)
recorded under transplanting SRI method, which was The seed recovery differed significantly due to different
significantly superior to normal method of transplanting varieties. The seed recovery was maximum (84.60% and
during first and second year, respectively (Table 1 &.2). 86.58%) was recorded with variety BPT 5204 and minimum
Similar results had been observed by Salahuddin et al. (2009) seed recovery (80.04% and 82.12%) with variety NDR 359 in
. Increased foliar spray of micronutrients doses had shown 2015 and 2016, respectively (Table 3 & 4). The transplanting
significant increase in panicle length during both the years. method had significant effect on seed recovery during both
The maximum panicle length of 23.79 cm and 24.83 cm was the years. Higher seed recovery (85.44% and 87.84%) was
registered under the treatment of foliar spray Zn, Fe and Mn recorded under transplanting SRI method than normal
@0.75%, 1.50%&0.75%, which showed significant transplanting method (78.51% and 80.82%) in 2015 and 2016,
superiority over other doses of foliar spray of micronutrients respectively (Table 3 & 4). Similar results had been observed
doses in 2015 and 2016, respectively (Table 1 & 2). The by Sheehy et al. (2004). A significant increase in seed
shortest panicle length (22.50 cm and 23.54 cm) was recorded recovery was noticed under each increment of foliar spray
with foliar spray Zn, Fe and Mn @0.25%, 0.50%&0.25% micronutrients doses in both the years. The maximum seed
during first and second year, respectively. The effect of recovery (86.70% and 89.11%) was observed under foliar
variety had significant in panicle length during both the years. spray Zn, Fe and Mn @0.75%, 1.50%&0.75%, which was
The maximum panicle length of 24.27 cm and 25.37 cm was found significantly superior to other levels of foliar spray
registered in genotype NDR 359 during 2015 and 2016, micronutrients doses in 2015 and 2016, respectively (Table 3
respectively (Table 1 & 2). & 4).
Table 1. Analysis of variance for days to 50% flowering, tillers per plant, productive tillers per hill, plant height and panicle length in rice
varieties during 2015 and 2016
Mean Sum of Squares
Source of variation d.f. 50% Flowering Tillers/Plant (No.)Productive Tillers/hill (No.)Plant Height (cm) Panicle length (cm)
2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016
Replication 2 8.583 8.583 12.25 12.25 12.25 16.674 9.694 9.694 1.52 1.517
Variety (V) 2 30320.27* 30575.27* 202.56* 202.56* 202.56* 208.778* 3084.58* 3395.88* 167.92* 143.42*
Spacing (S) 1 73.674 73.674 25.00* 25.00* 25.00* 4.694* 1174.78* 1174.78* 2.13 2.127
Transplanting method(C) 1 122.840 122.840 1694.69* 1694.64* 1694.69* 1792.11* 385.79* 385.795* 100.17* 100.18*
Interaction (V×S) 2 27.549 27.549 55.56* 55.56* 55.56* 29.861* 6.565 6.565 3.575 3.575
Interaction (V×C) 2 25.215 25.215 6.382 * 6.382 * 6.382 * 8.111* 0.433 0.433 3.109 3.109
Interaction (S×C) 1 465.84* 465.84* 552.25* 552.25* 552.25* 625.00* 4.375 4.375 192.52* 192.52*
Interaction (V×S×C) 2 39.632 39.632 38.021 38.021 * * 38.021 * 55.750 * 28.990 28.990 6.451 6.451
Error (a) 22 28.76 42.40 1.25 1.25 1.25 2.204 50.067 45.067 2.772 4.136
Micronutrients (M) 3 71.192* 71.192 199.31* 199.31* 199.31* 295.083* 68.514 68.514 21.87* 21.87*
Interaction (V×M) 6 2.345 2.345 4.016* 4.016* 4.016* 9.556* 0.470 0.470 0.024 0.024
Interaction (S×M) 3 0.081 0.081 2.500 2.500 2.500 4.713 0.170 0.170 0.386 0.386
Interaction (C×M) 3 0.137 0.137 7.935* 7.935* 7.935* 7.685* 1.011 1.011 0.192 0.192
Interaction( V×S×M) 6 1.289 1.289 0.701 0.701 0.701 1.546 0.982 0.982 0.161 0.161
Interaction (V×C×M) 6 1.012 1.012 0.317 0.317 0.317 2.685 0.517 0.517 0.019 0.019
Interaction (S×C×M) 3 0.655 0.655 1.602 1.602 1.602 8.500 1.307 1.307 0.273 0.273
Interaction (V×S×C×M) 6 0.725 0.725 1.012 1.012 1.012 2.861 0.499 0.499 0.296 0.296
Error (b) 72 16.296 41.296 0.954 0.954 0.954 2.086 28.091 27.937 2.262 4.068
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Table 2: Effect of transplanting spacing, method and foliar spray of micronutrients does on days to 50% flowering, tillers per plant, productive
tillers per hill, plant height and panicle length in rice varieties during 2015 and 2016
50% FloweringTillers/Plant (No.)Pro. Tillers/hill (No.)Plant Height (cm) Panicle length (cm)
2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016
NDR 97 (V1) 69.85 71.85 15.48 17.48 13.48 13.38 80.37 81.38 20.72 21.98
NDR 359 (V2) 102.08 105.08 19.54 21.54 17.54 17.54 94.93 97.14 24.27 25.37
BPT 5204 (V3) 119.38 121.38 16.98 18.98 14.98 15.29 93.46 94.35 23.52 24.27
SEm ± 0.77 0.94 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.21 1.02 0.97 0.24 0.29
CD 5% 2.27 2.76 0.47 0.47 0.47 0.63 3.00 2.84 0.70 0.86
15×20 cm (S1) 97.82 100.15 16.92 18.92 14.92 15.22 86.73 88.10 22.72 23.75
25×25 cm (S2) 96.39 98.72 17.75 19.75 15.75 15.58 92.44 93.81 22.96 24.00
SEm ± 0.63 0.77 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.17 0.83 0.79 0.20 0.24
CD 5% 1.85 2.25 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.51 2.45 2.32 0.58 0.70
Normal transplanting (C1) 98.03 100.36 13.90 15.90 11.90 11.88 87.95 89.32 22.00 23.04
SRI transplanting (C2) 96.18 98.51 20.76 22.76 18.76 18.93 91.22 92.59 23.67 24.71
SEm ± 0.63 0.77 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.17 0.83 0.79 0.20 0.24
CD 5% 1.85 2.25 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.51 2.45 2.32 0.58 0.70
Control (M0) 98.83 101.17 14.47 16.47 12.47 12.11 88.01 89.38 21.97 23.01
Zn, Fe and Mn @0.25%, 0.50%&0.25% (M1) 97.50 99.83 16.69 18.69 14.69 14.31 89.04 90.41 22.50 23.54
Zn, Fe and Mn @0.50%, 1.00%&0.50% (M2) 96.56 98.89 18.11 20.11 16.11 16.39 90.06 91.43 23.09 24.12
Zn, Fe and Mn @0.75%, 1.50%&0.75% (M3) 95.53 97.86 20.06 22.06 18.06 18.81 91.23 92.60 23.79 24.83
SEm ± 0.67 1.07 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.24 0.88 0.79 0.25 0.34
CD 5% 1.90 3.02 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.68 2.49 2.32 0.71 0.95
Table 3: Analysis of variance for days to maturity, spikelet fertility, harvest Index, Seed recovery and Seed yield in rice varieties during 2015
and 2016
Mean Sum of Squares
Source of variation d.f. Dayes to Maturity Spikelet fertility (%)Harvest Index (%)Seed Recovery (%) Seed Yield(q/ha)
2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016
Replication 2 4.396 4.396 0.016 0.01 1.231 1.263 2.686 2.686 1.970 1.970
Variety (V) 2 32899.56* 34248.56* 562.78* 303.97* 98.086* 77.091* 267.163* 238.802* 7272.64* 7110.55*
Spacing (S) 1 38.028 38.028 0.319 0.25 672.747* 727.275* 149.084 149.084 0.191 0.191
72.250 72.250 126.98 2004.43* 2140.22* 1728.065* 122.047*
Transplanting method (C) 1 175.858 1728.065* 122.047*
Interaction (V×S) 2 0.132 0.132 0.850 0.71 35.068* 38.085* 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Interaction (V×C) 2 0.146 0.146 26.725 14.86 47.068* 47.913* 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Interaction (S×C) 1 373.78* 373.78* 346.87* 286.37* 2106.89* 2249.75* 4148.004* 4148.004* 276.973* 276.973*
Interaction (V×S×C) 2 72.965 72.965 18.833 10.814 15.191 18.286 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Error (a) 22 43.25 52.343 58.637 55.910 4.59 6.87 41.919 44.646 12.296 12.751
Micronutrients (M) 3 46.333 46.333 34.647 30.306 289.542* 306.092* 438.94* 438.94* 81.938* 81.938*
Interaction (V×M) 6 0.368 0.368 0.801 0.502 12.02* 12.648 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Interaction (S×M) 3 0.176 0.176 0.076 0.064 0.716 0.816 55.398 55.398 0.040 0.040
Interaction (C×M) 3 0.176 0.176 0.007 0.011 44.399* 47.658* 23.141 23.141 0.370 0.370
Interaction(V×S×M) 6 0.141 0.141 0.045 0.038 8.341 8.983 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Interaction (V×C×M) 6 0.100 0.100 0.106 0.097 3.418 3.507 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Interaction (S×C×M) 3 0.630 0.630 0.102 0.101 16.85* 18.287* 21.096 21.096 2.388 2.388
Interaction(V×S×C×M) 6 0.567 0.567 0.061 0.055 18.29* 19.678* 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Error (b) 72 42.847 44.236 28.612 44.584 3.917 6.001 29.189 39.606 9.197 10.030
Table 4: Effect of transplanting spacing, method and foliar spray of micronutrients on days to maturity, spikelet fertility, harvest Index, Seed
recovery and Seed yield in rice varieties during 2015 and 2016
Table 5: Analysis of variance for 1000 seed weight, germination test, seedling vigour index and electrical conductivity in rice varieties during
2015 and 2016
Mean Sum of Squares
Source of variation d.f. 1000 Seed weight (g) Germination (%) Seedling vigour index I Seedling vigour index II E.C. (dS/m/gm)
2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016
Variety (V) 2 867.11* 871.11* 149.333* 64.000* 692201.45* 849595.45* 18858061.0* 19316081.99* 2.348* 2.398*
Spacing (S) 1 4.032 4.032 112.547* 112.547* 63814.12* 65595.13* 5517.05 5563.14 0.214* 0.214*
Transplanting method(C) 1 99.998* 99.998* 64.172 64.172 836717.68* 863220.47* 195819.67* 201823.58* 0.873* 0.873*
Interaction (V×S) 2 2.817 2.817 0.000 0.000 1387.04 1411.06 2210.25 2270.88 0.015 0.015
Interaction (V×C) 2 5.116 5.116 0.000 0.000 8608.79 9233.41 3595.53 3739.87 0.032 0.032
Interaction (S×C) 1 457.42* 457.42* 223.17* 223.17* 2873964.80* 2965564.39* 621906.79* 640662.37* 2.248* 2.248*
Interaction (V×S×C) 2 19.66* 19.661* 0.000 0.000 17565.70 19333.40 11121.50 11393.19 0.037 0.037
Micronutrients (M) 3 17.37* 17.374* 488.547* 488.547* 632863.58* 652787.32* 199248.53* 204812.20* 0.605* 0.605*
Interaction (V×M) 6 0.698 0.698 0.000 0.000 4532.52 4696.32 8732.965 8744.629 0.115* 0.115*
Interaction (S×M) 3 0.038 0.038 13.672 13.672 20845.76 21518.98 6151.937 6339.505 0.023 0.023
Interaction (C×M) 3 0.015 0.015 10.797 10.797 8558.25 8805.45 2484.288 2546.686 0.034 0.034
Interaction( V×S×M) 6 0.042 0.042 0.000 0.000 902.11 937.27 520.940 531.555 0.012 0.012
Interaction (V×C×M) 6 0.071 0.071 0.000 0.000 294.76 305.04 362.236 370.804 0.017 0.017
Interaction (S×C×M) 3 0.100 0.100 17.047 17.047 14732.05 15049.65 2537.286 2565.644 0.036 0.036
Interaction (V×S×C×M) 6 0.097 0.097 0.000 0.000 203.23 211.32 455.596 470.561 0.003 0.003
Error 144 3.721 5.166 17.406 16.220 11008.52 13239.01 12414.987 4900.190 0.013 2.398*
Table 6: Effect of treatments on 1000 seed weight, germination test, seedling vigour index and electrical conductivity in rice varieties during
2015 and 2016
1000 Seed weight Germination Seedling vigour index Seedling vigour index E.C.
Interaction (g) (%) I II (dS/m/gm)
2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016
NDR 97 (V1) 22.29 22.40 85.08 87.08 2176.64 2253.85 1449.10 1497.07 1.36 1.25
NDR 359 (V2) 26.40 26.52 88.08 89.08 2011.79 2067.56 1771.96 1809.88 1.20 1.09
BPT 5204 (V3) 19.05 19.16 87.08 88.08 1984.37 2043.25 712.87 741.31 0.98 0.87
SEm ± 0.24 0.28 0.52 0.50 13.12 14.38 13.93 8.75 0.01 0.01
CD 5% 0.68 0.80 1.46 1.41 36.72 40.27 39.00 24.50 0.04 0.03
15×20 cm (S1) 22.44 22.55 85.98 87.31 2039.37 2103.07 1305.95 1344.04 1.22 1.10
25×25 cm (S2) 22.73 22.84 87.51 88.84 2075.83 2140.04 1316.67 1354.80 1.15 1.04
SEm ± 0.20 0.23 0.43 0.41 10.71 11.74 11.37 7.14 0.01 0.01
CD 5% 0.55 0.65 1.19 1.15 29.99 32.88 31.84 20.01 0.03 0.02
Normal transplanting (C1) 21.86 21.97 86.17 87.50 1991.59 2054.50 1279.37 1317.00 1.25 1.14
SRI transplanting (C2) 23.30 23.41 87.32 88.66 2123.62 2188.61 1343.25 1381.84 1.11 1.00
SEm ± 0.20 0.23 0.43 0.41 10.71 11.74 11.37 7.14 0.01 0.01
CD 5% 0.55 0.65 1.19 1.15 29.99 32.88 31.84 20.01 0.03 0.02
Control (M0) 21.89 22.00 82.60 83.94 1915.15 1976.87 1230.43 1267.41 1.31 1.20
Zn, Fe and Mn @0.25%, 0.50%&0.25%
22.35 22.46 86.35 87.69 2030.85 2094.40 1298.02 1335.94 1.23 1.12
Zn, Fe and Mn @0.50%, 1.00%&0.50%
22.79 22.90 87.79 89.13 2096.21 2160.78 1332.91 1371.32 1.14 1.03
Zn, Fe and Mn @0.75%, 1.50%&0.75%
23.29 23.40 90.23 91.56 2188.20 2254.17 1383.89 1423.00 1.05 0.94
SEm ± 0.28 0.33 0.60 0.58 15.14 16.61 16.08 10.10 0.02 0.01
CD 5% 0.78 0.92 1.69 1.63 42.41 46.50 45.03 28.29 0.05 0.03
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seeds. Amral and Dos (1979) [3] observed that rice seeds of grades of seed. Tomar and Prasad (1993) [22] reported that
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vigour, than lighter seeds. Gasper and Bus (1981) [10] reported
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