7 1 353 238 PDF
7 1 353 238 PDF
7 1 353 238 PDF
E-ISSN: 2278-4136
P-ISSN: 2349-8234
JPP 2018; 7(2): 520-527 Effect of planting methods and integrated
Received: 01-01-2018
Accepted: 02-02-2018 nutrient management on growth parameters, yield
and economics of rice
Rajnesh Tomar
Department of Agronomy,
Narendra Dev University of
Agriculture and Technology, Rajnesh Tomar, NB Singh, Vipul Singh and Devesh Kumar
Faizabad, Uttar Pradesh, India
NB Singh In order to study the effect of planting methods and integrated nutrient management in rice. A field
Department of Agronomy,
experiments was conducted at Agronomy Research Farm of Narendra Deva University of Agriculture
Narendra Dev University of
Agriculture and Technology,
and Technology, Kumarganj, Faizabad (Utter Pradesh) during Kharif 2014. The experiment was laid out
Faizabad, Uttar Pradesh, India in split plot design with four replications. The treatment consisted of four planting methods (S1-
transplanting, S2-SRI, S3- drum seeded and S4- direct seeded) and three integrated nutrient management
Vipul Singh (F1- 100% NPK, F2- 75% NPK+25% FYM and F3- 50% NPK+ 50% FYM) in this way there were 12
Department of Agronomy, treatment combinations. The values of growth contributing characters viz. plant height (cm), number of
Narendra Dev University of tillers m-2, dry matter accumulation (g m-2), leaf area index, and yield attributes like number of panicles
Agriculture and Technology, m-2, length of panicle (cm), number of panicle-1, grain weight panicle-1, test weight (g), grain and straw
Faizabad, Uttar Pradesh, India yield (q ha-1) and nutrient uptake of rice were increasing significantly with SRI method (S2) followed by
transplanting method (S1) and significantly superior over rest of the treatments. In case of integrated
Devesh Kumar nutrient management the growth characters like plant height (cm), number of tillers m-2, dry matter
Department of Agronomy, accumulation (g), LAI, yield attributes’ number of panicle m-2, length of panicle, grain weight panicle-
Narendra Dev University of 1,test weight (g), nutrient uptake, grain and straw yield (q ha-1) of rice were maximum under F (75%
Agriculture and Technology,
NPK+25% FYM) which was at par with F1 100% NPK during course of investigation. The maximum
Faizabad, Uttar Pradesh, India
gross return and net return were noted under SRI with 75% NPK+25% FYM (S2F2) application. The
highest benefit cost ratio (2.47) were recorded with SRI method with 100% NPK treatment (S2F1)
followed by SRI with 75%NPK+25% FYM (S2F2) they proved more remunerative then other treatment
Rice (Oryza sativa L.) belongs to family Poaceae. Rice is one of the most important cereal
crops of kharif season. Rice is cultivated world-wide over an area of about 160.68 million ha-1
with an annual production of about 650.19 million tonnes. In India rice is cultivated over an
area of about 39.16 million hectares with an annual production of about 85.59 million tonnes
and the productivity of 2.20 tonnes ha-1. Utter Pradesh is an important rice growing state in the
country. The area and production of rice in this state is about 13.84 million hectare and 14.00
million tonnes respectively with an average production of 2.35 tonnes (Anonymous, 2013) [3].
Production of rice rank second among the food grain and half of the world population
receiving the highest (26.2%) calories intake from it in the developing countries of their
dietary protein (FAO, 2009) [11]. Rice is an excellent source of carbohydrate and to a certain
extent it provides protein to regular human diet. So it is used as staple food crop by about half
of the world population and eaten as cooked rice and also used for various preparations
inhabiting in the humid tropics and subtropics. Further, rice has commercial and industrial
importance also beside grains. Rice straw and rice hulls are used as fodder, mulching, packing
and as insulation material etc.
The scarcity of water for agriculture production is becoming a major problem in many
countries, particularly in word’s leading rice-producing countries like China and India.
Rice cultivation in India is predominantly practiced under transplanting method that involves
raising, uprooting and transplanting of seedlings. This technique requires continuous ponding
of water. To avoid these difficulties several other methods of rice cultivation have been
developed so far. Among those SRI (System of Rice Intensification), drum seeder, direct
Rajnesh Tomar seedling technique are gaining acceptance by the growers day by day.
Department of Agronomy, SRI is the acronym for system of rice intensification. The SRI is a new promising resources-
Narendra Dev University of saving method of growing rice under irrigated as well as under rain-fed conditions. Studies in
Agriculture and Technology, a number of countries have shown a significant increase in rice yield with substantial saving of
Faizabad, Uttar Pradesh, India
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Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
seed (80-90%), cost (10-20%) and chemical fertilizer INM helps to restore and sustain fertility and crop
compared to conventional method of transplanting. productivity. Integrated nutrient management favorably
Thakur et al. (2009) [58] suggested that the system of rice affected the physical, chemical and biological environment of
intensification holds a great promise in increasing the soil.
productivity. The basic principles of SRI are planting young In view of above facts the present investigation entitled,
seedling (<14 days) singly in a square pattern (Stoop et al, “Effect of planting methods and integrated nutrient
2002) [56]. According to proponents, SRI encompasses asset of management in rice” has been carried out during Kharif
principles, each of them fairly simple, but working season of 2014 at the Agronomy Farm of Narendra Deva
synergistically with the others inorder to achieve higher grain University of Agriculture & Technology, Narendra Nagar
yield. Since optimum number of tillers per unit area is a Kumarganj Faizabad, (U.P) with following objectives;
prerequisite for obtaining maximum yield from a rice cultivar. 1. To study the effect of planting methods (transplanting,
Hence removal of excess tiller from the mother hill may or SRI, drum seeded and direct seeded) on growth and yield
may not create any adverse effect on mother crop. However, it of rice,
makes room for further development of the same caused by 2. To study the effect of integrated nutrient management on
food/natural hard but also substitutes the local varieties. Thus growth and yield of rice,
it could be an important aspect to know the strength of 3. To study the effect of organic and inorganic fertilizer in
minimum number of tiller to be transplanted per unit area and rice, and
hill for optimizing yield. 4. To work out the economics of various treatments and
Transplanting of rice seedling being a labour-intensive and integrated nutrient management in rice.
expensive operation, it need to be substituted by direct
seeding which could reduce labour need by more than 20% in Materials and Methods
terms of working hour. With the advent of improved The experiment was laid out during Kharif 2014 at Agronomy
agriculture machinery coupled with shortage of farm labor, Research Farm of Narendra Deva University of Agriculture &
mechanization is becoming inevitable and we must strive to Technology, Narendra Nagar (Kumarganj), Faizabad, Uttar
take advantage of those. The manually operated drum seeder Pradesh India. The field was well leveled having good soil
is a fast planting technique that can be used for a wet seeding. condition. Geographically, Faizabad (Kumarganj) falls in
Further, it requires less labour as compare to other methods. subtropical climate and is situated at 260.47 North latitude,
Direct wet seeding is an alternative method of growing rice 82.120 East longitude with an altitude of 113 meters above
instead of conventional transplanting. In this method, mean sea level. The experimental site is situated in main
sprouted (pre-germinated) seeds are sown on well prepared campus of university on left side of Faizabad- Raibarelli road
puddle land. Direct seeding can be done either by hand at the distance of 42 km from Faizabad district headquarter.
broadcasting or by line sowing. Geographically the experimental site falls under sub humid,
Many Asian countries are now increasingly shifting to direct sub-tropical climate of Indo-gangatic alluvial (IGP) plains
wet-seeded method of growing rice. However, the practice of having alluvial calcareous soil. The weekly mean minimum
direct wet seeding rice is very negligible in India. Though and maximum temperature during the crop season ranged
research results have clearly shown the superiority of direct from 28.9 to 35.2 0C and 18.7 to 36.2 0C, total rainfall
seeding rice to conventional transplanting. In India direct received was 1100 mm during the entire crop season, relative
seeded rice production has been achieved about 2-12% higher humidity, and sunshine hours were found to vary from 69.4 to
grain yield than transplanting (Husain et al. 2003) [16]. Satter 87.98 per cent, and 1.4 to 7.5 hours, respectively. The soil of
and khan (1994) reported that direct-wet seeded rice required experimental field was slightly alkaline in reaction (7.9 pH),
about 20% less water as compared to transplanted rice. low in organic carbon (0.42%) and low in available nitrogen
Isvilanonda (2002) [18] reported that direct seeded rice reduced (160 kg ha-1), phosphorus (16.5 kg ha-1) and medium in
2-6% production cost and increased net return by 37% in dry potassium (260 kg ha-1). The experimental was laid out in
season. Direct seeding eliminates the need for seedbed Split plot design (SPD) where 12 treatments were replicated
preparation, seedling uprooting and transplanting and the four times. The treatments were allotted separately to various
associated cost and energy. In addition direct seeded rice plots main plot and sub plot. In all, there were 12 treatments
mature about 8-10 days earlier and 10-15% higher yield than included in the experiment in main plot and sub plot. The
transplanted rice. So, direct seeded method is adopted in areas detail of treatments with their symbols four planting methods
where there is a shortage of labour or otherwise labour is [Transplanting (S1), SRI (S2), Drum Seeded (S3), Direct
expensive for transplanting. Seeded (S4)] and three integrated management practices
The long term fertilizer experiment have sown that continuous [100% NPK (F1), 75% NPK + 25% FYM (F2), 50% NPK +
application of sub-optimal dose of chemical fertilizer alone to 50% FYM (F3)]. A common procedure was followed in
soil has resulted in the deterioration of soil health. As it will raising seedlings in the seedbed. The seedbed was prepared by
not only improve the nutrient status and soil health but also puddling with repeated ploughing followed by laddering.
proved to be a boon in stabilizing the crop yield over a period Weeds were removed and irrigation was gently provided to
of time. Hence, integrated use of organic manure with optimal the bed as and when necessary. For SRI, sprouted seeds were
level of NPK fertilizer is the need of the hour. Therefore, sown as broadcast in two portable trays containing soil and
INM system is the only way to the maintain and improve the cow dung. Thin plastic sheets were placed at the base of the
nutrient status of Indian soil. trays to protect water loss. The moisture of the trays was
In recent year concept of INM involving combined use of controlled accurately by applying water every day, which
organic and inorganic fertilizer has been developed. The uses ensured proper growth of all the seedlings in the trays. These
of adequate dose of organic sources coupled with chemical trays were kept inside a room at night to protect the seedlings
fertilizer are expected to ensure optimum growth condition from freezing temperature of the season and kept in sunlight
under intensive pattern of farming using high yielding at daytime for proper development of seedlings. After the
varieties. harvest of previous crop the experimental field was ploughed
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Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
once with soil turning plough and cross harrowed two times. ultimately have might increased plant height where SRI
After each ploughing, planking was done to level the field and method of transplanting was opted. (Rahman, 2001 and
obtain the fine tilth and lay out was done. The specific Sangsu et al. 1999) [34, 40].
quantity of each fertilizer was calculated on the basis of gross Plant height influenced by integrated nutrient management
plot size and as per treatment taken per plot. The optimum was not significant at 30 days of DAT/DAS of the crop.
dose of manure and fertilizers was recorded for rice. The half Significantly higher plant height was recorded where
quantity of nitrogen and full quantity of phosphorus and application of 75% NPK+25% FYM through inorganic and
potassium were broadcasted in the field during final field organic fertilizer was given & it remained at par with 100%
preparation after the transplanting and sowing the fertilizer NPK inorganic fertilizer. Plant height increased mainly due to
thoroughly in the field. The rest half dose of nitrogen was top- adequate nutrient supply to the plant which resulted into rapid
dressed in two splits after first irrigation and second 45 DAT. growth by good establishment of root and various metabolic
The sowing of experiment crop was done in line at 20 cm. process and ultimately performed better mobilization of
apart by using the seed rate 40 kg ha-1. In the plots where crop synthesized carbohydrates in to amino acid and protein which
establishment was through transplanting, 22 days old seedling stimulated the rapid cell division and cell elongation. Finally,
were transplanted at the spacing of 20x10 cm using three it resulted in to growth of plant faster as compare to other
seedling hill-1 on. In case of SRI method, 12 days old treatments tested during in course of investigation.
seedlings were transplanted in the prepared plot just after The lowest plant height was recorded with 50% NPK+50%
uprooting and this process completed within one minute. Only FYM through inorganic and organic fertilizer all growth
one seedling is used for SRI transplanting in square pattern stags. It might be due to poor availability of nutrient which
(25x25). During the year of experimentation, there were caused poor growth and poor nutrient mobilization. (Kumar
occurrence of sufficient rains during vegetative stage, and Yadav 1995) [22].
however, there was occasional moisture stress during
reproductive phase, hence two irrigations were given at Number of tillers (m-2), Number of shoot, LAI and Dry
flowering and milking stages. The crop was harvested matter accumulation (g m-2)
manually by serrated edged sickles at physiological maturity The number of tillers was significantly affected by various
when panicle had about 85% ripened spikelets and upper planting methods at different stages of crop growth. The
portion of spikelets look straw coloured. At the time of highest numbers of tilllers m-2 were recorded in SRI which
harvesting the grains were subjected to hard enough, having was at par with transplanting method at 30 days of
less than 16 per cent moisture in the grains. First of all, the transplanting. Significantly higher number of tillers was
border area was harvested. The harvesting of net plot area was counted under SRI method as compared to rest of the
done separately and the harvested material from each net plot treatments at 60,90and harvest stages. The higher number of
was carefully bundled and tagged after drying for three days tillers hill-1 might be due to wider spacing, transplanting
in the field and then brought to the threshing floor. The younger seedlings, earlier transplanting and better water
bundle of harvested produce of each net plot was weighed management. Earlier transplanting reduces the transplanting
after sun drying for recording biological yield. Threshing of shock at a more convenient point in the growth cycle when
each bundle of individual plot was done manually by wooden they could rebound faster and had little effect on tiller age
sticks. The grain yield of individual plot after winnowing was (Uphoff, 2002) [63]. Use of plastic trays for raising seedlings,
weighed. The quantity of straw per plot was calculated by and dry cultivation of the nursery was beneficial to boost the
subtracting the weight of grains from biological produce. vigorous root system for earlyand quick growing of tillers
Yield of both grain and straw was expressed in q ha-1. after transplanted in SRI. Alternate wetting and drying
maintaining a thin film of water that might open the soil for
Results and Discussion both oxygen and nitrogen and promoted the root growth
Growth characters during initial growth stages which ultimately increased tiller
Plant height (cm) density (Uphoff, 2001) [61]. Nissanka and Bandara (2004) [27]
Plant height was significantly influenced by various planting observed that the tiller number plant-1 was higher in the SRI
methods at all the stages of crop growth. Maximum plant compared to conventional transplanting.
height was recorded with the SRI method (S1) which was Number of shoot, LAI and dry mater accumulation were
statistically at par with the transplanting method and recorded higher in SRI methods followed by (S1)
significantly superior to rest of the treatments at all the stages transplanting methods. Plant established by SRI method had
of crop growth. Wider spacing particularly under in SRI an opportunity of availing more inter and intra plant spacing,
method recorded significantly taller plant than the closer thus making better use of growth factor to increase number of
spacing, due to the fact that under wider spacing, the plant get shoots per unit area. Reduced number of shoots under direct
sufficient space above the ground (shoot) and below the seeded method might have been due to lesser intra plant space
ground (root) to grow as well as the increased light and heavy occurrence of weed resulting in more weed
transmission in the canopy, leading to greater plant height. At competition.
harvest, the tallest plants were recorded in SRI. It might be Higher number of tillers m-2in SRI method increased the leaf
due to more space, sunlight and nutrients available to wider area that covered the ground area, hence enhancing the leaf
spaced plants of SRI than close spaced plants which area index. High leaf area index is associated with increased
facilitated the plants to attain more height. Shriame et al. in assimilation of food material through photosynthesis on
(2000) reported that the number of functional leaves and leaf account of vigorous root and shoot growth, which ultimately
area were higher under wider spacing, which increased the led to higher dry matter production at each of the stages of
photosynthetic rate leading to taller plant. Younger seedlings observation. Similar results have been reported by Hussain et
have more vigor, root growth and lesser transplant shock al. (2012) [17] and Thiyagarajan et al. (2002).
because of lesser leaf area during initial growth stages which Integrated nutrient management affected significantly higher
stimulate the cell division causing more stem elongation and number of tiller-2 and leaf area index. The significantly higher
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number of tiller-2 and leaf area index was recorded with 75% treatments. This might be due to increased yield attributes viz-
NPK+25% FYM through inorganic and organic fertilizer number of effective tillers, length of panicle, number of
which was at par with 100%NPK as compared to rest of the grains/panicle, weight of grain/panicle which resulted in
treatment. It might be attributed to adequate nutrient higher yield. Further, sufficient nutrient management which
availability which provided favorable condition for better contributed to increased dry matter production as well. The
synthesis of growth favoring constituents in plant system. The better vegetative growth coupled with high yield attributes
lower number of tillers and LAI was recorded under 50% resulted in higher grain and straw of rice Sengar et al. (2000) [42].
NPK+50% FYM at all growth stages mainly due to Lowest grain and yield were recorded with application of
inadequate nutrient supply system. Results are in agreement 50%NPK+50%FYM. This was due to poor growth and
with findings of Pandey (1997) [29]. metabolic process and lesser number of grain/panicle. The
Integrated nutrient management affected significantly the dry results are in accordance with Reddy et al. (2002) [38].
matter accumulation (gm-2) at all growth stages 30, 60, 90 and
harvest stages, as well. Higher dry matter accumulation was Nutrient uptake (kg ha-1)
recorded under 75%NPK+25%FYM through inorganic and Higher NPK uptake by grain and straw were recorded with
organic fertilizer which was at par with treatment F1 SRI method as compared to the other treatment, while lower
(100%NPK) as compared to rest of treatment. This might be NPK uptake by direct seeded methodby grain and straw,
due to the adequate nutrient management which increased respectively. The total NPK uptake followed the similar trend.
plant height, produced more number of shoot and leaf area The higher nutrient uptake was attributed to the higher grain
index. Lower dry matter accumulation was recorded under and straw yield.
treatment F3 (50%NPK+50%FYM) at all growth stages The higher nutrient uptake was mainly due to higher
mainly due to in adequate nutrient supply resulting in biological (grain+straw) yield. This is attributed to the higher
reduction in plant height, number of leaves, number of tillers number and dry matter production by younger seedlings
shoots/hill and nutrient absorption from the soil. Finally it led ultimately resulting in higher straw and grain yield and
to decline in photosynthesis activity which ultimately nutrient removal. This is also attributed to deeper and more
recorded lowest dry matter accumulation (Kumar et al. 2013) prolific root system developed by young seedling gown under
. SRI method where plants get well aerated conditions
(Barison, 2002) [6].
Yield Various integrated nutrient management affected significantly
Grain yield (q ha-1) and Straw yield (q ha-1) nutrient uptake by rice. The maximum NPK uptake was
Grain yield and straw yield of rice was influenced recorded by the application of 75%NPK+25%FYM through
significantly by crop planting methods. The crop established inorganic and organic fertilizer which was at par with
under wider spacing SRI (25x25cm) method resulted in 100%NPK. Availability of nutrients might be sufficient & it
significantly higher grain yield followed by transplanting led to higher nutrient uptake. Minimum nutrient uptake was
method and lowest grain yield under direct seeded method recorded where 50%NPK+50% FYM) was applied. It might
was obtained, respectively. Yield is functions of complex be due to inadequate availability of nutrient. The results are in
inter relationship of growth in vegetative phase and yield close proximity of Talathi et al. (2009) [57].
attributes, as well. Higher yield under SRI method was due to
better crop growth and development resulting in to higher Harvest index (%)
value of yield attributes which had direct bearing on the grain Harvest index is the function of grain yield to the total
yield. Higher number of panicle per unit area, panicle size and biological yield (grain+straw). Harvest index was also
filled grains percentage in case of SRI method as compared to influenced significantly due to various planting methods. The
other method of crop establishment might be responsible for higher harvest index was recorded with SRI method. Similar
superiority of this treatment over other in respect of grain findings have also been reported by Stoop (2005) [56] and
yield. Similar results have been reported by Krishna et al. Hussain et al. (2003) [17].
(2008) [21]
Straw yield of rice were also highest where rice crop was Economics
established by SRI method followed by transplanting method. Analysis of economics factors like cost of cultivation, gross
Higher number of tiller m-2 with moderate plant height and return, net return, and B:C ratio are important to evaluate the
better performance of yield attributing ultimately led the effect of the treatment from practical point of view to the
increase the biomass in the SRI method of rice establishment. farming community as well as to the planner. Grain yield was
The lowest yield was recorded direct seeded method due to major factor which caused differences in net income and net
lesser of effective tiller m-2 and increased inter and intra plant return per rupees invested. Maximum Gross return and net
competition for available growth resources on account of return was recorded in (S2F2) SRI
heavy weed infestation. method+75%NPK+25%FYM which was followed by ((S2F1)
Grain and straw yield were affected significantly due to SRI and 100%NPK. This is due to higher production of grain
various integrated nutrient management practices. and straw yield and higher increased in output in comparison
Significantly higher grain and straw yield of rice were to input.
obtained with the application of 75% NPK+25% FYM which
was at par with 100% NPK as compared to over rest of Tables
Table 1: Plant height (cm) as influenced by planting methods and INM at various stages of rice.
Plant height (cm)
30 DAT/DAS 60 DAT/DAS 90 DAT/DAS At harvest
Planting methods
Transplanting 52.61 76.56 99.36 100.64
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Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
SRI 55.14 79.58 102.08 106.45
Drum seeded 48.35 72.54 95.46 98.56
Direct seeded 47.44 71.52 94.06 95.34
SEm± 1.402 1.86 2.56 2.72
C.D. (P=0.05) 3.28 4.32 5.32 6.37
Integrated nutrient management
100% NPK 50.21 76.00 99.08 101.26
75%NPK+25% FYM 50.41 77.00 99.64 103.24
50%NPK+ 50% FYM 52.05 72.00 95.28 96.24
SEm± 0.77 1.15 1.17 1.53
C.D. (P=0.05) NS 2.43 2.86 3.21
Table 2: Effect of planting methods and INM on number of Table 3: Leaf area index (cm-2) of rice as influenced by planting
tillers/m2 at different stages of rice. methods and INM at various stages of rice.
Number of tiller (m-2) Leaf area index
Treatments 30 60 90 At 30 DAT/DAS 60 DAT/DAS 90 DAT/DAT
DAT/DAS DAT/DAS DAT/DAS harvest Planting methods
Planting methods Transplanting 3.97 4.29 4.44
Transplanting 581.4 601.8 594.66 589.04 SRI 4.25 4.59 4.74
SRI 604.2 643.1 635.47 629.68 Drum seeded 3.78 4.08 4.22
Drum seeded 552.9 572.3 565.51 559.44 Direct seeded 3.70 4.00 4.13
Direct seeded 541.5 560.5 553.85 548.4 SEm± 0.10 0.11 0.12
SEm± 14.33 16.06 14.75 14.18 C.D. (P=0.05) 0.24 0.26 0.28
C.D. (P=0.05) 33.57 37.71 34.55 33.21 Integrated nutrient management
Integrated nutrient management 100% NPK 3.99 4.30 4.45
100% NPK 547.20 604.09 596.61 590.51 75%NPK+ 25% FYM 4.03 4.36 4.49
75% NPK+ 25% FYM 582.10 608.54 601.63 599.02 50% NPK+ 50% FYM 3.77 4.07 4.21
50% NPK +50% FYM 547.20 570.65 563.88 588.89 SEm± 0.06 0.07 0.07
SEm± 8.81 9.032 9.63 9.12 C.D. (P=0.05) 0.13 0.14 0.15
C.D. (P=0.05) 18.50 18.96 20.23 19.59
Table 4: Dry matter accumulation (gm-2) of rice as influenced by planting methods and INM at various stages of rice
Dry matter accumulation (g m-2)
30 DAT/DAS 60 DAT/DAS 90 DAT/DAS At harvest
Planting methods
Transplanting 316.2 489.6 775.20 999
SRI 337.9 523.2 828.40 1068
Drum seeded 300.7 465.6 737.2 950
Direct seeded 294.5 456 722.0 931
SEm± 7.89 13.10 19.23 25.70
C.D. (P=0.05) 18.48 30.68 45.04 60.20
100% NPK 317.06 490.62 771.64 996.59
75% NPK+ 25% FYM 320.08 495.93 790.39 1017.60
50% NPK +50% FYM 299.83 464.26 735.07 947.86
SEm± 5.05 7.34 12.56 16.08
C.D. (P=0.05) 10.62 15.42 26.37 33.78
Table 5: Grain, straw yield and harvest index as influenced by Table 6: Nitrogen uptake in grain and straw and total nitrogen
planting methods and integrated nutrient management of rice. uptake as influenced by planting methods and INM of rice crop.
Grain yield Straw yield Harvest Nitrogen uptake (kg ha-1)
(q/ha) (q/ha) index (%) Treatment Straw Total N2 uptake
Grain (q ha-1)
Planting methods (q/ha-1) (kg ha-1)
Transplanting 42.36 65.22 39.38 Planting methods
SRI 46.70 70.80 39.76 Transplanting 52.13 30.67 82.80
Drum seeded 37.60 58.30 39.24 SRI 58.87 34.71 93.58
Direct seeded 35.78 55.63 39.16 Drum seeded 44.76 26.25 71.01
SEm± 1.10 1.56 - Direct seeded 41.52 23.93 65.45
C.D. (P=0.05) 2.5 3.67 - SEm± 1.33 1.19 2.43
Integrated nutrient management C.D. (P=0.05) 3.13 2.80 5.69
100% NPK 41.50 63.05 39.69 Integrated nutrient management
75% NPK +25% 100% NPK 46.95 28.89 78.84
41.80 64.57 39.28
FYM 75% NPK + 25% FYM 55.01 30.58 82.59
50% NPK 50% NPK+ 50% FYM 46.00 27.20 73.20
38.53 59.84 39.19
+50%FYM SEm± 0.75 0.88 1.83
SEm± 0.62 1.04 - C.D. (P=0.05) 1.58 1.85 3.86
C.D. (P=0.05) 1.30 2.18 -
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Table 7: Phosphorus uptake in grain and straw as influenced by planting methods and INM of rice crop.
Phosphorus uptake (kg ha-1)
Grain (q/ha) (Straw q/ha) Total Phosphorus uptake
Planting method
Transplanting 10.18 5.87 16.05
SRI 11.69 7.09 18.77
Drum seeded 8.66 5.25 13.91
Direct seeded 7.88 4.45 12.33
SEm± 0.25 0.14 0.37
C.D. (P=0.05) 0.60 0.33 0.87
Integrated nutrient management
100% NPK 9.92 5.78 15.71
75% NPK+ 25% FYM 10.08 5.98 16.06
50% NPK + 50% FYM 8.79 5.24 14.03
SEm± 0.14 0.10 0.30
C.D. (P=0.05) 0.31 0.21 0.63
Table 8: Potassium uptake in grain and straw on as influenced by 4. Anuradha S, Bharti A. Effect of different crop
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Treatment Grain Straw Total potassium 522.
(q/ha) (q/ha) uptake kg/ ha 5. Avasthe RK, Verma S, Kumar A, Rahaman H.
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Transplanting 18.66 83.55 102.21 SRI of in mid hill add soil of Sikkim Himalayas. Indian
SRI 21.97 92.83 114.79 Journal of Agronomy. 2011; 57(1):32-37
Drum seeded 16.19 73.51 89.70 6. Barison J. Nutrient use efficiency and intensive SRI rice
Direct seeded 15.04 69.04 84.09 cultivar system in Madagascar, Master thesis submitted
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