Inclusion of Field Solver-Based Tower Footing Grounding Models in Electromagnetic Transients Programs
Inclusion of Field Solver-Based Tower Footing Grounding Models in Electromagnetic Transients Programs
Inclusion of Field Solver-Based Tower Footing Grounding Models in Electromagnetic Transients Programs
fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TIA.2015.2409801, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications
Abstract— This paper presents a new approach to wide-band EMTPs have no dedicated models capable of representing
modeling of tower footing grounding impedances. Appropriate grounding structures over a wide band of frequencies. It is
representation of transmission tower footing impedances is common practice to use a fixed resistor representation
essential in electromagnetic transient simulations for proper calculated at power frequency, or using a lumped RLC model
evaluation of overvoltages and flashovers in the system during
with typical values [4]. Much more accurate results can be
fast-front transient conditions such as lightning strikes. In this
paper, a field solver is used to precisely model the most popular obtained using methods based on electromagnetic field
types of tower footing grounding systems, i.e. rods, counterpoises calculations but such methods are difficult to integrate into
and ring electrodes, for a variety of dimensions and soil EMTPs. Recently, a number of studies have appeared
parameters. Results are stored in a lookup table and used for presenting methods for integration of electromagnetic field
generating frequency-dependent models that are exported to calculation models of complex grounding systems into popular
electromagnetic (EM) transient simulators. The table and model EMTPs [5-7]. These works characterize the grounding
generation tool can be used by utility companies to model tower systems in terms of n-terminal impedance or admittance
footings while taking into account local variations along the matrices in the frequency domain, which are fitted with
right-of-way, such as local variations in soil resistivity. The
rational functions for inclusion in EMTPs. It follows that the
presented examples show close agreement of results of lightning
studies using developed electrode models included in EM tools: field solver must be reapplied every time a new configuration
PSCAD, EMTP-RV and ATP-EMTP. A sensitivity study shows is to be studied.
that the maximum voltage at the tower top during a direct This paper presents a different approach compared to [5-7]
lightning strike can be up to 19% higher when using the adopted as the field solver is no longer needed by the end user of the
modeling procedure, compared to a standard approach of using a model. The main idea is to store the results obtained by the
fixed resistor equal to the power frequency resistance. field solver in a multi-dimensional lookup array for later use.
Our focus is on precise modeling of the most popular types of
Keywords—tower footing impedance; wide-band model; tower footing grounding systems (rods, counterpoises and ring
lightning studies; electromagnetic transients
electrodes). The results (single-terminal admittance) are stored
I. INTRODUCTION in a multi-dimensional table which covers a large range of
grounding system parameters, and the information in the table
The tower footing grounding system is of major importance
is later used for generating frequency-dependent models that
for the lightning performance of overhead lines [1]. During a
are exported to EMTP simulators. The approach permits utility
direct lightning strike to the tower or the overhead ground
companies to accurately represent transmission tower footing
wires, the amplitude of the overvoltage at the tower top is
impedances in EMTP simulations without having access to the
strongly influenced by the impedance of the tower footing
field solver. The utility company simply chooses the class of
grounding system due to wave reflections from the bottom of
tower grounding systems and specifies its parameters and the
the tower [2, 3], thereby being a decisive factor for the
program automatically generates an EMTP-compatible model
probability of a back flashover to the phase conductors. The
based on the information. That way, the utility company can
lightning performance of overhead lines is usually assessed
easily model the tower footings while taking into account local
using electromagnetic transients simulation software
variations along the right-of-way, e.g. local variations in soil
The impedance of a grounding system is strongly
The paper describes the generation of the look-up table in
frequency-dependent and depends also on the characteristics
terms of electrode types and parameters, and the procedure for
of the ground electrode and the soil. So far, the available
model generation for various EMTP type tools. We also show
The work was supported by the Norwegian Research Council (RENERGI the functionalities of a graphical user interface (GUI) for
Programme) with additional support from DONG Energy, EdF, EirGrid, streamlining the model generation step for use with PSCAD,
Hafslund Nett, National Grid, Nexans Norway, RTE and Siemens
0093-9994 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TIA.2015.2409801, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications
EMTP-RV and ATP-EMTP. Finally, the methodology is responsible for interpolation of the admittance between
applied to the modeling of an overhead line which is struck by parameter values, fitting the admittance with rational
lightning. The obtained results are compared with those functions, enforcing passivity of the model, and exporting the
obtained using a fixed-resistor representation of the tower model parameters into formats that are compatible with the
footing grounding. most popular EMTPs, i.e. PSCAD, EMTP-RV and ATP-
The program consists of three main parts: a graphical user III. ELECTRODE MODELING
interface (GUI), a look-up table containing pre-computed A. Electrodes and Parameter Variations
driving-point admittances of tower footing electrodes, and a Each electrode has a single point of connection (current
set of additional routines for selecting geometry and extracting
injection point) and is described by its specific dimensions and
a model. Fig. 1 shows the general structure of the program and
soil parameters, i.e. relative permittivity 𝜖𝑟 and resistivity 𝜌,
the type of data exchanged between its parts. All program
as indicated at Fig. 2 and Fig. 3.
parts were developed in Matlab.
B. Field Solver
CDEGS is a software package specifically designed for
analysis and design of power system grounding using field
calculations. It calculates conductor currents and
electromagnetic fields generated by an arbitrary network of
energized conductors, both above and below ground [10]. A
HIFREQ module is used for wide band modeling of electrodes
as the module is designed for precise electromagnetic field
analysis. The module also allows user-defined specification of
soil resistivity, permittivity and permeability.
C. Calculation of Frequency Dependent Impedance
The driving point impedances are calculated in CDEGS by
Fig. 2. Storage of look-up table in a Matlab structure injecting a unit current at discrete values of frequency between
1 Hz and 10 MHz through a 0.1 m long copper conductor into
The GUI is responsible for communication with the user, an electrode (current injection point at Fig. 3) and measuring
displaying and exporting the results. Additional routines are the ground potential rise (GPR) of the conductor. The GPR is
0093-9994 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TIA.2015.2409801, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications
equal to the driving-point impedance of the electrode due to to file as branch cards for ATP-EMTP [18]. The circuit is
the unit current used. The electrode is placed in a homogenous imported using the $Include statement.
soil, i.e. there is a single soil layer. Most of the simulations are
performed automatically by employing scripting and batch V. EXAMPLE
processing capabilities of the software. High accuracy of the A. System
simulations, especially at high frequencies, is ensured by
We consider overvoltages caused by lightning strikes to the
conductor segmentation which assured accurate computation
system in Fig. 4.
of current distribution within conductors. Any mutual
The towers are modeled as lossless transmission line
electromagnetic coupling between adjacent electrodes is
segments with constant parameters: surge impedance 𝑍 =
150 Ω and velocity of 80 % of speed of light in vacuum. The
IV. INTERFACING WITH EMTP earth wires are represented using the same model and
parameters, but with 𝑍 = 280 Ω [3]. The phase conductors are
The interfacing with EMTPs is done in four steps: 1) The
not included as the study investigates the maximum
driving point impedance calculated by CDEGS is extracted
overvoltages in the tower top. Only three towers are included
from the look-up table and converted into admittance 𝑌(𝜔) =
in the model: the tower struck by lightning and the two
𝑍(𝜔)−1 ; 2) 𝑌(𝜔) is subjected to fitting with rational functions
adjacent ones. The length of earth wires outgoing from the
using Vector Fitting; 3) Resulting model is subjected to
adjacent towers is increased to 40 km to prevent reflections
passivity enforcement; 4) Final model is saved into proper
from the far ends within the investigated time frame. The
format for inclusion into alternative EMTPs. Steps 2-4 are
lightning stroke is modeled using CIGRE concave lightning
described in more detail below.
current source [1] with parameters: peak value 𝐼𝑚𝑚𝑚 = 31 𝑘𝑘,
A. Vector Fitting maximum steepness 𝑆𝑚 = 35 𝑘𝑘/𝜇𝜇, front time 𝑡𝑓 = 1.1 𝜇𝜇,
Vector Fitting [11-13] is used for approximating a selected and time to half-value 𝑡ℎ = 60 𝜇𝜇. Each tower is grounded
driving-point admittance Y (ω ) with a pole-residue model, assuming a counterpoise electrode with identical parameters:
soil relative permittivity µ r = 1 , soil resistivity ρ = 700 Ωm ,
N rj
y (ω ) ≅ d + ∑ (1) counterpoise length of 25 𝑚 and depth of 1 𝑚 (see Fig. 3).
j =1 jω − a j
0093-9994 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TIA.2015.2409801, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications
Fig. 5. Voltage at the tower top during lightning strike. Comparison of results Fig. 6. Voltage at tower top during lightning for two models of ground
from three simulation programs: PSCAD, ATP-EMTP and EMTP-RV. electrodes: wide-band and lumped resistance.
0093-9994 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TIA.2015.2409801, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications
A. Soil Ionization Effects
The proposed approach does not take into account possible
soil ionization effects which in case of large currents might
play an important role in reducing the effective impedance
[21]. The use of the presented wide-band models can therefore
be considered as a conservative approach by overestimating
the grounding impedance.
B. Electrode Parameter Sampling Density
Simulations using a field solver are very time consuming;
therefore, the number of parameter values should be as low as
possible without decreasing the accuracy of the results and
thus the usability of the software. Interpolation techniques
Fig. 7. Maximum value of voltage at the top of a tower struck by lightning for might be used to obtain any value of parameters within the
different values of 1) lightning current front steepness 𝑆𝑚 and 2) soil range given in Table 1; however, this might decrease the
resistivity. Tower footing impedance represented by wide-band model. accuracy of the model or, depending on the parameters, even
cause the model to become unphysical. As the impedance of
the tower footing electrodes depends strongly on the
frequency, soil parameters and electrode's dimensions, the
proper choice of values for each of the parameter is not trivial.
As an example, Fig. 10 shows dependency of earthing rod's
resistance on length and frequency of excitation for a case of
high soil permittivity. Several resonance frequencies are now
visible for electrodes of length below 10 m. Therefore, a
denser sampling density should in this case be used for short-
length electrodes.
With proper parameter sampling density we have obtained
acceptable accuracy using linear interpolation for extracting
intermediate values. This however, has not been tested for all
combinations of parameters.
Fig. 8. Maximum value of voltage at the top of a tower struck by lightning for
different values of 1) lightning current front steepness 𝑆𝑚 and 2) soil
resistivity. Tower footing impedance represented by constant resistance
obtained by (3).
0093-9994 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TIA.2015.2409801, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications
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0093-9994 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.