Schrodinger Equation Is Only One Part of The Bohr
Schrodinger Equation Is Only One Part of The Bohr
Schrodinger Equation Is Only One Part of The Bohr
Bohr-Sommerfeld model.
Top page (correct Bohr model including the two-electron atoms)
Strange "spin" is NOT a real thing
Table of contents (12/10/14)
Schrodinger equation is one of Bohr Sommerfeld models.
Calculation of elliptical Bohr-Sommerfeld model.
Reason why Schrodinger equation is wrong and Bohr-Sommerfeld is correct.
Schrodinger equation is one of Bohr Sommerfeld models.
[ Common conditions of Bohr-Sommerfeld and Schrodinger's hydrogens.]
Bohr model is the same as the quantum mechanics in all energy levels of the
hydrogen atom.
And the fine structure of Bohr-Sommerfeld model is the same as the Dirac equation
as shown on this page and this page.
The ordinary textbooks often say that this is only a "accidental" coincidence.
But in this page we show that Schrodinger's hydrogen is one of Bohr-Sommerfeld
models from the "mathematical" viewpoint.
Furthermore, we show Schrodinger's hydrogen includes "unreal" states, which means
Schrodinger equation itself is wrong.
(Fig.A-1) From Bohr model to Bohr-Sommerfeld model.
As shown in this section, simple Bohr model hydrogen uses the condition that one
round orbit is an integer times de Broglie wavelength.
In 1916, Arnold Sommerfeld extended Bohr's circular orbit to "elliptic" one, which
adds electron's "radial" motion to the original model.
"Radial" and "tangential" momentums (= de Broglie
waves ).
The radial and tangental momentums are perpendicular to each other at each point of
the orbit, so their de Broglie waves should be considered independently.
Actually Sommerfeld model needed two quantization conditions that each radial and
tangential orbit is an integer times de Broglie wavelength. ( The sum of them means
the energy level n. )
(Fig.A-2) Why Schrodinger's hydrogen must NOT have circular orbits ?
Schrodinger's hydrogen eigenfunctions consist of "radial" and angular momentum (=
"tangential" ) parts.
As you know, Schrodinger's radial parts Always include "radial" momentum, which
means there are no circular orbitals in Schrodinger's hydrogen.
Because if the circular orbitals are included in Schrodinger's hydrogen, the radial
eigenfunction needs to be constant (= C ), as shown in Fig.A-2.
So if this constant C is not zero, it diverges to infinity, when we normalize it.
( Schrodinger's radial region is from 0 to infinity. )
This is the main reason why Schrodinger's hydrogen includes many unrealistic "S"
states which have no angular momentum.
Schrodinger's hydrogen "satisfies" Sommerfeld's
(Fig.A-3) Schrodinger's hydrogen satisfies Sommerfeld quantization conditions.
The radial region of Schrodinger's hydrogen is from 0 to infinity, so it looks like
a extremely long elliptic orbits.
If you see some quantum mechanical textbooks, you would find that Schrodinger's
radial eigenfunctions (= rR
) are just an integer times de Broglie wavelength. ( It is
easily understood seeing the probability graphs of |rR|
. )
( One round means 0 or 0 0. )
"P" state of Schrodinger's hydrogen = "Sommerfeld".
In 2P state of Schrodinger's hydrogen, the angular momentum eigenfunction (phase)
returns to its original states just by 2 (= e
= cos + isin ), which means one de
Broglie's wavelength in the tangential direction.
The radial eigenfucntion of 2P is also one de Broglie wavelength, so the total is n = 1
+ 1 = 2 energy levels.
As you notice, Schrodinger's hydrogen is always from zero to infinity in the radial,
which means it includes unrealistic region. So the Bohr-Sommerfeld model is more
natural and right.
Uncertainty principle is "another name" for de Broglie
(Fig.A-4) "Name" is changed ?
In Bohr model, the ground state is one de Broglie wavelength, so the electron cannot
come closer to the nucleus than the ground state energy.
If the concept of de Broglie wave does not exist, the energy level of hydrogen can
be minus infinity to zero.
( Of course, in this terrible case, our bodies would be broken. )
As I said above, Schrodonger's hydrogen also uses an integer times de Broglie
( In the groud state 1S, only radial de Broglie wave exists. )
As you notice, Schrodinger's hydrogen introduced very unreasonable concept of
"uncertainty principle" by changing the name of de Broglie wavelength.
This is the true form of the mysterious uncertainty principle, which concept
clearly obstructs the development of science.
Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization condition.
(Eq.1) Sommerfeld quantization condition (A) + de Broglie relation (B).
Eq.1 shows Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization condition (A), and de Broglie relation (B).
In Eq.1A, "p" denotes angular momentum, and "p
" denotes the radial momentum.
In Eq.1B, the upper equation is the relation between tangential de Broglie wavelength
and tangential momentum.
The lower is the relation between radial de Broglie wavelength and radial momentum.
If we combine these relations, we can prove Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization is equal
to an integer times de Broglie wavelength in each radial and tangential direction.
Sommerfeld condition = an integral multiple of de Broglie
(Eq.1') Sommerfeld quantization = integer times de Broglie wavelength.
If we use the de Broglie relation ( wavelength = h/mv ) of Eq.1, you can easily find
that Bohr Sommerfeld's elliptical orbit is just an integer times de Broglie wavelength
in each tangential (= Eq.1' upper ) amd radial (= Eq.1' lower ) directions.
( In Eq.1', p
is radial momentum, and "p" means constant angular momentum ( p = r
mv ) ).
To make the ends of wave phases the same in one-round orbit, de Broglie waves must
be just integers in both tangential and radial directions.
As shown in this section, the total de Broglie wave's number is the sum of radial and
tangential waves.
Schrodinger's radial wavefunction satisfies n de Broglie
wavelength !
(Fig.1) Schrodinger's radial wavefunction is a integer de Broglie wavelength =
Sommerfeld's model.
Fig.1 shows the examples of Schrodinger's wavefunctions including one de Broglie
wavelength in radial direction of one orbit.
( One orbit means from one point to the same point, 0 )
For example, R
wavefunction is "3" principal number ( n = 3 ) and "2" angular (=
tangential ) momentum ( l = 2 ). So the radial wave's number is 3-2= 1.
These wave's numbers have the same meaning as Bohr-Sommerfeld model, which
also has an integer de Broglie waves. ( This reason is explained later. )
"De Broglie wave" form = Change of variable ( rR = ).
(Eq.2) de Broglie wave's form in Schrodinger's hydrogen.
The important point is that we need to express Schrodinger equation as de Broglie
wave's form in radial and tangential directions.
As shown in Eq.2 and Eq.3, if we use = rR
instead of R
, this radial wavefunction
comes to express de Broglie waves, as shown Fig.1.
We can easily show Eq.2 transformation is right, using Eq.4.
Schrodinger's "2" or "3" de Broglie wavelength.
(Fig.2) Schrodinger's radial wavefunction, two or three waves.
In the upper line of Fig.2, the radial one-round orbits are just two de Broglie
For example, in R
, the principal quantum number is "3" and the angular momentum
(= tangential ) is "1".
As a result, the radial wave becomes 3-1 = 2 ( which reason is explained later ).
And in the lower wavefunction, n = 3 and l = 0, so the radial wave is 3-0 = 3.
Schrodinger's "tangential" wavefunction also satisfies n de
Broglie wavelength !
(Fig.3) Schrodinger's tangential wavefunction (= angular momentum ) =
Sommerfeld model.
In Fig.3, the angular moementum of Spherical Harmonics in Schrodinger's hydrogen
shows the tangential de Broglie wave's number in one orbit.
For example, in e
= cos2 + isin2, one round is two de Broglie wavelength.
Because the rotation by returns its phase to the original one.
As a result, the total number of radial and tangential de Broglie waves means the
principal quantum number ( n = energy levels ), in both Bohr-Sommerfeld and
Schrodinger's models.
In this page, we prove the common relations between Bohr-Sommferld and
Schrodinger's hydrogens later.
Total de Broglie waves = radial + tangential waves.
In the elliptical orbits, we can divide the particle's motion into radial and tangential
directions at each point.
where p means "momentum", and "m" means the particle's mass.
( Only in this section ,"p" means total momentum, which is different from angular
momentum of Eq.1 )
And "dq", "dr" and "rd" means the distance travelled for the short time dt in each
Of course, the radial and tangential vectors satisfy Pythagorean theorem.
Using de Broglie relation ( wavelength = h/p = h/mv ) and Eq.4, the number of de
Broglie waves included in the infinitesimal section in each direction is
As a result,
So the total number of de Broglie wave in one orbit is just the sum of radial and
tangential waves, ( see also Eq.1' )
Simple Bohr model ( circular ) hydrogen.
( Bohr model hydrogen. )
In this section, we review ordinary Bohr model.
First, as shown on this page, Bohr's single electron does NOT fall into nucleus just by
In Eq.8, the first equation means that the centrifugal force is equal to Coulomb force.
The second equation is the sum of Coulomb potential energy and kinetic energy.
The third equation means one circular orbit is an integer (= n ) times de Broglie
Substituting the first equation into the second one,
Inserting v of the third equation into the first equation of Eq.8, we have
where r
( n = Z = 1 ) means "Bohr radius".
Substituting Eq.10 into Eq.9, the total energy E of Bohr model is
which is the same as Schrodinger's hydrogen.
From Eq.10, the ratio of the particle's velocity v ( n=Z=1 ) to the light speed c is
This is the famous fine structure constant
Calculation of elliptical Bohr-Sommerfeld model.
( Bohr-Sommerfeld model. )
Here we suppose one electron is orbiting (=rotating or oscillating)
around +Ze nucleus.
(Of course, also in the Schrodinger equation of hydrogen, one electron is moving
around +Ze nucleus by the Coulomb force.)
Change the rectanglar coordinates into the polar coordinates as follows, (Annalen der
Physik [4] 51, 1-167, A. Sommerfeld.)
When the nucleus is at the origin, the equation of the electron's motion is, ( Coulomb
force condition )
Here we define as follows,
If one electron is moving around one central positive charge, this angular momentum
( = p ) is constant (= law of constant areal velocity).
The coordinate r is a function of , so using Eq.15, we can express the differentiation
with respect to t (=time) as follows;
Here we define
Using Eq.13 and Eq.16, each momentum can be expressed by,
Using Eq.14, Eq.16, and Eq.18, the equation of motion becomes,
From Eq.19, we obtain the same result of
The solution of this in Eq.20 becomes,
where we suppose that the electron is at the perihelion (=closest point), when
is zero, as follows,
(Fig.5) "Elliptical" orbit of hydrogen-like atom.
where the nucleus is at the focus (F
), and eccentricity (=) is,
Here we prove the equation of Eq.21 ( B=0 ) means an ellipse with the nucleus at its
Using the theorem of cosines in Fig.5, and from the definition of the ellipse,
From Eq.24, we obtain
From Eq.21, Eq.22, and Eq.25, we have
As a result, becomes,
Using Eq.16 and Eq.27,
So the kinetic energy (T) becomes,
From Eq.27, the potential energy (V) is,
So the total energy (W) is,
In the Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization condition, the following relations are used,
where the angular momentum p is constant.
So p becomes an integer times
By the way, what do Eq.32 mean ?
If we use the de Broglie relation in each direction ( tangential and radial ),
Eq.32 means
So they express quantization of de Broglie wavelength in each direction.
( In Schrodinger equation, the zero angular momentum is possible. )
The radial quantization condition can be rewritten as
Using Eq.27,
And from Eq.28,
From Eq.35-37, we have
Doing the integration by parts in Eq.38,
Here we use the following known formula (complex integral),
[ Proof of Eq.40. ]
According to Euler's formula, cosine can be expressed using the complex number z,
Using Eq.41 and Eq.42, the left side of Eq.40 is
So only the latter number of Eq.44 is used as "pole" in Cauchy's residue theorem.
In the residue theorem, only the coefficient of 1/(z-a) is left, like
From Eq.43 to Eq.46, the result is
we can prove Eq.40.
Using the formula of Eq.40, Eq.38 (Eq.39) becomes
where the quantization of Eq.32 is used.
From Eq.48, we have
Substituting Eq.48' into Eq.31, and using Eq.32, the total energy W becomes
This result is completely equal to Schrodinger's hydrogen.
Here we confirm Bohr-Sommerfeld solution of Eq.49 is valid also in the
Schrodinger's hydrogen.
As shown in this page, the radial quantization number (= n
) means the number of de
Broglie waves included in the radial orbits.
And the n