A&P - 1. Heart Anatomy (9p)

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CardioVascular Medicine Notes
Heart Anatomy

Heart Anatomy:
• Location:
o Snugly enclosed within the middle mediastinum (medial cavity of thorax)
§ Contains the heart, pericardium, vessels to & from the heart & lungs, trachea & oesophagus.
§ M.Mediastinum – located in the inferior mediastinum (lower than the sterna angle)
o Extends obliquely from 2nd rib à 5th intercostals space.
o Anterior to Vertebrae
o Posterior to Sternum
o Flanked by 2 lungs
o Rests on the diaphragm
o 2/3 of its mass lies to the LHS of the midsternal line.

• The Pericardium: (Coverings of the Heart)
o A double-walled sac
o contains a film of lubricating serous fluid
o 2 Layers of Pericardium:
§ Fibrous Pericardium:
• Tough, dense connective tissue
• Protects the heart
• Anchors it to surrounding structures
• Prevents overfilling of the heart – if fluid builds up in the pericardial cavity, it can
inhibit effective pumping. (Cardiac Tamponade)
§ Serous Pericardium: (one continuous sheet with ‘2 layers’)
• Parietal Layer – Lines the internal surface of the fibrous pericardium
• Visceral Layer – (aka Epicardium) Lines the external heart surface

• Layers of the Heart Wall:
o Epicardium:
§ Visceral layer of serous pericardium
o Myocardium:
§ Muscle of the heart
§ The layer that ‘contracts’
o Endocardium:
§ Lines the chambers of the heart
§ Prevents clotting of blood within the heart
§ Forms a barrier between the O2 hungry myocardium and the blood. (blood is supplied via the
coronary system)


• Fibrous Skeleton of the Heart:
o The network of connective tissue fibres (collagen & elastin) within the myocardium
o Anchors the cardiac muscle fibres.
o Reinforces the myocardium
o 2 Parts:
§ Septums:
• Flat sheets separating atriums, ventricles & left and right sides of the heart.
• Electrically isolates the left & right sides of the heart (conn. Tissue = non-conductive)
o Important for cardiac cycle
• (interatrial septum/atrioventricular septum/interventricular septum)
§ Rings:
• Rings around great vessel entrances & valves
• stop stretching under pressure

• Chambers & Associated Great Vessels:
o 2 Atrias (superior): [Atrium = Entryway]
§ Thin-walled Receiving Chambers
§ On the back & superior aspect of heart.
§ Each have a small, protruding appendage called Auricles – increase atrial volume.
§ Septal Area
• Connective tissue dividing L & R atria. (Site of Foetal Shunt Foramen ovale)
§ Right Atrium:
• Smooth internal posterior wall
o Where veins drain into (either from body/lungs)
• Ridged internal anterior wall – due to muscle bundles called Pectinate Muscles.
• Blood enters via 3 veins:
o Superior Vena Cava
o Inferior Vena Cava
o Coronary Sinus (collects blood draining from the myocardium)
§ Left Atrium:
• Smooth internal post. & ante. walls.
• Blood enters via:
o The 4 pulmonary veins (O2 blood) [Pulmonos = Lung]

o 2 Ventricles (inferior): [Vent = Underside]
§ Thick, muscular Discharging Chambers
§ The ‘pumps’ of the heart
§ Trabeculae Carnea [crossbars of flesh] line the internal walls
§ Papillary Muscles play a role in valve function.
§ Right Ventricle:
• Most of heart’s Anterior Surface
• Thinner – responsible for the Pulmonary Circulation – Via Pulmonary Trunk
§ Left Ventricle:
• Thicker – it is responsible for the Systemic Circulation – Via Aorta
• Most of the heart’s PosteroInferior Survface

• Landmarks of the Heart:
o Coronary Sulcus (Atrioventricular Groove):
§ Encircles the junction between the Atria & Ventricles like a ‘Crown’ (Corona).
§ Cradles the Coronary Arteries (R&L), Coronary Sinus, & Great Cardiac Vein
o Anterior Interventricular Sulcus:
§ Cradles the Anterior Interventricular Artery
§ Separates the right & left Ventricles anteriorly
§ Continues as the posterior Interventricular Sulcus.
o Posterior Interventricular Sulcus:
§ Continuation of the Anterior Interventricular Sulcus
§ Separates the right & left Ventricles posteriorly

Pathway of Blood Through the Heart:
• The systemic and pulmonary circuits:
o The right side of the heart pumps blood through the pulmonary circuit (to the lungs and back to the
left side of the heart).
§ Blood flowing through the pulmonary circuit gains oxygen and loses carbon dioxide,
indicated by the color change from blue to red.
o The left side of the heart pumps blood via the systemic circuit to all body tissues and back to the
right side of the heart.
§ Blood flowing through the systemic circuit loses oxygen and picks up carbon dioxide (red to
blue color change)

Coronary Circulation:
• The myocardium’s own blood supply
• The shortest circulation in the body
• Arteries lie in epicardium – prevents the contractions inhibiting bloodflow
• There is a lot of variation among different people.
• Arterial Supply:
o Encircle the heart in the coronary sulcus
o Aorta à Left & Right coronary arteries
§ Left Coronary Artery à 2 Branches:
• 1. Anterior InterVentricular Artery (aka. Left Anterior Descending Artery ...or LAD).
o Follows the Anterior InterVentricular Sulcus
o Supplies blood to InterVentricular Septum & Anterior walls of both
• 2. Circumflex Artery
o Follows the Coronary Sulcus (aka. AtrioVentricular Groove)
o Supplies the Left Atrium & Posterior walls of the Left Ventricle
§ Right Coronary Artery à 2 (‘T-junction) Branches:
• 1. Marginal Artery:
o Serves the Myocardium Lateral RHS of Heart
• 2. Posterior Interventricular Artery:
o Supplies posterior ventricular walls
o Anastomoses with the Anterior Interventricular Artery
• Venous Drainage:
o Venous blood – collected by the Cardiac Veins:
§ Great Cardiac Vein (in Anterior InterVentricular Sulcus)
§ Middle Cardiac Vein (in Posterior InterVentricular Sulcus)
§ Small Cardiac Vein (along Right inferior Margin)
o - Which empties into the Right Atrium.

Heart Valves:
• Ensure unidirectional flow of blood through the heart.
• 2x AtrioVentricular (AV) (Cuspid) Valves:
o Located at the 2 Atial-Ventricular junctions
o Prevent backflow into the Atria during Contraction of Ventricles
o Attached to each valve flap are chordae tendinae (tendonous cords) “heart strings”
§ Anchor the cusps to the Papillary Muscles protruding from ventricular walls.
• Papillary muscles contract before the ventricle to take up the slack in the chordae
• Prevent inversion of valves under ventricular contraction.
o Right AV Valve:
§ The “Tricuspid Valve”
§ 3 flexible ‘cusps’ (flaps of endocardium + Conn. Tissue)
o Left AV Valve:
§ The “Mitral Valve” or “Biscupid Valve”
§ (resembles the 2-sided bishop’s miter [hat])

• 2x SemiLunar (SL) Valves:
o Guard the bases of the large arteries issuing from the Ventricles.
o Each consists of 3 pocket-like cusps resembling a crescent moon (semilunar = half moon)
o Open under Ventricular Pressure
o Pulmonary Valve:
§ Between Right Ventricle & Pulmonary Trunk
o Aortic Valve:
§ Between Left Ventricle & Aorta


Valve Sounds:
• 1. “Lubb”:
o Sound of a Cuspid Valve closing
• 2. “Dupp”:
o Sound of a Semilunar Valve Closing

• Where to Listen:



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